1/7 ◇Structure ◇Product Series ◇Type ◇Applications ◇Functions Silicon monolithic integrated circuit Lens control LSI BU24026GU Digital still cameras ・Waveforming circuit (3 channels) ・PI driving circuit (2 channels) ・Driver block (1-6 channels) : Constant voltage control type H-bridge ・Driver block (7 channel) : Constant current control type H-bridge ◇Absolute maximum ratings (Ta 25C) Parameter Input voltage Symbol DVDD MVCC VDDAMP VIN Input/output current IIN Power supply voltage Limits -0.3~4.5 -0.3~7.0 -0.3~7.0 -0.3~DVDD+0.3 ±500 +100 -55~125 -20~85 1.37 Unit Symbol DVDD MVCC Limits 2.7~3.6 2.7~5.5 Unit V V VDDAMP 2.7~5.5 V FCLK 1~27.5 MHz Storage temperature range TSTG Operating temperature range TOPE Permissible dissipation PD This product is not designed for anti-radiation applications. *1To use at a temperature higher than Ta=25℃, derate 13.7mW per 1℃. Remark V V V V mA mA ℃ ℃ W Driver block (by MVCC pin) by PIOUT pin *1 (At mounting 50 mm × 58 mm × 1.75mm glass epoxy board. ) ◇Operating conditions(Ta 25C) Parameter Digital power supply voltage Driver power supply voltage Constant current control amplifier power supply voltage clock operating frequency REV. B Remark DVDD≦MVCC Reference clock 2/7 ◇Electrical characteristics (Unless otherwise specified, Ta25C, DVDD3.0V, MVCC5.0V, VDDAMP5.0V, DVSSMGND0.0V) Parameter MIN. Limits TYP. MIN. - 30 0 8.5 100 5 15.0 VIL VIH IIL IIH VOL VOH DVSS 0.7DVDD 0 0 DVSS 0.8DVDD - - - - - - 0.3DVDD DVDD 10 10 0.2DVDD DVDD PIVO - 0.28 0.5 1/2DVDD - 0.1 Symbol <current consumption> Quiescence (DVDD) (MVCC) (DVDD) Operation <Logic block> Low-level input voltage High-level input voltage Low-level input current High-level input current Low-level output voltage High-level output voltage <PI driving circuit> Output voltage <Waveforming circuit 1ch> Detective voltage range Detective voltage error ISSD ISSVM IDDD Vth V <Waveforming circuit 2,3ch> High-level threshold voltage VthH1 Low-level threshold voltage VthL1 Hysteresis width HYS threshold voltage VthH2 <Constant voltage driver block> ON-resistance Ron OFF-leak current IOZ Turn-ON time tON Turn-OFF time tOFF Average voltage accuracy Vdiff <Constant current driver block> ON-resistance Ron OFF-leak current IOZ Output voltage Turn-ON time Turn-OFF time VO tON tOFF Unit μA μA mA V V μA Condition CMD_RS=0 CMD_RS=0 CMD_RS=1 μA V V VIL = DVSS VIH = DVDD IOL = 1.0mA IOH = 1.0mA 0.50 V IIH = 50mA 1/2DVDD 2. 5 1/2DVDD + 0.1 V V SI1 Waveforming Vth = 20h setting - 0.6 0.2 1.0 - - - - 1.9 - 0.6 1.85 V V V V SI2、SI3 (DVDD=3.25V), Hys ON -10 -5 1.5 0 0.15 0.1 - 2.0 10 1.0 0.5 +5 Ω μA μS μS % -10 188 - 0.9 0 200 0.15 0.1 1.5 10 212 1.0 0.5 Ω μA mV μS μS REV. B SI2、SI3 (DVDD=3.25V), Hys ON SI2、SI3 (DVDD=3.25V), Hys ON SI2、SI3 (DVDD=3.25V), Hys OFF IO = ±100mA Output Hiz setting Vdiff = 2.0V setting. IO = ±100mA Output Hiz setting DAC setting: 1010_0111, RRNF=1[Ω] 3/7 ◇3-wire serial interface Control commands are framed by 16-bit serial input (MSB first) and input through the CSB, SCLK, and SDATA pins. 4 higher-order bits specify addresses, while the remaining 12 bits specify data. Data of every bit is input through the SDATA pin, retrieved on the rising edges of SCLK. Data becomes valid in the CSB Low area. The loading timing is different in the resistor. (as shown in “Note 5,6”) Furthermore, the interface will be synchronized with the falling edges of SCLK to output the SOUT data of the 12 bits. CSB SCLK x SDATA D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 Address D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 x Data x SOUT D6 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 Hiz Hiz <Register map> 15 0 Address[3:0] 14 13 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Addresses other than those above 11 10 ModeA[1:0] 0 0 0 0 1 1 EnA RtA Ach status[1:0] ModeB[1:0] 0 0 0 0 1 1 EnB RtB Bch status[1:0] ModeC[1:0] 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 EnC RtC Cch status[1:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 9 8 SelA[1:0] 0 0 1 0 1 0 7 0 Data[11:0] 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Ach different output voltage[6:0] Ach Cycle[7:0] Ach Cycle[15:8] 0 0 APOS[1:0] 0 0 0 ASTOP Ach Pulse[9:0] Ach operation pulse number[9:0] SelB[1:0] 0 Bch different output voltage [6:0] 0 0 Bch Cycle[7:0] 1 0 Bch Cycle[15:8] 1 0 0 0 BPOS[1:0] 0 0 0 BSTOP Bch Pulse[9:0] Bch operation pulse number[9:0] SelC[1:0] 0 Cch different output voltage [6:0] 0 0 Cch Cycle[7:0] 1 0 Cch Cycle[15:8] 1 5_PWM_Ct[1:0] 5ch different output voltage[6:0] 0 6_PWM_Ct[1:0] 6ch different output voltage[6:0] 1 0 0 0 CPOS[1:0] 0 0 0 CSTOP Cch Pulse[9:0] Cch operation pulse number[9:0] Chopping[1:0] CacheM SEL56[2:0] P_CTRL CLK_DIV[2:0] PI_CTRL1 PI_CTRL2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5_PULSE_CNT 5_PULSE_BASE[1:0] 0 6_PULSE_CNT 6_PULSE_BASE[1:0] 0 0 5_PULSE_COUNT[7:0] 0 1 6_PULSE_COUNT[7:0] 1 0 0 EXT_EN 0 EXT_RT EXT_NUM[3:0] 0 0 EXT_PAT1 EXT_PAT0 0 1 EXT_PAT3 EXT_PAT2 1 0 EXT_PAT5 EXT_PAT4 1 1 EXT_PAT7 EXT_PAT6 0 0 EXT_PAT9 EXT_PAT8 0 1 EXT_PAT11 EXT_PAT10 1 0 EXT_PAT13 EXT_PAT12 1 1 EXT_PAT15 EXT_PAT14 0 0 Constant current driver reference voltage adjustment 8bit DAC[7:0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7_CTRL[1:0] 0 0 0 0 Wavefoming circuit 1 Vthh[5:0] 0 1 0 0 Wavefoming circuit 1 Vthl[5:0] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HYS3 HYS2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMD_RS Setting prohibited (Note 1) The notations A, B, C in the register map correspond to Ach, Bch and Cch respectively. (Note 2) The Ach is defined as 1ch and 2ch driver output, the Bch as 3ch and 4ch driver output, and Cch as 5ch and 6ch driver output. (Note 3) After resetting (Power ON reset, and CMD_RS), “initial setting” is saved in all registers. REV. B 4/7 (Note 4) The addresses 4’b0011, 4’b0111, and 4’b1011 have data (status[1:0] ,operation pulse number[9:0]), which are internal register values and output from the SOUT pin. (Note 5) For Mode, different output voltage, Cycle, En, and Rt registers, data that are written before the access to the Pulse register becomes valid, and determined at the rising edge of CSB after the access to the Pulse register. (The Mode, different output voltage, Cycle, En, Rt, and Pulse registers contain Cache registers, but any registers other than those do not contain with such registers.) (Note 6) For POS, STOP, PWM_Ct, and different output voltage registers, data are determined at the rising edge of CSB, and for any registers other than those, data are determined at the rising edge of 16th SCLK . DVDD DVDD SO1 SI1 SO2 SI2 SO3 SI3 PIOUT1 PIOUT2 ◇Block Diagram DVDD MVCC34 MVCC56 PreDriver PreDriver OUT5B OUT5A MGND56 DVDD MGND34 DVDD Analog Feed-Back Analog Feed-Back Low Power Voltage On Detect Reset MVCC56 Thermal Shut-Down MVCC34 PreDriver PreDriver OUT6B OUT6A OUT3A OUT3B OUT4A OUT4B MGND56 MGND34 Analog Feed-Back Analog Feed-Back MVCC12 VDDAMP PreDriver OUT2A OUT2B RNF MGND12 DAC Logic + OUT7B OUT7A Analog Feed-Back MVCC12 MGND7 PreDriver SENSE OUT1A OUT1B MGND12 REV. B IN56 IN7 FCLK CSB CS SDATA SCLK SOUT STATE1 STATE2 STATE3 DVSS DVDD Analog Feed-Back 5/7 ◇Pin functions Land E6 Pin name DVDD Power Function - Digital power Ground I/O supply E2 DVSS - C2 FCLK DVDD main clock logic input D4 CSB DVDD B3 SCLK DVDD D3 SDATA B5 Power supply GND Handling of unused pins - I pull down(DVSS) Serial control chip select input I pull up(DVDD) I pull down(DVSS) DVDD Serial control clock input Serial control data input I pull down(DVSS) SOUT DVDD Serial control data output O open E4 STATE1 DVDD STATE1 1,2ch condition logic output O open F4 STATE2 DVDD STATE2 3,4ch condition logic output O open F5 STATE3 DVDD STATE 3 5,6ch condition logic output / 5,6ch control logic input I/O(initial condition:O) open D5 IN56 DVDD 5,6ch control logic input I pull down(DVSS) C5 IN7 DVDD 7ch control logic input I pull down(DVSS) E3 PIOUT1 DVDD O open D2 PIOUT2 DVDD PI driving output1 PI driving output2 O open E5 SI1 DVDD 1ch waveforming input(With adjustment function of threshold voltage) I pull down(DVSS) B4 SI2 DVDD 2ch waveforming input I pull down(DVSS) C6 SI3 DVDD 3ch waveforming input I pull down(DVSS) F3 SO1 DVDD 1ch waveforming output O open C4 SO2 DVDD 2ch waveforming output O open D6 SO3 DVDD O open A1, B2※ MVCC12 - 3ch waveforming output 1-2channel driver power supply A4 MGND12 - 1-2channel driver ground A2 OUT1A A3 OUT1B A5 OUT2A A6 OUT2B Power supply GND - MVCC12 1-channel driver A output MVCC12 1-channel driver B output O O open MVCC12 2-channel driver A output MVCC12 2-channel driver B output O open A7, B6※ MVCC34 - 3-4channel driver power supply D7 MGND34 - 3-4channel driver ground B7 OUT3A C7 OUT3B E7 OUT4A F7 OUT4B G5 MVCC56 - 5-6channel driver power supply G3 MGND56 - 5-6channel driver ground G6 OUT5A O Power supply GND open open - MVCC34 3-channel driver A output MVCC34 3-channel driver B output O open O open MVCC34 4-channel driver A output MVCC34 4-channel driver B output O open O Power supply GND open - MVCC56 5-channel driver A output MVCC56 5-channel driver B output O O open MVCC56 6-channel driver A output MVCC56 6-channel driver B output O open O open F6, G7※ OUT5B G4 OUT6A G2 OUT6B D1 RNF - 7-channel driver power supply B1 MGND7 - 7-channel driver ground VDDAMP - Power supply of constant current driver control F2, G1※ - Power supply VDDAMP Negative input for constant current driver control open - GND - Power supply - F1 SENSE I pull down(MGND7) E1 OUT7A RNF 7-channel driver A output O open C1 OUT7B RNF 7-channel driver B output O open C3 INDEX - Index pin - - ※It is not possible to use corner pin only. (Corner pins are A1, A7, G1, and G7.) Please use A1-B2, A7-B6, F2-G1, F6-G7 pair respectively or using B2, B6, F2, F6 only. REV. B 6/7 ◇Pin related equivalent circuit diagrams Pin Equivalent circuit diagram FCLK, CSB, DVDD SCLK Pin Equivalent circuit diagram SENSE DVDD VDDAMP VDDAMP SDATA, IN56, IN7, SI2, SI3 P + - P *SI2,SI3 are the Schmitt inputs. DVSS DVSS MGND7 SOUT, STATE1, PIOUT1, PIOUT2 DVDD DVDD STATE2, MGND7 DVDD SO1, SO2, SO3 P P DVSS DVSS OUT1A, OUT1B, DVSS MVCC34 OUT3A, OUT3B, MVCC12 OUT2A, OUT2B OUT4A, OUT4B P P P P MGND34 MGND12 MVCC56 OUT5A, OUT5B OUT7A, OUT7B OUT6A, OUT6B P RNF RNF P P P P MGND56 STATE3 DVDD MGND7 SI1 DVDD DVDD P DVDD P DVSS DVSS DVSS DVSS REV. B 7/7 ◇Pin assignment diagram (reverse side) ◇Outline dimensions/Marking figure G VDDAMP OUT6B MGND56 OUT6A MVCC56 OUT5A OUT5B F SENSE VDDAMP SO1 STATE2 STATE3 OUT5B OUT4B E OUT7A DVSS PIOUT1 STATE1 SI1 DVDD OUT4A D RNF PIOUT2 SDATA CSB IN56 SO3 MGND34 C OUT7B FCLK SO2 IN7 SI3 OUT3B B MGND7 MVCC12 SCLK SI2 SOUT MVCC34 OUT3A A MVCC12 OUT1A OUT1B MGND12 OUT2A OUT2B MVCC34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U24026 Lot No. (UNIT : mm) VCSP85H3 ◇Cautions on use (1) Absolute maximum ratings If applied voltage, operating temperature range, or other absolute maximum ratings are exceeded, the LSI may be damaged. Do not apply voltages or temperatures that exceed the absolute maximum ratings. If you expect that any voltage or temperature could be exceeding the absolute maximum ratings, take physical safety measures such as fuses to prevent any conditions exceeding the absolute maximum ratings from being applied to the LSI. (2) GND potential Maintain the GND pin at the minimum voltage even under any operating conditions. Actually check to be sure that none of the pins have voltage lower than that of GND pin, including transient phenomena. (3) Thermal design With consideration given to the permissible dissipation under actual use conditions, perform thermal design so that adequate margins will be provided. (4) Short circuit between pins and malfunctions To mount the LSI on a board, pay utmost attention to the orientation and displacement of the LSI. Faulty mounting to apply a voltage to the LSI may cause damage to the LSI. Furthermore, the LSI may also be damaged if any foreign matters enter between pins, between pin and power supply, or between pin and GND of the LSI. (5) Operation in strong magnetic field Make a thorough evaluation on use of the LSI in a strong magnetic field. Not doing so may malfunction the LSI. REV. B Notice Notes No copying or reproduction of this document, in part or in whole, is permitted without the consent of ROHM Co.,Ltd. The content specified herein is subject to change for improvement without notice. The content specified herein is for the purpose of introducing ROHM's products (hereinafter "Products"). If you wish to use any such Product, please be sure to refer to the specifications, which can be obtained from ROHM upon request. Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account when designing circuits for mass production. Great care was taken in ensuring the accuracy of the information specified in this document. However, should you incur any damage arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information, ROHM shall bear no responsibility for such damage. The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of and examples of application circuits for the Products. ROHM does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM and other parties. ROHM shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising from the use of such technical information. The Products specified in this document are intended to be used with general-use electronic equipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, communication devices, electronic appliances and amusement devices). The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant. While ROHM always makes efforts to enhance the quality and reliability of its Products, a Product may fail or malfunction for a variety of reasons. Please be sure to implement in your equipment using the Products safety measures to guard against the possibility of physical injury, fire or any other damage caused in the event of the failure of any Product, such as derating, redundancy, fire control and fail-safe designs. ROHM shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for your use of any Product outside of the prescribed scope or not in accordance with the instruction manual. The Products are not designed or manufactured to be used with any equipment, device or system which requires an extremely high level of reliability the failure or malfunction of which may result in a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury (such as a medical instrument, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controller, fuelcontroller or other safety device). ROHM shall bear no responsibility in any way for use of any of the Products for the above special purposes. If a Product is intended to be used for any such special purpose, please contact a ROHM sales representative before purchasing. If you intend to export or ship overseas any Product or technology specified herein that may be controlled under the Foreign Exchange and the Foreign Trade Law, you will be required to obtain a license or permit under the Law. Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations. More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us. ROHM Customer Support System http://www.rohm.com/contact/ www.rohm.com © 2011 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. R1120A