TECHNICAL NOTE LCD Segment Driver series For 200 Segment type LCD LCD Segment Driver BU9794KV, BU9799KV ● Outline This is LCD segment driver for 200 segment type display. There is a lineup which is suitable for multi function display and is integrated display RAM and power supply circuit for LCD driving with 4 common output type: BU9794KV and BU9799KV. ○ 200Segment (50SEG×4COM) Driver BU9794KV ○ 200Segment (50SEG×4COM) Driver BU9799KV BU9794KV ・・・・・・・P.1 ・・・・・・・P.11 200Segment (50SEG×4COM) Driver ● Feature (BU9794KV) 1) 3wire serial interface (CSB, SD, SCL) 2) Integrated RAM for display data (DDRAM) : 50 × 4bit (Max 200 Segment) 3) LCD driving port: 4 Common output, 50 Segment output 4) Display duty: 1/4 duty 5) Integrated Buffer AMP for LCD driving power supply 6) 1/2bias, 1/3bias selectable 7) No external components 8) Low power/ Ultra low power consumption design: +2.5~5.5V 9) Independent power supply circuit for LCD driving ● Uses (BU9794KV) Telephone, FAX, Portable equipment (POS, ECR, PDA etc.), DSC, DVC, Car audio, Home electrical appliance, Meter equipment etc. ● Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25degree, VSS=0V) (BU9794KV) Parameter Symbol Limits Unit Remarks Power Supply Voltage1 VDD -0.5 ~ +7.0 V Power supply Power Supply Voltage2 VLCD -0.5 ~ +7.0 V LCD drive voltage Pd 0.75 W When use more than Ta=25C, subtract 7.5mW per degree. Input voltage range VIN -0.5 ~ VDD+0.5 V Operational range Topr -40 ~ +85 degree Tstg -55 ~ +125 degree Allowable loss temperature Storage temperature range *This product is not designed against radioactive ray. ● Recommend operating conditions (Ta=25degree, VSS=0V) (BU9794KV) Parameter Symbol MIN TYP MAX Unit Remarks Power Supply Voltage1 VDD 2.5 5.5 V Power supply Power Supply Voltage2 VLCD 2.5 5.5 V LCD drive voltage This document is not delivery specifications. Jun. 2008 ● Electrical Characteristics (BU9794KV) DC Characteristics (VDD=2.5~5.5V, VLCD=2.5~5.5V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40~85degree, unless otherwise specified) Symb ol MIN VIH 0.8VDD VIL VSS IIH IIL -1 RON RON Ist - Parameter “H” level input voltage “L” level input voltage “H” level input current “L” level input current LCD Driver on SEG resistance COM Standby current Limit TYP 3.5 3.5 - MAX VDD 0.2VDD 1 5 Unit V V uA uA kΩ kΩ uA Power consumption 1 IDD - 5 15 uA Power consumption 2 ILCD - 10 20 uA Condition SD,SCL,CSB SD,SCL,CSB SD,SCL,CSB SD,SCL,CSB Iload=±10uA Display off, Oscillation off VDD=3.3V, VLCD=5V, Ta=25degree Power save mode1, FR=70Hz 1/3 bias, Frame inverse VDD=3.3V, VLCD=5V, Ta=25degree Power save mode1, FR=70Hz 1/3 bias, Frame inverse Oscillation Characteristics (VDD=2.5~5.5V, VLCD=2.5~5.5V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40~85degree, unless otherwise specified) Limit Symbo Parameter Unit Condition l MIN TYP MAX FR = 80Hz setting Frame frequency fCLK 68 80 92 Hz VDD=3.3V MPU interface Characteristics (VDD=2.5 ~ 5.5V, VLCD=2.5 ~ 5.5V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40 ~ 85degree, unless otherwise specified) Symbo l tr tf tSCYC tSHW tSLW tSDS tSDH tCSS tCSH tCHW Parameter Input rise time Input fall time SCL cycle time “H” SCL pulse width “L” SCL pulse width SD setup time SD hold time CSB setup time CSB hold time “H” CSB pulse time MIN. 400 100 100 20 50 50 50 50 Limit TYP. - MAX. 80 80 - Unit Condition ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns tCHW CSB tCSS tCSH tr tf tSCYC tSLW tSHW SCL tSDS tSDH SD Fig. BU9794KV-1 Interface Timing 2/22 ● Block Diagram (BU9794KV) ●Pin Arrangement (BU9794KV) LCD voltage generator common driver Segment driver + - LCD BIAS SELECTOR common counter + - blink timing generator DDRAM SEG38 SEG23 SEG22 33 SEG24 SEG25 SEG26 SEG27 SEG28 SEG29 SEG30 SEG31 SEG32 SEG33 SEG34 SEG35 VLCD SEG36 SEG0……SEG49 48 SEG37 COM0……COM3 49 32 SEG21 SEG39 SEG20 SEG40 SEG19 SEG41 SEG18 SEG42 SEG17 SEG43 SEG16 SEG44 SEG15 SEG45 SEG14 SEG46 SEG13 SEG47 SEG12 SEG48 SEG11 SEG49 SEG10 COM0 SEG9 COM1 SEG8 COM2 VSS OSCILLATOR Power On Reset SEG4 SEG3 SEG2 SEG1 SEG0 TEST2 TEST1 INHb SD SCL CSB OSCIO VSS VDD Command Data Decoder Command register OSCIN VLCD 1 INHb SEG7 SEG6 17 64 SEG5 16 COM3 serial inter face VDD IF FILTER VSS TEST2 TEST1 CSB SD SCL Fig. BU9794KV-2 Block diagram Fig. BU9794KV-3 Pin arrangement ● Terminal description (BU9794KV) Terminal Terminal I/O No. INHb 8 I TEST1 9 I TEST2 10 I OSCIO 4 I 7 6 5 3 2 1 11-60 61-64 I I I SD SCL CSB VSS VDD VLCD SEG0-49 COM0-3 O O Function Input terminal for turn off display H: turn on display L: turn off display Test input (ROHM use only) Must be connect to VSS Test input (ROHM use only) Must be connect to VSS External clock input Ex clock and Int clock can be changed by command. Must be connect to VSS when use internal oscillation circuit. serial data input serial data transfer clock Chip select : “L” active GND Power supply Power supply for LCD driving SEGMENT output for LCD driving COMMON output for LCD driving 3/22 ●Command Description (BU9794KV) D7 (MSB) is bit for command or data judgment. Refer to Command and data transfer method. C: 0: Next byte is RAM write data. 1: Next byte is command. ○ Mode Set (MODE SET) MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 C 1 0 0 D3 P3 Set display ON and OFF Setting P3 Display OFF 0 Display ON 1 D2 P2 D1 P1 LSB D0 P0 Reset initialize condition ○ Set LCD drive waveform Setup P2 Line inversion 0 Frame inversion 1 Reset initialize condition ○ Set Power save mode Setup P1 P0 Reset initialize condition Power save mode 1 0 0 Power save mode 2 0 1 Normal mode 1 0 ○ High power mode 1 1 * Please use in VLCD≧3.0V condition in High power mode. ○ Address set (ADSET) MSB LSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C 0 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P0 The range of address can be set as 00h to 31h. Don’t set out of range address, otherwise address will be set 00h. In reset condition, it will be set 00h. ○ Display control (DISCTL) MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 C 1 0 1 Set bias level setup 1/3 Bias 1/2 Bias Set oscillator mode setup Internal oscillation External clock input D3 P3 D2 P2 D1 P1 LSB D0 P0 P3 0 1 Reset initialize condition P2 0 1 Reset initialize condition ○ ○ 4/22 Set Frame frequency setup 80Hz 71Hz 64Hz 53Hz P1 0 0 1 1 P0 0 1 0 1 Reset initialize condition ○ ○ Software Reset(SWRST) MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 C 1 1 0 1 0 1 This command will be set initialize condition. ○ Blink control (BLKCTL) MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 C 1 1 1 Set blink mode Blink mode (Hz) OFF 0.5 1 2 D3 0 P1 0 0 1 1 ○ All Pixel control (APCTL) MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 C 1 1 1 D3 1 All display set ON, OFF APON P1 Normal 0 All pixel ON 1 APOFF Normal All pixel OFF P0 0 1 D2 * P0 0 1 0 1 LSB D0 1 LSB D1 D0 P1 P0 (Don’t care) Reset initialize condition ○ D2 1 D1 P1 LSB D0 P0 Reset initialize condition ○ Reset initialize condition ○ 5/22 ●Function description (BU9794KV) ○SPI (3wire Serial Interface) This device is controlled by 3-wire signal (CSB, SCL, and SD). First, Interface counter is initialized with CSB=“H", and CSB=”L” makes SD and SCL input enable. The protocol of 3-SPI transfer is as follows. Each command starts with Command or Data judgment bit (D/C) as MSB data, and continuously in order of D6 – D0 are followed after CSB =”L”. (Internal data is latched at the rising edge of SCL, it converted to 8bits parallel data at the rising edge of 8th CLK.) Command/Data Command CSB SCL SD D/C D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D/C D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D/C = “H” : Command D0 D7 D6 D5 D/C = “L” : Data Fig. BU9794KV-4 3-SPI Command/Data Transfer format ○ Write display data and transfer method This device has Display Data RAM (DDRAM) of 50×4=200bit. The relationship between data input and display data, DDRAM data and address are as follows; Command 0000000 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p … Display Data transfer 8 bit data will be stored in DDRAM. The address to be written is specified by Address set command, and the address is automatically incremented in every 4bit data. Data can be continuously written in DDRAM by transmitting Data continuously. (When RAM data is written successively after writing RAM data to 31h (SEG49), the address is returned to 00h (SEG0) by the auto-increment function DDRAM address BIT 00 01 02 03 04 0 a e i m COM0 1 b f j n COM1 2 c g k o COM2 3 d h l p COM3 SEG0 SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 05 SEG5 06 SEG6 07 SEG7 ・・・ 2Fh SEG47 As data transfer to DDRAM is done every 4bit data, it will be cancelled if it changes CSB=”L”→”H” before 4bits data transfer. ○ Reset initialize condition Initial condition after execute Software Reset is as follows. ・ Display is OFF. ・ DDRAM address is initialized (DDRAM Data is not initialized). ・ Refer to Command Description about initialize value of register. 6/22 30h SEG48 31h SEG49 ● Cautions in Power ON/OFF (BU9794KV) ○ Power supply sequence Please keep Power ON/OFF sequence as below waveform. VLCD VDD FigBU9794KV-5 Power supply sequence ○ Caution in P.O.R circuit use This device has “P.O.R” (Power-On Reset) circuit and Software Reset function. Please keep the following recommended Power-On conditions in order to power up properly. Please set power up conditions to meet the recommended tR, tF, tOFF, and Vbot spec below in order to ensure P.O.R operation VDD tF Recommendation condition of tR, tF, tOFF, Vbot (Ta=25℃) tR tOFF tR tF tOFF Vbot Less than 5ms Less than 5ms More than Less than 0.3V 20ms Vbot Fig. BU9794KV-6 Power ON/OFF waveform If it is difficult to meet above conditions, execute the following sequence after Power-On. But it is not able to accept Command input in Power off status, it has to take care that software reset is not perfectly alternative method of POR function. (1) CSB “L” “H” VDD CSB Fig. BU9794KV-7 CSB timing (2) CSB “L” , execute Software Reset command. 7/22 ● IO Equivalent Circuit (BU9794KV) VDD VSS VDD CSB, SD, SCL INHb,TEST1 VSS VDD OSCIN VSS VLCD VSS VLCD SEG/COM TEST2 VLCD Fig. BU9794KV-8 I/O equivalent circuit 8/22 ● Cautions on use (1) Absolute Maximum Ratings An excess in the absolute maximum ratings, such as supply voltage, temperature range of operating conditions, etc., can break down devices, thus making impossible to identify breaking mode such as a short circuit or an open circuit. If any special mode exceeding the absolute maximum ratings is assumed, consideration should be given to take physical safety measures including the use of fuses, etc. (2) Operating conditions These conditions represent a range within which characteristics can be provided approximately as expected. The electrical characteristics are guaranteed under the conditions of each parameter. (3) Reverse connection of power supply connector The reverse connection of power supply connector can break down ICs. Take protective measures against the breakdown due to the reverse connection, such as mounting an external diode between the power supply and the IC’s power supply terminal. (4) Power supply line Design PCB pattern to provide low impedance for the wiring between the power supply and the GND lines. In this regard, or the digital block power supply and the analog block power supply, even though these power supplies has the same level of potential, separate the power supply pattern for the digital block from that for the analog block, thus suppressing the diffraction of digital noises to the analog block power supply resulting from impedance common to the wiring patterns. For the GND line, give consideration to design the patterns in a similar manner. Furthermore, for all power supply terminals to ICs, mount a capacitor between the power supply and the GND terminal. At the same time, in order to use an electrolytic capacitor, thoroughly check to be sure the characteristics of the capacitor to be used present no problem including the occurrence of capacity dropout at a low temperature, thus determining the constant. (5) GND voltage Make setting of the potential of the GND terminal so that it will be maintained at the minimum in any operating state. Furthermore, check to be sure no terminals are at a potential lower than the GND voltage including an actual electric transient. (6) Short circuit between terminals and erroneous mounting In order to mount ICs on a set PCB, pay thorough attention to the direction and offset of the ICs. Erroneous mounting can break down the ICs. Furthermore, if a short circuit occurs due to foreign matters entering between terminals or between the terminal and the power supply or the GND terminal, the ICs can break down. (7) Operation in strong electromagnetic field Be noted that using ICs in the strong electromagnetic field can malfunction them. (8) Inspection with set PCB On the inspection with the set PCB, if a capacitor is connected to a low-impedance IC terminal, the IC can suffer stress. Therefore, be sure to discharge from the set PCB by each process. Furthermore, in order to mount or dismount the set PCB to/from the jig for the inspection process, be sure to turn OFF the power supply and then mount the set PCB to the jig. After the completion of the inspection, be sure to turn OFF the power supply and then dismount it from the jig. In addition, for protection against static electricity, establish a ground for the assembly process and pay thorough attention to the transportation and the storage of the set PCB. (9) Input terminals In terms of the construction of IC, parasitic elements are inevitably formed in relation to potential. The operation of the parasitic element can cause interference with circuit operation, thus resulting in a malfunction and then breakdown of the input terminal. Therefore, pay thorough attention not to handle the input terminals, such as to apply to the input terminals a voltage lower than the GND respectively, so that any parasitic element will operate. Furthermore, do not apply a voltage to the input terminals when no power supply voltage is applied to the IC. In addition, even if the power supply voltage is applied, apply to the input terminals a voltage lower than the power supply voltage or within the guaranteed value of electrical characteristics. (10) Ground wiring pattern If small-signal GND and large-current GND are provided, It will be recommended to separate the large-current GND pattern from the small-signal GND pattern and establish a single ground at the reference point of the set PCB so that resistance to the wiring pattern and voltage fluctuations due to a large current will cause no fluctuations in voltages of the small-signal GND. Pay attention not to cause fluctuations in the GND wiring pattern of external parts as well. (11) External capacitor In order to use a ceramic capacitor as the external capacitor, determine the constant with consideration given to a degradation in the nominal capacitance due to DC bias and changes in the capacitance due to temperature, etc. (12) No Connecting input terminals In terms of extremely high impedance of CMOS gate, to open the input terminals causes unstable state. And unstable state brings the inside gate voltage of p-channel or n-channel transistor into active. As a result, battery current may increase. And unstable state can also causes unexpected operation of IC. So unless otherwise specified, input terminals not being used should be connected to the power supply or GND line. (13) Rush current When power is first supplied to the CMOS IC, it is possible that the internal logic may be unstable and rush current may flow instantaneously. Therefore, give special condition to power coupling capacitance, power wiring, width of GND wiring, and routing of connections. 9/22 ● Order form name selection B U 9 7 ROHM form name 9 Part No. 4 K V E - Package type KV=VQFP 2 Packaging and forming specification E2 =Reel-shaped emboss taping VQFP64 <Dimension> <Packing information> 12.0 ± 0.2 10.0 ± 0.1 33 49 17 64 1.6Max. 1.4 ± 0.05 0.1 ± 0.05 1 1.25 0.5 ± 0.15 1.0 ± 0.2 32 1.25 12.0 ± 0.2 10.0 ± 0.1 48 16 Tape Embossed carrier tape(with dry pack) Quantity 1000pcs Direction of feed E2 (The direction is the 1pin of product is at the upper left when you hold reel on the left hand and you pull out the tape on the right hand) 0.145 +0.05 −0.03 +6 4° −4 0.08 S ° ° 0.5 ± 0.1 + 0.2 −0.04 0.05 0.08 M 1Pin (Unit:mm) Direction of Reel ※When you order , please order in times the amount of package quantity. 10/22 BU9799KV 200Segment (50SEG×4COM) Driver ● Feature (BU9799KV) 1) LCD driving port: 4 Common output, 50 Segment output 2) Integrated RAM for display data (DDRAM) : 50 × 4bit (Max 200 Segment) 3) 2wire serial interface (SCL,SDA) 4) Integrated Oscillation circuit 5) Integrated Power supply circuit for LCD driving 1/2 ,1/3 Bias 1/4 Duty Integrated Buffer AMP 6) No external components 7) Low power consumption design 8) Support standby mode (Controlled by INHb terminal or command) 9) Integrated Power-on Reset circuit 10) Integrated Electrical volume register (EVR) function 11) Support Blink function 12) Operation power supply: 2.5~5.5V 13) Power supply for LCD driving: 2.5~5.5V ● Uses (BU9799KV) Telephone, FAX, Portable equipments (POS, ECR, PDA etc.), DSC, DVC, Car audio, Home electrical appliance, Meter equipment etc. ● Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25degree, VSS=0V) (BU9799KV) Parameter Symbol Limits Unit Remarks Power Supply Voltage1 VDD -0.5 ~ +7.0 V Power supply Power Supply Voltage2 VLCD -0.5 ~ +7.0 V LCD drive voltage Allowable loss Pd 0.75 W When use more than Ta=25C, subtract 7.5mW per degree. Input voltage range VIN -0.5 ~ VDD+0.5 V Operational temperature range Topr -40 ~ +85 degree Storage range Tstg -55 ~ +125 degree temperature *This product is not designed against radioactive ray. ● Recommend operating conditions (Ta=25degree, VSS=0V) (BU9799KV) Parameter Symbol MIN TYP MAX Unit Remarks Power Supply Voltage1 VDD 2.5 5.5 V Power supply Power Supply Voltage2 VLCD 2.5 5.5 V LCD drive voltage 11/22 ● Electrical Characteristics (BU9799KV) DC Characteristics (VDD=2.5~5.5V, VLCD=2.5~5.5V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40~85degree, unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol “H” level input voltage “L” level input voltage “H” level input current “L” level input current LCD Driver on SEG resistance COM Standby current VIH VIL IIH IIL RON RON Ist Limit TYP 3.5 3.5 - MIN 0.8VDD VSS -1 - Unit MAX VDD 0.2VDD 1 5 V V uA uA kΩ kΩ uA Condition SDA,SCL SDA,SCL SDA,SCL SDA,SCL Iload=±10uA Display off, Oscillation off Power consumption 1 IDD - 2.5 15 uA VDD=3.3V, VLCD=5V, Ta=25degree Power save mode1, FR=70Hz 1/3 bias, Frame inverse Power consumption 2 ILCD - 10 20 uA VDD=3.3V, VLCD=5V, Ta=25degree Power save mode1, FR=70Hz 1/3 bias, Frame inverse Oscillation Characteristics (VDD=2.5~5.5V, VLCD=2.5~5.5V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40~85degree, unless otherwise specified) Limit Parameter Symbol Unit Condition MIN TYP MAX FR = 80Hz setting 56 80 104 Frame frequency fCLK Hz VDD=3.3V MPU interface Characteristics (VDD=2.5~5.5V, VLCD=2.5~5.5V, VSS=0V, Ta=-40~85degree, unless otherwise specified) Limit Parameter Symbol Unit Condition MIN. TYP. MAX. 0.3 Input rise time tr us 0.3 Input fall time tf us 2.5 SCL cycle time tSCYC us 0.6 “H” SCL pulse width tSHW us 1.3 “L” SCL pulse width tSLW us SDA setup time tSDS 100 ns SDA hold time tSDH 100 ns 1.3 Buss free time tBUF us 0.6 START condition hold time tHD;STA us 0.6 START condition setup time tSU;STA us 0.6 STOP condition setup time tSU;STO us Noise cancel width tsp 50 us SDA tr tLW tBUF tcyc SCL tSP tHD;STA tr tSDH tHW tSDS SDA tSU;STO tSU;STA Fig. BU9799KV-1 interface timing 12/22 ●Block Diagram (BU9799KV) ● Pin Arrangement (BU9799KV) COM0……COM3 SEG0……SEG49 SEG38 + - LCD BIAS SELECTOR + - common counter + blink timing generator DDRAM - VSS SEG23 SEG22 33 SEG24 SEG25 SEG26 SEG27 SEG28 SEG29 SEG30 SEG31 SEG32 SEG33 Segment driver SEG34 common driver SEG35 LCD voltage generator SEG36 48 SEG37 VLCD 49 32 SEG21 SEG39 SEG20 SEG40 SEG19 SEG41 SEG18 SEG42 SEG17 SEG43 SEG16 SEG44 SEG15 SEG45 SEG14 SEG46 SEG13 SEG47 SEG12 SEG48 SEG11 SEG49 SEG10 COM0 SEG9 COM1 SEG8 COM2 OSCILLATOR Power On Reset SEG4 SEG3 SEG2 SEG1 SEG0 TEST2 TEST1 SDA INHb SCL TEST3 OSCIO VSS VLCD 1 Command Data Decoder Command register OSCIN SEG7 SEG6 17 64 VDD INHb SEG5 16 COM3 serial interface VDD IF FILTER VSS TEST3 TEST2 TEST1 SDA SCL Fig. BU9799KV-2 block diagram Fig. BU9799KV-3 ●Terminal description (BU9799KV) Terminal Terminal I/O No. INHb 8 I TEST1 9 I TEST2 10 I TEST3 5 I OSCIO 4 I 7 6 3 2 1 11-60 61-64 I I SDA SCL VSS VDD VLCD SEG0-49 COM0-3 O O Pin arrangement Function Input terminal for turn off display H: turn on display L: turn off display Test input (ROHM use only) TEST1=”L”: POR circuit enable TEST1=”H”: POR circuit disenable, refer to “Cautions in Power ON/OFF” Test input (ROHM use only) Must be connect to VSS Test input (ROHM use only) Must be connect to VSS External clock input Ex clock and Int clock can be changed by command. Must be connect to VSS when use internal oscillation circuit. serial data input serial data transfer clock GND Power supply Power supply for LCD driving SEGMENT output for LCD driving COMMON output for LCD driving 13/22 ● Command Description (BU9799KV) D7 (MSB) is bit for command or data judgment. Refer to Command and data transfer method. C: 0: Next byte is RAM write data. 1: Next byte is command. ○ Mode Set (MODE SET) MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 C 1 0 0 D3 P3 Set display ON and OFF Setting P3 Display OFF 0 Display ON 1 Set bias level setup 1/3 Bias 1/2 Bias D1 * LSB D0 * Reset initialize condition ○ P3 0 1 ○ Address set (ADSET) MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 C 0 0 P4 P3 It is set address as follows; Internal register command D2 P2 Reset initialize condition ○ D2 P2 MSB Address [5] ICSET [P2] D1 P1 LSB D0 P0 Address [4] ADSET [P4] ・・・ ・・・ LSB Address [0] ADSET [P0] The range of address can be set as 00000 to 10001(2). Don’t set out of range address, otherwise address will be set 00000. ICSET command is only define MSB bit of address, not set the address of DDRAM. If want to set the address of DDRAM, it has to be input ADSET command. 14/22 ○ Display control (DISCTL) MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 C 0 1 P4 D3 P3 D2 P2 D1 P1 LSB D0 P0 Set Power save mode FR Power save mode FR Normal mode Power save mode1 Power save mode2 Power save mode3 P4 0 0 1 1 P3 0 1 0 1 Set LCD drive waveform Setup Line inversion Frame inversion P2 0 1 Reset initialize condition Set Power save mode SR Setup Power save mode1 Power save mode2 Normal mode High power mode P1 0 0 1 1 P0 0 1 0 1 Reset initialize condition ○ ○ Reset initialize condition ○ ○ Set IC Operation (ICSET) MSB LSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C 1 1 0 1 P2 P1 P0 P2: Define the MSB bit of address of DDRAM. Refer to ADSET command. Set software reset execution Setup P1 No operation 0 Software Reset execute 1 This command will be set initialize condition. When executed Software reset, P1 and P0 will be ignored. Set oscillator mode setup Internal oscillation External clock input ○ Blink control (BLKCTL) MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 C 1 1 1 Set blink mode Blink mode (Hz) OFF 0.5 1 2 P0 0 1 D3 0 P1 0 0 1 1 D2 * P0 0 1 0 1 Reset initialize condition ○ D1 P1 LSB D0 P0 Reset initialize condition ○ 15/22 ○ All Pixel control (APCTL) MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 C 1 1 1 D3 1 All display set ON, OFF APON P1 Normal 0 All pixel ON 1 APOFF Normal All pixel OFF P0 0 1 D2 1 D1 P1 LSB D0 P0 Reset initialize condition ○ Reset initialize condition ○ ○ EVR Set 1(EVRSET1) MSB LSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C 1 1 0 0 P2 P1 P0 It is able to control 32-step electrical volume register (EVR). It is able to set V0 voltage level (the max level voltage of LCD driving voltage). It is set electrical volume register as follows; MSB LSB EVR4 EVR3 EVR2 EVR1 EVR0 EVRSET1 EVRSET1 EVRSET1 EVRSET2 EVRSET2 P2 P1 P0 P1 P0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset initialize condition Electrical volume register (EVR) is set “00000” in reset initialize condition In “00000” condition, V0 voltage output VLCD voltage. Please refer to next page about V0 output voltage. It is prohibited the EVR setting that V0 voltage will be under 2.5V. EVRSET1 is defined the upper 3bit of electrical volume register. It will be set the electrical volume register by this command (EVRSET1) input. ○ EVR Set 2(EVRSET2) MSB LSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 C 1 1 1 1 0 P1 P0 EVRSET2 is defined the lower 2bit of electrical volume register. It will be set the electrical volume register by this command (EVRSET2) input. 16/22 ○ The relationship of electrical volume register(EVR) setting and V0 voltage EVR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Calculation formula VLCD= 5.500 VLCD= 5.000 VLCD= 4.000 VLCD= 3.500 VLCD= 3.000 VLCD= 2.500 VLCD V0= 5.500 V0= 5.000 V0= 4.000 V0= 3.500 V0= 3.000 V0= 2.500 0.967*VLCD V0= 5.323 V0= 4.839 V0= 3.871 V0= 3.387 V0= 2.903 V0= 2.419 0.937*VLCD V0= 5.156 V0= 4.688 V0= 3.750 V0= 3.281 V0= 2.813 V0= 2.344 0.909*VLCD V0= 5.000 V0= 4.545 V0= 3.636 V0= 3.182 V0= 2.727 V0= 2.273 0.882*VLCD V0= 4.853 V0= 4.412 V0= 3.529 V0= 3.088 V0= 2.647 V0= 2.206 0.857*VLCD V0= 4.714 V0= 4.286 V0= 3.429 V0= 3.000 V0= 2.571 V0= 2.143 0.833*VLCD V0= 4.583 V0= 4.167 V0= 3.333 V0= 2.917 V0= 2.500 V0= 2.083 0.810*VLCD V0= 4.459 V0= 4.054 V0= 3.243 V0= 2.838 V0= 2.432 V0= 2.027 0.789*VLCD V0= 4.342 V0= 3.947 V0= 3.158 V0= 2.763 V0= 2.368 V0= 1.974 0.769*VLCD V0= 4.231 V0= 3.846 V0= 3.077 V0= 2.692 V0= 2.308 V0= 1.923 0.750*VLCD V0= 4.125 V0= 3.750 V0= 3.000 V0= 2.625 V0= 2.250 V0= 1.875 0.731*VLCD V0= 4.024 V0= 3.659 V0= 2.927 V0= 2.561 V0= 2.195 V0= 1.829 0.714*VLCD V0= 3.929 V0= 3.571 V0= 2.857 V0= 2.500 V0= 2.143 V0= 1.786 0.697*VLCD V0= 3.837 V0= 3.488 V0= 2.791 V0= 2.442 V0= 2.093 V0= 1.744 0.681*VLCD V0= 3.750 V0= 3.409 V0= 2.727 V0= 2.386 V0= 2.045 V0= 1.705 0.666*VLCD V0= 3.667 V0= 3.333 V0= 2.667 V0= 2.333 V0= 2.000 V0= 1.667 0.652*VLCD V0= 3.587 V0= 3.261 V0= 2.609 V0= 2.283 V0= 1.957 V0= 1.630 0.638*VLCD V0= 3.511 V0= 3.191 V0= 2.553 V0= 2.234 V0= 1.915 V0= 1.596 0.625*VLCD V0= 3.438 V0= 3.125 V0= 2.500 V0= 2.188 V0= 1.875 V0= 1.563 0.612*VLCD V0= 3.367 V0= 3.061 V0= 2.449 V0= 2.143 V0= 1.837 V0= 1.531 0.600*VLCD V0= 3.300 V0= 3.000 V0= 2.400 V0= 2.100 V0= 1.800 V0= 1.500 0.588*VLCD V0= 3.235 V0= 2.941 V0= 2.353 V0= 2.059 V0= 1.765 V0= 1.471 0.576*VLCD V0= 3.173 V0= 2.885 V0= 2.308 V0= 2.019 V0= 1.731 V0= 1.442 0.566*VLCD V0= 3.113 V0= 2.830 V0= 2.264 V0= 1.981 V0= 1.698 V0= 1.415 0.555*VLCD V0= 3.056 V0= 2.778 V0= 2.222 V0= 1.944 V0= 1.667 V0= 1.389 0.545*VLCD V0= 3.000 V0= 2.727 V0= 2.182 V0= 1.909 V0= 1.636 V0= 1.364 0.535*VLCD V0= 2.946 V0= 2.679 V0= 2.143 V0= 1.875 V0= 1.607 V0= 1.339 0.526*VLCD V0= 2.895 V0= 2.632 V0= 2.105 V0= 1.842 V0= 1.579 V0= 1.316 0.517*VLCD V0= 2.845 V0= 2.586 V0= 2.069 V0= 1.810 V0= 1.552 V0= 1.293 0.508*VLCD V0= 2.797 V0= 2.542 V0= 2.034 V0= 1.780 V0= 1.525 V0= 1.271 0.500*VLCD V0= 2.750 V0= 2.500 V0= 2.000 V0= 1.750 V0= 1.500 V0= 1.250 0.491*VLCD V0= 2.705 V0= 2.459 V0= 1.967 V0= 1.721 V0= 1.475 V0= 1.230 Prohibit setting 17/22 [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] ● Function description (BU9799KV) ○ Command transfer method Issue Slave Address (“01111100”) after generate “START condition”. 1byte after Slave Address always becomes command input. MSB (“command or data judge bit”) of command decide to next data is command or display data. When set “command or data judge bit”=‘1’, next byte will be command. When set “command or data judge bit”=‘0’, next byte data is display data. S Slave address A 1 Command A 1 Command A 1 Command A 0 Command A Display Data … P Once it becomes display data transfer condition, it cannot input command. When want to input command again, please generate “START condition” once. ○ Write display and transfer method This device has Display Data RAM (DDRAM) of 50×4=200bit. The relationship between data input and display data, DDRAM data and address are as follows; Slave address S Command 01111100 A 0 0000000 A a b c d e f g h A i j k l m n o p A … P Display Data DDRAM address BIT 00 01 02 03 04 0 a e i m COM0 1 b f j n COM1 2 c g k o COM2 3 d h l p COM3 SEG0 SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 05 SEG5 06 SEG6 07 SEG7 ・・・ 2Fh SEG47 Data transfer to DDRAM happens every 4bit data. So It will be finished to transfer with no need to wait ACK. ○ Reset initialize condition Initial condition after execute Software Reset is as follows. ・ Display is OFF. ・ DDRAM address is initialized (DDRAM Data is not initialized). ・ Refer to Command Description about initialize value of register. 18/22 30h SEG48 31h SEG49 ● Cautions in Power ON/OFF (BU9799KV) ○ Power supply sequence Please keep Power ON/OFF sequence as below waveform. VLCD VDD Fig. BU9799KV-4 Power supply sequence ○ Caution in P.O.R circuit use This device has “P.O.R” (Power-On Reset) circuit and Software Reset function. Please keep the following recommended Power-On conditions in order to power up properly. Please set power up conditions to meet the recommended tR, tF, tOFF, and Vbot spec below in order to ensure P.O.R operation * It has to set TEST1=”L” to be valid in POR circuit. tF VDD Recommendation condition of tR, tF, tOFF, Vbot (Ta=25℃) tR tOFF tR tF tOFF Vbot Less than 5ms Less than 5ms More than Less than 0.3V 20ms Vbot Fig. BU9799KV-5 Power ON/OFF waveform If it is difficult to meet above conditions, execute the following sequence after Power-On. * It has to keep the following sequence in the case of TEST1=”H”. As POR circuit is invalid status. (1) TEST1 =”H” VDD SDA SCL STOP condition Fig. BU9799KV-6 (2) Stop condition After send STOP condition, execute Software Reset (ICSET) command. 19/22 ● IO Equivalent Circuit (BU9799KV) VDD VSS VLCD VSS SDA VSS SCL VSS VDD OSCIO VSS VLCD SEG/COM VSS VDD TEST3 VSS Fig. BU9799KV-7 I/O equivalent circuit 20/22 ● Cautions on use (1) Absolute Maximum Ratings An excess in the absolute maximum ratings, such as supply voltage, temperature range of operating conditions, etc., can break down devices, thus making impossible to identify breaking mode such as a short circuit or an open circuit. If any special mode exceeding the absolute maximum ratings is assumed, consideration should be given to take physical safety measures including the use of fuses, etc. (2) Operating conditions These conditions represent a range within which characteristics can be provided approximately as expected. The electrical characteristics are guaranteed under the conditions of each parameter. (3) Reverse connection of power supply connector The reverse connection of power supply connector can break down ICs. Take protective measures against the breakdown due to the reverse connection, such as mounting an external diode between the power supply and the IC’s power supply terminal. (4) Power supply line Design PCB pattern to provide low impedance for the wiring between the power supply and the GND lines. In this regard, or the digital block power supply and the analog block power supply, even though these power supplies has the same level of potential, separate the power supply pattern for the digital block from that for the analog block, thus suppressing the diffraction of digital noises to the analog block power supply resulting from impedance common to the wiring patterns. For the GND line, give consideration to design the patterns in a similar manner. Furthermore, for all power supply terminals to ICs, mount a capacitor between the power supply and the GND terminal. At the same time, in order to use an electrolytic capacitor, thoroughly check to be sure the characteristics of the capacitor to be used present no problem including the occurrence of capacity dropout at a low temperature, thus determining the constant. (5) GND voltage Make setting of the potential of the GND terminal so that it will be maintained at the minimum in any operating state. Furthermore, check to be sure no terminals are at a potential lower than the GND voltage including an actual electric transient. (6) Short circuit between terminals and erroneous mounting In order to mount ICs on a set PCB, pay thorough attention to the direction and offset of the ICs. Erroneous mounting can break down the ICs. Furthermore, if a short circuit occurs due to foreign matters entering between terminals or between the terminal and the power supply or the GND terminal, the ICs can break down. (7) Operation in strong electromagnetic field Be noted that using ICs in the strong electromagnetic field can malfunction them. (8) Inspection with set PCB On the inspection with the set PCB, if a capacitor is connected to a low-impedance IC terminal, the IC can suffer stress. Therefore, be sure to discharge from the set PCB by each process. Furthermore, in order to mount or dismount the set PCB to/from the jig for the inspection process, be sure to turn OFF the power supply and then mount the set PCB to the jig. After the completion of the inspection, be sure to turn OFF the power supply and then dismount it from the jig. In addition, for protection against static electricity, establish a ground for the assembly process and pay thorough attention to the transportation and the storage of the set PCB. (9) Input terminals In terms of the construction of IC, parasitic elements are inevitably formed in relation to potential. The operation of the parasitic element can cause interference with circuit operation, thus resulting in a malfunction and then breakdown of the input terminal. Therefore, pay thorough attention not to handle the input terminals, such as to apply to the input terminals a voltage lower than the GND respectively, so that any parasitic element will operate. Furthermore, do not apply a voltage to the input terminals when no power supply voltage is applied to the IC. In addition, even if the power supply voltage is applied, apply to the input terminals a voltage lower than the power supply voltage or within the guaranteed value of electrical characteristics. (10) Ground wiring pattern If small-signal GND and large-current GND are provided, It will be recommended to separate the large-current GND pattern from the small-signal GND pattern and establish a single ground at the reference point of the set PCB so that resistance to the wiring pattern and voltage fluctuations due to a large current will cause no fluctuations in voltages of the small-signal GND. Pay attention not to cause fluctuations in the GND wiring pattern of external parts as well. (11) External capacitor In order to use a ceramic capacitor as the external capacitor, determine the constant with consideration given to a degradation in the nominal capacitance due to DC bias and changes in the capacitance due to temperature, etc. (12) No Connecting input terminals In terms of extremely high impedance of CMOS gate, to open the input terminals causes unstable state. And unstable state brings the inside gate voltage of p-channel or n-channel transistor into active. As a result, battery current may increase. And unstable state can also causes unexpected operation of IC. So unless otherwise specified, input terminals not being used should be connected to the power supply or GND line. (13) Rush current When power is first supplied to the CMOS IC, it is possible that the internal logic may be unstable and rush current may flow instantaneously. Therefore, give special condition to power coupling capacitance, power wiring, width of GND wiring, and routing of connections. 21/22 ● Order form name selection B U 9 7 ROHM form name 9 Part No. 9 K V E - Package type KV=VQFP 2 Packaging and forming specification E2 =Reel-shaped emboss taping VQFP64 <Dimension> <Packing information> 12.0 ± 0.2 10.0 ± 0.1 33 49 17 64 1.6Max. 1.4 ± 0.05 0.1 ± 0.05 1 1.25 0.5 ± 0.15 1.0 ± 0.2 32 1.25 12.0 ± 0.2 10.0 ± 0.1 48 16 Tape Embossed carrier tape(with dry pack) Quantity 1000pcs Direction of feed E2 (The direction is the 1pin of product is at the upper left when you hold reel on the left hand and you pull out the tape on the right hand) 0.145 +0.05 −0.03 +6 4° −4 0.08 S ° ° 0.5 ± 0.1 + 0.2 −0.04 0.05 0.08 M 1Pin (Unit:mm) Direction of Reel ※When you order , please order in times the amount of package quantity. 22/22 Catalog No.08T184A '08.6 ROHM © Appendix Notes No copying or reproduction of this document, in part or in whole, is permitted without the consent of ROHM CO.,LTD. The content specified herein is subject to change for improvement without notice. The content specified herein is for the purpose of introducing ROHM's products (hereinafter "Products"). If you wish to use any such Product, please be sure to refer to the specifications, which can be obtained from ROHM upon request. Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account when designing circuits for mass production. Great care was taken in ensuring the accuracy of the information specified in this document. However, should you incur any damage arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information, ROHM shall bear no responsibility for such damage. The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of and examples of application circuits for the Products. ROHM does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM and other parties. ROHM shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising from the use of such technical information. The Products specified in this document are intended to be used with general-use electronic equipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, communication devices, electronic appliances and amusement devices). The Products are not designed to be radiation tolerant. While ROHM always makes efforts to enhance the quality and reliability of its Products, a Product may fail or malfunction for a variety of reasons. Please be sure to implement in your equipment using the Products safety measures to guard against the possibility of physical injury, fire or any other damage caused in the event of the failure of any Product, such as derating, redundancy, fire control and fail-safe designs. ROHM shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for your use of any Product outside of the prescribed scope or not in accordance with the instruction manual. The Products are not designed or manufactured to be used with any equipment, device or system which requires an extremely high level of reliability the failure or malfunction of which may result in a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury (such as a medical instrument, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controller, fuel-controller or other safety device). ROHM shall bear no responsibility in any way for use of any of the Products for the above special purposes. If a Product is intended to be used for any such special purpose, please contact a ROHM sales representative before purchasing. If you intend to export or ship overseas any Product or technology specified herein that may be controlled under the Foreign Exchange and the Foreign Trade Law, you will be required to obtain a license or permit under the Law. Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations. More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact your nearest sales office. ROHM Customer Support System Copyright © 2009 ROHM CO.,LTD. THE AMERICAS / EUROPE / ASIA / JAPAN Contact us : webmaster @ jp 21 Saiin Mizosaki-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8585, Japan TEL : +81-75-311-2121 FAX : +81-75-315-0172 Appendix-Rev4.0