DTAM065B SERIES Up to 65 Watts AC/DC Switching Adapter Single Output Rev A FEATURES • RoHS Compliant • • DOE Level VI Efficiency • Requirements (Except 5V Models) • Wide Input Voltage Range of 90• 264VAC • 2-Prong IEC320-C8 AC Inlet, Class II • Medical 60601-1 3rd Edition MOPP Approval High Efficiency of >88% Short Circuit, Over Load, Over Voltage, and Over Temperature Protection UL60601-1 3rd Edition, CSAC22.2 No.60601-1 3rd Edition, EN60601-1 3rd Edition, and IEC EN60601-1 3rd Edition Safety Approvals DESCRIPTION The DTAM065B series of AC DC desktop switching adapters provides up to 65 watts of output power. This series consists of single output models with output voltages ranging from 5V to 48V and wide input voltage range of 90-264VAC. Models above 5V are Efficiency Level VI compliant and all models in the series are RoHS compliant. The DTAM065B series has protection against short circuit, over load, over voltage, and over temperature conditions as well as a high efficiency greater than 88%. Each model has medical 60601-1 MOPP, UL60601-1, CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-1, EN60601-1, and IEC EN60601-1 3rd edition safety approvals. Size: 4.17in x 2.36in x 1.22in (106mm x 60mm x 31mm) MODEL SELECTION TABLE Model Number Input Voltage Range Output Voltage Output Current Ripple & Noise(1) Output Regulation 90-264VAC 5V 12V 15V 19V 24V 28V 48V 8A 5A 4A 3.42A 2.7A 2.32A 1.35A 50mV 120mV 150mV 190mV 240mV 280mV 480mV ±5% ±5% ±5% ±5% ±5% ±5% ±5% DTAM040B-1Y050 DTAM060B-1Y120 DTAM060B-1Y150 DTAM065B-1Y190 DTAM065B-1Y240 DTAM065B-1Y280 DTAM065B-1Y480 Output Power Efficiency Level 40W 60W 60W 65W 65W 65W 65W V VI VI VI VI VI VI SPECIFICATIONS All specifications are based on 25°C, Nominal Input Voltage, and Maximum Output Current unless otherwise noted. We reserve the right to change specifications based on technological advances. SPECIFICATION TEST CONDITIONS INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Input Voltage Range Input Frequency Input Current (rms) OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Output Voltage Output Regulation Output Power Output Current Ripple & Noise (Vp-p) Hold-Up Time PROTECTION Short Circuit Protection Over Load Protection Over Voltage Protection Over Temperature Protection Typ 90 47 Peak @115VAC cold start @25ºC Peak @230VAC cold start @25ºC @90VAC @264VAC max. Inrush Current 2/5/2016 Min Max Unit 264 63 50 100 VAC Hz 2 1 A A See Table -5 @Full Load, 115VAC +5 See Table See Table See Table >10 % ms Auto-Recovery Auto-Recovery Shutdown and Latch off, AC Recycle Shutdown and Latch off, AC Recycle (Optional) Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 1 of 3 DTAM065B SERIES Up to 65 Watts AC/DC Switching Adapter Single Output Rev A SPECIFICATIONS All specifications are based on 25°C, Nominal Input Voltage, and Maximum Output Current unless otherwise noted. We reserve the right to change specifications based on technological advances. SPECIFICATION TEST CONDITIONS ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Derate linearly 2.5% per ºC from 41 to 60ºC Storage Temperature Humidity MTBF @Full Load GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Efficiency @Average Load, 115/230VAC (Except 5V Model) PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Weight Dimensions (L x W x H) Min Typ 0 -10 0 100,000 Max Unit 60 70 90 ºC ºC % Hours 88 % 8.47oz (240g) 4.17in x 2.36in x 1.22in (106mm x 60mm x 31mm) SAFETY & EMC CHARACTERISTICS UL60601-1 3rd Edition CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-1 3rd Edition EN60601-1 3rd Edition IEC EN60601-1 3rd Edition EN60601-1-2 FCC Part 18 EN55011 CE Safety Standards EMC Standards Class B Class B NOTES (1) Ripple & Noise are measured at oscilloscope 20MHz bandwidth by a 10uF electrolytic capacitor and a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor in parallel at output connector. MECHANICAL DRAWINGS Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2/5/2016 AC Inlet: IEC320-C8 Plastic Case Color: Black Tolerance: ±0.5mm Unit: mm Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 2 of 3 Rev A DTAM065B SERIES Up to 65 Watts AC/DC Switching Adapter Single Output Standard Output Cable 1. AWM 1185 #18 AWG/1C + SHIELDING, UL 80ºC 300V VW-1, 1000mm. 2. AWM 2464 #18/20 AWG/4C + SHIELDING, UL 80ºC 300V VW-1, 1000mm. 3. Depends on customer’s requirements. COMPANY INFORMATION Wall Industries, Inc. has created custom and modified units for over 50 years. Our in-house research and development engineers will provide a solution that exceeds your performance requirements on-time and on budget. Our ISO9001-2008 certification is just one example of our commitment to producing a high quality, well-documented product for our customers. Our past projects demonstrate our commitment to you, our customer. Wall Industries, Inc. has a reputation for working closely with its customers to ensure each solution meets or exceeds form, fit and function requirements. We will continue to provide ongoing support for your project above and beyond the design and production phases. Give us a call today to discuss your future projects. Contact Wall Industries for further information: Phone: Toll Free: Fax: E-mail: Web: Address: 2/5/2016 (603)778-2300 (888)597-9255 (603)778-9797 sales@wallindustries.com www.wallindustries.com 37 Industrial Drive Exeter, NH 03833 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: www.wallindustries.com • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com Page 3 of 3