8D Series MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Contents tion Common Sec Overview • MIL-DTL-38999: A universal product platform ............ 04 • Contents ........................................................................................ 64 • 8D Series - Presentation ....................................................... 05 • Orientations ................................................................................. 65 • Product overview ...................................................................... 06 • Panel cut-out ............................................................................... 65 • A superior concept .................................................................. 07 • Crimp contacts ............................................................................ 66 • A performing MIL standard connector design ............ 08 • Straight PC tail contacts .......................................................... 68 • Technical features & benefits ............................................. 09 • Coaxial contacts #12 ................................................................ 69 • Contact layouts ......................................................................... 11 • Solder cup ..................................................................................... 69 • Contact layouts (matrix) ......................................................... 15 • Crimp contacts: 1500 mating ............................................... 69 • Wire wrap contacts ................................................................... 69 • Quadrax #8 contacts ................................................................ 69 ries Standard Se • Thermocouple contacts ........................................................... 70 • Dummy contacts ........................................................................ 70 • Filler plugs ..................................................................................... 70 • Aluminum Series Part numbers ................................................................ 18 • Insertion and extraction tools ............................................... 71 Dimensions ................................................................... 20 • Crimping tools ............................................................................. 71 Backshells ...................................................................... 23 • Wiring instruction ....................................................................... 72 Dummy receptacle ..................................................... 28 • Gaskets .......................................................................................... 74 Caps ................................................................................ 29 • Plastic protective caps ............................................................. 74 Connectors weight ...................................................... 30 • Composite Series es Derived Seri Part numbers ................................................................ 32 Dimensions ................................................................... 34 Backshells ...................................................................... 36 • Reinforced sealing Series ....................................................... 75 Connectors weight ...................................................... 37 • Hermetic Series .......................................................................... 77 • Clinch nuts .................................................................................... 81 • Stainless Steel Series Part numbers ................................................................ 40 • Double flange .............................................................................. 85 Dimensions ................................................................... 42 • Optical ELIO® Contacts ............................................................ 91 Connectors weight ...................................................... 45 • RJ45/USB Series ....................................................................... 101 • Titanium Series Part numbers ................................................................ 48 Dimensions ................................................................... 49 Connectors weight ...................................................... 52 sion Range Exten • 8D8 / 8D9 Series ....................................................................... 110 • Bronze Series Part numbers ................................................................ 54 • 8DB bulkhead feedthrough ................................................... 110 Dimensions ................................................................... 55 • 8D hermetic ELIO® feedthrough .......................................... 111 Backshells ...................................................................... 58 • 8D hermetic aluminum power & signal connector ...... 111 Dummy receptacle ..................................................... 62 Caps ................................................................................ 63 • Coordinates for straight PC tail terminations ................. 112 3 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III MIL-DTL-38999: A universal product platform Series Series I: 8LT 80’s) c circular (19 e p -s IL M ) D sity (#22 ► High den roof ► Scoop p net system: Bayo t ► Coupling ws or jam nu re c s : g n ti n u of mo ► Method minum alloy ► Shell: Alu r nickel n cadmium o e re g e v li o : ► Plating roved ► QPL app us layouts ► Numero T Series Series I.5: 8S ries I as 38999 Se ts u o y la e m a sity - s ► High den es I ersion of Seri v t h ig e tw h ► Lig oupling of, bayonet c ro p p o o c S nut ► crews or jam s : g n ti n u o m of ► Method minum alloy el ► Shell: Alu mium or nick d a c n e re g e oliv ► Plating: cification German spe 2 1 9 6 9 G V ► tion oon specifica h p y T 3 0 0 1 JN ► Series Series II: 8T Series I -DTL-38999 IL M f o n io rs ► Short ve ight file = lightwe ► Low pro 980’s) ec circular (1 p -s IL M y it s n ► High de upling f, bayonet co o ro p p o o c -s ► Non jam nut g: screws or n ti n u o m f o ► Method d minum alloy hard anodize l, ► Shell: Alu e k ic n , m iu adm olive green c ► Plating: roved ► QPL app us layouts ► Numero 4 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 8D Series - Presentation s II 38999 Serie I: 8D Series Since the early 80’s, Souriau is a major supplier of 38999 Series III, the screw-coupled version of MIL-C-38999. Present on the main international programs, Souriau has developed a range of products that meet the performance required in extreme environments: • Civil and military aeronautics • Ground military • Industrial • Marine and offshore This evolution of MIL-C-38999 allows: • A high contact density up to 128 contacts #22D • A quick screw coupling with self locking mechanism • High resistance to harsh environments (vibration, 200°C) Always at the cutting edge of innovation, Souriau’s teams have continuously improved this range of connectors: • Composite version in the 90’s (Its choice is recommended wherever weight is critical) • Titanium version for weight saving and very high and mechanical resistance • Today Souriau remains innovative with cadmium free and RoHS solutions. In 2009 Souriau was the first to be QPL qualified for Zinc Nickel plating. This product family is in accordance with MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, EN 3645, CECC (standard for bronze shell), ... and also meets many customers’ standards (Rolls Royce, ABS, BACC, ...) 5 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 8D Series - Product overview ries Standard Se nt materials ► 5 differe environment y n a s e h tc a tform that m platings) ► A full pla admium free C & S H o R g udin t platings (incl ► Differen ► inum ► 8D Alum ► te 8D Composi 8D Titanium ► 8D Stainless Steel ► 8D Bronze es Derived Seri tension s of range ex ie it il ib s s o p Series ► Various om Standard fr t n a ri a v ll e lt us ! & sh ation: Consu in g a im r u o y limit is ► The only ► ► Double Flange ► RJ45/USB ► aling Reinforced Se Clinch Nut ► ► Fuel Tank Quadrax ► ptic ® ELIO Fiber O ► Power Power / High 6 ► eight rmetic Low W Hermetic / He 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 8D Series - A superior concept f contact A full range o ntac ► Multi-co ► ► ► ission Signal transm ► Various Crimp ► ctors rsatile conne provides ve t technology s contact style ils ta Solder cup ► PC n cavity for ► Commo on tic ® ta transmissi ELIO fiber op High speed da ► Coax ► x ia Tr ► ► Quadrax ► ► ansmission High power tr Wire wrap ts all #8 contac d by Souriau atente Metal clips p y on technolog ti n te re : p li c ► Unique ntion system te re t c ta n o rformance c ► High pe ng hithstandi mperature w Insure high te ions nght in vibrat superior stre ips ► Provides than plastic cl aracteristics ch n io nt te re ► Better ► 67) ce sealing (I P n a rm o rf e p High ually vity is individ a c t c ta n o c ► Each sealed available Accessories ols, ... backshells, to , s p a c e v ti c ► Prote 7 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III A performing MIL standard connector design connector Scoop proof tact aging the con m a d f o sk ri ► No ration coupling ope e th g n ri u d coupling Quick screw 1/4 turn to mate ►1 nism cking mecha Unique self lo rew will never unsc r to c e n n o ) C ► vibration (44g h ig h r e d n u even connector Fully shielded lding ► 360° shie g indication Visual matin ated ot correctly m n = le ib is v d ► Red ban 360° teeth for optimum shield continuity with accessories EMI Ring hidden ► Red band ated = correctly m ming to shell botto y ield continuit = perfect sh ► Shell 8 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Description • High contact density • Screw coupling • Contact protection: 100% Scoop proof • Shell size from 9 to 25 • Accessories available (protective caps, backshells, etc… ) • RFI - EMI shielding and shell to shell continuity • Hermetic • Protected by cadmium, nickel, green zinc cobalt or black zinc nickel plating Applications • Civil and Military Aerospace • Marine and Offshore Equipment • Defense and Ground Military • Industrial . Stainless steel shell: Passivated (K) Nickel (S) . Titanium shell: Without plating (TT) Nickel (TF) . Bronze shell: Without plating • Insulator: Thermoplastic Standards • Grommet and interfacial seal: Silicone elastomer • MIL-DTL-38999 Series III • Contacts: Copper alloy • EN3645 • Contacts plating: Gold over nickel plated • BACC63CT/CU; BACC63DB/DC Technical features Mechanical • Shell: Aluminum, composite, stainless steel, bronze • Shells plating: . Aluminum shell: Cadmium olive drab (W) Nickel (F) Black zinc nickel (Z) Green zinc cobalt (ZC) . Composite shell: Cadmium olive drab (J) Nickel (M) Without plating (X) • Endurance: . 500 mating/unmating operations whatever the material used . 1500 mating/unmating operations with composite connectors + specifics contacts • Shock: 300g, 3 ms according EN 2591-D2 method A • Vibration: . Sinus: . 10 à 2000 Hz, 3x12 hrs (60g, 140 - 2000 Hz) with T° cycling . Random: . 50 to 2000 Hz, 2x8 Hrs (1g2/ Hz, 100 - 2000Hz) at T° max. . 25 to 2000 Hz, 2x8 Hrs (5g2/ Hz, 100 - 300Hz) at ambiant T° Test with accessories in acc with EN2591-D3 9 • Contact retention: 22 20 16 12 Min force in N 44 Contacts size 67 111 111 8 4 111 200 Weight comparison Example for a plug shell size 15 Materials Weight Stainless steel 58.80 g Titanium 33.90 g 42% lighter 40% lighter Aluminum 20.35 g 30% lighter Composite 14.30 g 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Electrical • Test voltage rating (Vrms) Service M N I II sea level 1 300 1 000 1 800 2 300 at 21000 m 800 600 1 000 1 000 • Contact resistance Contacts size 22 20 Resistance mΩ 14.6 7.3 16 12 8 4 3.8 3.5 3 2 • Insulation resistance: ≥ 5 000 MΩ (under 500 Vdc) • Shielding: . Aluminum shell: F: 65 db at 10 GHz F: 85 db at 1 GHz W: 50 db at 10 GHz Z & ZC: Consult us . Composite shell: J: 90 db at 10 GHz M: 85 db at 1 GHz . Stainless steel shell: K: 45 db at 10 Ghz S: 65 db at 10 Ghz . Titanium shell: TT: 45 db at 10 Ghz TF: 65 db at 10 Ghz . Bronze shell: 85 db at 10 Ghz Climatics • Contact rating: Contacts size 22 20 16 12 8 4 Rating (A) 5 7.5 13 23 45 80 • Shell continuity . Aluminum shell: Cadmium olive drab (W): 2.5 Ωh Nickel (F): 1 Ωh Black zinc nickel (Z): 2.5 Ωh Green zinc cobalt (ZC): 2.5 Ωh . Composite shell: Cadmium olive drab (J): 3 Ωh Nickel (M): 3 Ωh . Stainless steel shell: Passivated (K): 10 Ωh Nickel (S): 1 Ωh . Titanium shell: Without plating (TT): 10 Ωh Nickel (TF): 1 Ωh . Bronze shell: Without plating: 5 Ωh • Temperature range: . Aluminum shell: W: -65°C +175°C F: -65°C +200°C Z: -65°C +200°C ZC: -65°C +200°C . Composite shell: J: -65°C +175°C M: -65°C +200°C Without plating (X): -65°C +175° . Stainless steel shell: K: -65°C +200°C S: -65°C +200°C . Titanium shell: TT: -65°C +200°C TF: -65°C +200°C . Bronze shell: Without plating: -65°C +175°C 10 • Sealing: Mated connectors meet altitude immersion requirements of MIL-DTL-38999. • Salt spray: . Aluminum shell: W: 500 Hrs F: 48 Hrs Z: 500 Hrs ZC: 500 Hrs . Composite shell: J: 2000 Hrs M: 2000 Hrs Without plating (X): 2000 Hrs . Stainless steel shell: K: 500 Hrs S: 48 Hrs . Titanium shell: TT: 500 Hrs TF: 48 Hrs . Bronze shell: Without plating: 500 Hrs Resistance to fluids • According to MIL-DTL-38999 standard . Gasoline: JP5 (OTAN F44) . Mineral hydrolic fluid: MIL-H-5606 (OTAN H515) . Synthetic hydraulic fluid: Skydrol 500 B4 • LD4 (SAE AS 1241) . Mineral lubricating: MIL-L-7870A (OTAN 0142) . Synthetic lubricating: MIL-L-23699 (OTAN 0156), MIL-L-7808 . Cleaning fluid: MIL-DTL-25769 diluted . De-icing fluid: MIL-A-8243 . Extinguishing fluid: Chlorobrométhane . Cooling fluid: Coolanol 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Contact layouts 09 / A 01 05 1 Optical position 1#8 Quadrax 35 98 6#22D Service M 3#20 Service I Contact #22D Contact #8 Triax Contact #20 Contact #8 Power Contact #16 Contact #8 Quadrax Contact #12 Contact ELIO® (optical fiber) Contact #10 Contact #4 Power 11 / B 01 01 02 02 04 05 12 22 1#12 Service II all series excepted JVS 1#8 Coax Service I only for JVS 2#16 Service I 2 Optical positions 4#20 Service I 5#20 Service I 1#12 Service II only for JVS 4#22D Service M 35 80 81 98 99 13#22D Service M 1#8 Triax Service I 1#8 Quadrax 6#20 Service I 7#20 Service I 13 / C 03 04 04 08 26 35 98 3#16 Service I 4#16 Service I 4 Optical positions 8#20 Service I 2#12 6#22D Service M 22#22D Service M 10#20 Service I ELIO® fiber optic Ethernet Quadrax 11 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Contact layouts 15 / D 05 15 18 19 35 97 5#16 Service II 1#16 14#20 Service I 18#20 Service I 19#20 Service I 37#22D Service M 4#16 8#20 Service I 17 / E 02 06 08 20 22 26 35 75 38#22D 1#8 Triax Service M 6#12 Service I 8#16 Service II 4#12 16#22D Service M 2#12 2#8 Triax Service M 26#20 Service I 55#22D Service M 2#8 Triax Service M 80 81 82 99 2#12 2#8 Quadrax 38#22D 1#8 Quadrax 2#8 Quadrax 2#16 21#20 Service I 19 / F 08 11 18 28 32 35 53* 84 8 Optical positions 11#16 Service II 14#22D 4#8 Triax Service M 26#20 2#16 Service I 32#20 Service I 66#22D Service M 53#22D 14#22D 4#8 Quadrax ELIO® fiber optic Ethernet Quadrax * Pending layout 12 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Contact layouts 21 / G 11 16 20* 35 39 41 42 48 11#12 Service I 16#16 Service II 18#20 2#8 Quadrax 79#22D Service M 2#16 37#20 Service I 41#20 Service I 2#4 Power Service I 4#8 Power Service I 59 72 75 77 78 84 55#22D 4#12 Service M 2#4 Power 6#16 Service I 4#8 Triax Service M 17#22D 2#8 Coax Service M 17#22D 2#8 Quadrax 4#8 Quadrax 23 / H 21 32 35 53 54 55 21#16 Service II 32#20 Service I 100#22D Service M 53#20 Service I 4#12, 9#16 40#22D Service M 55#20 Service I Ethernet Quadrax * Pending layout 13 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Contact layouts 25 / J 04 07 08 11 17 19 20* 24 8#16 48#20 Service I 2#8 Triax 97#22D Service M 8#8 Triax Service M 2#20 9#10 Service N 36#22D 6#8 Triax 19#12 Service I 10#20, 13#16 4#12 Coax 3#8 Triax Service N 12#16 12#12 Service II 24 29 35 37 41 43 44 46 24 Optical positions 29#16 Service I 128#22D Service M 37#16 Service I 22#22D, 3#20 11#16, 2#12 3#8 Triax Service M 23#20 20#16 Service I 4#4 Power 4#16 Service I 40#20, 4#16 2#8 Coax Service I 61 80 81 82 86 87 88 90 61#20 Service I 10#20 13#16 4#12 Coax 3#8 Quadrax 22#22D 3#20, 11#16 2#12 3#8 Quadrax 97#22D 2#8 Quadrax 40#20 4#16 2#8 Quadrax 36#22D 6#8 Quadrax 8#8 Quadrax 40#20, 4#16 2#8 Twinax Service I ELIO® fiber optic Ethernet Quadrax * For classes F, W, K, S only 14 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Contact layouts Shell size Layout MIL-DTL-38999 (QPL) Aluminum, Stainless steel & Composite 8D Titanium Consult us Consult us JVS (CECC) Bronze Hermetics connectors EN3645 09-01 09 / A 11 / B 13 / C 15 / D 17 / E 19 / F 09-05 (1) BACC63 CT/CU DB/DC Number #22D of contacts #20 #16 #12 #10 #8 1 Consult us 1 Qdx 09-35 6 09-98 3 11-01 1 11-01 1 11-02 2 11-02 2 11-04 4 4 11-05 5 5 11-12 1 11-22 4 4 11-35 13 13 11-80 1 11-81 1 11-98 6 6 11-99 7 7 13-03 3 13-04 4 4 13-08 8 6 3 1 1 Coax 2 2 1 1 Triax 1 Qdx 4 4 8 13-26 8 6 13-35 22 22 13-98 10 15-05 5 15-15 15 14 15-18 18 18 15-19 19 15-35 37 15-97 12 17-02 39 17-06 6 17-08 8 17-20 20 17-22 4 17-26 26 17-35 55 17-75 2 17-80 4 17-81 39 17-82 2 17-99 23 5 19 8 8 16 55 2 Triax 2 38 2 Qdx 1 Qdx 2 Qdx 21 18 28 19-32 32 19-35 66 66 19-53 53 53 19-84 18 14 15 2 Triax 26 19-28 Grounded insert only 4 2 19-18 Pow: Power; Qdx: Quadrax; Twx: Twinax 1 Triax 6 8 (1) 4 38 11 #8 1 37 19-11 Souriau’s layout 2 10 19-08 Souriau’s layout & Layout according to corresponding norm Optical positions 1 1 13-04 #4 Power 2 8 11 14 4 Triax 26 2 32 4 Qdx 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Contact layouts Shell size 21 / G 23 / H Layout MIL-DTL-38999 (QPL) Aluminum, Stainless steel & Composite 8D Titanium JVS (CECC) Bronze Hermetics connectors Number #22D of contacts #20 21-11 11 16 21-20 20 21-35 79 21-39 39 37 21-41 41 41 21-42 2 21-48 4 21-59 59 21-72 8 21-75 4 18 53 23-54 53 23-55 55 25-04 56 25-07 99 25-11 11 25-17 42 25-19 19 (4) 2 Coax 2 Qdx 4 Qdx 21 32 100 53 40 9 4 55 48 8 97 2 Triax 8 (2) (3) 4 2 4 100 2 4 Triax 21-84 23-53 (5) (6) 8 Triax 2 24 25-24 24 25-29 29 25-35 128 25-37 37 25-41 41 25-43 43 25-44 8 25-46 46 9 36 6 Triax 19 30 25-24 10 13 4 12 12 3 Triax 24 29 128 37 22 3 11 23 20 2 3 Triax 4 40 4 4 2 Coax 25-61 61 61 25-80 30 10 13 4 3 Qdx 25-81 41 22 3 11 2 3 Qdx 97 40 4 25-82 99 25-86 46 25-87 42 25-88 8 25-90 46 Souriau’s layout Souriau’s layout & Layout according to corresponding norm For CECC, layout 25-08 only delivered without contact (3) For Aluminum & Stainless steel only (4) For classes F, W, S, K only (5) For classes F, W, K only (6) Qualified BACC63DB/DC only #8 Pow: Power; Qdx: Quadrax; Twx: Twinax 16 Optical positions 2 Qdx 55 17 23-35 #4 Power 2 17 21 #8 4 Pow 19 32 #10 79 19 23-21 #12 11 21-77 23-32 #16 16 21-78 25-20 (2) BACC63 CT/CU DB/DC 21-16 25-08 25 / J EN3645 2 Qdx 36 2 Qdx 6 Qdx 8 Qdx 40 4 2 Twx 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Aluminum Series MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 17 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Connector part numbers Basic Series 8D 0 11 W 35 P N Shell style: 0: Square flange receptacle 1: In line receptacle 7: Jam nut receptacle 5: Plug with RFI shielding Also available: . Square flange receptacle with clinch nuts (see page 81) . Jam nut receptacle with double flange (see page 85) Type: None: Connectors with standard crimp contacts. L: Receptacle with long PC tail (male and female size #22D, #20). C: Receptacle with short PC tail (male and female #22D, #20, #16). S: Receptacle with specific PC tail (male et female #22D) W: Receptacle with male contacts #22D for wire wrap (3 wraps) T: Receptacle with male contacts #20 for wire wrap (2 wraps) P: Receptacle with solder cup - only available for Reinforced sealing Series (see page 75) - male and female size #22D; male #16 & #12; female #16 & #12 and male female #20 please consult us Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Plating: W: Olive drab cadmium F: Nickel ZC: Green zinc cobalt Z: Black zinc nickel Contact layout: See pages 11 to 14 Contact type: P: Pin A: Connector supplied less pin contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: A + orientation) S: Socket B: Connector supplied less socket contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: B + orientation) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) Specification: 046: Tinned straight PC tail 251: Connector provided with power contacts (layouts with contact #8) 022: Fuel tank Special custom: None: Standard plastic cap M: Antistatic plastic cap L: For P or S contact type only, connectors delivered without contacts, connectors marking P or S plus orientation 18 - - L 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series MIL-DTL-38999 part numbers* Basic Series D38999 20 W B 35 P N L Shell style: 20: Square flange receptacle 24: Jam nut receptacle 26: Plug with RFI shielding. Plating: W: Olive drab cadmium F: Nickel Shell size: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J Contact layout: See page 15 for layout according to MIL-DTL-38999 Contact type: P: Pin A: Connector supplied less pin contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: A + orientation) S: Socket B: Connector supplied less socket contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: B + orientation) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) L: For P or S contact type only, connector delevired without contacts, connector marking P or S (without L) * Note: To place an order of MIL connectors delivered without MIL removable crimp contacts and keep P or S plus orientation marking, it must be specify clearly on the order (by adding a suffix L at the end of the P/N or specified in comment). EN3645 part numbers Basic Series EN3645 Plating: W: Olive drab cadmium F: Nickel Shell style: 0: Square flange receptacle 6: Plug 7: Jam nut receptacle Shell size: 09=A, 11=B, 13=C, 15=D, 17=E, 19=F, 21=G, 23=H, 25=J Grounding: N: Standard insert not grounded Contact layout: See page 15 for layout according to EN3645 Contact type: A: Connector supplied less pin contact B: Connector supplied less socket contact F: Socket M: Pin Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) 19 W 6 G N 35 B N 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Dimensions Receptacle type 0 Shell size A Max B Max C Max D Thread E±0.3 F G 09 (A) M12 x 1-6g 23.8 18.26 15.09 11 (B) M15 x 1-6g 26.2 20.62 18.26 13 (C) M18 x 1-6g 28.6 23.01 20.62 M22 x 1-6g 31 24.61 23.01 17 (E) M25 x 1-6g 33.3 26.97 24.61 19 (F) M28 x 1-6g 36.5 29.36 26.97 21 (G) M31 x 1-6g 39.7 31.75 29.36 M34 x 1-6g 42.9 34.93 31.75 M37 x 1-6g 46 38.1 34.93 20.9 15 (D) 23 (H) 10.72 20.1 11.54 2.5 3.2 25 (J) H±0.2 J±0.2 5.49 4.93 3.25 4.4 4.93 3.91 6.15 Receptacle type 7 Shell size A±0.15 09 (A) B Max C Max D Max E Max F±0.4 G Thread 16.53 30.5 23 27 M12 x 1-6g 11 (B) 19.07 35.2 26 31.8 M15 x 1-6g 13 (C) 23.82 38.4 31 34.9 M18 x 1-6g 15 (D) 26.97 41.6 34 38.1 M22 x 1-6g 17 (E) 30.15 44.8 37 41.3 M25 x 1-6g 19 (F) 33.32 49.5 41 46 M28 x 1-6g 21 (G) 36.50 52.7 46 49.2 M31 x 1-6g 23 (H) 39.67 55.9 47 52.4 M34 x 1-6g 25 (J) 42.85 59 51.23 55.6 M37 x 1-6g 9.9 3.2 Recommended coupling torque on panel for jam nut receptacle (type 7) Shell 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) Coupling torque (±0.5 N.m) 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 20 8D Aluminium 143-154_typo:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 16:58 Page 146 8D Aluminium 143-154_typo:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 16:58 Page 146 8D 8D- -D38999 D38999Aluminum Aluminum Series Series 8D Aluminium 143-154_typo:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 16:58 Page 146 In line receptacle type 1 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series InInline 1 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series type linereceptacle receptacle type 1 Shell D ØF size thread 09 (A) M12 x 1-6g 15.90 11 (B) M15 x 1-6g 19.05 13 (C) M18 x 1-6g 22.25 D In line receptacle type 1 15Shell 31.45 Maxi ØF (D) M22 x 1-6g 25.40 size thread 17 (E) M25 x 1-6g 30.15 09 (A) M12 x 1-6g 15.90 19 31.75 Shell 11(F) (B) M28 M15xDx1-6g 1-6g 19.05 ØF size thread 21 (G) xx1-6g 34.75 13 (C) M31 M18 1-6g 22.25 09 (A) M12 15.90 23 37.10 15(H) (D) M34 M22xx1-6g 1-6g 25.40 ØF 11 (B) M15 19.05 25 (J) M37 x 1-6g 41.30 17 (E) M25 x 1-6g 30.15 13 M18 22.25 19(C) (F) M28xx1-6g 1-6g 31.75 15 (D) M22 x 1-6g 25.40 21 (G) M31 x 1-6g 34.75 17 30.15 23(E) (H) M25 M34xx1-6g 1-6g 37.10 D thread type 5 19 M28 31.75 Plug 25(F) (J) M37xx1-6g 1-6g 41.30 21 (G) M31 x 1-6g 34.75 23 (H) M34 x 1-6g 37.10 Shell A B C 25 (J) M37 x 1-6g 41.30 size Max. thread Max. Plug type 5 09 (A) 31.00 M12 x 1-6g 21.80 11 (B) 31.00 M15 x 1-6g 25.00 13 (C) 31.00 M18 x 1-6g 29.40 Plug A B C Plug type type 5 5 15Shell (D) 31.00 M22thread x 1-6g 32.50 size Max. Max. 17 31.00 M25 35.70 09(E) (A) 31.00 M12xx1-6g 1-6g 21.80 19 (F) 31.00 M28 x 1-6g 38.50 Shell A C 11 (B) 31.00 M15Bx 1-6g 25.00 size Max. thread Max. 21 (G) 31.00 M31 xx1-6g 41.70 13 (C) 31.00 M18 1-6g 29.40 09 (A) 31.00 M12 21.80 23 M34 44.90 15(H) (D) 31.00 M22xx1-6g 1-6g 32.50 11 (B) M15 25.00 25 (J) 31.00 M37 x 1-6g 48.00 17 (E) 31.00 M25 x 1-6g 35.70 13 31.00 M18 29.40 19(C) (F) 31.00 M28xx1-6g 1-6g 38.50 15 31.00 M22 32.50 21(D) (G) 31.00 M31xx1-6g 1-6g 41.70 17 31.00 M25 35.70 23(E) (H) 31.00 M34xx1-6g 1-6g 44.90 (F) M28 38.50 Recommended coupling torque on panel for1925jam receptacle (type 7) (J) nut31.00 31.00 M37xx1-6g 1-6g 48.00 21 (G) 31.00 M31 x 1-6g 41.70 23 (H) 31.00 M34 x 1-6g 44.90 25 (J) 31.00 M37 x 1-6g 48.00 Recommended coupling torque on panel for jam nut receptacle (type 7) Recommended coupling torque on panel for jam nut receptacle (type 7) Mated dimensions Mated connectors connectors dimensions Type 0 with plug Type 0 with plug Type 0 with plug Dimensions in millimeters 146 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) Dimensions in millimeters 146 146 Dimensions in millimeters Type 7 with plug Shell A size Max. Mated connectors 09 dimensions (A) 37.00 11 (B) 37.00 13 (C) 37.00 Type 7 withconnectors plug Shell A Mated dimensions 15size (D) 37.00 Max. 17 37.00 09(E) (A) 37.00 19 37.00 Type 7 with plug Shell A 11(F) (B) 37.00 size Max. 21 (G) 36.00 13 (C) 37.00 09 (A) 37.00 23 36.00 15(H) (D) 37.00 11 37.00 25 (J) 36.00 17(B) (E) 37.00 13 37.00 19(C) (F) 37.00 15 37.00 21(D) (G) 36.00 17 37.00 23(E) (H) 36.00 19 37.00 25(F) (J) 36.00 21 (G) 36.00 23 (H) 36.00 25 (J) 36.00 21 B Max. 52.30 52.30 52.30 B 52.30 Max. 52.30 52.30 52.30 B 52.30 Max. 51.30 52.30 52.30 51.30 52.30 52.30 51.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 51.30 52.30 51.30 52.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 C Max. 38.30 38.30 38.50 C 38.50 Max. 38.50 38.30 38.50 C 38.30 Max. 38.50 38.50 38.30 38.50 38.50 38.30 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 D Max. 53.60 53.60 53.80 D 53.80 Max. 53.80 53.60 53.80 D 53.60 Max. 53.80 53.80 53.60 53.80 53.80 53.60 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Receptacle with straight PC tail contacts L3 L1 L2 ØA ØA L2 A Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max L1 L2 L3 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max M: Male contact Shell size Contact size Contact type #22D M&F #22D M&F #20 M&F #16 M&F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #20 M #20 M #20 F #20 F #16 M #16 M #16 F #16 F #22D M&F #22D M&F #22D M&F #20 M&F #16 M&F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #20 M #20 M #20 F #20 F #16 M #16 M #16 F #16 F PC tail type L&C S C C L&C L&C L&C L&C S S S S C C C C C C C C L C S C C L&C L&C L&C L&C S S S S C C C C C C C C F: Female contact L: Long PC tail 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (C) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) 0.70 0.50 0.70 1.15 10.52 11.46 10.19 11.46 10.19 11.46 10.69 11.63 10.36 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.34 11.28 10.01 11.28 10.01 11.28 10.51 11.45 10.18 11.45 10.51 11.45 10.51 11.45 10.51 11.45 8.50 4.00 5.10 5.10 5.10 9.48 10.58 9.15 10.58 9.65 10.75 9.15 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 C: Short PC tail 22 S: Specific PC tail 9.59 10.69 9.26 10.69 9.76 10.86 9.26 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 Dimensions in millimeters 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Souriau backshells part numbers Basic Series 8D Shell style: 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Plating: B: Olive drab cadmium F: Nickel Backshell type: 01: Back nut (please consult us) 02: Straight cable clamp 03: 90° cable clamp 13: Backshell for heat shrink boots Cross reference table Backshell type AS85049 Standard Souriau Part Numbers Back nut M85049/14-**-x 8D101x01 Straight cable clamp M85049/38-**-x 8D101x02 90° cable clamp M85049/39-**-x 8D101x03 Backshell for heat shrink boots M85049/69-**-x 8D101x13 Backshell for screen termination and cable clamp M85049/19-**-x N/A x: Plating **: Shell size: see pages 11 to 14 23 102 B 02 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Backshells - Cable clamp Straight cable clamp (Type 38) 90° cable clamp (Type 39) F C E D ØB ØB A A D Shell size 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 A Min 2.50 3.90 4.80 6.60 7.20 8.30 8.70 9.70 10.60 Max 5.90 5.90 8.30 11.60 15.60 16.10 17.70 20.90 21.70 ØB Max C Max D Max E F 21.80 25.00 29.40 32.50 35.70 38.50 41.70 44.90 48.00 23.10 23.10 25.70 26.90 29.50 35.80 38.40 42.20 44.70 21.60 22.90 27.90 29.20 33.00 38.10 40.60 43.20 45.70 25.40 27.90 27.90 31.80 33.00 34.30 40.60 44.50 47.00 25.70 25.70 30.70 32.00 35.80 38.40 42.20 44.70 48.50 Basic Series M85049 Backshell type: 38: Straight cable clamp 39: 90° cable clamp Nut type: -: Without self-locking S: With self-locking Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Plating: Type 38 & 39: A: Black anodized (500 hours salt spray) W: Olive drab cadmium over nickel (500 hours salt spray) Type 38S & 39S: W: Olive drab cadmium over nickel (500 hours salt spray) N: Nickel (48 hours salt spray) Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 24 38 - 11 W 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Backshell for screen termination and cable clamp Backshell for screen termination and cable clamp (Type 19) 33.3 Max Shell size A Max Clamp indicator base on shell size B Max 09 19.10 01 - 02 11 21.60 01 - 02 - 03 13 25.40 02 - 03 - 04 15 27.90 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 31.80 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 17 38.10 19 35.60 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 21 38.10 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 23 41.90 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 25 44.50 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 10 Clamp size indicator 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Basic Series M85049 Shell style: 19: Backshell for screen termination and cable clamp Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Plating: W: Olive drab cadmium N: Nickel Clamp size indicator: See tables above Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 25 D B ØC A C Min 1.60 3.20 6.35 7.90 11.10 14.30 17.45 20.60 23.80 27.00 19 D Max 3.20 6.35 9.50 12.70 15.90 19.00 22.20 24.40 28.60 31.75 11 20.30 25.40 27.90 30.50 31.80 35.60 38.10 41.90 44.50 48.30 W 03 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Backshells for heat shrink boots Backshell for heat shrink boots (Type 69) Straight backshell for heat shrink boots (Type 88) Shell size ØA Max ØB Max ØC Max Shell size ØA Max 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 19.10 21.60 25.40 29.20 31.80 35.60 39.40 41.90 47.00 6.35 9.50 12.70 15.90 19.00 20.60 23.80 27.00 30.20 13.55 15.40 19.70 21.30 24.50 26.50 30.90 34.40 36.65 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 21.79 24.99 29.39 32.49 35.71 38.51 41.71 44.91 47.98 Basic Series M85049 Backshell type: 69: Backshell for heat shrink boots 88: Straight backshell for heat shrink boots Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Plating: Type 69: A: Black anodised (500 hours salt spray) Type 88: J: Olive drab cadmium over electroless nickel M: Electroless nickel Option (Type 69 only): Empty: Without drain hole D: With drain hole Entry size (Type 88 only): 02: See table above 03: See table above Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 26 ØB±0.10 Entry size 02 03 N/A 6.35 N/A 7.92 7.92 11.13 11.13 14.27 12.70 15.88 15.88 19.05 15.88 20.62 17.47 23.83 19.05 25.40 69 11 ØC ØB ØA ØC 40.65 Max ØB ØA 19.60 Max ØC 02 N/A N/A 11.61 14.81 16.38 19.56 19.56 21.06 22.73 03 10.03 11.61 14.81 17.96 19.56 22.73 24.30 27.51 29.08 A D 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Dummy receptacle Dimensions A B C Coupling joint C F G E D Shell size Souriau Part number * A Max B Max C±0.30 D E F±0.20 G±0.20 09 8D0-09GUR 8D0-09FUR 20.90 2.50 23.80 18.26 15.09 4.49 3.25 11 8D0-11GUR 8D0-11FUR 20.90 2.50 26.20 20.62 18.26 4.93 3.25 13 8D0-13GUR 8D0-13FUR 20.90 2.50 28.60 23.01 20.62 4.93 3.25 15 8D0-15GUR 8D0-15FUR 20.90 2.50 31.00 24.61 23.01 4.93 3.25 17 8D0-17GUR 8D0-17FUR 20.90 2.50 33.30 26.97 24.61 4.93 3.25 19 8D0-19GUR 8D0-19FUR 20.90 2.50 36.50 26.97 24.61 4.93 3.25 21 8D0-21GUR 8D0-21FUR 20.10 3.20 39.70 31.75 29.36 4.93 3.25 23 8D0-23GUR 8D0-23FUR 20.10 3.20 42.90 34.93 31.75 6.15 3.91 25 8D0-25GUR 8D0-25FUR 20.10 3.20 46.00 38.10 34.93 6.15 3.91 * G: Olive green cadmium F: Nickel Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 27 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Caps Caps for receptacle (D38999/33 - S2453) With rope and eyelet Shell size 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 With rope and ring Part numbers Plating ** Olive green plating S2453-09W-** D38999/33 W 09 R S2453-11W-** D38999/33 W 11 R S2453-13W-** D38999/33 W 13 R S2453-15W-** D38999/33 W 15 R S2453-17W-** D38999/33 W 17 R S2453-19W-** D38999/33 W 19 R S2453-21W-** D38999/33 W 21 R S2453-23W-** D38999/33 W 23 R S2453-25W-** D38999/33 W 25 R Shell size 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Part numbers Plating ** Olive green plating S2453-09W-**-1 D38999/33 W 09 N S2453-11W-**-1 D38999/33 W 11 N S2453-13W-**-1 D38999/33 W 13 N S2453-15W-**-1 D38999/33 W 15 N S2453-17W-**-1 D38999/33 W 17 N S2453-19W-**-1 D38999/33 W 19 N S2453-21W-**-1 D38999/33 W 21 N S2453-23W-**-1 D38999/33 W 23 N S2453-25W-**-1 D38999/33 W 25 N Caps for plug (D38999/32 - S2454) With rope and ring With rope and eyelet Shell size 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Part numbers Plating ** Olive green plating S2454-09F-** S D38999/32 W 09 R S2454-11F-** S D38999/32 W 11 R S2454-13F-** S D38999/32 W 13 R S2454-15F-** S D38999/32 W 15 R S2454-17F-** S D38999/32 W 17 R S2454-19F-** S D38999/32 W 19 R S2454-21F-** S D38999/32 W 21 R S2454-23F-** S D38999/32 W 23 R S2454-25F-** S D38999/32 W 25 R Shell size 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 ** Plating - 34 : Olive green cadmium. Plating - 12 : Nickel. Note: Method of attachement to cover and ring is optional. Please consult us. 28 Part numbers Plating ** Olive green plating S2454-09W-** S D38999/32 W 09 N S2454-11W-** S D38999/32 W 11 N S2454-13W-** S D38999/32 W 13 N S2454-15W-** S D38999/32 W 15 N S2454-17W-** S D38999/32 W 17 N S2454-19W-** S D38999/32 W 19 N S2454-21W-** S D38999/32 W 21 N S2454-23W-** S D38999/32 W 23 N S2454-25W-** S D38999/32 W 25 N 8D Aluminium 143-154_typo:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 16:58 Page 153 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series 8D - D38999 Aluminum Series Connectors weight Connectors weight With contacts Plug (type 5) 09 – 35 09 – 98 11 – 01 11 – 02 11 – 04 11 – 05 11 – 22 11 – 35 11 – 80 11 – 98 11 – 99 13 – 04 13 – 08 13 – 26 13 – 35 13 – 98 15 – 05 15 – 15 15 – 18 15 – 19 15 – 35 15 – 97 17 – 02 17 – 06 17 – 08 17 – 26 17 – 35 17 – 75 17 – 99 19 – 11 19 – 32 19 – 35 21 – 11 21 – 16 21 – 35 21 – 39 21 – 41 21 – 48 21 – 75 23 – 21 23 – 35 23 – 53 23 – 55 25 – 07 25 – 11 25 – 19 25 – 24 25 – 29 25 – 35 25 – 37 25 – 44 25 – 43 25 – 46 25 – 61 25 – 08 25 – 20 25 – 04 Male 11.47 11.47 14.98 14.61 14.80 14.83 14.47 14.73 18.30 14.70 14.87 21.04 21.42 21.79 21.22 21.08 26.04 26.84 27.05 26.58 26.68 26.51 32.96 29.90 28.89 29.47 29.71 35.31 29.52 37.77 36.98 37.29 45.51 42.61 42.89 44.27 42.81 49.59 54.48 50.49 48.85 48.91 49.66 61.89 54.48 59.76 59.26 57.58 55.37 57.57 52.80 57.62 59.92 54.67 81.00 66.02 58.42 Female 13.05 12.77 17.92 17.15 17.86 18.04 16.89 18.20 21.90 17.46 18.09 24.82 26.60 27.44 26.99 25.70 31.38 34.00 35.93 34.31 35.92 33.56 46.30 39.50 37.62 40.26 43.26 46.60 40.08 51.36 50.38 53.74 65.35 57.89 63.55 64.60 60.18 49.93 71.38 73.74 75.00 71.10 72.73 90.70 71.38 91.77 90.62 86.55 88.20 89.86 67.61 88.30 83.76 81.42 112.83 96.24 88.27 Receptacle (type 0) Male 9.15 9.15 12.01 11.64 11.83 11.86 11.50 11.76 15.30 11.73 11.90 15.71 16.09 16.46 15.89 15.75 19.54 20.34 20.55 20.08 20.18 20.01 31.26 28.21 27.20 27.78 28.02 33.62 27.83 31.07 30.28 30.59 39.31 36.41 36.69 38.07 36.61 43.39 48.28 44.19 42.55 42.61 43.36 55.73 48.28 53.60 53.10 51.42 49.21 51.41 46.53 51.46 53.76 48.51 74.84 59.86 52.26 Female 10.73 10.45 14.95 14.18 14.89 15.07 13.92 15.23 18.90 14.49 15.12 19.49 21.27 22.11 21.66 20.37 24.88 27.50 29.43 27.81 29.42 27.06 44.60 37.81 35.93 38.57 41.57 44.91 38.39 44.66 43.68 47.04 59.15 51.69 57.35 58.40 64.36 43.73 65.18 67.44 68.70 64.80 66.43 85.10 65.18 85.61 84.46 80.39 82.04 59.36 65.39 82.14 77.60 75.26 106.67 90.08 82.11 Without contact Receptacle (type 7) Male 13.91 13.91 18.17 17.80 17.99 19.48 17.66 17.68 21.50 17.89 18.06 24.14 24.52 24.89 24.32 24.18 29.62 30.42 30.63 30.16 30.26 30.09 42.06 39.00 37.99 38.57 38.81 44.41 38.62 44.62 43.83 44.14 53.19 50.29 50.57 51.95 50.49 55.27 62.16 59.23 57.59 57.65 58.40 71.15 62.16 69.02 68.52 66.84 64.63 66.83 62.05 66.88 69.18 63.93 90.26 75.28 67.68 Female 15.49 15.21 21.11 20.34 21.05 21.23 20.08 21.39 28.39 20.65 21.28 27.92 29.70 30.54 30.09 28.80 34.96 37.58 39.51 37.89 39.50 37.14 55.40 48.60 46.72 49.36 52.36 55.70 49.18 58.21 57.23 44.09 73.03 65.57 71.23 72.28 67.86 57.61 79.06 82.48 83.74 79.84 81.47 99.10 79.06 101.03 99.88 95.81 97.46 90.06 83.39 97.56 93.02 90.68 122.09 105.50 97.53 Plug (type 5) Male 11.05 11.05 14.32 13.99 14.24 14.13 14.19 13.82 13.80 13.86 13.89 19.80 20.30 20.05 19.68 19.68 24.49 24.57 24.53 23.92 24.09 24.15 25.80 25.94 26.41 25.83 25.86 26.31 25.96 34.36 32.50 32.67 38.25 37.65 37.36 38.47 37.07 36.48 36.48 43.98 41.85 41.49 41.96 46.41 36.48 47.22 47.62 48.59 46.41 46.10 44.40 48.20 45.28 46.13 45.00 44.45 49.22 Female 11.55 11.57 16.32 15.59 16.26 16.04 15.89 14.95 14.90 15.06 15.29 21.70 23.40 22.74 21.49 21.70 27.48 27.62 28.73 26.71 26.67 27.24 29.80 29.90 31.38 29.86 29.51 32.60 30.12 42.78 37.58 37.24 47.75 45.41 43.80 48.24 43.78 43.38 43.38 57.36 50.00 49.90 50.73 56.20 43.38 61.37 62.06 63.93 56.20 61.00 59.22 63.50 55.44 57.02 56.83 54.70 62.83 Receptacle (type 0) Male 8.73 8.73 11.35 11.02 11.27 11.16 11.22 10.85 10.80 10.89 10.92 14.47 14.97 14.72 14.35 14.35 17.99 18.07 18.03 17.42 17.59 17.65 24.10 24.25 24.72 24.14 24.17 24.62 24.27 27.66 25.80 25.97 32.05 31.45 31.16 32.27 30.87 30.28 30.28 37.68 35.55 35.19 35.66 40.25 42.94 41.06 41.46 42.43 40.25 39.94 38.14 42.04 39.12 39.97 38.84 38.29 43.06 Female 9.23 9.25 13.35 12.62 13.29 13.07 12.92 11.98 11.90 12.09 12.32 16.37 18.07 17.41 16.16 16.37 20.98 21.12 22.23 20.21 20.17 20.74 28.10 28.21 29.69 28.17 27.82 30.91 28.43 46.43 41.23 40.89 51.93 49.59 47.98 52.42 47.96 37.18 37.18 62.20 54.84 54.74 55.57 61.26 55.94 66.43 67.12 68.99 61.26 60.50 57.00 68.56 60.50 62.08 61.69 59.76 67.89 Receptacle (type 7) Male 13.49 13.49 17.51 17.18 17.43 17.32 17.38 17.01 17.00 17.05 17.08 22.90 23.40 23.15 22.78 22.78 28.07 28.15 28.11 27.50 27.67 27.73 34.90 35.04 35.51 34.93 34.96 35.41 35.06 30.86 29.00 29.17 35.55 34.95 34.66 35.77 34.37 44.16 44.16 41.58 39.45 39.09 39.56 44.45 58.36 45.26 45.66 46.63 44.45 55.36 53.66 46.24 43.32 44.17 43.04 42.49 47.26 Female 13.99 14.01 19.51 18.78 19.45 19.23 19.08 18.14 18.10 18.25 18.48 24.80 26.50 25.84 24.59 24.80 31.06 31.20 32.31 30.29 30.25 30.82 38.90 39.00 40.48 38.96 38.61 41.70 39.22 49.63 44.43 44.09 55.43 53.09 51.48 55.92 51.46 51.06 51.06 66.10 58.74 58.64 59.47 65.46 71.36 70.63 71.32 73.19 65.46 61.20 75.00 72.76 64.70 66.28 66.09 63.96 72.09 Weight in Weight in gram gram (+/- 15%) 153 29 30 8D - D38999 Composite Series Composite Series MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 31 8D - D38999 Composite Series Connector part numbers Basic Series 8D 0 11 J 35 P N Shell style: 0: Square flange receptacle 5: Plug with RFI shielding Type: None: Connectors with standard crimp contacts. L: Receptacle with long PC tail (male and female size #22D, #20). C: Receptacle with short PC tail (male and female #22D, #20, #16). S: Receptacle with specific PC tail (male et female #22D) W: Receptacle with male contacts #22D for wire wrap (3 wraps) T: Receptacle with male contacts #20 for wire wrap (2 wraps) P: Receptacle with solder cup (male and female size #22D; male #16 & #12; female #16 & #12 and male female #20 please consult us) Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Plating: J: Olive drab cadmium M: Nickel X: Without plating Contact layout: See pages 11 to 14 Contact type: P: Pin (500 mating/unmating) H: Pin (1500 mating/unmating) A: Connector supplied less pin contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: A + orientation) S: Socket (500 mating/unmating) J: Socket (1500 mating/unmating) B: Connector supplied less socket contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: B + orientation) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) Specification: 046: Tinned straight PC tail 251: Connector provided with power contacts (layouts with contact #8) 022: Fuel tank Special custom: None: Standard plastic cap M: Antistatic plastic cap L: For P or S contact type only, connectors delivered without contacts, connectors marking P or S plus orientation. - - L P N L MIL-DTL-38999 part numbers* Basic Series D38999 20 M Shell style: 20: Square flange receptacle 26: Plug with RFI shielding. Plating: J: Olive drab cadmium M: Nickel Shell size: 09=A, 11=B, 13=C, 15=D, 17=E, 19=F, 21=G, 23=H, 25=J Contact layout: See page 15 for layout according to MIL-DTL-38999 Contact type: P: Pin (500 mating/unmating) H: Pin (1500 mating/unmating) A: Connector supplied less pin contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: A + orientation) S: Socket (500 mating/unmating) J: Socket (1500 mating/unmating) B: Connector supplied less socket contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: B + orientation) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) L: For P or S contact type only, connector delevired without contacts, connector marking P or S (without L) B 35 * Note: To place an order of MIL connectors delivered without MIL removable crimp contacts and keep P or S plus orientation marking, it must be specify clearly on the order (by adding a suffix L at the end of the P/N or specified in comment). 32 8D - D38999 Composite Series BACC part numbers Basic Series: BACC63CT: 8D5*M (composite plug) BACC63CU: 8D0*M (composite square flange receptacle) BACC63CT 13 98 P N H N 35 B N Shell size: 09=A, 11=B, 13=C, 15=D, 17=E, 19=F, 21=G, 23=H, 25=J Contact layout: See page 15 for layout according to BACC Contact type: P: Pin A: Connector supplied less pin contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: A + orientation) S: Socket B: Connector supplied less socket contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: B + orientation) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) H: Without contacts & without filler plug = L -: Empty with contacts EN3645 part numbers Basic Series EN3645 Plating: J: Olive drab cadmium M: Nickel Shell style: 0: Square flange receptacle 6: Plug Shell size: 09=A, 11=B, 13=C, 15=D, 17=E, 19=F, 21=G, 23=H, 25=J Grounding: N: Standard insert not grounded Contact layout: See page 15 for layout according to EN3645 Contact type: A: Connector supplied less pin contact B: Connector supplied less socket contact F: Socket M: Pin Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) 33 J 6 G 8D - D38999 Composite Series Dimensions Receptacle type 0 Shell size A Max B Max C Max D Thread E±0.3 F G 09 (A) M12 x 1-6g 23.8 18.26 15.09 11 (B) M15 x 1-6g 26.2 20.62 18.26 M18 x 1-6g 28.6 23.01 20.62 M22 x 1-6g 31 24.61 23.01 M25 x 1-6g 33.3 26.97 24.61 Composite 155 À 162_typomod:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 17:30 Page 158 13 (C) 19.65 11.96 15 (D) omposite 155 À 162_typomod:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 17:30 Page 158 8D Composite 155 À 162_typomod:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 17:30 Page 158 17 (E) 8D Composite 155 À 162_typomod:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 17:30 Page 158 3.65 19 (F) 3.7 M28 x 1-6g 36.5 29.36 26.97 21 (G) 4.35 M31 x 1-6g 39.7 31.75 29.36 M34 x 1-6g 42.9 34.93 31.75 M37 x 1-6g 46 38.1 34.93 8D - D38999 Composite Series 8D - D38999 Composite Series 8D D38999 Composite Series 8D - -D38999 Composite Series 23 (H) 18.85 12.76 4.4 25 (J) H±0.2 5.49 4.93 3.25 Plug type 5 Plug type Plug type 5 55 Plug type Mated connectors dimensions Mated connectors dimensions Mated Type 0 with plug connectors dimensions Mated connectors dimensions Mated connectors Type 0 with plug Type 0 with plug Shell A 21 (G) 25 (J) 23 (H) 25 (J) 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 Shell size A Max. B size Shell Max. A Max. 09 (A) 37.00 size 37.00 Max. Shell A 52.30 09 (A) 11(A) (B)37.00 Max. 37.00 09 37.00 11 (B)size 52.30 13 (C) 37.00 0911(A) (B) 37.00 37.00 37.00 13 (C) 52.30 15 (D)37.00 37.00 37.00 15 (D) 52.30 (C) 37.00 1113 (B) 17 (E)37.00 37.00 37.00 17 (E) 52.30 (D) 37.00 1315 (C) 19 (F) 52.30 19 (F)37.00 37.00 37.00 (E) 37.00 1517 (D) 21 (G)19 36.00 37.00 (F) 21 (G) 36.00 17 (E) 37.00 51.30 23 (H)21 36.00 36.00 51.30 (G) 23 (H) 36.00 19 (F) 37.00 25 (J) 23 36.00 51.30 36.00 25(H) (J) 36.00 Type 0 with plug Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) Dimensions in millimeters Dimensions in millimeters Dimensions in millimeters Dimensions in millimeters Shell A B size Max. thread 09 (A) 31.00 M12 A B x 1-6g Shell A A B ShellShell B C 11 (B)Max. Max. 31.00 xMax. 1-6g thread size Max. thread size size thread M15 13 (C)31.00 31.00 31.00 M18 x21.80 1-6g 0909 (A) M12 1-6g (A) 31.00 x 1-6g 09 (A) M12 x 1-6g 15 (D)31.00 31.00 31.00 M22 x25.00 1-6g 11 (B) M15 x 1-6g 1111 (B) M15 1-6g (B) 31.00 x 1-6g 13 (C) M18 x 1-6g 17 (E)31.00 31.00 31.00 M25 x29.40 1-6g (C) 31.00 x 1-6g 1313 (C) M18 1-6g 15 (D) M22 x 1-6g (D) 31.00 x 1-6g 19 (F)31.00 31.00 31.00 M28 x32.50 1-6g 1515 (D) M22 1-6g 17 (E) M25 x 1-6g (E) 31.00 M25 xx 1-6g 21 (G)31.00 31.00 31.00 M31 x35.70 1-6g 1717 (E) M25 1-6g 19 (F) 19 (F) 31.00 31.00 M28 x 1-6g M28 xx 1-6g 31.00 M34 x38.50 1-6g 1923 (F)(H) 31.00 M28 1-6g 21 (G)21 (G) 31.00 31.00 M31 x 1-6g 41.70 M31 xx 1-6g 25 (J) 31.00 M31 M37 x 1-6g 21 (G) 31.00 1-6g 23 (H)23 (H) 31.00 31.00 M34 x 1-6g 44.90 M34 xx 1-6g 23 (H) 31.00 31.00 M34 1-6g 25 (J) M37 x 1-6g 48.00 25 (J) 31.00 M37 x 1-6g 25 (J) 31.00 M37 x 1-6g 34 B Max. B 52.30 Max. B 52.30 Max. 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 51.30 52.30 51.30 51.30 52.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 4.39 4.93 3.91 Plug type 5 J±0.2 C Max. 21.80 CC 25.00 Max. Max. 29.40 21.80 21.80 32.50 25.00 25.00 35.70 29.40 29.40 32.50 38.50 32.50 35.70 41.70 35.70 38.50 44.90 38.50 41.70 48.00 41.70 44.90 44.90 48.00 48.00 6.15 8D - D38999 Composite Series Receptacle with straight PC tail contacts L2 ØA L1 Shell size Contact size Contact type A L1 L2 PC tail type 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (C) 17 (E) #22D M&F L&C 0.70 #22D M&F S 0.50 #20 M&F C 0.70 #16 M&F C 1.15 #22D M&F L 8.50 #22D M&F C 4.00 #22D M&F S 5.00 #20 M&F C 5.00 #16 M&F C 5.00 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) Min #22D M L&C 9.48 9.59 Max #22D M L&C 10.38 10.48 Min #22D F L&C 9.15 9.26 Max #22D F L&C 10.58 10.69 Min #22D M S 9.65 9.76 Max #22D M S 10.55 10.65 Min #22D F S 9.65 9.76 Max #22D F S 10.55 10.65 Min #20 M C 9.65 9.76 Max #20 M C 10.55 10.65 Min #20 F C 9.65 9.76 Max #20 F C 10.55 10.65 Min #16 M C 9.65 9.76 Max #16 M C 10.55 10.65 Min #16 F C 9.65 9.76 Max #16 F C 10.55 10.65 M: Male contact F: Female contact L: Long PC tail C: Short PC tail Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 35 S: Specific PC tail 25 (J) 8D - D38999 Composite Series Backshells Straight cable clamp (Type 91) 90° cable clamp (Type 92) F E B ØC ØA ØA D ØC Shell size ØA Max B Max C Max D Max E F 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 21.80 25.00 29.40 32.50 35.70 38.50 41.70 44.90 48.00 24.90 26.00 30.50 33.00 36.10 38.60 41.65 45.00 48.00 5.55 6.70 8.75 11.70 13.85 15.60 17.75 19.80 21.60 21.25 24.30 27.95 27.95 31.25 35.80 38.35 42.15 44.70 22.20 23.80 26.20 28.60 33.30 34.95 38.10 41.30 44.45 26.95 27.95 30.00 33.00 35.05 36.85 39.15 41.15 42.95 Basic Series M85049 Backshell type: 91: Straight cable clamp 92: 90° cable clamp Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Plating: J: Olive drab cadmium over electroless nickel M: Electroless nickel T: Without plating Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 36 91 11 M 8D Composite 155 À 162_typomod:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 17:30 Page 162 8D - D38999 Composite Series 8D - D38999 Composite Series Connectors weight weight With contacts Plug (type 5) 09-35 09-98 11-01 11-02 11-04 11-05 11-22 11-35 11-80 11-98 11-99 13-04 13-08 13-26 13-35 13-98 15-05 15-15 15-18 15-19 15-35 15-97 17-02 17-06 17-08 17-26 17-35 17-75 17-99 19-11 19-32 19-35 21-11 21-16 21-35 21-39 21-41 21-48 21-75 23-21 23-35 23-53 23-55 25-07 25-11 25-19 25-24 25-29 25-35 25-37 25-44 25-43 25-46 25-61 25-08 25-20 25-04 Without contact Receptacle (type 0) Plug (type 5) Receptacle (type 0) Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 8.5 8.5 12.8 11.5 12.6 12.6 11.4 12.5 15.25 12.5 11.8 17.2 17.6 17.9 17.4 17.2 21.4 22.2 22.4 22.0 22.0 21.8 26.51 25.9 24.9 25.5 25.7 31.3 25.5 32.1 31.3 31.6 38.0 35.1 35.4 36.8 35.3 42.41 47.3 43.1 41.4 41.5 42.2 53.6 59.08 51.7 51.2 49.5 47.3 49.27 69.64 49.6 51.9 46.6 72.9 57.9 50.4 10.1 9.8 15.7 14.1 15.7 15.8 13.8 16.0 18.6 15.3 15.0 20.9 22.8 23.6 23.1 21.8 26.7 29.3 31.3 29.6 31.3 28.9 38.85 35.5 33.6 36.3 39.3 42.6 36.1 45.7 44.7 48.1 57.9 50.4 56.1 57.1 52.7 62.40 64.2 66.3 67.5 63.6 65.3 90.05 81.60 83.7 82.5 78.5 80.1 80.36 93.70 80.2 75.7 73.4 104.8 88.2 80.2 7.8 7.8 10.4 09.3 10.2 10.2 09.1 10.1 13.40 10.1 09.6 13.7 14.1 14.4 13.8 13.7 16.6 17.4 17.6 17.1 17.2 17.1 25.23 23.2 22.2 22.8 23.0 28.6 22.8 26.1 25.3 25.6 32.8 29.9 30.1 31.5 30.1 37.71 42.6 38.0 36.3 36.4 42.2 49.0 54.48 46.6 46.1 44.4 42.2 45.47 65.04 44.4 46.7 41.5 67.8 52.8 45.3 9.4 9.1 13.3 11.8 13.3 13.4 11.6 13.6 10.4 12.9 12.8 17.5 19.2 20.1 19.6 18.3 21.9 24.5 26.5 24.8 26.5 24.1 37.57 32.8 30.1 33.6 36.6 39.9 33.4 39.7 38.7 42.0 52.6 45.2 50.8 51.9 47.5 57.70 59.50 61.2 62.5 58.6 60.2 84.85 77.00 78.6 77.4 73.4 75.0 76.16 94.65 75.1 70.1 68.2 99.6 83.0 75.0 8.1 8.1 12.1 10.9 12.0 11.9 11.1 11.6 10.75 11.7 10.8 15.6 16.5 16.2 15.8 15.8 19.8 19.9 19.9 19.2 19.4 19.4 19.35 21.9 22.4 21.8 21.9 22.3 22.0 28.7 26.8 27.1 30.8 30.2 29.9 31.0 29.6 29.3 29.3 36.5 34.4 34.1 34.5 37.8 40.8 39.2 39.6 40.5 38.4 37.8 36.1 40.1 37.2 38.1 36.9 36.4 41.2 8.6 8.6 14.1 12.5 14.1 13.8 12.8 12.8 11.63 12.8 12.2 17.9 19.6 18.9 17.6 17.9 22.8 23.0 24.0 22.0 22.0 22.6 22.35 25.9 27.4 25.9 25.5 28.6 26.1 37.1 31.9 31.6 40.3 37.9 36.3 40.8 36.3 36.2 36.2 49.9 42.5 42.4 43.3 51.8 53.8 53.3 54.0 55.9 48.1 51.50 45.80 55.4 47.4 48.9 48.8 46.6 54.8 7.4 7.4 9.7 08.7 9.7 9.5 08.8 9.2 08.90 9.3 08.6 12.4 12.9 12.7 12.3 12.3 15.0 15.1 15.0 14.5 14.6 14.7 18.07 19.2 19.7 19.2 19.2 19.6 19.3 22.7 20.8 21.0 25.5 24.9 24.6 25.7 24.3 24.6 24.6 31.5 29.3 29.0 29.4 33.2 36.2 34.0 34.4 35.4 33.2 34.0 31.5 35.0 32.1 32.9 31.8 31.3 36.1 7.9 7.9 11.7 10.3 11.7 11.5 10.6 10.4 09.4 10.5 10.0 14.3 16.1 15.4 14.1 14.3 18.0 18.1 19.2 17.2 17.2 17.8 21.07 23.2 24.7 23.1 22.8 25.9 23.4 31.1 25.9 25.6 35.1 32.7 31.1 35.5 31.0 31.5 31.5 44.8 37.5 37.4 38.2 46.6 49.2 48.2 48.9 50.7 43.0 47.30 46.75 50.3 42.2 43.8 43.6 41.5 49.6 Weight in gram (+/- 15%) 162 37 38 8D - D38999 Stainless Steel Series Stainless Steel Series MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 39 8D - D38999 Stainless Steel Series Connector part numbers Basic Series 8D 0 11 K 35 P N Shell style: 0: Square flange receptacle 7: Jam nut receptacle 5: Plug with RFI shielding Type: None: Connectors with standard crimp contacts. L: Receptacle with long PC tail (male and female size #22D, #20). C: Receptacle with short PC tail (male and female #22D, #20, #16). S: Receptacle with specific PC tail (male et female #22D) W: Receptacle with male contacts #22D for wire wrap (3 wraps) T: Receptacle with male contacts #20 for wire wrap (2 wraps) P: Receptacle with solder cup (male and female size #22D; male #16 & #12; female #16 & #12 and male female #20 please consult us) Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Plating: K: Passivated S: Nickel Contact layout: See pages 11 to 14 Contact type: P: Pin A: Connector supplied less pin contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: A + orientation) S: Socket B: Connector supplied less socket contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: B + orientation) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) Specification: 046: Tinned straight PC tail 251: Connector provided with power contacts (layouts with contact #8) 022: Fuel tank Special custom None: Standard plastic cap M: Antistatic plastic cap L: For P or S contact type only, connectors delivered without contacts, connectors marking P or S plus orientation. - - L P N L MIL-DTL-38999 part numbers* Basic Series D38999 20 K Shell style: 20: Square flange receptacle 24: Jam nut receptacle 26: Plug with RFI shielding. Plating: K: Passivated S: Nickel Shell size: 09=A, 11=B, 13=C, 15=D, 17=E, 19=F, 21=G, 23=H, 25=J Contact layout: See page 15 for layout according to MIL-DTL-38999 Contact type: P: Pin A: Connector supplied less pin contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: A + orientation) S: Socket B: Connector supplied less socket contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: B + orientation) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) L: For P or S contact type only, connector delivered without contacts, connector marking P or S (without L) B 35 * Note: To place an order of MIL connectors delivered without MIL removable crimp contacts and keep P or S plus orientation marking, it must be specify clearly on the order (by adding a suffix L at the end of the P/N or specified in comment). 40 8D - D38999 Stainless Steel Series BACC part numbers Basic Series: BACC63DB: 8D5*K (stainless steel plug) BACC63DC: 8D0*K (stainless steel square flange receptacle) BACC63DB 13 98 P N H G N 35 B N Shell size: 09=A, 11=B, 13=C, 15=D, 17=E, 19=F, 21=G, 23=H, 25=J Contact layout: See page 15 for layout according to BACC Contact type: P: Pin A: Connector supplied less pin contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: A + orientation) S: Socket B: Connector supplied less socket contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: B + orientation) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) H: Without contacts & without filler plug = L -: Empty with contacts EN3645 part numbers Basic Series EN3645 Plating: K: Stainless steel passivated Shell style: 0: Square flange receptacle 6: Plug 7: Jam nut receptacle Shell size: 09=A, 11=B, 13=C, 15=D, 17=E, 19=F, 21=G, 23=H, 25=J Grounding: N: Standard insert not grounded Contact layout: See page 15 for layout according to EN3645 Contact type: A: Connector supplied less pin contact B: Connector supplied less socket contact F: Socket M: Pin Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) 41 K 6 8D - D38999 Stainless Steel Series Dimensions Receptacle type 0 (8D) or type 20 (D38999) Shell size D Thread E±0.3 F G 09 (A) M12 x 1-6g 23.8 18.26 15.09 11 (B) M15 x 1-6g 26.2 20.62 18.26 13 (C) M18 x 1-6g 28.6 23.01 20.62 M22 x 1-6g 31 24.61 23.01 17 (E) M25 x 1-6g 33.3 26.97 24.61 19 (F) M28 x 1-6g 36.5 29.36 26.97 M31 x 1-6g 39.7 31.75 29.36 M34 x 1-6g 42.9 34.93 31.75 M37 x 1-6g 46 38.1 34.93 15 (D) A Max B Max C Max 20.2 11.4 21 (G) 23 (H) 11.8 19.8 11.4 25 (J) 2.5 3.2 H±0.2 J±0.2 5.49 4.93 3.25 4.4 4.93 3.91 6.15 Receptacle type 7 (8D) or type 24 (D38999) Shell size A±0.15 09 (A) B Max C Max D Max E Max F±0.4 G Thread 16.57 30.5 23 27 M12 x 1-6g 11 (B) 19.12 35.2 26 31.8 M15 x 1-6g 13 (C) 23.87 38.4 31 34.9 M18 x 1-6g 15 (D) 27.02 41.6 34 38.1 M22 x 1-6g 17 (E) 30.2 44.8 37 41.3 M25 x 1-6g 19 (F) 33.37 49.5 41 46 M28 x 1-6g 21 (G) 36.55 52.7 46 49.2 M31 x 1-6g 23 (H) 39.72 55.9 47 52.4 M34 x 1-6g 25 (J) 42.90 59 51.23 55.6 M37 x 1-6g 9.9 3.2 Recommended coupling torque on panel for jam nut receptacle (type 7) Shell 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) Coupling torque (±0.5 N.m) 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 42 Plug type 5 (8D) or type 26 (D38999) D Stainless steel 163-168_typo mod:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 17:33 Page 166 Shell size 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) A Max. 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 8D - D38999 Stainless Steel Series 8D - D38999 Stainless steel Plug type 5 (8D) or type 26 (D38999) Plug type 5 (8D) or type 26 (D38999) Recommended coupling torque on panel Shell size 09 (A) 11 (B) (C) for13jam 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) B thread M12 x 1-6g M15 x 1-6g M18 x 1-6g M22 x 1-6g M25 x 1-6g M28 x 1-6g M31 x 1-6g M34 x 1-6g M37 x 1-6g C Max. 21.80 25.00 29.40 32.50 35.70 38.50 41.70 44.90 48.00 A B C Max. thread Max. 31.00 M12 x 1-6g 21.80 31.00 M15 x 1-6g 25.00 M18 x 1-6g 29.40 nut31.00 receptacle (type 7) 31.00 M22 x 1-6g 32.50 31.00 M25 x 1-6g 35.70 31.00 M28 x 1-6g 38.50 31.00 M31 x 1-6g 41.70 31.00 M34 x 1-6g 44.90 31.00 M37 x 1-6g 48.00 Mated connectors dimensions Mated connectors Recommended coupling torque on paneldimensions for jam nut receptacle (type 7) Type 0 with plug Type 7 with plug Shell size 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) A Max. 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 B Max. 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 C Max. 38.30 38.30 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 D Max. 53.60 53.60 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 Shell size 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) A Max. 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 B Max. 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 C Max. 38.30 38.30 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 D Max. 53.60 53.60 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 Mated connectors dimensions Dimensions in millimeters Type 0 with plug Type 7 with plug 166 Dimensions in millimeters Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 166 43 8D - D38999 Stainless Steel Series Receptacle with straight PC tail contacts L3 L1 L2 ØA ØA L2 A Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max L1 L2 L3 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max M: Male contact Shell size Contact size Contact type #22D M&F #22D M&F #20 M&F #16 M&F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #20 M #20 M #20 F #20 F #16 M #16 M #16 F #16 F #22D M&F #22D M&F #22D M&F #20 M&F #16 M&F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #20 M #20 M #20 F #20 F #16 M #16 M #16 F #16 F PC tail type L&C S C C L&C L&C L&C L&C S S S S C C C C C C C C L C S C C L&C L&C L&C L&C S S S S C C C C C C C C F: Female contact L: Long PC tail 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (C) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) 0.70 0.50 0.70 1.15 10.52 11.46 10.19 11.46 10.69 11.63 10.36 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.34 11.28 10.01 11.28 10.51 11.45 10.18 11.45 10.51 11.45 10.51 11.45 10.51 11.45 10.51 11.45 8.50 4.00 5.10 5.10 5.10 9.48 10.58 9.15 10.58 9.65 10.75 9.15 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 C: Short PC tail 44 S: Specific PC tail 9.59 10.69 9.26 10.69 9.76 10.86 9.26 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 Dimensions in millimeters 8D Stainless steel 163-168_typo mod:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 17:33 Page 168 8D - D38999 Stainless Steel Series 8D - D38999 Stainless steel Connectors weight weight With contacts Plug (type 5) 09-35 09-98 11-01 11-02 11-04 11-05 11-22 11-35 11-80 11-98 11-99 13-04 13-08 13-26 13-35 13-98 15-05 15-15 15-18 15-19 15-35 15-97 17-02 17-06 17-08 17-26 17-35 17-75 17-99 19-11 19-32 19-35 21-11 21-16 21-35 21-39 21-41 21-48 21-75 23-21 23-35 23-53 23-55 25-07 25-11 25-19 25-24 25-29 25-35 25-37 25-44 25-43 25-46 25-61 25-08 25-20 25-04 Male 30.63 30.63 38.13 37.76 37.95 37.98 37.48 37.88 38.12 37.85 38.02 53.34 53.72 54.09 53.52 53.38 64.49 65.29 65.50 65.03 65.13 64.96 77.80 69.07 68.06 68.64 68.88 74.48 68.69 87.04 86.25 86.56 99.71 96.81 97.09 98.47 97.01 103.84 108.72 108.81 107.17 107.23 107.98 133.3 132.31 122.14 121.64 119.96 117.75 119.98 140.35 120.00 122.30 117.05 143.38 128.40 120.80 Female 32.21 31.93 41.07 40.30 41.01 41.19 39.54 41.35 44.84 40.61 41.24 57.12 58.90 59.74 59.29 58.00 69.83 72.45 74.38 72.76 74.37 72.01 92.64 78.67 76.79 79.43 82.43 85.77 79.25 100.63 99.65 103.01 119.55 112.09 117.75 118.80 114.38 123.82 125.62 132.06 133.32 129.42 131.05 157.7 152.31 154.15 153.00 148.93 150.58 148.26 164.98 150.68 146.14 143.80 175.21 158.62 150.65 Receptacle (type 0) Male 23.93 23.93 29.53 39.36 29.35 29.38 28.90 29.28 29.73 29.25 29.44 37.94 38.32 38.69 38.12 37.98 45.69 46.49 46.70 46.23 46.33 46.16 72.89 64.17 63.16 63.74 63.98 69.58 63.79 67.69 66.90 67.21 81.81 78.91 79.19 80.57 79.11 85.93 90.81 90.61 88.97 89.03 89.78 115.5 114.51 104.34 103.84 102.16 99.95 102.18 122.55 102.20 104.50 99.25 125.58 110.60 103.00 Female 25.51 25.23 32.47 30.12 32.41 32.59 130.86 32.75 36.26 32.01 32.66 41.72 43.50 44.34 43.89 42.60 51.03 53.65 55.58 53.96 55.57 53.21 87.73 73.77 71.89 74.53 77.53 80.87 74.35 81.28 80.30 83.66 101.65 94.19 99.85 100.90 126.48 105.91 107.71 113.86 115.12 111.22 112.85 172.25 134.51 136.35 135.20 131.13 132.78 162.67 179.58 132.88 128.34 126.00 157.41 140.82 132.85 Without contact Receptacle (type 7) Male 33.93 33.93 42.43 46.98 42.25 42.04 46.70 41.94 47.78 42.15 47.24 56.24 56.62 56.99 56.42 56.28 67.59 68.39 68.60 68.13 68.23 68.06 104.09 87.27 86.26 86.84 87.08 92.68 86.89 97.59 96.80 97.11 111.81 108.91 109.19 110.57 109.11 126.02 130.92 122.81 121.17 121.23 121.98 160.06 159.71 136.74 136.24 134.56 132.35 146.74 167.11 134.60 136.90 131.65 157.98 143.00 135.40 Female 35.51 35.23 45.37 49.52 45.31 45.49 48.76 45.65 54.06 44.91 50.46 60.02 61.80 62.64 62.19 60.90 72.93 75.55 77.48 75.86 77.47 75.11 118.95 96.87 94.99 97.63 100.63 103.97 97.45 111.18 110.20 113.56 131.65 124.19 129.85 130.90 126.48 146.02 147.82 146.06 147.32 143.42 145.05 172.25 179.07 168.75 167.60 163.53 165.18 162.67 179.71 165.28 160.74 158.40 189.81 173.22 165.25 Weight in Weight in gram gram (+/- 15%) 168 45 Plug (type 5) Male 30.21 30.21 37.47 37.14 37.39 37.28 37.34 36.97 34.86 37.01 37.04 52.10 52.60 52.35 51.98 51.98 62.94 63.02 62.98 62.37 62.54 62.60 74.53 65.11 65.58 65.00 65.03 65.48 65.13 83.63 81.77 81.94 92.45 91.85 91.56 92.67 91.27 90.72 90.72 102.30 100.17 99.81 100.28 108.51 111.51 109.60 110.00 110.97 108.79 108.51 106.81 110.58 107.66 108.51 107.38 106.83 111.60 Female 30.71 30.73 39.47 38.74 39.41 39.19 39.04 38.10 37.84 38.21 38.44 54.00 55.70 55.04 53.79 54.00 65.93 66.07 67.18 65.16 65.12 65.69 86.09 69.07 70.55 69.03 68.68 71.77 69.29 92.05 86.85 86.51 101.95 99.61 98.00 102.44 97.98 97.62 97.62 115.68 108.32 108.22 109.05 119.45 124.51 123.75 124.44 126.31 118.58 119.40 117.08 125.88 117.82 119.40 119.21 117.08 125.21 Receptacle (type 0) Male 23.51 23.51 28.87 28.56 28.79 28.68 28.76 28.37 26.45 28.41 28.46 36.70 37.20 36.95 36.58 36.58 44.14 44.22 44.18 43.57 43.74 43.80 69.62 60.21 60.68 60.10 60.13 60.58 60.23 64.28 62.42 62.59 74.55 73.95 73.66 74.77 73.37 72.81 72.81 84.10 81.97 81.61 82.08 90.71 93.71 91.80 92.20 93.17 90.99 90.71 89.01 92.78 89.86 90.71 89.58 89.03 93.80 Female 24.01 24.03 30.87 30.16 30.81 30.59 30.36 29.50 29.26 29.61 29.86 38.60 40.30 39.64 38.39 38.60 47.13 47.27 48.38 46.36 46.32 46.89 81.18 64.17 65.65 64.13 63.78 66.87 64.39 73.45 67.50 67.16 84.05 81.71 80.10 84.54 80.08 79.71 79.71 97.48 90.12 90.02 90.85 101.65 106.71 105.95 106.64 108.51 100.78 101.60 99.28 108.08 100.02 101.60 101.41 99.28 107.41 Receptacle (type 7) Male 33.51 33.51 41.77 46.36 41.69 41.58 46.56 41.27 44.51 41.31 46.26 55.00 55.50 55.25 54.88 54.88 66.04 66.12 66.08 65.47 65.64 65.70 100.82 83.31 83.78 83.20 83.23 83.68 83.33 94.18 92.32 92.49 104.55 103.95 103.66 104.77 103.37 112.92 112.92 116.30 114.17 113.81 114.28 135.27 138.91 124.20 124.60 125.57 123.39 135.27 133.57 125.18 122.26 123.11 121.98 121.43 126.20 Female 34.01 34.03 43.77 47.96 43.71 43.49 48.26 42.40 47.06 42.51 47.66 56.90 58.60 57.94 56.69 56.90 69.03 69.17 70.28 68.26 68.22 68.79 112.38 87.27 88.75 87.23 86.88 89.97 87.49 103.35 97.40 97.06 114.05 111.71 110.10 114.54 80.08 119.82 119.82 129.68 122.32 122.22 123.05 101.65 151.27 138.35 139.04 140.91 133.18 101.60 99.41 140.48 132.42 155.51 133.81 131.68 139.81 46 8D - Titanium Series Titanium Series Derived from MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 47 8D - Titanium Series Connector part numbers Basic Series 8D 0 11 TT 35 P N Shell style: 0: Square flange receptacle 7: Jam nut receptacle 5: Plug with RFI shielding Type: None: Connectors with standard crimp contacts. L: Receptacle with long PC tail (male and female size #22D, #20). C: Receptacle with short PC tail (male and female #22D, #20, #16). S: Receptacle with specific PC tail (male et female #22D) W: Receptacle with male contacts #22D for wire wrap (3 wraps) T: Receptacle with male contacts #20 for wire wrap (2 wraps) P: Receptacle with solder cup (male and female size #22D; male #16 & #12; female #16 & #12 and male female #20 please consult us) Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Plating: TT: Without plating TF: Nickel Contact layout: See pages 11 to 14 Contact type: P: Pin A: Connector supplied less pin contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: A + orientation) S: Socket B: Connector supplied less socket contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: B + orientation) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) Specification: 046: Tinned straight PC tail 251: Connector provided with power contacts (layouts with contact #8) 022: Fuel tank Special custom None: Standard plastic cap M: Antistatic plastic cap L: For P or S contact type only, connectors delivered without contacts, connectors marking P or S plus orientation. 48 - - L 8D - Titanium Series Dimensions Receptacle type 0 Shell size A Max B Max C Max D Thread E±0.3 F G 09 (A) M12 x 1-6g 23.8 18.26 15.09 11 (B) M15 x 1-6g 26.2 20.62 18.26 13 (C) M18 x 1-6g 28.6 23.01 20.62 M22 x 1-6g 31 24.61 23.01 17 (E) M25 x 1-6g 33.3 26.97 24.61 19 (F) M28 x 1-6g 36.5 29.36 26.97 M31 x 1-6g 39.7 31.75 29.36 M34 x 1-6g 42.9 34.93 31.75 M37 x 1-6g 46 38.1 34.93 20.2 15 (D) 11.4 21 (G) 11.8 23 (H) 19.8 11.4 25 (J) 2.5 3.2 H±0.2 J±0.2 5.49 4.93 3.25 4.4 4.93 3.91 6.15 Receptacle type 7 Shell size A±0.15 09 (A) B Max C Max D Max E Max F±0.4 G Thread 16.57 30.5 23 27 M12 x 1-6g 11 (B) 19.12 35.2 26 31.8 M15 x 1-6g 13 (C) 23.87 38.4 31 34.9 M18 x 1-6g 15 (D) 27.02 41.6 34 38.1 M22 x 1-6g 17 (E) 30.2 44.8 37 41.3 M25 x 1-6g 19 (F) 33.37 49.5 41 46 M28 x 1-6g 21 (G) 36.55 52.7 46 49.2 M31 x 1-6g 23 (H) 39.72 55.9 47 52.4 M34 x 1-6g 25 (J) 42.90 59 51.23 55.6 M37 x 1-6g 9.9 3.2 Recommended coupling torque on panel for jam nut receptacle (type 7) Shell 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) Coupling torque (±0.5 N.m) 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 49 13 23.82 9.90 9.60 15 26.97 9.90 9.60 17 30.15 9.90 9.60 19 33.32 9.90 9.60 21 9.90 17:37 Page 9.60 173 8D Titanium 169-176_typo mod:Mise en 36.50 page 1 19/12/2008 23 39.67 9.90 9.60 25 42.85 9.90 9.60 8D - Titanium Series 38.40 41.60 44.80 49.50 52.70 55.90 59.00 31.00 34.00 37.00 41.00 46.00 47.00 52.00 34.90 38.10 41.30 46.00 49.20 52.40 55.60 M18 x 1-6g M22 x 1-6g M25 x 1-6g M28 x 1-6g M31 x 1-6g M34 x 1-6g M37 x 1-6g 8D Titanium 169-176_typo mod:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 17:37 Page 173 8D Titanium Series Plug type 55 Plug type Recommended coupling torque on panel for jam 7) Shell nut receptacle A B (type C 8D Titanium Series Recommended coupling torque on panel for size 09 11 13 jam15nut 17 19 21 23 25 Max. thread 31.00 M12 x 1-6g 31.00 M15 x 1-6g 31.00 M18 x 1-6g 31.00 M22 x 1-6g receptacle (type 7) 31.00 M25 x 1-6g 31.00 M28 x 1-6g 31.00 M31 x 1-6g 31.00 M34 x 1-6g 31.00 M37 x 1-6g Max. 21.80 25.00 29.40 32.50 35.70 38.50 41.70 44.90 48.00 Mated connectors dimensions Dimensions in millimeters Type 0 with plug Type 7 with plug Mated connectorsdimensions dimensions Mated connectors Type 0 with plug Type 7 with plug 172 Shell size 09 Shell 11 size 09 13 1511 13 17 15 19 17 21 19 23 21 25 23 25 A Max. 37.00 A 37.00 Max. 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 36.00 37.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 B Max. 52.30 B 52.30 Max. 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 51.30 52.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 C Max. 38.30 C 38.30 Max. 38.30 38.50 38.30 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 D Max. 53.60 D 53.60 Max. 53.60 53.80 53.60 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 53.80 36.00 51.30 38.50 53.80 Dimensions in millimeters Dimensions in millimeters Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 50 173 173 8D - Titanium Series Receptacle with straight PC tail contacts L1 L3 A Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max L1 L2 L3 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max M: Male contact Shell size Contact size Contact type #22D M&F #22D M&F #20 M&F #16 M&F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #20 M #20 M #20 F #20 F #16 M #16 M #16 F #16 F #22D M&F #22D M&F #22D M&F #20 M&F #16 M&F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #20 M #20 M #20 F #20 F #16 M #16 M #16 F #16 F PC tail type L&C S C C L&C L&C L&C L&C S S S S C C C C C C C C L C S C C L&C L&C L&C L&C S S S S C C C C C C C C F: Female contact L: Long PC tail ØA L2 ØA L2 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (C) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) 0.70 0.50 0.70 1.15 10.52 11.46 10.19 11.46 10.19 11.46 10.69 11.63 10.36 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.34 11.28 10.01 11.28 10.01 11.28 10.51 11.45 10.18 11.45 10.51 11.45 10.51 11.45 10.51 11.45 8.50 4.00 5.10 5.10 5.10 9.48 10.58 9.15 10.58 9.65 10.75 9.15 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 C: Short PC tail 51 S: Specific PC tail 9.59 10.69 9.26 10.69 9.76 10.86 9.26 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 Dimensions in millimeters 8D Titanium 169-176_typo mod:Mise en page 1 19/12/2008 17:37 Page 175 8D - Titanium Series 8D Titanium Series Connectors weight* Connectors weight With contacts Plug (type 5) 09-35 09-98 11-01 11-02 11-04 11-05 11-22 11-35 11-80 11-98 11-99 13-04 13-08 13-26 13-35 13-98 15-05 15-15 15-18 15-19 15-35 15-97 17-02 17-06 17-08 17-26 17-35 17-75 17-99 19-11 19-32 19-35 21-11 21-16 21-35 21-39 21-41 21-48 21-75 23-21 23-35 23-53 23-55 25-07 25-11 25-19 25-24 25-29 25-35 25-37 25-44 25-43 25-46 25-61 25-08 25-20 25-04 Male 18.23 18.23 23.15 22.78 22.97 23.00 22.64 22.90 25.38 22.87 23.04 32.44 32.82 33.19 32.62 32.48 39.61 40.41 40.62 40.15 40.25 40.08 48.16 43.73 42.72 43.30 43.54 49.14 43.35 55.16 54.37 54.68 64.64 61.74 62.02 63.40 61.94 68.73 73.61 71.07 69.43 69.49 70.24 83.91 91.92 81.78 81.28 79.60 77.39 79.59 99.96 79.64 81.94 76.69 103.02 88.04 80.44 Female 19.81 19.53 26.09 25.32 26.03 26.21 25.06 26.37 29.86 25.63 26.26 36.22 38.00 38.84 38.39 37.10 44.95 47.57 49.50 47.88 49.49 47.13 58.40 53.33 51.45 54.09 57.09 60.43 53.91 68.75 67.77 71.13 84.48 77.02 82.68 83.73 79.31 88.71 90.51 94.32 95.58 91.68 93.31 117.09 111.92 113.79 112.64 108.57 110.22 107.09 127.50 110.32 105.78 103.44 134.85 118.26 110.29 Receptacle (type 0) Male 14.37 14.37 18.19 17.82 18.01 18.04 17.68 17.94 20.08 17.91 18.06 23.56 23.94 24.31 23.74 23.60 28.77 29.57 29.78 29.31 29.41 29.24 45.20 40.90 39.89 40.47 40.71 46.31 40.52 44.00 43.21 43.52 54.31 51.41 51.69 53.07 51.61 58.4 63.28 60.57 58.93 58.99 59.74 73.64 81.65 71.51 71.01 69.33 67.12 69.32 89.69 69.37 71.67 66.42 92.75 77.77 70.17 Female 15.95 15.67 21.13 20.36 21.07 21.25 20.10 21.41 24.88 20.67 21.28 27.34 29.12 29.96 29.51 28.22 34.11 36.73 38.66 37.04 38.65 36.29 55.44 50.50 48.62 51.26 54.26 57.60 51.08 57.59 56.61 59.97 74.15 66.69 72.35 73.40 86.29 78.38 80.18 83.82 85.08 81.18 82.81 123.58 101.65 103.52 102.37 98.30 99.95 116.12 134.23 100.05 95.51 93.17 124.58 107.99 100.02 Without contact Receptacle (type 7) Male 20.14 20.14 25.63 28.1 25.45 25.24 27.96 25.14 30.66 25.35 25.53 34.11 34.49 34.86 34.29 34.15 41.40 42.20 42.41 41.94 42.04 41.87 63.99 54.23 53.22 53.80 54.04 59.64 53.85 61.25 60.46 60.77 71.62 68.72 69.00 70.38 68.92 81.56 86.44 79.15 77.51 77.57 78.32 99.34 94.65 90.20 89.70 88.02 85.81 95.02 115.39 88.06 90.36 85.11 111.44 96.46 88.86 Female 21.72 21.44 28.57 30.64 28.51 28.69 30.38 28.85 35.78 28.11 28.75 37.89 39.67 40.51 40.06 38.77 46.74 49.36 51.29 49.67 51.28 48.92 74.23 63.83 61.95 64.59 67.59 70.93 64.41 74.84 73.86 77.22 91.46 84.00 89.66 90.71 86.29 101.54 103.34 102.40 103.66 99.76 101.39 121.8 127.35 122.21 121.06 116.99 118.64 113.36 134.44 118.74 114.20 111.86 143.27 126.68 118.71 Weight ingram gram (+/- 15%) Weight in ** Please, Please,consult consultususfor forweight weight receptacles of of receptacles typetype 77. 77. Plug (type 5) Male 17.81 17.81 22.49 22.16 22.41 22.30 22.36 21.99 22.10 22.03 22.06 31.20 31.70 31.45 31.08 31.08 38.06 38.14 38.10 37.49 37.66 37.72 44.89 39.77 40.24 39.66 39.69 40.14 39.79 51.75 49.89 50.06 57.38 56.78 56.49 57.60 56.20 55.61 55.61 64.56 62.43 62.07 62.54 68.12 71.12 69.24 69.64 70.61 68.43 68.12 66.42 70.22 67.30 68.15 67.02 66.47 71.24 Female 18.31 18.33 24.49 23.76 24.43 24.21 24.06 23.12 22.86 23.23 23.46 33.10 34.80 34.14 32.89 33.10 41.05 41.19 42.30 40.28 40.24 40.81 51.85 43.73 45.21 43.69 43.34 46.43 43.95 60.17 54.97 54.63 66.88 64.54 62.93 67.37 62.91 62.51 62.51 77.94 70.58 70.48 71.31 78.84 84.12 83.39 84.08 85.95 78.22 79.04 77.85 85.52 77.46 79.04 78.85 76.72 84.85 Receptacle (type 0) Male 13.95 13.95 17.53 17.2 17.45 17.34 17.40 17.03 16.80 17.07 17.08 22.32 22.82 22.57 22.20 22.20 27.22 27.30 27.26 26.65 26.82 26.88 41.93 36.94 37.41 36.83 36.86 37.31 36.96 40.59 38.73 38.90 47.05 46.45 46.16 47.27 45.87 45.28 45.28 54.06 51.93 51.57 52.04 57.85 60.85 58.97 59.37 60.34 58.16 57.85 56.15 59.95 57.03 57.88 56.75 56.20 60.97 Female 14.45 14.47 19.53 18.8 19.47 19.25 19.10 18.16 17.88 18.27 18.48 24.22 25.92 25.26 24.01 24.22 30.21 30.35 31.46 29.44 29.40 29.97 48.89 40.90 42.38 40.86 40.51 43.60 41.12 66.26 61.06 60.72 73.86 71.52 69.91 74.35 69.89 52.18 52.18 86.02 78.66 78.56 79.39 85.33 73.85 91.81 92.50 94.37 86.64 87.26 86.33 93.94 85.88 87.46 87.27 85.14 93.27 Receptacle (type 7) Male 19.72 19.72 24.97 27.48 24.89 24.78 27.68 24.47 27.38 24.51 24.55 32.87 33.37 33.12 32.75 32.75 39.85 39.93 39.89 39.28 39.45 39.51 60.72 50.27 50.74 50.16 50.19 50.64 50.29 40.59 38.73 38.90 47.05 46.45 46.16 47.27 45.87 68.44 68.44 54.06 51.93 51.57 52.04 83.55 86.55 58.97 59.37 60.34 58.16 83.55 81.85 59.95 57.03 57.88 56.75 56.20 60.97 Female 20.22 20.24 26.97 29.08 26.91 26.69 29.38 25.60 28.78 25.71 25.95 34.77 36.47 35.81 34.56 34.77 42.84 42.98 44.09 42.07 42.03 42.60 67.68 54.23 55.71 54.19 53.84 56.93 54.45 66.26 61.06 60.72 73.86 71.52 69.91 74.35 69.89 75.34 75.34 86.02 78.66 78.56 79.39 83.55 99.55 91.81 92.50 94.37 86.64 84.50 84.54 93.94 85.88 87.46 87.27 85.14 93.27 175 52 38999 Bronze Series ed CECC approv CECC 75.201.00 53 38999 Bronze Series Connector part numbers Basic Series JVS 16 A 11 35 P N - 0 1 G Shell style: 00: Square flange receptacle 07: Jam nut receptacle 16: Plug with RFI shielding Material: A: Bronze housing material Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Contact layout: See pages 11 to 14 Contact type: A: Connector supplied less pin contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: A + orientation) P: Pin S: Socket B: Connector supplied less socket contact or with specific contacts (connector marking: B + orientation) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) Specification: 251: Connector provides with power contacts (layouts with contacts #8) CI: Printed board mounting contacts LI: Receptacle with long PC tail (pin or socket #22D) L: For P or S contact type only, connectors delivered without contacts, connectors marking P or S plus orientation CECC part numbers Basic Series C 752 002 B B 98 Shell style: A: Plug B: Square flange receptacle C: Jam nut receptacle Shell size: 09=A, 11=B, 13=C, 15=D, 17=E, 19=F, 21=G, 23=H, 25=J Contact layout: See pages 11 to 14 Contact type: P: Pin S: Socket Type of contact termination: C: Crimp contact Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) Shell material: A: Aluminum bronze Supply code: 0: Connectors supplied with contacts 1: Connectors supplied without contacts Assessment level: 1: Level 1 Performance level: G: Level G Note: C 752 002 refers to the abbreviated form of the CECC 75 201-002 type designation. 54 P C N A 38999 Bronze Series Dimensions Receptacle type 00 (JVS) or type B (CECC) Shell size D Thread E±0.3 F G 09 (A) M12 x 1-6g 23.8 18.26 15.09 11 (B) M15 x 1-6g 26.2 20.62 18.26 13 (C) M18 x 1-6g 28.6 23.01 20.62 M22 x 1-6g 31 24.61 23.01 17 (E) M25 x 1-6g 33.3 26.97 24.61 19 (F) M28 x 1-6g 36.5 29.36 26.97 M31 x 1-6g 39.7 31.75 29.36 M34 x 1-6g 42.9 34.93 31.75 M37 x 1-6g 46 38.1 34.93 15 (D) A Max B Max C Max 20.2 11.4 21 (G) 23 (H) 11.8 19.8 11.4 25 (J) 2.5 3.2 H±0.2 J±0.2 5.49 4.93 3.25 4.4 4.93 3.91 6.15 Receptacle type 07 (JVS) or type C (CECC) Shell size A±0.15 09 (A) B Max C Max D Max E Max F±0.4 G Thread 16.57 30.5 23 27 M12 x 1-6g 11 (B) 19.12 35.2 26 31.8 M15 x 1-6g 13 (C) 23.87 38.4 31 34.9 M18 x 1-6g 15 (D) 27.02 41.6 34 38.1 M22 x 1-6g 17 (E) 30.2 44.8 37 41.3 M25 x 1-6g 19 (F) 33.37 49.5 41 46 M28 x 1-6g 21 (G) 36.55 52.7 46 49.2 M31 x 1-6g 23 (H) 39.72 55.9 47 52.4 M34 x 1-6g 25 (J) 42.90 59 51.23 55.6 M37 x 1-6g 9.9 3.2 Recommended coupling torque on panel for jam nut receptacle (type 7) Shell 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) Coupling torque (±0.5 N.m) 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 55 JVS Bronze 177-188_modif:Mise en page 1 05/01/2009 11:53 Page 180 180 Plug type 16 (JVS) or type A (CECC) 38999 Bronze Series 38999 Bronze Series Maximum Shell 09 (A) Coupling torque (N.m) 6 Shell A B C size Max. thread Max. 09 (A) 31.00 M12 x 1-6g 21.10 11 (B) 31.00 M15 x 1-6g 23.80 13 (C) 31.00 M18 x 1-6g 28.20 15 (D) 31.00 M22 x 1-6g 31.40 17 (E) 31.00 M25 x 1-6g 36.50 19 (F) 31.00 M28 x 1-6g 39.30 PlugPlug typetype 16 (JVS) or type A (CECC) 16 (JVS) or type A21(CECC) (G) 31.00 M31 x 1-6g 42.50 23 (H) 31.00 M34 x 1-6g 45.30 25 (J) 31.00 M37 x 1-6g 48.40 Shell A B C size Max. thread Max. 09 (A) 31.00 M12 x 1-6g 21.10 11 (B) 31.00 M15 x 1-6g 23.80 13 (C) 31.00 M18 x 1-6g 28.20 coupling torque on panel for jam nut receptacle (type 7) 15 (D) 31.00 M22 x 1-6g 31.40 17 (E) 31.00 M25 x 1-6g 36.50 19 (F) 31.00 M28 x 1-6g 39.30 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 21 (G) 31.00 M31 x 1-6g 42.50 (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (J) 23 (H) 31.00 M34 x 1-6g 45.30 8 10 13 20 23 25 M37 x 1-6g 26 28 25 (J) 31.00 48.40 Maximum coupling torque panel for jam nut receptacle (type 7) Matedonconnectors connectors dimensions dimensions Shell 09 (A) Coupling torque (N.m) 6 Type1100 with plug 13 (B) (C) 15 (D) 8 10 13 17 (E) 19 (F) 20 23 Type 7 with plug 21 23 (G) (H) 25 (J) 25 26 28 Mated connectors dimensions Type 00 with plug Dimensions in millimeters 180 Shell size 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) Shell size 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) Type 7 with plug A Max. 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 A Max. 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 37.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 B Max. 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 B Max. 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 52.30 51.30 51.30 51.30 Dimensions in millimeters Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 56 C Max. 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 C Max. 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 38.30 D Max. 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 D Max. 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 53.60 38999 Bronze Series Receptacle with straight PC tail contacts (CI & TI specification) L3 L1 L2 ØA ØA L2 A Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max L1 L2 L3 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max M: Male contact Shell size Contact size Contact type #22D M&F #22D M&F #20 M&F #16 M&F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #20 M #20 M #20 F #20 F #16 M #16 M #16 F #16 F #22D M&F #22D M&F #20 M&F #16 M&F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #22D M #22D M #22D F #22D F #20 M #20 M #20 F #20 F #16 M #16 M #16 F #16 F PC tail type L C C C L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C L C C C L L L L C C C C C C C C C C C C F: Female contact L: Long PC tail 09 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (C) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) 0.70 0.50 0.70 1.15 10.52 11.46 10.19 11.46 10.19 11.46 10.69 11.63 10.36 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.69 11.63 10.34 11.28 10.01 11.28 10.01 11.28 10.51 11.45 10.18 11.45 10.51 11.45 10.51 11.45 10.51 11.45 8.50 5.10 5.10 5.10 9.48 10.58 9.15 10.58 9.65 10.75 9.15 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 9.65 10.75 C: Short PC tail 57 9.59 10.69 9.26 10.69 9.76 10.86 9.26 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 9.76 10.86 Dimensions in millimeters 38999 Bronze Series Backshell part numbers Basic Series JVS Accessory style A : Rear accesssory (backshell) Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Accessory type: A: Screened adaptor for use with compression spring or band strap B: Adaptor with strain relief cable clamp E: Screened adaptor with braid trap G: Environmental cone clamp screened adaptor P: Adaptor for heat shrink boot X: Cone clamp screened adaptor Cable entry size: For B type: 00: Standard, by default choice For other types: 00: Standard, by default choice 03 to 32: Depending on backshell type, please refer to corresponding table Angle: A: Straight backshell (orientation by default) B: 45° backshell (except for «B Type» accessory) C: 90° right angle backshell Variant: For all types: None: Supplied without any other accessory For E, X and G type: CC: Cable clamp variant 58 A 11 A 00 C SB 38999 Bronze Series A Type - Screened adaptor for use with compression spring or band strap A Angle - straight B Angle - 45° C Angle - 90° Example: JVSA09A00A (straight) Shell Size 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 A Thread M12 x 1.0 M15 x 1.0 M18 x 1.0 M22 x 1.0 M25 x 1.0 M28 x 1.0 M31 x 1.0 M34 x 1.0 M37 x 1.0 B Max 18.0 21.0 24.5 29.0 32.5 35.5 37.0 40.0 43.5 C Max 13.1 13.9 14.5 15.5 16.1 16.8 17.1 17.7 18.4 D Max 24.7 25.9 26.3 27.2 28.0 28.3 29.1 29.5 30.4 E Max 25.5 26.5 31.0 37.0 40.0 44.5 49.0 51.5 53.0 F Max 30.5 32.2 33.7 35.2 36.9 38.5 40.1 41.6 43.1 Max Entry* 04 06 08 10 12 13 16 18 20 Entry Size 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 G 4.77 6.35 7.92 9.52 11.10 12.70 14.27 15.88 17.47 H Max Entry Size 13.9 12 13.9 13 15.5 14 17.2 15 18.7 16 20.3 17 21.9 18 23.5 19 25.1 20 G H Max 19.05 26.7 20.62 28.3 22.23 29.9 23.82 31.5 25.40 33.1 27.00 34.7 28.60 36.3 30.20 37.9 31.80 39.5 * Recommendation only, please consult us for outside entry size B Type - Adaptor with strain relief cable clamp A Angle - straight C Angle - 90° Shell Size A Thread B Max C Max D Max 09 M12 x 1.0 18.0 21.5 20.0 E Max 7.0 11 M15 x 1.0 21.0 21.5 21.0 10.5 13 M18 x 1.0 24.5 23.5 22.0 13.4 15 M22 x 1.0 29 23.5 23.0 16.5 17 M25 x 1.0 32.5 24.5 25.0 19.7 19 M28 x 1.0 35.5 27.5 27.5 22.2 21 M31 x 1.0 37.0 34.5 30.0 25.6 23 M34 x 1.0 40.0 37.5 31.5 28.5 25 M37 x 1.0 43.5 37.5 34.5 31.7 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 59 Example: JVSA09B00A (straight) 38999 Bronze Series E Type - Screened adaptor with braid trap A Angle - straight B Angle - 45° C Angle - 90° Example: JVSA09E00B (angle 45°) Shell Size 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 A Thread M12 x 1.0 M15 x 1.0 M18 x 1.0 M22 x 1.0 M25 x 1.0 M28 x 1.0 M31 x 1.0 M34 x 1.0 M37 x 1.0 B Max 18.0 21.0 24.5 29.0 32.5 35.5 37.0 40.0 43.5 C Max 13.1 13.9 14.5 15.5 16.1 16.8 17.1 17.7 18.4 D Max 23.6 24.4 24.8 25.6 26.4 26.8 27.6 28.0 29.0 E Max 25.7 26.7 31.2 37.2 40.2 44.7 49.2 51.7 53.2 F Max 30.5 32.2 33.7 35.2 36.9 38.5 40.1 41.6 43.1 Max Entry 04 06 08 10 12 13 16 18 20 Entry Size 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 G 4.77 6.35 7.92 9.52 11.10 12.70 14.27 15.88 17.47 H Max 15.0 15.0 16.6 18.2 19.8 21.4 23.0 24.6 26.2 Entry Size 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 G 19.05 20.62 22.23 23.82 25.40 27.00 28.60 30.20 31.80 H Max 27.7 29.3 30.9 32.5 34.1 35.7 37.3 39.1 40.4 G Type - Environmental cone clamp screened adaptor A Angle - straight B Angle - 45° C Angle - 90° 25.4 Example: JVSA09G00A (straight) Shell Size A Thread B Max C Max D Max E Max F Max 09 M12 x 1.0 18.0 13.1 30.5 15.8 39.2 Max Entry - 11 M15 x 1.0 21.0 13.9 30.5 17.6 42.3 04 Entry Size 13 M18 x 1.0 24.5 14.5 32.5 19.0 42.8 06 04 3.2 - 7.9 15 M22 x 1.0 29.0 15.5 40.3 21.5 50.5 10 06 6.4 - 11.1 08 9.8 - 14.3 17 M25 x 1.0 32.5 16.1 43.1 23.1 52.8 12 19 M28 x 1.0 35.5 16.8 47.9 24.5 57.1 12 Cable Range 10 8.9 - 15.9 21 M31 x 1.0 37.0 17.1 47.9 25.3 57.1 16 23 M34 x 1.0 40.0 17.7 56.5 27.5 64.7 16 12 12.7 - 19.1 25 M37 x 1.0 43.5 18.4 56.5 28.3 64.7 16 16 15.9 - 23.8 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 60 38999 Bronze Series P Type - Adaptor for heat shrink boot A Angle - straight B Angle - 45° C Angle - 90° Shell Size A Thread B Max C Max D Max E Max F Max G Max 09 M12 x 1.0 18.0 13.1 17.6 25.7 25.0 6.6 H Max 13.5 11 M15 x 1.0 21.0 13.9 18.4 26.7 26.7 10.1 15.4 13 M18 x 1.0 24.5 14.5 19.3 31.2 28.2 13.4 19.7 15 M22 x 1.0 29 15.5 19.6 37.2 29.7 16.1 21.3 17 M25 x 1.0 32.5 16.1 20.4 40.2 31.4 19.3 24.5 19 M28 x 1.0 35.5 16.8 20.8 44.7 33.0 21.7 26.5 21 M31 x 1.0 37.0 17.1 21.6 49.2 34.6 25 31.0 23 M34 x 1.0 40.0 17.7 22.5 51.7 36.1 28.1 34.4 25 M37 x 1.0 43.5 18.4 22.9 53.2 37.6 31.3 36.6 Example: JVSA09P00C (angle 90°) X Type - Cone clamp screened adaptor A Angle - straight B Angle - 45° C Angle - 90° * Shell Size 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 A Thread M12 x 1.0 M15 x 1.0 M18 x 1.0 M22 x 1.0 M25 x 1.0 M28 x 1.0 M31 x 1.0 M34 x 1.0 M37 x 1.0 B Max 18.0 21.0 24.5 27.5 31.0 34.0 37.0 40.0 43.5 C Max 13.1 13.9 14.5 15.5 16.1 16.8 17.1 17.7 18.4 D Max 24.6 25.4 26.3 26.7 27.5 27.8 28.6 29.5 29.9 E Max 22.7 26.2 29.2 32.2 35.7 39.7 42.2 45.2 48.2 * Stainless steel clamp Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 61 F Max 26.5 28.2 29.7 31.2 32.9 34.5 36.1 37.6 39.1 G 6.8 9.5 12.8 14.8 17.9 20.0 23.0 26.4 29.3 H Max 16.0 19.0 22.0 25.4 28.5 32.0 35.0 38.0 41.0 Example: JVSA09X00B (angle 45°) 38999 Bronze Series Dummy receptacle Orientations & dimensions Orientations: N, A, B, C, D, E DU (= all orientations) or C A A A A B Shell size 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 A 23.8 26.2 28.6 31 33.3 36.5 39.7 42.9 46 B maxi 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.1 24.1 24.1 C maxi 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 +0.3 -0.3 Examples of Part Number: . JVS BN 02 A 17 N . JVS BN 02 A 17 DU N, DU: Orientation 17: Shell size A: Bronze Equivalent to CECC blind hole. For information only: CECC75201002AxA00A (x = shell size A, B, C, D, ...) CECC75201002EA00A (blind hole) = JVSBN02A17DU (through hole) (no correspondance CECC with N, A, B, C, D, E oriantations) Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 62 99 Bronze Series 38999 Bronze Series 38999 Bronze Series s for bronze connectors (JVS) Caps Caps for for bronze bronze connectors connectors (JVS) (JVS) ic series JVS Basic Basic series series sory style: Protective cap Accessory Accessorystyle: style: B: B: Protective Protective cap cap size: Series 9 - 11 - 13 -Basic 15 17 19 21 23 - 25 Shell Shellsize: size: B 09 B 00 A JVS JVS B B 09 09 B B 00 00 A A 00 A Caps JVS B 09 B Accessory style: 09 09 -- 11 11 -- 13 13 -- 15 15 -- 17 17 -- 19 19 -- 21 21 -- 23 23 -- 25 25 ype: B: Protective cap below) or B: Cap forCap plug (See drawing Captype: type: or D: Cap for receptacle (Seefor drawing below) Shell size: AAor orB: B: Cap Cap for plug plug (See (See drawing drawing below) below) 09, C 1 ,or 13, 17,for 19,receptacle 21, 23, 25 (See C1or D: D:15, Cap Cap for receptacle (See drawing drawing below) below) ariant: Variant: ot applicable Sub Subvariant: variant: re: Bronze A or B: Cap for plug (see drawing below) Not Not applicable applicable C or D: Cap for receptacle (see drawing below) Matière: Matière: Sub variant: A: Bronze Bronze NotA: applicable Material: A: Bronze Cap for plugCap for plug Cap Cap for for plug plug Cap for receptacle Cap for receptacle Cap Cap for for receptacle receptacle e metal link er of notch(1) onFlexible A diameter (1) Flexible metal metallink link (1) Flexible metal link (2) (2)Number Numberof ofnotch notch on onAAdiameter diameter (2) Number of notch on A diameter Shell size 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 A Variant B Variant D D Max. B Max. C Min. B Max. C Min. Max. Shell Shell AA Variant Variant BB Variant Variant DD 21.1 size size 24.20 Max. Max. 13.50BB Max. Max.26.80CC Min. Min. 18.40BB Max. Max.19.20CC Min. Min. 23.8 09 09 26.80 21.1 21.1 18.4024.20 24.20 31.6013.50 13.50 23.0026.80 26.80 21.8018.40 18.40 28.2 11 11 30.50 23.8 23.8 19.8026.80 26.80 36.9018.40 18.40 26.2031.60 31.60 26.1023.00 23.00 31.4 13 31.60 23.00 40.10 29.40 13 28.2 28.2 30.50 30.50 19.80 19.80 36.90 36.90 29.3026.20 26.20 36.5 15 15 36.90 31.4 31.4 26.2031.60 31.60 43.2023.00 23.00 32.5040.10 40.10 34.4029.40 29.40 39.3 17 17 40.10 36.5 36.5 29.4036.90 36.90 46.4026.20 26.20 35.7043.20 43.20 37.2032.50 32.50 42.5 19 19 43.20 39.3 39.3 32.5040.10 40.10 49.2029.40 29.40 39.1046.40 46.40 40.5035.70 35.70 45.3 21 21 46.40 42.5 42.5 35.7043.20 43.20 52.8032.50 32.50 42.1049.20 49.20 43.1039.10 39.10 48.4 23 23 49.20 45.3 45.3 39.1046.40 46.40 55.5035.70 35.70 45.3052.80 52.80 46.1042.10 42.10 25 Dimensions in millimeters25 48.4 48.4 49.20 49.20 39.10 39.10 55.50 55.50 45.30 45.30 E 8 10 12 16 18 DD Max. Max. 19.20 19.20 21.80 21.80 26.10 26.10 29.30 29.30 34.40 34.40 37.20 37.20 40.50 40.50 43.10 43.10 46.10 46.10 EE 88 10 10 12 12 16 16 18 18 Dimensions Dimensionsin inmillimeters millimeters Equivalent to CECC, for information CECC75201002Bxy00A (x = shell size, y = variant) Example: CECC75201002BAC00A = JVSB09C00A 187 187 187 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 63 Common Section Contents • Orientations ............................................................................................................................... • Panel cut-out ............................................................................................................................. • Crimp contacts ......................................................................................................................... • Straight PC tail contacts ......................................................................................................... • Coaxial contacts #12 .............................................................................................................. • Solder cup ................................................................................................................................ • Crimp contacts: 1500 mating .............................................................................................. • Wire wrap contacts ................................................................................................................. • Quadrax #8 contacts ............................................................................................................. • Thermocouple contacts ........................................................................................................ • Dummy contacts ...................................................................................................................... • Filler plugs .................................................................................................................................. • Insertion and extraction tools .............................................................................................. • Crimping tools .......................................................................................................................... • Wiring instructions Cable preparation and wire stripping ...................................................................... Insertion of wire in contact barrel ............................................................................ Insertion of the contacts ............................................................................................. Extraction of the contacts ........................................................................................... Backshell tightening and slackening tools ............................................................. Tightening support ........................................................................................................ • Gaskets ....................................................................................................................................... • Plastic protective caps ........................................................................................................... 64 65 65 66 68 69 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 71 71 72 72 72 73 73 73 74 74 Common Section Orientations Viewed from front face of receptacle Shell size Viewed from front face of plug Angles N A B C D E A° B° C° D° A° B° C° D° A° B° C° D° 105 140 215 265 95 141 208 236 80 142 196 293 102 132 248 320 113 156 182 292 135 170 200 310 80 118 230 312 90 145 195 252 49 169 200 244 35 140 205 275 53 156 220 255 66 140 200 257 64 155 234 304 119 146 176 298 62 145 180 280 91 131 197 240 51 141 184 242 79 153 197 272 9 (A) 11 (B), 13 (C) & 15 (D) 17 (E), 19 (F), 21 (G), 23 (H), & 25 (J) Panel cut-out Square flange receptacle (Type 0) A or G ØC Jam nut receptacle (Type 7) ØE ØC F A A A or G Ø B D Ø Rear mounting Shell size 9 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) A 18.26 20.62 23.01 24.61 26.97 29.36 31.75 34.93 38.10 Max. thickness panel for receptacle: Front mounting G 15.09 18.26 20.62 23.01 24.61 26.97 29.36 31.75 34.94 B min. 16.66 20.22 23.42 26.59 30.96 32.94 36.12 39.29 42.47 C ±0.13 3.25 3.91 D min. 13.11 15.88 19.05 23.01 25.81 28.98 32.16 34.93 37.69 Type 0: front mounting = 3.2 mm, rear mounting = 2.5 mm Type 7: 3.2 mm Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 65 E ±0.25 17.78 20.96 25.65 28.83 32.01 35.18 38.35 41.53 44.70 F 17.02 19.59 24.26 27.56 30.73 33.91 37.08 40.26 43.43 Common Section Crimp contacts Contact size #22D #20 #16 #16 Coaxial #12 #12 Coaxial #10 Power #8 Power Souriau Part number (without color code) Part number Pin 8599-0702 JJ M39029/58 360 Black / Blue / Orange Socket 8599-0706 900 M39029/56 348 Grey / Yellow / Orange Pin 8599-0703 SA M39029/58 363 Orange / Blue / Orange Socket 8599-0707 900 M39029/56 351 Brown / Green / Orange Pin 8599-0704 MJ M39029/58 364 Yellow / Blue / Orange Socket 8599-0708 900 M39029/56 352 Red / Green / Orange Pin - M39029/76 424 Yellow / Red / Yellow Socket - M39029/77 428 Grey / Red / Yellow #8 Triaxial #4 Power Pin 8599-0705 MJ M39029/58 365 Green / Blue / Orange 8599-0709 900 M39029/56 353 Orange / Green / Orange Pin - M39029/102 558 Socket - M39029/103 559 Pin - M39029/28 211 Socket - M39029/75 416 Pin - M39029/58 528 Socket - M39029/56 527 Pin 8599-7544 * - Socket 8599-7541 * - Pin 8599-7580 - 8599-7581 - 8599-4542 - Socket 8599-4547 - Reductor 8599-7645 - For wire #8 For wire #10 Pin - M39029/60 367 Socket - M39029/59 366 Boot 8590-4571 - Pin - M39029/90 529 Socket - M39029/91 530 Boot 8590-4571 - Pin 8599-7598 900 ** - Socket 8599-7599 900 ** - Pin 8599-7534 - Socket 8599-7535 - for cable 16 mm² 8599-4594 - for cable 10 mm² 8599-4593 - Reductor cable 10 mm² 8400-2351A - Pin 8599-7528 900 - Socket 8599-7529 900 - Boot 8599-4593 - Boot #4 Power with reduced barrel Profile and color code Socket Boot #8 Coaxial MIL-DTL-38999 contacts Contact type For wire 25 mm² For wire 21.15 mm² Mating part #4 / Barrel #6 * JVS only. ** Not included in connector Part number. Must be ordered separately. 66 Common Section Crimp contacts Conductor section Contact size #22D #20 #16 #16 Coaxial #12 Contact type Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin AWG Max Min Max Min Max 0.76 28 22 0.095 0.34 0.76 1.37 1.00 24 20 0.21 0.60 1.02 2.11 20 16 0.60 1.34 1.65 2.77 1.65 2.60 2.46 3.61 RG 174 RG 179 RG 316 2.40 2.60 Please consult us - 2.95 1.60 RG 174 RG 179 RG 316 Socket Pin 14 Socket Socket External Ø over insulator mm² Min Pin Socket Pin #12 Coaxial Contact Ø 12 1.91 2.40 Pin 3.18 Socket #10 Power Pin Socket 3.20 Pin #8 Power - 8 - 8.98 - - - - - - 4.50 6.50 Socket Boot 3.64 Reductor - - - - 2.50 4 - - - - - - RG 180 A/U - 2.80 0,76MIL-C17/176 00002 FILECA F.2703/14 RAYCHEM CHEMINAX 10612 FILOTEX M 17/176 00002 3.15 3.40 Pin #8 Coaxial Socket Boot Pin #8 Triaxial Socket 5.50 Boot Pin Socket Pin #4 Power Socket Boot Available for 8599-7534 and 7535 contacts Reductor cable 10 mm² #4 Power with reduced barrel 5.74 - 3 - 25 - - 5 4 16 21.15 - - - - - - 6.35 7.50 - - - - 4 5.80 - - - - - - - - 4 5.80 Pin 6 Socket Boot - 13.3 - 67 - - Common Section Straight PC tail contacts Contact size Contact type PC tail type Part number Profile Pin L 8599-0720 900 Pin L 8599-0750 900 - Pin M 8599-8028 900 - Pin C 8599-0730 900 Pin S 8599-0796 900 Socket L 8599-0721 900 Socket C 8599-0731 900 Socket S 8599-0797 900 Pin M 8599-0658 JJ - Socket M 8599-0759 900 - Pin C 8599-0724 900 Socket C 8599-0725 900 Pin L 8599-0771 900 - Socket L 8599-0772 900 - Pin C 8599-0726 900 - Pin C 8599-07482A 900 Socket C 8599-0727 900 Pin C 8599-1000 900 Pin C 8599-7929 900 - Socket C 8599-7932 900 - Socket C 8599-7485A 900 - L: Long PC tail M: Medium PC tail #22D #20 #16 Coaxial #16 #12 S: Specific PC tail C: Short PC tail 68 Common Section Coaxial contacts #12 Designation Solder cup Part number Coaxial socket solder #12 THA1-0151A Coaxial pin solder #12 THA1-0152A Coaxial pin crimp contact #12 THA1-0155A Coaxial crimp contact #12 THA1-0156A Contact size Contact type Part number #22D Pin 8599-0750 900 #16 Pin 8599-7482A 900 #12 Socket 8599-7485A 900 For other contacts type please consult us. Crimp contacts: 1500 mating Contact size #22D #20 #16 #12 MIL-DTL-38999 contacts Contact type Part number Color code Pin (H) M39029/107 620 Blue / Red / Black Socket (J) M39029/106 614 Blue / Brown / Yellow Pin (H) M39029/107 621 Blue / Red / Brown Socket (J) M39029/106 615 Blue / Brown / Green Pin (H) M39029/107 622 Blue / Red / Red Socket (J) M39029/106 616 Blue / Brown / Blue Pin (H) M39029/107 623 Blue / Red / Orange Socket (J) M39029/106 617 Blue / Brown / Gray Wire wrap contacts Contact size Contact type Part number Contact Ø (mm) #22D Pin 8599-0790 JJ 0.76 0.86 #20 Pin 8599-0791 900 1 0.86 Profile (mm) Quadrax #8 contacts Contact type Version PCB mount Pin Crimp PCB mount Socket Crimp Souriau Part Number Cross Norm ETH1-1237A - ETH1-1501A - ETH1-1345A EN3155-074 ETH1-1503A - ETH1-1238A - ETH1-1502A - ETH1-1346A EN3155-075 ETH1-1504A - T° Impedance 125°C 200°C 125°C 200°C 69 Sealing Release Sealed Rear 100Ω 150Ω 100Ω 150Ω 100Ω 150Ω 100Ω 150Ω Common Section Thermocouple contacts Contact size Contact type Pin Souriau part numbers (without color code) Part numbers - M39029/87-472 MIL-DTL-38999 contacts Ø Contact (mm) Profile and color code #22D Chromel Ø Over insulation (mm) Wire section Awg mm2 min max 0.75 28 22 1 24 20 min max min max 0.095 0.34 0.76 1.37 1.02 2.11 Red / Violet / Yellow Socket - M39029/88-484 Yellow / Grey / Yellow Pin - M39029/87-471 Brown / Violet / Yellow #22D Alumel Socket - M39029/88-483 Orange / Grey / Yellow Pin 8599-0749 900 8599-0949 900 #20 Chromel Blue / Violet / Yellow Socket 8599-0753 900 8599-0953 900 Grey / Grey / Yellow Pin 0.21 0.6 8599-0761 900 8599-0961 900 #20 Alumel Green / Violet / Yellow Socket 8599-0765 900 8599-0965 900 Violet / Grey / Yellow Dummy contacts Size Part number #16 8599-6A016001A #8 8599-0308 #4 8599-0310 Filler plugs Filler plugs Direction of introduction in grommet 70 Contact size MS Part number (Rev. N) Color Souriau Part number #22D MS27488-22-2 Black 8660-212 #20 MS27488-20-2 Red 8522-389A #16 MS27488-16-2 Blue 8522-390A #12 MS27488-12-2 Yellow 8522-391A #10 - - - #8 - - - #4 - - - Common Section Insertion & extraction tools Contact size Part number Material MIL standard Color Souriau Insertion Extraction #22D Plastic M81969/14-01 - Green White #20 Plastic M81969/14-10 - Red Orange #16 Plastic M81969/14-03 - Blue White #12 Plastic M81969/14-04 - Yellow White #10 Plastic M81969/14-05 - Grey - #8 #4 Plastic M81969/14-12 - - Red Metalic - 8660-197 - - Plastic M81969/14-07 - - Blue Metalic - 8533-8175 - - Crimping tools Contact size #22D #20 #16 #12 #8 Power #4 Power Plier M22520/1-01 Contact type Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket Pin Socket pin Socket Turret Part number Norm Souriau M22520/1-04 8365-04 M22520/1-04 8365-04 M22520/1-04 8365-04 - - Plier M22520/2-01 (Souriau 8476-01) Locator Part number Norm Souriau M22520/2-09 8476-09 M22520/2-07 8476-07 M22520/2-10 8476-10 - - Plier M300BT Plier * M22520/23-01 Locator Part number Turret Part number Locator Part number - - - SP 593 M22520/23-02 8599-9601 - M22520/23-04 M22520/23-11 Contact size Contact type Plier M22520/2-01 (Souriau 8476-01) Locator Part Number Plier M22520/31-01 Plier M22520/4-01 Plier M22520/5-01 Locator Part number Locator Part Number Die set Part Number #12 Coaxial Inner - - - Outer - - - M39029/102-558 M39029/103-559 #12 Coaxial M39029/28-211 M39029/75-416 #16 Coaxial #8 Coaxial #8 Triaxial M22520/5-03 Inner M22520/2-34 - Outer - M22520/31-02 - - Inner Outer Inner Outer Inner Middle Ferrule M22520/2-35 M22520/2-31 K709 - - M22520/4-02 - M22520/5-05 closure B Y631 closure B Y631 closure A * Pneumatic plier Note: for the #10 contact’s plier and locator, please consult us. 71 Common Section Wiring instruction Cable preparation and wire stripping Contact size #22D #20 #16 #12 #8 #4 L min 3.58 5.31 5.31 5.31 12.5 12.5 L max 3.99 5.82 5.82 5.82 .14 .16 .21 .23 .21 .23 .21 .23 .49 13 .51 L .49 L = length of wire stripping 13 .51 Insertion of wire in contact barrel When inserting the stripped wire into the contact barrel check that no strands are left outside and that the wire is visible through the wire inspection hole in the barrel. Barrel Conductor insulation 0.5 to 0.8 mm Important : - Slide any accessories over wire strands before carrying out the following operations. - Contacts are inserted and extracted from the rear of the connector. Wire Insertion of the contacts 1 - Engage the crimp cable / contact asembly into the longitudinal slot of the plastic tool (coloured tip). Slide the tool down the cable until the tip of the tool abuts the contact retention shoulder. 2 - Introduce the contact into the required contact cavity in the insulator, pushing tool axialy, until the contact snaps into position in clip. 3 - Withdraw the tool (from rear). Check that contact is firmly locked by pulling wire gently. When connector is fully loaded, check the position of contact tips. They should all be in the same plane. Nota : For larger sizes of cable which are stiff enough manual insertion without tool is preferable. 72 1 2 3 Inspection hole Common Section Wiring instruction Extraction of the contacts 1 1 - Engage the appropriate cable into the longitudinal slot of the tool with the white tip towards connector. 2 - Slide the tool down towards the contact. Insert the tool in the insulator until it abuts the contact shoulder. 3 - Holding the tool-contact and cable assembly together, remove them simultaneously. 2 3 Backshell tightening and slackening tools Backshell tightening pliers, part number : 8498-03 Square jaws, part number : 8500-1015 (order 2 jaws) Strap clamp : 8498-04 Spare strap : 8498-103 Tightening support Part number: 8599-0831 This tool is made up of dummy receptable housings of all 9 sizes for all key polarisation, and locates free connectors during wiring and fitting of rear accessories. 73 Common Section Gaskets Shell size 9 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) Gasket for receptacles Type 0* (ordered separately) 8599-5541 8599-5542 8599-5543 8599-5544 8599-5545 8599-5546 8599-5547 8599-5548 8599-5549 O ring for receptacle Type 7 AS3582-019 AS3582-022 AS3582-024 AS3582-026 AS3582-028 AS3582-128 AS3582-130 AS3582-132 AS3582-134 *For front mounting Plastic protective caps* Shell size 9 (A) 11 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 19 (F) 21 (G) 23 (H) 25 (J) Caps for receptacles 70777 MS90376-12R MS90376-14R MS90376-16R 70201 70209 MS90376-22R MS90376-24R 8500-5593 A Caps for plugs 8500-5587 A 70198 8500-5600 8500-5601 8500-5602 8500-5592 A 8500-5593 A 8500-5593 A J599ABC6009A00 Caps for composite plugs only (J & M) MS90376-12R 8500-5598 8500-5600 8500-5601 8500-5602 8500-5592 A 8500-5593 A 70472 J599ABC6009A00 *Excepted 8D composite version (X): supplied without cap 74 Antistatic caps for receptacles 70777N MS9037612RF MS9037614RF MS9037616RF 70201N 8500-5590N 8500-5591N 8500-5592N 8500-5593N Antistatic caps for plugs 8500-5587N 8500-5588N 8500-5600N 8500-5601N 8500-5602N 8500-5592N 8500-5593N 8500-5591N 8500-5592N 8D - Reinforced Sealing Series Reinforced Sealing Series Derived from MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 75 8D - Reinforced Sealing Series Description • Reinforced sealing receptacle with male or female straight PC tail contacts • High hermiticity performance: 10-7 atm.cm3/s • 100 % scoop proof • High density connectors • Lower profile for compactness • Weight saving compared to hermetic version • Reinforced sealing for harsh environments • Good shock resistance Applications • Avionics • Missile warning systems • To be used when enhanced sealing is needed in harsh environments • To be used as an alternative to hermetic glass bead Comparison between standard, reinforced sealing and hermetic version Hermetic connector Example: 8D Series Weight 150 % Layouts Reinforced sealing connector All 8D layouts can be manufactured with resin sealed (except for power contact - please consult us). 105 % Standard connector Ordering information After the basic Series “8D”, related to the digit “R” (8D+R…) Don’t forget the digit related to the PC tail length (C, M, L, S). 100 % Sealing 10E-4 atm.cm3/s 10E-7 atm.cm3/s 10E-9 atm.cm3/s Examples: 8D (Alu) = 8DR 0 C 13 W 35 PN 8D (Titane) = 8DR 7 L 13 TT 35 PN Please, consult us ! 76 8D - Hermetic Series Hermetic Series Derived from MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 77 8D - Hermetic Series Description As per MIL-DTL-38999 • Inert glass insulator • High hermeticity performance • Ideal for high pressure environments • Low profile • Nickel plating upon request Technical features Mechanical • Shell: stainless steel • Shell plating: passivated Electrical Environmental • Test voltage rating: • Temperature: -65°C at 200°C Service M I II sea level 1 300 1 800 2 300 at 21000 m 800 1 000 1 000 • Interfacial seal: silicone elastomer • Shielding: 45 dB at 10 GHz • Contacts: gold • Insulation resistance: 5000 mh (under 500 Vdc) • Endurance: 500 operations • Hermeticity: no leakage in excess of 10-7 cm3/s • Current rating: Contacts size 22D 20 16 12 Rating (A) 3 5 10 17 78 • Salt spray: per MIL-DTL-38999 8D - Hermetic Series Connector part numbers Basic Series F389999 21 Y A 35 P N Shell style: 21: Box mounting flange receptacle 23: Jam nut receptacle 25: Solder mounting receptacle Class: Y: Passivated stainless steel Shell size: 09=A, 11=B, 13=C, 15=D, 17=E, 19=F, 21=G, 23=H, 25=J Contact layout: See pages 11 to 14 Contact type: P: Male solder cup C: Male straight PC tail (please consult us) Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E (see page 65) Suffix: WF: Mandatory suffix Specification: None for standard product Dimensions Box mounting flange receptacle (type 21) E F C 2.6 1.9 9.7 max D Straight PC tail version (Please consult us) A 13.2/12.7 B Shell size A (9) B (11) C (13) D (15) E (17) F (19) G (21) H (23) j (25) A ± 0.20 3.25 3.91 Fully mated indicator band - Red B ± 0.20 5.49 4.93 6.15 C 18.26 20.62 23.01 24.61 26.97 29.36 31.75 34.93 38.10 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 79 D 15.09 18.26 20.62 23.01 24.61 26.97 29.36 31.75 34.93 E ± 0.30 23.80 26.20 28.60 31.00 33.30 36.50 39.70 42.90 46.00 F max 21.40 WF - 8D - Hermetic Series Jam nut receptacle (type 23) 22.6 max B max 13.2/12.7 Fully mated indicator band - Red ØE A flat Straight PC tail version (Please consult us) D G thread ØC F max Shell size A (9) B (11) C (13) D (15) E (17) F (19) G (21) H (23) j (25) 0.10 A flat +- 0.15 16.53 19.07 23.82 26.97 30.15 33.32 36.50 39.67 42.85 B max 9.10 9.70 Ø C ± 0.30 30.20 34.90 38.10 41.30 44.50 49.20 52.40 55.60 58.70 Ø D ± 0.40 27.00 31.80 34.90 38.10 41.30 46.00 49.20 52.40 55.60 Ø E ± 0.30/0 16.30 19.40 22.70 25.90 29.00 32.20 35.40 38.60 41.70 F max 5.30 5.10 Solder mounting receptacle (type 25) C B 0.90 ± 0.30 A Straight PC tail version (Please consult us) D 9.7 max Shell size A (9) B (11) C (13) D (15) E (17) F (19) G (21) H (23) j (25) Ø A max 19.40 21.80 24.90 28.10 31.30 33.60 36.80 40.00 43.20 B max C max 23.80 17.20 24.60 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 80 D max 17.10 19.90 23.10 26.20 29.40 31.80 35.00 38.20 41.30 G thread M17 x 1-6g M20 x 1-6g M25 x 1-6g M28 x 1-6g M32 x 1-6g M35 x 1-6g M38 x 1-6g M41 x 1-6g M44 x 1- 8D - Clinch Nuts Clinch Nuts Derived from MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 81 8D - Clinch Nuts Description • Square flange receptacle with 4 clinch nuts • Clinch nut are selflocking • Rear mounting • Easy to install • Time saving • Different plating available over aluminum material • Equivalent MIL level qualification as 38999 Series III • Clinch nut tested: - Impact test (drop 0.4kg from height of 100mm) - Push out test (130N during 15s max) - Wrench out test (1N/m) • Clinch Nut in UNC thread available on request Technical features Mechanical • Contact retention: Contact size 22 20 16 12 Min force in N 44 67 111 111 8 4 111 200 • Shell: Aluminum • Shells plating: Cadmium olive drab (W) Nickel (F) Black zinc nickel (Z) Green zinc cobalt (ZC) • Insulator: Thermoplastic • Grommet and interfacial seal: Silicone elastomer • Contact: Copper alloy • Contact plating: Gold over nickel plated • Endurance: . 500 mating/unmating operations • Shock: 300g, 3 ms according EN 2591-D2 method A • Vibration: . Sinus: . 10 à 2000 Hz, 3x12 hrs (60g, 140 - 2000 Hz) with T° cycling . Random: . 50 to 2000 Hz, 2x8 Hrs (1g2/ Hz, 100 - 2000Hz) at T° max. . 25 to 2000 Hz, 2x8 Hrs (5g2/ Hz, 100 - 300Hz) at ambiant T° Test with accessories in acc with EN 2591-D3 • Shielding: F: 65 db at 10 GHz F: 85 db at 1 GHz W: 50 db at 10 GHz Z & ZC: Consult us Electrical Climatics • Test voltage rating (Vrms) • Temperature range: W: -65°C +175°C F: -65°C +200°C Z: -65°C +200°C ZC: -65°C +200°C Service M N I II sea level 1 300 1 000 1 800 2 300 at 21000 m 800 600 1 000 1 000 • Salt spray: W: 500 Hrs Z: 500 Hrs • Contact resistance Contact size 22 • Sealing: Mated connectors meet altitude immersion requirements of MIL-DTL-38999. 20 Resistance mΩ 14.6 7.3 16 12 8 4 3.8 3.5 3 2 • Insulation resistance: ≥ 5 000 MΩ (under 500 Vdc) • Contact rating: Contact size 22 20 16 12 8 4 Rating (A) 5 7.5 13 23 45 80 • Shell continuity Cadmium olive drab (W): 2.5 Ωh Nickel (F): 1 Ωh Black zinc nickel (Z): 2.5 Ωh Green zinc cobalt (ZC): 2.5 Ωh 82 F: 48 Hrs ZC: 500 Hrs Resistance to fluids • According to MIL-DTL-38999 standard . Gasoline: JP5 (OTAN F44) . Mineral hydrolic fluid: MIL-H-5606 (OTAN H515) . Synthetic hydraulic fluid: Skydrol 500 B4 • LD4 (SAE AS 1241) . Mineral lubricating: MIL-L-7870A (OTAN 0142) . Synthetic lubricating: MIL-L-23699 (OTAN 0156), MIL-L-7808 . Cleaning fluid: MIL-DTL-25769 diluted . De-icing fluid: MIL-A-8243 . Extinguishing fluid: Chlorobrométhane . Cooling fluid: Coolanol 8D - Clinch Nuts Ordering information Basic Series 8D 34 C 19 Shell style: 34: Square flange receptacle with M3 clinch nuts Contact length: (consult us) C: Short PC tail L: Long PC tail S: Specific PC tail Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Plating: F: Nickel W: Olive green cadmium Z: Black zinc nickel ZC: Green zinc cobalt Contact layout: See pages 11 to 14 Contact type: P: Pin S: Socket Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E Dimensions Mounted connectors (with 8D5 connector) 3.2 Max. 3.95 Min. (shell 9 to 19) 3.15 Min. (shell 21 to 25) Panel Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 83 F 35 S N 8D - Clinch Nuts Ø3.96 Max. Jam nut receptacle (type 34) G E ± 0.30 2.3 Max. F ØK H C Max. A Max. Shell Size 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Thread D B Max. A Max B Max C Max 20.90 10.60 2.50 20.10 11.40 3.20 4 x M3 Clinch Nuts D Thread M12x1-6g M15x1-6g M18x1-6g M22x1-6g M25x1-6g M28x1-6g M31x1-6g M34x1-6g M37x1-6g E ±0.3 27.79 30.15 32.54 34.14 36.5 38.89 41.27 44.45 47.62 F 18.26 20.62 23.01 24.61 26.97 29.36 31.75 34.93 38.1 Short contact length For other length please consult us G Shell size P 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 H #22D 9.47 / 10.54 #20 & #16 S P S K #22D P&S #20 & #16 P&S #22D & #20 P&S #16 P&S 3.8 / 4.0 4.9 / 5.1 0.65 / 0.70 1.09 / 1.15 9.09 / 10.54 9.64 / 10.71 9.26 / 10.71 9.58 / 10.65 9.20 / 10.65 9.75 / 10.82 9.37 / 10.82 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 84 8D - Double Flange Double Flange Derived from MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 85 8D - Double Flange Description • High level vibration resistance in harsh environments. • Offers the same level of performance as the MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connector. • New receptacle body: Square flange & Jam Nut. • No risk of breaking contacts. • No risk of micro-cuts. • Allow direct grounding from PCB to the flange. • Standard PC tails contacts: #16, #20 and #22 - as well as specific ones. Technical features Mechanical Climatics • Contact retention: Contact size 22 20 16 12 Min force in N 44 67 111 111 8 4 111 200 • Shell: Aluminum • Shell plating: . Cadmium olive drab (W) . Nickel (F) . Black zinc nickel (Z) • Insulator: Thermoplastic • Grommet and interfacial seal: Silicone elastomer • Contacts: Copper alloy • Contacts plating: Gold over nickel plated • Endurance: 500 mating/unmating operations whatever the material used • Shock: 300g, 3 ms according EN 2591-D2 method A • Vibration: . Sinus: . 10 à 2000 Hz, 3x12 hrs (60g, 140 - 2000 Hz) with T° cycling . Random: . 50 to 2000 Hz, 2x8 Hrs (1g2/ Hz, 100 - 2000Hz) at T° max. . 25 to 2000 Hz, 2x8 Hrs (5g2/ Hz, 100 - 300Hz) at ambiant T° Test with accessories in acc with EN 2591-D3 Electrical • Sealing: Mated connectors meet altitude immersion requirements of MIL-DTL-38999. • Test voltage rating (Vrms) Service M N I II sea level 1 300 1 000 1 800 2 300 at 21000 m 800 600 1 000 1 000 • Salt spray: . W: 500 Hrs . F: 48 Hrs . Z: 500 Hrs Resistance to fluids • Contact resistance Contact size 22 • Temperature range: . W: -65°C +175°C . F: -65°C +200°C . Z: -65°C +200°C 20 Resistance mΩ 14.6 7.3 16 12 8 4 3.8 3.5 3 2 • Insulation resistance: ≥ 5 000 MΩ (under 500 Vdc) • Contact rating: Contact size 22 20 16 12 8 4 Rating (A) 5 7.5 13 23 45 80 • Shell continuity: . Cadmium olive drab (W): 2.5 Ωh . Nickel (F): 1 Ωh . Black zinc nickel (Z): 2.5 Ωh • Shielding: . F: 65 db at 10 GHz; 85 db at 1 GHz . W: 50 db at 10 GHz . Z: Consult us 86 • According to MIL-DTL-38999 standard . Gasoline: JP5 (OTAN F44) . Mineral hydrolic fluid: MIL-H-5606 (OTAN H515) . Synthetic hydraulic fluid: Skydrol 500 B4 • LD4 (SAE AS 1241) . Mineral lubricating: MIL-L-7870A (OTAN 0142) . Synthetic lubricating: MIL-L-23699 (OTAN 0156), MIL-L-7808 . Cleaning fluid: MIL-DTL-25769 diluted . De-icing fluid: MIL-A-8243 . Extinguishing fluid: Chlorobromethane . Cooling fluid: Coolanol 8D - Double Flange Comparison Before After Risk of breaking contacts Risk of micro-cuts Double flange Printed Circuit Board Box Panel Ordering information Basic Series 8D 87 11 Shell type: 87: Jam nut receptacle Length between panel & PCB * Type: C: Receptacle with short PC tail L: Receptacle with long PC tail Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Plating: W: Olive green cadmium F: Nickel (ROHS) Z: Zinc nickel Contact layout: See pages 11 to 14 Contact type: P: Pin S: Socket Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E Specification: None: Standard L: Without contacts For other specification, please contact us * For other length beetween panel & PCB please consult us. 87 C 17 W 35 P N - 8D - Double Flange Dimensions Jam nut receptacle (type 87) - Size 9 & 11 L Mini Panel .1 ±0 6 F ±0.3 ØJ Maxi ØE ØB±0.15 O’ring Thread M ØA±0.15 Dimensions from flat D 3 holes M3 120° Long contact Short contact 22.12±0.1 1.5/2.5 4.0/5.0 11±0.1 120° Shell size ØA ± 0.15 ØB ± 0.15 D max. ØE F ± 0.3 Thread M 9 11 15.10 19.90 26.00 30.80 16.56 19.10 20.50 25.20 27.01 31.81 5/8" UNEF-24 3/4" UNEF-20 Jam nut receptacle (type 87) - Size 13 to 25 4 holes M3 L Mini Panel 45° O’ring ØA±0.15 C +0.2 0 90° ØB±0.15 F ±0.3 ØJ Maxi Dimensions from flat D Thread M ØE Long contact Short contact 1.5/2.5 4.0/5.0 11±0.1 22.3±0.1 Shell size ØA ± 0.15 ØB ± 0.15 C 0+0.2 D max. ØE F ± 0.3 Thread M 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 19.90 23.00 26.00 29.50 32.50 35.50 38.60 30.80 33.90 36.80 40.40 43.20 46.50 49.60 12 14 16 18 20 23 25 23.85 27.00 30.20 33.35 36.55 39.70 42.90 25.25 28.42 31.42 35.03 37.82 41.12 44.30 34.91 38.11 41.31 46.01 49.21 52.41 55.61 7/8" UNEF-20 1" UNEF-20 1"3/16 UNEF-18 1"1/4 UNEF-18 1"3/8 UNEF-18 1"1/2 UNEF-18 1"5/8 UNEF-18 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 88 8D - Double Flange Straight PC tail contacts Contact size Contact type P 22D S P S P 20 S P S P 16 S P S P 12 S P S PC tail length L min L 7.1 ØJ max 0.7 C 3.6 L 7.1 0.9 C 3.6 L 7.1 1.35 C 3.6 L - - C 3.6 1.7 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 89 90 8D - Optical ELIO® Contacts Optical ELIO® Contacts Derived from MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 91 8D - Optical ELIO® Contacts ELIO® contact • Robust spring-loaded butt-joint optical contact using ST style ferrule (diameter 2.5mm) • Contact size equivalent to a #16 contact • Anti-rotation of the contact for better vibration withstanding and optical performance • Boot-grommet for rear sealing and protection of the cable against excessive bending EN4531 • Compatibility with loose and tight structure cables ABS1379 • High level optical performance even after aging Arinc801 • Bayonet locking system: no tool needed for mounting/dismounting • Compatible with singlemode and multimode cable Applications Environmental • ELIO® fiber optic contacts apply wherever robustness, high performance and easy maintenance are needed: - Aerospace, - Military, - Marine, - Geophysics, - Railways... • Salt spray: See the connector standard Technical features Mechanical • Endurance: Minimum 500 mating / unmating operations • Shock: 300 g, 3 ms as per EN 2591-6402 method A • Vibration: In MIL-DTL-38999 Series III/EN3645 connectors: - Sine 5Hz to 3000Hz as per EN2591-6403 method A - Random as per EN2591-6403 method B • Cable cyclic flexing*: 100 cycles, load 40N as per EN2591-609 • Cable pulling*: 111N • Temperature range*: - 65°C to +125°C (1000 hours) • Rapid temperature change: 10 cycles - 65°C / +150°C (30min/30min) • Air leakage: Max leakage 16 cm3/h, 2 hours, 40kPa differential pressure • Damp heat and low temperature: 5 cycles of 48h -65°C/+70°C with stage at 40°C with 95% of humidity as per EN2591- 6303 method A Optical • Insertion Loss (IL)*: < 0.3dB over 95% of the samples as per EN2591-601, < 0.7dB maximum on 100% of the samples after tests • Return Loss (RL)*: > 21dB before and after tests as per EN2591-605 • Singlemode contact: Please consult us • Cable torsion*: 100 cycles, load 40N as per EN2591-611 92 Resistance to fluids as per MIL-DTL-38999/EN3645 standard • Fuel: JP5 • Mineral Hydraulic fluid: MIL-PRF-5606 ( NATO H-515) • Synthetic hydraulic fluid: AS1241 (Skydrol 500B4, LD4) • Mineral lubricant: MIL-PRF-7870 (NATO O-142) • Synthetic lubricant: MIL-PRF-23699 (NATO O-156), MIL-PRF-7808 ( NATO O-148) • Cleaning fluid: MIL-PRF-87937 diluted, Propanol, white spirit, Azeotrope R113 + Methanol • De-icing fluid: AMS 1424 ( NATO S-742) • Extinguishing fluid: Chlorobromethane • Cooling fluid: Coolanol * With multimode EN4641-100 cable and following the cabling process described in the ‘‘Technical Bulletin N°204 - ELIO® assembly wiring instructions’’ and the maintenance procedure in the document ‘‘Technical Bulletin N°170 - Fiber optics installation and maintenance procedure’’ 8D - Optical ELIO® Contacts Ordering information Elio 09 N G Cable external diameter: 09: 0.9 mm or cable wider than 1.9mm with 0.9mm jacket inside 18: from 1.5mm to 1.9mm Contact sealing: W: waterproof (1.8mm +/- 0.1mm cable only) N: non waterproof Fibre type: G: 50 or 62,5/125 µm D: 100/140 µm For singlemode fibre (9/125) please consult us. Boot type: L: Long boot S: Short boot N: No boot (non waterproof version only) Contact version index ELIO® contact dimensions Protective cap Ferrule holder (shape may vary) Bayonnet O-ring Long boot Ø5 Ø2.5 Spring Short boot 21 No boot 11.2 18 33 Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 93 L A 8D - Optical ELIO® Contacts Insertion & extraction tooling Tool needed for short boot and no boot contacts versions. Tool for contact with boot * Tool for contact without boot P/N: ELI1-0231A P/N: 80WV0049A * For long boot, tool recommended for 8 way high density insert and more. Recommended cables SOURIAU can offer a wide range of cables in its assemblies, from low cost to high performance aeronautical cables. ELIO® contact is compatible with singlemode and multimode cable, with tactical and breakout cable. ELIO® contact is suitable with loose and tight structure cable. See Souriau ‘‘ELIO® Fiber Optic Technology» catalog. 94 8D - Optical ELIO® Contacts MIL-DTL-38999 Series III/EN3645 with ELIO® high density insert • Standard MIL-DTL-38999/EN3645 shells without shielding ring (aluminum, composite, stainless steel, bronze) • Environmental performance as per EN4531 based on MIL-DTL-38999/ EN3645 EN4531 • Temperature range: - 65°C to +125°C (cable limitation) ABS1213 Arinc801 Ordering information Composite, Aluminum & Stainless Steel 8D Shell type: 5: Plug 0: Receptacle with 4-hole square flange fixing 7: Receptacle with single hole jam nut fixing (aluminum & stainless steel only) Designation: E: ELIO® optical connector Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 19 (aluminum, composite & stainless steel) 25 (aluminum & stainless steel only) Plating: Aluminum: Z: Zinc nickel ZC: Zinc cobalt W: Olive green cadmium F: Nickel Composite: J: Olive green cadmium M: Nickel X: Without plating Stainless steel: K: Passivated S: Nickel Contact layouts: See pages 11 to 14 Insert type: * A: Male insert B: Female insert with ceramic alignment sleeves Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E * Souriau advice: A for plug & B for receptacle 95 5 E 11 W 02 A N 8D - Optical ELIO® Contacts JVS Bronze JVS Designation: E: ELIO® optical connector Shell type: 6: Plug 0: Receptacle with 4-hole square flange fixing 7: Receptacle with single hole jam nut fixing Material: A: Bronze Shell size: 09, 11, 13, 19, 25 Contact layouts: See pages 11 to 14 Insert type: * A: Male insert B: Female insert with ceramic alignment sleeves Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E * Souriau advice: A for plug & B for receptacle 96 E 6 A 11 02 A N 8D - Optical ELIO® Contacts ELIO® AQ Adaptor for Quadrax #8 cavities • ELIO® AQ is an adaptor to enable the ELIO® contact to fit in any #8 Quadrax cavities in several types of connectors. Therefore, any layout containing #8 cavities can be implemented with the ELIO® fiber optic contact • Multiple possibilities to mix optical and electrical signals in the same insert EN4626 • Temperature range: -65°C to +125°C (cable limitation) ABS1379 • 100% compliant with ELIO® contact Arinc801 optical performance • Before use, please ask for ‘‘Technical Bulletin N°160 Mounting Instructions ELIO® AQ adaptor’’ Ordering information ELIO-AQ0P * ARINC 404 (rear release) ARINC 600 (rear release) ELIO-AQ1P ARINC 404 (front release) ARINC 600 (front release) ELIO-AQ4P EN3646 EN3545 ELIO-AQ6PA * MIL-DTL-38999 Series III/ EN3645 ELIO-AQ0S ARINC 404 (rear release) ARINC 600 (rear release) EN3646 EN3545 ELIO-AQ6SA * MIL-DTL-38999 Series III/ EN3645 Male Insert Female Insert * Delivered with alignment boot 97 8D - Optical ELIO® Contacts MIL-DTL-38999 Series III/EN3645 with ELIO® AQ Adaptor for Quadrax #8 cavities • Compatible with standard MIL-DTL-38999 Series III/EN3645 Souriau connectors (aluminum, composite, stainless steel, bronze) • Design ensures ELIO® optical performance • Environmental performance as per MIL-DTL-38999 and EN3645 standard • Temperature range: - 65°C to +125°C (cable limitation) Contact layouts See pages 11 to 14 Ordering information Aluminum: see page 18 Composite: see page 32 Stainless steel: see page 40 Bronze: see page 54 98 8D - Optical ELIO® Contacts Dimensions L B A L 9.90 22.60 Max 31.00 Max L C Type 0 Square Flange Receptacle Type 7 Jam Nut Receptacle A Type 5 Plug B L C Shell size 09 to 19 Shell size 25 Shell size 09 to 19 Shell size 25 Shell size 09 to 19 Shell size 25 Receptacle Type 0-7 Metal 20.90 Max 20.10 Max 10.60 Max 11.40 Max 2.50 Max 3.20 Max Receptacle Type 0-7 Composite 20.90 Max 20.90 Max 10.60 Max 10.60 Max 2.50 Max 2.50 Max D Male insulator Female insulator 4 Max 6.60 Max F E G D E F G Shell size 09 to 19 Shell size 25 Shell size 09 to 19 Shell size 25 Shell size 09 to 11 Shell size 13 to 25 Shell size 09 to 11 Shell size 13 to 25 Plug + Receptacle Type 0 - 7 Metal 37.00 Max 36.00 Max 52.30 Max 51.30 Max 38.30 Max 38.50 Max 53.60 Max 53.80 Max Plug + Receptacle Type 0 Composite 37.00 Max 36.00 Max 52.30 Max 51.30 Max N/A N/A N/A N/A Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 99 8D - Optical ELIO® Contacts Dimensions 38999 Series III/EN3645 with ELIO® contacts in ELIO® high-density insert 38999 Series III/EN3645 with ELIO® contacts in ELIO® AQ adaptors L AQ adaptor R (see supplier datasheet) Q Without boot Short boot Short boot Long boot Long boot ELIO® high density insert L Male insulator ELIO® AQ adaptors Contact length Female insulator Without boot Short boot Q Long boot Male insulator Contact length Female insulator Short boot Long boot 12 Max 27 Max 11.50 Max 26.50 Max Plug Square flange receptacle 4 Max 6.60 Max 6 Max 12 Max 27 Max Jam nut receptacle Total length example Square flange receptacle + plug + ELIO® contacts in ELIO® high-density insert Unmated = C* + E* + L + 12 + R Mated = C* + D* + L + 12 + R + 5mm * See previous page Note: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) 100 9.60 Max 3 Max 8D - RJ45-USB Series RJ45/USB Series Derived from MIL-DTL-38999 Series III 101 8D - RJ45-USB Series Description • Derived from MIL-DTL-38999 Series III • True ruggedized RJ45 & USB A solution • High vibration resistance • Shock resistant • IP67 • Shielded • Available in feed through, solder out and pig tail version • No tools for cabling • RoHS version Applications • Insert: Thermoplastic Climatic • Data transmission using standard interface • Contacts: Copper alloy • Sealing: IP67 with protective cap • Contacts plating: Gold • Temperature range: -40°C to +85°C Technical features • Endurance: Per MIL-DTL-38999, 500 mating cycles • Fluid resistance: Per MIL-DTL-38999 with protective cap Mechanical • Vibration: 10-500 Hz 20 g • Flight data transmissions • Shell material: Aluminum alloy Composite • Shell plating: Olive drab cadmium Nickel Olive drab cadmium Nickel Black zinc nickel Zinc cobalt Electrical • RJ45: 10 BaseT, 100 BaseTX and 1000 BaseT Cat 5e per TIA/EIA 568A/B • USB: 10 BaseT and 100 BaseTX Cat 5e per TIA/EIA 568A/B 102 8D - RJ45-USB Series Connector part numbers Basic Series 8D 0 F 17 W UA S Shell type: 0: Square flange receptacle 7: Jam nut receptacle (aluminum only) 5: EMI / RFI plug Designator: F: Feedthrough S: Solder out C: Pig tail cable receptacle P: Pig tail cable plug Shell size: 17: USB 19: RJ45 Plating: W: Olive drab cadmium (aluminum) - 500 hours salt spray F: Nickel (aluminum) - 48 hours salt spray J: Olive drab cadmium (composite) - 500 hours salt spray M: Nickel (composite) - 500 hours salt spray Z: Black zinc nickel (aluminum) - 500 hours salt spray ZC: Zinc cobalt - 250 hours salt spray X: No finish (composite) Insert: UA: USB type A RJ: RJ45 Contact style: S: Socket P: Plug Orientation: N, A, B, C, D, E Specification code: Consult us for custom configuration (cable type, length, termination style) 8D RJ45 Series Square flange receptacle 8D USB Series Jam nut receptacle Square flange receptacle 103 Jam nut receptacle N … 8D - RJ45-USB Series RJ45 interface - Receptacle Feedthrough Series PIN 1 PIN 1 PIN 1 Jam nut (max) Shell type A B Aluminum 0.809 / 20.55 0.098 / 2.50 Composite 0.818 / 20.78 0.144 / 3.65 PIN 1 Square flange (max) Shell type A B Aluminum 0.840 / 21.34 0.126 / 3.20 RJ45 interface - Receptacle Solder Out Series PIN 1 Square flange (max) Shell type A B Aluminum 0.469 / 11.91 0.098 / 2.50 Composite 0.478 / 12.14 0.144 / 3.65 PIN 1 Jam nut (max) Dimensions: Inch / mm 104 Shell type A B Aluminum 0.500 / 12.70 0.126 / 3.20 8D - RJ45-USB Series RJ45 interface - Receptacle Pigtail Series PIN 1 END «B» PIN 1 END «A» Shell type Aluminum Composite Square flange (max) A B C 0.809 / 20.78 0.098 / 2.50 12.00 ± 1.00 / 304.8 ± 25.4 0.818 / 20.78 0.144 / 3.65 12.00 ± 1.00 / 304.8 ± 25.4 PIN 1 END «B» PIN 1 END «A» Shell type Aluminum A 0.840 / 21.34 Jam nut (max) B 0.126 / 3.20 C 12.00 ± 1.00 / 304.8 ± 25.4 RJ45 interface - Receptacle Panel Cut Out Square flange Front mounting Maximum panel thickness for receptacle: 0.126’’ Jam nut Jam nut panel cut out Rear mounting Maximum panel thickness for receptacle: Front mounting: 0.126’’ max Rear mounting: 0.098’’ max Square flange panel cut out Dimensions: Inch / mm 105 8D - RJ45-USB Series RJ45 interface - Plug End «B» Dimensions: Inch / mm 106 8D - RJ45-USB Series USB interface - Receptacle Feedthrough Series PIN 1 PIN 1 PIN 1 Jam nut (max) Shell type A B Aluminum 0.569 / 14.45 0.098 / 2.50 Composite 0.578 / 14.68 0.144 / 3.65 PIN 1 Square flange (max) Shell type A B Aluminum 0.600 / 15.24 0.126 / 3.20 USB interface - Receptacle Solder Out Series PIN 1 Square flange (max) Shell type A B Aluminum 0.319 / 8.10 0.098 / 2.50 Composite 0.328 / 8.33 0.144 / 3.65 PIN 1 Jam nut (max) Dimensions: Inch / mm 107 Shell type A B Aluminum 0.470 / 11.94 0.126 / 3.20 8D - RJ45-USB Series USB interface - Receptacle Pigtail Series PIN 1 PIN 1 END «B» END «A» Shell type Aluminum Composite Square flange (max) A B C 0.596 / 14.45 0.098 / 2.50 12.00 ± 1.00 / 304.8 ± 25.4 0.578 / 14.68 0.144 / 3.65 12.00 ± 1.00 / 304.8 ± 25.4 PIN 1 PIN 1 END «B» END «A» Shell type Aluminum A 0.600 / 15.24 Jam nut (max) B 0.126 / 3.20 C 12.00 ± 1.00 / 304.8 ± 25.4 USB interface - Receptacle Panel Cut Out Square flange Front mounting Maximum panel thickness for receptacle: 0.126’’ Rear mounting Maximum panel thickness for receptacle: Front mounting: 0.126’’ max Rear mounting: 0.098’’ max Jam nut panel cut out Square flange panel cut out Jam nut Dimensions: Inch / mm 108 8D - RJ45-USB Series USB interface - Plug USB symbol located on top of USB receptacle Master key PIN 1 End «B» USB A receptacle End «A» MIL-C-38999 size 17 USB A plug Dimensions: Inch / mm 109 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Products range extension 8D8 / 8D9 Series • MIL-DTL-38999 layouts and contacts • MIL-DTL-38999 Series electric performances • Scoop proof • Easy mating (push mating) • Connection in restricted space • High vibration performance • Compatible with standard backshells 38999 Series III • Push Pull plug (8D8) or Push Pull plug lanyard release (8D9) available See «8D8/8D9 Series - 38999 Push pull/Quick release» catalog on www.souriau.com • Lanyard release: quick disconnect with angle of separation 8DB Bulkhead Feedthrough • “Double Receptacle” mounted on panel allows cable plug connexion on both sides of the bulkhead • All 38999 Series III features integrated in feedthrough design • Scoop proof • Create a permanent sealed barrier on your panel: suitable for pressurized or depressurized areas • Reinforced sealing - special insulator design • Easy and reliable maintenance: time saving and low risk during maintenance • Hermetic glass fused version available See «38999 Series III - Bulkhead Feedthrough» catalog on www.souriau.com 110 8D Series - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Products range extension 8D Hermetic ELIO® Feedthrough • The first truly hermetic aluminum 38999 fiber optic feedthrough • Leak rate < 10-9 atm.cm3/s • Weight saving: aluminum shell save 30 to 40% of weight vs stainless steel ✓ • Single and multi way: unique multiway hermetic fiber optic feedhrough in the world ✓ • Intermateable with Souriau’s ELIO® connectors: - Airbus A380 spec ABS1379 qualified - Intermateable with ARINC 801 and EN4531 standards See «38999 Series III - Hermetic ELIO® Feedthrough» product news on www.souriau.com 8D Hermetic Aluminum 38999 Power and Signal Connector • The unique connecting solution offering hermeticity, great conductivity and mass saving all at once: Ideal for power applications • Truly hermetic : Leak rate < 10-9 atm.cm3/s • Weight saving : save 30 to 40% of weight vs stainless steel • Outstanding conductivity : Conductivity 5 times better than regular Fe/Ni contacts 111 Cavity identification – Viewed from front face of male insulator 16 contact) coordinates in mm. Coordinates Coordinates for straightfor spillstraight terminations spill termina Coordinates for straightCoordinates spill terminations for straight spill term 9 Hole sizes: 1 mm min. (#22 and 20 contacts) and 1,3 mm min. (# 16 contact) coordinates in mm. 98 Tail Terminations Coordinates For35Straight PC Cavity identification Cavity–identification Viewed from–front Viewed facefrom of male frontinsulator face of Hole sizes: 1 mm (#22 andHole 20 contacts) sizes: 1 mm andfront min. 1,3 mm (#22 min. and (# 2016 contacts) contact) and coordinates 1,3– mmViewed min. in mm. (# 16 contact) coordinates in mm. fac Cavity identification –min.Viewed from face of male insulator Cavity identification from front Hole sizes: 1 mm min. (#22 and 20 contacts) and 1,3 mm min. (# 16Hole contact) coordinates mm.and 20 contacts) and 1,3 mm min. (# 16 contact) coordinates in m sizes: 1 mm min.in(#22 Cavity identification9 9 Viewed from frontterminations face of male spill insulatorterminations 9spill 9 ordinates straight for straight 35 9835 98 Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates Hole sizes: 1mm min. (#22 and #20 contacts) and X Y 1.3mm min. (#16 X contact) Y coordinates in mm. 35 +1.14 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 09 / A +1.98 0.00 -1.98 -1.14 0.00 +1.98 -1.14 -2.29 -1.14 +1.98 0.00 A B C +1.65 0.00 -1.65 35 +0.97 -1.90 +0.97 98 –ityViewed identification from front – Viewed face offrom malefront insulator face of male insulator es: and 1 1,3 mmmm min.min. (#22 (#and 16 20 contact) contacts) coordinates and 1,3 in mm mm. min. (# 16 contact) coordinates in98 mm. 35 +Y 9 Contact -X 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Contact 2 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 Coordinates X Y +X +1.14 +1.98 +1.98 -1.14 0.00 -2.29 -1.98 -1.14 -Y -1.14 +1.98 0.00 0.00 98 98 Coordinates X Y +1.14 +1.98 Coordinates +1.98 -1.14 X Y 0.00 -2.29 +1.65 +0.97 -1.98 -1.14 0.00 -1.90 -1.14 +1.98 -1.65 +0.97 0.00 0.00 11 02 99 Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact X X Y Y A 1 +1.65 +1.14 +0.97 +1.98 A Contact Coordinates B B-X 2 0.00 +1.98 -1.90 -1.14 +X X Y C 3 -1.65 0.00+0.97 -2.29 C +1.14 +1.98 4 -1.981 -1.14 2 +1.98 -1.14 5 -1.14 +1.98 -2.29 6 0.00 3 0.000.00 -Y 4 -1.98 -1.14 5 -1.14 +1.98 6 0.00 0.00 35 11 11 / 1 B1 Coordinates dinates tact Coordinates X Y X Y Y -3.50 -1.14 +1.98 +0.97 +1.14 -3.50 +1.14 -1.90 +1.98 -1.14 -2.16 +2.99 -2.29 +0.970.00 0.00 -1.98 +1.42 -1.14 +1.24 -1.14 -0.89 +1.98 -1.24 0.00-0.89 0.00 2 5 0 5 2 +Y Contact Contact Contact 02 02 A A +Y BB CC D E F -X +X 0235 D E F G -X A B 35 Coordinates Contact X Y 0.00 +3.71 +Y 8 +2.16 +3.00 9 +3.50 +1.14 10 +3.50 -1.14 11 +2.16 -2.99 12 0.00 -3.71 13 -X -2.16 -2.99 02 05 +Y Coordinates tact Coordinates Contact X XY Y 0.00 A 0.00 +3.71 +2.418 B2.16 0.00 +3.00 -2.419 -X 3.50 +1.14 10 3.50 -1.14 11 2.16 -2.99 12 0.00 -3.71 13 2.16 -2.99 Coordinates Contact X Y -3.50 -1.14 1 -3.50 +1.14 2 -2.16 +2.99 3 0.00 +1.42 4 +1.24 -0.89 5 -1.24 -0.89 6 -Y 7 35 98 35 Contact -X 98 9998 A B C D E A B C D E F 0.00 +3.30 +1.65 -1.65 -3.30 0.00 +Y Contact +3.30 0.00 -2.87 -2.87 0.00 0.00+X A B C D E F G Coo X +1.6 +3.3 +1.6 -1.6 -3.3 -1.6 0.00 99 05 Contact Coordinates 99 X A +1.65 Contact Coordinates Contact CoordinatesContact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Coordinates B Coordinates +2.86 Y X Y X X Y Y X XC X 0.00 Y Y A +1.65 +1.42 0.00 +3.71 A 8 0.00 -3.50 +3.30 -1.14 A A +1.65 +3.30 D0.00 +2.85 -2.86 B +1.14 +2.86 -1.65 +2.16 +3.00 B 9+3.30 -3.50 0.00 B B +3.30 0.00 E+3.30 0.00 -1.65 +X -X C 0.00 -3.30 +3.50 +1.14 C 10+1.65 -2.16 -2.87 +2.99 C C +1.65 +1.65 -2.87 -2.87 D -2.86 -1.65 +3.50 -1.14 D 11-1.65 0.00 -2.87 +1.42 D D -1.65 -1.65 -2.87 -2.87 E -1.65 +1.42 +2.16 -2.99 E 12-3.30 +1.24 0.00 -0.89 E E -3.30 -3.30 0.000.00 0.00 -3.71 F 130.00 -1.24 0.00 -0.89 F F -1.650.00 +2.87 0.00 -2.16 -2.99 G 0.00 0.00 -Y +Y 04 04 04 Y +1.42 -1.65 -3.30 -1.65 +1.42 Contact A B C D E Coordinates X Y +1.65 +1.42 +2.86 -1.65 0.00 -3.30 -2.86 -1.65 -1.65 +1.42 Contact A B C D Coordinates X Y +1.65 +1.65 +1.65 -1.65 -1.65 112-1.65 -1.65 +1.65 04 0504 Contact 100 +X A Contact B C A D B E C D E F G Coordinates X Y +1.65 +1.42 Contact-1.65 Coordinates Coordinates +2.86 Contact Coordinates Y X 0.00 Y-3.30X X +1.65 +1.42Y +1.65 -2.86A +2.85 -1.65 A +1.65 +1.65 +2.86 -1.65 +3.30 -1.65B 0.00 B +1.42 +1.65 -3.30 -1.65 C 0.00 +1.65 -2.87 C -2.86 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 D -1.65 -2.87 D -1.65 -1.65 +1.42 +1.65 E -3.30 0.00 -1.65 +2.87 0.00 0.00 100 Contact A B C D 100 100 Coordinates X Y +1.65 +1.42 +2.86 -1.65 0.00 -3.30 -2.86 -1.65 -1.65 +1.42 98 99 04 05 05 Contact 98 99 35 35Coordinates X Y Coordinates X Y -3.50 -1.14 -3.50 +1.14 -2.16 +2.99 0.00 +1.42 +1.24 -0.89 -1.24 -0.89 +X 05 05 100 11 Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact ContactCoord Co -Y -Y -Y X Y XX YY X YX Y XX YY X X A 0.00 +2.41 1A 0.00 0.00 +3.71 +2.41 8 -3.501 -1.14 0.00 +3.71 8A -3.50 0.00 -1.14 +3.30 A A 0.00+1.6 Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates Contact 2 BCoordinates Contact Contact+3.00 Coordinates Contact+1.14 Coordinates Conta Contact Coordinates BContact 0.00Coordinates -2.41 +2.16 0.00 +3.00 -2.41Coordinates 9 Contact -3.502 Coordinates +1.14 +2.16 9B -3.50 +3.30 0.00 B Coordinate B +3.30 +3.3 Contact X X Y X Y X Y X Y Y Y 3 +3.50 +1.14 XX 10 YY -2.163 +2.99 +3.50 +1.14X 10 CY -2.16 +1.65 +2.99 -2.87X C CX +1.65 +1.6 1 A 0.00 +1.65+3.71+1.65 8 -3.50 -1.14 A 0.00 +3.30 A +1.65 0.00 +3.71 -3.50 +2.85 -1.14 AY +1.65 11+2.41 +1.42 4 +3.50 AA -1.140.00 0.004 +1.42 +3.501 -1.14 11 D 0.00 -1.658 +1.42 -2.87 D -1.65-1.6 A D +1.65 +1. 2 -3.50 +1.14 B +3.30 0.00 B 9 +3.30 0.00 B +2.16+1.65+3.00 -1.65 9 B 0.00 -2.41 2 +2.16 +3.00 -3.50 +1.14 B B +2.86 -1.65 5 +2.16 -2.99 12 +1.245 -0.89 +2.16 -2.99 12 E +1.24 -3.30 -0.89 0.00 E +1.65 E -3.30-3.3 -1. 3 -2.16 +2.99 C +1.65 -2.87 C +1.65 C +3.50 -1.65+1.14 -1.65 10 +3.50 13 +1.14 -2.16 -2.87 +2.99 B C 6 0.00 C -3.71 0.00 13 -3.30 -1.246 -0.89 0.00 3 -3.71 F -1.24 0.0010 -0.89 0.00 F -1.65 F 0.00-1.6 C -1. 4 D +3.50 -1.65-1.14 +1.65 11 0.00 +1.42 D -1.65 -2.87 D 11 -1.650.00 -2.87 +3.50 -1.14 +1.42 D -1.65 7 -2.16 D -2.99 -2.86 7 -2.164 -2.99 G 0.0 D -1.65 +1. 5 +2.16 -2.99 12 +1.24 -0.89E E -3.30 0.00 E 12 -3.30 5 +2.16 -2.99 +1.24 0.00-0.89 E -1.65 +1.42 6 0.00 -3.71 13 -1.24 -0.89 F 0.00 0.00 F 13 -1.65 6 0.00 -3.71 -1.24 +2.87 -0.89 F 7 -2.16 -2.99 G 0.00 0.00 7 -2.16 -2.99 Coordinates X Y 0.00 +2.41 0.00 -2.41 98 99 Contact -Y Contact Coordinates Contact X Y +1.65 +2.85 +3.30 0.00 1 +1.65 -2.872 -1.65 -2.873 -3.30 0.00 4 -1.65 +2.875 0.00 +X0.00 6 7 04 35 04 11 02 Contact Coordinates X AY 0.00 +2.41 B+Y 0.00 -2.41 C 98 11 02 Coordinates Coordinates Contact XX YY 0.00 +3.30 +1.65 +0.97 A +3.30 0.00 0.00 -1.90 B +1.65 +0.97 -2.87 -1.65 -1.65 -2.87 -3.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 Coordinates X Y +1.65 +0.97 Contact-1.90Coordinates 0.00 Y -1.65 +0.97X A +1.65 +0.97 B 0.00 -1.90 C -1.65 +0.97 100 Contact A B C D Coordinates X Y +1.65 +1.65 +1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 -1.65 +1.65 Coordinate X Y +1.65 +1 +1.65 -1 -1.65 -1 -1.65 +1 Tailstraight Terminations spill Coordinates Coordinates terminationsFor Coordinates forStraight straightPC spill for terminations spill terminations inates Y +2.24 +4.01 +5.00 +2.72 +0.66 -1.91 -3.05 -1.91 +0.66 +2.72 -0.76 101 3 13 / 1C 13 98 04 04 08 04 35 08 +Y 35 35 98 +Y -X +X +Y -X +X -Y -Y Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates XX YY AA 0.00 0.00 +3.81 +4.95 BB +3.71 +3.81 +0.89 +3.80 CC 0.00 +4.90 -2.11 +0.76 DD -3.71 +4.16 -0.89 -2.67 E 0.00 -3.43 F -4.16 -2.67 G -4.90 +0.76 H -3.81 +3.80 J +1.65 -0.38 K -1.65 -0.38 Contact Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates CoordinatesContact X XX Y YY AA+1.14 +1.65 1 0.00 +5.00 +3.99 +3.8112 BB+3.20 +4.32 2 +3.71 +4.01 0.00 +0.8913 CC+4.62 +3.05 3 0.00 +2.24 -3.05 -2.11 14 DD+5.15 0.00 4 -3.71 0.00 -4.32 -0.89 15 E +4.62 -3.05-2.24 -3.05 16 5 F +3.20 -4.32-4.01 0.00 17 6 G +1.14 -1.65-5.00 +3.99 18 7 H -1.14 0.00-5.00 +1.12 19 8 9 -3.20 -4.01 20 10 -4.62 -2.24 21 11 -5.15 0.00 22 15 19 35 Contact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Coordinates X Y +1.14 +6.65 +3.12 +5.51 +5.36 +4.06 +6.45 +2.03 +6.76 -0.25 +6.27 -2.49 +5.08 -4.44 +3.30 -5.89 +1.14 -6.65 -1.14 -6.65 -3.30 -5.89 -5.08 -4.45 -6.27 -2.49 -6.76 -0.25 -6.45 +2.03 -5.36 +4.06 08 98 98 +Y -X +X -X -Y Coordinates Contact X Y -4.62 +2.24 1 -3.20 +4.01 2 -1.14 +5.00 3 +1.14 +2.72 4 +2.97 +0.66 5 +2.36 6-1.91 0.00 7-3.05 -2.36 8-1.91 -2.97 +0.66 9 -1.14 10 +2.72 0.00 11 -0.76 +X -Y CoordinatesContact Contact Coordinates Coordinates X Y X X Y Y +1.14 +5.00 A 12 0.00 -4.62+4.95 +2.24 +3.20 +4.01 B 13 +3.81 -3.20+3.80 +4.01 +4.62 +2.24 C 14 +4.90 -1.14+0.76 +5.00 +5.15 0.00 D 15 +4.16 +1.14-2.67 +2.72 +4.62 -2.24 E 16 0.00 +2.97-3.43 +0.66 +3.20 -4.01 F 17 -4.16 +2.36-2.67 -1.91 +1.14 -5.00 G 18 -4.90 0.00+0.76 -3.05 -1.14 -5.00 H 19 -3.81 -2.36+3.80 -1.91 -3.20 -4.01 J 20 +1.65 -2.97-0.38 +0.66 -4.62 -2.24 K 21 -1.65 -1.14-0.38 +2.72 -5.15 0.00 22 0.00 -0.76 Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates XX YY A A +1.65 0.00 +3.99 +4.95 B B +4.32 +3.81 0.00 +3.80 C C +3.05 +4.90 -3.05 +0.76 DD 0.00 +4.16 -4.32 -2.67 E E -3.05 0.00 -3.05 -3.43 F F -4.32 -4.16 0.00 -2.67 G G -1.65 -4.90 +3.99 +0.76 HH 0.00 -3.81 +1.12 +3.80 J +1.65 -0.38 K -1.65 -0.38 Con A B C D E F G H 15 19 35 Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates XX YY A17 0.00 -3.12 +5.72 +5.51 B 18 +3.30 -1.14 +5.72 +6.65 C19 +4.95 +1.14 +2.72 +4.37 D20 +6.60 +3.12 0.00 +3.02Coordinates Contact Y E 21 +4.95 +4.32 -2.87 +1.02X +1.14 +6.65 F 22 +3.30 +4.321 -5.72 -1.27 +3.12 +5.51 G23 0.00 +3.122 -5.72 -3.23 +5.36 +4.06 H24 -3.30 +1.143 -5.72 -4.37 +6.45 +2.03 J 25 -4.95 -1.14 4 -2.87 -4.37 +6.76 -0.25 K 26 -6.60 -3.12 5 0.00 -3.23 +6.27 -2.49 L 27 -4.95 -4.32 6 +2.87 -1.27 +5.08 -4.44 M28 -3.30 -4.32 7 +5.72 +1.02 +3.30 -5.89 N29 -1.65 -3.12 8 +2.87 +3.02 +1.14 -6.65 P 30 +1.65 -1.14 9 +2.87 +4.37 -1.14 -6.65 R 31 +3.30 +1.1410 0.00 +1.88 -3.30 -5.89 S 32 +1.65 +2.2911 -2.87 -0.10 -5.08 -4.45 T 33 -1.65 +1.1412 -2.87 -2.08 -6.27 -2.49 U34 -3.30 -1.1413 0.00 -2.08 -6.76 -0.25 V 35 0.00 -2.2914 0.00 -0.10 -6.45 +2.03 36 -1.1415 +1.88 -5.36 +4.06 37 0.0016 -0.10 Contact 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 101 113 19 Coordinates X Y -3.12 +5.51 -1.14 +6.65 +1.14 +4.37 +3.12 +3.02 +4.32 +1.02 +4.32 -1.27 +3.12 -3.23 +1.14 -4.37 -1.14 -4.37 -3.12 -3.23 -4.32 -1.27 -4.32 +1.02 -3.12 +3.02 -1.14 +4.37 +1.14 +1.88 +2.29 -0.10 +1.14 -2.08 -1.14 -2.08 -2.29 -0.10 -1.14 +1.88 0.00 -0.10 Contact A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V 101 Coordinates X Y 0.00 +5.72 +3.30 +5.72 +4.95 +2.72 +6.60 0.00 +4.95 -2.87 +3.30 -5.72 0.00 -5.72 -3.30 -5.72 -4.95 -2.87 -6.60 0.00 -4.95 +2.87 -3.30 +5.72 -1.65 +2.87 +1.65 +2.87 +3.30 0.00 +1.65 -2.87 -1.65 -2.87 -3.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contact A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V C X 0. +3 +4 +6 +4 +3 0. -3 -4 -6 -4 -3 -1 +1 +3 +1 -1 -3 0. 04 35 13 98 04 spill terminations 35 straight Coordinates spill terminations Coordinates for 08 straight spill for terminations straight Coordinates For Straight PC Tail Terminations 15 05 inates Y +2.24 +4.01 +5.00 +2.72 +0.66 -1.91 -3.05 -1.91 +0.66 +2.72 -0.76 Contact -X A B C D E F G H J K 15 18 15 / D 97 18 Coordinates X Y 0.00 +4.95 +3.81 +3.80 +4.90 +0.76 +Y +4.16 -2.67 0.00 -3.43 -4.16 -2.67 -4.90 +0.76 -3.81 +3.80+X +1.65 -0.38 -1.65 -0.38 Contact A B C D E F G H 05 Coordinates X Y +1.65 +3.99 +4.32 0.00 +3.05 -3.05 0.00 -4.32 -3.05 -3.05 -4.32 0.00 -1.65 +3.99 0.00-X +1.12 Contact Coordinates X Y A 0.00 +3.81 B +3.71 +0.89 C 0.00 -2.11 -3.71 -0.89 ContactD Coordinates X Y A 0.00 +3.81 B +3.71 +0.89 C 0.00 -2.11 D -3.71 -0.89 05 05 18 +Y +X 97 -X -Y Contact 19 K L M N P R S T U Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates X Y XX YY X XX Y YY -4.95 A +2.87 A +1.65 +1.65 +5.94 +6.40 GAK -5.26 -4.95 0 -2.41 +2.54 +2.87 -1.65 B+6.40 B +4.52 +4.95 +4.52 +2.87 HBL -5.94 +4.42 -1.65 +1.65 +0.61 +6.40 -1.65 C +2.87 C +5.84 +6.60 -0.58 0.00 J CM -4.52 +2.39 -1.65 +4.52 +3.76 +2.87 +1.65 D +2.87 D +4.52 +4.95 -4.52 -2.87 K DN -1.65 -2.39 +1.65 +5.94 -3.76 +2.87 +3.30 E0.00 E +1.65 +3.30 -5.94 -5.72 L EP -1.19 -4.42 +3.30 +2.06 +0.61 0.00 +1.65 F-2.87 F -2.26 0.00 -5.97 -5.72 MR +1.19 +1.65 -2.06 -2.87 -1.65 -2.87 G -3.30 -5.72 S -1.65 -2.87 -3.30 0.00 H -4.95 -2.87 T -3.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 J -6.60 0.00 U 0.00 0.00 Contact Contact AA BB CC DD EE F 1 2 3 Contact4 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 +Y 4 9 5 10 6 11 7 8 9 10 11 97 15 -Y Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates XX YY AA +1.65 0 +2.54 +6.40 BB +4.42 +4.95 +0.61 +2.87 CC +2.39 +6.60 +3.76 0.00 DD -2.39 +4.95 -3.76 -2.87 EE -4.42 +3.30 +0.61 -5.72 F 0.00 -5.72 G -3.30 -5.72 H -4.95 -2.87 J -6.60 0.00 Contact 35 97 -Y Coordinates Coordinates XX YY +1.65 0 +5.94 +2.54 +4.52 +4.42 +4.52 +0.61 +5.84 +2.39 -0.58 +3.76 +4.52 -2.39 -4.52 -3.76 +1.65 -4.42 -5.94 +0.61 -2.26 -5.97 15 Coordinates Contact Co X Y X +1.14 +5.00 12 -4.6 +3.20 +4.01 13 -3.2 +4.62 +2.24 14 -1.1 +5.15 0.00 Contact 15 Coord +1.1 Coordinates X +4.62 Y -2.24 X +2.9 16 +1.14 +3.20 +5.00 -4.01 12 17 -4.62 +2.3 +3.20 +1.14 +4.01 -5.00 13 18 -3.200.0 +4.62 -1.14 +2.24 -5.00 14 19 -1.14-2.3 +5.15 -3.20 0.00-4.01 15 20 +1.14 -2.9 +4.62 -4.62 -2.24-2.24 16 21 +2.97 -1.1 +3.20 -5.15 -4.010.00 17 22 +2.360.0 +1.14 -5.00 18 0.00 -1.14 -5.00 19 -2.36 +X -3.20 -4.01 20 -2.97 -4.62 -2.24 21 -1.14 -5.15 0.00 22 0.00 Contact G H J K L M 35 Coordinates Contact X Y -5.26 -2.41 A -5.94 +1.65 B -4.52 +4.52 C -1.65 +5.94 D -1.19 +2.06 E +1.19 -2.06 F Coordinates X Y +1.65 +5.94 +4.52 +4.52 +5.84 -0.58 +4.52 -4.52 +1.65 -5.94 -2.26 -5.97 Contact 19 +Y 35 17 17 +Y Contact Coordinates X Y A 0.00 +5.72 B +3.30 +5.72 +X -X C +4.95 +2.72 Contact Coordinates D +6.60 0.00 X Y E +4.95 -2.87 27 0.00 +2.18 F +3.30 -5.72 28 0.00 -0.10 G 0.00 -5.72 -Y -Y 29 0.00 -2.39 H -3.30 -5.72 30 0.00 -4.67 J -4.95 -2.87 31 0.00 -6.96 K -6.60 0.00 32 +2.26 +8.03 L -4.95 +2.87 33 +1.98 +5.61 M -3.30 +5.72 34 +1.98 +3.33 N -1.65 +2.87 35 +1.98 +1.04 P +1.65 +2.87 36 +1.98 -1.24 R +3.30 0.00 37 +1.98 -3.53 S +1.65 -2.87 38 +1.98 -5.82 T -1.65 -2.87 39 +1.98 -8.10 U -3.30 0.00 40 +4.37 +7.09 V 0.00 0.00 41 +3.96Contact +4.47 Coordinates Coordinates Contact Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Coordinates +2.18 X X X Y X Y X X42 Y +3.96 Y Y Y 43 +8.15 +3.96 P -0.10 -7.92 +2.18 14 -3.96 A-2.39 1 0.00-7.92 +2.18 14 -6.07 -3.96 +5.44 -2.39 44 +7.44 +3.96 R -2.39 -7.92 -0.10 15 -3.96 B -4.67 2 +3.33 -7.92 -0.10 15 -3.33 -3.96 +7.44 -4.67 45 +5.44 +3.96 S -4.67 -7.92 -2.39 16 -3.96 C-6.96 3 +6.07 -7.92 -2.39 16 -1.78 -3.96 +4.50 -6.96 46 +2.51 +3.96 T -6.96 -6.15 +5.61 17 -2.26 D+8.03 4 +7.75 -6.15 +5.61 17 +1.78 -2.26 +4.50 +8.03 47 -0.86 +6.15 U+5.61 -5.94 +3.33 18 -1.98 E+5.61 5 +8.10 -5.94 +3.33 18 +4.45 -1.98 +2.39 +5.61 48 -4.09 +5.94 V+3.33 -5.94 +1.04 19 -1.98 F+3.33 6 +7.06 -5.94 +1.04 19 +4.53 -1.98 +0.91 +3.33 49 -6.60 -5.94 - 1.24 20 -1.98 G+1.04 7 +4.80 -5.94 - +5.94 1.24 W+1.04 20 +3.02 -1.98 -3.84 +1.04 50 -7.98 +5.94 X -1.24 -5.94 -3.53 21 -1.98 H-1.24 8 +1.70 -5.94 -3.53 21 0.00-1.98 -5.16 -1.24 51 -7.98 +5.94 Y -3.53 -5.94 -5.82 22 -1.98 J -3.53 9 -1.70 -5.94 -5.82 22 -3.02 -1.98 -3.84 -3.53 52 -6.60 +5.94 Z -5.82 -4.37 +7.09 23 -1.98 K -5.82 10 -4.80 -4.37 +7.09 23 -4.53 -1.98 -0.91 -5.82 53 -4.09 +7.92 a +2.18 -3.96 +4.47 24 -1.98 L- 8.10 11 -7.06 -3.96 +4.47 24 -4.45 -1.98 +2.39 - 8.10 54 -0.86 +7.92 b -0.10 -3.96 +2.18 25 0.00 M+8.36 12 -8.10 -3.96 +2.18 25 0.000.00 +1.65 +8.36 55 +2.51 +7.92 c -2.39 -3.96 -0.10 26 0.00 N+4.47 13 -7.75 -3.96 -0.10 26 0.000.00 -1.65 +4.47 35 -X Contact 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 101 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Coordinates X Y 0.00 +2.18 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -2.39 0.00 -4.67 0.00 -6.96 +2.26 +8.03 +1.98 +5.61 +1.98 +3.33 +1.98 +1.04 +1.98 -1.24 +1.98 -3.53 +1.98 -5.82 +1.98 -8.10 +4.37 +7.09 +3.96 Contact +4.47 +3.96 +2.18 +3.96 -0.10 1 +3.96 -2.39 2 +3.96 -4.67 3 +3.96 -6.96 4 +6.15 +5.61 5 +5.94 +3.33 6 +5.94 +1.04 7 +5.94 -1.24 8 +5.94 -3.53 9 +5.94 -5.82 10 +7.92 +2.18 11 +7.92 -0.10 12 +7.92 -2.39 13 102 Contact 26 35 102 114 +X Contact 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Coordinates X Y 1 +1.14 +6.65 2 +3.12 +5.51 3 +5.36 +4.06 Coordinates +6.45 +2.03 Contact4 Coordinates X Y X +6.76 Y -0.25 5 0.00 +2.18 1 6 +1.14 +6.27 +6.65 -2.49 0.00 -0.10 2 7 +3.12 +5.08 +5.51 -4.44 0.00 -2.39 3 8 +5.36 +3.30 +4.06 -5.89 0.00 -4.67 4 9 +6.45 +1.14 +2.03 -6.65 0.00 -6.96 5 10 +6.76 -1.14 -0.25 -6.65 +2.26 +8.03 6 11 +6.27 -3.30 -2.49-5.89 +1.98 +5.61 7 12 +5.08 -5.08 -4.44-4.45 +1.98 +3.33 8 13 +3.30 -6.27 -5.89-2.49 +1.98 +1.04 9 14 +1.14 -6.76 -6.65-0.25 +1.98 -1.24 10 15 -1.14-6.45 -6.65 +2.03 +1.98 -3.53 11 16 -3.30-5.36 -5.89 +4.06 +1.98 -5.82 12 -5.08 -4.45 +1.98 -8.10 13 -6.27 -2.49 +4.37 +7.09 14 -6.76 -0.25 +3.96 Contact +4.47 Coordinates 15 -6.45 +2.03 +3.96 +2.18 X 16 -5.36 +4.06Y +3.96 A-0.10 0.00 +8.15 +3.96 B-2.39 +3.33 +7.44 +3.96 C-4.67 +6.07 +5.44 +3.96 D-6.96 +7.75 +2.51 +6.15 E+5.61 +8.10 -0.86 +5.94 F+3.33 +7.06 -4.09 +5.94 G+1.04 +4.80 -6.60 +5.94 H-1.24 +1.70 -7.98 +5.94 J-3.53 -1.70 -7.98 +5.94 K-5.82 -4.80 -6.60 +7.92 L+2.18 -7.06 -4.09 +7.92 M-0.10 -8.10 -0.86 +7.92 N-2.39 -7.75 +2.51 102 Coordinates X Y 17 -3.12 +5.51 18 -1.14 +6.65 19 +1.14 +4.37 20 Coordinates +3.12 +3.02 Contact 21 X +4.32 Y +1.02 17 22 -3.12 +4.32 +5.51 -1.27 18 23 -1.14 +3.12 +6.65 -3.23 19 24 +1.14 +1.14 +4.37 -4.37 20 25 +3.12 -1.14 +3.02 -4.37 21 26 +4.32 -3.12 +1.02 -3.23 22 27 +4.32 -4.32 -1.27-1.27 23 28 +3.12 -4.32 -3.23 +1.02 24 29 +1.14 -3.12 -4.37 +3.02 25 30 -1.14-1.14 -4.37 +4.37 26 31 -3.12 +1.14 -3.23 +1.88 27 32 -4.32 +2.29 -1.27-0.10 28 33 -4.32 +1.14 +1.02 -2.08 29 34 -3.12-1.14 +3.02 -2.08 30 35 -1.14-2.29 +4.37 -0.10 31 36 +1.14 -1.14 +1.88 +1.88 32 37 +2.290.00 -0.10-0.10 33 +1.14 -2.08 34 -1.14 -2.08 35 -2.29 -0.10 Contact Coordinates Contact 36 -1.14 +1.88 Coordinates X Y X Y 37 0.00 -0.10 P -6.07 +5.44 A 0.00 +8.15 R -3.33 +7.44 B +3.33 +7.44 S -1.78 +4.50 C +6.07 +5.44 T +1.78 +4.50 D +7.75 +2.51 U +4.45 +2.39 E +8.10 -0.86 V +4.53 +0.91 F +7.06 -4.09 W +3.02 -3.84 G +4.80 -6.60 X 0.00 -5.16 H +1.70 -7.98 Y -3.02 -3.84 J -1.70 -7.98 Z -4.53 -0.91 K -4.80 -6.60 a -4.45 +2.39 L -7.06 -4.09 b 0.00 +1.65 M -8.10 -0.86 c 0.00 -1.65 N -7.75 +2.51 26 26 C Contact A B C D E F G H J Coordinates X Y +1.65 +6.40 +4.95 +2.87 +6.60 0.00 +4.95 -2.87 +3.30 -5.72 0.00 -5.72 -3.30 -5.72 -4.95 -2.87 -6.60 0.00 Contact K L M N P R S T U Coordinates X Y -4.95 +2.87 -1.65 +6.40 -1.65 +2.87 +1.65 +2.87 +3.30 0.00 +1.65 -2.87 -1.65 -2.87 -3.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contact A B C D E Coordinates X Y 0 +2.54 +4.42 +0.61 +2.39 +3.76 -2.39 -3.76 -4.42 +0.61 Contact A B C D E F Coordinates X Y +1.65 +5.94 +4.52 +4.52 +5.84 -0.58 +4.52 -4.52 +1.65 -5.94 -2.26 -5.97 Contact G H J K L M Coordinates straight terminations Coordinates Forfor Straight PC spill Tail Terminations Coordinates X Y -5.26 -2.41 -5.94 +1.65 -4.52 +4.52 -1.65 +5.94 -1.19 +2.06 +1.19 -2.06 ates for straight spill terminations 17 15 17 / E 35 18 26 97 26 05 06 Contact 08 Coordinates X Y 27 0.00 +2.18 +Y 28 0.00 -0.10 29 0.00 -2.39 30 0.00 -4.67 31 0.00 -6.96 32 +2.26 +8.03 33 +1.98 +5.61 34 +1.98 +3.33 35 +1.98 +1.04 36 +1.98 -1.24 37 +1.98 -3.53 38 +1.98 -5.82 39 +1.98-Y -8.10 40 +4.37 +7.09 41 +4.47 Contact+3.96Coordinates Contact 42 +3.96X +2.18Y 43 A +3.96 0.00 -0.10 +5.99 A 44 B +3.96 +3.25 -2.39 +2.18 B 45 C +3.96 +5.84 -4.67 -1.98 C 46 D +3.96 +2.39 -6.96 -5.49 D 47 E +6.15 -2.39 +5.61 -5.49 E 48 F +5.94 -5.84 +3.33 -1.98 49 G +5.94 +1.04 -3.25 +2.18 50 H +5.94 0.00 -1.24 -1.32 51 +5.94 -3.53 52 +5.94 -5.82 53 +7.92 +2.18 54 -0.10 Contact+7.92 Coordinates 55 +7.92X -2.39Y 99 Contact Coordinates +Y X Y 0.00 +8.15 +3.33 +7.44 +6.07 +5.44 +7.75 +2.51 +X +8.10 -0.86 -X +7.06 -4.09 +4.80 -6.60 +1.70 -7.96 -1.70 -7.96 -4.80 -6.60 -Y -7.06 -4.09 -8.10 -0.86 Contact Coordinates -7.75 Contact +2.51 X Y ContactCoordinates Coordinates Contact ContactCoordinates Coordinates X X Y Y XA X 0.00 Y Y +8.15 -6.07 +5.44 A A 0.00+1.65+8.15+5.94 P G -6.07 -3.33 +7.44 B -5.26+5.44 +3.33-2.41 +7.44 B B +3.33+4.52+7.44+4.52 R H -3.33 -1.78 +4.50 C -5.94+7.44 +6.07 +1.65 +5.44 C C +6.07+5.84+5.44-0.58 S J -1.78 +1.78 +4.50 D -4.52+4.50 +7.75 +4.52 +2.51 D D +7.75+4.52+2.51-4.52 T K +1.78 +4.50 +4.45 +2.39 E -1.65 +8.10 +5.94 -0.86 E E +8.10+1.65-0.86-5.94 U L +4.45 +2.39 +3.81 -1.91 F -1.19 +7.06 +2.06 -4.09 F F +7.06-2.26 -4.09-5.97 V M +4.53 0.00 -4.09 G +1.19+0.91 +4.80-2.06 -6.60 G +4.80 -6.60 W +3.02 -3.84 -3.81 -1.91 H +1.70 -7.96 H +1.70 -7.98 X 0.00 -5.16 -4.45 +2.39 J -1.70 -7.96 J -1.70 -7.98 Y -3.02 -3.84 0.00 +0.64 K -4.80 -6.60 K -4.80 -6.60 Z -4.53 -0.91 L -7.06 -4.09 L -7.06 -4.09 a -4.45 +2.39 M -8.10 -0.86 M -8.10 -0.86 b 0.00 +1.65 N -7.75 +2.51 N -7.75 +2.51 c 0.00 -1.65 P -6.07 +5.44 R -3.33 +7.44 S -1.78 +4.50 T +1.78 +4.50 U +4.45 +2.39 V +3.81 -1.91 W 0.00 -4.09 +Y X -3.81 -1.91 Y -4.45 +2.39 Contact Coordinates 0.00 +0.64 XZ Y Coordinates for straight spill terminations Contact -X A B C D E F G H +Y Coordinates X Y 0.00 +5.99 +3.25 +2.18 +5.84 -1.98 +2.39 -5.49 -2.39 -5.49 -5.84 -1.98 -3.25 +2.18 0.00 -1.32 +X -X 17 -Y 08 Contact Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates X X Y Y X X Y Y X Y 1 A -7.92 +2.18 14 -3.96 +1.21 +0.21 A +1.65 +6.40 K -4.95 -2.39 +2.87 2 B +0.24 0.00 15 L -3.96 B -7.92 +4.95 -0.10 +2.87 -1.65 -4.67 +6.40 3 C -7.92 -2.39 16 -3.96 -6.96 0.00 -0.24 C +6.60 0.00 M -1.65 +2.87 4 D -6.15 +5.61 17 -2.26 +8.03 0.24 0.00 D +4.95 -2.87 N +1.65 +2.87 5 EE -5.94 +3.33 18 -1.98 +5.61 -+3.30 0.12 +0.21 -5.72 P +3.30 0.00 6 FF -5.94 0.00 +1.04 0.00 19 R -1.98 0.00 -5.72 +1.65 +3.33 -2.87 7 G -5.94 -3.30 - 1.24 -5.72 20 S -1.98 -1.65 +1.04 -2.87 8 H -5.94 -4.95 -3.53 -2.87 21 T -1.98 -3.30 -1.240.00 9 J -5.94 22 U -1.980.00 -3.530.00 -6.60 -5.82 0.00 10 -4.37 +7.09 23 -1.98 -5.82 11 -3.96 +4.47 24 -1.98 - 8.10 12 -3.96 +2.18 25 0.00 +8.36 13 -3.96 -0.10 26 0.00 +4.47 +X Coordinates X Y 0 +2.54 +4.42 +0.61 +2.39 +3.76 -2.39 -3.76 -4.42 +0.61 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z 99 Coordinates for straight spill terminations 17 35 17 35 35 A B C D E F +1.21 +0.24 0.00 - 0.24 - 0.12 0.00 +0.21 0.00 -0.24 0.00 102 +0.21 0.00 32 99 +Y 99 08 Coordinates Contact Coordinates Contact CoordinatesX Y X Y X Y 27 0.00 +2.18 35 +1.14 +6.86 A 0.00 +5.99 28 0.00 -0.10 36 +1.14 +4.57 B +3.25 +2.18 29 0.00 -2.39 -X +X 37 +1.14 +2.29 C +5.84 -1.98 30 0.00 -4.67 38 +1.14 0.00 D +2.39 -5.49 31 0.00 -6.96 39 +1.14 -2.29 E -2.39 -5.49 32 +2.26 +8.03 40 +1.14 -4.57 F -5.84 -1.98 33 +1.98 +5.61 41 +1.14 -6.86 G -3.25 +2.18 34 +1.98 +3.33 42 +1.14 -9.14 H 0.00 -1.32 -Y 35 +1.98 +1.04 43 +3.12 +8.00 36 +1.98 -1.24 44 +3.12 +5.72 37 +1.98 -3.53 45 +3.12 +3.43 38 +1.98 -5.82 46 +3.12 +1.14 39 Contact +1.98 Coordinates -8.10 Contact Coordinates 47 +3.12 -1.14 X +4.37 +7.09 Y X40 Y 48 +3.12 -3.43 Coordinates Contact Coordinates 35 +1.14 +6.86 41 +3.96 +4.47 +1.21 +0.21 Contact CoordinatesA +3.12 -5.72 X Y Contact 49 Coordinates X Y +1.14 42 36+3.96 +2.18 +4.57 B +0.24 0.00 X Y X Y 50 +3.12 -8.00 +3.12 +5.72 A +1.68 +8.97 43 37-0.24 +3.96 +1.14-0.10 +2.29 C 0.00 1 51 -7.92 +5.11 +2.18 +6.86 14 -3.96 -2.39 -3.12 +3.43 B+1.14 +4.80 +7.75 44 38+3.96 -2.39 0.00 D - 0.24 0.00 2 52 -7.92 +5.11-0.10 +4.57 15 -3.96 -4.67 -3.12 +1.14 C +7.26 +5.51 45 39+0.21 +3.96 +1.14-4.67 -2.29 E - 0.12 3 53 -7.92 +5.11-2.39 +2.29 16 -3.96 -6.96 -3.12 -1.14 D+1.14 +8.76 +2.49 46 40+3.96 -6.96 -4.57 F 0.00 0.00 4 54 -6.15 +5.11 +5.61 0.00 17 -2.26 +8.03 -3.12 -3.43 E +9.07 -0.84 47 41+6.15 +1.14 +5.61 -6.86 5 55 -5.94 +5.11 +3.33 -2.29 18 -1.98 +5.61 -3.12 -5.72 +8.15 42+5.94F+1.14 -9.14 -4.06 48 +3.33 6 56 -5.94 +5.11 +1.04 -4.57 19 -1.98 +3.33 -3.12 -8.00 G +6.15 -6.73 49 43+5.94 +3.12 +1.04 +8.00 7 57 -5.94 +5.11 - 1.24 -6.86 20 -1.98 +1.04 -1.14 +9.14 H +3.30 -8.51 50 44+5.94 +3.12-1.24 +5.72 8 58 -5.94 +7.09-3.53 +5.72 21 -1.98 -1.24 -1.14 +6.86 J 0.00 -9.12 51 45+5.94 +3.12-3.53 +3.43 9 59 -5.94 +7.09-5.82 +3.43 22 -1.98 -3.53 -1.14 +4.57 K -3.30 -8.51 52 46+5.94 +3.12-5.82 +1.14 10 60 -4.37 +7.09 +7.09 +1.14 23 -1.98 -5.82 -1.14 +2.29 L -6.15 -6.73 53 47+7.92 +3.12 +2.18 -1.14 11 61 -3.96 +7.09 +4.47 -1.14 24 -1.98 - 8.10 -1.14 0.00 M -8.15 -4.06 Coordinates Contact Coordinates 54 48+7.92 +3.12-0.10 -3.43 12 Contact -3.96 +2.18 25 0.00 +8.36 62 +7.09 -3.43 -1.14 -2.29 -9.07 -5.72 -0.84 X Y X Y 55 49+7.92N+3.12-2.39 13 63 -3.96 +7.09-0.10 -5.72 26 0.00 +4.47 -1.14 -4.57 P+3.12 -8.76 50 -8.00 +2.49 1 -9.07 +2.29 18 +3.12 +5.72 64 +9.07 +2.29 -1.14 -6.86 R+5.11 -7.26 51 +6.86 +5.51 2 -9.07 0.00 19 -3.12 +3.43 65 +9.07 0.00 -1.14 -9.14 S+5.11 -4.80 52 +4.57 +7.75 3 -9.07 -2.29 20 -3.12 +1.14 66 +9.07 -2.29 +1.14 +9.14 53 +5.11 +2.29 4 -7.09 +5.72 21 -3.12 -1.14 54 +5.11 0.00 102 5 -7.09 +3.43 22 -3.12 -3.43 55 +5.11 -2.29 6 -7.09 +1.14 23 -3.12 -5.72 115 56 +5.11 -4.57 7 -7.09 -1.14 24 -3.12 Contact -8.00 Coordinates +5.11 -6.86 8 -7.09 -3.43 25 -1.14 +9.14 X57 Y 58 +7.09 +5.72 9 -7.09 -5.72 103 26 -1.14 +6.86 35 +1.14 +6.86 Contact 19 -X 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 19 35 A 0.00 +8.15 B +3.33 +7.44 C +6.07 +5.44 +X D +7.75 +2.51 E +8.10 -0.86 F +7.06 -4.09 G +4.80 -6.60 H +1.70 -7.96 -Y J -1.70 -7.96 K -4.80 -6.60 L -7.06 -4.09 M -8.10 -0.86 N -7.75 +2.51 P -6.07 +5.44 Coordinates R -3.33Coordinates +7.44 Contact X YContact Coordinates S -1.78X +4.50Y X Y -1.68 +8.97 T P +1.78 A 0.00 +8.15 -6.07 +4.50 +5.44 0.00 +5.84 B +3.33 +7.44 U R +4.45 -3.33 +2.39 +7.44 +3.15 +4.90 V S +3.81 C +6.07 +5.44 -1.78 -1.91 +4.50 +5.31 +2.41 D +7.75 +2.51 W T 0.00 +1.78 -4.09 +4.50 +5.79 -0.84 X U -3.81 E +8.10 -0.86 +4.45 -1.91 +2.39 +4.42 -3.84 Y V -4.45 F +7.06 -4.09 +4.53 +2.39 +0.91 +1.65 -5.61 Z W 0.00 G +4.80 -6.60 +3.02 +0.64 -3.84 -1.65 -5.61 H +1.70 -7.98 X 0.00 -5.16 -4.42 -3.84 J -1.70 -7.98 Y -3.02 -3.84 -5.79 -0.84 K -4.80 -6.60 Z -4.53 -0.91 -5.31 +2.41 L -7.06 -4.09 a -4.45 +2.39 -3.15 +4.90 Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates M -8.10 -0.86 b 0.00 +1.65 0.00 +2.44 X Y X Y N -7.75 +2.51 c 0.00 -1.65 +2.44 0.00 A +1.68 +8.97 T -1.68 +8.97 0.00 -2.44 B +4.80 +7.75 U 0.00 +5.84 -2.44 0.00 C +7.26 +5.51 V +3.15 +4.90 D +8.76 +2.49 W +5.31 +2.41 E +9.07 -0.84 X +5.79 -0.84 F +8.15 -4.06 Y +4.42 -3.84 G +6.15 -6.73 Z +1.65 -5.61 H +3.30 -8.51 a -1.65 -5.61 J 0.00 -9.12 b -4.42 -3.84 32 35 Contact 26 Contact T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h j 32 Coordinates for straight spill terminations 19 32 35 Coordinates For Straight PC Tail Terminations Coordinates for straight spill terminations 17 Contact 19 / F 19 11 11 +Y Contact -X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 Coordinates X Y -9.07 +2.29 -9.07 0.00 -9.07 -2.29 -7.09 +5.72 -7.09 +3.43 -7.09 +1.14 -7.09 -1.14 -7.09 -3.43 -7.09 -5.72 -Y -5.11 +6.86 -5.11 +4.57 -5.11 +2.29 -5.11 0.00 -5.11 -2.29 -5.11 -4.57 -5.11 -6.86 -3.12 +8.00 Contact 18 19 20 +X 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Coordinates Contact Coordinates 49Y X YX 50 +3.12A +5.72 +2.67 +6.60 51 -3.12B +3.43 +6.35 +3.35 52 -3.12C +1.14 +6.99 -1.35 53 -3.12D -1.14 +4.55 -5.46 54 -3.12E -3.43 0.00 -7.14 55 -3.12F -5.72 -4.55 -5.46 56 -3.12G -8.00 -6.99 -1.35 57 -1.14H +9.14 -6.35 +3.35 58 -1.14J +6.86 -2.67 +6.60 59 -1.14K +4.57 0.00 +2.67 60 -1.14L +2.29 0.00 -2.34 61 -1.14 0.00 62 -1.14 -2.29 63 -1.14 -4.57 64 -1.14 -6.86 65 -1.14 -9.14 66 +1.14 +9.14 Coordinates X Y +1.14 +6.86 +1.14 +4.57 +1.14 +2.29 +1.14 0.00 +1.14 -2.29 +1.14 -4.57 +1.14 -6.86 +1.14 -9.14 +3.12 +8.00 +3.12 +5.72 +3.12 +3.43 +3.12 +1.14 +3.12 -1.14 +3.12 -3.43 +3.12 -5.72 +3.12 -8.00 +5.11 +6.86 +5.11 +4.57 -X +5.11 +2.29 +5.11 0.00 +5.11 -2.29 +5.11 -4.57 +5.11 -6.86 +7.09 +5.72 +7.09 +3.43 +7.09 +1.14 +7.09 -1.14 +7.09 -3.43 +7.09 -5.72 +9.07 +2.29 +9.07 0.00 +9.07 -2.29 08 A B C D E F G +Y H 32 99 Coordinates X Y 0.00 +5.99 +3.25 +2.18 +5.84 -1.98 +2.39 -5.49 -2.39 -5.49 -5.84 -1.98 -3.25 +2.18 0.00 -1.32 Contact Contact -Y A B C D E F Coordinates X Y +1.21 +X+0.21 +0.24 0.00 0.00 -0.24 - 0.24 0.00 - 0.12 +0.21 0.00 0.00 19 35 35 35 Contact A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S Coordinates X Y +1.68 +8.97 +4.80 +7.75 +7.26 +5.51 +8.76 +2.49 +9.07 -0.84 +8.15 -4.06 +6.15 -6.73 +3.30 -8.51 0.00 -9.12 -3.30 -8.51 -6.15 -6.73 -8.15 -4.06 -9.07 -0.84 -8.76 +2.49 -7.26 +5.51 -4.80 +7.75 Contact T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h j C Coordinates X Y -1.68 +8.97 0.00 +5.84 +3.15 +4.90 +5.31 +2.41 +5.79 -0.84 +4.42 -3.84 +1.65 -5.61 -1.65 -5.61 -4.42 -3.84 -5.79 -0.84 -5.31 +2.41 -3.15 +4.90 0.00 +2.44 +2.44 0.00 0.00 -2.44 -2.44 0.00 32 39 103 +Y Contact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Coordinates X Y +1.35 +10.82 +3.71 +10.26 +5.89 +9.19 +7.77 +7.67 +9.27 +5.77 +10.31 +3.58 +10.85 +1.22 +10.85 -1.22 +10.31 -3.58 +9.27 -5.77 +7.77 -7.67 +5.89 -9.19 +3.71 -10.26 +1.35 -10.82 -1.35 -10.82 -3.71 -10.26 -5.89 -9.19 -7.77 -7.67 -9.27 -5.77 -10.31 -3.58 Contact 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Coordinates X Y -10.85 -1.22 -10.85 +1.22 -10.31 +3.58 -9.27 +5.77 -7.77 +7.67 -5.89 +9.19 -3.71 +10.26 -1.35 +10.82 0.00 +8.20 +2.49 +8.18 +4.67 +7.11 +6.55 +5.59 +7.90 +3.58 +8.43 +1.22 +8.43 -1.22 +7.90 -3.58 +6.55 -5.59 +4.67 -7.11 +2.49 -8.18 0.00 -8.81 Coordinates X Y 41 -2.49 -8.18 42 -4.67 -7.11 43 -6.55 -5.59 -X 44 -7.90 -3.58 45 -8.43 -1.22 46 -8.43 +1.22 47 -7.90 +3.58 48 -6.55 +5.59 49 -4.67 +7.11 -Y 50 -2.49 +8.18 51 -1.22 +6.12 52 +1.22 +6.12 53 +3.40 +5.05 Contact 54Contact +5.28 Coordinates +3.53 55 +6.02 X +1.22 Y 18 56 1 +6.02 -9.07-1.22 +2.29 19 57 2 +5.28 -9.07-3.53 0.00 20 58 3 +3.40 -9.07-5.05 -2.29 21 59 4 +1.22 -7.09-6.12 +5.72 22 60 5 -1.22 -7.09-6.12 +3.43 23 61 6 -3.40 -7.09-5.05 +1.14 24 62 7 -5.28 -7.09-3.53 -1.14 25 63 8 -6.02 -7.09-1.22 -3.43 26 64 9 -6.02 -7.09+1.22 -5.72 27 65 10 -5.28 -5.11+3.53+6.86 28 66 11 -3.40 -5.11+5.05+4.57 29 67 12 -1.22 -5.11+3.71+2.29 30 68 13 +1.22 -5.11+3.71 0.00 31 69 14 +3.18 -5.11+2.29 -2.29 32 70 15 +3.94 -5.110.00 -4.57 33 71 16 +3.18 -5.11-2.29 -6.86 34 72 17 +1.22 -3.12-3.71 +8.00 73 -1.22 -3.71 74 -3.18 -2.29 75 -3.94 0.00 76 -3.18 +2.29 77 0.00 +1.35 78 +1.22 -0.74 79 -1.22 -0.74 Contact Contact 104 +X Coordinates X Y +3.12 +5.72 -3.12 +3.43 -3.12 +1.14 -3.12 -1.14 -3.12 -3.43 -3.12 -5.72 -3.12 -8.00 -1.14 +9.14 -1.14 +6.86 -1.14 +4.57 -1.14 +2.29 -1.14 0.00 -1.14 -2.29 -1.14 -4.57 -1.14 -6.86 -1.14 -9.14 +1.14 +9.14 116 Coordinates X Y 35 +1.14 +6.86 36 +1.14 +4.57 37 +1.14 +2.29 38 +1.14 0.00 39 +1.14 -2.29 40 +1.14 -4.57 41 +1.14 -6.86 42 +1.14 -9.14 43 +3.12 +8.00 44 +3.12 +5.72 45 +3.12 +3.43 46 +3.12 +1.14 47 +3.12 -1.14 48 +3.12 -3.43 49 +3.12 -5.72 50 +3.12 -8.00 51 +5.11 +6.86 52 +5.11 +4.57 Contact Coordinates 53 +5.11 +2.29 X Y 54 A +5.11 +1.65 0.00 +10.44 55 B +5.11 +4.80 -2.29 +9.42 56 C +5.11 +7.47 -4.57 +7.47 57 D +5.11 -6.86 +9.42 +4.80 58 E +7.09 +5.72 +10.44 +1.65 59 F +7.09 +10.44 +3.43 -1.65 60 G +7.09 +9.42 +1.14 -4.80 61 H +7.09 -1.14 +7.47 -7.47 62 J +7.09 +4.80 -3.43 -9.42 63 K +7.09 +1.65 -5.72 -10.44 64 L +9.07 -1.65 +2.29 -10.44 65M +9.07 -4.80 0.00 -9.42 66N +9.07 -7.47 -2.29 -7.47 P -9.42 -4.80 R -10.44 -1.65 S -10.44 +1.65 T -9.42 +4.80 U -7.47 +7.47 V -4.80 +9.42 W -1.65 +10.44 Contact Contact X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k m n p 103 q r Coordinates X Y 0.00 +7.49 +3.20 +6.50 +5.89 +4.55 +7.11 +1.45 +7.11 -1.88 +5.51 -4.80 +2.84 -6.73 -2.84 -6.73 -5.51 -4.80 -7.11 -1.88 -7.11 +1.45 -5.89 +4.55 -3.20 +6.50 0.00 +4.17 +2.90 +1.22 +2.69 -2.72 0.00 -4.80 -2.69 -2.72 -2.90 +1.22 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S Coordinates X Y +1.68 +8.97 +4.80 +7.75 +7.26 +5.51 +8.76 +2.49 +9.07 -0.84 +8.15 -4.06 +6.15 -6.73 +3.30 -8.51 0.00 -9.12 -3.30 -8.51 -6.15 -6.73 -8.15 -4.06 -9.07 -0.84 -8.76 +2.49 -7.26 +5.51 -4.80 +7.75 C straight spill terminations C D E F G H J K61 L 21 21 41 41 ates Y +10.60 +10.09 ates Y +8.58 +10.60 +6.23 +10.09 +3.28 +8.58 0.00 +6.23 -3.28 ates Y +3.28 -6.23 -8.58 0.00 -10.09 -3.28 -10.60 -6.23 -10.09 -8.58 -6.23 -3.28 0.00 +6.99 +4.55 0.00 -4.55 -6.99 -6.35 -2.67 0.00 0.00 -1.35 -5.46 -7.14 -5.46 -1.35 +3.35 +6.60 +2.67 -2.34 12 16 16 14 Coordinates Forfor Straight PCspill Tail Terminations Coordinates straight terminations Contact T U Contact V T W U X V Y W Z X a Y b Z c ad b e cf d g eh fi gj h k i m nj k p m q nr p s qt r s t Coordinates X Y -10.09 +3.28 -8.58 +6.23 Coordinates X Y -6.23 +8.58 -10.09 +3.28 -3.28 +10.09 -8.58 +6.23 0.00 +7.20 -6.23 +8.58 +3.35 +6.38 -3.28 +10.09 +5.92 +4.09 0.00 +7.20 +7.15 +0.87 +3.35 +6.38 +6.73 -2.55 +5.92 +4.09 +4.78 -5.39 +7.15 +0.87 +1.73 -6.99 +6.73 -2.55 -1.73 -6.99 +4.78 -5.39 -4.78 +1.73 -6.99 -6.73 -2.55 +Y -1.73 -6.99 -7.15 +0.87 -4.78 -5.39 -5.92 +4.09 -6.73 -2.55 -3.35 +6.38 -7.15 +0.87 0.00 +3.81 -5.92 +4.09 +2.98 +2.38 -3.35 +6.38 +3.71 -0.85 0.00 +3.81 -1.66 -3.43 +2.98 +2.38 +1.66 -3.43 +3.71 -0.85 -3.71 -1.66 -3.43 -2.98 +2.38 +1.66 -3.43 0.00 0.00 -3.71 -0.85 -2.98 +2.38 0.00 0.00 16 21 Contact T U V W X Y Z a Contact b J c K d Contact L e J f M K g N PL h M R i N S j P k R m S n p q r s t Coordinates X Y -10.09 +3.28 -8.58 +6.23 -6.23 +8.58 -3.28 +10.09 0.00 +7.20 +3.35 +6.38 +5.92 +4.09 +7.15 +0.87 Coordinates X+6.73 Y -2.55 +4.78 -8.58 -5.39 +6.23 +1.73 -10.09 -6.99 +3.28 Coordinates X -1.73 -10.60 Y -6.99 0.00 -4.78 -10.09 -5.39 +6.23 -8.58 -3.28 -6.73 -10.09 -2.55 +3.28 -6.23 -8.58 -7.15 -10.60 +0.87 0.00 -8.58 -6.23 -X -5.92 -10.09 +4.09 -3.28 -10.09 -3.28 -3.35 -8.58 +6.38 -6.23 -10.60 0.00 0.00 -6.23 +3.81 -8.58 +2.98 -3.28 +2.38 -10.09 +3.71 0.00 -0.85 -10.60 -1.66 -3.43 +1.66 -3.43 -3.71 -0.85 -2.98 +2.38 0.00 0.00 35 19 / G 21 11 16 Contact Coordinates X Y 41 -2.49 -8.18 42Contact-4.67Coordinates -7.11 Contact Coordinates Contact 43 -6.55 XX -5.59 YY 44 A A-7.90+2.67 +3.00-3.58+6.60 +8.18 J +5.36 K B sBe-8.43 setanidrooC tcatno45 C Contact tanid+6.35 ro+6.88 Coordinates oC -1.22 tc+3.35 atnoC Contact Y X XX +1.22+0.914 Y +8.66 L 46 C YC-8.43+6.99 -1.35 19.0+ 66.8J 47 D 81A .8-7.90 + +4.55 0+3.00 0.3++3.58-5.46 +8.18 A J D +7.82 -3.81 M 63.5+ 88.6K 48 63B + 8+6.88 8.6++5.59+5.36 B K +4.62 -7.37 N E .E5-6.55 0.00 -7.14 81.8+ 00.3-+X L 419C 6.8+ +0.914 C F.0+ 6+8.66 0.00 -8.71 PL 49 F -4.67-4.55+7.11-5.46 54.4+ 0Coordinates 0.0 M 18D .32+7.82 8Coordinates .7+ -3.81 D M G -4.62 -7.37 R Contact Contact 75.1+ 19X .3+ NY 50 G73H E.7-2.49 - -6.99 2+4.62 6X .4++8.18-1.35 -7.37 EY N -7.82 -3.81 S +8.18 +0.91 01A.39+3.00 3.2+ P 51 H17JF.8-1.22 - -6.35 0-8.66 0.00 0.0+6.12+3.35 -8.71 F P +5.36 K.7+1.22 -6.88 +5.36 01B.39+6.88 3.2R 52 J73G - -2.67 2-4.62 6.4-+6.12+6.60 -7.37 G R +0.914 L.3+3.40 -3.00 +8.18 75C .1+ 1+8.66 9.3S 53 K18H - 0.00 2-7.82 8.7-+5.05+2.67 -3.81 H S D +7.82 -3.8154 L M+5.280.00 0.00+3.53-2.34 +4.45 E +4.62 -7.3755 N+6.02 +3.91 +1.57 +1.22 F 0.00 -8.71 P -Y 56 +6.02 +2.39-1.22-3.10 G -4.62 -7.37 R -2.39 -3.10 H -7.82 -3.8157 S+5.28 -3.91-3.53+1.57 58 +3.40 -5.05 Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates 59 +1.22 -6.12 X Y X Y 60 -1.22 -6.12 1 +1.35 +10.82 21 -10.85 -1.22 61 -3.40 -5.05 2 +3.71 +10.26 22 -10.85 +1.22 62 -5.28 -3.53 3 +5.89 +9.19 23 -10.31 +3.58 63 -6.02 -1.22 4 +7.77 +7.67 24 -9.27 +5.77 64 -6.02 +1.22 5 +9.27 +5.77 25 -7.77 +7.67 65 -5.28 +3.53 6 +10.31 +3.58 26 -5.89 +9.19 66 -3.40 +5.05 7 +10.85 +1.22 27 -3.71 +10.26 +Y 67 -1.22 +3.71 8 +10.85 -1.22 28 -1.35 +10.82 68Contact +1.22Coordinates +3.71 9 +10.31 -3.58 29 0.00 +8.20 69 +3.18 X +2.29 Y 10 +9.27 -5.77 30 +2.49 +8.18 70 41 +3.94-2.49 0.00-8.18 11 +7.77 -7.67 31 +4.67 +7.11 71 42 +3.18-4.67 -2.29-7.11 12 +5.89 -9.19 32 +6.55 +5.59 72 43 +1.22-6.55 -3.71-5.59 13 +3.71 -10.26 33 +7.90 +3.58 73 44 -1.22-7.90 -3.71-3.58 14 +1.35 -10.82 34 +8.43 +1.22 74 45 -3.18-8.43 -2.29-1.22 15 -X -1.35 -10.82 35 +8.43 -1.22+X 75 46 -3.94-8.43 0.00+1.22 16 -3.71 -10.26 36 +7.90 -3.58 76 47 -3.18-7.90 +2.29+3.58 17 -5.89 -9.19 37 +6.55 -5.59 77 48 0.00-6.55 +1.35+5.59 18 -7.77 -7.67 38 +4.67 -7.11 78 49 +1.22-4.67 -0.74+7.11 19 -9.27 -5.77 39 +2.49 -8.18 79 50 -1.22-2.49 -0.74+8.18 20 -10.31 -3.58 40 0.00 -8.81 51 -1.22 +6.12 52 +1.22 +6.12 -Y 53 +3.40 +5.05 54 +5.28 +3.53 55 +6.02 +1.22 104 56 +6.02 -1.22 57 +5.28 -3.53 105 58 +3.40 -5.05 Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates 59 +1.22 -6.12 X Y X Y 60 -1.22 -6.12 1 +1.35 +10.82 21 -10.85 -1.22 105 61 -3.40 -5.05 2 +3.71 +10.26 22 -10.85 +1.22 62 -5.28 -3.53 3 +5.89 +9.19 23 -10.31 +3.58 63 -6.02 -1.22 4 +7.77 +7.67 24 -9.27 +5.77 64 -6.02 +1.22 5 +9.27 +5.77 25 -7.77 +7.67 65 -5.28 +3.53 6 105+10.31 +3.58 26 -5.89 +9.19 66 -3.40 +5.05 7 +10.85 +1.22 27 -3.71 +10.26 67 -1.22 +3.71 8 +10.85 -1.22 28 -1.35 +10.82 68 +1.22 +3.71 9 +10.31 -3.58 29 0.00 +8.20 69 +3.18 +2.29 10 +9.27 -5.77 30 +2.49 +8.18 70 +3.94 0.00 11 +7.77 -7.67 31 +4.67 +7.11 71 +3.18 -2.29 12 +5.89 -9.19 32 +6.55 +5.59 72 +1.22 -3.71 13 +3.71 -10.26 33 +7.90 +3.58 73 -1.22 -3.71 14 +1.35 -10.82 34 +8.43 +1.22 74 -3.18 -2.29 15 -1.35 -10.82 35 +8.43 -1.22 75 -3.94 0.00 16 -3.71 -10.26 36 +7.90 -3.58 76 -3.18 +2.29 17 -5.89 -9.19 37 +6.55 -5.59 77 0.00 +1.35 18 -7.77 -7.67 38 +4.67 -7.11 78 +1.22 -0.74 19 -9.27 -5.77 39 +2.49 -8.18 79 -1.22 -0.74 20 -10.31 -3.58 40 0.00 -8.81 21 35 35 Coordinates X Y -8.66 +0.91 -6.88 +5.36 Coordinates X Y -3.00 +8.18 -8.66 +0.91 0.00 +4.45 -6.88 +5.36 +3.91 +1.57 -3.00 +8.18 +2.39 -3.10 0.00 +4.45 -2.39 -3.10 +3.91 +1.57 -3.91 +2.39 -3.10 -2.39 -3.10 -3.91 +1.57 setanidrooC Y X 82.3+ 90.0132.6+ 85.885.8+ 32.690.01+ 82.302.7+ 00.0 83.6+ 53.3+ 90.4+ 29.5+ 78.0+ 51.7+ 55.237.6+ 93.587.4+ 99.637.1+ 99.637.193.587.455.237.678.0+ 51.790.4+ 29.583.6+ 53.318.3+ 00.0 83.2+ 89.2+ 58.017.3-X + 34.366.134.366.1+ 58.017.383.2+ 89.200.0 00.0 tcatnoC T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k m n p q r s t 39 39 +Y setanidrooC Y X 85.832.6+ 90.01- 82.3+ 06.0100.0 90.0182.385.832.632.685.882.390.0100.0 06.01- tcatnoC J K L M N P R S setanidrooC tcatnoC Y X 06.01+ 00.0 A 90.01+ 82.3+ B 85.8+X + 32.6+ C 32.6+ 85.8+ D 82.3+ 90.01+ E 00.0 06.01+ F 82.3- 90.01+ G 32.685.8+ H -Y Contact A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V W 41 41 Coordinates X Y +1.65 +10.44 +4.80 +9.42 +7.47 +7.47 +9.42 +4.80 +10.44 +1.65 +10.44 -1.65 +9.42 -4.80 +7.47 -7.47 +4.80 -9.42 +1.65 -10.44 -1.65 -10.44 -4.80 -9.42 -7.47 -7.47 -9.42 -4.80 -10.44 -1.65 -10.44 +1.65 -9.42 +4.80 -7.47 +7.47 -4.80 +9.42 -1.65 +10.44 Contact X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k m n p q r 39 Coordinates X Y 0.00 +7.49 +3.20 +6.50 +5.89 +4.55 +7.11 +1.45 +7.11 -1.88 +5.51 -4.80 +2.84 -6.73 -2.84 -6.73 -5.51 -4.80 -7.11 -1.88 -7.11 +1.45 -5.89 +4.55 -3.20 +6.50 0.00 +4.17 +2.90 +1.22 +2.69 -2.72 0.00 -4.80 -2.69 -2.72 -2.90 +1.22 Coordinates Coordinatesfor forstraight straightspill spillterm term 104 117 21 21 41 +Y Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates X X Y Y T T -10.09 -10.09 +3.28 +3.28 Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates U U -8.58 -8.58 +6.23 +6.23 X Y X Y V V -6.23 -6.23 +8.58 +8.58 A +1.65 +10.44 X 0.00 +7.49 W W -3.28 -3.28 +10.09 +10.09 501 B +4.80 +9.42 Y +3.20 +6.50 X X 0.000.00 +7.20 +7.20 C +7.47 +7.47 Z +5.89 +4.55 Y Y +3.35 +3.35 +6.38 +6.38 -X +X D +9.42 +4.80 +7.11 +1.45 Z aZ +5.92 +5.92 +4.09 +4.09 E +10.44 +1.65 +7.11 -1.88 a ba +7.15 +7.15 +0.87 +0.87 F +10.44 -1.65 +5.51 -4.80 b c b +6.73 +6.73 -2.55 -2.55 c dc +4.78 +4.78 -5.39 -5.39 G +9.42 -4.80 +2.84 -6.73 d ed +1.73 +1.73 -6.99 -6.99 H +7.47 -7.47 -2.84 -6.73 e f e -1.73 -1.73 -6.99 -6.99 J +4.80 -9.42 -5.51 -4.80 f f -4.78 -4.78 -5.39 -5.39 K +1.65 -10.44 g -7.11 -1.88 g g -6.73 -6.73 -2.55 -2.55 -Y L -1.65 -10.44 -7.11 +1.45 h hh -7.15 -7.15 +0.87 +0.87 M -4.80 -9.42 -5.89 +4.55 i i i -5.92 -5.92 +4.09 +4.09 Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates N -3.20 +6.50 X X Y Y X-7.47 X Y -7.47 Y j j j -3.35 -3.35 +6.38 +6.38 A A 0.000.00 +10.60 +10.60 JP J +6.23 +6.23 -8.58 -8.58 k k k 0.00 0.00 +3.81 +3.81 -9.42 -4.80 0.00 +4.17 B B +3.28 +3.28 +10.09 +10.09 KR K +3.28 +3.28 -10.09 -10.09 mmm +2.98 +2.98 +2.38 +2.38 -10.44 -1.65 +2.90 +1.22 C C +6.23 +6.23 +8.58 +8.58 LS L 0.00 0.00 -10.60 -10.60 n n +3.71 +3.71 -0.85 -0.85 -10.44 +1.65 n +2.69 -2.72 D D +8.58 +8.58 +6.23 +6.23 M M -3.28 -3.28 -10.09 -10.09 p p -1.66 -1.66 -3.43 -3.43 T -9.42 +4.80 p 0.00 -4.80 E E +10.09 +10.09 +3.28 +3.28 N N -6.23 -6.23 -8.58 -8.58 q q +1.66 +1.66 -3.43 -3.43 U -7.47 +7.47 q -2.69 -2.72 F F +10.60 +10.60 0.000.00 P P -8.58 -8.58 -6.23 -6.23 r r -3.71 -3.71 -0.85 -0.85 -4.80 +9.42 -2.90 +1.22 G G +10.09 +10.09 -3.28 -3.28 RV R -10.09 -10.09 -3.28 -3.28 s r s -2.98 -2.98 +2.38 +2.38 -1.65 +10.44 H H +8.58 +8.58 -6.23 -6.23 SW S -10.60 -10.60 0.00 0.00 t t 0.000.00 0.000.00 Coordinates Forfor Straight PCspill Tailterminations Terminations Coordinates straight Coordinates for for straight straight spill spill terminations terminations Coordinates 23 / H 23 53 23 21 23 21 -X 53 53 +X -Y Contact Coordinates X Y a -1.73 +11.53 b +1.73 +11.53 Contact Coordinates c +4.39 +9.22 X Y Contact Coordinates d +7.24 +7.19 +Y a -1.73 +11.53 X Y e +9.19 +4.45 +1.73 ab -1.73 +11.53 f +10.13 +1.17 c +4.39 +11.53 +9.22 b +1.73 g +9.96 -2.24 d +7.24 +7.19 c +4.39 +9.22 h +8.66 -5.41 e +9.19 +4.45 d +7.24 +7.19 i +6.38 -7.98 +10.13 +1.17 ef +9.19 +4.45 j +3.38 -9.63 gf +9.96 -2.24 +10.13 +1.17 k 0.00 -10.21 h +8.66 -5.41 g +9.96 -2.24 m -3.38 -9.63 -X +X +6.38 -7.98 hi +8.66 -5.41 n -6.38 -7.98 +3.38 -9.63 ij +6.38 -7.98 p -8.66 -5.41 kj 0.00 -10.21 +3.38 -9.63 q -9.96 -2.24 m -3.38 -9.63 k 0.00 -10.21 r -10.13 +1.17 n -6.38 -7.98 m -3.38 -9.63 s -9.19 +4.45 p -8.66 -5.41 n -6.38 -7.98 t -7.24 +7.19 q -9.96 -2.24 p -8.66 -5.41 u -4.39 +9.22 -10.13 +1.17 qr -9.96 -2.24 v 0.00 +8.59 sr -9.19 +4.45 -10.13 +1.17 -Y w +3.73 +5.66 -7.24 +7.19 st -9.19 +4.45 x +6.02 +3.10 ut -4.39 +9.22 -7.24 +7.19 y +6.78 -0.25 0.00 +8.59 uv -4.39 +9.22 Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates z +5.79 -3.53 w +3.73 +5.66 v 0.00 +8.59 X Y X Y AA +3.33 -5.92 x +6.02 +3.10 w +3.73 +5.66 A +4.98 +12.70 N -3.40 -13.18 BB 0.00 -6.78 y +6.78 -0.25 x +6.02 +3.10 B +7.98 +11.05 P -6.58 -11.94 CC -3.33 -5.92 Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates +5.79 -3.53 yz +6.78 -0.25 C +10.49 +8.71 R -9.35 -9.93 DD -5.79 -3.53 X Y X Y Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates AA +3.33 -5.92 z +5.79 -3.53 D +12.32 +5.84 S -11.53 -7.29 EE -6.78 -0.25 A +4.98 +12.70 N -3.40 -13.18 X Y X Y BB 0.00 -6.78 AA +3.33 -5.92 E +13.39 +2.57 T -12.98 -4.17 -6.02 +3.10 B +7.98 +12.70 +11.05 P -6.58 -11.94 FF BB A +4.98 N -3.40 -13.18 CC -3.33 -5.92 0.00 -6.78 F +13.61 -0.76 U -13.61 -0.76 -3.73 +5.66 C +10.49 +8.71 R -9.35 -9.93 GGDD B +7.98 +11.05 P -6.58 -11.94 -5.79 -3.53 CC -3.33 -5.92 G +12.98 -4.17 V -13.39 +2.57 0.00 +5.08 D +12.32 +8.71 +5.84 S -11.53 -7.29 HHDD C +10.49 R -9.35 -9.93 EE -6.78 -0.25 -5.79 -3.53 H +11.53 -7.29 W -12.32 +5.84 JJ +2.67 +2.39 E +13.39 +5.84 +2.57 -12.98 -4.17 D +12.32 ST -11.53 -7.29 FF -6.02 +3.10 EE -6.78 -0.25 J +9.35 -9.93 X -10.49 +8.71 KK +3.43 -1.04 +13.61 +2.57 -0.76 U -13.61 -0.76 EF +13.39 T -12.98 -4.17 GG -3.73 +5.66 FF -6.02 +3.10 K +6.58 -11.94 Y -7.98 +11.05 LL 0.00 -3.35 G +12.98 -0.76 -4.17 V -13.39 +2.57 F +13.61 U -13.61 -0.76 HH 0.00 +5.08 GG -3.73 +5.66 L +3.40 13.18 Z -4.98 12.70 -3.43 -1.04 H +11.53 -4.17 -7.29 W -12.32 +2.57 +5.84 MMHH G +12.98 V -13.39 JJ +2.67 +2.39 0.00 +5.08 M 0.00 -13.64 -2.67 +2.39 J +9.35 -9.93 X -10.49 +5.84 +8.71 NNKK H +11.53 -7.29 W -12.32 +3.43 -1.04 JJ +2.67 +2.39 PP 0.00 0.00 K +6.58 -11.94 Y -7.98 +11.05 J +9.35 -9.93 X -10.49 +8.71 LL 0.00 -3.35 KK +3.43 -1.04 +3.40 -11.94 13.18 -4.98 +11.05 12.70 KL +6.58 YZ -7.98 MM -3.43 -1.04 LL 0.00 -3.35 M 0.00 -13.64 L +3.40 13.18 Z -4.98 12.70 NN -2.67 +2.39 MM -3.43 -1.04 M 0.00 -13.64 PP 0.00 0.00 NN -2.67 +2.39 PP 0.00 0.00 53 21 +Y21 Coordinates Contact Coordinates X Y X Y A +3.25 +9.78 M -7.34 +7.24 B +7.34 +7.24 N -3.25 +9.78 Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates C +9.80 +3.12 P 0.00 +6.22 X Y X Y Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates D +10.16 -1.65 R +4.06 +3.71 A +3.25 +9.78 M -7.34 +7.24 X Y X Y E +8.33 -6.07 S +5.44 -0.89 B +7.34 +7.24 N -3.25 +9.78 A +3.25 +9.78 M -7.34 +7.24 F +4.65 -9.19 T +2.39 -4.93 C +9.80 +3.12 P 0.00 +6.22 B +7.34 +7.24 N -3.25 +9.78 G 0.00 -10.31 U -2.39 -4.93 D +10.16 -1.65 R +4.06 +3.71 C +9.80 +3.12 P 0.00 +6.22 H -4.65 -9.19 V -5.44 -0.89 E +8.33 -6.07 S +5.44 -0.89 D +10.16 -1.65 R +4.06 +3.71 J -8.33 -6.07 W -4.06 +3.71 +4.65 -9.19 +2.39 -4.93 EF +8.33 -6.07 ST +5.44 -0.89 K -10.16 -1.65 X 0.00 0.00 G 0.00 -10.31 U -2.39 -4.93 F +4.65 -9.19 T +2.39 L -9.80 +3.12 H -4.65 -9.19 V -5.44 -0.89 G 0.00 -10.31 U -2.39 -4.93 J -8.33 -6.07 W -4.06 +3.71 H -4.65 -9.19 V -5.44 -0.89 K -10.16 -1.65 X 0.00 0.00 J -8.33 -6.07 W -4.06 +3.71 -9.80 +3.12 KL -10.16 -1.65 X 0.00 0.00 L -9.80 +3.12 106 106 106 118 Contact Coordinates PC Tailterminations Terminations CoordinatesFor forStraight straight spill terminations Coordinates for straight spill terminations Coordinates for straight spill Coordinates for straight spill terminations 25 25 25 /25 J 25 04 04 04 04 +y +y +Y +y 04 +y -X -x -x-x -x -Y -y -y-y -y Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates XX Y Y Contact Coordinates XX Y Y Contact Coordinates XX YY +1.75 Y+13.49 +13.49 -1.75 Y+13.49 +13.49 AA X+4.37 +4.37 Y-3.78 -3.78 AA X+1.75 a a X-1.75 AA A B B +1.75 +5.49+13.49 +12.57 a b b -1.75 +2.18+13.49 +10.08 AABBBB +4.37 +1.75-3.78 -6.66 +5.49 +12.57 +2.18 +10.08 +1.75 -6.66 Coordinates b Contact Coordinates BB Contact Coordinates B Contact +8.23+12.57 +10.80 +5.38+10.08 +8.78 -1.75 -6.66 -6.66 C C +5.49 +8.23 +10.80 c c +2.18 +5.38 +8.78 CCCC +1.75 -1.75 -6.66 X+10.80 Y c X +8.78 Y CC X -6.66 Y C DD +8.23 +5.38 -1.75 +10.77 +8.28 +8.28 +7.90 +6.38 +6.38 DD -4.37 -4.37 +3.78 +3.78 +10.77 dd +7.90 DD +1.75 +13.49 d a +7.90 -1.75 +13.49DD AA-4.37 +4.37 -3.78 D E E A+10.77 +8.28 +6.38 +3.78 +12.52 +5.21 +5.21 +9.58 +3.35 +3.35 -6.55 0.00 0.00 +12.52 ee +9.58 EEEE -6.55 +5.49 +12.57 e b +2.18 +10.08 EE BB-6.55 +1.750.00 -6.66 E F F B+12.52 +13.49+5.21 +1.75 +10.46+3.35 0.00 -4.37 +3.78 +3.78 +13.49 +1.75 f f +9.58 +10.46 0.00 FFFF -4.37 +8.23 +10.80 f c +5.38 +8.78 CC -1.75 -6.66 F GGC+13.49 +13.49+1.75 -1.75 +9.58 0.00 -3.35 FF GG GG -4.37 -1.75+3.78 +6.66 +13.49 -1.75 g g +10.46 +9.58 -3.35 -1.75 +6.66 +10.77 +8.28 g d +7.90 +6.38 DD -4.37 +3.78 G HHD+13.49 +12.52-1.75 -5.21 +7.90-3.35 -6.38 GGHH HH -1.75 0.00 +6.66 +3.35 +12.52 -5.21 h h +9.58 +7.90 -6.38 0.00 +3.35 +12.52 +5.21 h e +9.58 +3.35 EE -6.55 0.00 H J J E+12.52 +10.77-5.21 -8.28 +5.38-6.38 -8.78 HHJJJJ 0.00 +2.18+3.35 0.00 +10.77 -8.28 k k +7.90 +5.38 -8.78 +2.18 0.00 +13.49 +1.75 k f +10.46 0.00 FF -4.37 +3.78 J K K F+10.77 +X +8.23-8.28 -10.80 +2.18-8.78 -10.08 JJ KKKK +2.18 0.00 0.00 -3.35 +8.23 -10.80 mm +5.38 +2.18 -10.08 0.00 -3.35 +13.49 -1.75 m g +9.58 -3.35 GG -1.75 +6.66 +x K L L G +8.23 +x +5.16-10.80 -12.57 -2.18-10.08 -10.08 KK LLLL 0.00 +2.18-3.35 0.00 +5.16 -12.57 n n +2.18 -2.18 -10.08 +2.18 0.00 +x +12.52 -5.21 n h +7.90 -6.38 HH+2.18 0.000.00 +3.35 L MMH +5.16 +1.75-12.57 -13.49 -5.38-10.08 -8.78 LL +1.75 -13.49 p p -2.18 -5.38 -8.78 +10.77 -8.28 p k +5.38 -8.78 JJ +2.18 0.00 M NNJ +1.75 -1.75-13.49 -13.49 -7.90 -8.78 -6.38 -1.75 -13.49 q q -5.38 -7.90 -6.38 K -1.75 +8.23 -10.80 q m-7.90 +2.18 -10.08 KK 0.00 -3.35 N -13.49 -6.38 -5.16 -12.57 -12.57 -9.58 -3.35 -3.35 rr -9.58 +x P P L -5.16 +5.16 -12.57 r n -2.18 -10.08 LL +2.18 0.00 P R R -5.16 -8.23-12.57 -10.80 -10.46-3.35 0.00 -8.23 -10.80 s s -9.58 -10.46 0.00 +1.75 -13.49 s p-10.46 -5.380.00 -8.78 R S SM -8.23 -10.80 -10.77 -8.28 -8.28 -9.58 +3.35 +3.35 -10.77 tt -9.58 -1.75 -13.49 q -7.90 -6.38 S T TN-10.77 -12.52-8.28 -5.21 t u u -9.58 -7.90+3.35 +6.38 -12.52 -5.21 -7.90 +6.38 -5.16 -12.57 r -9.58 -3.35 T UUP-12.52 -13.49-5.21 -1.75 u v v -7.90 -5.38+6.38 +8.78 -13.49 -1.75 -5.38 +8.78 -8.23 -10.80 s -10.46 0.00 U V V R-13.49 -13.49-1.75 +1.75 v ww -5.38 -2.18+8.78 +10.08 -13.49 +1.75 -2.18 +10.08 -10.77 -8.28 t -9.58 +3.35 V WWS-13.49 -12.52+1.75 +5.21 w x x -2.18 +1.75+10.08 +6.66 -12.52 +5.21 +1.75 +6.66 -12.52 -5.21 u -7.90 +6.38 W X X T-12.52 -10.77+5.21 +8.28 x y y +1.75 +4.37+6.66 +3.78 -10.77 +8.28 +4.37 +3.78 -13.49 -1.75 v -5.38 +8.78 X Y YU-10.77 -8.23+8.28 +10.80 y z z +4.37 +6.55+3.78 0.00 -8.23 +10.80 +6.55 0.00 -13.49 +1.75 z w+6.55 -2.180.00 +10.08 Y Z ZV -8.23 -5.16+10.80 +12.57 -5.16 +12.57 W -5.16 -12.52 x +1.75 +6.66 Z +12.57+5.21 X -10.77 +8.28 y +4.37 +3.78 Y -8.23 +10.80 z +6.55 0.00 Z -5.16 +12.57 35 35 35 35+y+y+y +Y 35 29 29 29 29 29 +Y -X +X -Y Contact Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates Contact Contact Coordinates XX Y Y Contact Coordinates XX YY X Y X 0.00 -12.22 -12.22 AA 0.00 -6.55 Y+10.31 +10.31 RR -6.55 A B B 0.00 -12.22 R -6.55 +10.31 +6.55 +10.31 +10.31 +6.55 -2.31 +8.15 +8.15 SS -2.31 Coordinates Coordinates B Contact +10.31 -2.31 +10.03 +7.04 S Contact C C +6.55 +10.03 +7.04 +2.31+8.15 +8.15 +2.31 +8.15 X +7.04 Y T T T +2.31 X +8.15 Y C DD +10.03 +11.91 +2.77 +2.77 +11.91 +5.79 +4.93 +4.93 +5.79 0.00+2.77 -12.22 U UUR +5.79 -6.55 +10.31 D E E A+11.91 +11.91 -2.77 -2.77 +11.91 +8.10+4.93 0.00 VV +8.10 0.00 B +6.55 +10.31 S -2.31 +8.15 E F F +11.91 0.00 +10.03-2.77 -7.04 V WW +8.10 +10.03 -7.04 +6.10 -4.60 +6.10 -4.60 +10.03 +7.04 W T +6.10 +2.31 +8.15 F GGC+10.03 -4.60 +6.68-7.04 -10.31 +6.68 -10.31 X +2.31 -7.37 X +2.31 -7.37 +11.91 +2.77 X U +2.31 +5.79 +4.93 G HHD+6.68 -7.37 +2.31-10.31 -11.99 +2.31 -11.99 Y -2.31 -7.37 -2.31 -7.37 +11.91 -2.77 Y Y V -2.31 +8.10 0.00 H J J E +2.31 -7.37 -2.31-11.99 -11.99 -2.31 -11.99 Z -6.10 -4.60 -6.10 -4.60 +10.03 -7.04 Z Z W -6.10 +6.10 -4.60 J K K F -2.31 -11.99 -4.60 -6.68 -10.31 -6.68 -10.31 -8.10 0.00 0.00 -8.10 +6.68 -10.31 a a a X -8.10 +2.31 -7.37 K L L G -6.68 -10.03-10.31 -7.04 -10.03 -7.04 -5.79 0.00 +4.93 -5.79 +4.93 +2.31 -11.99 b b bY -5.79 -2.31 -7.37 L MMH-10.03 -7.04 +4.93 -11.91 -2.77 -2.77 -11.91 c 0.00 +4.09 c 0.00 +4.09 -2.31 -11.99 Z -6.10 -4.60 M NNJ -11.91 +4.09 -11.91-2.77 +2.77 c d d 0.00 -11.91 +2.77 +3.40 0.00 +3.40 0.00 -6.68 -10.31 a -8.10 0.00 N P P K-11.91 -10.03+2.77 +7.04 d e e +3.40 -10.03 +7.04 0.00 0.00 -3.30 0.00 -3.30 L-10.03-10.03 -5.79-3.30 +4.93 P +7.04 -7.04 e f f b 0.00 -3.40 0.00 -3.40 0.00 M -11.91 -2.77 f c -3.40 0.000.00 +4.09 N -11.91 +2.77 d +3.40 0.00 P -10.03 +7.04 e 0.00 -3.30 f -3.40 0.00 Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates XX YY X -1.73 Y+11.53 +11.53 aa -1.73 a b b -1.73 +1.73+11.53 +11.53 +1.73 +11.53 Coordinates b Contact +4.39+11.53 +9.22 c c +1.73 +4.39 +9.22 X +9.22 Y +y c d d +4.39 +7.24 +7.19 +7.19 +7.24 -1.73 +11.53 d e e a +7.24 +7.19 +9.19 +4.45 +4.45 +9.19 +1.73 +11.53 e f f b +9.19 +4.45 +10.13 +1.17 +1.17 +10.13 +4.39 +9.22 f g g c+10.13 +9.96+1.17 -2.24 +9.96 -2.24 +7.24 +7.19 g h h d +9.96 +8.66-2.24 -5.41 +8.66 -5.41 +9.19 +4.45 h i i e +8.66 -5.41 +6.38 -7.98 +6.38 -7.98 +x -x-x +x +10.13 +1.17 i j j f +6.38 -x +x +3.38-7.98 -9.63 +3.38 -9.63 +9.96 -2.24 j k k g +3.38 0.00 -10.21 0.00 -9.63 -10.21 -X +X h +8.66 -5.41 k mm 0.00 -10.21 -3.38 -9.63 -3.38 -9.63 +6.38 -7.98 -x +x m n n i -3.38 -9.63 -6.38 -7.98 -7.98 -6.38 +3.38 -9.63 n p p j -6.38 -7.98 -8.66 -5.41 -5.41 -8.66 0.00 -10.21 p q q k -8.66 -9.96 -5.41 -2.24 -9.96 -2.24 -3.38 -9.63 q r r m-9.96 -10.13-2.24 +1.17 -10.13 +1.17 -6.38 -7.98 r s s n-10.13 -9.19+1.17 +4.45 -9.19 +4.45 -8.66 -5.41 s t t p -9.19 -7.24+4.45 +7.19 -7.24 +7.19 -9.96 -2.24 t u u q -7.24 -4.39+7.19 +9.22 -4.39 +9.22 -10.13 +1.17 u v v r -4.39 -y-y 0.00 +9.22 +8.59 0.00 +8.59 -Y -9.19 +4.45 -y v wws 0.00 +3.73+8.59 +5.66 +3.73 +5.66 -7.24 +7.19 w x x t +3.73 +6.02+5.66 +3.10 +6.02 +3.10 -4.39 +9.22 Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Coordinates Coordinates Contact Contact x y y u +6.02 +3.10 +6.78 -0.25 +6.78 -0.25 -y Coordinates Contact Coordinates 0.00-0.25 +8.59 XX Y Y Contact XX YY y z z v +6.78 +5.79 -3.53 +5.79 -3.53 w +3.73 +5.66 +4.98 Y+12.70 +12.70 0.00 Y-13.64 -13.64 AA X+4.98 MM X 0.00 z AA AA +5.79 +3.33-3.53 -5.92 +3.33 -5.92 A B B +4.98 x +3.33 +6.02 +3.10 +7.98+12.70 +11.05 M NN 0.00 -3.40-13.64 -13.18 +7.98 +11.05 -3.40 -13.18 AA -5.92 0.00 -6.78 -6.78 BBBB 0.00 Coordinates Contact Coordinates B Contact +11.05 +6.78 -0.25 +10.49 +8.71 N P P -3.40 -6.58-13.18 -11.94 C C +7.98 +10.49 +8.71 -6.58 -11.94 BB CCCCy 0.00 -3.33 -6.78 -5.92 -3.33 -5.92 X +8.71 Y X-11.94 Y C DD +10.49 P -6.58 z +5.79 -3.53 +12.32 +5.84 +5.84 -9.35 -9.93 -9.93 +12.32 RR -9.35 CCDD DD -3.33 -5.79 -5.92 -3.53 -5.79 -3.53 +4.98 +12.70 R M -9.35 0.00-9.93 -13.64 D E E A+12.32 +5.84 +3.33 -5.92 +13.39 +2.57 +2.57 -11.53 -7.29 -7.29 +13.39 SS -11.53 DDEEEEAA-5.79 -3.53 -6.78 -0.25 -6.78 -0.25 B +7.98 +11.05 N -3.40 -13.18 E F F +13.39 S T T -11.53 0.00-0.25 -6.78 +13.61+2.57 -0.76 -12.98-7.29 -4.17 +13.61 -0.76 -12.98 -4.17 EE FFFFBB-6.78 -6.02 +3.10 -6.02 +3.10 C +10.49 +8.71 P -6.58 -11.94 F GG +13.61 T UU -12.98 CC -3.33 -5.92 +12.98-0.76 -4.17 -13.61-4.17 -0.76 +12.98 -4.17 -13.61 -0.76 FF GG GG -6.02 -3.73+3.10 +5.66 -3.73 +5.66 +12.32 +5.84 U R -9.35 -9.93 G HHD+12.98 DD-3.73 -5.79 -3.53 +11.53-4.17 -7.29 -13.39-0.76 +2.57 +11.53 -7.29 V V -13.61 -13.39 +2.57 GGHH +5.66 HH 0.00 +5.08 0.00 +5.08 E +13.39 +2.57 S -11.53 -7.29 H J J +11.53 V WW -13.39 -6.78 -0.25 +9.35-7.29 -9.93 -12.32+2.57 +5.84 +9.35 -9.93 -12.32 +5.84 HHJJJJEE 0.00 +2.67+5.08 +2.39 +2.67 +2.39 +13.61 -0.76 W T -12.98 -4.17 J K K F +9.35 -6.02 +3.10 +6.58-9.93 -11.94 -10.49+5.84 +8.71 +6.58 -11.94 X X -12.32 -10.49 +8.71 JJ KKKKFF+2.67 +2.39 +3.43 -1.04 G +12.98 -4.17 U -13.61 -0.76 +3.43 -1.04 K L L +6.58 X Y Y -10.49 -3.73 +5.66 +3.40-11.94 13.18 -7.98+8.71 +11.05 +3.40 13.18 -7.98 +11.05 KK LLLLGG+3.43 0.00 -1.04 -3.35 0.00 -3.35 H +3.40+11.53 -13.39 +2.57 L 13.18 -7.29 Y Z ZV -7.98 HH0.00 0.00-3.35 +5.08 -4.98+11.05 +12.70 -4.98 +12.70 LL MM -3.43 -1.04 MM -3.43 -1.04 J +9.35 -9.93 Z W -4.98 -12.32 +12.70+5.84 JJ +2.67 +2.39 MMNN NN -3.43 -2.67 -1.04 +2.39 -2.67 +2.39 K +6.58 -11.94 X -10.49 +8.71 KK-2.67 +3.43 -1.04 NN +2.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 PPPP 0.00 L +3.40 13.18 Y -7.98 +11.05 PP LL 0.00 0.000.00 -3.35 Z -4.98 +12.70 MM -3.43 -1.04 NN -2.67 +2.39 PP 0.00 0.00 107 107 107119 107 Coordinates forStraight straight spill terminations Coordinates for straight terminations Coordinates For PC Tailspill Terminations 25 25 / J 25 43 61 43 43 Coordinates for straight spill terminations +y +Y 25 61 61 +y +Y Contact -X +X -x 43 -x -X 61 +y -Y Contact A B C D E F G H J K L M N Contact Coordinates X PY A +1.75 +13.49 R B +5.16 +12.57 S C +8.23 +10.80 T D +10.77 +8.28 U E +12.52 +5.21 V F +13.49 +1.75 W G +13.49 -1.75 X H +12.52 -5.21 Y J +10.77 -8.28 Z K +8.23 -10.80 L +5.16 -12.57 M 0.00 -13.49 N -5.16 -12.57 P -8.23 -10.80 R -10.77 -8.28 S -12.52 -5.21 T -13.49 -1.75 U -13.49 +1.75 V -12.52 +5.21 W -10.77 +8.28 X -8.23 +10.80 Y -5.16 +12.57 Z -1.75 +13.49 Coordinates Contact Coordinates Contact Coordinates Contact X Y Y X Y X +1.75 +13.49 +4.37 +8.74 A +1.75a +13.49 a +5.16 +12.57 +6.55 +4.37 B +5.16b +12.57 b +8.23 +10.80 +8.74 C +8.23c +10.80 c0.00 +10.77 +8.28 +8.74 -4.37 D +10.77d +8.28 d +12.52 +5.21 +4.37 E +12.52e +5.21 e-8.74 +13.49 +1.75 0.00 -8.74 F +13.49f +1.75 f +13.49 G -1.75 +13.49g -1.75 -4.37 -8.74 g +12.52 H -5.21 +12.52h -5.21 -8.74 -4.37 h +10.77 J-8.28 +10.77k -8.28 -8.74 k0.00 +8.23 -10.80 -6.55 +4.37 K +8.23m -10.80 m +5.16 -12.57 -4.37 +8.74 L +5.16n -12.57 n 0.00 -13.49 0.00 +8.74 M 0.00 p -13.49 p -5.16 +2.18 +4.37 Contact -12.57 N Coordinates -5.16q -12.57 q -8.23 -10.80 +4.37 P X -8.23rY -10.80 r0.00 a +4.37-10.77 +8.74 -10.77 s -8.28 +4.37 -4.37 R-8.28 s b 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Z K +6.58 -11.94 L +3.40 -13.18 M 0.00 -13.64 N -3.40 -13.18 P -6.58 -11.94 R -9.35 -9.93 S -11.53 -7.29 T -12.98 -4.17 U -13.61 -0.76 V -13.39 +2.57 W -12.32 +5.84 X -10.49 +8.71 Y -7.98 +11.05 Z -4.98 +12.10 108 120 108 Coordinates Contact Y +11.53 a b +1.73 +11.53 b c +4.39 +9.22 c d +7.24 +7.19 d e +9.19 +4.45 e f +10.13 +1.17 f g +9.96 -2.24 g h +8.66 -5.41 h i +6.38 -7.98 i -Y k 0.00 -10.21 k -y -y m -3.38 -9.63 m n -6.38 -7.98 n p -8.66 -5.41 Coordinates Contact Coordinates p Contact Coordinates X Y+x X Y X qY -9.96 -2.24 q +4.98 +12.70 -1.73 +11.53 A +4.98a +12.70 r -10.13 +1.17 r +7.98 +11.05 +1.73 +11.53 B +7.98b +11.05 s -9.19 +4.45 s +10.49 +8.71 +4.39 +9.22 C +10.49c +8.71 t -7.24 +7.19 t +12.32 +5.84 +7.24 +7.19 D +12.32d +5.84 u -4.39 +9.22 u +13.39 +2.57 +9.19 +4.45 E +13.39e +2.57 v 0.00 +8.59 v +13.61 -0.76 +10.13 +1.17 F +13.61f -0.76 w +3.73 +5.66 w +12.98 G -4.17 +12.98g -4.17 +9.96 -2.24 x +6.02 +3.10 x +11.53 H -7.29 +11.53h -7.29 +8.66 -5.41 y +6.78 -0.25 y +9.35 +6.38 -7.98 J-9.93 +9.35 i -9.93 z +5.79 -3.53 z +6.58 -11.94 0.00 -10.21 K +6.58k -11.94 AA +3.33 AA -5.92 +3.40 -13.18 -3.38 -9.63 L +3.40m -13.18 BB 0.00 -6.78 BB 0.00 -13.64 -6.38 -7.98 M 0.00 n -13.64 CC -3.33 CC -5.92 -3.40 -13.18 -8.66 -5.41 -5.79 DD N -3.40p -13.18 DD -3.53 -6.58 -11.94 -9.96 -2.24 P -6.58q -11.94 EE -6.78 -0.25 EE -9.35 -10.13 +1.17 R-9.93 -9.35 r -9.93 FF -6.02 +3.10 FF -11.53 -9.19 +4.45 S-7.29 -11.53s -7.29 GG -3.73 GG +5.66 -12.98 -7.24 +7.19 T-4.17 -12.98t -4.17 HH 0.00 +5.08 HH -13.61 U -0.76 -13.61u -0.76 -4.39 +9.22 JJ +2.67 JJ +2.39 -13.39 +2.57 0.00 +8.59 V -13.39v +2.57 KK +3.43 KK -1.04 -12.32 W +5.84 -12.32w +5.84 +3.73 +5.66 LL 0.00 -3.35 LL -10.49 +8.71 +6.02 MM +3.10 -3.43 MM X -10.49x +8.71 -1.04 -7.98 +11.05 +6.78 -0.25 -2.67 NN Y -7.98 y +11.05 NN +2.39 -4.98 +12.10 +5.79 -3.53 Z -4.98 z +12.10 PP 0.00 0.00 PP AA +3.33 -5.92 BB 0.00 -6.78 CC -3.33 -5.92 DD -5.79 -3.53 EE -6.78 -0.25 FF -6.02 +3.10 GG -3.73 +5.66 HH 0.00 +5.08 JJ +2.67 +2.39 KK +3.43 -1.04 LL 0.00 -3.35 MM -3.43 -1.04 NN -2.67 +2.39 PP 0.00 0.00 +x +xX a +X -1.73 Coordinates X Y -1.73 +11.53 +1.73 +11.53 +4.39 +9.22 +7.24 +7.19 +9.19 +4.45 +10.13 +1.17 +9.96 -2.24 +8.66 -5.41 +6.38 -7.98 0.00 -10.21 -3.38 -9.63 -6.38 -7.98 -8.66 -5.41 -9.96 -2.24 -10.13 +1.17 -9.19 +4.45 -7.24 +7.19 -4.39 +9.22 0.00 +8.59 +3.73 +5.66 +6.02 +3.10 +6.78 -0.25 +5.79 -3.53 +3.33 -5.92 0.00 -6.78 -3.33 -5.92 -5.79 -3.53 -6.78 -0.25 -6.02 +3.10 -3.73 +5.66 0.00 +5.08 +2.67 +2.39 +3.43 -1.04 0.00 -3.35 -3.43 -1.04 -2.67 +2.39 0.00 0.00 www.souriau.com WMAE8DCA03EN © Copyright SOURIAU September 2010 - All information in this document presents only general particulars and shall not form part of any contract. All rights reserved to SOURIAU for changes without prior notification or public announcement. Any duplication is prohibited, unless approved in writing. contactmilaero@souriau.com