DATASHEET ® MC POWER SERIES 48 V MODULES BMOD0083 P048 BMOD0110 P048 BMOD0165 P048 TYPICAL FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Ultra-low internal resistance • Highest power performance available • Lowest time constant • 48.6 V operating voltage • Individually balanced cells • Over 1,000,000 duty cycles • Voltage and temperature sensor output included • Compact, rugged, fully enclosed splash-proof design TYPICAL APPLICATIONS • Transportation • Automotive • Industrial • UPS • Telecommunication PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS CAPACITANCE BMOD0083 BMOD0110 BMOD0165 Nominal capacitance 80 F 110 F 165 F Tolerance capacitance +20% / -5% +20% / -5% +20% / -5% Rated voltage 48.6 V DC 48.6 V DC 48.6 V DC Surge voltage 50.4 V DC 50.4 V DC 50.4 V DC Maximum operating voltage 750 V DC 750 V DC 750 V DC 2,500 V DC 2,500 V DC 2,500 V DC 12.3 mΩ 8.1 mΩ 7.1 mΩ VOLTAGE Isolation voltage RESISTANCE ESR, DC Max., room temperature Resistance tolerance Max. Max. Max. 0.39°C/W 0.30°C/W 0.25v Operating temperature range -40°C to +65°C -40°C to +65°C -40°C to +65°C Storage temperature range -40°C to +70°C -40°C to +70°C -40°C to +70°C ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 150% ± 150% ± 150% Pd 2,000 W/kg 2,900 W/kg 3,200 W/kg Pmax 5,400 W/kg 8,800 W/kg 7,900 W/kg 2.48 Wh/kg 3.01 Wh/kg 3.81 Wh/kg Thermal resistance (Rth) TEMPERATURE Temperature characteristics Capacitance change % at 25º C (at -40°C) Internal resistance change % at 25º C (at -40°C) POWER ENERGY Emax LIFESPAN Endurance After 1,500 hours application of rated voltage at 65°C. Within % of initial specified value. Capacitance change <20% decrease <20% decrease <20% decrease Internal resistance change <60% increase <60% increase <60% increase Page 1 • Document number: 1009365.7 DATASHEET ® MC POWER SERIES 48 V MODULES BMOD0083 P048 BMOD0110 P048 BMOD0165 P048 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS (cont.) BMOD0083 BMOD0110 BMOD0165 10 years 10 years 10 years 30% decrease 30% decrease 30% decrease 150% increase 150% increase 150% increase Life test At rated voltage and 25°C. Capacitance change % of rated value Internal resistance % of rated value Shelf Life After 1,500 hours storage at 65°C without load shall meet specification for endurance. LIFE CYCLE Cycles 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Capacitance change 30% decrease 30% decrease 30% decrease Internal resistance 150% increase 150% increase 150% increase 3 mA 4.2mA 5.2 mA 4,700 A 6,000 A 6,900 A 115 A 125 A 150 A 1,080 A 1,410 A 1,850 A + M8 x1.25/ - M10 x1.5 + M8 x1.25/ - M10 x1.5 + M8 x1.25/ - M10 x1.5 VMS (Voltage Management System) VMS (Voltage Management System) VMS (Voltage Management System) Fan voltage N/A N/A N/A Thermal monitoring NTC NTC NTC See drawing See drawing See drawing Volume 8.5 L 9.7 L 12.6 L Weight 11 kg 12 kg 14.2 kg IP65 IP65 IP65 SAE J2380 SAE J2380 SAE J2380 Between specified voltage and half rated voltage under constant current at 25°C. CURRENT Leakage current After 72 hours at 25°C. Initial leakage current can be higher. Short circuit current (lsc) CAUTION: C urrent possible with short circuit from UR. Do not use as an operating current. Maximum continuous current Maximum peak current, 1 sec 1 second, 10% duty cycle CONNECTION Terminal MONITORING Balancing SIZE Dimensions RATINGS Environmental resistance Vibration resistance ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION Capacitance and ESR, DC measured per document no. 1007239, available at lc = leakage current after 72 hours at 25°C VRATED lsc (short circuit current) = ESR DC Rth = thermal resistance Pd = Pmax = 0.12V2 R (DC) mass Emax = ½ CV2 3,600 x mass V2 4R (1khz) mass Page 2 • Document number: 1009365.7 DATASHEET ® MC POWER SERIES 48 V MODULES BMOD0083 P048 BMOD0110 P048 BMOD0165 P048 H H2 S DIMENSIONS (mm) Part number L (±0.25mm) W (±0.25mm) H (±0.25mm) s (±0.5mm) 103.2 H2 (±0.25mm) 126 BMOD0083 P048 416.2 190.2 BMOD0110 P048 416.2 190.2 120.2 143 70.7 BMOD0165 P048 416.2 190.2 156.7 180 89.3 53.7 Product dimensions are for reference only unless otherwise identified. Product dimensions and specifications may change without notice. Please contact Maxwell Technologies directly for any technical specifications critical to application. MOUNTING RECOMMENDATIONS Modules can be secured at 8 locations, 4 front face and/or 4 bottom face, at provided holes for M8 bolt. Follow user manual instructions for terminal, balance and output connections. MARKINGS Modules are marked with the following information: Rated capacitance, rated voltage, product number, name of manufacturer, positive and negative terminal, warning marking, serial number. Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters 9244 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 USA Tel: +1 858 503 3300 US Free Call: +1 877 511 4324 Fax: +1 858 503 3301 Maxwell Technologies SA CH-1728 Rossens Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)26 411 85 00 Fax: +41 (0)26 411 85 05 Maxwell Technologies, GmbH Brucker Strasse 21 D-82205 Gilching Germany T: +49 (0)8105 24 16 10 F: +49 (0)8105 24 16 19 Online: • Email: Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Shanghai Representative Office Rm.2104, Suncome Liauw’s Plaza 738 Shang Cheng Road, Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120, P.R. China Tel: +86 21 5836 5733 Fax: +86 21 5836 5620 Page 3 • Document number: 1009365.7