MGA-16116 Dual LNA for Balanced Application 450 – 1450 MHz Data Sheet Description Features Avago Technologies’ MGA-16116 is an ultra low-noise high linearity amplifier pair with built-in active bias and shutdown features for balanced applications in the 900 MHz band. Shutdown functionality is achieved using a single DC voltage input pin.High linearity is achieved through the use of Avago Technologies’ proprietary GaAs Enhancement-mode pHEMT process [1]. It is housed in a miniature 4.0 x 4.0 x 0.85 mm 16-pin Quad Flat No-lead (QFN). The compact footprint coupled with ultra low noise and high linearity makes MGA-16116 an ideal choice for basestation transmitters and receivers. • Ultra Low Noise Figure For applications > 1450 MHz, it is recommended to use MGA-16216 1440-2350 MHz or MGA-16316 1950-4000 MHz. All 3 products share the same package and pin out configuration. • Gain: 18.4 dB Component Image • Shutdown voltage Vsd range > 1.6 V 4.0 x 4.0 x 0.85 mm3 16-Lead QFN Pin 13 Pin 14 Pin 15 Pin 16 Pin Configuration Pin Use Pin 12 Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 11 Pin 17 Pin 3 Pin 10 Pin 9 Pin 8 Pin 7 Pin 6 Pin 5 Pin 4 VIEW FROM THE TOP • High IIP3: +19 dBm typ. • GaAs E-pHEMT Technology [1] • Small package size: 4.0 x 4.0 x 0.85 mm3 • RoHS and MSL1 compliant. Typical Performances 900 MHz @ 4.8 V, 60.9 mA (typ per amplifier) • NF: 0.27 dB [2] • IIP3: 19.1 dBm • P1dB: 21.2 dBm • Total shutdown current (Vsd1, Vsd2 = 3 V): 1.84 mA Note: Package marking provides orientation and identification “16116 “ = Device Code “YYWW” = Date Code identifies year and work week of manufacturing “XXXX” =Last 4 digit of assembly lot number AVAGO 16116 YYWW XXXX • Variable Bias and Shutdown functionality • Basestation receivers and transmitters in balanced configuration. • Ultra low-noise RF amplifiers. Notes: 1. Enhancement mode technology employs positive Vgs, thereby eliminating the need of negative gate voltage associated with conventional depletion mode devices. 2. Measured at RFin pin of packaged part, other losses deembedded. 3. Good RF practice requires all unused pins to be grounded. Pin Use 1 RFIN1 10 GND 2 GND 11 GND 3 GND 12 RFOUT1 4 RFIN2 13 Not used 5 Bias_out2 14 Bias_in1 6 Vsd2 15 Vsd1 7 Bias_in2 16 Bias_out1 8 Not used 17 GND 9 RFOUT2 Applications – – Attention: Observe precautions for handling electrostatic sensitive devices. ESD Machine Model = 60 V ESD Human Body Model = 300 V Refer to Avago Application Note A004R: Electrostatic Discharge, Damage and Control. Absolute Maximum Rating [1] TA = 25° C Thermal Resistance [3] Symbol Parameter Units Absolute Maximum Vdd Drain Voltage, RF output to ground V 5.5 Idd Drain Current mA 100 Vsd Shutdown Voltage V 5.5 Pin CW RF Input Power with LNA On dBm 27 Pin CW RF Input Power with LNA Off dBm 27 Pd Power Dissipation mW 550 Tj Junction Temperature °C 150 Tstg Storage Temperature °C -65 to 150 (Vd = 4.8 V, Idd = 53 mA, Tc =100° C) qjc = 58.6°C/W Notes: 1. Operation of this device is excess of any of these limits may cause permanent damage. 2. Source lead temperature is 25° C. Derate 17 mW/°C for Tc > 118° C. 3. Thermal resistance measured using 150° C Infra-Red Microscopy Technique. Electrical Specifications TA = 25° C, Vdd1 = Vdd2 = 4.8 V, Vsd1 = Vsd2 = 0 V at Rbias = 1.5 kohm, RF performance at 900 MHz, CW operation unless otherwise stated. Symbol Parameter and Test Condition Units Vdd Supply Voltage V Idd Total Supply Current per amplifier (Idq+Ibias) mA 48 60.9 72 Gain Gain dB 17.2 18.4 19.4 NF [1] Noise Figure dB 0.27 0.45 OP1dB Output Power at 1dB Gain Compression dBm IIP3 [2] Input Third Order Intercept Point dBm S11 Input Return Loss, 50 Ω source dB -10.9 S22 Output Return Loss, 50 Ω load dB -17.5 S12 Reverse Isolation dB -22.4 S31 Isolation between RFin1 and RFin2 dB -36.8 Vsd1,2 [3] Maximum shutdown voltage required to turn ON LNA V 0.5 Vsd1,2 [3] Minimum shutdown voltage required to turn OFF LNA V 1.6 Idq [4] Current at Vdd with Vsd = 0 V mA 58.6 Current at Vdd with Vsd = 3 V mA 0.01 Current at Vsd with Vsd = 0 V mA 4 Current at Vsd with Vsd = 3 V mA 220 Current at Vbias with Vsd = 0 V mA 2.3 Current at Vbias with Vsd = 3 V mA 1.61 Isd [4] Ibias [4] Notes: 1. Noise figure at the DUT RF Input pin, board losses are deembedded. 2. IIP3 test condition: FRF1-FRF2 = 1 MHz with input power of -20 dBm per tone. 3. Vsd1 and Vsd2 are active LOW. 4. Refer to Figure 6 for more details. 2 Min. Typ. Max. 4.8 21.2 17 19.1 Product Consistency Distribution Charts LSL 45 USL USL 50 55 60 65 70 75 Figure 1. Idd, LSL = 48 mA , nominal = 60.9 mA, USL = 72 mA 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 Figure 2. NF, nominal = 0.27 dB, USL = 0.45 dB LSL 16 17 LSL 18 19 20 21 Figure 3. IIP3, LSL = 17 dBm, nominal = 19.1 dBm 22 23 24 16.9 17.2 USL 17.5 17.8 18 18.2 18.5 18.8 19 19.2 19.5 Figure 4. Gain, LSL = 17.2 dB, nominal = 18.4 dB, USL = 19.4 dB Notes: 1. Distribution data sample size is 6500 samples taken from 12 different wafer lots. Future wafers allocated to this product may have nominal values anywhere between the upper and lower limits. 2. Circuit trace losses for NF have been de-embedded from measurements above. 3 Vdd1 Vdd2 Demo Board Schematic Vsd1 Vsd2 Demo Board Layout APRIL 2011 R9 C20 RFIN C3 C6 R3 C7 L3 C16 L2 C12 R6 C13 C24 C25 C8 R4 C23 C2 R1 C1 L1 R10 L4 C21 R8 MGA-16X16 Demoboard (4-Port) Rev 1 C9 C19 RFOUT R7 C22 C26 RO4350 DK 3.48 H 10mil W 0.58mm G 0.45mm Figure 6. Demo Board Schematic Diagram Figure 5. Demo Board Layout Diagram Notes: 1. Recommended PCB material is 10 mils Rogers RO4350. 2. Suggested component values may vary according to layout and PCB material. 3. Input board loss at 900 MHz is 0.056 dB 4. The schematic is shown with the assumption that similar PCB is used for all MGA-16116, MGA-16216 and MGA-16316. 5. Detail of the components needed for this product is shown in Table 1. 6. R1 and R6 are for low frequency stability. 7. Bias to each LNA is adjustable using R3 and R8 (see Figure 6). Increasing R3 and R8 will reduce bias current (Idd) and vice-versa. 8. R9/R10 are stability improvement resistors that may not be needed in actual application. They are included in the demoboard to provide isolation from power supply noise. 9. Center Paddle is grounded. Table 1. Component list for 900 MHz matching PART Size Value Detail Part Number C1, C12 0402 20 pF GJM1555C1H200GB01 C2, C13, C8, C22 0402 0.1 mF GRM155R71C104KA88D C3, C9, C16, C19 0402 100 pF GRM1555C1H101JD01E C6, C20, C23, C34 0805 4.7 mF GRM21BR60J475KA11L C7, C21 0402 12 pF GJM1555C1H120GB01 C25, C26 0402 NOT USED – L1, L2 0402 68 nH LQW15AN68NG00 L3, L4 0402 120 nH LQW15ANR12J00 R1, R6 0402 51 ohm RK73B1ETTP510J R3, R8 0402 1.5 kohm RK73B1ELTP152J R4, R7 0402 0 ohm RK73B1ETTP0R0J R9, R10 0402 10 ohm RK73B1ETTP100J 4 Table 2. Below is the table showing the MGA-16116 Reflection Coefficient Parameters tuned for Maximum OIP3, Vdd = 4.8 V, Idd = 35 mA per amplifier. Input gamma is tuned for Fmin. The reflection coefficients are for single amplifier. Gamma Load Position Frequency (MHz) Magnitude Angle IIP3 (dBm) Gain (dB) 450 0.51 44.1 17.38 20.02 700 0.643 34.9 22.09 16.8 835 0.643 46.5 25.18 15.1 950 0.386 40.0 23.20 16.62 1450 0.514 86.4 25.77 14.39 Table 3. Below is the table showing the MGA-16116 Reflection Coefficient Parameters tuned for Maximum OIP3, Vdd = 4.8 V, Idd = 60 mA per amplifier. Input gamma is tuned for Fmin. The reflection coefficients are for single amplifier. Gamma Load Position Frequency (MHz) Magnitude Angle IIP3 (dBm) Gain (dB) 450 0.514 43.2 21.32 20.34 700 0.39 40.5 23.15 18.6 835 0.515 57.6 26.90 16.1 950 0.386 20.0 26.71 16.31 1450 0.643 92.9 29.83 13.98 Table 4. Below is the table showing the MGA-16116 Reflection Coefficient Parameters tuned for Maximum OIP3, Vdd = 4.8 V, Idd = 75 mA per amplifier. Input gamma is tuned for Fmin. The reflection coefficients are for single amplifier. Gamma Load Position Frequency (MHz) Magnitude Angle IIP3 (dBm) Gain (dB) 450 0.128 59.8 21.07 22.75 700 0.257 30.1 24.33 19.16 835 0.257 149.9 23.80 18.46 950 0.128 180 24.74 17.98 1450 0.257 29.9 28.73 15.03 Notes: 1. IIP3 test condition: FRF1-FRF2 = 1 MHz with input power of -20 dBm per tone. 2. Idd can be obtained by varying the Vg1/Vg2. Refer to figure 7. Notes: 1. Maximum OIP3 is measured on coplanar waveguide made on 0.010 inch thick ROGER 4350. Figure 7. RFinput and RFoutput Reference Plane 5 Typical 900 MHz RF Performance Plots RF performance at TA = 25° C, Vdd = 4.8 V, Idd = 60 mA. Measurements made on single-ended amplifier in LNA mode tuned to 900 MHz, using Figure 5 demoboard and Figure 6 circuit. Signal = CW unless stated otherwise. IIP3 test condition: FRF1-FRF2 = 1 MHz with input power of -20 dBm per tone. 0.8 0.7 0.6 22 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 14 0.0 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 Frequency (MHz) 12 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 Frequency (MHz) Figure 9. Gain vs Frequency vs Temperature 22 20 18 OP1dB (dBm) IIP3 (dBm) 18 16 24 16 14 12 100° C 25° C -40° C 10 8 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 Frequency (MHz) Figure 10. IIP3 vs Frequency vs Temperature 100° C 25° C -40° C 650 850 1050 Frequency (MHz) 1250 3.0 20 1450 100° C 25° C -40° C 2.5 10 0 2.0 Mu -10 -20 -30 -50 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Frequency (GHz) 4.5 5 5.5 1.5 1.0 S(2,1) S(1,1) S(2,2) S(1,2) -40 -60 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 450 Figure 11. OP1dB vs Frequency vs Temperature 30 S-Parameter (dB) 20 0.2 Figure 8. NF vs Frequency vs Temperature [1] 0.5 6 Figure 12. Input Return Loss, Output Return Loss, Gain, Reverse Isolation vs Frequency 6 100° C 25° C -40° C 24 Gain (dBm) NF (dB) 26 100° C 25° C -40° C 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Frequency (GHz) 14 16 Figure 13. Mu stability factors vs Frequency vs Temperature 18 20 3.0 -20 100° C 25° C -40° C 2.5 -25 -30 Isolation S31 (dB) MuPrime 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Frequency (GHz) 14 16 18 -45 -50 -60 20 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Frequency (GHz) 4.5 5 5.5 6 70 100° C 25° C -40° C 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 500 Figure 16. Idd vs Rbias [2] 1000 1500 2000 Rbias (ohm) 2500 3000 0 0 0.5 Figure 17. Idd vs Vsd Notes: 1. Circuit trace losses for NF have been de-embedded from measurements above. 2. Rbias is R3 and R8 from Figure 6. 7 0 Figure 15. Input Ports Isolation (S31) vs Frequency Idd (mA) Idd (mA) -40 -55 Figure 14. Mu’ stability factors vs Frequency vs Temperature 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 -35 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Vsd (V) 3.5 4 4.5 5 Table 5. Typical Scattering Parameters, Vdd = 4.8 V, Idd = 35 mA LNA SPAR (100 MHz – 20 GHz) The S-parameter are for single amplifier. Freq (GHz) S11 (dB) S11 (ang) S21 (dB) S21 (ang) S12 (dB) S12 (ang) S22 (dB) S22 (ang) 0.1 -1.022 -28.498 29.161 154.654 -37.965 79.027 -7.090 -19.544 0.5 -6.649 -94.870 22.772 104.259 -26.459 66.399 -13.896 -50.600 0.7 -8.297 -112.042 20.318 93.331 -24.049 64.475 -15.882 -53.370 0.9 -9.364 -125.539 18.444 84.974 -22.211 62.286 -17.478 -54.610 1.0 -9.758 -130.241 17.596 81.438 -21.400 61.255 -17.917 -53.566 1.5 -10.971 -151.257 14.416 66.113 -18.221 54.575 -20.357 -53.259 1.7 -11.091 -159.069 13.414 60.566 -17.239 51.394 -21.981 -58.813 1.9 -11.104 -166.151 12.539 55.320 -16.328 48.319 -23.407 -64.718 2.0 -11.117 -169.353 12.131 52.718 -15.905 46.647 -23.978 -68.957 2.5 -11.087 177.265 10.360 40.267 -14.104 38.400 -26.564 -97.344 3.0 -11.081 165.669 8.951 28.433 -12.604 29.781 -27.136 -132.391 3.5 -11.096 154.720 7.826 16.983 -11.325 21.025 -25.584 -162.526 4.0 -11.006 142.943 6.892 5.622 -10.213 12.016 -23.963 170.627 4.5 -10.720 129.982 6.100 -5.563 -9.244 2.746 -21.945 142.320 5.0 -10.073 118.799 5.351 -16.665 -8.445 -6.661 -19.977 114.528 5.5 -9.286 106.890 4.697 -27.610 -7.735 -16.237 -17.197 88.526 6.0 -8.439 94.245 4.087 -38.486 -7.175 -26.218 -14.231 70.377 7.0 -7.649 72.483 2.997 -58.517 -6.183 -44.375 -10.813 52.241 8.0 -9.206 56.581 2.362 -77.126 -5.224 -62.113 -10.533 46.694 9.0 -11.853 31.257 1.930 -96.806 -4.263 -81.118 -10.307 43.266 10.0 -11.268 -4.194 1.289 -117.528 -3.757 -101.712 -8.627 20.267 11.0 -10.277 -26.164 0.324 -136.898 -3.704 -120.862 -7.062 -2.650 12.0 -11.155 -52.090 -0.159 -153.598 -3.353 -139.372 -6.702 -18.056 13.0 -20.494 -61.926 -0.820 -168.479 -3.505 -153.688 -6.926 -14.524 14.0 -22.385 -159.458 -0.683 171.235 -2.651 -176.492 -6.999 -18.503 15.0 -14.569 127.065 -0.727 147.438 -2.279 158.611 -7.115 -26.831 16.0 -12.363 64.821 -1.734 115.001 -2.934 125.555 -5.770 -43.836 17.0 -7.890 -127.305 -6.052 131.616 -6.607 139.045 -2.049 -74.412 18.0 -12.876 -10.894 -5.846 90.393 -6.352 97.052 -2.285 -68.870 19.0 -7.087 108.141 -4.538 103.243 -4.669 108.441 -3.339 -89.195 20.0 -4.516 31.361 -4.779 55.113 -5.022 58.513 -4.579 -112.660 Table 6. Typical Noise Parameters, for single amplifier, Vdd = 4.8 V, Idd = 35 mA Freq GHz Fmin dB Γopt Mag. Γopt Ang. Rn/50 450 0.31 0.570 -15.8 0.039 700 0.23 0.442 4.9 0.035 835 0.21 0.426 25.7 0.034 950 0.23 0.392 34.6 0.035 1450 0.4 0.210 86.0 0.037 Notes: 1. The Fmin values are based on noise figure measurements at multiple input impedances using Focus source pull test system. From these measurements a true Fmin is calculated. 2. Scattering and noise parameters are measured on coplanar waveguide made on 0.010 inch thick ROGER 4350. The input reference plane is at the end of the RFinput pin and the output reference plane is at the end of the RFoutput pin as shown in Figure 7. 3. Idd can be obtained by varying the Vg1/Vg2. Refer to figure 7. 8 Table 7. Typical Scattering Parameters, Vdd = 4.8 V, Idd = 60 mA LNA SPAR (100 MHz – 20 GHz) The S-parameter are for single amplifier. Freq (GHz) S11 (dB) S11 (ang) S21 (dB) S21 (ang) S12 (dB) S12 (ang) S22 (dB) S22 (ang) 0.1 -1.074 -31.307 30.372 152.301 -38.598 79.819 -8.582 -20.776 0.5 -7.419 -99.051 23.126 101.761 -26.683 69.129 -15.871 -48.167 0.7 -9.041 -115.776 20.596 91.484 -24.165 66.973 -17.771 -49.366 0.9 -10.023 -128.775 18.669 83.583 -22.241 64.407 -19.273 -49.337 1.0 -10.399 -133.219 17.812 80.178 -21.408 63.192 -19.593 -47.750 1.5 -11.500 -153.458 14.600 65.392 -18.141 55.849 -21.764 -45.214 1.7 -11.572 -161.056 13.591 60.010 -17.142 52.498 -23.571 -49.907 1.9 -11.538 -167.985 12.711 54.875 -16.230 49.228 -25.238 -55.033 2.0 -11.537 -171.125 12.302 52.304 -15.809 47.475 -25.944 -59.265 2.5 -11.445 175.803 10.521 40.088 -13.992 38.931 -29.570 -90.923 3.0 -11.401 164.403 9.105 28.417 -12.490 30.048 -30.232 -135.945 3.5 -11.399 153.594 7.971 17.073 -11.217 21.106 -27.571 -170.069 4.0 -11.292 141.943 7.028 5.853 -10.123 11.945 -25.227 162.620 4.5 -10.974 129.027 6.226 -5.240 -9.162 2.551 -22.592 135.000 5.0 -10.296 117.928 5.475 -16.254 -8.374 -6.976 -20.256 108.170 5.5 -9.477 106.083 4.815 -27.119 -7.680 -16.555 -17.261 83.874 6.0 -8.603 93.478 4.202 -37.909 -7.123 -26.573 -14.249 67.156 7.0 -7.784 71.674 3.114 -57.850 -6.153 -44.852 -10.893 50.129 8.0 -9.391 55.504 2.483 -76.469 -5.211 -62.621 -10.730 45.175 9.0 -12.116 29.799 2.048 -96.207 -4.265 -81.667 -10.574 42.707 10 -11.471 -5.874 1.407 -116.940 -3.779 -102.196 -8.835 20.126 11 -10.440 -27.549 0.451 -136.443 -3.736 -121.324 -7.217 -2.639 12 -11.273 -53.811 -0.038 -153.270 -3.384 -139.868 -6.823 -17.959 13 -20.959 -65.754 -0.721 -168.292 -3.563 -154.175 -7.004 -13.899 14 -22.024 -163.703 -0.599 171.370 -2.714 -176.815 -7.040 -17.790 15 -14.309 126.539 -0.665 147.554 -2.345 158.380 -7.104 -26.156 16 -12.226 65.090 -1.681 115.096 -3.019 125.379 -5.734 -43.382 17 -7.911 -127.772 -6.012 131.726 -6.652 139.053 -2.042 -74.188 18 -12.992 -10.792 -5.844 90.462 -6.431 96.994 -2.257 -68.762 19 -7.042 108.026 -4.522 103.345 -4.710 108.465 -3.313 -89.050 20 -4.476 31.259 -4.758 55.261 -5.060 58.580 -4.528 -112.266 Table 8. Typical Noise Parameters, for single amplifier, Vdd = 4.8 V, Idd = 60 mA Freq GHz Fmin dB Γopt Mag. Γopt Ang. Rn/50 450 700 835 950 1450 0.31 0.23 0.21 0.23 0.42 0.557 0.438 0.460 0.423 0.172 -17.0 0.5 21.6 33.1 92.7 0.035 0.033 0.032 0.032 0.036 Notes: 1. The Fmin values are based on noise figure measurements at multiple input impedances using Focus source pull test system. From these measurements a true Fmin is calculated. 2. Scattering and noise parameters are measured on coplanar waveguide made on 0.010 inch thick ROGER 4350. The input reference plane is at the end of the RFinput pin and the output reference plane is at the end of the RFoutput pin as shown in Figure 7. 3. Idd can be obtained by varying the Vg1/Vg2. Refer to figure 7. 9 Table 9. Typical Scattering Parameters, Vdd = 4.8 V, Idd = 75 mA LNA SPAR (100 MHz – 20 GHz) The S-parameter are for single amplifier. Freq (GHz) S11 (dB) S11 (ang) S21 (dB) S21 (ang) S12 (dB) S12 (ang) S22 (dB) S22 (ang) 0.1 -1.313 -33.530 31.014 150.648 -38.589 82.014 -9.661 -21.676 0.5 -7.873 -101.259 23.314 100.420 -26.803 70.767 -17.048 -45.449 0.7 -9.472 -117.752 20.741 90.485 -24.212 68.268 -18.831 -45.680 0.9 -10.402 -130.466 18.790 82.841 -22.239 65.516 -20.230 -44.960 1.0 -10.777 -134.737 17.925 79.542 -21.407 64.225 -20.421 -43.253 1.5 -11.805 -154.527 14.699 65.015 -18.111 56.520 -22.336 -39.860 1.7 -11.852 -162.032 13.689 59.715 -17.106 53.063 -24.200 -43.748 1.9 -11.792 -168.879 12.807 54.640 -16.185 49.733 -25.976 -48.172 2.0 -11.784 -171.996 12.394 52.113 -15.760 47.932 -26.759 -52.109 2.5 -11.656 175.184 10.608 40.041 -13.941 39.243 -31.149 -84.360 3.0 -11.594 163.899 9.189 28.441 -12.442 30.253 -32.084 -136.841 3.5 -11.581 153.195 8.048 17.188 -11.174 21.216 -28.646 -173.768 4.0 -11.462 141.576 7.102 6.023 -10.080 11.962 -25.816 158.924 4.5 -11.124 128.688 6.296 -5.029 -9.126 2.544 -22.900 131.803 5.0 -10.429 117.634 5.542 -15.972 -8.341 -7.041 -20.389 105.521 5.5 -9.589 105.823 4.879 -26.805 -7.655 -16.664 -17.298 81.989 6.0 -8.686 93.240 4.265 -37.559 -7.099 -26.672 -14.261 65.816 7.0 -7.862 71.395 3.176 -57.450 -6.142 -44.949 -10.940 49.294 8.0 -9.495 55.210 2.549 -76.083 -5.204 -62.770 -10.846 44.633 9.0 -12.268 29.175 2.104 -95.838 -4.274 -81.847 -10.697 42.499 10.0 -11.584 -6.517 1.463 -116.574 -3.791 -102.332 -8.928 20.087 11.0 -10.522 -28.153 0.508 -136.137 -3.751 -121.438 -7.284 -2.588 12.0 -11.357 -54.514 0.015 -153.014 -3.401 -139.971 -6.889 -17.777 13.0 -21.178 -67.548 -0.677 -168.073 -3.589 -154.248 -7.059 -13.574 14.0 -21.655 -166.052 -0.566 171.616 -2.742 -176.860 -7.048 -17.396 15.0 -14.145 126.771 -0.631 147.729 -2.383 158.332 -7.099 -25.793 16.0 -12.117 65.327 -1.666 115.223 -3.062 125.393 -5.710 -43.125 17.0 -7.916 -127.952 -5.980 131.954 -6.667 139.243 -2.048 -74.067 18.0 -13.009 -9.966 -5.842 90.681 -6.475 97.145 -2.253 -68.631 19.0 -6.983 107.757 -4.520 103.388 -4.751 108.605 -3.313 -88.879 20.0 -4.463 31.666 -4.751 55.507 -5.083 58.833 -4.500 -112.076 Table 10. Typical Noise Parameters, for single amplifier, Vdd = 4.8 V, Idd = 75 mA Freq GHz Fmin dB Γopt Mag. Γopt Ang. Rn/50 450 700 835 950 1450 0.32 0.23 0.23 0.25 0.43 0.521 0.426 0.387 0.388 0.139 -18.1 -6.4 17.8 25.5 93.9 0.036 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.037 Notes: 1. The Fmin values are based on noise figure measurements at multiple input impedances using Focus source pull test system. From these measurements a true Fmin is calculated. 2. Scattering and noise parameters are measured on coplanar waveguide made on 0.010 inch thick ROGER 4350. The input reference plane is at the end of the RFinput pin and the output reference plane is at the end of the RFoutput pin as shown in Figure 7. 3. Idd can be obtained by varying the Vg1/Vg2. Refer to figure 7. 10 BALANCED MODE APPLICATION Electrical Specifications TA = 25° C, Vdd1 = Vdd2 = 4.8 V, Idd1 = Idd2 = 60 mA at Rbias =1.5 kohm, RF performance at 900 MHz, CW operation unless otherwise stated. Symbol Parameter and Test Condition Units Typ. Vdd Supply Voltage per amplifier V 4.8 Idd Supply Current per amplifier mA 60 Gain Gain dB 18.2 NF Noise Figure dB 0.37 OP1dB Output Power at 1dB Gain Compression dBm 23.9 IIP3 Input Third Order Intercept Point dBm 21.6 S11 Input Return Loss, 50 Ω source dB -24.1 S22 Output Return Loss, 50 Ω load dB -34.7 S12 Reverse Isolation dB -23.1 Vdd2 R9 C20 C5 C6 C4 L1 C2 R1 C1 R10 C23 R3 C7 R4 L2 C14 R2 C12 R6 C13 C21 R8 L4 C18 R7 C17 X2 C22 C26 Figure 18. Balanced Amplifier Demo Board Layout Diagram Notes: 1. Recommended PCB material is 10 mils Rogers RO4350. 2. Suggested component values may vary according to layout and PCB material. 3. Input board loss at 900 MHz is 0.133 dB. 11 RFOUT R5 C9 C19 C16 C15 C24 C25 C8 RO4350 DK 3.48 H 10mil W 0.58mm G 0.45mm C11 L3 C10 C3 X1 RFIN Vdd1 MGA-16X16 Demoboard (2-Port) Rev 1 Vsd1 Vsd2 Balanced Amplifier Demo Board Layout APRIL 2011 Balanced Amplifier Demo Board Schematic Figure 19. Balanced Amplifier Demo Board Schematic. Table 11. Component list for 900 MHz matching PART Size Value Detail Part Number C1, C12 0402 20 pF GJM1555C1H200GB01 C2, C8, C13, C22 0402 0.1 mF GRM155R71C104KA88D C3, C9, C16, C19 0402 100 pF GRM1555C1H101JD01E C6, C20, C23, C34 0805 4.7 mF GRM21BR60J475KA11L C7, C21 0402 12 pF GJM1555C1H120GB01 C4, C5, C10, C11, C14, C15, C17, C18, C25, C26 0402 NOT USED L1, L2 0402 68 nH LQW15AN68NG00 L3, L4 0402 120 nH LQW15ANR12J00 R1, R6 0402 51 ohm RK73B1ETTP510J R3, R8 0402 1.5 kohm RK73B1ELTP152J R4, R7 0402 0 ohm RK73B1ETTP0R0J R9, R10 0402 10 ohm RK73B1ETTP100J R2, R5 0402 51 ohm RK73B1ETTP510J X1 – – X3C09P1-03S X2 – – C0810J5003AHF 12 Typical 900 MHz RF Performance Plots on Balanced Mode RF performance at TA = 25° C, Vdd1 = Vdd2 = 4.8 V, Idd1 = Idd2 = 60 mA, LNA mode, measured on demo board in Figure 18. Signal is CW unless stated otherwise. Application Test Circuit is shown in Figure 19 and Table 11. IIP3 test condition: FRF1-FRF2 = 1MHz with input power of -20 dBm per tone. 1.6 1.4 1.2 22 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.0 450 550 650 750 850 950 Frequency (MHz) 26 28 24 27 22 26 P1dB (dBm) 18 16 14 12 550 650 750 850 950 Frequency (MHz) 1050 1150 1250 20 10 0 -10 -20 S(2,1) S(1,1) S(2,2) S(1,2) -50 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 1050 1150 1250 100° C 25° C -40° C 25 24 23 20 450 550 650 750 850 950 Frequency (MHz) Figure 23. OP1dB vs Frequency vs Temperature 30 -40 750 850 950 Frequency (MHz) 21 Figure 22. IIP3 vs Frequency vs Temperature -30 650 22 100° C 25° C -40° C 10 8 450 550 Figure 21. Gain vs Frequency vs Temperature 20 IIP3 (dBm) 12 450 1050 1150 1250 Figure 20. NF vs Frequency vs Temperature[1] S-Parameter (dB) 18 14 0.2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Frequency (GHz) 4.5 5 5.5 6 Figure 24. Input Return Loss, Output Return Loss, Gain, Reverse Isolation vs Frequency 13 20 16 0.4 -60 100° C 25° C -40° C 24 Gain (dB) NF (dB) 26 100° C 25° C -40° C 1050 1150 1250 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 MuPrime Mu 3.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 100° C 25° C -40° C 0.5 0.0 1.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Frequency (GHz) 14 16 18 100° C 25° C -40° C 0.5 20 Figure 25. Mu stability factors vs Frequency vs Temperature 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Frequency (GHz) 14 16 18 Figure 26. Mu’ stability factors vs Frequency vs Temperature Note: 1. Circuit trace losses for NF have been de-embedded from measurements above. Part Number Ordering Information Part Number No. of Devices Container MGA-16116-BLKG 100 Antistatic Bag MGA-16116-TR1G 1000 7” Reel Package Dimensions Pin 1 Dot By marking 0.20 Ref. 4.00 ±0.10 2.10 Pin #1 Identification Chamfer 0.30 X 45° 0.55 4.00 ±0.10 AVAGO 16116 YYWW XXXX 0.30 2.10 0.00 –0.05 0.65 Bsc 0.85 ±0.10 TOP VIEW 14 SIDE VIEW BOTTOM VIEW 20 Recommended PCB Land Pattern and Stencil Design 4.000 3.935 0.300 0.270 PIN #1 PIN #1 0.400 0.650 2.10 0.492 4.000 0.650 1.980 2.10 3.935 1.980 0.55 0.485 Stencil Opening Land Pattern 4.000 0.650 4.000 2.100 Note : 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILIMETERS 2. 4mil stencil thickness is recommended 0.550 Combination of Land Pattern & Stencil Opening Device Orientation REEL USER FEED DIRECTION CARRIER TAPE USER FEED DIRECTION 15 COVER TAPE AVAGO 16116 YYWW XXXX AVAGO 16116 YYWW XXXX TOP VIEW AVAGO 16116 YYWW XXXX END VIEW Tape Dimensions 2.00 ±0.05 8.00 ±0.10 Ø 1.50 ±0.10 1.75 ±0.10 4.00 ±0.10 5.50 ±0.05 12.0 ±0.30 –0.10 Ø1.50 ±0.25 0.279 ±0.02 10° MAX 16 10° MAX 4.25 ±0.10 1.13 ±0.10 4.25 ±0.10 A. K. B. Reel Dimensions – 7 inch 6.25 mm EMBOSSED LETTERS LETTERING THICKNESS: 1.6 mm SLOT HOLE "a" SEE DETAIL "X" Ø 178.0 ±0.5 SLOT HOLE "b" FRONT BACK 6 PS SLOT HOLE (2x) 180° APART. RECYCLE LOGO SLOT HOLE "a": 3.0 ±0.5 mm (1x) SLOT HOLE "b": 2.5 ±0.5 mm (1x) FRONT VIEW 1.5 MIN. +1.5* -0.0 +0.5 Ø 13.0 -0.2 Ø 20.2 MIN. BACK 45° Ø 55.0 ±0.5 FRONT EMBOSSED RIBS RAISED: 0.25 mm, WIDTH: 1.25 mm Ø 178.0 ±0.5 Ø 51.2 ±0.3 BACK VIEW For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: SEE DETAIL "Y" DETAIL "X" Ø 178.0 ±0.5 R5.2 ° R10.65 120 65° 12.4 45° 18.0* MAX. Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries. Data subject to change. Copyright © 2005-2012 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. AV02-3721EN - October 31, 2012 3.5 DETAIL "Y" (Slot Hole) 1.0 6 PS