HS8N60 N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFET D DESCRIPTION G This MOSFET is produced with advanced VDMOS technology of This technology enable power MOSFET to have better characteristics , such as fast switching time , low on resistance, low gate charge and especially excellent avalanche characteristics . This power MOSFET is usually used at high efficient DC to DC converter block and SMPS. It’s typical application is TV and monitor. S SCHEMATIC SYMBOL FEATURES • High ruggedness • R DS(ON) (Max. 1.3 Ω)@V GS=10V • Gate Charge (Typ.38nC) • Improved dv/dt Capability • 100% Avalanche Tested GD S TO-220AB GD S TO-220F PACKAGE TO-220AB TO-220F 600 7.5 4.1 5.1 30 ±30 230 14.7 4.5 147 53 1.18 0.43 300 05081.R11 2/11 Page 1 1 TO-220AB TO-220F 0.85 2.35 62.5 62.5 www.protekdevices.com lizhenhui MB:+86-13537087568 E-mail:[email protected] PP0640SAHS8N60 - PP3500SC V GS =0V,I D =250uA 600 V DS =600V,V GS =0V V DS =480V,T C =125 C 20 V DS =30V,V GS =0V V DS =-30V,V GS =0V V DS =V GS ,I D =250uA V GS =10V,I D =3.75A V GS =0V,V DS =25V,f=1MHz V DS =300V,I D =7.5A,R G =25ohm (note 4,5) V DS =480V,V GS =10V,I D =7.5A (note 4,5) 2.0 4.0 1.0 1.3 965 1255 105 135 12 16 16.5 45 60.5 130 81 170 64.5 140 28 36 4.5 12 Integral reverse p-n Junction diode in the MOSFET 7.5 I S =7.5A, V GS =0V 1.5 I S =7.5A, V GS =0V dI F /d t =100A/us 30 365 3.4 uC Notes 1. Repeatitive rating : pulse width limited by junction temperature. 2. L = 20mH, I AS = 7.5A, V DD = 50V, R G =50Ω, Starting T J = 25 C 3. I SD≤ 7.5A, di/dt = 200A/us, V DD≤ BV DSS , Staring T J =25 C 4. Pulse Test : Pulse Width ≤ 300us, duty cycle ≤ 2% 5. Essentially independent of operating temperature. 05081.R11 2/11 Page 1 2 www.protekdevices.com lizhenhui MB:+86-13537087568 E-mail:[email protected] PP0640SA - PP3500SC HS8N60 05081.R11 2/11 Page 1 3 www.protekdevices.com lizhenhui MB:+86-13537087568 E-mail:[email protected] PP0640SAHS8N60 - PP3500SC PACKAGE DIMENSIONS TO-220AB Symbol A Millimeters Max. Min. Max. 3.56 4.83 0.140 0.190 A1 2.03 2.92 0.080 0.115 b 0.38 1.02 0.015 0.040 b1 1.14 1.78 0.045 0.070 C 0.51 1.40 0.020 0.055 C1 0.36 0.61 0.014 0.024 D 9.65 10.67 0.380 0.420 E 14.22 16.51 0.560 0.650 e 05081.R11 2/11 Page 1 4 Inches Min. 2.54BSC 0.10BSC F 2.54 3.05 0.100 G 3.53 3.90 0.139 0.120 0.154 H 12.70 14.73 0.500 0.580 L 5.84 6.86 0.230 0.270 L1 - 6.35 - 0.250 www.protekdevices.com lizhenhui MB:+86-13537087568 E-mail:[email protected] HS8N60 PP0640SA - PP3500SC TO-220F Symbol Min. Max. Min. Max. 4.40 4.60 0.173 0.181 A1 2.60 2.80 0.102 0.110 A2 2.45 2.55 0.096 0.100 b 0.50 0.75 0.020 0.030 b1 1.10 1.40 0.043 0.055 C 0.50 0.70 0.020 0.028 D 9.70 10.30 0.382 0.406 E 14.70 15.30 0.579 0.602 5 2.54TYP 0.10TYP e1 4.88 5.28 0.192 0.208 H 27.40 28.60 1.079 1.126 L 2.50 3.00 0.098 0.118 L1 6.70 6.90 0.264 0.272 L2 Page 1 Inches A e 05081.R11 2/11 Millimeters 3.60 3.80 0.142 0.150 www.protekdevices.com lizhenhui MB:+86-13537087568 E-mail:[email protected]