2N2646 2N2647 SILICON UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTORS Silicon Planar Unijunction Transistors have a structure resulting in lower saturation voltage, peak-point current and valley current as zell as a much higher base-one peak pulse voltage. In addition, these devices are much faster switches. The 2N2646 is intended for general purpose industrial applications where circuit economy is of primary importance, and is ideal for use in firing circuits for Silicon Controlled Rectifiers and other applications where a guaranteed minimum pulse amplitude is required. The 2N2647 is intended for applications where a low emitter leakage current and a low peak point emitter current (trigger current) are required and also for triggering high power SCR’s. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Tj=125°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VB2E Ie ie VB2B1 PD TJ TStg Ratings Emitter-Base2 Voltage RMS Emitter Current Peak Pulse Emitter Current * Interbase Voltage RMS power Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Capacitor discharge – 10µF or less, 30volts or less. 2N2646 2N2647 30 50 2 35 300 -65 to +125 -65 to +150 Unit V mA A V mW °C °C 2N2646 2N2647 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TC=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol η RBBO VEB1(sat) IB2(MOD) IEO V(BR)B1E IV IP Ratings 2N2646 Intrinsic stand-off ratio VB2B1 = 10V 2N2647 Interbase Resistance , VB2B1 = 3V Emitter Saturation Voltage VB2B1 = 10V , IE = 50 mA Modulated Interbase Current VB2B1 = 10V , IE = 50 mA Emitter Revers Current VB2E = 30 V , IB1 = 0 Base 1 Emitter breakdown Voltage IE =100 µA 2N2646 Valley Current , VB2B1 = 20 V 2N2647 2N2646 Peak Current , VB2B1 = 25 V 2N2647 Min. Typ. Max. Unit 0.56 0.68 4.7 - 0.75 0.82 9.1 KΩ - - 2.5 V - 15 - V - - 12 µA 30 - - V 4 8 - - 5 2 - mA µA 2N2646 2N2647 MECHANICAL DATA CASE TO-18 COMSET SEMICONDUCTORS Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, CS assumes no responsability for the consequences of use of such information nor for errors that could appear. Data are subject to change without notice.