AMMP-5620 6 – 20 GHz High Gain Amplifier in SMT Package Data Sheet Description Features The AMMP-5620 MMIC is a GaAs wide-band amplifier in a surface mount package designed for medium output power and high gain over the 6-20 GHz frequency range. The 3 cascaded stages provide high gain while the single bias supply offers ease of use. It is fabricated using a PHEMT integrated circuit process. The RF input and output ports have matching circuitry for use in 50-ohms environments. The MMIC is a cost effective alternative to hybrid (discrete FET) amplifiers that require complex tuning and assembly processes. • Surface Mount Package, 5.0 x 5.0 x 1.25 mm • Wide Frequency Range 6-20 GHz • High Gain: 17.5 dB Typical Pin Connections (Top View) Vd 1 2 0.1uF 4 6 5 AMMP-5620 Note: Package base: GND Applications Attention: Observe precautions for handling electrostatic sensitive devices. 3 8 7 Medium Output P1dB: 14.8 dBm Typical Input and Output Return Loss: <-10 dB Typical 50 Ohm Input and Output Match Single Supply Bias: 5V @ 95 mA Typical • General purpose, wide band amplifier in communication systems or microwave instrumentation • High Gain Amplifier 100pF RFin • • • • RFout ESD Machine Model (= 40 V) ESD Human Body Model (= 150 V) Refer to Avago Application Note A004R: Electrostatic Discharge Damage and Control Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings [1] Symbol Parameters and Test Conditions Unit Minimum Maximum Vdd Positive Drain Voltage V - 7.5 Idd Total Drain Current mA - 135 Pdc DC Power Dissipation W - 1.0 Pin RF CW Input Power dBm - 20 Tch Operating Channel Temperature °C - +150 Tstg Storage Case Temperature °C -65 +150 Tmax Maximum Assembly Temperature (20 sec max) °C - +260 Notes: 1. Operation in excess of any one of these conditions may result in permanent damage to this device. The absolute maximum ratings for Vdd, Idd, Pdc and Pin were determined at an ambient temperature of 25°C unless noted otherwise. Table 2. DC Specifications [1] Symbol Parameters and Test Conditions Unit Minimum Typical Maximum Vdd Recommended Drain Supply Voltage V - 5 - Idd Total Drain Supply Current mA 70 95 130 qch-b Thermal Resistance [2] °C/W - 28 - Notes: 1. Ambient operation temperature TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted. 2. Channel-to-board Thermal Resistance is measured using Infrared Microscopy method. Table 3. RF Specifications [2,3] (TA = 25°C, Freq = 18GHz, Vdd = 5V, Idd = 95mA) Symbol Parameters and Test Conditions Unit Minimum Typical Maximum |S21|2 Small signal Gain [1,4] dB 15.5 17.5 19.5 RLin Input Return Loss dB - 11.5 - RLout Output Return Loss dB - 11.6 - |S12|2 Reverse Isolation dB - -43.0 - P1dB Output Power at 1dB Gain Compression dBm - 14.8 - OIP3 Output 3rd Order Intercept Point dBm - 22.5 - NF Noise Figure [1,4] dB - 5.1 7.0 Notes: 1. Typical value determined from a sample size of 500 parts from 2 wafers. 2. Small/large signal data measured in a fully de-embedded test fixture at TA = 25 degree Celsius. 3. Specifications are derived from measurements in a 50 Ohm test environment. Aspects of the amplifier performance may be improved over a narrower bandwidth by application of additional conjugate, linearity, or low noise matching. 4. All tested parameters guaranteed with measurement accuracy ± 0.5 dB for NF and ± 1.0 dB for gain. AMMP-5620 Typical Performance vs. Frequency (TA = 25°C, Vdd = 5V, Idd = 95mA, Zin = Zo = 50W) 0 20 -10 8 Input RL (dB) 12 4 -30 -40 -50 -70 4 7 10 13 16 Frequency (GHz) 19 22 8 -5 7 7 10 13 16 Frequency (GHz) 19 -40 22 -25 4 3 7 10 13 16 19 0 22 4 7 10 Frequency (GHz) Figure 4. Output Return Loss Figure 5. Noise Figure 20 16 19 22 12 8 4 1 4 13 16 2 -30 10 20 OP1dB (dBm) NF (dB) -20 7 Figure 3. Input Return Loss 5 -15 4 Frequency (GHz) 6 -10 -35 4 Figure 2. Isolation 0 -20 -30 -60 Figure 1. Gain Output RL (dB) -10 -20 Isolation (dB) Gain (dB) 16 0 0 13 16 Frequency (GHz) 19 22 0 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 Frequency (GHz) Figure 6. P1dB 120 18 GHz 7 GHz 10 Pout (dBm) 115 13 GHz 110 5 105 0 100 -5 95 -10 Idd (mA) 15 90 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Pin (dBm) Figure 7. Pout and Idd vs. Pin Note: These measurements are obtained using demo board with 50 Ohm traces at input and output. Aspects of the amplifier performance may be improved over a narrower bandwidth by application of additional conjugate, linearity or low noise matching. AMMP-5620 Typical Performance vs. Supply Voltage (�TA = 25°C��������������� , Zin = Zo = 50W) 0 20 16 Vdd=5V -20 12 Isolation (dB) Gain (dB) Vdd=4V -10 8 Vdd=4V 4 Vdd=5V 4 7 10 13 16 19 -30 -40 -50 -60 Vdd=6V 0 Vdd=6V -70 22 4 7 13 16 19 22 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Figure 8. Gain and Voltage 10 Figure 9. Isolation and Voltage 0 0 -5 -10 Output RL (dB) Input RL (dB) -10 -20 Vdd=4V -30 -40 Vdd=5V 7 10 13 16 Frequency (GHz) 19 Vdd=5V Vdd=6V 4 7 10 13 16 Frequency (GHz) 19 22 Figure 11. Output Return Loss and Voltage 20 8 7 16 6 OP1dB (dBm) 5 NF (dB) Vdd=4V -25 -35 22 Figure 10. Input Return Loss and Voltage 4 3 Vdd=4V 2 Vdd=6V 4 7 10 13 16 Frequency (GHz) Figure 12. Noise Figure and Voltage 19 12 8 Vdd=4V 4 Vdd=5V 1 0 -20 -30 Vdd=6V 4 -15 0 22 Vdd=5V Vdd=6V 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 Frequency (GHz) Figure 13. P1dB and Voltage Note: These measurements are obtained using demo board with 50 Ohm traces at input and output. Aspects of the amplifier performance may be improved over a narrower bandwidth by application of additional conjugate, linearity or low noise matching. AMMP-5620 Typical Performance vs. Temperature (Vdd = 5V, Zin = Zo = 50W) 20 0 16 25 C 8 -40 C 4 7 10 13 16 19 -40 -50 -70 22 Frequency (GHz) Figure 14. Gain and Temperature 8 -5 7 7 10 13 16 Frequency (GHz) 19 22 -20 -40 C 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 3 -40 C Figure 17. Output Return Loss and Temperature 10 13 16 19 22 85 C 4 7 10 13 16 Figure 18. Noise Figure and Temperature 19 12 8 -40 C 4 25 C Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) 7 Figure 16. Input Return Loss and Temperature 4 0 4 16 1 85 C 85 C 20 2 25 C -30 25 C Frequency (GHz) 5 -15 NF (dB) Output RL (dB) 4 -40 6 -10 -25 -40 C -30 Figure 15. Isolation and Temperature 0 -35 -20 -60 85 C 4 -30 OP1dB (dBm) 0 25 C -10 85 C Input RL (dB) Isolation (dB) Gain (dB) -20 12 0 -40 C -10 22 0 25 C 85 C 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 Frequency (GHz) Figure 19. P1dB and Temperature 100 Idd (mA) 95 90 -40 C 85 80 25 C 85 C 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Vdd (V) Figure 20. Idd vs. Vdd Note: These measurements are obtained using demo board with 50 Ohm traces at input and output. Aspects of the amplifier performance may be improved over a narrower bandwidth by application of additional conjugate, linearity or low noise matching. AMMP-5620 Typical Scattering Parameters (TA = 25°C, Vdd = 4V, Idd = 92mA, Zo = 50W) Freq GHz dB S11 Mag Phase dB S21 Mag Phase dB S12 Mag Phase dB S22 Mag Phase 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 24.50 25.00 -3.392 -3.821 -4.034 -4.037 -3.883 -3.799 -4.301 -6.217 -9.881 -14.370 -18.027 -19.794 -19.593 -19.461 -20.455 -22.361 -25.900 -28.947 -27.535 -26.430 -27.432 -30.722 -23.702 -17.115 -13.132 -10.686 -9.229 -8.382 -8.197 -8.291 -8.855 -9.949 -11.496 -13.104 -12.765 -10.701 -8.835 -7.677 -7.218 -7.190 -7.614 -8.050 -7.490 -6.164 -5.293 -4.602 -4.247 0.677 0.644 0.629 0.628 0.640 0.646 0.610 0.489 0.321 0.191 0.126 0.102 0.105 0.106 0.095 0.076 0.051 0.036 0.042 0.048 0.043 0.029 0.065 0.139 0.221 0.292 0.346 0.381 0.389 0.385 0.361 0.318 0.266 0.221 0.230 0.292 0.362 0.413 0.436 0.437 0.416 0.396 0.422 0.492 0.544 0.589 0.613 53.71 -9.44 -73.08 -136.32 162.19 102.28 41.50 -19.26 -73.25 -113.37 -139.47 -160.36 170.89 130.27 84.36 34.60 -26.77 -109.35 167.11 103.17 47.93 -46.78 -149.09 157.09 114.54 75.62 38.70 2.16 -34.39 -70.91 -108.85 -150.10 162.22 103.16 36.19 -23.30 -70.75 -111.70 -150.98 168.74 124.80 73.12 7.61 -80.14 -161.93 129.44 70.63 -22.616 -16.131 -10.218 -4.886 0.492 5.728 10.597 13.987 15.547 16.018 16.297 16.684 17.170 17.430 17.536 17.575 17.641 17.694 17.784 17.978 18.185 18.275 18.489 18.693 18.841 18.570 18.197 18.245 18.109 18.239 18.433 18.445 18.647 18.818 19.126 19.268 19.077 18.685 18.366 18.081 18.370 18.942 19.537 19.515 18.527 17.199 15.285 0.074 0.156 0.308 0.570 1.058 1.934 3.387 5.004 5.989 6.323 6.529 6.827 7.219 7.439 7.530 7.564 7.622 7.668 7.749 7.924 8.114 8.199 8.403 8.603 8.751 8.482 8.126 8.170 8.044 8.164 8.349 8.360 8.558 8.727 9.043 9.192 8.992 8.595 8.285 8.018 8.289 8.854 9.481 9.457 8.440 7.243 5.811 64.56 -9.57 -76.02 -136.04 166.25 105.77 39.41 -34.08 -106.30 -171.85 129.56 74.54 19.92 -33.97 -86.25 -136.97 173.56 124.81 76.68 29.02 -18.34 -66.32 -114.29 -162.54 149.01 100.90 54.29 9.19 -34.26 -79.87 -127.21 -172.86 139.62 93.41 43.83 -5.97 -55.35 -104.03 -150.44 162.58 115.35 67.61 17.62 -42.37 -104.37 -161.50 146.41 -47.331 -45.680 -44.583 -44.013 -43.223 -42.158 -42.047 -43.876 -49.630 -61.938 -60.915 -53.979 -51.701 -50.752 -50.752 -50.173 -49.370 -48.874 -48.636 -47.744 -46.936 -46.558 -45.514 -44.883 -44.293 -44.152 -45.036 -44.583 -45.352 -44.883 -44.731 -44.152 -44.437 -44.293 -43.742 -43.876 -44.013 -44.437 -44.583 -44.437 -43.350 -41.110 -39.016 -40.537 -45.514 -49.630 -49.897 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.008 0.006 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.009 0.011 0.009 0.005 0.003 0.003 -43.40 -126.00 147.93 56.21 -31.89 -116.60 162.33 90.43 19.94 -28.72 60.78 32.98 -12.09 -49.75 -83.81 -118.89 -149.20 178.49 142.57 113.01 78.56 47.55 10.59 -28.75 -64.72 -101.95 -139.33 -175.53 158.27 123.49 85.22 54.36 15.26 -15.94 -52.34 -86.50 -120.15 -154.67 175.09 150.09 119.82 84.67 35.70 -27.89 -68.17 -81.81 -93.56 -1.731 -2.767 -4.038 -5.274 -6.640 -8.443 -10.385 -12.242 -14.244 -15.199 -15.411 -15.826 -17.735 -22.114 -32.324 -28.134 -21.927 -19.236 -18.146 -18.244 -19.576 -23.440 -31.768 -25.067 -18.223 -14.535 -12.274 -10.776 -10.114 -9.646 -9.549 -9.870 -10.885 -12.483 -14.813 -16.444 -15.901 -13.744 -11.890 -10.354 -9.077 -8.148 -7.802 -8.752 -8.847 -8.802 -8.828 0.819 0.727 0.628 0.545 0.466 0.378 0.303 0.244 0.194 0.174 0.170 0.162 0.130 0.078 0.024 0.039 0.080 0.109 0.124 0.122 0.105 0.067 0.026 0.056 0.123 0.188 0.243 0.289 0.312 0.329 0.333 0.321 0.286 0.238 0.182 0.151 0.160 0.206 0.254 0.304 0.352 0.391 0.407 0.365 0.361 0.363 0.362 131.99 77.32 25.10 -28.02 -88.45 -161.20 116.30 39.65 -14.96 -52.05 -85.59 -122.02 -162.68 152.70 96.16 -70.69 -118.97 -157.79 164.93 127.03 87.45 45.23 -33.28 -170.66 139.13 99.29 62.73 28.24 -5.12 -38.26 -72.46 -107.43 -145.36 173.22 123.98 62.33 1.77 -47.46 -85.98 -121.21 -157.12 164.79 121.56 81.87 48.30 11.43 -26.36 Note: S-parameters are obtained using demo board with 50 Ohm traces at input and output. AMMP-5620 Typical Scattering Parameters (TA = 25°C, Vdd = 5V, Idd = 95mA, Zo = 50W) Freq GHz dB S11 Mag Phase dB S21 Mag Phase dB S12 Mag Phase dB S22 Mag Phase 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 24.50 25.00 -3.407 -3.838 -4.066 -4.085 -3.957 -3.908 -4.423 -6.310 -9.984 -14.624 -18.395 -19.931 -19.576 -19.453 -20.565 -22.698 -26.651 -29.396 -27.013 -25.613 -26.021 -27.171 -21.724 -16.088 -12.432 -10.117 -8.749 -7.954 -7.789 -7.907 -8.475 -9.559 -11.044 -12.356 -11.768 -9.832 -8.223 -7.323 -7.103 -7.351 -8.112 -8.920 -8.688 -7.331 -6.166 -5.232 -4.687 0.676 0.643 0.626 0.625 0.634 0.638 0.601 0.484 0.317 0.186 0.120 0.101 0.105 0.107 0.094 0.073 0.047 0.034 0.045 0.052 0.050 0.044 0.082 0.157 0.239 0.312 0.365 0.400 0.408 0.402 0.377 0.333 0.280 0.241 0.258 0.322 0.388 0.430 0.441 0.429 0.393 0.358 0.368 0.430 0.492 0.548 0.583 53.67 -9.56 -73.27 -136.57 161.91 102.02 41.50 -19.18 -73.52 -113.60 -138.23 -158.07 172.38 130.69 83.97 32.87 -31.69 -122.59 153.65 90.79 32.22 -56.40 -145.03 159.43 115.43 75.65 38.09 0.98 -36.04 -73.32 -112.22 -154.89 155.57 94.68 28.44 -29.47 -76.66 -117.90 -157.70 161.32 116.27 62.93 -4.82 -91.21 -168.93 125.79 68.92 -23.012 -16.623 -10.798 -5.550 -0.284 4.862 9.760 13.283 14.987 15.547 15.908 16.387 16.956 17.261 17.386 17.394 17.420 17.431 17.470 17.612 17.791 17.838 17.996 18.133 18.204 17.909 17.492 17.443 17.188 17.217 17.395 17.333 17.493 17.516 17.752 17.897 17.687 17.321 16.972 16.689 16.962 11.755 17.900 17.558 16.641 15.583 13.967 0.071 0.148 0.288 0.528 0.968 1.750 3.076 4.615 5.615 5.989 6.243 6.597 7.043 7.295 7.401 7.408 7.430 7.440 7.473 7.597 7.755 7.796 7.940 8.066 8.132 7.860 7.492 7.450 7.235 7.259 7.409 7.356 7.493 7.512 7.719 7.849 7.663 7.346 7.057 6.831 7.048 7.493 7.852 7.549 6.793 6.014 4.993 64.54 -9.82 -76.79 -137.32 164.88 104.89 39.54 -33.23 -105.50 -171.58 129.38 74.06 18.71 -36.19 -89.26 -140.66 169.24 119.81 71.18 23.17 -24.60 -73.06 -121.36 -169.78 141.80 93.60 46.59 1.09 -42.76 -88.02 -135.20 179.22 131.68 85.39 36.44 -12.86 -61.51 -109.66 -155.84 157.50 110.49 62.42 12.29 -45.62 -104.51 -159.57 149.42 -47.535 -45.680 -44.883 -43.609 -42.853 -41.724 -41.724 -43.479 -48.404 -59.172 -64.437 -54.425 -52.041 -51.057 -50.458 -50.752 -49.370 -49.119 -48.874 -48.636 -47.131 -47.535 -46.196 -45.036 -44.152 -44.437 -44.883 -44.583 -45.680 -44.583 -44.293 -44.583 -44.152 -43.876 -43.609 -43.479 -43.350 -44.013 -44.013 -43.742 -42.270 -40.630 -39.332 -41.618 -46.936 -50.752 -50.173 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.008 0.008 0.007 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.011 0.008 0.005 0.003 0.003 -46.84 -127.29 147.52 59.64 -29.81 -115.15 165.10 91.89 18.63 -41.02 66.84 32.17 -13.20 -48.69 -84.50 -114.52 -149.09 179.06 145.67 112.76 80.42 48.72 12.23 -27.17 -61.69 -101.48 -137.21 -171.56 158.96 126.85 92.92 56.05 21.24 -10.75 -48.52 -82.80 -114.34 -149.87 -179.43 149.78 117.97 78.99 28.16 -33.37 -69.14 -80.08 -80.98 -1.719 -2.711 -3.953 -5.188 -6.479 -7.935 -9.211 -10.354 -11.849 -12.872 -13.453 -14.071 -15.682 -18.592 -21.884 -20.640 -17.931 -16.060 -15.114 -15.021 -15.756 -17.835 -21.745 -32.616 -24.898 -18.216 -14.765 -12.560 -11.415 -10.580 -10.215 -10.303 -11.128 -12.616 -15.055 -17.897 -18.644 -16.205 -13.601 -11.483 -9.911 -8.913 -8.709 -9.335 -8.981 -8.742 -8.547 0.820 0.732 0.634 0.550 0.474 0.401 0.346 0.304 0.256 0.227 0.213 0.198 0.164 0.118 0.081 0.093 0.127 0.157 0.176 0.177 0.163 0.128 0.082 0.023 0.057 0.123 0.183 0.236 0.269 0.296 0.309 0.305 0.278 0.234 0.177 0.127 0.117 0.155 0.209 0.267 0.320 0.358 0.367 0.341 0.356 0.366 0.374 131.87 76.91 23.89 -30.29 -91.93 -165.83 112.05 36.78 -19.81 -61.58 -98.68 -138.00 176.27 120.56 49.32 -34.05 -91.80 -138.08 -179.35 140.77 101.16 62.47 19.12 -58.58 155.40 109.09 72.08 37.77 5.30 -27.45 -61.15 -95.10 -130.85 -168.75 148.38 92.99 28.34 -29.59 -72.00 -109.23 -146.85 174.20 131.96 95.47 61.41 24.42 -13.10 Note: S-parameters are obtained using demo board with 50 Ohm traces at input and output. AMMP-5620 Typical Scattering Parameters (TA = 25°C, Vdd = 6V, Idd = 99mA, Zo = 50W) Freq GHz dB S11 Mag Phase dB S21 Mag Phase dB S12 Mag Phase dB S22 Mag Phase 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 24.50 25.00 -3.416 -3.851 -4.094 -4.126 -4.016 -3.999 -4.535 -6.419 -10.097 -14.827 -18.688 -20.044 -19.601 -19.510 -20.762 -23.173 -27.660 -29.843 -26.521 -24.867 -24.852 -24.867 -20.131 -15.179 -11.822 -9.672 -8.379 -7.641 -7.504 -7.656 -8.239 -9.332 -10.773 -11.879 -11.132 -9.289 -7.836 -7.078 -6.998 -7.416 -8.363 -9.391 -9.304 -7.872 -6.558 -5.546 -4.939 0.675 0.642 0.624 0.622 0.630 0.631 0.593 0.478 0.313 0.181 0.116 0.100 0.105 0.106 0.092 0.069 0.041 0.032 0.047 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.099 0.174 0.256 0.328 0.381 0.415 0.422 0.414 0.387 0.342 0.289 0.255 0.278 0.343 0.406 0.443 0.447 0.426 0.382 0.339 0.343 0.404 0.470 0.528 0.566 53.66 -9.62 -73.39 -136.79 161.59 101.74 41.39 -19.13 -73.67 -113.73 -137.28 -156.35 173.55 131.02 83.56 31.58 -36.67 -136.34 141.48 80.58 20.29 -63.84 -144.42 159.95 115.28 74.94 37.04 -0.43 -37.75 -75.55 -115.08 -158.72 150.47 88.51 22.99 -33.82 -80.69 -122.07 -162.32 156.08 109.87 54.50 15.31 -100.07 -174.74 122.43 67.01 -23.295 -17.047 -11.275 -6.106 -0.927 4.127 9.012 12.588 14.381 15.013 15.433 15.981 16.608 16.943 17.083 17.068 17.060 17.035 17.029 17.137 17.281 17.287 17.399 17.480 17.483 17.173 16.722 16.599 16.261 16.216 16.385 16.268 16.398 16.310 16.495 16.645 16.432 16.097 15.726 15.444 15.704 16.211 16.483 15.909 14.992 14.052 12.600 0.068 0.140 0.273 0.495 0.899 1.608 2.822 4.260 5.237 5.632 5.911 6.295 6.767 7.033 7.147 7.135 7.129 7.108 7.103 7.192 7.313 7.317 7.412 7.482 7.484 7.222 6.857 6.760 6.502 6.468 6.596 6.507 6.605 6.539 6.680 6.796 6.631 6.380 6.114 5.919 6.099 6.465 6.670 6.243 5.618 5.042 4.266 64.59 -10.40 -77.86 -138.83 163.06 103.24 38.51 -33.69 -105.87 -172.25 128.40 72.88 16.96 -38.71 -92.36 -144.29 165.08 115.14 66.07 17.81 -30.36 -79.21 -127.72 -176.25 135.39 87.09 39.86 -5.93 -50.07 -95.08 -142.16 172.29 124.73 78.43 29.89 -19.03 -67.23 -114.99 -161.08 152.40 105.40 57.04 6.64 -50.00 -107.02 -160.62 149.39 -47.131 -45.849 -44.731 -44.152 -42.615 -41.724 -41.412 -43.098 -47.959 -57.721 -64.437 -55.391 -53.152 -51.373 -51.057 -51.057 -50.458 -49.897 -49.119 -48.404 -47.535 -47.744 -45.849 -45.036 -44.583 -44.583 -44.883 -44.883 -45.514 -44.731 -44.293 -44.293 -44.013 -44.013 -43.609 -43.479 -43.223 -43.876 -43.876 -42.853 -42.158 -40.724 -39.576 -42.499 -47.744 -51.057 -50.458 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.007 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.011 0.008 0.004 0.003 0.003 -44.87 -125.03 150.46 59.41 -28.22 -113.46 165.26 92.29 21.78 -35.16 42.77 34.32 -14.23 -48.50 -87.09 -118.15 -151.04 179.35 147.01 116.50 80.62 51.23 15.67 -21.21 -64.33 -98.24 -135.72 -170.92 160.43 129.01 94.65 58.22 22.77 -11.16 -45.88 -82.45 -114.76 -149.02 -179.37 151.62 117.02 76.50 24.33 -35.37 -67.10 -70.24 -80.53 -1.710 -2.675 -3.894 -5.119 -6.355 -7.614 -8.536 -9.332 -10.536 -11.483 -12.111 -12.732 -14.032 -16.060 -17.924 -17.228 -15.509 -14.089 -13.287 -13.167 -13.689 -15.154 -17.768 -23.388 -31.150 -21.971 -16.887 -13.897 -12.238 -11.032 -10.429 -10.305 -10.912 -12.146 -14.226 -17.109 -18.985 -17.393 -14.462 -12.003 -10.249 -9.213 -9.030 -9.254 -8.685 -8.372 -8.094 0.821 0.735 0.639 0.555 0.481 0.416 0.374 0.342 0.297 0.267 0.248 0.231 0.199 0.157 0.127 0.138 0.168 0.198 0.217 0.220 0.207 0.175 0.129 0.068 0.028 0.080 0.143 0.202 0.244 0.281 0.301 0.305 0.285 0.247 0.194 0.140 0.112 0.135 0.189 0.251 0.307 0.346 0.354 0.345 0.368 0.381 0.394 131.81 76.65 23.09 -31.79 -94.22 -168.71 109.84 35.77 -21.31 -65.12 -104.28 -145.31 167.20 110.46 44.58 -26.23 -82.70 -130.16 -172.78 146.51 106.47 67.50 25.89 -21.43 -141.86 126.31 83.97 48.18 15.40 -17.95 -51.84 -85.61 -120.38 -156.35 164.49 116.97 56.33 -8.93 -57.64 -98.38 -137.92 -177.68 140.91 105.41 69.77 32.18 -5.43 Note: S-parameters are obtained using demo board with 50 Ohm traces at input and output. Biasing and Operation Recommended SMT Attachment The AMMP-5620 only requires a single positive supply connected to the Vd pin (2). The recommended supply voltage is 5V. The supply should be bypassed with a 0.1uF capacitor placed as close to the component as possible. The package base is the RF and DC ground connection. The biasing arrangement is shown in Figure 21. The AMMP Packaged Devices are compatible with high volume Figure 22 shows a simplifies schematic for the amplifier die. All three stages are self-biased as shown. Each stage has feedback around it to control the gain, match and performance, resulting in excellent wideband performance. Also shown are the on-chip DC blocking capacitors for both the RFin and RFout pins. surface mount PCB assembly processes. The PCB material and mounting pattern, as defined in the data sheet, optimizes RF performance and is strongly recommended. An electronic drawing of the land pattern is available upon request from Agilent Sales & Application Engineering. Please refer to the Absolute Maximum Ratings table for allowed DC and thermal conditions. Figure 23. Demonstration Board (available upon request). Figure 21. Typical Application. Figure 22. Simplified MMIC Schematics. Manual Assembly 1. Follow ESD precautions while handling packages. 2. Handling should be along the edges with tweezers. 3. Recommended attachment is conductive solder paste. Please see recommended solder reflow profile. Conductive epoxy is not recommended. Hand soldering is not recommended. 4. Apply solder paste using a stencil printer or dot placement. The volume of solder paste will be dependent on PCB and component layout and should be controlled to ensure consistent mechanical and electrical performance. 5. Follow solder paste and vendor’s recommendations when developing a solder reflow profile. A standard profile will have a steady ramp up from room temperature to the pre-heat temperature to avoid damage due to thermal shock. 6. Packages have been qualified to withstand a peak temperature of 260°C for 20 seconds. Verify that the profile will not expose device beyond these limits. Outline Drawing 0.114 (2.90) 0.011 (0.28) 0.018 (0.46) 1 2 3 3 2 0.014 (0.365) 1 * A 8 AMMP XXXX YWWDNN 0.126 (3.2) 4 8 4 0.059 (1.5) 0.016 (0.40) 0.100 (2.54) 0.012 (0.30) 0.029 (0.75) 7 SYMBOL A B 6 5 5 A B FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW MIN. 0.198 (5.03) 0.0685 (1.74) MAX. 0.213 (5.4) 0.088 (2.25) DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MM) NOTES: 1. * INDICATES PIN 1 2. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS) 3. ALL GROUNDS MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB RF GROUND Figure 24.Outline Drawing. 10 6 7 0.016 (0.40) 0.028 (0.70) 0.100 (2.54) 0.93 (2.36) BACK VIEW DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCE FOR BACK VIEW: 0.002" (0.05 mm) Stencil Design Guidelines A properly designed solder screen or stencil is required to ensure optimum amount of solder paste is deposited onto the PCB pads. The recommended stencil layout is shown in Figure 26. The stencil has a solder paste deposition opening approximately 70% to 90% of the PCB pad. Reducing stencil opening can potentially generate more voids underneath. On the other hand, stencil openings larger than 100% will lead to excessive solder paste smear or bridging across the I/O pads. Considering the fact that solder paste thickness will directly affect the quality of the solder joint, a good choice is to use a laser cut stencil composed of 0.127 mm (5 mils) thick stainless steel which is capable of producing the required fine stencil outline. The combined PCB and stencil layout is shown in Figure 27. Figure 25. Suggested PCB Land Pattern and Stencil Layout Figure 26. Stencil Outline Drawing (mm) 11 Figure 27. Combined PCB and Stencil Layout Carrier Tape and Pocket Dimensions 4.00 ± 0.10 SEE NOTE #2 ∅1.55 ± 0.05 2.00 ± 0.05 B R 0.50 TYP. Ao 1.75 ± 0.10 5.50 ± 0.05 12.00 ± 0.10 Bo A Ko Bo A B 8.00 ± 0.10 SECTION B-B ∅1.50 (MIN.) Ko Ao Ao: Bo: Ko: PITCH: WIDTH: 0.30 ± 0.05 SECTION A-A 5.30 5.30 2.20 8.00 12.00 Ao Bo Ko 5.20 5.20 2.10 NOM. 5.30 5.30 2.20 MAX. 5.40 5.40 2.30 MIN. NOTES: 1. Ao AND Bo MEASURED AT 0.3 mm ABOVE BASE OF POCKET. 2. 10 PITCHES CUMULATIVE TOLERANCE IS ± 0.2 mm. 3. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (mm). Device Orientation (Top View) 4 mm 12 mm AMMP XXXX AMMP XXXX AMMP XXXX Part Number Ordering Information Part Number Devices per Container Container AMMP-5620-BLKG 10 Antistatic Bag AMMP-5620-TR1G 100 7” Reel AMMP-5620-TR2G 500 7” Reel For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies, Limited in the United States and other countries. Data subject to change. Copyright © 2007 Avago Technologies Limited. All rights reserved. Obsoletes AV01-0585EN AV02-0513EN - June 14, 2007