66181 Mii 30kV HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATOR WITH BUFFERED OUTPUT OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION Features: Applications: • • • • • • • • • • 10 Mhz bandwidth typical 30kVdc isolation test voltage TTL compatible input and output High common mode rejection Rugged ceramic package Military and Space Voltage Level Shifting Grid Current Modulator Switching between power supplies Medical systems DESCRIPTION The 66181 high voltage isolator consisting of a LED optically coupled to a high speed, high gain inverting detector gate. Output is TTL capable with switching propagation delays of 55ns typical, hermetically sealed in TO-46 packages and mounted in a highly reliability, hermetically sealed ceramic package. Available in commercial (0° to +70°C), extended temperature range (-40° to +85°) and full Military temperature range (-55° to +125°C). Contact the factory for special custom or multi-channel requirements! ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Storage Temperature............................................................................................................................................-65°C to +150°C Operating Free-Air Temperature Range ..............................................................................................................-55°C to +125°C Lead Solder Temperature.........................................................................................260°C for 10s (1.6mm below seating plane) Peak Forward Input Current ........................................................................................................................ 40mA (1ms duration) Average Forward Input Current ............................................................................................................................................20mA Input Power Dissipation .......................................................................................................................................................35mW Reverse Input Voltage ...............................................................................................................................................................5V Supply voltage - VCC ................................................................................................................................. 7V(1 minute maximum) Output Current - IO ................................................................................................................................................................25mA Output Power Dissipation ....................................................................................................................................................40mW Output Voltage - VO ...................................................................................................................................................................7V Total Power Dissipation .....................................................................................................................................................350mW Package Dimensions Schematic Diagram Ø0.300 [7.62] Ø0.018 [0.46] A VCC TYP A (BLACK DOT) K GND (RED DOT) CASE Vout Vcc Vout 2.220 [56.39] K GND CASE NOTE: 0.500 [12.70] 0.500 [12.70] MIN MIN DIMENSIONS ARE INCHES(MILLIMETERS) A.01 TO 0.1 F BYPASS CAPACITOR MUST BE CONNECTED BETWEEN Vcc AND GROUND. ENCAPSULATION IN A SUITABLE EPOXY IS REQUIRED TO MEET 30KV ISOLATION VOLTAGE MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION • 725 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 487-6918 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: optosales@micropac.com 7-9 66181 30kV HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATOR WITH BUFFERED OUTPUT ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ta = 25°C unless otherwise specified. TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS High Level Output Current PARAMETER SYMBOL IOH 5 250 µA VCC = 5.5V, VO = 5.5V, IF = 20µA Low Level Output Voltage VOL 0.35 0.6 V VCC = 5.5V, IF = 10mA IOL (Sinking) = 10mA High Level Supply Current ICCH 9 20 mA VCC = 5.5V, IF = 0 Low Level Supply Current ICCL 13 30 mA VCC = 5.5V, IF = 20mA 1.5 1.75 V IF = 15mA Input Forward Voltage MIN VF Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage BVR 5 V IR = 10µA 10.0 µA VI—0 = 30kVdc, Relative Humidity = 45% Ta = 25°C, t = 5 sec NOTE Input-Output Insulation Leakage Current II—O Propagation Delay Time To High Output Level tPLH 65 150 ns RL = 510Ω, CL = 15Pf. If = 13mA 9 Propagation Delay Time To Low Output Level tPHL 55 150 ns RL = 510Ω, CL = 15Pf If = 13mA 9 TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS NOTE mV/°C IF = 20mA 1 Ω VI—O = 500V 3 nA Relative Humidity = 45% VI-I = 500V, t = 5s 4 Ω VI-I = 500V 4 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = 25°C, VCC = 5V PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN ∆vF Input Diode Temperature Coefficient -1.9 ∆TA Resistance (Input-Output) RI-0 Input-Input Insulation Leakage Current II-I Resistance (Input-Input) RI-I 10 12 0.5 10 12 Common Mode Transient Immunity at High Output Level CMH 1000 10000 V/µs VCM = 10V (peak), VO (min) = 2V, RL = 510Ω, IF = OmA 7 Common Mode Transient Immunity at Low Output Level CML 1000 10000 V/µs VCM = 10V (peak), VO (max) = 0.8V, RL = 510Ω, IF = 1OmA 8 NOTES: 1. Each channel 2. Measured between pins 1 through 8 shorted together and pins 9 through 16 shorted together. 3. Measured between pins 9 and 10 or 11 and 12 shorted together, and pins 9 through 16 shorted together. 4. Measured between pins 9 and 10 shorted together, and pins 11 and 12 shorted together. 5. The tplh propagation delay is measured from the 6.5mA point on the trailing edge of the input pulse to the 1.5V point on the trailing edge of the output pulse. 6. The tphl propagation delay is measured from the 6.5mA point on the leading edge of the input pulse to the 1.5V point on the leading edge of the output pulse. 7. CMh is the max. tolerable common mode transient to assure that the output will remain in a high logic state (i.e. VO > 2.0V). 8. CMl is the max. tolerable common mode transient to assure that the output will remain in a low logic state (i.e. VO < 0.8V). 9. It is essential that a bypass capacitor (.01 to 0.1µF ceramic) be connected from pin 1 to pin 4. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS: PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX Input Current, Low Level Each Channel IFL 0 250 UNITS µA Input Current, High Level Each Channel IFH 12.5 20 Ma Supply Voltage VC 4.5 5.5 V Fan Out (TTL Load) Each Channel N Operating Temperature TA 6 -55 125 °C SELECTION GUIDE PART # 66181-001 66181-101 66181-011 PART DESCRIPTION Inverted output, military operating range (-55° to +125°C) Inverted output, full mil-temp (-55° to +125°C) with 100% device screening (on discrete components) Inverted output, commercial version Isolator (0° to 70°C) MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION • 725 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 487-6918 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: optosales@micropac.com 7 - 10