Bulletin I25200 rev. B 04/00 ST3230C..R SERIES PHASE CONTROL THYRISTORS Hockey Puk Version Features 3360A Double side cooling High surge capability High mean current Fatigue free Typical Applications DC motor controls Controlled DC power supplies AC controllers (R-PUK) Major Ratings and Characteristics Parameters ST3230C..R Units 2785 A 80 °C 3360 A 55 °C 5970 A 25 °C @ 50Hz 61200 A @ 60Hz 64000 A @ 50Hz 18730 KA2s @ 60Hz 17000 KA2s 1000 to 1800 V IT(AV) @ TC IT(AV) @ Ths IT(RMS) @ Ths ITSM 2 It VDRM /VRRM tq typical 500 µs TJ max. 125 °C www.irf.com 1 ST3230C..R Series Bulletin I25200 rev. B 04/00 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Ratings Type number Voltage Code V DRM/V RRM, max. repetitive peak and off-state voltage V VRSM , maximum nonrepetitive peak voltage V 10 1000 1100 12 1200 1300 14 1400 1500 16 1600 1700 18 1800 1900 ST3230C..R I DRM /IRRM max. @ TC = 125°C mA 250 On-state Conduction Parameter ST3230C..R Max. average on-state current 2785 (1720) A 80 °C 180° conduction, half sine wave IT(AV) Max. average on-state current 3360 (1360) A double side (single side [anode side]) cooled @ Heatsink temperature 55 (85) °C 5970 A I T(AV) @ Case temperature I T(RMS) Max. RMS on-state current I TSM Max. peak, one-cycle 61200 non-repetitive surge current 64000 Maximum I2t for fusing reapplied 51300 t = 8.3ms 18730 t = 10ms reapplied No voltage t = 8.3ms reapplied t = 10ms 50% VRRM t = 8.3ms reapplied A KA2s 10920 0.92 V TJ = TJ max. 0.09 mΩ T J = TJ max. Max. value of on-state slope resistance No voltage 50% VRRM 12000 rt DC @ 25°C heatsink temperature double side cooled t = 10ms t = 10ms 17000 V T(TO) Max. value of threshold voltage Conditions t = 8.3ms 49000 I 2t Units V TM Max. on-state voltage 1.3 V IL Typical latching current 300 mA Sinusoidal half wave, Initial TC = 125°C I = 2900A, TC = 25°C pk T J = 25°C, VD = 5V Switching Parameter di/dt Max. repetitive 50Hz (no repetitive) rate of rise of turned-on current t d Maximum delay time ST3230C..R 150 (300) Units Conditions A/µs q 2 Typical turn-off time 500 r Gate drive 30V, 15Ω, V = 67% VDRM, TJ = 25°C d 4.5 µs t From 67% VDRM to 1000A gate drive 10V, 5Ω, t = 0.5µs to 1A, TJ = TJ max. Rise time 0.5µs IT = 1000A, t = 1ms, TJ = TJ max, VRM = 50V, p dIRR/dt = 2A/µs, VDR = 67% VDRM, dvDR/dt = 8V/µs linear www.irf.com ST3230C..R Series Bulletin I25200 rev. 04/00 Blocking Parameter ST3230C..R Units Conditions dv/dt Maximum linear rate of rise of off-state voltage 500 V/µs TJ = TJ max. to 67% rated VDRM IRRM IDRM Max. peak reverse and off-state leakage current 250 mA TJ = 125°C rated VDRM /V RRM applied ST3230C..R Units Triggering Parameter Conditions PGM Maximum peak gate power 150 PG(AV) Maximum average gate power 10 IGM Max. peak positive gate current 30 A VGM Max. peak positive gate voltage 30 V Anode positive with respect to cathode -V GM Max. peak negative gate voltage 0.25 V Anode negative with respect to cathode IGT Maximum DC gate current 400 mA TC = 25°C, VDRM = 5V 4 V TC = 25°C, VDRM = 5V required to trigger VGT Maximum gate voltage required to trigger VGD DC gate voltage not to trigger t = 100µs W p Anode positive with respect to cathode 0.25 V TC = 125°C ST3230C..R Units Conditions Max. gate current/voltage not to trigger is the max. value which will not trigger any unit with rated VDRM anode-to-cathode applied Thermal and Mechanical Specification Parameter TJ max. Max. operating temperature 125 T Max. storage temperature range RthJ-C Thermal resistance, junction 0.019 to case 0.0095 Thermal resistance, case 0.004 to heatsink 0.002 stg Rth(C-h) F Mounting force ± 10% wt Approximate weight Case style On-state (conducting) °C -55 to 125 DC operation single side cooled K/W K/W 43000 N (4400) (Kg) 1600 g (R-PUK) DC operation double side cooled Single side cooled Double side cooled Clamping force 43KN with mounting compound See Outline Table ∆RthJ-C Conduction (The following table shows the increment of thermal resistence RthJ-C when devices operate at different conduction angles than DC) Conduction angle Single side Double side 180° 0.0010 0.0010 120° 0.0017 0.0017 60° 0.0044 0.0044 www.irf.com Units Conditions TJ = TJ max. K/W 3 ST3230C..R Series Bulletin I25200 rev. B 04/00 Ordering Information Table Device Code ST 323 1 1 - Thyristor 2 - Essential part number 3 - 0 = Converter grade 4 - C = Ceramic Puk 2 0 C 18 R 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 - Voltage code: Code x 100 = VRRM (See Voltage Rating Table) 6 - R = Puk Case 7 - 0 = Eyelet terminals (Gate and Auxiliary Cathode Unsoldered Leads) 1 = Fast-on terminals (Gate and Auxiliary Cathode Unsoldered Leads) 2 = Eyelet terminals (Gate and Auxiliary Cathode Soldered Leads) 3 = Fast-on terminals (Gate and Auxiliary Cathode Soldered Leads) 8 - Critical dv/dt: None = 500V/µsec (Standard selection) L = 1000V/µsec (Special selection) Outline Table 112.5 (4.4) DIA. MAX. 73.2 (2.9) DIA. MAX. 3 7.7 (1.5 ) M A X . TWO PLACES GATE 1.5 (0.06) DIA. ANODE HOLE 1.5 (0.06) DIA. MAX. 4.76 (0.2) CATHODE 20° ± 5° 6 .3 2 (0 . 4) (R-PUK) All dimensions in millimeters (inches) 3.7 (0.15) DIA. NOM. X 2.1 (0.1) DEEP MIN. BOTH ENDS 4 Quote between upper and lower pole pieces has to be considered after application of Mounting Force (see Thermal and Mechanical Specification) www.irf.com ST3230C..R Series 13 0 M axim um Allowable Heatsink Temperature (°C) M a x im u m A llo w a b le H e a t sin k Te m pe ra t u re (° C ) Bulletin I25200 rev. B 04/00 ST 3 2 3 0 C ..R Se rie s (Sin g le Sid e C o o le d ) R th J-hs (D C ) = 0 .0 2 3 K / W 12 0 11 0 10 0 90 80 Co nd uctio n A ng le 70 60 50 60° 1 20° 40 30 1 80° DC 20 0 50 0 1 0 00 1 50 0 2 0 00 2 50 0 30 0 0 3 5 00 130 ST3230C..R Series (D ouble Side Cooled) R th J-hs (DC) = 0.0115 K/W 120 110 100 90 C o ndu c tio n A ng le 80 70 60 50 40 60° 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Average O n-state Curren t (A) Fig. 1 - Current Ratings Characteristics Fig. 2 - Current Ratings Characteristics 1 0 0 00 9000 8000 6000 DC 180° 120° 60° 5000 RMS Lim it 7000 4000 3000 Co n duc tion Ang le 2000 ST3230C..R Series TJ = 125°C 1000 In s ta n ta n e o u s O n -st a te C u rre n t (A ) Maxim um Average On-state Power L oss (W ) DC 180° 20 A v e ra g e O n -st a te C u rre n t (A ) 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 TJ = 1 2 5 ° C 1 0 00 S T3 2 3 0 C ..R Se rie s 10 0 0 .5 6000 A t A n y R a t e d Lo a d C o n d it io n A n d W it h 5 0 % R a t e d V RR M A p p lie d Fo llo w in g S u rg e 5 0 00 0 In it ia l T J = 1 2 5 °C @ 6 0 H z 0 .0 0 8 3 s 4 5 00 0 @ 5 0 H z 0 .0 1 0 0 s 4 0 00 0 3 5 00 0 3 0 00 0 2 5 00 0 ST 3 2 3 0 C ..R Se rie s 1 5 00 0 10 1 00 P e a k H a lf S in e W av e O n - sta t e C u rre n t (A ) 5 5 00 0 1 1. 5 2 Fig. 4 - On-state Voltage Drop Characteristics Fig. 3 - On-state Power Loss Characteristics 2 0 00 0 1 In sta n t a n e o u s O n - st a te V o lt a g e (V ) Average O n-state Curren t (A) P e a k H a lf Sin e W a v e O n -sta t e C u rre n t (A ) 120° 30 100000 M a xim u m N o n R e pe t it iv e Su rg e C u rre n t V e rsu s P u lse T ra in D u ra t io n . C o n t ro l 90000 O f C o n d u c tio n M a y N o t Be M a in ta in e d . In itia l T J = 1 2 5 °C 5 0 % R a t e d VR RM R e a p p lie d 80000 70000 60000 50000 S T 3 2 3 0 C ..R Se rie s 40000 1 10 N um b e r O f E qu al Am p litude H alf C yc le C urre n t Pulse s (N ) Pu lse Tr a in D u ra t io n (m s) Fig. 5 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current Fig. 6 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current www.irf.com 5 ST3230C..R Series Bulletin I25200 rev. B 04/00 1 00 00 T o t a l st o r e d c h ar ge - Q rr ( µC ) I T = 1000A T J = 125° C S T 3 2 3 0 C ..R Se rie s 1 0 00 IT dI T dt t t p = 3 ms Q rr I RM ( REC ) 1 00 0 .1 1 10 1 00 Ra t e O f D e c a y O f O n - sta t e C u rre n t - d i/ d t ( A / µ s) Tra n sie n t T h e rm al Im p e da n c e Z thJ- C ( K /W ) Fig. 7 - Stored Charged 0 .1 St e ad y St a t e V a lu e R thJ-C = 0 .0 1 9 K / W (Sin gle Sid e C o o le d ) R thJ-C = 0 .0 0 9 5 K/ W ( D o u b le S id e C o o le d ) 0. 01 ( D C O p e rat io n ) 0 .0 0 1 ST 3 2 3 0 C ..R S e rie s 0. 00 01 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 1 0 .1 1 10 10 0 Sq u are W a v e P ulse D u ra t io n ( s) Fig. 8 - Thermal Impedance ZthJ-C Characteristics 10 PG M PG M PG M PG M PG M PG M = 2W = 4W = 8W = 20W = 50W = 100W (5) VG D Tj=-4 0 °C Tj=1 25 °C 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Tj=25 °C In st an t a n e o us G at e V o lt ag e ( V ) 100 (1) (2) (6) (3) (4) IG D D e v ic e : S T3 2 3 0 C ..R Se rie s 0. 1 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 1 F re q u e n c y L im ite d b y P G( A V ) 0 .1 1 10 In sta n ta n e o u s G a te C u rre n t ( A ) Fig. 9 - Gate Characteristics 6 www.irf.com