SVR1086-2.85M, Z, & -20 thru SVR1086-12M, Z, & -20 SOLID STATE DEVICES, INC. 14830 Valley View Blvd * La Mirada, Ca 90638 Phone: (562) 404-7855 * Fax: (562) 404-1773 * 1.5 Amps 2.85 thru 12Volts LOW DROPOUT POSITIVE LINEAR VOLTAGE REGULATOR Designer's Data Sheet Part Number /Ordering Information SVR1086 - 12 M DB H -- Screening 1/ 2/: _ = Not Screened H = High Rel Level K = Space Level R = Radiation Tolerant Lead Bend: 3/ _ = Straight DB = Down Bend UB = Up Bend Package: 3/ M = TO-254 Z = TO-254Z -20 = LCC20 Voltage: _ = Variable Voltage 2.85 = 2.85V 3.3 = 3.3V 3.6 = 3.6V 5 = 5V 12 = 12V MAXIMUM RATINGS FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • Eutectic Die Attach Superior to LM117 Types Complimentary Use with SVR1085 Types Fast Switching Isolated Hermetically Sealed Power Package 150oC Operating Temperature Custom Lead Forming Available Ceramic Seal Package Available Class H or K (Space) Screening Available Radiation Tolerant Devices are Available SYMBOL VALUE Power Dissipation PD Internally Limited Input Voltage 4/ VIN 30 V VIN(Op) 15 18 20 25 V TJ -55 TO +150 -55 TO +200 o TSTG -65 TO +150 o Operating Input Voltage Operating Junction Temperature SVR1086-_ SVR1086-2.85 SVR1086-3.3, -3.6, & -5 SVR1086-12 Control Section Power Transistor Storage Temperature TO-254 (M): TO-254 (Z): NOTE: All specifications are subject to change without notification. SCD's for these devices should be reviewed by SSDI prior to release. LCC-20 DATA SHEET #: SVR001B UNITS C C SVR1086-2.85M, Z, & -20 thru SVR1086-12M, Z, & -20 SOLID STATE DEVICES, INC. 14830 Valley View Blvd * La Mirada, Ca 90638 Phone: (562) 404-7855 * Fax: (562) 404-1773 * Electrical Characteristics to SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS SVR1086 -_ (10mA # IOUT #1.5A, 1.5V # ªV #15V) * VREF 1.225 1.250 1.270 V V Output Voltage 6/ (10mA # IOUT #1.5A) SVR1086 -2.85 SVR1086 -3.3 SVR1086 -3.6 SVR1086 -5 SVR1086 -12 (4.35V # VIN # 18V) (4.75V # VIN # 15V) (5V # VIN # 18V) (6.5V # VIN # 20V) (13.5V # VIN # 25V) * * * * * VOUT 2.790 3.235 3.500 4.900 11.76 2.850 3.300 3.600 5.000 12.00 2.910 3.365 3.672 5.100 12.24 V V V V V Line Regulation (IOUT = 0A) SVR1086 -_ SVR1086 -3.3 (4.5V # VIN # 18V) SVR1086 -3.6 (4.75V # VIN # 18V) 25 * 25 * 25 * 25 * 25 * 25 * ªVOUT ªVIN SVR1086 -2.85 (1.5V #ªV # 5V, ILoad = 10mA) (4.35V # VIN # 18V) ------------- 0.015 0.035 0.3 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.20 0.20 6.00 6.00 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 25.0 25.0 % % mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV 25 * 25 * 25 * 25 * 25 * 25 * ªVOUT ªIOUT ------------- 0.1 0.2 3 6 3 7 3 6 5 10 12 24 0.3 0.4 12 20 15 25 15 25 20 35 36 72 % % mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV (See Note ) * ªV -- 1.3 1.5 V ªV = 5V ªV = 25V * * ILIMIT 1.50 0.05 2.00 0.15 2.80 -- A A (ªV = 25V) * ILOAD -- 5 10 A (VIN # 18V) (VIN # 18V) (VIN # 18V) (VIN # 20V) (VIN # 25V) * * * * * IQ ------ 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 mA mA mA mA mA Reference Voltage Load Regulation 5/, (0 # IOUT #1.5A) 6/ 6/ SVR1086 -5 (6.5V # VIN # 20V) SVR1086 -12 (13.5V # VIN # 25V) SVR1086 -_ (ªV =3V , 10mA # IOUT # 1.5A) (VIN = 5V) SVR1086 -2.85 Dropout Voltage SVR1086 -3.3 (VIN = 5V) SVR1086 -3.6 (VIN = 5.25V) SVR1086 -5 (VIN = 8V) SVR1086 -12 (VIN = 15V) 7/ Current Limit Min. Load Current Quiescient Current 8/ SVR1086 -_ SVR1086 -2.85 SVR1086 -3.3 SVR1086 -3.6 SVR1086 -5 SVR1086 -12 NOTE: * Full Temperature Range SVR1086-2.85M, Z, & -20 thru SVR1086-12M, Z, & -20 SOLID STATE DEVICES, INC. 14830 Valley View Blvd * La Mirada, Ca 90638 Phone: (562) 404-7855 * Fax: (562) 404-1773 * Electrical Characteristics (Continue) Adjust Pin Current SVR1086 -_ Adjust Pin Current Change SVR1086 -_ MAX UNITS 0.008 0.04 %/W (ªV=25V, CADJ=25:F) (VIN = 6V) (VIN = 6.3V) (VIN = 6.6V) (VIN = 8V) (VIN = 15V) * * * * * * 60 60 60 60 60 54 75 72 72 72 68 60 ------- dB dB dB dB dB dB (1.5V # ªV #15V) 25 * IADJ --- 55 -- -120 :A :A * ªIADJ -- 0.2 5.0 :A -- 0.5 -- % -- 0.3 1.0 % -- 0.003 -- % ----- ----- 1.7 4.0 10 15 Long Term Strability 125 (10Hz # f # 10kHz) RMS Output Noice (M) & (Z) Packages 25 Control Circuitry/ Power Transistor Control Circuitry/ Power Transistor ªVOUT ªT ªVOUT ªVtime en R2JC NOTES: * Full Temperature Range 1/ For Ordering Information, Price, and Availability Contact Factory. 2/ Screening per MIL-PRF-19500. 3/ For Package Outlines and Lead Bend Options Contact Factory 4/ Devices are guaranteed to withstand transient Input Voltage up to 30V. For Input Voltages greater then the maximum operating Input Voltage some degradation of specifications will occur. For 5V and 12V devices operating at Input/Output differentials greater then 15V, a minimum external load of 5mA is required to maintain regulation. 5/ See Thermal Regulation specifications for changes in Output Voltage due to the heating effects. Line and Load Regulations are measured at a constant Junction Temperature by low duty cycle pulse testing. Load Regulation is measured at the Output Lead at approx. 1/8” from the package. 6/ TYP -- * -20 Package MIN 25 Temperature Stability Thermal Resistance Junction to Case SYMBOL (30 msec Pulse) Thermal Regulation SVR1086 -_ Ripple Rejection (f =120Hz, COUT =25:F, SVR1086 -2.85 SVR1086 -3.3 IOUT = 1.5A) SVR1086 -3.6 SVR1086 -5 SVR1086 -12 to Line and Load Regulation are guaranteed up to the maximum power dissipation of 15W. Power Dissipation is determined by the Input/Output differential and the Output Current. Guaranteed maximum power dissipation will not be available over the full Input/Output range. 7/ Dropout Voltage is specified over the full Output Current range of the Device. 8/ Minimum Load Current is defined as the minimum current required to maintain regulation. At 25V Input/Output differential the device is guaranteed to regulate if the Output Current is greater than 10mA. o C/W C/W o C/W o C/W o PIN ASSIGNMENT PACKAGE Vadj Vin Vout Vout_sen TO-254 (M) Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 3 TO-254Z (Z) Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 3 LCC 20 (-20) Pin 7 2, 17 10, 12 15 FOR PACKAGE OUTLINE REQUEST THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS PACKAGE DOCUMENT TO-254 (M, MUB, MDB) 60-0149-503 TO-254Z (Z, ZUB, ZDB) 60-0149-501 LCC20 (-20) 60-0149-315