MX69N-E MX69N MCPs Multiplexed, 1.8V Burst-mode 64 Megabit (Data Sheet) Key Features • Combine MX29NS-E with pSRAM • 56-ball TFBGA Package (6.2x7.7mm) P/N:PM1648 REV. 1.5, MAY 19, 2015 1 MX69N-E MCP FEATURES • Power supply voltage of 1.7V to 1.95V • Operating Temperature Range • Burst Read: 108 MHz - Wireless, -25°C to +85°C - Industial, -40°C to +85°C • Package - MCP BGA: 0.5mm ball pitch - 6.2 x 7.7mm, 56 ball Product Description This MX69N-E product series combine MX29NS-E with pSRAM in a Multi-Chip package. For detailed specifications, please refer to the individual datasheet. P/N:PM1648 REV. 1.5, MAY 19, 2015 2 MX69N-E Product Selection Guide Device Flash Density Flash Speed pSRAM Speed Package Type MX69N64E32AXJW 64Mb 108MHz 108MHz 6.2x7.7 56-TFBGA MX69N64E32AXJI 64Mb 108MHz 108MHz 6.2x7.7 56-TFBGA P/N:PM1648 REV. 1.5, MAY 19, 2015 3 MX69N-E BLOCK DIAGRAM F-RST# RST# F-ACC F-WP# F- CE # OE# WE# AVD # CLK ACC WP# CE# OE# WE# AVD # CLK Amax- A16 NS RDY AD15-AD0 RDY/ WAIT AD15-AD0 Amax- A16 R-CE # OE# WE# AVD # CLK CE # R-CRE R-UB# R-LB # CRE UB# LB# pSRAM WAIT AD15-AD0 Amax-A16 P/N:PM1648 REV. 1.5, MAY 19, 2015 4 MX69N-E PIN CONFIGURATIONS pSRAM Based Pinout, 56-Ball, VFBGA (Top View, Balls Facing Down) Legend A1 A14 NC NC C3 C4 C7 C8 C11 C12 NC NC R- LB# R- UB# NC NC D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 F-RDY/ R-WAIT A21 VSS CLK VCC WE# F-ACC A19 A17 NC E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 VI/O A16 A20 AVD# NC F-RST# F-WP# A18 F-CE# VSSQ F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 VSS A/Q7 A/Q6 A/Q13 A/Q12 A/Q3 A/Q2 A/Q9 A/Q8 OE# G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 A/Q15 A/Q14 VSSQ A/Q5 A/Q4 A/Q11 A/Q10 VI/O A/Q1 A/Q0 H3 H4 H7 H8 H11 H12 NC NC R-CE# NC NC R-CRE No Connect (Distance between outer NC balls is 2x pitch) Flash/RAM Shared Only Flash Only RAM Only K1 K14 NC NC Notes 1. Addresses are shared between Flash and RAM depending on the density of the pSRAM. MCP Flash-only Addresses Shared Addresses Shared AQ Pins MX69N64E32 A21 A20~A16 AQ15-AQ0 P/N:PM1648 REV. 1.5, MAY 19, 2015 5 MX69N-E PIN DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Amax-A16 A/Q15~A/Q0 OE# WE# VCC VI/O VSS VSSQ NC RDY CLK AVD# F-RBST# F-WP# F-ACC R-CE# F-CE# R-CRE R-UB# R-LB# DESCRIPTION Address Inputs Multiplexed Data Inputs/Outputs Output Enable Input Write Enable Input Device Power Supply (1.70V~1.95V) Input/Output Power Supply (1.70V~1.95V) Device Ground Input/Output Ground No Connection Ready output, the status of the Burst Read Refer to configuration register table Clock Address Valid Data input. Hardware Reset Pin, Active Low Hardware Write Protect Programming Acceleration Input Chip-enable input for pSRAM. Chip-enable input for Flash. Asynchronous relative to CLK for Burst Mode. Control Register Enable (pSRAM). Upper Byte Control (pSRAM). Lower Byte Control (pSRAM). P/N:PM1648 Flash V V V V V V V V V V RAM V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V REV. 1.5, MAY 19, 2015 6 MX69N-E PART NAME DESCRIPTION MX 69N 64 E 32 A XJ W TEMPERATURE RANGE: W: Wireless (-25°C to 85°C) I: Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) PACKAGE: XJ: TFBGA with 56-ball (6.2x7.7mm) pSRAM Vendor pSRAM DENSITY : 32: 32Mb REVISION: E Flash DENSITY : 64: 64Mb DEVICE: 69N : Multi-Chip Product (MCP) 1.8Volt AD-Mux Burst Mode Flash Memory and RAM P/N:PM1648 REV. 1.5, MAY 19, 2015 7 MX69N-E PACKAGE INFORMATION P/N:PM1648 REV. 1.5, MAY 19, 2015 8 MX69N-E REVISION HISTORY Revision No. Description 0.01 1. Added MX69N28E64AXJW & MX69N28E64FXJW 2. Modified table-PIN DESCRIPTION Page P3,5,7 P6 Date JAN/18/2011 1.0 1. Removed Advanced Information P2 MAY/30/2011 1.1 1. Modified Product Selection Guide P3 MAY/10/2012 1.2 1. Removed 128Mb All JUL/22/2013 1.3 1. Modified Pin Configuration P5 JUL/04/2014 1.4 1. Removed MX69N64E32BXJW 2. Updated speed from 104MHz to 108MHz P3 P2,3 MAR/20/2015 1.5 1. Removed a key feature: Wireless Grade 2. Added another temperature range: Industial, -40°C to +85°C 3. Added a new Part No. MX69N64E32AXJI P1 P2,7 P3 MAY/19/2015 P/N:PM1648 REV. 1.5, MAY 19, 2015 9 MX69N-E Except for customized products which has been expressly identified in the applicable agreement, Macronix's products are designed, developed, and/or manufactured for ordinary business, industrial, personal, and/or household applications only, and not for use in any applications which may, directly or indirectly, cause death, personal injury, or severe property damages. In the event Macronix products are used in contradicted to their target usage above, the buyer shall take any and all actions to ensure said Macronix's product qualified for its actual use in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations; and Macronix as well as it’s suppliers and/or distributors shall be released from any and all liability arisen therefrom. Copyright© Macronix International Co., Ltd. 2010~2015. All rights reserved, including the trademarks and tradename thereof, such as Macronix, MXIC, MXIC Logo, MX Logo, Integrated Solutions Provider, NBit, Nbit, NBiit, Macronix NBit, eLiteFlash, HybridNVM, HybridFlash, XtraROM, Phines, KH Logo, BE-SONOS, KSMC, Kingtech, MXSMIO, Macronix vEE, Macronix MAP, Rich Audio, Rich Book, Rich TV, and FitCAM. The names and brands of third party referred thereto (if any) are for identification purposes only. For the contact and order information, please visit Macronix’s Web site at: MACRONIX INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. reserves the right to change product and specifications without notice. 10