Institutscientifique de servicepublic Métrologle env¡ronnementale Rech€rche - Analyses Essais - Expert¡ses (l) Siège social et site de Liège : Rue du Chéra,200 B-4000Liège 1 Tél: +32(0) Fù<'.+ 32(o)4.252/6.ô5 Site de Colfontaine : ZoningA. Schweitzer, rue de la Platinerie B-7340Colfontaine 1 Tél: +32(0) Fax: +32(0) e-mail : site web : EC TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE (2) Equipment or protective system intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres Directive 94/9lEC (3) EC fype examinationcertificate number: (4) Equipment : Ultrasonic transmitter Echotel Model355 Applicant - Manufacturer : Magnetrol International N.V. Address: Heikensstraat 6 9240 Zele (5) (6) ISSePO9ATEXOO9X (7) This equipment or protective system and any acceptablevariation thereto is specified in the scheduleto this certificate and the documentstherein referred to. (8) ISSeP,notified body n' 492 n accordancewith article 9 of the Council Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 7994, certifiesthat this equipmentor protective systemhas been found to comply with the Essential Health and SafetyRequirementsrelating to the design and constructionof equipment and protective systemsintendedfor use in potentially explosive atmospheresgiven in annex II to the Directive. The examinationand test resultsare recorded in confidential report no 07152 (9) Compliance with the EssentialHealth and Safety Requirementshas been assuredby compliance with: IEC 60079-0:2007 EN 60079-1:2007 (IEC 60079-t :2007) EN 60079-18:2004(IEC 60079-18:2004) EN 60079-26:2007 (IEC 60079-26:2006) (10) If the symbol "X" is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment or protective systemis subjectto special conditions for safe use specified in the scheduleto this certificate (ll) This EC TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates only to the design, examination and tests of the specified equipment or protective system in accordance to the Directive 94/9/EC. Further requirementsof this Directive may apply to the manufacturingprocessand supply of this equipment or protective system.Theseare not covered by this certificate. (12) þe marking of the equipmentor protective systemshall include the following indications: @u t¡rC Exma/dIIcT6 GalGb Colfontaine, the 12.02.2009 INSTÍTUT SCÏENTIFIQUE DE SERVICE PUBLTC ZoningA. Schweitzer- 87340 Colfontaine(V/asmes) Tél:+ 326561081 I - Fax:+ 3265610808 t/1 %-/'/ t //*Lambert, Manager. This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change,schedule includcd 1t2 RÉGIONWALTONNE t' iI l . Institul sc¡entif¡que de servícepubl¡c (13) SCHEDULE MM"rlffi R€chercho -tualF66 Ep.dss &13. (I4) EC TYPE ExAMINATIoN CERTIFIcATE No ISSePOSATEXOOqX (15) Descriptionof the equipmenr: The ultrasonic transmitter Echotel consistsof . an aluminium alloy or stainlesssteelhousing (category 2) of which the cover may be provided with a window . an encapsulated ultrasonicsensor(category1) fixed on the baseofthis housing Each housing shall be equippedwith certified Ex d IIC cable entries The unusedthreadedholes shall be plugged with certified threadedplugs T h i s a p p a r a t u s b e a r s t h e t y p e d e s i g n a t i o n3: 5 5 - X X X X -CX X 1. Eventual prescriptions Ambient temperaturerange: -40oC up to +70oC Elechical characteristics Voltagesupply: 24V DC Routine test The manufacturershall make the routine verifications and testsnecessaryto ensurethat the electrical apparatusproduced complies with the specificationsubmitted to the testing station together with the protorype. The housingsare exemptedfrom the overpressureroutine test. (16) Reportno 07 152 of 11.02.2009composedin toral of 27 pages. The letter of the manufacturerreferenceEcho-d-O8cof 4 February2009 The e-mail of the manufacturerof l0 February2009 The installation and operating manual Ref. Bulletin 5 1-66 I .0 of May 200g (60 pages) The technical data related to the materialsofthe enclosureofthe sensor,to the resinsused for the bushing and the encapsulation,to the material of the cementingjoint of the window. The drawings 99-7216of 24.02.2004Rev B of December2005 (2 sheers) 99-7221of 14.01.2008 (17) Specialconditionsfor safeuse:s¡rmbolX The required precautionsshall be taken in order to prevent any risks ofelectrostatic discharges. (18) EssentialHealth and Safety Requirements:coveredby the standardslisted at point 9 and by the descriptivedocumentsof the manufacturer This certificate may only be reproducedin its entirety and without any change,scheduleincluded 2t2