HWL34YRA L-Band GaAs Power FET Autumn 2002 V1 Outline Dimensions Features • Low Cost GaAs Power FET • Class A or Class AB Operation • 14.5 dB Typical Gain at 2.4GHz • 5V to 10V Operation Description The HWL34YRA is a Power GaAs FET designed for various L-band & S-band applications. It is presently offered in low cost ceramic package. Absolute Maximum Ratings VDS Drain to Source Voltage +15V VGS Gate to Source Voltage -5V ID Drain Current IDSS IG Gate Current 6mA TCH Channel Temperature 175°C TSTG Storage Temperature -65 to +175°C Power Dissipation 12W PT * * RA Package (Ceramic) mounted on an infinite heat sink. Electrical Specifications (TA=25°C) f =2400 MHz for all RF Tests Symbol Parameters & Conditions Units Min. Typ. Max. IDSS Saturated Current at VDS=3V, VGS=0V mA 900 1200 1600 VP Pinch-off Voltage at VDS=3V, ID=60mA V -3.5 -2.0 -1.5 gm Transconductance at VDS=3V, ID=600mA mS - 700 - Rth Thermal Resistance °C/W - 9 12 dBm 33 34 - P1dB Power Output at Test Points VDS=10V, ID= 0.5Idss G1dB Gain at 1dB Compression Point VDS=10V, ID= 0.5Idss dB 13.5 14.5 - PAE Power-Added Efficiency (Pout = P1dB) VDS=10V, ID= 0.5Idss % 35 45 - Hexawave Inc. 2 Prosperity Road II, Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.. TEL 886-3-578-5100 FAX 886-3-577-0512 http://www.hw.com.tw Email: sales@hw.com.tw All specifications are subject to change without notice. HWL34YRA L-Band GaAs Power FET Autumn 2002 V1 Typical Performance at 25°°C Output Power & Efficiency & Gain vs Input Power @ f=1.9 GHz, Vds=10V, Ids = 0.5 Idss Po (dBm) 35 PAE (%) 50 30 40 25 20 30 15 Gain 10 20 Po Gain Eff 10 5 0 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 Pin (dBm) 24 Output Power & Efficiency & Gain vs Input Power @ f=2.4 GHz, Vds=10V, Ids = 0.5 Idss Po (dBm) 35 PAE (%) 60 30 50 Po 25 40 Gain 20 Eff 30 Gain 15 20 10 5 10 0 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Pin (dBm) Hexawave Inc. 2 Prosperity Road II, Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.. TEL 886-3-578-5100 FAX 886-3-577-0512 http://www.hw.com.tw Email: sales@hw.com.tw All specifications are subject to change without notice. HWL34YRA L-Band GaAs Power FET Autumn 2002 V1 Power Derating Curve Total Power Dissipation,PT (W) 16 (25,12.0) 12 8 4 (175,0) 0 0 50 100 150 200 Case Temperature,TC (℃) Hexawave Inc. 2 Prosperity Road II, Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.. TEL 886-3-578-5100 FAX 886-3-577-0512 http://www.hw.com.tw Email: sales@hw.com.tw All specifications are subject to change without notice. HWL34YRA L-Band GaAs Power FET Autumn 2002 V1 Small Signal Common Source Scattering Parameters S-MAGN AND ANGLES VDS=10V, IDS=0.5IDSS (GHz) lS11l ∠ANG lS21l ∠ANG lS12l ∠ANG lS22l ∠ANG 0.5 0.947 -130.684 11.604 99.353 0.014 30.593 0.254 -131.689 0.6 0.949 -142.198 10.210 91.564 0.013 16.744 0.270 -131.001 0.7 0.927 -152.271 8.674 84.882 0.016 18.392 0.299 -138.530 0.8 0.931 -160.245 7.616 78.087 0.014 11.917 0.321 -141.943 0.9 0.930 -167.066 6.801 73.266 0.016 11.796 0.331 -144.778 1.0 0.934 -173.566 6.168 67.037 0.022 3.037 0.351 -147.447 1.1 0.929 -179.133 5.472 63.127 0.015 8.597 0.369 -151.567 1.2 0.930 175.811 4.965 57.754 0.016 -0.436 0.386 -153.251 1.3 0.927 171.215 4.528 53.779 0.015 2.559 0.399 -155.880 1.4 0.926 167.036 4.141 49.641 0.016 -1.229 0.421 -158.172 1.5 0.924 162.831 3.818 45.231 0.017 -8.179 0.430 -160.732 1.6 0.925 158.511 3.553 41.565 0.016 -9.085 0.441 -162.681 1.7 0.929 155.145 3.306 37.733 0.016 -9.257 0.457 -165.441 1.8 0.928 152.195 3.053 34.226 0.016 -10.604 0.476 -166.853 1.9 0.923 148.836 2.852 30.512 0.017 -17.858 0.483 -169.223 2.0 0.936 145.751 2.675 27.311 0.015 -11.779 0.504 -170.146 2.1 0.924 142.432 2.506 23.576 0.014 -19.614 0.512 -172.408 2.2 0.927 139.764 2.356 20.349 0.015 -17.051 0.529 -174.536 2.3 0.929 136.975 2.211 17.260 0.015 -22.120 0.540 -175.615 2.4 0.930 134.915 2.076 14.278 0.015 -18.382 0.550 -176.656 2.5 0.927 131.630 1.963 10.858 0.014 -25.142 0.563 -178.245 2.6 0.933 129.386 1.874 8.107 0.014 -22.983 0.588 -179.669 2.7 0.932 127.241 1.756 5.346 0.014 -29.044 0.583 179.190 2.8 0.929 125.386 1.665 2.538 0.014 -19.682 0.597 178.052 2.9 0.935 122.879 1.578 -0.146 0.013 -29.826 0.606 176.436 3.0 0.935 120.597 1.497 -3.033 0.012 -49.463 0.613 175.600 3.1 0.934 118.987 1.427 -5.365 0.012 -29.255 0.622 174.679 3.2 0.939 116.922 1.358 -8.017 0.015 -14.167 0.631 173.081 3.3 0.935 114.958 1.304 -10.711 0.012 -32.211 0.639 171.960 3.4 0.931 113.530 1.254 -12.885 0.013 -28.065 0.645 171.700 3.5 0.931 111.453 1.202 -15.654 0.014 -26.944 0.659 170.094 3.6 0.939 109.845 1.157 -17.709 0.011 -42.929 0.662 168.398 3.7 0.934 108.557 1.120 -20.278 0.012 -28.638 0.675 168.044 3.8 0.939 106.654 1.086 -22.849 0.013 -16.919 0.666 164.745 3.9 0.939 105.303 1.039 -24.926 0.012 -35.426 0.683 166.180 4.0 0.938 103.525 1.015 -27.027 0.013 -28.487 0.691 165.577 Hexawave Inc. 2 Prosperity Road II, Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.. TEL 886-3-578-5100 FAX 886-3-577-0512 http://www.hw.com.tw Email: sales@hw.com.tw All specifications are subject to change without notice.