NI PXI-2570

High-Density General-Purpose SPDT Relays
NI PXI-2570
• 40 independent SPDT relays
• Maximum switch capacity
Up to 100 VDC, 100 VAC
Up to 1 A switching/1 A carry
• Latching relays
• 32,000-step scan list for
deterministic scanning
• Fully software programmable
• 145 cycles/s
• Ti ght synchronizati on with instru m ents
through hardware triggers
Operating Systems
• Windows 2000/NT/XP
Recommended Software
• LabVIEW™
• LabWindows™/CVI™
• Measurement Studio™
• NI Switch Executive
Other Compatible Software
• Visual Basic
• C/C++
Driver Software (included)
• UL
• CE
The Na ti onal In s tru m ents PXI-2570 is a 40-channel, genera l - p u rpose
switch module. Featuring independent SPDT (Form C) relays, the
NI PXI-2570 maximizes relay density in a single PXI slot. Each relay
contains a normally closed (NC), normally open (NO), and common
(COM) terminal and can handle up to 100 VDC/100 VAC or up to
1 A of current. With 40 channels per module, you can switch several
hundred ATE loads in a single PXI chassis or thousands of channels
in a multiple-chassis configuration.
All National Instruments PXI switch modules are shipped with
NI-SWITCH, an IVI-compliant driver of fering com p l ete
functionality for all sw itch modules. For additional assistance in
con f i g u ri n g, progra m m i n g, and managing high er- ch a n n el - count
switching systems, NI Switch Executive software offers an easy-touse, intelligent switch management and visual routing environment.
Ordering Information
Automatic Scanning
NI PXI-2570 ..................................................................778572-70
The PXI-2570 is able to maximize throughput in automated test
applications by the use of scanning. Scanning improves throughput
by downloading a list of up to 32,000 connections to the switch and
c ycling thro u gh the list using an event (tri gger) without any
interruption from the host processor. Scanning is most efficiently
accomplished by mating the PXI-2570 with an instrument, such as
the NI PXI-4070 61⁄2-digit FlexDMM, which issues a trigger after
each measurement.
Includes switch module, NI-SWITCH driver software.
NI Switch Executive
Development System ............................................778546-01
Deployment Engine ..............................................778548-00
Visit and en ter pxi 2 5 7 0 .
High-Density General-Purpose SPDT Relays
Input Characteristics
Maximum switching voltage
Channel-to-ground..................................... 100 V, CAT I
Channel-to-channel ................................... 100 V
Maximum current
(switching or carry, per channel) ............... 1 A
Simultaneous channels at
maximum current (55 ˚C)......................... 40
Maximum switching power
(per channel, resistive) .............................. 60 W, 62.5 VA
Typical DC path resistance (channel-to-common)
Initial.......................................................... <0.5
End of life .................................................. ≤1
Thermal EMF .................................................... ≤12 µV
Bandwidth (-3 dB, typical at 23 ˚C).................. ≤40 MHz
Relay types.......................................................
Contact material...............................................
I/O connectors ..................................................
Dynamic Characteristics
Maximum speed............................................... 145 cycles
Relay operate time
Typical........................................................ 1 ms
Maximum................................................... 3.4 ms
Expected Relay Life
Mechanical ................................................
10 VDC, 100 mADC, resistive .................
10 VDC, 1 ADC, resistive ........................
30 VDC, 1 ADC, resistive ........................
60 VDC, 1 ADC, resistive ........................
100,000,000 cycles
2,500,000 cycles
1,000,000 cycles
500,000 cycles
100,000 cycles
Electromechanical, latching
Palladium-ruthenium, gold-covered
200-pin LFH Matrix 50 receptacle
10 by 17.4 cm (3.9 by 6.9 in.)
Operating temperature.....................................
Storage temperature ........................................
Relative humidity .............................................
Pollution degree ...............................................
Indoor use only
0 to 55 ˚C
-40 to 70 ˚C
5 to 85% noncondensing
This product is designed to meet the requirements of the following standards of safety for electrical
equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:
• IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1
• UL 3111-1, UL 61010B-1
• CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1
CE Compliance
This product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives, as amended for
CE marking, as follows:
Low-Voltage Directive (safety)......................... 73/23/EEC
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Directive (EMC) ................................................ 89/336/EEC
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Servi ces
s t a rt-up assistance to
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Calibration Services
NI recognizes the need to maintain properly calibrated dev ices for
high - acc u racy measu rem ents. We provi de manual calibration
procedures, services to recalibrate your products, and automated
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Repair and Extended Warranty
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We of fer design-in con su l ting and produ ct integra tion assistance
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i n form a ti on abo ut special pricing and services for OEM custom ers ,
NI provides complete repair services for our products. Express repair
and adva n ce rep l acement services are also available. We of fer
extended warranties to help you meet project life-cycle requirements.
Visit • (800) 433-3488
National Instruments • Tel: (512) 683-0100 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • [email protected]
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