T H I R DA N G L EP R O J E C i l O N ALTERATION I S S U E RATED CAP DIMENSIONS ※H ※ d (μF) ※ L ※T VOLTAGE ECQE4103 0 F3 400VDC O . 01 1O .3 4 .3 7 .4 O .6 1 1 1 1 1 1 41230F3 O . 012 .5 4 .4 7 1 1 1 I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 41530F3 O . 015 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 41830F3 o . 018 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 42230F3 .9 O . 022 4 .8 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42730F3 O . 027 5 .5 8 .0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 43330F3 6 .0 9 O . 033 .0 1 1 1 1 1 1 43930F3 O . 039 12 .0 4 .9 8 .0 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 1 44730F3 o . 047 5 .0 8 .3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / 45630F3 o . 056 1O .0 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 46830F3 o . 068 5 . 4 1O .5 1 1 1 1 1 1 48230F3 o . 082 5 . 8 11 .0 I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 41040F3 O .1 6 . 3 12 .0 ム ム ム ム ム ITEM CODE 七一 TOL ITEM CODE NUMBER STRUCTURE 止 Ammo packing Forming lead type Radial leads , Capacitance tolerance (J=士5% K=士10見 ) Capac itance Rated voltage SYMBOL ( J 01 ' K ) ( 4・ ・ 400VDC) DESCRIPTION M odifi cati 0n Company name changed Company name changed Company name changed DATE Jun.20 2002 . 1 O ct 2004 A pr . 1 2005 A p r . 1 2006 Jan.22 2008 Correction:category temperature ra ng e (-40 'C~+85'C→一 40'C~+1 0 5 ' c I Additi 0n :rated v oItage ( O e l a t i n go fr a t e dv o l t a g eb y 1 .1 5目 ! ,ca tm or et h a n8 5' C ) ム Company.name changed Error correction A Company name changed ム Company name changed A pr . 1 2008 A pr . 1 2012 A pr . 1 2 0 13 S P E C I F I C A T I O N SN o TE72032Y 京 max 、 k〆' 甘 中d イ μ斗 Vι~i SYM80L P P。 p p F L Ih" W W。 W W H H . , , , , , 中 日 。 //LT o I A N p PLATED PER-CLAD STEEL WIRE , , 1 t L。 1 TEM DIMENSION REMARKS 12.711.0 Tift 0 Pi tc h 0f comp0n ent 1 component and curvature 0 1 leads shall b e included 12.7土O .2 Feed h0 1e pitch Feed h0I e cen1 er t 01 ea d 3.85土O .5 H o1 e center t0 c o m p . c e n1er 6.3511.3 Till 0 1 component due 1 0 curvature 0 1 l e a d s shall b e included 5 .0 :g ~ Lead-to-Iead di stance 。 ~2. 0 Componenl a lignment Till 0 1 componenl due 1 0 curvalure 0 1 l e a d s shall b e included 1 8 .0士O .5 Pa p er b a cki n g wi d1h 9 .5 m in . The hold down tape shall n Adhesi v el a p e widlh o l protrude beyond I h e carrier tape 9.0士O .5 H oI ep osi1i 0n 。 ~3. 0 H oI d-down 1a pe p ositi 0n 22.0土0.75 Compon en1 h ei g h1 16.0土0.5 Lead-wir ec lin c h height L ead-wir e pr01rusi 0n Omax 7 .Omax L ead-wi re d epr essi 0n 4.0土0.2 F eed h oI e di a m el er O .7: ! : O . 2 Total Ihickness including I h e hold down lape T ota1 1a p e thi ck ness 1 .5max T ota1 1hick n ess 1 . O m a x 1 Len gth 0 1 snipp ed 1 ead a 町 Referenc j ず CONSTRUCTION The capacitor i s 0 1 non-inductive construction wound with metallized polyester film dieIectri c The capacit0r is encI0sed in n0日-combustible epoxy resin and has two leads. , D 叩ES Gl M F E A N q T bT7A 2 m pz f APPR0VALI ) ( . 9 ;. A . h .-oM, Z i ; , MARKING EXAMPLE MARKING Marking comprises capacitance and daie code ,capacitance tolerance,rated voltage ECQE4中卒中 10 3K oF3 NAME Metall ized Polyester PROPERTIES Capacitance Capacita日ce t0Ierance Rated voltage Withstand voltage Insulation resistance Dissipati0n fact0r Category temperature range ESTABLISHMENTI Apr. 27.1987 TYPE NAME at 1kHz See tabIe 5%( j ) l0月( K ) at 1kH z :400VDC . I e > ¥ / i ¥( Derating 0f rated v0Itage by 1 . 25月/ ' C at m0re than 8 5' C ) 400VDCX150児 1 0r 60s ミ9000MQ at 100VDC 20' C lor 60s 話 1 .0出 at 1kHz 20' C From -40t t o 十105' C cluding temperature rise on unit surlace) : t : 1 ム , ム : t ム , DO NOT SCALE DRAWING 1400h 4 , REVISIONS INDICATED BY L I ALL DIMENSIONS ARE I N MILLIMETERS date code Film Capacitor DRAWING NAME PRODUCT DRAWING DRAWING No CT-H-C016 (1/2) Film Capacitor Division Capacitor Business Division Panasonic Corporation T H I R DA N G L EP R O J E C T I O N Packing specification Note 1 . No more than 3 consecutive missing is permitted Note 2 . A tape co円 iunction and a tape discrepancy specify as follows 1 . Case size Adhesive tape Ammo pack Paper backing nH nu s nH a h v Hu nv n H Hu mr nH JU t 付U DSRAU ,O AVnH 。 b氏 slob 白u ハ Upu nH α d 内 hυ W d 内 n d ftnv T1e ハU nν or nH n H arT unb olρU トぽ山内 !パu dues' 。 ν ρ pu 川 xct £ t 'hUAU ρv い n d n fE n H n川 l nvρν tl o a a L n川 enHnυ , o ztnιL ao HU EPt 匁U stt nH 4unνnv lea tw ll ρ u n川 nu ltr ふL nμll' se AH ao 八円 tje L n Note 3 . Marking on components may not be the same side . The tape adhesi0n is m0 re than 3 . 92N (400gf )/25mm N0 te 4 Note 5 . A tape trai ler having at least 3 feed holes i s required at the end of the tape Note 6 . 1 ) The P, and P,dimension shall be measured as shown in the ligure after the adhesive tape placi円 g upward. .) ( measuring 1r0m the center 0 f spr0Cket h0 Ie t0 the right 1 a vertical 2)The P,dimension shall be measured between center 0 proiection plane for tape plane and center of sprocket hole 2 . Packing Quantity Co mp. center : j i j j ; : il : : i l Note 7 . The lead crimping shape shows as lollows 3.Handling notes 刷 1 ) One package must be packed one product only 2 ) The storage must be stacked 5 boxes or less (surlace printed placing upward) (For prevention from displaceme口 t 0 1 capacitors and damage of lead crimping.) 3)The packing box must be handled with care and never thrown out Referenc nノ﹄ ノ/ U 、 也 /t ) 一戸仇 FU n u {46l OHn MN GPU q 弓JV 一 の / ﹄ ﹁ ﹁一 )一 一 ( ψ命 ﹄一 φ令 一 '出・一 F ﹄一 A斗 一 - F ALL DIMENSIONS A R EI N MILLIMETERS nu一 qN p u一 Tl AH nHH nu REVISIONS INDICATED B Y6 . W D o NOT SCALE DRAWING F i l mC a p a c i t o rO i v i s i o n C a p a c i t o rB u s i n e s sO i v i s i o n P a n a s o n i c Corporation THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION ALTERATION I S S U E I DESCRIPTION IDATE ム IModification RATED ITEM CODE VOLTAGE ECQE41240F3 400VDC 1 1 /141540F3 1 1 1 41840F3 1 1 42240F3 1 1 1 42740F3 1 1 1 43340F3 1 1 43940F3 1 1 44740F3 CAP (μF) O . 12 O . 15 O . 18 O . 22 O . 27 O . 33 O . 39 O . 47 L ※ 18 .5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ※ DIMENSIONS T ※ H ※ d 5 . 0 1O .0 1 12 .4 5 . 4 12 .5 5 . 9 13 .0 6 . 5 14 .3 7 . 0 14 .9 7 . 5 15 .4 7 . 8 17 .0 O .6 / 1 1 1 1 O .8 1 1 1 1 1 ※ ITEM CODE NUMBER STRUCTURE H, 31. 5 33. 9 34. 0 34. 5 35. 8 36. 4 36. 9 38. 5 Jun 20 2002 . 1 Oct 2004 Apr . 1 2005 Apr . 1 2006 Jan . 22 2008 目 & Icompany name changed & Icompany name changed ム ICompany name changed ム │Ict orrect on category emperature ra ng e l ( 4o'c~+ 85' C → -4o'c~+ 1 05 ' C ) Addition:rated voltage at e dv o1 t a g eb y ( D e1 ati n g0 1r 1 .2 5 % / ' Ca tm o r et h a n8 5 ' C ) ム lcompany name changed . 1 Apr 2008 Apr . 1 2012 Apr . 1 2013 Err0r C0rrecti0n ム ICompany name cha ed ム ICompany name changed 日 SPECIFICATIONS N o ※ Lmax TEB8250H E 司 SYMBOL P P。 p, ' p, p, F 6h , . . W W, W, W, H, DIMENSION REMARKS 25.4士1. 0 T iI t of component and curvalure of leads shall b e included 12.7土0.2 H 2 5 . 4土0.2 3.85土0.5 F eed h0I e cent er t0 Iea d 11.3 Tilt o f componenl due 1 0 curvature 0 1 leads shall b e included HoIe c enl er 1 0 comp. c ent er 6.35: 5 . 0~ g ~ Lead-Io-Iead distance 。 ~2. 0 Tilt 01 componenl due t o curvature 0 1 leads shall b e included Compon en1 aIignment 18.0士O .5 Paper ba ckin g width 1 2 . 5min The hold down tape shall nol prolrude beyond Ihe carrier tape Adhesive tape width 9 . 0士0.5 HoIe p0si1io n 。 ~3. 0 Hold-down lape posilion 16.0土0.5 Lead-wire clinch height Omax Lead-wire pr0tru si0n 7 Omax Lead-wir e depression 4 . 0: 10 .2 Feed h oIe diame1er 7土O . 2 Total Ihickness including the hold down tape To1aI tape t hi ckness 11 . Omax Length 0f snipped Iea d ITEM Pi1c h 0f component Feed h0Ie pitch 白 。 中D COPPER-CLAD STEEL WIRE t L。 。 DESI CONSTRUCTION 内 UJv- n " υ -の ‘ “ - -一 :t Qu一 々 9﹄ 一 向 巴 U U ρ ν 一 dJV- Jl AT A M U -- 川 ︽川M ぺ E--wvd r r一l l r nv A 一也 r一 M川 一 命一 -ψ 4tEi-'一 ψ小 一 川 E (1/2) CT-H-154 --EE-EE-qdum SEt no no n o 川 nuv nHUnν 内 v vr li--anυ 川 ﹄ nιv. 目E.aE'. a 勾 eAdwnH 内 r rs o uFSP し t.n'l'e i ' n ρU ‘内 HHuu υ anvHB 5A A r L v ﹁n m 0 a t μ E l ' ' , +' HV 内 内 d u m ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS PRODUCT DRAWING DRAWING No ﹁ v1pb REVISIONS INDICATED BY 6 l l i lH ・ F ぃ DRAWING NAME ハaU Do NOT SCALE DRAWING 一M ムム TL at 1kHz at 1kHz (Derating of rated voltage by 1 . 25%/ ' C at more than 85' C ) 400VDC 400VDCX150児 f0r 60s 注3000MQ'/ iF(00. 33/ iF ) at 100VDC, 2 0 ' C for 60s 注 目 OOOMQ ( C ; ; ; ; 0 . 3 3品F ) at 100VDC, 2 0 ' C for 60s 重 1 .0児 at 1kHz, 20'C バ ¥ From -40' C to tl05' C 寸1ncl'uding temperature rise on unit surface) Eu-31t See table 士5児 ( J ),t :10先 (K) q a Dissipati0n fact0r Category temperature range 守 一 Capacitance Capacitance tolerance Rated voltage Withstand voltage InsuIati0n resistance E ﹂一 T 1 M H PROPERTIES Cu v t A H 色 町 Marking comprises capacitance, capacitance tolerance, rated voltage, manufacturer' s trademark and date code. EE A一 PM T一 ⑪ 474K MARKING 一 、 ‘ l'n -nu rt 一 門 一 、 AaHUu nu 一一 r e ι T -75h P i a E一 4一 ー pιu M一 E 一 E n同 寸 l H一 a m 一 M C一 s一 i A E一 MARKING EXAMPLE The capacitor i s enclosed i n non-combustible e担oxy resin and has two leads J 一r ! The capacit0r iS 0f n0n一inductive c0nstructi0n, W0und with metaIIized p0Iyester fi1m di eIectric THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION Note 1 . No more than 2 consecut ive missi日g i s permitted Note Packing specification 2 . A tape conJu円 ction and a tape discrepancy specify as foIlows Adhesive tape. . . . . . _ 凪~凪♀? ー→乙 Paper backing o 0 Ammo pack ~,…~く掛 _j cut 1 . Case size '¥_JOint tape 。 r more f A tape sliding shall not exceed i n an allowance 01 "p, " dimension A Joint tape put on the back side 01 paper backing, and turn up the lower part 10 the front Indicati0n 01 C0ntent Note 3 . Marking on components may not be the same side N0te 4 . The tape adhesi0n is m0re than 3 . 92N ( 400g1 )/25mm Note 5 . A tape trailer having at least 3 feed holes is reQuired at the end 01 the tape 2 . Packing quantity 3.Handlingηotes 1)One package must be packed one product only 2 ) The storage must be stacked 5 boxes or less (surface printed placing upward) (For prevention from displacement 01 capacitors and damage 01 lead crimping.) 3)The packing box must be handled with care and never thrown out DRAWING No nHunHHnuH nHununuF u 1a 拘川H 内 、 • 000 55t t・11 s' ﹃ :uu-uu'v ョ ・l・l“ o .•. ‘ ν'p U v 倫、 'a4'nHpU g智 β' ν w “' ' 白 ︽ Au 内du “ 柄 内MH︼ REVISIONS INDICATED BY f 1 n υ " γ ド HH"nU n n u m ρ P U r nAd mt oa p q n u m nv ﹁﹁︽し ハ'卜 V DO NOT SCALE DRAWING ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS r rs o papav tnυe CT-H-154E (2/2)