Photodiode-Chip EPC-1300-3.0-3 16.05.2008 rev. 03 Wavelength range Type Technology Electrodes Infrared Planar InGaAs/InP Both on top side 3350 ±20 typ. dimensions in µm Ø3000 typ. thickness Description 330 (±20) µm Broadband photodiode with maximum response in the NIR-region, no rear side metalization 3350 ±20 top side* bond gold 1.0 µm rear side no metalization Applications Optical communications, safety equipment, light barriers * Bond pad assigment: Pos. 1 - Anode Pos. 2 - Cathode Ø200 Ø150 Miscellaneous Parameters Tamb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified Test сonditions Parameter Symbol Value Unit A 7.0 mm² Operating temperature range Tamb -40 to +125 °C Storage temperature range Tstg -40 to +125 °C TC(ID) 7.4 %/K Typ Max Unit Active area Temperature coefficient of ID T = -40…120°C Optical and Electrical Characteristics Tamb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified Test Parameter conditions IF = 10 mA Forward voltage Breakdown voltage2) Symbol Min VF 0.6 V IR = 10 µA VR 5 Sensitivity range at 10 % VR = 0 V λ 800 Spectral bandwidth at 50 % VR = 0 V ∆λ0,5 680 nm Responsivity at 1300 nm VR = 0 V Sλ 0.9 A/W Dark current VR = 5 V ID 5 Shunt resistance VR = 10 mV RSH Noise equivalent power λ = 1300 nm NEP Specific detectivity λ = 1300 nm D* 5.1x1012 VR = 0 V CJ 1000 1) Junction capacitance V 1750 15 nm 30 nA 30 5.2x10 MΩ -14 W/ Hz cm ⋅ Hz ⋅ W −1 1300 pF 1) measured on bare chip on TO-18 header 2) for information only Labeling Type Typ. ID [nA] Typ. Sλ[A/W] Lot N° Quantity EPС-1300-3.0-3 Packing: Chips on adhesive film with wire-bond side on top *Note: All measurements carried out with EPIGAP equipment We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice. Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each application by the customers themselves. EPIGAP Optoelektronik GmbH, D-12555 Berlin, Köpenicker Str.325 b, Haus 201 1 of 2 Tel.: +49-30-6576 2543, Fax : +49-30-6576 2545 Photodiode-Chip EPC-1300-3.0-3 16.05.2008 rev. 03 T y p ic a l O p tic a l R e s p o n s iv ity 1 ,0 Responsivity (A/W) 0 ,8 0 ,6 0 ,4 0 ,2 0 ,0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 W a v e le n g th [n m ] D a rk C u rre n t v s . A m b ie n t T e m p e ra tu re Dark Current [nA] 100 T K = 0 .7 4 % /K 10 1 20 40 60 80 100 120 A m b ie n t T e m p e ra tu re [°C ] Short-Circuit Current [arb. units] S h o rt-C irc u it C u rre n t v s . A m b ie n t T e m p e ra tu re [T C ] 1 ,0 4 1 ,0 2 1 ,0 0 0 ,9 8 T C (I S H ) = -0 .3 7 % /K 0 ,9 6 0 ,9 4 0 ,9 2 0 ,9 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 A m b ie n t T e m p e ra tu re [°C ] We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice. Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each application by the customers themselves. EPIGAP Optoelektronik GmbH, D-12555 Berlin, Köpenicker Str.325 b, Haus 201 2 of 2 Tel.: +49-30-6576 2543, Fax : +49-30-6576 2545