1 GHz QUADRATURE MODULATOR UPC8110GR FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES • DIRECT MODULATION RANGE: 800 MHz TO 1 GHz • SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE: VCC = 2.7 V to 3.6 V LO • LOW OPERATION CURRENT: 24 mA Typ • LOW CURRENT SLEEP MODE I I 0˚ φ RF OUT 90˚ Q Q DESCRIPTION The UPC8110GR is a silicon monolithic integrated circuit designed as a 1 GHz direct quadrature modulator for digital mobile communication systems. The device is manufactured using the NESAT III MMIC process and is housed in a 20 pin plastic SSOP package that contributes to miniaturizing the system. The device has power save function and operates on a 3 V supply voltage for low power consumption. NEC's stringent quality assurance and test procedures ensure the highest reliability and performance. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C, VCC = 3 V, VPS ≥ 2.2 V unless otherwise specified) PART NUMBER PACKAGE OUTLINE SYMBOLS ICC Po(SAT) LOL IMR PARAMETERS AND CONDITIONS UPC8110GR S20 UNITS MIN TYP MAX Circuit Current (no signal) VPS ≥ 2.2 V Circuit Current (power save) VPS ≤ 0.5 V mA µA 15 24 33 10 Maximum Output Power1 dBm -10 dBc -35 -30 dBc -40 -30 -30 LO Carrier Image Leak1 Rejection1 Distortion1 IM3 I/Q I/Q 3rd Order Intermodulation dBc -45 ZI/QIN I/Q Input Impedance, single-ended kΩ 150 TPS (RISE) Power Save Rise Time, VPS ≤ 0.5 V to VPS ≥ 2.2 V µs 2 5 TPS (FALL) Power Save Fall Time, VPS ≥ 2.2 V to VPS ≤ 0.5 V µs 2 5 Note: 1. fLOIN = 948 MHz, PLOIN = -10 dBm, f I/Q = 2.625 kHz, V I/Q = VCC/2 (DC)+ 0.5 V p-p (AC). California Eastern Laboratories UPC8110GR ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1 (TA = 25°C) SYMBOLS VCC VPS PARAMETERS Supply Voltage Power Save Voltage RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS UNITS RATINGS V 4.0 SYMBOLS 4.0 VCC Supply Voltage V 2.7 VPS Power Save Voltage V 0 TOP Operating Temperature °C -40 PLO LO Input Power Level dBm fLOIN LO Input Frequency MHz 800 fI/QIN I/Q Input Frequency MHz DC V PD Power Dissipation2 mW 430 TOP Operating Temperature °C -40 to +85 TSTG Storage Temperature °C -55 to +150 Notes: 1. Operation in excess of any one of these parameters may result in permanent damage. 2. Mounted on a 50 x 50 x 1.6 mm double copper clad epoxy glass PWB (TA = +85°C). PIN FUNCTIONS VI/QIN PARAMETERS I/Q Input Voltage UNITS MIN Symbol Supply Voltage (V) Pin Voltage (V) Description 1 LOIN — 2.6 LO input for the phase shifter. 0 — 3 LOIN — 2.6 — 5 Q VCC/2*1 — Input for Q signal. If the I/Q input signals are single-ended, the maximum amplitude of the signal is 500 mVp-p. — Input for Q signal. If the I/Q input signals are single-ended, Q should be DC biased at VCC/2. If the I/Q input signals are differential, the maximum amplitude of the signal is 250 mVp-p. — Input for I signal. If the I/Q input signals are single-ended, I should be DC biased at VCC/2. If the I/Q input signals are differential, the maximum amplitude of the signal is 250 mVp-p. — Input for I signal. If the I/Q input signals are single-ended, the maximum amplitude of the signal is 500 mVp-p. 7 8 I I VCC/2*1 VCC/2*1 9 GND 0 — RFOUT — 1.6 900 1000 10 mVp-p 5001 mVp-p 2502 Equivalent Circuit 3 5 6 7 8 Connect to ground with minimum inductance. Track length should be kept as short as possible. 10 11 +85 Connect to ground with minimum inductance. Track length should be kept as short as possible. 0 VCC/2*1 +25 Bypass of the LO input. This pin is grounded through a capacitor of approx. 30 pF. GND Q 3.6 VCC Connect to ground with minimum inductance. Track length should be kept as short as possible. 4 6 MAX -10 1 GND 3.0 Notes: 1. Single-ended Input. 2. Differential Input. Pin No. 2 TYP Output from the modulator. This is an emitter follower output. Connect approx. 15Ω in series to match to 50Ω. 11 UPC8110GR PIN FUNCTIONS Pin No. Symbol Supply Voltage Pin Voltage GND 0 — Connect to ground with minimum inductance. Track length should be kept as short as possible. VCC 2.7~ — Supply voltage pin for the modulator. An internal regulator helps keep the device stable against temperature or VCC variations. Connect to ground with minimum inductance. Track length should be kept as short as possible. 12 13 14 3.6 15 GND 0 — Power Save VPS — 16 17 Description Power save control pin can control the ON/SLEEP state with a bias as follows: VPS (V) 18 GND 0 — 19 VCC 2.7 ~ 3.6 — 20 GND 0 — STATE 2.0 ~ 3.6 ON 0 ~ 0.8 SLEEP Connect to ground with minimum inductance. Track length should be kept as short as possible. Supply voltage pin for the modulator. An internal regulator helps keep the device stable against temperature or VCC variations. Connect to ground with minimum inductance. Track length should be kept as short as possible. *1: VCC/2 DC bias must be supplied to I, I, Q, Q. Equivalent Circuit 17 UPC8110GR EXPLANATION OF INTERNAL FUNCTIONS Block Function/Operation Block Diagram from LO1in Input signal from the LO input is sent to a T-type flip-flop through a frequency doubler. The output signal from the T-type F/F is changed to the same frequency as the LO input with a quadrature phase shift of 0°, 90°, 180°, or 270°. These circuits provide self phase correction for proper quadrature signals. 90° PHASE SHIFTER BUFFER AMPLIFIER Buffer amplifiers for each phase signal are sent to each mixer. MIXER The signals from the buffer amps are quadrature modulated with two doublebalanced mixers. High accurate phase and amplitude inputs are realized to provide excellent image rejection. x2 .. 2 F / F I I Q Q Output signals from each mixer are added and sent through a final amplifier. ADDER To MODout INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OUTLINE DIMENSIONS (Units in mm) PACKAGE OUTLINE S20 (SSOP20) 20 TOP VIEW 11 LOIN N 1 NEC C8110G XXXXX 7.00 MAX XXX = Lot/Date Code 1 90˚ Phase Shifter 20 GND 19 VCC 18 GND GND 2 LOIN 3 GND 4 17 VPS (POWER SAVE) Q INPUT 5 16 GND Q INPUT 6 15 GND I INPUT 7 14 VCC I INPUT 8 13 GND GND 9 12 GND GND 10 11 RF OUT REG. 10 6.4±0.2 1.0±0.1 4.4±0.1 1.5 ±0.1 +0.10 0.15 -0.05 1.8 MAX +0.10 0.22 - 0.05 0.5±0.2 0.65 0.575 MAX Note: All dimensions are typical unless otherwise specified. ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER QTY UPC8110GR-E1 2.5 K/Reel EXCLUSIVE NORTH AMERICAN AGENT FOR RF, MICROWAVE & OPTOELECTRONIC SEMICONDUCTORS CALIFORNIA EASTERN LABORATORIES • Headquarters • 4590 Patrick Henry Drive • Santa Clara, CA 95054-1817 • (408) 988-3500 • Telex 34-6393 • FAX (408) 988-0279 24-Hour Fax-On-Demand: 800-390-3232 (U.S. and Canada only) • Internet: http://WWW.CEL.COM PRINTED IN USA ON RECYCLED PAPER -11/97 DATA SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE