0RODUCT$ATA3HEET !-0 -/$5,!2 37)4#(-/$%2%#4)&)%2 2- &%!452%3 s 37)4#(-/$% s 0&# s %&&)#)%.#9 s !54/-!4)# ,/!$ 3(!2).' s (/437!0#!0!",% s #/-0!#43):% s 3(%,&-/5.4%$ s 3/&434!24452./. s 4%,%#/-"5,+0/7%22!4%$ $%3#2)04)/. 4HE2--ODULAR3WITCH-ODE2ECTIFIERISONEOF#$ 4ECHNOLOGIES FAMILY OF RECTIFIERS THAT MAY BE USED IN MODULAR POWER PLANTS 4HIS UNIT WILL FUNCTION IN PARALLEL WITH ANY RECTIFIER WITH SIMILAR CURRENT SHARING CAPACITIES 4HISCOMPACTVERSATILEANDEFFICIENTUNITISIDEALFORUSEIN ADVANCEDTELECOMMUNICATIONSAPPLICATIONS)TSSMALLSIZE ALLOWSTHEUSERTOPLANECONOMICALLYFORSYSTEMEXPANSION ATMINIMUMCOSTANDMAKESITIDEALFORUSEINFIBEROPTIC MICROWAVE AND OTHER APPLICATIONS WHERE SPACE IS AT A PREMIUM s "%,,#/2%#/-0,)!.4 s M02/#%33/2 ).4%,,)'%.#% !,,/73 %80!.3)/.4/ 2%-/4% #/.42/, &%!452%3 s ).&).)4%&5,,#522%.43(/24#)2#5)4 #!0!",% s 4($ Contact Factory for Replacement Model !'%.#9!002/6!,30%.$).' )NTERNETHTTPWWWCDPOWERELECTRONICSCOM 0OWER%LECTRONICS$IVISION5NITED3TATES %"RITANNIA$RIVE4UCSON!RIZONA 0HONE&AX 2- 2%6 ! 0OWER%LECTRONICS$IVISION%UROPE #$4ECHNOLOGIES0OWER%LECTRONICS,TD 3HANNON)NDUSTRIAL%STATE 3HANNON#O#LARE)RELAND 4EL &AX 0AGE Input Specifications Parameter Operating Range Current Conditions Min 45 - 65 Hz, single phase, no taps required 106 VAC 208 VAC 106 240 VAC Efficiency Power Factor Correction (PFC) Typ Max Units 264 4.6 VAC A 2.55 2.12 84 A A % >.99 MEASUREMENTS OF RM4875 Module Shelf* Weight Height Depth Width 2.88 lbs. 2.4” 11.0” 4.75” Weight Height Depth Width 15.5 lbs. 3.5” with rectifiers mounted in shelf 12” maximum 23” rack mount * These measurements are specifically for the AGM25 List 1 up to 8 quantity RM 487.5. Please contact factory for other shelf and power plant options. GENERAL FEATURES Hot Swappable Modules These shelf-mounted modules are easy and safe to install or remove while system is operational without affecting the overall system’s performance. Current Limit Upon reaching 110% of rated current, the rectifier will automatically limit the current down to short circuit conditions with no fold back. Parallel Operation and Automatic Load Sharing Forced share connection is made via a hard wire. Sharing is within ±10% of the average current for the load applied. Safety UL/CUL Approved: UL 1950/CSA 950. File Number: E131694 Remote Control Enable Signal The rectifier’s output voltage control may be changed from internal float and equalize pots to external remote control though a digital ground signal. Status Indicator RFA Remote Control Equalize Front Panel Current Test Jacks Normal Page 2 RM4875 4/98 REV A Output Specifications Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Voltage Adjustment Range Regulation Load Current Hold-Up Time Filtering Voice band Wide band noise float voltage 48 56 VDC equalize voltage 0-100% load within specified input voltage and frequency range within a 10 - 100% rating nominal AC line 52 60 VDC >16 % % mS @ 20 MHz < 32 <250 dBrnc mV p-p ENVIRONMENTAL Temperature Operating -40 -40 -50 -58 0 0 0 Storage Humidity Altitude Heat Dissipation Audible Noise ± .5 ±10 non-condensing @54V 5 ft. from any vertical surface +65 149 +85 185 95 7000 2133 264 <55 °C °F °C °F % ft. m Btu/hr dBa PROTECTION, ALARM AND CONTROL SYSTEMS Rectifier Failure Alarm (RFA) Problems occurring because of an unacceptable relationship between the output power and load conditions will cause a Rectifier Failure Alarm (RFA). This alarm consists of a red LED and a flashing green OK LED. Conditions which may lead to an RFA are: Low Current - Output current has decreased to below 5% of its rated value. Unit Shutdown - Any shutdown occurrence due to overvoltage, external shutdown command, unacceptable ambient temperature conditions or low AC input voltage. Load Sharing Terminal Pin Out Of Range - The terminal pin is out of range. Remote Control Terminal Out Of Range - The remote control terminal pins are out of range. Line Sag - This condition occurs when the nominal voltage decreases below 180V. Normal range is 208240V. Fan Malfunction - The fan has stopped operating or is not providing the airflow needed to cool the unit. Over Temperature - The ambient temperature has exceeded 65°C. RM4875 4/98 REV A High Voltage Shutdown (HVSD) The unit’s built-in high voltage limit is permanently set at 60V. When internal shutdown occurs, the unit may be restarted by a local switch or by a remote signal. Surge Protection The unit will withstand lightning and input surges of 6000V/3000A. Under Voltage Protection When input voltage is below 105 VAC, the rectifier’s operation is automatically power limited. Page 3 Mechanical ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN INCHES 2.90 I+ EQL FLT REM EQL NORM RFA OFF 2.400 I- HFM 48-7.5 4.750 10.955 Standard Options are shown, consult factory for other available options. The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, C&D Technologies assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. C&D Technologies assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. C&D Technologies does not authorize or warrant any C&D Technologies product for use in life support devices/systems or in aircraft control applications. Page 4 RM4875 4/98 REV A