SAMTEC CONNECTOR BANDWIDTH PERFORMANCE SELECTOR Standard Configuration - Single-Ended Strips STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHT INSERTION LOSS POINT STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHT INSERTION LOSS POINT BEC5C 0,50 mm 13,00 mm 7.00 GHz+ MEC8-DV 0,80 mm BTE/BSE 0,80 mm 5,00 mm 8.00 GHz+ MEC8-EM 0,80 mm 25,00 mm 3.00 GHz MEC8-RA 0,80 mm BTH/BSH 0,50 mm 5,00 mm 9.00 GHz+ MECF-DV 1,27 mm 16,00 mm 5.00 GHz+ MIT/MIS DEC8 0,80 mm ERM5/ERF5 0,50 mm ERM8/ERF8 ERM8-EM/ERF8 ERM8-RA/ERF8 0,80 mm 0,80 mm 0,80 mm 10.50 GHz+ 7,00 mm 13.00 GHz+ 10,00 mm 9.00 GHz 7,00 mm 12.00 GHz+ 10,00 mm 16.00 GHz+ 16,00 mm 16.00 GHz+ -EM 5,00 mm 8.50 GHz 22,00 mm 4.00 GHz 0,75 mm 12.00 GHz+ MTCA-DV-TH 0,75 mm 8.00 GHz+ QMS/QFS - Q2™ 0,635 mm 10,00 mm 8.50 GHz+ 11,00 mm 8.00 GHz 16,00 mm 0,635 mm -RA 10.00 GHz QMS-RA/QFS-RA- Q2™ 0,635 mm -RA 6.00 GHz QMSS/QFSS 0,635 mm 11,00 mm 6.00 GHz 15.00 GHz 6.00 GHz+ 7,00 mm 5.50 GHz+ HSEC8-DV 0,80 mm 7,98 mm 17.00 GHz+ HSEC8-RA 0,80 mm 7,98 mm 18.00 GHz+ LPAM/LPAF 1,27 mm 4,00 mm 17.00 GHz+ 5,00 mm 20.00 GHz+ LSEM-DH/LSEM-RA 0,80 mm 6,00 mm 12.00 GHz LSEM/LSEM 0,80 mm 6,00 mm 9.50 GHz 12,00 mm 16.50 GHz 5,00 mm 11.50 GHz 12,00 mm 7.50 GHz 0,50 mm QRM8/QRF8 - Q Rate® QRM8-RA/QRF8 0,635 mm 6.00 GHz QMS-RA/QFS - Q2™ -RA 5,00 mm 0,635 mm 8.50 GHz+ 14.50 GHz 17.00 GHz+ 0,80 mm LSS 5,77 mm -RA 0,50 mm LSHM-DH/LSHM-DV 9.50 GHz+ QMS/QFS-RA ERM8-RA/ERF8-RA 0,50 mm 7.00 GHz MTCA-SMT 7.50 GHz FT5/FS5 LSHM 0,635 mm 8,65 mm 0,80 mm 0,80 mm 17.00 GHz 7,00 mm 11.00 GHz 10,00 mm 16.50 GHz -RA 5.50 GHz QRM8-RA/QRF8-RA 0,80 mm -RA 14.50 GHz QTE/QSE - Q Strip® 0,80 mm 5,00 mm 9.00 GHz+ 8,00 mm 5.00 GHz 7.00 GHz+ 11,00 mm 6.50 GHz 16,00 mm 5.00 GHz+ 19,00 mm 5.00 GHz 25,00 mm 3.50 GHz+ 5,00 mm 9.50 GHz+ 6,00 mm 10.00 GHz 8,00 mm 8.00 GHz 10,00 mm 7.50 GHz 8,00 mm 8.50 GHz 12,00 mm 7.00 GHz 11,00 mm 6.00 GHZ QTH/QSH - Q Strip® 0,50 mm LTH/LSH 0,50 mm 2,31 mm 7.50 GHz 16,00 mm 5.50 GHz+ MEC1-DV 1,00 mm 9,19 mm 5.50 GHz 25,00 mm 3.50 GHz+ MEC1-RA 1,00 mm 6,81 mm 4.50 GHz 30,00 mm 3.00 GHz -RA 7.00 GHz+ MEC2-DV 12.50 GHz MEC6-DV 0,635 mm 8,65 mm 7.50 GHz MEC6-RA 0,635 mm 5,78 mm 10.00 GHz QTH-RA/QSH-RA - Q Strip® 0,50 mm The information contained in this chart does not represent the potential maximum performance of the interconnect system. If your application appears to exceed the connector’s rating from the chart above, the connector solution may still work. Please contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected] for additional support. The data reflects the point where an insertion loss of 3dB occurs within the connector. The data is based from a test circuit with a characteristic impedance of 50 ohm singleended and a wiring pattern of G-S-G (where G = return; S = active single line) within the pin field of the connector. Please note that performance may not be linear to stack height. For more information on any of the products included in this chart, click on the series name in the Key to get complete testing information, visit our website at, or contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected]. Click here for more information on our High Speed Characterization Report Test Procedures. + DOES NOT INCLUDE TEST BOARD EFFECTS ©Samtec, Inc. 1 Revised: June 17, 2015 SAMTEC CONNECTOR BANDWIDTH PERFORMANCE SELECTOR Standard Configuration - Single-Ended Strips STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHT INSERTION LOSS POINT QTS/QSS - Q Strip® 0,635 mm 5,00 mm 9.00 GHz 11,00 mm 6.00 GHz 16,00 mm 5.00 GHz QTS-RA/QSS - Q Strip® 0,635 mm -RA 5.50 GHz QTS-RA/QSS-RA - Q Strip® 0,635 mm -RA 4.50 GHz RU8 - Rise Up® 0,80 mm 25,00 mm 7.50 GHz SAL1 1,00 mm top 8.50 GHz bottom 8.50 GHz SEAM/SEAF 7,00 mm 12.50 GHz+ 10,00 mm 18.00 GHz+ 12,00 mm 16.00 GHz+ 16,00 mm 13.50 GHz+ 17,50 mm 12.50 GHz+ 1,27 mm 7,00 mm 11.50 GHz+ 1,27 mm 14,00 mm 13.50 GHz+ 1,27 mm 16,00 mm 12.00 GHz+ SEAMI/SEAF 1,27 mm 16,00 mm 14.00 GHz+ SEAMP/SEAF 1,27 mm 7,00 mm 12.00 GHz+ SEAMP/SEAFP 1,27 mm SEAM-RA/SEAFP 1,27 mm ST4/SS4 0,40 mm 4,00 mm 13.50 GHz ST5/SS5 0,50 mm 4,00 mm 13.00 GHz 5,00 mm 13.50 GHz+ STH/SSH 0,50 mm TEM/SEM 0,80 mm TEM-DH/SEM 0,80 mm ZA1 ZA8 SEAM/SEAFP 1,27 mm STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHT INSERTION LOSS POINT 10.50 GHz+ 11.50 GHz+ 18.50 GHz 6,00 mm 12.00 GHz+ 10,00 mm 14.50 GHz+ 6,00 mm 14.00 GHz+ 1,00 mm 1,00 mm 15.50 GHz 0,80 mm 1,00 mm 10.50 GHz The information contained in this chart does not represent the potential maximum performance of the interconnect system. If your application appears to exceed the connector’s rating from the chart above, the connector solution may still work. Please contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected] for additional support. The data reflects the point where an insertion loss of 3dB occurs within the connector. The data is based from a test circuit with a characteristic impedance of 50 ohm singleended and a wiring pattern of G-S-G (where G = return; S = active single line) within the pin field of the connector. Please note that performance may not be linear to stack height. For more information on any of the products included in this chart, click on the series name in the Key to get complete testing information, visit our website at, or contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected]. Click here for more information on our High Speed Characterization Report Test Procedures. + DOES NOT INCLUDE TEST BOARD EFFECTS ©Samtec, Inc. 2 Revised: June 17, 2015 SAMTEC CONNECTOR BANDWIDTH PERFORMANCE SELECTOR Standard Configuration - Single-Ended Arrays RF Connectors STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHT INSERTION LOSS POINT GFZ HDAM/HDAF - HD Mezz LPAM/LPAF SEAM/SEAF - SEARAY™ SEAMI/SEAF 1,27 mm 1,27 mm 1,27 mm 1,27 mm STACK 3dB SERIES PITCHHEIGHTINSERTION LOSS POINT 1,65 mm 17.00 GHz GRF1-J/GRF1-P 10.00 GHz 3,00 mm 16.00 GHz IP5/IJ5 10.50 GHZ 20,00 mm 9.50 GHz*** 25,00 mm 8.50 GHz 30,00 mm 10.00 GHz 35,00 mm 9.00 GHz 4,00 mm 17.00 GHz+ 5,00 mm 20.00 GHz+ 7,00 mm 12.50 GHz+ 10,00 mm 18.00 GHz+ 12,00 mm 16.00 GHz+ 16,00 mm 13.50 GHz+ 17,50 mm 12.50 GHz+ 1,27 mm 16,00 mm 14.00 GHz+ 12.00 GHz+ SEAMP/SEAF 1,27 mm 7,00 mm SEAM-RA/SEAF-RA 1,27 mm -RA 5.00 GHz SEAM/SEAF-RA 1,27 mm -RA SEAM8/SEAF8 0,80 mm 7,00 mm 12.00 GHz+ YFS/YFT - Sam Array® 1,27 mm 5,00 mm 3.50 GHz* ZA1 1,00 mm 1,00 mm 15.50 GHz ZA8 0,80 mm 1,00 mm 10.50 GHz 4.50 GHz The information contained in this chart does not represent the potential maximum performance of the interconnect system. If your application appears to exceed the connector’s rating from the chart below, the connector solution may still work. Please contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected] for additional support. The data reflects the point where an insertion loss of 3dB occurs within the connector. The data is based from a test circuit with a characteristic impedance and a wiring pattern of G-S-G (where G = return; S = active differential pair) within the pin field of the connector. Please note that performance may not be linear to stack height. For more information on any of the products included in this chart, click on the series name in the Key to get complete testing information, visit our website at, or contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected]. Click here for more information on our High Speed Characterization Report Test Procedures. ***HD Mezz is a trademark of Molex Incorporated *Based on +/- 10% impedance/cross talk 3 + DOES NOT INCLUDE TEST BOARD EFFECTS Revised: June 17, 2015 ©Samtec, Inc. SAMTEC CONNECTOR BANDWIDTH PERFORMANCE SELECTOR Differential Pair Standard Configuration - Strips STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHT INSERTION LOSS POINT BEC5C 0.50 mm BTE/BSE 0,80 mm BTH/BSH 0,50 mm DEC8 0,80 mm ERM5/ERF5 0,50 mm ERM8/ERF8 0,80 mm 13,00 mm MEC8-RA 0,80 mm 5,00 mm 5.00 GHz MECF-DV 1,27 mm 25,00 mm 3.00 GHz MIT/MIS 0,635 mm 5,00 mm 9.50 GHz+ 16,00 mm 7,00 mm 5,77 mm 9.50 GHz+ 14.50 GHz 5,00 mm 8.50 GHz 22,00 mm 7.00 GHz 5.00 GHz+ MTCA-SMT 0,75 mm 11.50 GHz+ 10.50 GHz+ MTCA-DV-TH 0,75 mm 12.50 GHz+ 20.00 GHz+ PCIE 1,00 mm 11,10 mm 7.00 GHz* 0,635 mm 10,00 mm 8.50 GHz+ 11,00 mm 7.50 GHz 10,00 mm 8.50 GHz 7,00 mm 15.50 GHz+ 10,00 mm 20.00 GHz+ 16,00 mm ERM8-EM/ERF8 7.50 GHz+ STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHT INSERTION LOSS POINT 20.00 GHz+ 0,80 mm -EM 7.50 GHz QMS/QFS - Q2™ 16,00 mm 5.00 GHz QMS/QFS-RA 0,635 mm -RA 20.00 GHz QMS-RA /QFS - Q2™ 0,635 mm -RA 11.00 GHz ERM8-RA/ERF8 0,80 mm -RA 17.50 GHz QMS-RA/QFS-RA - Q2™ 0,635 mm -RA 6.00 GHz ERM8-RA/ERF8-RA 0,80 mm -RA 15.50 GHz QMSS/QFSS 0,635 mm 11,00 mm 7.00 GHz FT5/FS5 0,50 mm 5,00 mm 6.00 GHz+ QRM8/QRF8 - Q Rate® 0,80 mm 7,00 mm 10.50 GHz 7,00 mm 5.50 GHz+ 10,00 mm 15.00 GHz 7,98 mm 15.50 GHz QRM8-RA/QRF8 0,80 mm -RA 6.00 GHz 7,98 mm 18.50 GHz QRM8-RA/QRF8-RA 0,80 mm -RA 16.00 GHz 4,00 mm 18.50 GHz+ QTE/QSE - Q Strip® 0,80 mm 5,00 mm 14.00 GHz+ 5,00 mm 20.00 GHz+ 8,00 mm 8.00 GHz 12.50 GHz 11,00 mm 6.50 GHz 8.50 GHz+ HSEC-DV HSEC8-RA 0,80 mm LPAM/LPAF 1,27 mm LSEM-DH/LSEM-RA LSEM/LSEM LSHM 0,635 mm 0,635 mm 0,50 mm 6,00 mm 12.50 GHz 16,00 mm 12,00 mm 20.00 GHz 19,00 mm 5.00 GHz 5,00 mm 7.00 GHz 25,00 mm 12.00 GHz+ 5,00 mm 10.50 GHz+ 6.00 GHz+ 8,00 mm 8.00 GHz 9.00 GHz 11,00 mm 5.00 GHz 8,00 mm 7.50 GHz 16,00 mm 6.00 GHz+ 10,00 mm 7.00 GHz 25,00 mm 8.50 GHz+ 12,00 mm 6.00 GHz 30,00 mm 1.50 GHz -RA 6.50 GHz+ 12,00 mm LSHM-DH/LSHM-DV LSS 0,50 mm 0,635 mm 6,00 mm 6.50 GHz QTH/QSH - Q Strip® LTH/LSH 0,50 mm 2,31 mm 4.50 GHz QTH-RA/QSH-RA - Q Strip® HSEC8-DV 0,80 mm 7,98 mm 10.50 GHz QTS/QSS - Q Strip® 0,50 mm 0,50 mm 0,635 mm 5,00 mm 8.50 GHz 5.50 GHz HSEC8-RA 0,80 mm 7,98 mm 18.50 GHz+ 11,00 mm MEC1-DV 1,00 mm 9,19 mm 6.50 GHz 16,00 mm 5.00 GHz MEC1-RA 1,00 mm 6,81 mm -RA 6.00 GHz MEC2-DV 5.50 GHz QTS-RA/QSS - Q Strip® 0,635 mm 14.50 GHz MEC6-DV 0,635 mm 8,65 mm 7.00 GHz MEC6-RA 0,635 mm 5,78 mm 11.00 GHz MEC8-DV 0,80 mm 8,65 mm 7.00 GHz MEC8-EM 0,80 mm 9.00 GHz+ The information contained in this chart does not represent the potential maximum performance of the interconnect system. If your application appears to exceed the connector’s rating from the chart below, the connector solution may still work. Please contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected] for additional support. The data reflects the point where an insertion loss of 3dB occurs within the connector. The data is based from a test circuit with a characteristic impedance and a wiring pattern of G-S-G (where G = return; S = active differential pair) within the pin field of the connector. Please note that performance may not be linear to stack height. For more information on any of the products included in this chart, click on the series name in the Key to get complete testing information, visit our website at, or contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected]. Click here for more information on our High Speed Characterization Report Test Procedures. + DOES NOT INCLUDE TEST BOARD EFFECTS 4 *Based on +/- 10% impedance/cross talk ©Samtec, Inc. Revised: June 17, 2015 SAMTEC CONNECTOR BANDWIDTH PERFORMANCE SELECTOR Differential Pair Standard Configuration - Strips STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHT INSERTION LOSS POINT QTS-RA/QSS-RA Q Strip® 0,635 mm -RA 4.50 GHz RU8 - Rise Up® 0,80 mm 25,00 mm 7.50 GHz SAL1 1,00 mm top 9.00 GHz bottom 10.00 GHz 7,00 mm 13.00 GHz+ 10,00 mm 18.00 GHz+ 12,00 mm 15.50 GHz+ 16,00 mm 15.00 GHz+ 17,50 mm 12.00 GHz+ 1,27 mm 7,00 mm 11.5 GHz+ 1,27 mm 14,00 mm 13.5 GHz+ 1,27 mm 16,00 mm 12.00 GHz SEAMI/SEAF 1,27 mm 16,00 mm 16.50 GHz+ SEAMP/SEAF 1,27 mm 7,00 mm SEAMP/SEAFP 1,27 mm SEAR/SEAF 1,27 mm SEAM/SEAF SEAM/SEAFP 1,27 mm STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHT INSERTION LOSS POINT 11.00 GHz+ 10.50 GHz+ 20,00 mm 10.50 GHz+ 32,00 mm 8.50 GHz+ 43,00 mm 8.50 GHz+ SEAM-RA/SEAFP 1,27 mm ST4/SS4 4,00 mm 4,00 mm 11.50 GHz+ 15.50 GHz ST5/SS5 0,50 mm 4,00 mm 13.5 GHz 5,00 mm 20.00 GHz+ STH/SSH 0,50 mm TEM/SEM 0,80 mm TEM-DH/SEM 0,80 mm ZA1 ZA8 16.50 GHz 6,00 mm 17.00 GHz+ 10,00 mm 17.50 GHz+ 6,00 mm 20.00 GHz+ 1,00 mm 1,00 mm 20.00 GHz 0,80 mm 1,00 mm 20.00 GHz The information contained in this chart does not represent the potential maximum performance of the interconnect system. If your application appears to exceed the connector’s rating from the chart below, the connector solution may still work. Please contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected] for additional support. The data reflects the point where an insertion loss of 3dB occurs within the connector. The data is based from a test circuit with a characteristic impedance and a wiring pattern of G-S-G (where G = return; S = active differential pair) within the pin field of the connector. Please note that performance may not be linear to stack height. For more information on any of the products included in this chart, click on the series name in the Key to get complete testing information, visit our website at, or contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected]. Click here for more information on our High Speed Characterization Report Test Procedures. + DOES NOT INCLUDE TEST BOARD EFFECTS 5 *Based on +/- 10% impedance/cross talk ©Samtec, Inc. Revised: June 17, 2015 SAMTEC CONNECTOR BANDWIDTH PERFORMANCE SELECTOR Differential Pair Differential Pair Configuration - Strips Standard Configuration - Arrays STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHTINSERTION LOSS POINT MIS-DP/MIT-DP 0,635 mm STACK 3dB SERIES PITCH HEIGHT INSERTION LOSS POINT 5,00 mm 9.50 GHz DPAM/DPAF - DP Array™ 1,08 mm 10,00 mm 7.00 GHz 22,00 mm 8.50 GHz GFZ 1,27 mm 1,65 mm 19.00 GHz 3,00 mm 16.00 GHz HDAM/HDAF - HD Mezz 1,27 mm 20,00 mm 9.00 GHz** QFSS-DP/QMSS-DP 0,635 mm 11,00 mm 7.50 GHz QMS-DP/QFS-DP - Q2TM 0,635 mm 10,00 mm 9.00 GHz+ 14,00 mm 6.50 GHz+ 25,00 mm 8.50 GHz QRM8-DP/QRF8-DP QTE-DP/QSE-DP - Q Pairs® QTH-DP/QSH-DP - Q Pairs® 0,80 mm 0,80 mm 0,50 mm QTS-DP/QSS-DP - Q Pairs® 0,635 mm 7,00 mm 17.50 GHz 30,00 mm 7.50 GHz 10,00 mm 7.00 GHz 35,00 mm 9.00 GHz 5,00 mm 8.50 GHz 4,00 mm 18.50 GHz+ 8,00 mm 9.00 GHz 5,00 mm 20.00 GHz+ 11,00 mm 9.50 GHz 7,00 mm 13.00 GHz+ 16,00 mm 8.00 GHz 10,00 mm 18.00 GHz+ 19,00 mm 7.50 GHz 12,00 mm 15.50 GHz+ 25,00 mm 9.00 GHz 16,00 mm 15.00 GHz+ 5,00 mm 16.50 GHz+ 17,50 mm 12.00 GHz+ 8,00 mm 8.50 GHz 7,00 mm 14.00 GHz+ 16,00 mm 16.50 GHz+ 11,00 mm 6.00 GHz 16,00 mm 10.00 ghZ+ 25,00 mm 11.00 GHz+ 30,00 mm 7.00 GHz 5,00 mm 8.50 GHz 11,00 mm 6.00 GHz 16,00 mm 6.00 GHz LPAM/LPAF 1,27 mm SEAM/SEAF - SEARAY™ 1,27 mm SEAM8/SEAF8 SEARAY™ 0,80 mm SEAMI/SEAF SEAMP/SEAF 1,27 mm SEAR/SEAF 7,00 mm 11.00 GHz+ 20,00 mm 10.50 GHz+ 32,00 mm 8.50 GHz+ 43,00 mm 8.50 GHz+ SEAM-RA/SEAF-RA 1,27 mm -RA 5.50 GHz SEAM/SEAF-RA 1,27 mm -RA 5.00 GHz YFS/YFT - Sam Array® 1,27 mm 5,00 mm 9.00 GHz* ZA1 1,00 mm 1,00 mm 20.00 GHz ZA8 0,80 mm 1,00 mm 20.00 GHz The information contained in this chart does not represent the potential maximum performance of the interconnect system. If your application appears to exceed the connector’s rating from the chart below, the connector solution may still work. Please contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected] for additional support. The data reflects the point where an insertion loss of 3dB occurs within the connector. The data is based from a test circuit with a characteristic impedance and a wiring pattern of G-S-G (where G = return; S = active differential pair) within the pin field of the connector. Please note that performance may not be linear to stack height. For more information on any of the products included in this chart, click on the series name in the Key to get complete testing information, visit our website at www.samtec. com, or contact our Signal Integrity Group at [email protected]. Click here for more information on our High Speed Characterization Report Test Procedures. + DOES NOT INCLUDE TEST BOARD EFFECTS ©Samtec, Inc. 6 Revised: June 17, 2015