PJ3L85 DATA BUS TERMINATOR / 3-PHASE, FULL WAVE BRIDGE This highly integrated device is designed as rail to rail overvoltage protection clamp for up to 3 data lines. It is also ideal as a three-phase, full wave bridge. PanJit's PJ3L85 is ideal in portable applications where small form factors are required. 38 5 SOT-363 FEATURES Very Low Reverse Leakage Current Fast Switching Ultra Small SOT-363 Package Utilizing Minimal Board Space Lead Free Plating, 100% Matte Tin Finish, RoHS Compliant MIL-883 HBM+/- 8KV,IEC-61000-4-2 LEVEL 4 APPLICATIONS PDAs Portable Computers MAXIMUM RATINGS TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted Symbol Rating Value Units 385 Marking Code Reverse Voltage VR 85 V IF 160 mA I FSM 500 mA Power Dissipation (Note 1) PD 200 mW Operating Junction Temperature Range TJ -65 to +150 °C TSTG -65 to +150 °C Continuous Forward Current Non-Repetitive Surge Current, t=1s Storage Temperature Range Note 1: Device Mounted on FR-4 board 1.0 inch x 0.85 inch x 0.062 inch, with minimum pad layout. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient 12/9/2008 Symbol Value Units R thja 625 °C/W Page 1 www.panjit.com PJ3L85 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Each Diode) Symbol Min Typ Max Units V BR 85 - - V IF = 1.0mA - 0.76 0.90 IF = 10mA - 0.84 1.00 - 0.92 1.10 - 1.00 1.25 - - 5.0 - - 80 - 1.25 2.0 - 2.0 6 - 3.0 7 - - 3.0 Characteristic IR = 100uA Reverse Breakdown Voltage (Note 2) Forward Voltage (Note 2) TJ = 25°C, unless otherwise noted IF = 50mA VF IF = 150mA VR = 75V Reverse Leakage Current (Note 2) VR = 75V, Tj = 150°C IR Per Element Total Capacitance VR = 0V, f = 1.0 MHz Data Line to Ground CT Between Data Lines Reverse Recovery Time IF = IR = 10mA Irr = 1.0mA, RL = 100 Ohm t rr V nA pF us Note 2: Short duration test pulse to minimize self heating ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (Each Diode) 10 100 TA = 125 °C IR , Reverse Leakage (nA) IF , Forward Current (mA) 1000 TA = - 25 °C 10 TA = 75 °C 1 1 V R = 75V 0.1 0.01 TA = 25 °C 0.001 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 50 100 150 200 T J , Junction Te m pe rature (De g C) V F , Forw ard Voltage (V) Fig. 2. Typical Reverse Current Fig. 1. Typical Forward Voltage 12/9/2008 0 Page 2 www.panjit.com PJ3L85 PACKAGE LAYOUT AND SUGGESTED PAD DIMENSIONS ORDERING INFORMATION PJ3L85 T/R7 - 7 inch reel, 3K units per reel PJ3L85 T/R13 - 13 inch reel, 10K units per reel Copyright PanJit International, Inc 2009 The inform ation presented in this docum ent is believed to be accurate and reliable. The specifications and inform ation herein are subject to change without notice. Pan Jit m akes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose. Pan Jit products are not authorized for use in life support devices or system s. Pan Jit does not convey any license under its patent rights or rights of others. Note : 1.To protect data lines and the power line, connect pins 2 and 3 directly to the positive supply rail (V CC).In this configuration the data lines are referenced to the supply voltage. An external TVS diode may be added between the supply rail and ground in order to prevent over-voltage on the supply rail. 2.In applications where no positive supply reference is available, or complete supply isolation is desired, an external TVS diode may be used as the reference.The steering diodes will begin to conduct when the voltage on the protected line exceeds the working voltage of the TVS (plus one diode drop). 12/9/2008 Page 3 www.panjit.com