MX69GL126F Industrial Temperature, 3 Volt, MCP Products Parallel NOR Flash + Pseudo Static RAM (pSRAM) 128Mb Page Mode Flash Memory (8M x 16Bit) and 32Mb pSRAM (2M x 16Bit) MX69GL126F (Uniform Sector) P/N:PM2233 REV. 1.0, JUL. 21, 2015 1 MX69GL126F MCP FEATURES • Supply Voltage of 2.7 to 3.6 Voltage • Package - 7x9x1.2mm 56 Ball FBGA • Speed - Flash: • Operating Temperature Range - 128Mb: 90ns - pSRAM: 70ns - Industrial, -40°C to +85°C Flash Memory General Features • Sector architecture - MX69GL126F uniform sector, Lowest Address Sector Protected (Protection when WP#=VIL): 128 x 64Kword(128KB) • 16-byte/8-word page read buffer • 64-byte/32-word write buffer • Extra 128-word sector for security - Feature factory locked and identifiable, and customer lockable • Advanced sector protection function (Solid and Password Protect) • Latch-up protected to 100mA from -1V to 1.5xVcc • Low Vcc write inhibit: Vcc ≤ VLKO • Compatible with JEDEC standard - Pinout and software compatible to single power supply Flash • Deep power down mode Pseudo SRAM General Features • • • • • • • Organization: 2M x 16 Power Supply Voltage: 2.7~3.6V Separated I/O power(VccQ) & Core power(Vcc) Three state output Byte read/write control by UB#/LB# Auto-TCSR for power saving 8 page mode & DPD Product Description The MX69GL126F product series combine MX29GL128F with pSRAM in a Multi-Chip package. For detailed specifications, please refer to the individual datasheet for MX29GL128F Flash and pSRAM. P/N:PM2233 REV. 1.0, JUL. 21, 2015 2 MX69GL126F Ordering Information Device MX69GL126FEXGI-90G Flash Density Flash Access Time pSRAM Density pSRAM Access Time Package type Industrial Grade 128Mb 90 32Mb 70 7x9 56FBGA V P/N:PM2233 REV. 1.0, JUL. 21, 2015 3 MX69GL126F BLOCK DIAGRAM VCCf VCC CE1#f WP#/ACC RST#f Flash Flash-only Address Shared Address OE# WE# VSS RY/BY# Q 15 to Q 0 VCCS VCC pSRAM IO15-IO0 CE1#s CE# UB# UB# LB# LB# CE2s ZZ# P/N:PM2233 REV. 1.0, JUL. 21, 2015 4 MX69GL126F PIN CONFIGURATIONS 56-ball Fine-Pitch Ball Grid Array (Top view through package) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A7 LB# WP#/ACC WE# A8 A11 A3 A6 UB# RST#f CE2s A19 A12 A15 A2 A5 A18 RY/BY# A20 A9 A13 A21 A1 A4 A17 A10 A14 A22 A0 VSS Q1 Q6 RFU A16 CE1#f OE# Q9 Q3 Q4 Q13 Q15 RFU CE1#s Q0 Q10 VCCf VCCs Q12 Q7 VSS Q8 Q2 Q11 RFU Q5 Q14 A B C D E F G H Flash only pSRAM only Reserved for Future Use Notes: 1. The addess shared by MCP combination as show in the table below: MCP MX69GL126FE Flash-only Addresses Shared Addresses A22, A21 A20~A0 P/N:PM2233 REV. 1.0, JUL. 21, 2015 5 MX69GL126F PIN DESCRIPTION SYMBOL A22~A0 Q15~Q0 CE1#f CE1#s CE2s OE# WE# RY/BY# UB# LB# RST#f WP#/ACC VCCf VCCs VSS RFU DESCRIPTION 23 Address Inputs for Flash 128Mb (A20~A0 are shared with pSRAM) 16 Data Inputs/Outputs (Common) Chip Enable Input 1 (Flash) Chip Enable Input 1 (pSRAM) Chip Enable Input 2 (pSRAM) Output Enable Input (Common) Write Enable Input (Common) Ready/Busy Output (Flash 1) Upper Byte Control (pSRAM) Lower Byte Control (pSRAM) Hardware Reset Pin, Active Low (Flash) Hardware Write Protect/Acceleration Pin (Flash) Flash 3.0 volt-only single power supply pSRAM Power Supply Device Ground (Common) Reserved for Future Use P/N:PM2233 REV. 1.0, JUL. 21, 2015 6 MX69GL126F PART NAME DESCRIPTION MX 69GL 126 F E XG I 90 G OPTION: G: RoHS Compliant SPEED: 90: 90ns TEMPERATURE RANGE: I: Industrial (-40°C to +85°C) PACKAGE: XG: FBGA with 0.4Ball Size, 0.8Ball-Pitch, 1.2mm Total High pSRAM E: pSRAM REVISION: F Flash DENSITY & MODE: 126: 128Mb, uniform sector, Lowest Address Sector Protected (Protection when WP#=VIL), MCP package: 7x9mm, 56Ball-FBGA DEVICE: 69GL: Multi-Chip Package 3.0Volt Page Mode Flash Memory and pSRAM P/N:PM2233 REV. 1.0, JUL. 21, 2015 7 MX69GL126F PACKAGE INFORMATION P/N:PM2233 REV. 1.0, JUL. 21, 2015 8 MX69GL126F REVISION HISTORY Revision No. Description 1.0 1. Removed "Advanced Information" to align with the product status P/N:PM2233 Page All Date JUL/21/2015 REV. 1.0, JUL. 21, 2015 9 MX69GL126F Except for customized products which have been expressly identified in the applicable agreement, Macronix's products are designed, developed, and/or manufactured for ordinary business, industrial, personal, and/or household applications only, and not for use in any applications which may, directly or indirectly, cause death, personal injury, or severe property damages. In the event Macronix products are used in contradicted to their target usage above, the buyer shall take any and all actions to ensure said Macronix's product qualified for its actual use in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations; and Macronix as well as it’s suppliers and/or distributors shall be released from any and all liability arisen therefrom. Copyright© Macronix International Co., Ltd. 2015. All rights reserved, including the trademarks and tradename thereof, such as Macronix, MXIC, MXIC Logo, MX Logo, Integrated Solutions Provider, NBit, Nbit, NBiit, Macronix NBit, eLiteFlash, HybridNVM, HybridFlash, XtraROM, Phines, KH Logo, BE-SONOS, KSMC, Kingtech, MXSMIO, Macronix vEE, Macronix MAP, Rich Audio, Rich Book, Rich TV, and FitCAM. The names and brands of third party referred thereto (if any) are for identification purposes only. For the contact and order information, please visit Macronix’s Web site at: MACRONIX INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. reserves the right to change product and specifications without notice. 10