MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR 【TRANSISTOR ARRAY】 M63840P/FP/KP PRELIMINARY 8-Unit 500mA Source Type Darlington Transistor-Array With Clamp Diode *Notice: This is not a f inal specif ication. Some parametric limits are subject to change. DESCRIPT ION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) M63840P/FP/KP are eight-circuit output-sourcing Darlington transistor array .The circuits are made of PNP and NPN transistors. Both the semiconductor integrated circuits perf orm high-current driv ing with extremely low input-current supply . IN1→ 1 18 →O1 IN2→ 2 17 →O2 IN3→ 3 16 →O3 IN4→ 4 15 →O4 IN5→ 5 14 →O5 IN6→ 6 13 →O6 IN7→ 7 12 →O7 IN8→ 8 11 →O8 INPUT FEATURES High breakdown v oltage (BVCEO≧ 40V) High-current driv ing (I O(max)=-500mA ) With output clamping diodes OUTPUT Driv ing av ailable with TTL output or C-MOS IC output Vs Wide operating temperature range (Ta= -40~+85℃) 9 10 GND Package type 18P4G(P) Output current-sourcing ty pe APPLICATION NC 1 20 NC D riv es of relay s , print ers, LEDs, f luorescent display IN1→ 2 19 →O1 tubes and lam ps. and interf aces between MOS-bipolar IN2→ 3 18 →O2 logic sy stems and relay s, solenoids, of small motors. IN3→ 4 17 →O3 IN4→ 5 16 →O4 IN5→ 6 15 →O5 IN6→ 7 14 →O6 IN7→ 8 13 →O7 IN8→ 9 12 →O8 入力 FUNCT ION The M63840P/FP/KP each hav e eight circuits, which are made of input inv erters and current-sourcing outputs. The output are made of PNP transistors and NPN Darlington transistors. The PNP transistor base current is constant. A clamping diode is prov ided between each output and GND. Vs and GND are used commonly among the eight circuits. The inputs hav e resistance of 10kΩ, and v oltage of up to 15V is applicable. Output current is 500mA maximum. Supply v oltage VS is 40V maximum. The M63840FP/KP is enclosed in a molded small f lat package, enabling space-sav ing design. Vs 出力 11 10 GND Package type 20P2N-A(FP) 20P2E-A(KP) NC: No connection CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (EACH CIRCUIT ) Vs 20K INPUT 10K 2.6K 10K 5K 100K OUTPUT GND The eight circuits share Vs and GND. The diode, indicated with the dotted line, is parasitic, and cannot be used. Unit: Ω 1/7 Jan/'06 MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR 【TRANSISTOR ARRAY】 M63840P/FP/KP 8-Unit 500mA Source Type Darlington Transistor-Array With Clamp Diode ABSOLUT E MAXIMUM RATINGS (Unless otherwise noted, Ta= -40~+85℃) Sy mbol Parameter VCEO Collector-emitter v oltage VS Supply v oltage VI Input v oltage Conditions Output, L Output current Clamping diode f orward current VR Clamping diode rev erse v oltage Ta= 25℃, when mounted on board Power dissipation Operating temperature Tstg Storage temperature V -0.5~+40 Current per circuit output, H IF Topr Unit V 40 IO Pd Ratings -0.5~+15 V -500 mA -500 mA 35 V M63840P 1.79 M63840FP 1.10 M63840KP 0.68 W -40~+85 ℃ -55~+125 ℃ RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Unless otherwise noted, Ta= -40~+85℃) Sy mbol VS Parameter Supply v oltage Output current IO VIH VIL (Current per 1 circuit when 8 circuits are coming on simultaneously) Duty Cy cle P: no more then 10% FP: no more then 5% KP: no more then 3% Duty Cy cle P: no more then 54% FP: no more then 30% KP: no more then 18% "H" input v oltage "L" input v oltage min 0 Limits ty p - max 40 0 - -350 Unit V mA 0 - -100 2.0 0 - 12 0.8 Limits ty p max V V ELECT RICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise noted, Ta= 25℃) Sy mbol Parameter Test conditions min I S(leak) Supply leak current VS = 40V, VI= 0.8V - - 100 VCE(sat) Collector-emitter saturation v oltage VS = 10V, VI= 2V, I O= -350mA - 1.7 2.0 VS = 10V, VI= 2V, I O= -100mA - 1.5 1.8 VI= 2.4V - 36 52 VI= 3.85V - 180 260 2.5 II Input current Unit μA V μA IS Supply current VS = 40V, VI= 2V (per 1 circuit) - - VF Clamping diode f orward v oltage I F= 350mA - 1.3 2.0 V IR Clamping diode rev erse current VR= 40V - - 100 μA mA SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise noted, Ta= 25℃) Sy mbol ton tof f Parameter Turn-on time Test conditions C L= 15pF (note 1) min - Turn-of f time 2/7 Limits ty p max Unit 180 - ns 2200 - ns MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR 【TRANSISTOR ARRAY】 M63840P/FP/KP 8-Unit 500mA Source Type Darlington Transistor-Array With Clamp Diode NOTE 1 TEST CIRCUIT TIMING DIAGRAM VS INPUT 50% 50% INPUT Measured device PG OUTPUT 50% 50Ω RL CL 50% OUTPUT ton toff (1)Pulse generator (PG) characteristics: PRR= 1KHz, tw= 10μs, tr= 6ns, tf = 6ns, Zo= 50Ω, VI = 0~2.4V (2)Input-output conditions: R L= 100Ω, VS= 40V (3)Electrostatic capacity C L includes f loating capacitance at connections and input capacitance at probes. TYPICAL CHARACTERIST ICS Output Saturation Voltage Output Current Characteristics Thermal Derating Factor Characteristics 2.0 -500 M63840P Vs= 10V VI= 2V -400 1.5 -300 M63840FP Ta= 85℃ 1.0 0.931 -200 M63840KP Ta= 25℃ 0.572 0.5 -100 0.354 0 0 25 50 75 85 Ta= -40℃ 0 0 100 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 Ambient temperature Ta (℃) Output saturation voltage VCE(sat) (V) Duty-Cycle-Output Current Characteristics (M63840P) Duty-Cycle-Output Current Characteristics (M63840P) -500 -500 ① -400 -400 ② ① -300 -300 ③ -200 -100 0 0 The drain c urrent values repres ent the current per c irc uit. Repeated frequenc y ≧ 10Hz The v alue in the c irc le repres ents the v alue of the s imultaneous ly -operated c irc uit. Ta = 25℃ 20 40 60 80 ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ② -200 The drain c urrent values repres ent the current per c irc uit. Repeated frequenc y ≧ 10Hz The v alue in the c irc le repres ents the v alue of the s imultaneous ly -operated c irc uit. Ta = 85℃ -100 0 100 Duty cycle (%) 0 20 40 60 Duty cycle (%) 3/7 80 ③ ④ ⑥⑤ ⑧⑦ 100 MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR 【TRANSISTOR ARRAY】 M63840P/FP/KP 8-Unit 500mA Source Type Darlington Transistor-Array With Clamp Diode Duty-Cycle-Output Current Characteristics (M63840FP) Duty-Cycle-Output Current Characteristics (M63840FP) -500 -500 ① -400 -400 -300 -300 ② ① -200 -200 ③ -100 0 0 20 40 60 80 The drain ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ The drain c urrent values repres ent the current per c irc uit. Repeated frequenc y ≧ 10Hz The v alue in the c irc le repres ents the v alue of the s imultaneous ly -operated c irc uit. Ta = 25℃ represent the current per circuit. Repeated frequency ≧ 10Hz The value in the circle represents the value 0 100 of the simultaneously-operated circuit. 0 20 Duty cycle (%) -500 -400 -400 ① -300 -200 values represent the current per circuit. Repeated frequency ≧ 10Hz The value in the circle represents the value 20 40 100 80 The drain c urrent v alues repres ent the c urrent per circ uit. Repeated frequenc y ≧ 10Hz The v alue in the c irc le repres ents the v alue of the s imultaneous ly operated c irc uit. Ta = 85℃ ① -100 Ta = 25℃ 60 80 -200 ③ ④ ⑤⑥ ⑦⑧ The drain current of the simultaneously-operated circuit. 60 -300 ② 0 Ta = 85℃ Duty-Cycle-Output Current Characteristics (M63840KP) -500 0 40 Duty cycle (%) Duty-Cycle-Output Current Characteristics (M63840KP) -100 ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑦⑥ ⑧ current values -100 0 100 0 20 Duty cycle (%) 40 60 80 ② ③④ ⑤ ⑦⑥ ⑧ 100 Duty cycle (%) Clamping Diode Characteristics Grounded Emitter Transfer Characteristics -500 500 Vs= 20V Vs-Vo= 4V -400 400 Ta= 85℃ -300 300 Ta= 25℃ Ta= 85℃ -200 200 Ta= -40℃ Ta= 25℃ -100 Ta= -40℃ 100 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 0 2.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 Forward bias voltage VF (V) Input voltage VI (V) 4/7 2.0 MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR 【TRANSISTOR ARRAY】 M63840P/FP/KP 8-Unit 500mA Source Type Darlington Transistor-Array With Clamp Diode Input Characteristics Input Characteristics 0.5 5 Vs= 20V Vs= 20V 0.4 4 Ta= -40℃ 0.3 3 Ta= 25℃ Ta= -40℃ 0.2 2 Ta= 25℃ 0.1 1 Ta= 85℃ Ta= 85℃ 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 Input voltage VI (V) 0 4 8 12 16 Input voltage VI (V) 5/7 20 MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR 【TRANSISTOR ARRAY】 M63840P/FP/KP 8-Unit 500mA Source Type Darlington Transistor-Array With Clamp Diode 6/7 MITSUBISHI SEMICONDUCTOR 【TRANSISTOR ARRAY】 M63840P/FP/KP 8-Unit 500mA Source Type Darlington Transistor-Array With Clamp Diode 7/7