Agilent B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer Technical Overview Introduction The Agilent B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer with EasyEXPERT software is a complete parametric test solution. It supports all aspects of parametric test, from basic manual measurement to test automation across a wafer in conjunction with a semiautomatic wafer prober. Because the B1500A utilizes the Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional operating system, it integrates easily into your PC-based work environment. Best of all, the familiar Windows graphical user interface (GUI) and convenient online help menus minimize the need for instrument training. Basic Features • Multi-frequency capacitance measurement unit (MFCMU) available • PC-based instrument with touch screen interface; optional USB keyboard and mouse available • High-voltage semiconductor pulse generator unit (HV-SPGU) available • EasyEXPERT software with over 200 categorized application tests supplied with the instrument • Performs current versus voltage (IV) measurements • Performs capacitance versus voltage (CV), capacitance versus time (Ct) and capacitance versus frequency (Cf) measurements • Performs quasi-static CV (QSCV) measurements • High voltage pulse forcing up to 40 V with ALWG and voltage monitor capabilities. • Waveform generator/fast measurement unit (WGFMU) available • High-resolution, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) available to all installed SMUs • High-speed ADC present on each installed SMU • SMU/AUX path switching supported on the atto-sense and switch unit (ASU) • SMU/MFCMU switching supported using SMU CMU unify unit (SCUU) and guard switch unit (GSWU) • MFCMU automatically identifies capacitance measurement accessories • Performs fast IV measurement synchronized with the applied waveforms for accurate transient IV or time-domain measurements • WGFMU/SMU path switching supported on the remote-sense and switch unit (RSU) • Front-panel Classic Test measurement modes supported: single-channel sweep, multi-channel sweep, time sampling, list sweep, CV sweep and direct control (GPIB FLEX) • Self-test, self-calibration, diagnostics • GUI-based control of the Agilent B2200A, and B2201A switching matrices • Modular mainframe with ten module slots and one 4.2 A ground unit • Multiple source/monitor unit (SMU) types available: medium power (MPSMU), high-power (HPSMU), and high-resolution (HRSMU) • GPIB port for instrument control Specification conditions This document lists specifications and supplemental information for the B1500A and its associated modules. The specifications are the standards against which the B1500A and its associated modules are tested. When the B1500A and any of its associated modules are shipped from the factory, they meet the specifications. The “supplemental” information and “typical” entries in the following specifications are not warranted, but provide useful information about the functions and performance of the instrument. The measurement and output accuracy are specified at the rear panel connector terminals when referenced to the Zero Check terminal. The B1530A WGFMU measurement and output accuracy are specified at the output terminal of the RSU. Accuracy is specified under the following conditions: 1. Temperature: 23 °C ±5 °C 2. Humidity: 20 % to 60 % 3. After 40 minute warm-up followed by self-calibration 4. Ambient temperature change less than ±1 °C after self-calibration execution, not applicable for MFCMU and WGFMU 5. Measurement made within one hour after self-calibration execution, not applicable for MFCMU and WGFMU 6. Calibration period: 1 year 7. SMU integration time setting: 1 PLC (1 nA to 1A range, voltage range) 20 PLC (100 pA range) 50 PLC (1 pA to 10 pA range) Averaging of high-speed ADC: 128 samples per 1 PLC 8. SMU filter: ON (for SMUs) 9. SMU measurement terminal connection: Kelvin connection 10. WGFMU load capacitance: 25 pF or less Note: Agilent Technologies is responsible for removing, installing, and replacing the B1500A modules. Contact your nearest Agilent Technologies to install and calibrate the B1500A modules B1500A specification Supported plug-in modules The B1500A supports ten slots for plug-in modules. Part Description Slots Range of operation number occupied B1510A High power source/monitor unit (HPSMU) 2 -200 V to 200 V, -1 A to 1 A B1511A Medium power source/monitor unit (MPSMU) 1 -100 V to 100 V, -100 mA to 100 mA B1517A High resolution source/monitor unit (HRSMU) 1 -100 V to 100 V, -100 mA to 100 mA E5288A¹ Atto-sense and switch unit (ASU) — -100 V to 100 V, -100 mA to 100 mA B1520A Multi frequency capacitance measurement unit (MFCMU) 1 1 kHz to 5 MHz B1525A High voltage semiconductor pulse generator unit (HV-SPGU) 1 ±40 V (80 Vp-p) B1530A Waveform generator/fast measurement unit (WGFMU) 1 PG Mode: -3 V to 3 V, -5 V to 5 V Fast IV Mode: -3 V to 3 V, -5 V to 5 V, 0 V to 10 V, -10 V to 0 V Measure resolution 2 µV, 10 fA 0.5 µV, 10 fA 0.5 µV, 1 fA 0.5 µV, 100 aA 0.035 fFrms² 50 μV 0.014 % of the range 3 1. This is connected with the B1517A high resolution SMU. 2. Dispersion of measurement values when connecting a DUT 10 pF to the measurement terminals under the measurement condition of frequency 1 MHz, signal level 250 mVac, and measurement time 1 PLC. The display resolution is 0.000001 fF at 1 fF order by 6 digits display. 3. Display resolution 2 Maximum module configuration The B1500A can contain up to 4 dual-slot SMUs (HPSMUs) and 2 single-slot SMUs (MPSMUs and/or HRSMUs); it can contain up to 10 single-slot SMUs (MPSMUs and/or HRSMUs); and it can contain any combination of dual-slot and single-slot SMUs between these two extremes. Only one single-slot MFCMU can be installed per B1500A mainframe. Up to five single-slot HV-SPGUs can be installed per mainframe. Up to five single-slot WGFMUs can be installed per mainframe. When one or more WGFMU modules are installed in the B1500A mainframe, the following table applies. Multiply the values given below by the number of installed modules of that type and add the products together. The sum of the products must be less than or equal to 59 for the configuration to be permissible. MPSMU HRSMU HPSMU MFCMU HV-SPGU WGFMU GNDU supplemental information 2 2 14 7 12 10 Load capacitance: 1 µF Cable resistance: For IS ≤ 1.6 A: force line R < 1 Ω For 1.6 A < IS ≤ 2.0 A: force line R < 0.7 Ω For 2.0 A < IS ≤ 4.2 A: force line R < 0.35 Ω Maximum voltage between common and ground For all cases: sense line R ≤ 10 Ω Where IS is the current being sunk by the GNDU. ≤ ±42 V Ground unit (GNDU) specification The GNDU is furnished standard with the B1500A mainframe. Output voltage: 0 V ±100 µV Maximum sink current: ±4.2 A Output terminal/connection: Triaxial connector, Kelvin (remote sensing) MPSMU and HRSMU module specifications Voltage range, resolution, and accuracy (high resolution ADC) Voltage range ±0.5 V ±2 V ±5 V ±20 V ±40 V ±100 V Force resolution 25 µV 100 µV 250 µV 1 mV 2 mV 5 mV Measure resolution 0.5 µV 2 µV 5 µV 20 µV 40 µV 100 µV Force accuracy¹ ±(0.018 % + 150 µV) ±(0.018 % + 400 µV) ±(0.018 % + 750 µV) ±(0.018 % + 3 mV) ±(0.018 % + 6 mV) ±(0.018 % + 15 mV) Measure accuracy¹ ±(0.01 % + 120 µV) ±(0.01 % + 140 µV) ±(0.009 % + 250 µV) ±(0.009 % + 900 µV) ±(0.01 % + 1 mV) ±(0.012 % + 2.5 mV) Maximum current 100 mA 100 mA 100 mA 100 mA ² ² 1. ± (% of read value + offset voltage V) 2. 100 mA (Vo ≤ 20 V), 50 mA (20 V < Vo ≤ 40 V), 20 mA (40 V < Vo ≤ 100 V), Vo is the output voltage in Volts. Current range, resolution, and accuracy (high resolution ADC) SMU type Current range HRSMU w/ ASU ±1 pA HRSMU ±10 pA ±100 pA MPSMU ±1 nA ±10 nA ±100 nA ±1 µA ±10 µA ±100 µA ±1 mA ±10 mA ±100 mA Force Measure resolution resolution¹,² 1 fA 100 aA 5 fA 400 aA (with ASU) 1 fA (HRSMU) 5 fA 500 aA (with ASU) 2 fA (HRSMU) 50 fA 10 fA 500 fA 10 fA 5 pA 100 fA 50 pA 1 pA 500 pA 10 pA 5 nA 100 pA 50 nA 1 nA 500 nA 10 nA 5 µA 100 nA Force accuracy³ Measure accuracy³ ±(0.9 %+15 fA) ±(0.46 %+30 fA+10 aA x Vo) ±(0.9 %+12 fA) ±(0.46 %+15 fA+10 aA x Vo) Maximum voltage 100 V 100 V ±(0.3 %+100 fA+100 aA x Vo) ±(0.3 %+30 fA+100 aA x Vo) 100 V ±(0.1 %+300 fA+1 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+3 pA+10 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+30 pA+100 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+300 pA+1 pA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+3 nA+10 pA x Vo) ±(0.035 %+15 nA+100 pA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+150 nA+1 nA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+1.5 µA+10 nA x Vo) ±(0.045 %+15 µA+100 nA x Vo) 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V ±(0.1 %+200 fA+1 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+1 pA+10 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+20 pA+100 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+100 pA+1 pA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+2 nA+10 pA x Vo) ±(0.03 %+3 nA+100 pA x Vo) ±(0.03 %+60 nA+1 nA x Vo) ±(0.03 %+200 nA+10 nA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+6 µA+100 nA x Vo) 4 1. Specified measurement resolution is limited by fundamental noise limits. Minimum displayed resolution is 1 aA at 1 pA range by 6 digits. 2. Measurements made in the lower ranges can be greatly impacted by vibrations and shocks. These specifications assume an environment free of these factors. 3. ± (% of read value + offset current (fixed part determined by the output/measurement range + proportional part that is multiplied by Vo)) 4. 100 V (Io ≤ 20 mA), 40 V (20 mA < Io ≤ 50 mA), 20 V (50 mA < Io ≤ 100 mA), Io is the output current in Amps. 3 Voltage range, resolution, and accuracy (high speed ADC) Voltage range ±0.5 V ±2 V ±5 V ±20 V ±40 V ±100 V Force resolution 25 µV 100 µV 250 µV 1 mV 2 mV 5 mV Measure resolution 0.5 µV 2 µV 5 µV 20 µV 40 µV 100 µV Force accuracy¹ ±(0.018 % + 150 µV) ±(0.018 % + 400 µV) ±(0.018 % + 750 µV) ±(0.018 % + 3 mV) ±(0.018 % + 6 mV) ±(0.018 % + 15 mV) Measure accuracy¹ ±(0.01 % + 250 µV) ±(0.01 % + 700 µV) ±(0.01 % + 2 mV) ±(0.01 % + 4 mV) ±(0.015 % + 8 mV) ±(0.02 % + 20 mV) Maximum current 100 mA 100 mA 100 mA 100 mA ² ² 1. ± (% of read value + offset voltage V) 2. 100 mA (Vo ≤ 20 V), 50 mA (20 V < Vo ≤ 40 V), 20 mA (40 V < Vo ≤ 100 V), Vo is the output voltage in Volts. Current range, resolution, and accuracy (high speed ADC) SMU type Current range HRSMU w/ ASU ±1 pA HRSMU ±10 pA ±100 pA MPSMU ±1 nA ±10 nA ±100 nA ±1 µA ±10 µA ±100 µA ±1 mA ±10 mA ±100 mA Force Measure resolution resolution¹,² 1 fA 100 aA 5 fA 400 aA (with ASU) 1 fA (HRSMU) 5 fA 500 aA (with ASU) 2 fA (HRSMU) 50 fA 10 fA 500 fA 10 fA 5 pA 100 fA 50 pA 1 pA 500 pA 10 pA 5 nA 100 pA 50 nA 1 nA 500 nA 10 nA 5 µA 100 nA Force accuracy³ Measure accuracy³ ±(0.9 %+15 fA) ±(0.46 %+30 fA+10 aA x Vo) ±(1.8 %+12 fA) ±(0.5 %+15 fA+10 aA x Vo) Maximum voltage 100 V 100 V ±(0.3 %+100 fA+100 aA x Vo) ±(0.5 %+40 fA+100 aA x Vo) 100 V ±(0.1 %+300 fA+1 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+3 pA+10 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+30 pA+100 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+300 pA+1 pA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+3 nA+10 pA x Vo) ±(0.035 %+15 nA+100 pA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+150 nA+1 nA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+1.5 µA+10 nA x Vo) ±(0.045 %+15 µA+100 nA x Vo) 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V ±(0.25 %+300 fA+1 fA x Vo) ±(0.25 %+2 pA+10 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+20 pA+100 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+200 pA+1 pA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+2 nA+10 pA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+20 nA+100 pA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+200 nA+1 nA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+2 µA+10 nA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+20 µA+100 nA x Vo) 4 1. Specified measurement resolution is limited by fundamental noise limits. Minimum displayed resolution is 1 aA at 1 pA range by 6 digits. 2. Measurements made in the lower ranges can be greatly impacted by vibrations and shocks. These specifications assume an environment free of these factors. 3. ± (% of read value + offset current (fixed part determined by the output/measurement range + proportional part that is multiplied by Vo)) 4. 100 V (Io ≤ 20 mA), 40 V (20 mA < Io ≤ 50 mA), 20 V (50 mA < Io ≤ 100 mA), Io is the output current in Amps. MPSMU and HRSMU measurement and output range Power consumption Voltage source mode Voltage range 0.5 V 2V Current (mA) Power 20 x Ic (W) 20 x Ic (W) 5V 20 x Ic (W) 20 V 20 x Ic (W) 40 V 40 x Ic (W) 100 V 100 x Ic (W) Where Ic is the current compliance setting. 100 50 20 -100 -40 -20 20 -20 Current source mode Voltage compliance Vc ≤ 20 20 < Vc ≤ 40 40 < Vc ≤ 100 Power 20 x Io (W) 40 x Io (W) 100 x Io (W) Where Vc is the voltage compliance setting and Io is output current. 4 -50 -100 40 100 Voltage (V) HPSMU module specifications Voltage range, resolution, and accuracy (high resolution ADC) Voltage range ±2 V ±20 V ±40 V ±100 V ±200 V Force resolution 100 µV 1 mV 2 mV 5 mV 10 mV Measure resolution 2 µV 20 µV 40 µV 100 µV 200 µV Force accuracy¹ Measure accuracy¹ ±(0.018 % + 400 µV) ±(0.018 % + 3 mV) ±(0.018 % + 6 mV) ±(0.018 % + 15 mV) ±(0.018 % + 30 mV) ±(0.01 % + 140 µV) ±(0.01 % + 140 µV) ±(0.01 % + 1 mV) ±(0.012 % + 2.5 mV) ±(0.014 % + 2.8 mV) Maximum current 1A 1A 500 mA 125 mA 50 mA 1. ± (% of read value + offset voltage V) Current range, resolution, and accuracy (high resolution ADC) Current range ±1 nA ±10 nA ±100 nA ±1 µA ±10 µA ±100 µA ±1 mA ±10 mA ±100 mA ±1 A Force resolution 50 fA 500 fA 5 pA 50 pA 500 pA 5 nA 50 nA 500 nA 5 µA 50 µA Measure resolution¹ 10 fA 10 fA 100 fA 1 pA 10 pA 100 pA 1 nA 10 nA 100 nA 1 µA Force accuracy² Measure accuracy² ±(0.1 %+300 fA+1 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+3 pA+10 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+30 pA+100 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+300 pA+1 pA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+3 nA+10 pA x Vo) ±(0.035 %+15 nA+100 pA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+150 nA+1 nA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+1.5 nA+10 nA x Vo) ±(0.045 %+15 µA+100 nA x Vo) ±(0.4 %+300 µA+1 µA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+300 fA+1 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+2.5 pA+10 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+25 pA+100 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+100 pA+1 pA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+2 nA+10 pA x Vo) ±(0.03 %+3 nA+100 pA x Vo) ±(0.03 %+60 nA+1 nA x Vo) ±(0.03 %+200 nA+10 nA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+6 µA+100 nA x Vo) ±(0.4 %+150 µA+1 µA x Vo) Maximum voltage 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V ³ ³ 1. Specified measurement resolution is limited by fundamental noise limits. 2. ± (% of read value + offset current (fixed part determined by the output/measurement range + proportional part that is multiplied by Vo)) 3. 200 V (Io ≤ 50 mA), 100 V (50 mA < Io ≤ 125 mA), 40 V (125 mA < Io ≤ 500 mA), 20 V (500 mA < Io ≤ 1 A), Io is the output current in Amps. Voltage range, resolution, and accuracy (high speed ADC) Voltage range ±2 V ±20 V ±40 V ±100 V ±200 V Force resolution 100 µV 1 mV 2 mV 5 mV 10 mV Measure resolution 2 µV 20 µV 40 µV 100 µV 200 µV Force accuracy¹ Measure accuracy¹ ±(0.018 % + 400 µV) ±(0.018 % + 3 mV) ±(0.018 % + 6 mV) ±(0.018 % + 15 mV) ±(0.018 % + 30 mV) ±(0.01 % + 700 µV) ±(0.01 % + 4 mV) ±(0.015 % + 8 mV) ±(0.02 % + 20 mV) ±(0.035 % + 40 mV) Maximum current 1A 1A 500 mA 125 mA 50 mA 1. ± (% of read value + offset voltage V) 5 Current range, resolution, and accuracy (high speed ADC) Current range ±1 nA ±10 nA ±100 nA ±1 µA ±10 µA ±100 µA ±1 mA ±10 mA ±100 mA ±1 A Force resolution 50 fA 500 fA 5 pA 50 pA 500 pA 5 nA 50 nA 500 nA 5 µA 50 µA Measure resolution¹ 10 fA 10 fA 100 fA 1 pA 10 pA 100 pA 1 nA 10 nA 100 nA 1 µA Force accuracy² Measure accuracy² Maximum voltage ±(0.1 %+300 fA+1 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+3 pA+10 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+30 pA+100 fA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+300 pA+1 pA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+3 nA+10 pA x Vo) ±(0.035 %+15 nA+100 pA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+150 nA+1 nA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+1.5 µA+10 nA x Vo) ±(0.045 %+15 µA+100 nA x Vo) ±(0.4 %+300 µA+1 µA x Vo) ±(0.25 %+300 fA+1 fA x Vo) ±(0.25 %+2 pA+10 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+20 pA+100 fA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+200 pA+1 pA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+2 nA+10 pA x Vo) ±(0.05 %+20 nA+100 pA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+200 nA+1 nA x Vo) ±(0.04 %+2 µA+10 nA x Vo) ±(0.1 %+20 µA+100 nA x Vo) ±(0.5 %+300 µA+1 µA x Vo) 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V 200 V ³ ³ 1. Specified measurement resolution is limited by fundamental noise limits. 2. ± (% of read value + offset current (fixed part determined by the output/measurement range + proportional part that is multiplied by Vo)) 3. 200 V (Io ≤ 50 mA), 100 V (50 mA < Io ≤ 125 mA), 40 V (125 mA < Io ≤ 500 mA), 20 V (500 mA < Io ≤ 1 A), Io is the output current in Amps. HPSMU measurement and output range Power consumption Voltage source mode Voltage range 2V 20 V Current (mA) Power 20 x Ic (W) 20 x Ic (W) 1000 40 V 40 x Ic (W) 100 V 100 x Ic (W) 200 V 200 x Ic (W) Where Ic is the current compliance setting. 500 125 Current source mode Voltage compliance Vc ≤ 20 20 < Vc ≤ 40 Power 20 x Io (W) 40 x Io (W) 40 < Vc ≤ 100 100 x Io (W) 100 < Vc ≤ 200 200 x Io (W) Where Vc is the voltage compliance setting and Io is output current. 50 -200 -100 -40 -20 20 -50 -125 -500 -1000 6 40 100 200 Voltage (V) Output terminal/connection Supplemental information Dual triaxial connector, Kelvin (remote sensing) Maximum allowable cable resistance (Kelvin connection): Voltage/current compliance (limiting) The SMU can limit output voltage or current to prevent damaging the device under test. Voltage: 0 V to ±100 V (MPSMU, HRSMU) 0 V to ±200 V (HPSMU) Current: ±10 fA to ±100 mA (HRSMU with ASU) ±100 fA to ±100 mA (HRSMU) ±1 pA to ±100 mA (MPSMU) ±1 pA to ±1 A (HPSMU) Compliance accuracy: Same as the current or voltage set accuracy. About measurement accuracy RF electromagnetic field and SMU measurement accuracy: SMU voltage and current measurement accuracy can be affected by RF electromagnetic field strengths greater than 3 V/m in the frequency range of 80 MHz to 1 GHz. The extent of this effect depends upon how the instrument is positioned and shielded. Induced RF field noise and SMU measurement accuracy: SMU voltage and current measurement accuracy can be affected by induced RF field noise strengths greater than 3 Vrms in the frequency range of 150 kHz to 80 MHz. The extent of this effect depends upon how the instrument is positioned and shielded. Sense: 10 Ω Force: 10 Ω (≤ 100 mA), 1.5 Ω (>100 mA) Voltage source output resistance: (Force line, Non-Kelvin connection) 0.2 Ω (HPSMU) 0.3 Ω (MPSMU, HRSMU) Voltage measurement input resistance: ≥ 1013 Ω Current source output resistance: ≥ 1013 Ω (1 nA range) Current compliance setting accuracy (for opposite polarity): For 1 pA to 10 nA ranges: I setting accuracy ±12 % of range For 100 nA to 1 A ranges: I setting accuracy ±2.5 % of range Maximum capacitive load: 1 pA to 10 nA ranges: 1000 pF 100 nA to 10 mA ranges: 10 nF 100 mA and 1 A ranges: 100 µF Maximum guard capacitance: 900 pF (HPSMU, MPSMU, HRSMU) 660 pF (HRSMU with ASU) Maximum shield capacitance: 5000 pF (HPSMU, MPSMU, HRSMU) 3500 pF (HRSMU with ASU) Maximum guard offset voltage: ±1 mV (HPSMU) ±3 mV (MPSMU, HRSMU) ±4.2 mV (HRSMU with ASU, Iout≤100 µA) Noise characteristics (filter ON): Voltage source: 0.01 % of V range (rms.) Current source: 0.1 % of I range (rms.) Overshoot (typical, filter ON): Voltage source: 0.03 % of V range Current source: 1 % of I range Pulse width: 500 µsec to 2 s Range switching transient noise (filter ON): Voltage ranging: 250 mV Current ranging: 70 mV Pulse period: 5 ms to 5 s Slew rate: 0.2 V/µs (maximum) Pulse measurement Period ≥ width + 2 ms (when width ≤ 100 ms) Period ≥ width + 10 ms (when width > 100 ms) Voltage range, resolution, and accuracy (high speed ADC) Voltage Measure range resolution ±0.5 V³ 25 µV ±2 V 100 µV ±5 V³ 250 µV ±20 V 1 mV ±40 V 2 mV ±100 V 5 mV 10 mV ±200 V4 1. 2. 3. 4. Measure accuracy¹, ² ±(0.01 % + 250 µV) ±(0.01 % + 700 µV) ±(0.01 % + 2 mV) ±(0.01 % + 4 mV) ±(0.015 % + 8 mV) ±(0.02 % + 20 mV) ±(0.035 % + 40 mV) ± (% of read value + offset voltage V) Averaging is 128 samples in 1 PLC. Only for MPSMU and HRSMU. Only for HPSMU. Current range, resolution, and accuracy (high speed ADC) Current Measure Measure accuracy3 range resolution¹, ² ±1 pA4 100 aA ±(1.8 %+12 fA) 1 fA ±(0.5 %+15 fA+10 aA x Vo) ±10 pA5 5 5 fA ±(0.3 %+30 fA+100 aA x Vo) ±100 pA ±1 nA 50 fA ±(0.1 %+300 fA+1 fA x Vo) ±10 nA 500 fA ±(0.1 %+2 pA+10 fA x Vo) ±100 nA 5 pA ±(0.05 %+20 pA+100 fA x Vo) ±1 µA 50 pA ±(0.05 %+200 pA+1 pA x Vo) ±10 µA 500 pA ±(0.04 %+2 nA+10 pA x Vo) ±100 µA 5 nA ±(0.03 %+20 nA+100 pA x Vo) ±1 mA 50 nA ±(0.03 %+200 nA+1 nA x Vo) ±10 mA 500 nA ±(0.03 %+2 µA+10 nA x Vo) ±100 mA 5 µA ±(0.04 %+20 µA+100 nA x Vo) 50 µA ±(0.4 %+300 µA+1 µA x Vo) ±1 A6 1. Specified measurement resolution is limited by fundamental noise limits. Minimum displayed resolution is 1 aA at 1 pA range by 6 digits. 2. Measurements made in the lower ranges can be greatly impacted by vibrations and shocks. These specifications assume an environment free of these factors. 3. ± (% of read value + offset current (fixed part determined by the output/ measurement range + proportional part that is multiplied by Vo) 4. 1 pA range is for HRSMU with ASU. 5. 10 pA range and 100 pA range is for HRSMU with or without ASU. 6. Only for HPSMU. Pulse resolution: 100 µs SMU pulse setting accuracy (fixed measurement range, supplemental information): Width: 0.5 % + 50 µs Period: 0.5 % + 100 µs 7 MFCMU (multi frequency capacitance measurement unit) module specifications Measurement functions Measurement parameters: Cp-G, Cp-D, Cp-Q, Cp-Rp, Cs-Rs, Cs-D, Cs-Q, Lp-G, Lp-D, Lp-Q, Lp-Rp, Ls-Rs, Ls-D, Ls-Q, R-X, G-B, Z-θ, Y-θ Ranging: Auto and fixed Measurement terminal: Four-terminal pair configuration, four BNC (female) connectors Cable length: 1.5 m or 3 m, automatic identification of accessories Maximum DC bias current (supplemental information) Impedance range 50 Ω 100 Ω 300 Ω 1 kΩ 3 kΩ 10 kΩ 30 kΩ 100 kΩ 300 kΩ Maximum DC bias current 10 mA 10 mA 10 mA 1 mA 1 mA 100 µA 100 µA 10 µA 10 µA Test signal Output impedance: 50 Ω, typical Frequency: Range: 1 kHz to 5 MHz Resolution: 1 mHz (minimum) Accuracy: ±0.008 % DC bias monitor: Range: 0 to ±25 V Output signal level: Range: 10 mVrms to 250 mVrms Accuracy (open load): ±(0.2 % of reading + 10.0 mV) at the measurement port of the MFCMU or the MFCMU cable (1.5 m or 3.0 m) Resolution: 1 mVrms Sweep characteristics Accuracy: ±(10.0 % + 1 mVrms) at the measurement port of the MFCMU Available sweep parameters: Oscillator level, DC bias voltage, frequency Sweep type: linear, log Sweep mode: single, double Sweep direction: up, down Number of measurement points: Maximum 1001 points ±(15.0 % + 1 mVrms) at the measurement port of the MFCMU cable (1.5 m or 3.0 m) Output impedance: 50 Ω, typical Signal level monitor: Range: 10 mVrms to 250 mVrms Accuracy (open load): ±(10.0 % of reading + 1 mVrms) at the measurement port of the MFCMU ±(15.0 % of reading + 1 mVrms) at the measurement port of the MFCMU cable (1.5 m or 3 m) Measurement accuracy The following parameters are used to express the impedance measurement accuracy at the measurement port of the MFCMU or the MFCMU cable (1.5 m or 3.0 m). ZX: Impedance measurement value (Ω) DX: Measurement value of D DC bias function E = EP’ + (ZS’/|ZX| + YO’|ZX|) x 100 (%) DC bias: Range: 0 to ±25 V Resolution: 1 mV Accuracy: ±(0.5 % + 5.0 mV) at the measurement port of the MFCMU or the MFCMU cable (1.5 m or 3.0 m) EP’ = EPL + EPOSC + EP (%) 8 YO’ = YOL + YOSC + YO (S) ZS’ = ZSL + ZOSC + ZS (Ω) |Z| accuracy ±E (%) θ accuracy ±E/100 (rad) C accuracy at DX ≤ 0.1 ±E (%) at DX > 0.1 ±E x √¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ (1 + DX2) (%) D accuracy at DX ≤ 0.1 ±E/100 at DX > 0.1 ±E x (1 + DX)/100 G accuracy at DX ≤ 0.1 ±E/ DX (%) at DX > 0.1 ±E x √¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ (1 + DX2) /DX (%) Note: measurement accuracy is specified under the following conditions: Temperature: 23 °C ±5 °C Integration time: 1 PLC or 16 PLC Parameters EPOSC ZOSC Oscillator level EPOSC (%) ZOSC (mΩ) 125 mV < VOSC ≤ 250 mV 0.03 x (250/ VOSC - 1) 5 x (250/ VOSC - 1) 64 mV < VOSC ≤ 125 mV 0.03 x (125/ VOSC - 1) 5 x (125/ VOSC - 1) 32 mV < VOSC ≤ 64 mV 0.03 x (64/ VOSC - 1) 5 x (64/ VOSC - 1) VOSC ≤ 32 mV 0.03 x (32/ VOSC - 1) 5 x (64/ VOSC - 1) Cable length EPL (%) YOL (nS) 1.5 m 0.02 + 3 x f/100 750 x f/100 5.0 3m 0.02 + 5 x f/100 1500 x f/100 5.0 VOSC is oscillator level in mV. Parameters EPL YOL ZSL ZSL (mΩ) f is frequency in MHz. If measurement cable is extended, open compensation, short compensation, and load compensation must be performed. Parameters YOSC YO EP ZS Frequency YOSC (nS) YO (nS) EP (%) ZS (mΩ) 1 kHz ≤ f ≤ 200 kHz 1 x (125/ VOSC – 0.5) 1.5 0.095 5.0 200 kHz < f ≤ 1 MHz 2 x (125/ VOSC – 0.5) 3.0 0.095 5.0 1 MHz < f ≤ 2 MHz 2 x (125/ VOSC – 0.5) 3.0 0.28 5.0 2 MHz < f 20 x (125/ VOSC – 0.5) 30.0 0.28 5.0 f is frequency in Hz. VOSC is oscillator level in mV. Example of calculated C/G measurement accuracy Frequency 5 MHz 1 MHz 100 kHz 10 kHz 1 kHz Measured capacitance 1 pF 10 pF 100 pF 1 nF 1 pF 10 pF 100 pF 1 nF 10 pF 100 pF 1 nF 10 nF 100 pF 1 nF 10 nF 100 nF 100 pF 1 nF 10 nF 100 nF C accuracy¹ ±0.61 % ±0.32 % ±0.29 % ±0.32 % ±0.26 % ±0.11 % ±0.10 % ±0.10 % ±0.18 % ±0.11 % ±0.10 % ±0.10 % ±0.18 % ±0.11 % ±0.10 % ±0.10 % ±0.92 % ±0.18 % ±0.11 % ±0.10 % Measured conductance ≤ 3 µS ≤ 31 µS ≤ 314 µS ≤ 3 mS ≤ 628 nS ≤ 6 µS ≤ 63 µS ≤ 628 µS ≤ 628 nS ≤ 6 µS ≤ 63 µS ≤ 628 µS ≤ 628 nS ≤ 6 µS ≤ 63 µS ≤ 628 µS ≤ 63 nS ≤ 628 nS ≤ 6 µS ≤ 63 µS G accuracy¹ ±192 nS ±990 nS ±9 µS ±99 µS ±16 nS ±71 nS ±624 nS ±7 µS ±11 nS ±66 nS ±619 nS ±7 µS ±11 nS ±66 nS ±619 nS ±7 µS ±6 nS ±11 nS ±66 nS ±619 nS 1. The capacitance and conductance measurement accuracy is specified under the following conditions: DX = 0.1 Integration time: 1 PLC Test signal level: 30 mVrms At four-terminal pair port of MFCMU 9 Atto-sense and switch unit (ASU) specifications AUX path specification Maximum voltage 100 V (AUX input to AUX common) 100 V (AUX input to circuit common) 42 V (AUX common to circuit common) Maximum current 0.5 A (AUX input to force output) For GSWU Input: Control port: for SCUU Mini pin plug ports: Guard1, Guard2 Output: LED: Connection status indicator SCUU supplemental information SMU path: Measurement accuracy Impedance measurement error is given by adding the following additional error Ee to the MFCMU measurement error. Ee = ±(A + ZS/|ZX| + YO|ZX|) x 100 (%) ZX: Impedance measurement value (Ω) A: 0.05 % (direct docking) or 0.1 % (indirect docking) Offset current: < 20 fA ZS: 500 + 500 x f (mΩ) ASU supplemental information Offset voltage: < 100 µV at 300 sec Band width (at -3 dB) 30 MHz (AUX port) Closed channel residual resistance: < 200 mΩ YO: 1 + 1000 x f/100 (nS) (direct docking, x2 for indirect docking) Note: f is frequency in MHz. Channel isolation resistance: > 1015 Ω SMU CMU unify unit (SCUU) and guard switch unit (GSWU) specifications The SCUU multiplexes the outputs from two SMUs (MPSMUs and/or HRSMUs) and the CMU. The SCUU outputs are two sets of Kelvin triaxial ports (Force and Sense). The SCUU also allows the SMUs to act as DC bias sources in conjunction with the CMU. Special cables are available to connect the SMUs and CMU with the SCUU, and an auto-detect feature automatically compensates for the cable length going to the SCUU. The GSWU contains a relay that automatically opens for IV measurements and closes for CV measurements, forming a guard return path to improve CV measurement accuracy. Supported SMU MPSMU and HRSMU For SCUU Inputs: Triaxial ports: Force1, Sense1, Force2, and Sense2 BNC ports: for MFCMU Control port: for MFCMU Outputs: Triaxial ports: Force1/CMUH, Sense1, Force2/CMUL, and Sense2 Control port: for GSWU LEDs: SMU/CMU output status indicator Docking mode: Direct and indirect mode 10 CMU path: Test signal Signal output level additional errors (CMU bias, open load): ±2 % (direct docking) ±7 % (indirect docking) Signal output level additional errors (SMU bias, open load): ±5 % (direct docking, ≥ 10 kHz) ±10 % (indirect docking, ≥ 10 kHz) Output impedance: 50 Ω, typical Signal level monitor additional errors (open load): ±2 % (CMU bias), direct docking ±5 % (SMU bias), direct docking ±7 % (CMU bias), indirect docking ±10 % (SMU bias), indirect docking DC bias function DC voltage bias (CMU bias): Range: 0 to ±25 V Resolution: 1 mV Additional errors (for CMU bias): ±100 µV (open load) DC voltage bias (SMU bias): Range: 0 to ±100 V Resolution: 5 mV Additional errors (for SMU voltage output accuracy): ±100 µV (open load) DC bias monitor additional errors (open load): ±20 mV, direct docking ±30 mV, indirect docking Output impedance: 50 Ω, typical DC output resistance: 50 Ω (CMU bias), 130 Ω (SMU bias) When the measurement terminals are extended by using the measurement cable, the measurement accuracy is applied to the data measured after performing the open/short/load correction at the DUT side cable end. Note: The error is specified under the following conditions: Temperature: 23 °C ±5 °C Integration time: 1 PLC or 16 PLC HV-SPGU (high voltage semiconductor pulse generator unit) module specification Specifications Number of output channels: 2 channels per module Modes: pulse, constant, and freerun Standard pulse mode: • Two level pulse • Three level pulse per one channel • Pulse period: 30 ns to 10 s Delay range: 0 s to 9.99 s Delay resolution: 2.5 ns (minimum) Output count: 1 to 1,000,000 Voltage monitor minimum sampling period: 5 μs Trigger output: Level: TTL Timing: Synchronized with pulse period Trigger width: Pulse period x 1/2 (pulse period ≤ 10 µs) Maximum 5 µs (pulse period > 10 µs) SPGU supplemental information Pulse width jitter: 0.001 % +150 ps Pulse/DC output voltage and accuracy Output voltage (Vout) 50 Ω load Open load Accuracy¹ Open load Amplitude resolution 50 Ω load Open load Output connectors Source impedance Short circuit current Overshoot/ pre-shoot/ringing4 Output limit Frequency range Pulse period Width Minimum Accuracy Programmable range Transition time5 (Tr and Tf) Resolution Measurement resolution: 50 μV Note: Specified at 1 PLC (20 ms = (5 μs sample + 5 μs interval) x 2000 samples.) Accuracy Open/close Output relay switching time4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unless otherwise stated, all specifications assume a 50 Ω termination. Typical minimum. This is supplemental information. This is specified at Vamp ≤ 10 V. The time it takes the open state relay to open or close. The time from 10 % to 90 % of Vamp which is the amplitude of output pulse. Pulse waveform • Define multi-level pulse and multi-pulse waveform including open state pulse with ALWG GUI editor • Sequential pulse waveform from user-defined pulse waveform Tperiod Tdelay Twidth Vpeak 90% 90% Vamp • 1024 points per one channel • Programmable timing range: 10 ns to 10 s, 10 ns resolution 2 ns (Tr and Tf ≤ 8 µs) 8 ns (Tr or Tf > 8 µs) < 15 ns³ 20 ns (Vamp ≤ 10 V) 30 ns (Vamp ≤ 20 V) 60 ns (Vamp > 20 V) –5 % to 5 % + 10 ns (Vamp ≤ 10 V) –5 % to 5 % + 20 ns (Vamp ≤ 20 V) < 100 µs Minimum (typical) Minimum Voltage compensation: The HV-SPGU can measure the impedance of DUT and adjust the output voltage according to the DUT impedance. Arbitrary linear waveform generator (ALWG) mode: • Output complex waveform per one channel of HV-SPGU 0.1 Hz to 33 MHz 30 ns to 10 s 10 ns 100 ns³ ±1 % (±0.01 % ²) 10 ns to (period – 10 ns) 2.5 ns (Tr and Tf ≤ 8 µs) 10 ns (Tr or Tf > 8 µs) 50 ns (25 ns typical)³ ±(3 % + 2 ns) 8 ns to 400 ms Programmable range Resolution Minimum Accuracy Programmable range Resolution Advanced feature: Voltage monitor: The HV-SPGU has a voltage monitor function to measure the voltage at the DUT terminal. ALWG (arbitrary linear waveform generator) function Monitoring over current limit Pulse range and pulse parameter¹ Maximum slew rate: 1000 V/µs (50 Ω load) Measurement accuracy (open load): ±(0.1 % of reading + 25 mV) 50 Ω load 1. At 1 µs after completing transition. 2. Typical (±1 %) 3. This value is specified under the following condition: [(Number of installed HV-SPGUs) x 0.2 A] + [DC current output by all modules (including HV-SPGUs)] < 3.0 A 4. Following the specified condition with transition time. Pulse period jitter: 0.001 % +150 ps Noise: 10 mVrms (at DC output) –20 V to +20 V –40 V to +40 V ±(0.5 % + 50 mV) 0.2 mV (±10 V range) 0.8 mV (±40 V range) 0.4 mV (±10 V range) 1.6 mV (±40 V range) SMA 50 Ω² 800 mA peak (400 mA average³) ±(5 % + 20 mV) Vbase 10% Tr 10% Tf 11 Example 1. ALWG setup table and pattern Pattern P3 15 P4 P7 10 P1 0 P2 P5 P8 P6 P9 P10 500 ns 0 Point Time Voltage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 50 ns 70 ns 100 ns 200 ns 300 ns 320 ns 400 ns 450 ns 500 ns 0.0 V 0.0 V 15.0 V 15.0 V 0.0 V 0.0 V 10.0 V 10.0 V 0.0 V 0.0 V Example 2. ALWG complex waveform Pattern 1 Pattern 3 Pattern 2 x 5 Pattern 2 16440A SMU/pulse generator selector The Agilent 16440A SMU/pulse generator selector switches either a SMU or PGU to the associated output port. You can expand to four channels by adding an additional 16440A. The PGU port on channel 1 provides a “PGU OPEN” function, which can disconnect the PGU by opening a semiconductor relay. The Agilent B1500A and 16445A are required to use the 16440A. The following specifications data is specified at 23 °C ± 5 °C and 50% relative humidity. • Channel configuration: 2 channels (CH 1 and CH 2). Can add an additional 2 channels (CH 3 and CH 4) by adding another 16440A (selector expander). Channel 1 (CH 1) Channel 2 (CH 2) Channel 3 (CH 3) 2 Channel 4 (CH 4) 2 Input 2 (SMU and PGU 1) 2 (SMU and PGU) 2 (SMU and PGU 1) 2 (SMU and PGU) 1. PGU channels 1 & 3 have a built-in series semiconductor relay. 2. Available when a second 16440A (selector expander) is installed. • Voltage and current range Input port SMU PGU Maximum voltage 200 V 40 V Maximum current 1.0 A 0.2 A 1 1. This is peak-to-peak ac current. 16445A SMU/PGU selector connection adaptor The Agilent 16445A selector adapter is required to control and to supply DC power to the Agilent 16440A SMU/pulse generator selector. Power requirement: 100 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz Maximum volt-amps (VA): 20 VA 12 Output 1 1 1 1 WGFMU (waveform generator/fast measurement unit) module specification Overview The WGFMU is a self-contained module offering the combination of arbitrary linear waveform generation (ALWG) with synchronized fast current or voltage (IV) measurement. The ALWG function allows you to generate not only DC, but also various types of AC waveforms. In addition to this versatile sourcing capability, the WGFMU can also perform measurement in synchronization with the applied waveform, which enables accurate high-speed IV characterization. Specifications Number of output channels: 2 channels per module Measurement functions, voltage forcing, voltage measurement, and current measurement Mode Function V force ranges Fast IV V force/I measure, V force/V measure PG V force/V measure DC V force/I measure, V force/V measure -3 V to +3 V -5 V to +5 V -10 V to 0 V 0 V to +10 V -3 V to +3 V -5 V to +5 V -3 V to +3 V -5 V to +5 V -10 V to 0 V 0 V to +10 V Max ±25 V SMU pass- Measurement through using SMU V measure ranges -5 V to +5 V -10 V to +10 V I measure ranges -5 V to +5 V — -5 V to +5 V -10 V to 10 V 1 µA, 10 µA, 100 µA, 1 mA, 10 mA — Max ±100 mA 1 µA, 10 µA, 100 µA, 1 mA, 10 mA. Voltage force accuracy, resolution, and timing Modes: Fast IV, PG (pulse generator), DC, and SMU pass-through V force (Fast IV mode) V force (PG mode) RSU: Output Connector: SMA Source Impedance: 50 Ω (nominal) at DC in PG mode Accuracy Resolution 2 SMU path: Maximum voltage ±25 V, Maximum current ±100 mA V monitor terminal: Connector: BNC Overshoot/undershoot Noise Rise time Trise (10 to 90%)/ Fall time Tfall (90 to 10%) Pulse period Source Impedance: 50 Ω (nominal) at DC The terminal outputs a buffered signal equal to 1/10 of Vout (into a 50 Ω load) Pulse width -5 V to 5 V, -10 V to 0 V, 0 V to 10 V -5 V to 5 V (open load) -2.5 V to 2.5 V (50 Ω load) ±0.1% of setting ±0.1% of range 1 96 μV (-3 to 3V) 160 μV (all ranges except for -3 V to 3 V) ±(5%+20 mV) 3 Maximum 0.1 mVrms4 Accuracy: -5% to (+5% +10 ns) of setting 5 Minimum: 24 ns, PG mode and 50 Ω load Timing Accuracy: ±1% of setting 6 Minimum:100 ns, PG mode and 50 Ω load Accuracy: ±(3%+2 ns) 7 Minimum: 50 ns, PG mode and 50 Ω load WGFMU to RSU cable length: The WGFMU and RSU are connected by a special composite cable. The following configurations are available: Voltage measurement accuracy, resolution, and noise • 3m Noise 10 Accuracy Resolution 9 ±(0.1% of reading ±0.1% of range) 8 680 μV (-5 V to +5 V range) 1.4 mV (-10 V to +10 V range) Maximum 4 mVrms (-5 V to +5 V range) • 5m • 1.5 m • 2.4 m + connector adapter + 0.6 m • 4.4 m + connector adapter + 0.6 m Note: The connector adapter is used when routing the cable through the prober’s connector panel. 1. Independent of the range or the mode. DC constant voltage output. Load impedance must be ≥ 1 MΩ (1 μA range) or ≥ 200 kΩ (all other current ranges) for Fast IV mode, or ≥ 1 MΩ for PG mode. 2. Can vary at most 5% based on the result of calibration. 3. PG mode, 50 Ω load, Trise and Tfall >16 ns with the 1.5 m cable, >32 ns with 3 m cable, or >56 ns with 5 m cable 4. Theoretical value for observed time 100 ns to 1 ms, supplemental information 5. PG mode, 50 Ω load, Trise and Tfall ≥ 24 ns 6. PG mode, 50 Ω load, pulse period ≥ 100 ns 7. PG mode, 50 Ω load, pulse width ≥ 50 ns 8. Independent of the range or the mode. DC constant voltage output. Applicable condition: 10,000 averaging samples for 10 μA range and above; 100,000 averaging samples for the 1 μA range. 9. Display resolution. Can vary at most 5% based on the result of calibration. 10. 0 V output, open load, no averaging. Maximum 1.5 mVrms as supplemental information. 13 Current measurement accuracy and resolution Accuracy Resolution 2 Noise (Effective resolution) ±(0.1% of reading ±0.2% of range) 1 0.014% of range Maximum 0.2% of range 3 1. Independent of the range or the mode. DC constant voltage output. Applicable condition: 10,000 averaging samples for 10 μA range and above; 100,000 averaging samples for the 1 μA range. 2. Display resolution. Can vary at most 5% based on the result of calibration 3. Effective value at 0 V output, open load, and no averaging. Supplemental information ALWG function Maximum number of vectors Maximum number of sequences Maximum number of loop counts Length of a vector Sampling rate Averaging time Hardware memory 2048 512 1 to 1012 10 ns to 10,000 s with 10 ns resolution 5 ns, or 10 ns to 1 s with 10 ns resolution 10 ns to 20 ms with 10 ns resolution About 4 M data points/channel (typical) Trigger output Level: TTL Trigger width: 10 ns Generated synchronously with ALWG waveform. Supplemental Information RSU SMU path: Leak current: < 100 pA Residual resistance: <300 mΩ Jitter: <1 ns Skew between channels: <3 ns, under no electrostatic discharge condition. Trigger output skew: <3 ns Current range change time: <150 μs* * The time until the measured current settles within ± 0.3 % of the final result value after the range change. Minimum rise/fall time* Mode PG mode Fast IV mode Current measurement range NA 10 mA 1 mA 100 μA 10 μA 1 μA Minimum rise/fall time 0 to 1V 0 to 5 V 0 to 10V 30 ns 30 ns NA 80 ns 80 ns 80 ns 250 ns 250 ns 250 ns 600 ns 600 ns 1.5 μs 2 μs 4.5 μs 7 μs 6 μs — — — 35 μs 75 μs Load condition 25 pF, open 25 pF, 1 MΩ 25 pF, open * This is the minimum setting value effective for suppressing overshoot and distortion. 14 Settling time* Mode Current measurement range NA 10 mA 1 mA 100 μA 10 μA 1 μA PG mode Fast IV mode Settling time Voltage Current measurement measurement 150 ns NA 150 ns 100 ns 150 ns 250 ns 400 ns 1μs 1.2 μs 10 μs 6 μs 80 μs Load condition 25 pF, open 25 pF, 1 kΩ 25 pF, 10 kΩ 25 pF, 100 kΩ 25 pF, 1 MΩ 25 pF, 10 MΩ * The time until the measured value settles within ± 0.3 % of the final result value after the output voltage is changed from the initial value (0 V). Applicable condition: Rise time = 10 ns Minimum pulse width* Mode PG mode Fast IV mode Current measurement range NA 10 mA 1 mA 100 μA 10 μA 1 μA Minimum pulse width 170 ns 180 ns 500 ns 1.6 μs 14.5 μs 115 μs Load condition 25 pF, open 25 pF, 1 kΩ 25 pF, 10 kΩ 25 pF, 100 kΩ 25 pF, 1 MΩ 25 pF, 10 MΩ * The time until the pulse peak output value (0 to 5 V) settles within ±0.3% of the setup value after the output voltage is changed from the initial value (0 V). Applicable condition: Rise time is set to the minimum rise/fall time shown in the above table. Software Instrument library for WGFMU control Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 and Windows Vista Business SP1 NBTI and general-purpose EasyEXPERT Application Tests Sample programs (NBTI and generalpurpose measurement using WGFMU and RTS data analysis) WGFMU supported prober vendors Cascade Microtech Suss MicroTec Vector Semicon Note: The maximum number of installable RSUs for a given prober depends upon the available space. Please contact your local sales representative for details on connecting and mounting the WGFMU and RSU. 15 Agilent EasyEXPERT software Functions VAR1 Operation mode: Application test mode, Classic test mode, Quick test mode Primary sweep controls the staircase (DC or pulsed) voltage or current sweep. Maximum number of VAR1 steps: N1 = 1001 Key features • Categorized and predefined application test library • GUI-based application test editor • Save/Recall “My Favorite Setups” • Define/customize application library • Execute measurement (Single/Repeat/Append) • Quick test execution • Direct control (GPIB FLEX) • Save/Recall measurement data and settings • Test result data management • Import/Export device definition, measurement settings, my favorite setup, measurement data, and application library • Graph plot display/analysis/printing • Switching matrix control • Workspace management • Self-test, self-calibration, diagnostics Application library Sample application tests are supplied for the following categories; they are subject to change without notice. Structure, CMOS, Bipolar (BJT), Memory, Mixed Signal Device, TFT, Discrete, Reliability, Power Device, Nanotechnology, Utility Measurement mode details The Agilent B1500A supports the following measurement modes: • Staircase sweep • Multi-channel sweep¹ • Pulsed sweep • Staircase sweep with pulsed bias • IV sampling • High speed IV sampling • CV sweep • C-t sampling • C-f sweep • List sweep • Linear search² • Binary search² 1. EasyEXPERT does not support VAR1’ in multi-channel sweep mode. 2. They are supported by FLEX command only. Each SMU can be set to VAR1 (primary sweep), VAR2 (secondary sweep), VAR1’ (synchronous sweep), or CONST (constant voltage/current source). 16 VAR2 Subordinate linear staircase or linear pulsed sweep. After primary sweep is completed, the VAR2 unit output voltage or current is changed. Maximum number of VAR2 steps: N2 = 1001 (1 ≤ N1 × N2 ≤ 128128) VAR1’ Staircase or pulse sweep synchronized with the VAR1 sweep. Sweep is made with a user specified ratio and offset value. VAR1’ output is calculated as VAR1’ = a x VAR1 + b, where “a” is the user specified ratio and “b” is the user specified offset value. CONST A source unit can be set as a constant voltage or current source depending on the unit. Staircase sweep measurement mode Forces swept voltage or current, and measures DC voltage or current. One channel can sweep current or voltage while up to ten channels can measure current or voltage. A second channel can be synchronized with the primary sweep channel as an additional voltage or current sweep source. a pulsed bias voltage or current. A third channel can be synchronized with the primary sweep channel as an additional voltage or current sweep source. Sampling (time domain) measurement mode Displays the time sampled voltage/current data (by SMU) versus time. Sampling channels: Up to 10 Sampling mode: Linear, logarithmic (log) Sampling points: For linear sampling: 1 to 100,001/(number of channels) For log sampling: 1 to 1+ (number of data for 11 decades) Sampling interval range: 100 μs +20 μs x (num. of channels – 1) to 2 ms, 10 µs resolution 2 ms to 65.535 s, 1 ms resolution Hold time, bias hold time: -90 ms to -100 µs, 100 µs resolution 0 to 655.35 s, 10 ms resolution Measurement time resolution: 100 µs Standby mode SMUs in “Standby” remain programmed to their specified output value even as other units are reset for the next measurement. Current offset cancel Sweep direction: Single or double sweep This function subtracts the offset current from the current measurement raw data, and returns the result as the measurement data. This function is used to compensate the error factor (offset current) caused by the measurement path such as the measurement cables, manipulators, or probe card. Hold time: 0 to 655.35 s, 10 ms resolution Time stamp Delay time: 0 to 65.5350 s, 100 µs resolution The B1500A supports a time stamp function utilizing an internal quartz clock. Resolution: 100 µs Number of steps: 1 to 1001 Sweep mode: Linear or logarithmic (log) Pulsed sweep measurement mode: Forces pulsed swept voltage or current, and measures DC voltage or current. A second channel can be programmed to output a staircase sweep voltage or current synchronized with the pulsed sweep output. Staircase sweep with pulsed bias measurement mode Forces swept voltage or current, and measures DC voltage or current. A second channel can be programmed to output Other measurement characteristics Measurement control: Single, repeat, append, and stop SMU setting capabilities: Limited auto ranging, voltage/current compliance, power compliance, automatic sweep abort functions, self-test, and self-calibration Arithmetic and analysis functions User functions Up to 20 user-defined functions can be defined using arithmetic expressions. Measured data and pre-defined variables can be used in the computation. The results can be displayed on the LCD. Arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, ^, abs (absolute value), at (arc tangent), avg (averaging), cond (conditional evaluation), delta, diff (differential), exp (exponent), integ (integration), lgt (logarithm, base 10), log (logarithm, base e), mavg (moving average), max, min, sqrt, trigonometric function, inverse trigonometric function, and so on. Physical constants Keyboard constants are stored in memory as follows: q: Electron charge, 1.602177E-19 C k: Boltzman’s constant, 1.380658E-23 ε (e): Dielectric constant of vacuum, 8.854188E-12 The following unit symbols are also available on the keyboard: -15 Other functions On a graphics plot, the markers and lines can be automatically located using the auto analysis setup. Parameters can be automatically determined using automatic analysis, user function, and read out functions. Import/export files -12 -9 a (10 ), f (10 ), p (10 ), n (10 ), u or µ (10-6), m (10-3), k (103), M (106), G (109), T (1012) , P (1015) Analysis capabilities Overlay graph comparison Graphical plots can be stored and overlaid. Scale Up to 20 user-defined parameters can be displayed on the graphics screen. Interfaces Analysis functions Up to 20 user-defined analysis functions can be defined using arithmetic expressions. Read out functions The read out functions are built-in functions for reading various values related to the marker, cursor, or line. Supported external instruments EasyEXPERT Standard edition: Graph plot • Supported by switching matrix GUI: B2200A/B2201A Data display window can be printed. Only X-Y graph can be printed. Two lines, normal mode, grad mode, tangent mode, and regression mode • Supported by application tests: E5250A (E5252A cards), 4284A/E4980A, 81110A, 3458A EasyEXPERT Plus edition: Graph plot file Graph plot can be stored as image data to clip board or mass storage device. • All external instruments supported by EasyEXPERT Standard edition File type: bmp, gif, png, emf • Also supported by switching matrix GUI: E5250A (E5252A cards) Output Furnished software Display mode • Prober control execution files X-Y graph, list, and parameter • Desktop EasyEXPERT software with license-to-use for Standard edition X-axis and up to eight Y-axes, linear and log scale, real time graph plotting Line Trigger I/O Trigger in/out synchronization pulses before and after setting and measuring DC voltage and current. Arbitrary trigger events can be masked or activated independently. Marker Direct cursor GPIB, interlock, USB (USB 2.0, front 2, rear 2), LAN (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T), trigger in/out, digital I/O Only available using GPIB FLEX commands. Measured data, pre-defined variables, and read out functions can be used in the computation. The results can be displayed on the LCD. X-Y graph display Cursor Data storage Hard disk drive, DVD-ROM/CD-R/CD-RW drive Auto scale and zoom Marker to min/max, interpolation, direct marker, and marker skip File type: Agilent EasyEXPERT format, XML-SS format, CSV format Data variable display Display mode Engineering units -18 Automatic analysis function List display Measurement data and calculated user function data are listed in conjunction with VAR1 step number or time domain sampling step number. Up to 20 data sets can be displayed. • 4155/56 setup file converter tool (Supported operating systems: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, XP Home or Professional, and Vista Business) • A VXIplug&play driver for the B1500A (Supported operating systems: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and XP Professional) 17 Agilent Desktop EasyEXPERT software Desktop EasyEXPERT is the same software that is built-in to the PC-based Agilent B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer, except that it runs on a standalone PC. Just like standard EasyEXPERT, Desktop EasyEXPERT supports all aspects of parametric test, from basic manual measurements to test automation across a wafer in conjunction with a semiautomatic wafer prober. Prober control Supported instruments All popular semiautomatic wafer probers are supported by Desktop EasyEXPERT. You can define wafer, die, and module information for probing across an entire wafer. You can also combine wafer prober control with either Quick Test mode or an application test based test sequence to perform multiple testing on various devices across the wafer. • B1500A Features and benefits Automatic data export Large application test library Desktop EasyEXPERT comes with over 200 application tests conveniently organized by device type, application, and technology. Many of these application tests will run on the 4155/4156 without modification, and you can easily edit and customize the furnished application tests to fit your specific needs. Offline capability Desktop EasyEXPERT can be run in either online or offline mode. In the offline mode you can perform tasks such as analyzing data and creating new application tests. This frees up your existing analyzer from being needed for development work and enables you to use it for its primary purpose: making measurements. GUI-based classic test mode Desktop EasyEXPERT offers a classic test mode that maintains the look, feel, and terminology of the 4155/4156 user interface. In addition, it improves the 4155/4156 user interface by taking full advantage of Microsoft Windows GUI features. Easy test sequencing A GUI-based Quick Test mode enables you to perform test sequencing without programming. You can select, copy, rearrange and cut-and-paste any application tests with a few simple mouse clicks. Once you have selected and arranged your tests, simply click on the measurement button to begin running an automated test sequence. The Desktop EasyEXPERT has the ability to automatically export measurement data in real time, in a variety of formats. You can save data to any drive connected to the PC. If you wish, you can export data to a network drive and view test results on your desktop PC as your instruments are performing the testing in your lab. • Supported 4155/4156 firmware: HOSTC: 03.08 or later SMUC: 04.08 or later Supported external instruments Desktop EasyEXPERT Standard edition: • Supported by switching matrix GUI: B2200A/B2201A • Supported by application tests: E5250A (E5252A cards), 4284A/E4980A, 81110A, 3458A Desktop EasyEXPERT Plus edition: • All external instruments supported by Desktop EasyEXPERT Standard edition • Also supported by switching matrix GUI: E5250A (E5252A cards) System requirements The following are the minimum requirement for executing Desktop EasyEXPERT. Operating system and service pack Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 Processer Intel Celeron 2 GHz Memory 512 Megabytes DDR266 Display XGA 1024x768 (SXGA 1280x1024 recommended) HDD 1 GB free space on the C drive, 10 GB (30 GB recommended) free space on a drive for test setup/result data strage. .NET Framework Microsoft .NET Framework Ver. 2.0 Redistributable Package Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 Microsoft .NET Framework Ver. 3.0 IO Libraries (for online mode) Agilent IO Libraries Suite 15.0 Agilent IO Libraries Suite 15.0 Microsoft Windows Vista Business SP1 Vista certified PC with 1GB memory Supported GPIB I/F (for online mode) Agilent 82350B B1500A 4155B/C 4156B/C O O Agilent 82357A X O Agilent 82357B X O O = Supported X = Not supported 18 • 4155B, 4156B, 4155C, and 4156C Supported 4155/4156 functionality General specifications Furnished accessories Temperature range Desktop EasyEXPERT Standard edition: Operating: +5 °C to +40 °C Storage: -20 °C to +60 °C Power cable Manual CD-ROM Desktop EasyEXPERT CD-ROM Software CD-ROM (including VXIplug&play driver and utility tools) License-to-use for Desktop EasyEXPERT standard edition • I/V Sweep • B2200A and B2201A switching matrix GUI control Desktop EasyEXPERT Plus edition: The following functions are additionally supported. • I/V-t sampling (except thinned out mode) • VSU/VMU (except differential voltage measurement using VMU) • PGU (41501B) • E5250A/E5252A switching matrix GUI control Setup converter tool In addition to Desktop EasyEXPERT, Agilent supplies a free setup converter tool that runs on any Windows-based PC. This tool can convert 4155 and 4156 measurement setup files (file extensions MES or DAT) into equivalent Desktop EasyEXPERT classic test mode setup files. Humidity range Operating: 20 % to 70 % RH, non-condensing Storage: 10 % to 90 % RH, non-condensing Altitude Operating: 0 m to 2,000 m (6,561 ft) Storage: 0 m to 4,600 m (15,092 ft) Power requirement AC voltage: 90 V to 264 V Line frequency: 47 Hz to 63 Hz Maximum volt-amps (VA) B1500A: 900 VA Regulatory compliance EMC: IEC61326-1:+A1/EN61326-1:+A1 AS/NZS 2064.1 Safety: CSA C22.2 No.1010.1-1992 IEC61010-1:+A2/EN61010-1:+A2 UL3111-1:1994 Certification CE, CSA, NRTL/C, C-Tick Dimensions B1500A: 420 mm W x 330 mm H x 575 mm D N1301A-100 SMU CMU unify unit: 148 mm W x 75 mm H x 70 mm D N1301A-200 guard switch unit: 33.2 mm W x 41.5 mm H x 32.8 mm D E5288A Atto-sense and switch unit: 132 mm W × 88.5 mm H × 50 mm D B1531A RSU: 45.2 mm W x 70 mm H x 82 mm D 16440A SMU/PGU selector: 250 mm W × 50 mm H × 275 mm D 16445A Selector adaptor: 250 mm W × 50 mm H × 260 mm D Weight B1500A (empty): 20 kg B1510A: 2.0 kg B1511A: 1.0 kg B1517A: 1.2 kg B1520A: 1.5 kg B1525A: 1.3 kg B1530A: 1.3 kg B1531A: 0.13 kg E5288A: 0.5 kg N1301A-100: 0.8 kg N1301A-200: 0.1 kg 16440A: 1.1 kg 16445A: 1.0 kg 19 Order information Mainframe and modules B1500A Semiconductor device analyzer mainframe The following modules are available: High power SMU (HPSMU) Medium power SMU (MPSMU) High resolution SMU (HRSMU) Atto-sense switch unit (ASU) Multi frequency CMU (MFCMU) High voltage SPGU (HV-SPGU) Waveform generator/fast measurement unit (WGFMU) B1500A-050 50 Hz line frequency B1500A-060 60 Hz line frequency B1500A-A6J ANSI Z540 compliant calibration B1500A-UK6 Commercial calibration certificate with test data B1500A-ABA English documentation B1500A-ABJ Japanese documentation B1540A-001 Agilent EasyEXPERT with license-to-use for standard version B1540A-002 License-to-use for Agilent EasyEXPERT Plus B1541A Agilent Desktop EasyEXPERT software and measurement libraries B1541A-001 Agilent Desktop EasyEXPERT with license-to-use for standard version B1541A-002 License-to-use for Agilent Desktop EasyEXPERT Plus B1500 accessories 16444A-001 Keyboard 16444A-002 Mouse 16444A-003 Stylus pen N1253A-100 Digital I/O cable N1253A-200 Digital I/O BNC box N1254A-100 GNDU to Kelvin adapter N1254A-108 ASU magnetic stand SMU cables 16494A-001 Triaxial cable (1.5 m) 16494A-002 Triaxial cable (3 m) 16493K-001 Kelvin triaxial cable (1.5 m) 16493K-002 Kelvin triaxial cable (3 m) CMU accessories N1300A-001 CMU cable (1.5 m) N1300A-002 CMU cable (3 m) N1301A-100 SMU CMU unify unit (SCUU) N1301A-102 SMU CMU unify unit cable (3 m) N1301A-110 SMU CMU unify unit magnetic stand N1301A-200 Guard switch unit (GSWU) N1301A-201 Guard switch unit cable (1 m) N1301A-202 Guard switch unit cable (3 m) 20 HV-SPGU accessories 16440A SMU/PGU selector 16440A-003 Control cable (40 cm) 16445A SMU/PGU selector connection adapter 16445A-001 Control cable for B1500A to 16440A (1.5 m) 16445A-002 Control cable for B1500A to 16440A (3 m) 16493P-001 SPGU cable (1.5 m) 16493P-002 SPGU cable (3 m) 16493Q-001 SPGU synchronization cable WGFMU accessories 16493R WGFMU cables and accessories 16493R-001 0.6 m cable between WGFMU and RSU 16493R-002 2.4 m cable between WGFMU and RSU 16493R-003 3 m cable between WGFMU and RSU 16493R-004 5 m cable between WGFMU and RSU 16493R-005 4.4 m cable between WGFMU and RSU 16493R-006 1.5 m cable between WGFMU and RSU 16493R-101 SSMC-SSMC cable (50 mm) for current return path 16493R-102 SSMC-SSMC cable (70 mm) for current return path 16493R-202 SMA-SSMC cable (200 mm) between RSU and DC probe 16493R-302 SMA-SMA cable (200 mm) between RSU and RF probe 16493R-801 WGFMU connector adapter (female-female) 16493R-802 Magnet stand for RSU 16493R-803 Sync cable for WGFMU Other accessories 16442B Test fixture 16493G Digital I/O cable 16493J-001 Interlock cable (1.5 m) 16493J-002 Interlock cable (3 m) 16493L-001 GNDU cable (1.5 m) 16493L-002 GNDU cable (3 m) Part numbers for adding additional modules B1510A High power source/monitor unit module B1511A Medium power source/monitor unit module B1517A High resolution source/monitor unit module E5288A Atto-sense and switch unit B1520A Multi frequency capacitance measurement unit module B1525A High voltage semiconductor pulse generator unit module B1530A Waveform generator/fast measurement unit module 21 Agilent Email Updates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select. Agilent Direct Quickly choose and use your test equipment solutions with confidence. Remove all doubt Our repair and calibration services will get your equipment back to you, performing like new, when promised. You will get full value out of your Agilent equipment throughout its lifetime. Your equipment will be serviced by Agilenttrained technicians using the latest factory calibration procedures, automated repair diagnostics and genuine parts. You will always have the utmost confidence in your measurements. Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services for your equipment, including initial start-up assistance onsite education and training, as well as design, system integration, and project management. For more information on repair and calibration services, go to For more information on Agilent Technologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at: Americas Canada Latin America United States (877) 894-4414 305 269 7500 (800) 829-4444 Asia Pacific Australia China Hong Kong India Japan Korea Malaysia Singapore Taiwan Thailand 1 800 629 485 800 810 0189 800 938 693 1 800 112 929 0120 (421) 345 080 769 0800 1 800 888 848 1 800 375 8100 0800 047 866 1 800 226 008 Europe & Middle East Austria 01 36027 71571 Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 70 13 15 15 Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100 France 0825 010 700* *0.125 €/minute Germany 07031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204 Israel 972-3-9288-504/544 Italy 39 02 92 60 8484 Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111 Spain 34 (91) 631 3300 Sweden 0200-88 22 55 Switzerland 0800 80 53 53 United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 9276201 Other European Countries: Revised: October 1, 2008 Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007-2009 Printed in USA, February 13, 2009 5989-2785EN