RH1499M 10MHz, 6V/µs, Quad Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Precision C-Load Op Amp DESCRIPTION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS The RH1499 is a quad, rail-to-rail input and output precision C-Load™ op amp with a 10MHz gain-bandwidth product and a 6V/μs slew rate. (Note 1) The RH1499 is designed to maximize input dynamic range by delivering precision performance over the full supply voltage. Using a patented technique, the input stages of the RH1499 are trimmed, one at the negative supply and the other at the positive supply. The resulting guaranteed common mode rejection is much better than other railto-rail input op amps. When used as a unity-gain buffer in front of single supply 12-bit A-to-D converters, the RH1499 is guaranteed to add less than 1LSB of error even in single 3V supply systems. Total Supply Voltage (V+ to V–) .................................36V Input Current........................................................±10mA Output Short-Circuit Duration (Note 2) ......... Continuous Operating Temperature Range................ –55°C to 125°C Specified Temperature Range ................ –55°C to 125°C Junction Temperature .......................................... 150°C Storage Temperature Range................... –65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) .................. 300°C With 110dB of supply rejection, the RH1499 maintains its performance over a supply range of 2.2V to 36V. The inputs can be driven beyond the supplies without damage or phase reversal of the output. These op amps remain stable while driving capacitive loads up to 10,000pF. The wafer lots are processed to Linear Technology's inhouse Class S flow to yield circuits usable in stringent military and space applications. L, LT, LTC and LTM are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. C-Load is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. BURN-IN CIRCUIT PACKAGE INFORMATION TOP VIEW 50k 16V – 100Ω RH1499M + 50k –16V RH1499M BI OUT A 1 14 OUT D –IN A 2 13 –IN D +IN A 3 12 +IN D V+ 4 11 V– +IN B 5 10 +IN C –IN B 6 9 –IN C OUT B 7 8 OUT C W PACKAGE 14-LEAD CERAMIC FLATPAK 1 RH1499M TABLE 1: ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Preirradiation) VS = ±15V, VCM = VOUT = 0V, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VOS VCM = V+, V– VCM = 14.5V, –14.5V Input Offset Voltage Input Offset Voltage Match VCM = V+ to V– (Channel-to-Channel) VCM = 14.5V to –14.5V (Note 3) IB IOS Input Bias Current NOTES Input Bias Current Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 3) VCM VCM = 14.5V, –14.5V Input Offset Current VCM = V+, V– VCM = 14.5V, –14.5V –55°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C SUBMIN TYP MAX GROUP UNITS 800 1 3 250 0 250 –715 –250 0 12 6 –15 450 1800 500 1200 –500 0 nA nA nA nA 50 400 nA nA 40 300 μV μV 2, 3 0 200 70 1 0.1Hz to 10Hz 1100 715 –1200 3 2, 3 15 μV μV 350 1400 1 Input Voltage Range Input Noise Voltage TA = 25°C SUBTYP MAX GROUP 200 VCM = V+ VCM = 14.5V VCM = V– VCM = –14.5V = V+, V– MIN –14.5 2, 3 14.5 nA nA V 400 nVP-P en Input Noise Voltage Density f = 1kHz 12 nV/√Hz in Input Noise Current Density f = 1kHz 0.3 pA/√Hz AVOL Large-Signal Voltage Gain VO = –14.5V to 14.5V, RL = 10k VO = –10V to 10V, RL = 2k CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM = V+ to V– VCM = 14.5V to –14.5V CMRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 3) VCM = V+ to V– VCM = 14.5V to –14.5V Power Supply Rejection Ratio VS = ±2V to ±16V PSRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 3) VS = ±2V to ±16V Output Voltage Swing (Low) (Note 4) No Load ISINK = 1mA ISINK = 10mA ISINK = 5mA PSRR VOL VOH Output Voltage Swing (High) (Note 4) ISC Short-Circuit Current IS Supply Current per Amp No Load ISINK = 1mA ISINK = 10mA ISINK = 5mA 3 3 1000 5200 500 2300 90 102 84 110 83 110 18 50 230 2.5 75 420 4 ±15 400 5, 6 V/mV V/mV 25 100 86 2, 3 102 dB dB 80 100 dB dB 88 100 82 100 1 1 30 100 500 10 150 800 ±30 1.8 GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product f = 100kHz 6.8 10.5 SR Slew Rate AV = –1, RL = 2k, VO = ±10V, Measure at VO = ±5V 3.5 6 2 60 103 90 4 4 4 4 1 2.5 ±7.5 1 4 2, 3 dB 25 70 75 150 180 500 5 100 25 250 300 800 ±12 2.2 5.8 8.5 2.2 4 dB 3 5, 6 5, 6 mV mV mV mV mV mV mV mV 2, 3 mA 2, 3 mA MHz 5, 6 V/μs RH1499M TABLE 1A: ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Postirradiation) VS = ±15V, VCM = 0V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER VOS Input Offset Voltage 10Krad (Si) MIN MAX 20Krad (Si) MIN MAX 50Krad (Si) MIN MAX 100Krad (Si) MIN MAX 200Krad (Si) MIN MAX UNITS VCM = V+, V– 950 950 950 950 950 μV = V+, V– 765 815 865 915 965 nA 100 100 100 100 100 nA CONDITIONS IB Input Bias Current VCM IOS Input Offset Current VCM = V+, V– NOTES V– Input Voltage Range AVOL CMRR Large-Signal Voltage Gain Common Mode Rejection Ratio Power Supply Rejection Ratio V+ V– V+ V– V+ V– V+ V 500 500 500 500 500 V/mV VO = –10V to 10V, RL = 2k 250 250 250 250 250 V/mV VCM = V+ to V– 86 86 86 86 86 dB 83 83 83 83 83 dB 90 90 90 90 90 dB 83 83 83 83 83 dB 3 VS = ±2V to ±16V PSRR Match VS = ±2V to ±16V (Channel-to-Channel) VOUT V– VO = –14.5V to 14.5V, RL = 10k CMRR Match VCM = V+ to V– (Channel-to-Channel) PSRR V+ 3 Output Voltage Swing Low No Load ISINK = 1mA ISINK = 10mA 4 60 100 500 60 100 500 60 100 500 60 100 500 60 100 500 mV mV mV Output Voltage Swing High No Load ISINK = 1mA ISINK = 10mA 4 20 150 800 20 150 800 20 150 800 20 150 800 20 150 800 mV mV mV ISC Short-Circuit Current ±10 IS Supply Current GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product f = 100kHz SR Slew Rate AV = –1, RL = 10k, VO = ±10V, Measure at VO = ±5V ±10 2.5 ±10 2.5 ±10 2.5 ±10 2.5 mA 2.5 mA 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 MHz 3 3 3 3 3 V/μs 3 RH1499M TABLE 2: ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Preirradiation) VS = 3V, 5V; VCM = VOUT = half supply, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VOS VCM = V+, V– VCM = V+ – 0.5V, V– + 0.5V Input Offset Voltage Input Offset Voltage Match VCM = V+ to V– (Channel-to-Channel) VCM = V+ – 0.5V, V– + 0.5V (Note 3) IB IOS Input Bias Current NOTES Input Bias Current Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 3) Input Offset Current VCM = V+, V– VCM = V+ – 0.5V, V– + 0.5V –55°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C MIN TYP MAX 3 200 0 250 0 –250 10 1100 350 1800 0 450 1100 –1100 –450 0 nA nA nA nA 0 30 400 nA nA 15 300 0.1Hz to 10Hz 2, 3 0 180 65 1 V– μV μV 650 3 5 2, 3 V+ μV μV 300 1400 1 –650 SUBGROUP UNITS 800 1 Input Voltage Range Input Noise Voltage TA = 25°C SUBTYP MAX GROUP 150 VCM = V+ VCM = V+ – 0.5V VCM = V– VCM = V– + 0.5V VCM = V+, V– VCM = V+ – 0.5V, V– + 0.5V MIN V– + 0.5V 2, 3 V+ – 0.5V nA nA V 400 nVP-P en Input Noise Voltage Density f = 1kHz 12 nV/√Hz in Input Noise Current Density f = 1kHz 0.3 pA/√Hz CIN Input Capacitance AVOL Large-Signal Voltage Gain CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 3) 5 VS = 5V, VO = 75mV to 4.8V, RL = 10k VS = 3V, VO = 75mV to 2.8V, RL = 10k 600 3800 500 2000 VS = 5V, VCM = V+ to V– VS = 3V, VCM = V+ to V– VS = 5V, VCM = 0.5V to 4.5V VS = 3V, VCM = 0.5V to 2.5V 76 72 90 86 VS = 5V, VCM = V+ to V– VS = 3V, VCM = V+ to V– VS = 5V, VCM = 0.5V to 4.5V VS = 3V, VCM = 0.5V to 2.5V pF 4 60 210 25 210 1 2, 3 68 65 3 75 70 91 86 88 105 82 120 5, 6 85 85 1 1 2, 3 66 62 82 86 104 80 118 2, 3 V/mV V/mV dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio VS = 2.2V to 12V, VCM = VO = 0.5V PSRR Match (Channel-to-Channel) (Note 3) VS = 2.2V to 12V, VCM = VO = 0.5V Output Voltage Swing (Low) (Note 4) No Load ISINK = 1mA ISINK = 2.5mA 4 14 50 90 30 100 200 4 25 65 110 75 150 220 5, 6 mV mV mV Output Voltage Swing (High) (Note 4) No Load ISINK = 1mA ISINK = 2.5mA 4 2.5 70 140 10 150 250 4 5 100 180 25 250 300 5, 6 mV mV mV ISC Short-Circuit Current VS = 5V VS = 3V IS Supply Current per Amp PSRR VOL VOH 4 3 ±12.5 ±12 24 19 1.7 1 2.2 1 ±5 ±5 dB ±10 ±9.5 2 2.7 2, 3 mA mA 2, 3 mA RH1499M TABLE 2: ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Preirradiation) VS = 3V, 5V; VCM = VOUT = half supply, unless otherwise noted. NOTES MIN TA = 25°C SUBTYP MAX GROUP SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product VS = 5V, f = 100kHz 6.8 10.5 SR Slew Rate VS = ±2.5V, AV = –1, RL = 2k,VO = ±2V, Measure at VO = ±1V 2.6 4.5 –55°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C MIN TYP MAX 5.8 8.5 2 3.6 4 SUBGROUP UNITS MHz 5, 6 V/μs TABLE 2A: ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Postirradiation) VS = 5V, 3V; VCM = half supply, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER VOS IB IOS Input Offset Voltage Input Bias Current Input Offset Current CONDITIONS 10Krad (Si) NOTES MIN MAX 20Krad (Si) MIN MAX 50Krad (Si) MIN MAX 100Krad (Si) MIN MAX VCM = V+, V– 950 950 950 950 950 μV VCM = V+, V– 700 750 800 850 900 nA VCM = V+, V– 65 nA V+ V 65 V– Input Voltage Range = 75mV to V+ – 0.2V AVOL Large-Signal Voltage VO Gain R1 = 10k CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM = V+ to V– CMRR Match VCM = V+ to V– (Channel-to-Channel) PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio VS = 2.2V to 12V, VCM = VO = 0.5V PSRR Match VS = 2.2V to 12V, (Channel-to-Channel) VCM = VO = 0.5V VOUT 3 3 V+ 65 V– V+ 65 V– V+ 200Krad (Si) MIN MAX UNITS 65 V– V+ V– 300 300 300 300 300 V/mV 70 70 70 70 70 dB 70 70 70 70 70 dB 88 88 88 88 88 dB 82 82 82 82 82 dB Output Voltage Swing Low No Load ISINK = 1mA ISINK = 2.5mA 4 60 100 200 60 100 200 60 100 200 60 100 200 60 100 200 mV mV mV Output Voltage Swing High No Load ISINK = 1mA ISINK = 2.5mA 4 20 150 250 20 150 250 20 150 250 20 150 250 20 150 250 mV mV mV ISC Short-Circuit Current IS Supply Current SR Slew Rate ±8 ±8 2.2 VS = ±2.5V, AV = –1, RL = 10k, VO = ±2V, Measure at VO = ±1V 2 Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: A heat sink may be required to keep the junction temperature below this absolute maximum rating when the output is shorted indefinitely. ±8 2.2 2 ±8 2.2 2 ±8 2.2 2 mA 2.2 2 mA V/μs Note 3: Matching parameters are the difference between amplifiers A and D and between B and C. Note 4: Output voltage swings are measured between the output and power supply rails. 5 RH1499M TABLE 2: ELECTRICAL TEST REQUIREMENTS MIL-STD-883 TEST REQUIREMENTS SUBGROUP Final Electrical Test Requirements (Method 5004) 1*,2,3,4,5,6 Group A Test Requirements (Method 5005) 1,2,3,4,5,6 Group B and D for Class S, and End Point Electrical Parameters (Method 5005) PDA Test Notes The PDA is specified as 5% based on failures from group A, subgroup 1, tests after cooldown as the final electrical test in accordance with method 5004 of MIL-STD-883. The verified failures of group A, subgroup 1, after burn-in divided by the total number of devices submitted for burn-in in that lot shall be used to determine the percent for the lot. 1,2,3 Linear Technology Corporation reserves the right to test to tighter limits than those given. *PDA applies to subgroup 1. See PDA Test Notes. TOTAL DOSE BIAS CIRCUIT 40pF 5k 15V – 5k 8V + –15V 6 RH1499 TC RH1499M TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Large Signal Voltage Gain RL = 10k 6000 Slew Rate 8 VS = ±15V VO = ±10V RL = 2k 3000 VS = ±15V VO = ±14.5V AVOL (V/mV) AVOL (V/mV) Large Signal Voltage Gain 4000 4000 VS = 5V VO = 75mV TO 4.8V 2000 VS = ±15V VO = ±10V RL = 10k 6 SLEW RATE (V/μs) 8000 2000 1000 4 2 VS = 3V VO = 75mV TO 2.8V 0 0 1 10 100 TOTAL DOSE-Krad (Si) 1000 0 10 100 TOTAL DOSE-Krad (Si) 1 RH1499 G01 VS = ±15, 5V, 3V 1 0 VS = ±15V, 5V, 3V VCM = 0V 10 100 TOTAL DOSE-Krad (Si) 400 40 200 20 0 –20 –400 –40 –600 –60 –80 1 10 100 TOTAL DOSE-Krad (Si) RH1499 G04 1 1000 VS = ±15V, 5V, 3V VCM = 0V V– ≤ V CM Power Supply Rejection Ratio 160 ≤ V+ ±2V ≤ VS ≤ ±16V VCM = 0V 120 –200 140 VS = ±15V 100 VS = 5V PSRR (dB) CMRR (dB) 110 –600 1000 RH1499 G06 Common Mode Rejection Ratio 130 –400 10 100 TOTAL DOSE-Krad (Si) RH1499 G05 Input Bias Current 0 0 –200 1000 VS = ±15V, 5V, 3V VCM = 0V 60 –800 1 1000 Input Offset Current 80 IOS (nA) VOS (μV) IS (mA) 3 2 10 100 TOTAL DOSE-Krad (Si) RH1499 G03 Input Offset Voltage 800 600 IB (nA) 1 RH1499 G02 Supply Current per Amp 4 1000 90 VS = 3V 80 120 100 70 60 –800 80 50 1 10 100 TOTAL DOSE-Krad (Si) 1000 RH1499 G07 1 10 100 TOTAL DOSE-Krad (Si) 1000 RH1499 G08 1 10 100 TOTAL DOSE-Krad (Si) 1000 RH1499 G09 7 RH1499M TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Supply Current vs Supply Voltage 2.0 TA = 125°C TA = 25°C 1.5 TA = –55°C 1.0 0.5 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 TOTAL SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 400 300 VS = 5V, 0V 1.5 1.0 0.5 75 50 25 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 0 Open-Loop Voltage Gain vs Temperature 0 –100 TA = 125°C –200 TA = 25°C 125 –400 –2 –1 0 2 3 4 5 1 COMMON MODE VOLTAGE (V) 6 RH1499 G12 400 RL = 2k VS = ±15V VS = ±15V VCM = 15V 300 1000 100 200 10 –50 0 –25 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (°C) NPN ACTIVE VS = 5V, 0V VCM = 5V PNP ACTIVE VS = ±15V VCM = –15V 100 0 –100 –200 VS = 5V, 0V VCM = 0V –300 –400 –50 –35 –20 –5 10 25 40 55 70 85 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) RH1499 G13 RH1499 G14 Output Saturation Voltage vs Load Current (Output High) Output Saturation Voltage vs Load Current (Output Low) 1000 SATURATION VOLTAGE (mV) 1000 SATURATION VOLTAGE (mV) TA = –55°C Input Bias Current vs Temperature INPUT BIAS CURRENT (nA) OPEN LOOP VOLTAGE GAIN (V/mV) 100 RH1499 G11 RH1499 G10 10000 200 –300 0 –50 –25 36 VS = 5V, 0V VS = ±15V INPUT BIAS CURRENT (nA) SUPPLY CURRENT PER AMPLIFIER (mA) SUPPLY CURRENT PER AMPLIFIER (mA) 2.0 0 Input Bias Current vs Common Mode Voltage Supply Current vs Temperature 100 10 TA = –55°C 100 TA = 25°C TA = 125°C 10 TA = –55°C TA = 125°C TA = 25°C 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 10 RH1499 G15 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 10 RH1499 G16 ID No. 66-10-1499 8 Linear Technology Corporation LT 0708 REV D • PRINTED IN USA 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 (408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● www.linear.com © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2003