IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES 2.5V PHASE LOCKED LOOP DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER IDTCSPT857/A DESCRIPTION: FEATURES: The CSPT857 is a PLL based clock driver that acts as a zero delay buffer to distribute one differential clock input pair(CLK, CLK ) to 10 differential output pairs (Y [0:9], Y [0:9]) and one differential pair of feedback clock output (FBOUT, FBOUT). External feedback pins (FBIN, FBIN) for synchronization of the outputs to the input reference is provided. A CMOS Enable/Disable pin is available for low power disable. When the output frequency falls below approximately 20MHz, the device will enter power down mode. In this mode, the receivers are disabled, the PLL is turned off, and the output clock drivers are tristated, resulting in a current consumption device of less than 200µA. The CSPT857 requires no external components and has been optimised for very low I/O phase error, skew, and jitter, while maintaining frequency and duty cycle over the operating voltage and temperature range. The CSPT857, designed for use in both module assemblies and system motherboard based solutions, provides an optimum high-performance clock source. The CSPT857 is only available in Industrial Temperature Range (-40°C to +85°C), and CSPT857A is only available in Commercial Temperature Range (0°C to +70°C). See Ordering Information for details. • Optimized for clock distribution in DDR (Double Data Rate) SDRAM applications • Operating frequency: 60MHz to 200MHz • Standard speed: PC1600 (DDR200), PC2100 (DDR266) • A speed: PC1600 (DDR200), PC2100 (DDR266), PC2700 (DDR333) • 1 to 10 differential clock distribution • Very low skew (<100ps) • Very low jitter (<75ps) • 2.5V AVDD and 2.5V VDDQ • CMOS control signal input • Test mode enables buffers while disabling PLL • Low current power-down mode • Tolerant of Spread Spectrum input clock • Available in 48-pin TSSOP and 56-pin VFBGA packages FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM PWRDWN 37/E6 AVDD 16/G2 TEST MODE LOGIC 3/A1 Y0 2/A2 Y0 5/B2 6/B1 10/D1 Y1 Y1 Y2 9/D2 Y2 20/J2 Y3 19/J1 Y3 22/K1 Y4 23/K2 CLK CLK Y5 14/F2 47/A5 PLL FBIN 36/F6 FBIN 35/F5 Y4 46/A6 13/F1 44/B5 43/B6 39/D6 40/D5 29/J5 30/J6 27/K6 26/K5 32/H6 33/H5 The IDT logo is a registered trademark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES Y5 Y6 Y6 Y7 Y7 Y8 Y8 Y9 Y9 FBOUT FBOUT OCTOBER 2002 1 c 2002 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. DSC-5172/8 IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES PIN CONFIGURATIONS 6 Y5 Y6 GND Y7 PWR DWN 5 Y5 Y6 GND Y7 VDDQ FBIN FBOUT GND FBIN VDDQ FBOUT Y8 Y9 Y8 Y9 4 GND VDDQ NC NC NC NC VDDQ GND 3 GND VDDQ NC NC NC NC VDDQ GND 2 Y0 Y1 GND Y2 VDDQ CLK AVDD GND Y3 Y4 1 Y0 Y1 GND Y2 VDDQ CLK VDDQ AGND Y3 Y4 A B C D E F J K H G VFBGA TOP VIEW 56 BALL VFBGA PACKAGE LAYOUT 0.65mm 6 5 TOP VIEW 4 3 2 1 A B C D E F G H J K A B C D E F G H J K 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES PIN CONFIGURATION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) Symbol Rating VDDQ, AVDD Supply Voltage Range Max VI(2) VO(2) Unit –0.5 to +3.6 V Input Voltage Range Voltage range applied to any –0.5 to VDDQ + 0.5 –0.5 to VDDQ + 0.5 V V GND 1 48 GND Y0 2 47 Y5 Y0 3 46 Y5 IIK output in the high or low state Input Clamp Current –50 mA VDDQ 4 45 VDDQ Y1 5 44 Y6 (VI <0) IOK Output Clamp Current ±50 mA Y1 6 43 Y6 GND 7 42 GND ±50 mA GND 8 41 GND Y2 9 40 Y7 Y2 10 39 Y7 ±100 – 65 to +150 mA °C VDDQ 11 38 VDDQ VDDQ 12 37 PWRDWN CLK 13 36 FBIN CLK 14 35 FBIN VDDQ 15 34 VDDQ AVDD 16 33 FBOUT AGND 17 32 FBOUT GND 18 31 GND Y3 19 30 Y8 Parameter Description Min. Typ. Max. Unit CIN Input Capacitance 2.5 — 3.5 pF -0.25 — 0.25 pF — 14 — pF Y3 20 29 Y8 VDDQ 21 28 VDDQ Y4 22 27 Y9 Y4 23 26 Y9 GND 24 25 (VO <0 or VO > VDDQ) Continuous Output Current IO (VO =0 to VDDQ) VDDQ or GND TSTG Continuous Current Storage Temperature Range NOTES: 1. Stresses greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. 2. The input and output negative-voltage ratings may be exceeded if the input and output clamp-current ratings are observed. 3. The maximum package power dissipation is calculated using a junction temperature of 150°C and a board trace length of 750 mils. CAPACITANCE(1) VI = VDDQ or GND CI(∆) Delta Input Capacitance VI = VDDQ or GND CL Load Capacitance NOTE: 1. Unused inputs must be held high or low to prevent them from floating. GND TSSOP TOP VIEW RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS CSPT857 Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. CSPT857A Max. Min. Typ. Max. Unit AVDD Supply Voltage VDDQ VDDQ – 0.12 VDDQ 2.7 V VDDQ I/O Supply Voltage 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.3 2.5 2.7 V Operating Free-Air Temperature -40 +85 0 +70 °C TA 3 IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES PIN DESCRIPTION (TSSOP) Pin Name Pin Number AGND 17 Description Ground for 2.5V analog supply AVDD 16 CLK, CLK 13, 14 Differential clock input 2.5V analog supply FBIN, FBIN 35, 36 Feedback differential clock input FBOUT, FBOUT 32, 33 Feedback differential clock output GND 1, 7, 8, 18, 24, 25, 31, 41, 42, 48 Ground PWRDWN 37 VDDQ 4, 11, 12, 15, 21, 28, 34, 38, 45 Output enable for Y and Y Y[0:9] 3, 5, 10, 20, 22, 27, 29, 39, 44, 46 Buffered output of input clock, CLK Y[0:9] 2, 6, 9, 19, 23, 26, 30, 40, 43, 47 Buffered output of input clock, CLK 2.5V supply PIN DESCRIPTION (VFBGA) Pin Name Pin Number Description AGND H1 Ground for 2.5V analog supply AVDD G2 2.5V analog supply CLK, CLK F1, F2 Differential clock input FBIN, FBIN F5, F6 Feedback differential clock input FBOUT, FBOUT H6, G5 Feedback differential clock output GND A3, A4, C1, C2, C5, C6, H2, H5, K3, K4 Ground PWRDWN E6 VDDQ B3, B4, E1, E2, E5, G1, G6, J3, J4 Output enable for Y and Y Y[0:9] A1, A6, B2, B5, D1, D6, J2, J5, K1, K6 Buffered output of input clock, CLK Y[0:9] A2, A5, B1, B6, D2, D5, J1, J6, K2, K5 Buffered output of input clock, CLK 2.5V supply FUNCTION TABLE(1) INPUTS AVDD PWRDWN GND GND X OUTPUTS CLK CLK Y Y H L H H L L FBOUT FBOUT PLL H L L H H L H Bypassed/OFF L H L Bypassed/OFF H Z Z Z Z OFF X L H L Z Z Z Z OFF 2.5V (nom) H L H L H L H ON 2.5V (nom) H H L H L H L ON 2.5V (nom)(2) X <20MHz <20MHz Z Z Z Z OFF NOTES: 1. H = HIGH Voltage Level L = LOW Voltage Level Z = High-Impedance OFF-State X = Don't Care 2. Additional feature that senses when the clock input is less than approximately 20MHz and places the part in sleep mode. Reciever inputs and PLL are turned off and outputs = tristate. 4 IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OVER OPERATING RANGE Following Conditions Apply Unless Otherwise Specified: Commercial: TA = 0°C to +70°C; Industrial: TA = –40°C to +85°C Symbol Parameter Conditions Input Clamp Voltage (All Inputs) VDDQ = 2.3V, II = -18mA VIL (dc) Static Input LOW Voltage VIH (dc) VIL (ac) VIH (ac) VIK VOL VOH VIX Min. Typ. Max. Unit – 1.2 V PWRDWN – 0.3 0.7 V Static Input HIGH Voltage PWRDWN 1.7 VDDQ + 0.3 Dynamic Input LOW Voltage CLK, CLK, FBIN, FBIN 0.7 Dynamic Input HIGH Voltage CLK, CLK, FBIN, FBIN 1.7 VDDQ Output LOW Voltage AVDD/VDDQ = Min., IOL = 100µA 0.1 AVDD/VDDQ = Min., IOL = 12mA 0.6 Output HIGH Voltage AVDD/VDDQ = Min., IOH = -100µA VDDQ – 0.1 AVDD/VDDQ = Min., IOH = -12mA 1.7 Input Differential Cross Voltage V V V VDDQ/2 – 0.2 VDDQ/2 + 0.2 V VID(DC) (1) DC Input Differential Voltage 0.36 VDDQ + 0.6 V VID(AC) (1) AC Input Differential Voltage 0.7 VDDQ + 0.6 V Input Current VDDQ = 2.7V, VI = 0V to 2.7V ±10 µA IDDPD Power-Down Current on VDDQ and AVDD AVDD/VDDQ = Max., CLK = 0MHz or PWRDWN = L 100 200 µA IDDQ Dynamic Power Supply Current on VDDQ AVDD/VDDQ = Max., CLK = 200MHz, 120Ω/14pF 320 360 mA AVDD/VDDQ = Max., CLK = 170MHz, 120Ω/14pF 250 300 AVDD/VDDQ = Max., CLK = 170MHz IIN IADD Dynamic Power Supply Current on AVDD NOTE: 1. VID is the magnitude of the difference between the input level on CLK and the input level on CLK. 5 12 mA IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES TIMING REQUIREMENTS Symbol fCLK Parameter Min. Max. Unit Operating Clock Frequency(1,2) 60 200 MHz Application Clock Frequency(1,3) 60 200 MHz tDC Input Clock Duty Cycle 40 60 % tL Stabilization Time(4) 100 µs NOTES: 1. The PLL will track a spread spectrum clock input. 2. Operating clock frequency is the range over which the PLL will lock, but may not meet all timing specifications. 3. Application clock frequency is the range over which timing specifications apply. 4. Stabilization time is the time required for the integrated PLL circuit to obtain phase lock of its feedback signal to its reference signal after power up. SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS CSPT857 Symbol CSPT857A Min. Typ.(1) Max. Min. Typ.(1) Description Test Conditions tPLH(1) LOW to HIGH Level Propagation Delay Time Test mode, CLK to any output 4.5 4.5 ns tPHL(1) HIGH to LOW Level Propagation Delay Time Test mode, CLK to any output 4.5 4.5 ns tJIT(PER) Jitter (period), see figure 6 66MHz tJIT(CC) Jitter (cycle-to-cycle), see figure 3 tJIT(HPER) Half-Period Jitter, see figure 7 – 90 – 90 90 100/ 133/ 167/ 200 MHz – 75 75 – 75 75 66MHz – 180 180 – 180 180 100/ 133/ 167/ 200 MHz – 75 75 – 75 75 66MHz – 160 160 – 160 160 100/ 133/ 167/ 200 MHz – 100 100 – 100 100 tSLR(O) Output Clock Slew Rate (Single-Ended) tSLR(I) Input Clock Slew Rate t(∅) Static Phase Offset, see figure 4(2,3) tSK(O) Output Skew, see figure 5 tR, tF Output Rise and Fall Times (20% to 80%) Load: 120Ω / 14pF Output Differential Voltage Differential outputs are terminated VOX(5) 90 Max. 100/ 133/ 167/ 200 MHz (20% to 80%) 66/ 100/ 133/ 167/ 200 MHz ps ps ps 1 2 1 2 V/ns 1 4 1 4 V/ns – 100 100 – 50 50 ps 75 ps 900 ps VDDQ/2 V 75 with 120Ω Unit 650 900 VDDQ/2 650 VDDQ/2 VDDQ/2 – 0.2 + 0.2 – 0.15 + 0.15 The PLL on the CSPT857 will meet all the above test parameters while supporting SSC synthesizers(4) with the following parameters: SSC Modulation Frequency 30 50 30 50 KHz SSC Clock Input Frequency Deviation 0 -0.5 0 -0.5 % f3dB PLL Loop Bandwidth 5 5 MHz NOTES: 1. Refers to transition of non-inverting output. 2. Static phase offset does not include jitter. 3. t(φ) is measured with input clock slew rate tSLR(I) = 2V/ns and an input differential voltage VID of 1.75V. 4. The SSC requirements meet the Intel PC100 SDRAM Registered DIMM specification. 5. VOX is specified at the SDRAM clock input or test load. 6 IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES TEST CIRCUIT AND SWITCHING WAVEFORMS VDD Z = 60Ω C = 14pF R = 120Ω Z = 60Ω VSS C = 14pF VSS CSPT857/A VSS Figure 1. Output Load VDDQ/2 R = 10Ω Z = 60Ω Z = 50Ω C = 14pF R = 50Ω VDDQ/2 0V R = 10Ω Z = 60Ω Z = 50Ω C = 14pF R = 50Ω 0V VDDQ/2 CSPT857/A SCOPE VDDQ/2 Figure 2. Output Load Test Circuit 7 IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES TEST CIRCUIT AND SWITCHING WAVEFORMS Yx, FBOUT Yx, FBOUT tcycle n tcycle n+1 tjit(cc) = tcycle n tcycle n+1 Figure 3. Cycle-to-Cycle jitter CLK CLK FBIN FBIN t(Ø)n + 1 t(Ø)n ∑ t(Ø) n=N 1 t(Ø)n = N Figure 4. Static Phase Offset Yx Yx Yx, FBOUT Yx, FBOUT tsk(o) Figure 5. Output Skew 8 (N is a large number of samples) IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES TEST CIRCUIT AND SWITCHING WAVEFORMS Yx, FBOUT Yx, FBOUT tcycle n Yx, FBOUT Yx, FBOUT 1 fo tjit(per) = tcycle n 1 fo Figure 6. Period jitter Yx, FBOUT Yx, FBOUT thalf period n+1 thalf period n Yx, FBOUT Yx, FBOUT 1 fo tjit(hper) = thalf period n Figure 7. Half-Period jitter 9 1 2*f o IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES TEST CIRCUIT AND SWITCHING WAVEFORMS 80% 80% Clock Inputs and Outputs VID, VOD 20% 20% tF tR Figure 8. Input and Output Slew Rates APPLICATION INFORMATION Clock Loading on the PLL outputs (pF) Clock Structure # of SDRAM Loads per Clock Min. #1 2 4 7 #2 4 8 14 10 Max. IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES APPLICATION INFORMATION ~0.6" (split to terminator) ~2.5" SDRAM CSPT857/A Z = 60Ω CLK C = 14pF R = 120Ω R = 120Ω Z = 60Ω CLK FBIN (1) C = 14pF 8 more SDRAM ~0.3" R = 120Ω FBIN Feedback path Figure 9. Clock Structure 1 ~0.6" (split to terminator) ~2.5" SDRAM Stacked SDRAM CSPT857/A Z = 60Ω CLK C = 14pF R = 120Ω R = 120Ω Z = 60Ω CLK FBIN (1) C = 14pF SDRAM 8 more ~0.3" R = 120Ω SDRAM FBIN Feedback path Figure 10. Clock Structure 2 NOTE: 1. Memory module vendors may need to adjust the feedback capacitive load in order to meet DDR SDRAM registered DIMM timing requirements. 11 Stacked IDTCSPT857/A 2.5V PLL DIFFERENTIAL 1:10 SDRAM CLOCK DRIVER COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES ORDERING INFORMATION IDTCSPT XXXXX Device Type X XX Package Process CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 2975 Stender Way Santa Clara, CA 95054 Blank I 0°C to +70°C (Commercial, A speed only) -40°C to +85°C (Industrial, Std. speed only) PA BV Thin Shrink Small Outline Package Very Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array 857 857A 2.5V PLL Differential 1:10 SDRAM Clock Driver for SALES: 800-345-7015 or 408-727-6116 fax: 408-492-8674 12 for Tech Support: (408) 654-6459