Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Evaluation Driver Boards for EconoDUAL™3 and EconoPACK™+ modules 1.1 IFAG IMM INP M AE N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + Edition 2011-02-02 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 59568 Warstein, Germany © Infineon Technologies AG 2011. All Rights Reserved. Attention please! THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION NOTE IS GIVEN AS A HINT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES COMPONENT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE REGARDED AS ANY DESCRIPTION OR WARRANTY OF A CERTAIN FUNCTIONALITY, CONDITION OR QUALITY OF THE INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES COMPONENT. THE RECIPIENT OF THIS APPLICATION NOTE MUST VERIFY ANY FUNCTION DESCRIBED HEREIN IN THE REAL APPLICATION. INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY THIRD PARTY) WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION NOTE. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office ( Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that lifesupport device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. AN 2008-02 Revision History: date (11-02-02) , V1.3 Previous Version: V1.2 Page: Subjects Improvement of the active gate clamping circuit Authors: Alain Siani IFAG IMM INP M AE, Uwe Jansen IFAG IMM INP M AE We Listen to Your Comments Any information within this document that you feel is wrong, unclear or missing at all? Your feedback will help us to continuously improve the quality of this document. Please send your proposal (including a reference to this document) to: [] 2 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + Table of contents 1.1 1 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4 2 Design features.................................................................................................... 5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Main features................................................................................................................................... 5 Key data .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Pin assignment ................................................................................................................................ 7 Mechanical dimensions of the EconoDUAL™ 3 Driver Board ....................................................... 8 Mechanical dimensions of the EconoPACK™ + Driver Board........................................................ 8 3 Electrical Features ............................................................................................... 9 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Power Supply .................................................................................................................................. 9 Input logic – PWM signals ............................................................................................................... 9 Maximum switching frequency ........................................................................................................ 9 Booster ..........................................................................................................................................11 Short circuit protection and active clamping .................................................................................11 Fault output ...................................................................................................................................12 Temperature measurement...........................................................................................................13 4 Switching losses ................................................................................................ 15 4.1 4.2 Turn-on losses...............................................................................................................................15 Turn-off losses...............................................................................................................................17 5 Schematic, Layout and Bill of Material - EconoDUAL™ 3 board ...................... 18 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Schematic......................................................................................................................................18 Assembly drawing .........................................................................................................................20 Layout ............................................................................................................................................21 Bill of Material ................................................................................................................................22 Gate resistor list ............................................................................................................................24 6 Schematic, Layout and Bill of Material - EconoPACK™ + board ....................... 25 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Schematic......................................................................................................................................25 Assembly drawing .........................................................................................................................27 Layout ............................................................................................................................................28 Bill of material ................................................................................................................................30 Gate resistor list ............................................................................................................................33 7 How to order Evaluation Driver Boards .............................................................. 33 8 References ........................................................................................................ 33 3 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 1 Introduction The Evaluation Driver Board 2ED100E12-F2 for EconoDUAL™ 3 modules as can be seen in Figure 1 and the Evaluation Driver Board 6ED100E12-F2 for EconoPACK™ + modules, shown in Figure 2, were developed to support customers during their first steps designing applications with these modules. The basic version of each board is available from Infineon in small quantities. The properties of these parts are described in the following chapters of this document whereas the remaining paragraphs provide information intended to enable the customer to copy, modify and qualify the design for production, according to his specific requirements. The design of the 2ED100E12-F2 and the 6ED100E12-F2 was performed with respect to the environmental conditions described as design target in this document. The requirements for lead-free reflow soldering have been considered when components were selected. The design was tested as described in this documentation but not qualified regarding manufacturing and operation in the whole operating ambient temperature range or lifetime. The boards provided by Infineon are subjected to functional testing only. Due to their purpose Evaluation Boards are not subjected to the same procedures regarding Returned Material Analysis (RMA), Process Change Notification (PCN) and Product Discontinuation (PD) as regular products. See Legal Disclaimer and Warnings for further restrictions on Infineon’s warranty and liability. Figure 1 The 2ED100E12-F2 Evaluation Driver Board mounted on the top of the EconoDUAL™ 3 module Figure 2 4 The 6ED100E12-F2 Evaluation Driver Board mounted on the top of the EconoPACK™ + module N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 2 Design features The following sections provide an overview of the boards including main features, key data, pin assignments and mechanical dimensions. 2.1 Main features The 2ED100E12-F2 and the 6ED100E12-F2 Evaluation Driver Board offer the following features: Dual channel IGBT driver in 2ED100E12-F2 version, adapted for use with IGBT4 Six channel IGBT driver in 6ED100E12-F2 version Electrically and mechanically suitable for 600 V and 1200 V EconoDUAL™ 3 or EconoPACK™ + IGBT modules Includes DC/DC power supply with short circuit protection Isolated temperature measurement Short circuit protection with toff < 6 µs Under Voltage Lockout of IGBT driver IC Positive logic with 5 V CMOS level for PWM and fault signals One fault output signal for each leg PCB is designed to fulfill the requirements of IEC61800-5-1, pollution degree 2, overvoltage category II 5 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 2.2 Key data All values given in the table below are typical values, measured at TA = 25 °C Table 1 Key data and characteristic values (typical values) Parameter Value Unit VDC primary DC/DC voltage supply +15 ±0.5 V VCC primary supply voltage for logic devices +5 ±0.5 V VLogicIN PWM signals for high side and low side IGBT 0 / +5 V VFAULT /FAULT detection output 0 / +5 V IFAULT max. /FAULT detection output load current VRST /RST input IDC primary DC/DC current drawn per leg ICC Vout primary current drawn for logic devices per leg drive voltage level for high side and Low side channel IG max. peak output current PDC/DC max. DC/DC output power high and low side 1) 10 mA 0 / +5 V 40 mA 25 +16 / -8 mA V ±10 A 3 W 100 kHz fS max. PWM signal frequency for high and low side tPDELAY propagation delay time 200 ns tPDISTO input to output propagation distortion 15 ns VDesat Desaturation reference level 9 V dmax max. duty cycle 100 % VCES max. collector – emitter voltage on IGBT 600/1200 V VTEMP temperature measurement output voltage digital 0/5 V ITEMP max. temperature measurement load current 5 mA -40…+85 °C 2) Top operating temperature design target Tsto storage temperature design target Uis,eff Isolation voltage VIORM Maximum Repetitive Insulation Voltage VIORM 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 3) Transformer Vacuumschmelze Max. working insulation voltage 5) 4) 1ED020I12-F Driver IC AD7400 Sigma-Delta Converter -40…+85 °C 500 VAC 1420 Vpeak 891 Vpeak The maximum switching frequency for every EconoDUAL™ 3 or EconoPACK™ + module type should be calculated separately. Limitation factors are: max. DC/DC output power of 1.5 W per channel and max. PCB board temperature measured around gate resistors of 105 °C for used FR4 material. For detailed information see chapter 2.3 Maximum operating temperature strictly depends on load and cooling conditions. For detailed description see chapter 2.3 Values defined in datasheets: T60403-D4615-X054 date: 21.03.2000 1ED020I12-F Datasheet, Version 2.2, December 2009 AD7400 1/11 – Revision C 6 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 2.3 Pin assignment Except pin 14 of the connectors X1 and X2 of EconoPACK™ + driver board, all connectors for both EconoDUAL™ 3 and EconoPACK™ + board are configured as listed in Table 2. Table 2 depicts the pin assignment of connector X3 shown in Figure 3. Table 2 Inputs and outputs of 6ED100E12-F2 for connector X3 Pin Label Function X3.1 MClock Clock out for temperature measurement X3.2 Supply +15 V Primary voltage for DC/DC converter X3.3 GND Primary ground for DC/DC converter supply voltage X3.4 Supply +15 V Primary voltage for DC/DC converter X3.5 TOP IN- PWM signal for high side IGBT, negative logic X3.6 TOP IN+ PWM signal for high side IGBT, positive logic X3.7 TOP RDY Ready signal for high side IGBT X3.8 TOP /FLT Fault detection output high side IGBT X3.9 TOP/BOT /RST Reset signal for high and low side IGBT -Driver X3.10 BOT /FLT Fault detection output low side IGBT X3.11 BOT RDY Ready signal for low side IGBT X3.12 BOT IN- PWM signal for low side IGBT, negative logic X3.13 BOT IN+ PWM signal for low side IGBT, positive logic X3.14 TEMP-Digital Sigma / Delta signal for temperature measurement X3.15 +5V +5 V Voltage supply for logic devices X3.16 Signal GND Primary ground logic devices Figure 3 The 6ED100E12-F2 Evaluation Driver Board connector layout of X3 7 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 2.4 Mechanical dimensions of the EconoDUAL™ 3 Driver Board Figure 4 2.5 Dimensions of the 2ED100E12-F2 Driver Board Mechanical dimensions of the EconoPACK™ + Driver Board Figure 5 Dimensions of the 6ED100E12-F2 Driver Board Both Driver Boards should be fastened by self taping screws and soldered to the auxiliary connectors on top of the IGBT module. Clearance and creepage distances for EconoDUAL™ 3 and EconoPACK™ + Driver Boards: Primary/Secondary is not less than 8 mm and Secondary/Secondary is not less than 4 mm. 8 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 3 Electrical Features The following chapter describes the board´s operation in the evaluation setup. Please note that the following paragraphs describe the circuits of the 2ED100E12-F2 which has been modified compared to the last revision of this AN to drive IGBT4 modules and to reduce the susceptibility to erroneous triggering of the Vcesat-detection. The same changes also are applied to the 6ED100E12-12-F2, but layout and part list of this board as provided in chapter 7 still represent the initial design. 3.1 Power Supply The 2ED100E12-F2 and the 6ED100E12-F2 have an integrated DC/DC converter for each leg, which generates the required secondary isolated unsymmetrical supply voltage of +16 V / -8 V. High and Low side driver voltages are independently generated by using one unipolar input voltage of 15 V. Additionally, the power supply is protected against gate – emitter short circuit of the IGBTs. In case of DC/DC converter overload, the output voltage drops. The Under Voltage Lock Out function ensures gate driver operation only to take place within specified IC supply voltages range. The fault is reported to the driver’s primary side. 3.2 Input logic – PWM signals The Evaluation Driver Boards are dedicated to solderable IGBT modules. It is necessary to connect two TM separate PWM signals for EconoDUAL 3 IGBT modules and six separate PWM signals in case of TM EconoPACK + IGBT modules. An individual signal for each IGBT channel is necessary. Parts of the schematic for a single driver are depicted in Figure 6. The signals dedicated to High- and Low-Side need to have the correct dead time. Both Evaluation Driver Boards do not provide dead time generation. For suggested gate resistor values according to Table 5 on page 24, the recommended minimum dead time tTD is 1µs. If larger gate resistors are used please refer to [1]. Figure 6 Schematic detail of the input circuit for a single driver. The schematic in Figure 6 shows parts of the driver circuit with positive logic. IN+ is used as signal input whereas IN- is used as enable signal. Therefore a +5 V signal on the IN+ input pin and a GND signal on the IN- input pin is necessary to turning-on the IGBT. To operate the whole circuit with negative logic the capacitors C1 and C2 on the input pins have to be swapped. Otherwise this would cause an additional delay. IN+ will then operate as an enable signal. 3.3 Maximum switching frequency The switching frequency of an IGBT is limited either by the maximaum output power of the driver voltage supply or by the maximum temperature of the PCB due to the power losses in the external gate resistors. These power losses in the gate resistors depend on the IGBT gate charge, gate voltage magnitude and on the switching frequency of the IGBT. Due to the power losses in the external gate resistors, heat will be generated, which leads to an increase of the PCB temperature in the neighborhood of these resistors. This temperature must not be higher than the maximum temperature of the PCB, i.e. 105°C for a standard FR4 material. 9 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 The calculation of the power losses in the gate resistors can be done by utilizing Equation 1: Pdis P( REXT ) P( RINT ) Vout f s QG (1) where: Pdis = dissipated power P(REXT) = dissipated power external gate resistors P(RINT) = dissipated power internal gate resistor ΔVout = voltage step at the driver output fs = switching frequency QG = IGBT gate charge for the given gate voltage range The complete gate resistor consists of the internal gate resistor together with an external gate resistor and due to that, a part of the IGBT drive power losses will be dissipated directly in the PCB, whereas the other part of the losses will be dissipated externally to the ambient air. The ratio of the losses dissipated internally P(RINT) and externally P(REXT) corresponds directly to the ratio of the mentioned RINT and REXT resistors. Corresponding to -8/+16V operation the datasheet value of Qge needs to be reduced by 20%. Due to the PCB temperature criteria the power dissipated in external gate resistors P(REXT) has to be considered for the thermal design. Based on experimentally determined board temperatures the following thermal resistances of the Evaluation Boards have been calculated as shown in Figure 7. Thermal resistance, gate resistors to PCB: RthRG-PCB = 45 K/W Thermal resistance, gate resistors to ambient: RthRG-Amb = 39 K/W Using these values, it is possible to determine the maximum board temperature, if the power losses of the external gate resistors, the maximum ambient temperature and the maximum PCB temperature are known: TG TAmb RthRG PCB (TPCB TAmb ) R R P( REXT ) thRG Amb thRG PCB RthRG Amb RthRG PCB RthRG Amb RthRG PCB TAmb : Ambient temperature TPCB : Board PCB temperature TG : PCB Temperature near the external gate resistors Figure 7 Thermal model of the Gate resistor. . 10 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 3.4 Booster Figure 8 shows the output stage of the driver where two complementary pairs of transistors are used to amplify the driver IC’s signal. This allows driving IGBTs that need more current than the driver IC can deliver. Two NPN transistors are used for turning-on the IGBT and two PNP transistors for turning-off the IGBT. The transistors are dimensioned to provide enough peak current to drive all 600 V and 1200 V EconoDUAL™ 3 and EconoPACK™ + modules. The peak current can be calculated according to Formula (2): I peak RINT Vout REXT RDriver Figure 8 (2) Driver output stage with booster Gate resistors are connected in between booster stage and IGBT module gate connection. Suggested values are listed in table 5 on page 25 and table 7 on page 36. For some modules the value for these resistors is 0 . In this case just a jumper is required. If resistors are needed, care should be taken that these resistors have a suitable rating for repetitive pulse power to avoid degradation. 3.5 Short circuit protection and active clamping The short circuit protection of the Evaluation Driver Board basically relies on the detection of a voltage level higher than 9 V on the DESAT pin of the 1ED020I12-F driver IC and the implemented active clamp function. Thanks to this operation mode, the collector-emitter overvoltage, which is a result of the stray inductance and the collector current slope, is limited. The overvoltage shoots during turning-off changes as a function of the stray inductance, the current and the DC voltage. Figure 9 shows the parts of the circuit needed for the desaturation function and the active TM clamping. The EconoDUAL 3 driver board is equipped with an additional diode D1 to avoid a bypass current during the turning-on sequence. Figure 9 Desaturation detection and active clamping 11 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + Active clamping is a technique which keeps transient overvoltages below the critical limits when the IGBT turns-off. The standard approach to active clamping is to use a chain of avalanche diodes connected between the auxiliary collector and the gate of an IGBT module. When the Collector-Emitter voltage exceeds the diodes breakdown voltage the diodes current sums up with the current from the driver output. Due to the now increased gate-emitter voltage the transistor is held in an active mode and the turning-off process is prolonged. The dIC/dt slows down which results in a limited voltage overshoot. Avalanche diodes conduct high peak currents during the time period in which the clamping is actively limiting the overvoltage. A typical turn-off waveform under short circuit condition of a FF600R12ME4 module at room temperature without any overvoltage limiting function is shown in Figure 10a. Under short circuit condition at room temperature with active clamp function a typical waveform is shown in Figure 10b. a) b) Figure 10 3.6 a) Short circuit without active clamping b) with active clamping function Fault output When a short circuit occurs, the voltage increase across the IGBT is detected by the desaturation protection of the 1ED020I12-F and the IGBT is turning-off. The fault is reported to the primary side of the driver as a low active signal. A red LED is turning-on to signalize the failure condition. The /FLT status remains active as long as there is no reset signal applied to the driver. The /FLT signal is active low, the according schematic can be seen in Figure 11. Figure 11 Fault output for a single driver 12 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 3.7 Temperature measurement Based on the NTC built into both module types, the driver boards offer IGBT base plate temperature measurement in the range of -40 °C…150 °C. Both Evaluation Driver Boards work with a Sigma/Delta converter. Thus a digital signal is provided featuring the advantage that digital signal processing can be used without particular hardware efforts and that the subsequent error is low. However an analog signal can be produced with the use of the schematic in Figure 12. Figure 12 Table 3 Schematic to convert digital Σ/Δ to analog output Bill of Material Σ/Δ to analog converter Package size Type Qty Value / Device Recommended Part Name imperial Manufacturer Capacitor 1 100n/50V/X7R C0603 C1 Capacitor 1 1n/50V/C0G C0603 C2 Capacitor 1 10n/50V/X7R C0603 C3 Capacitor 1 100p/50V/C0G C0603 C4 Analog Amplifier 1 AD8542ARZ SOIC08 IC1 Resistor 2 39k R0603 R1, R5 Resistor 2 100k R0603 R2, R6 Resistor 2 22k R0603 R3, R4 Resistor 1 10R R0603 R7 Devices All electronic parts used in the design are lead-free with 260 °C soldering profile. The tolerances for resistors should be less or equal to ±1 %, for capacitors of the type C0G less or equal to ±5 % and for capacitors of the type X7R less or equal to ±10 %. 13 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + Using the base plate temperature and a thermal model, the junction temperature can be estimated. The complexity of the thermal model needed for this purpose depends on application and heat sink conditions as well as on requirements regarding accuracy and dynamic response. In case of a broken wire the output shuts down to 0 V. The relation between output voltage and base plate temperature is shown in Figure 13. Temperature Measurement V TEMP=f(TJ) 6 5 VTEMP [V] 4 3 2 1 0 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 TJ [°C] Figure 13 Characteristics of the temperature measurement Note: This temperature measurement is not suitable for short circuit detection or short term overload but may be used to protect the module from long term overload conditions or malfunction of the cooling system. 14 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 4 Switching losses The setup used for preparing this application note varies from the setup used to characterize the devices in three aspects 1. DC-link inductance: The DC-link inductance of the setup used for these test has a value of approximately 35 nH for all modules investigated here in contrast to varying values between 35 nH to 80 nH used for device characterization; see device datasheets for details. For a detailed discussion on the impact of DClink inductance on switching losses please refer to [2]. 2. Gate voltage: This Evaluation Board provides a gate voltage of -8 V for turning-off and 16 V for turning-on whereas characterization is done with a driver providing +/- 15 V of gate voltage. 3. Gate driver output impedance: According to IEC 60747-9 for characterization of an IGBT the driver used should resemble an ideal voltage source as far as possible. For the Evaluation Board a driver output stage has been chosen that considers board space as well as cost constraints. Therefore it cannot provide close to zero output impedance. All aspects discussed above have an impact on the switching speed of the module and hence also on the switching losses. Gate resistor values have been chosen so that di/dt at turn-on is comparable to characterization conditions. Nevertheless small deviations in the turn-on losses persist. 4.1 Turn-on losses The turn-on losses are expected to correspond to the datasheet values of the modules. As an example the measured turn-on losses for an EconoDUAL™ 3 FF450R12ME3 are shown in Figure 14. FF450R12ME3 Sw itching losses, Eon= f(Uce,Ic) 160 140 Eon @ Tj = 25°C Losses Eon [mJ] 120 400V Eon @ Tj = 125°C 500V 600V 100 700V 800V 80 400V 500V 60 600V 700V 40 800V 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Current [A] Figure 14 Turn-on losses of a FF450R12ME3 measured using the 2ED100E12-F2 15 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + The 2ED100E12-F2 is designed to also work on IGBT4-modules as well. Figure 15 depicts the turn-on losses of a FF450R12ME4 module as an example. FF450R12ME4 Sw itching losses, Eon= f(Uce,Ic) 160 Eon @ Tj = 25°C 400V Eon @ Tj = 125°C 500V 600V 140 Eon @ Tj = 150°C 700V Losses Eon [mJ] 120 800 400V 100 500V 600V 80 700V 800V 60 400V 500V 40 600V 700V 20 800V 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Current [A] Figure 15 Turn-on losses of a FF450R12ME4 measured using the 2ED100E12-F2 16 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 4.2 Turn-off losses In general the turn-off losses linearly increase with the DC-Link voltage. The following Figure 16 and Figure 17 confirm these characteristics and show the dependencies of the measured turning-off losses vs. the DClink voltage and the current. FF450R12ME3 Sw itching losses, Eoff= f(Uce,Ic) 160 140 Eoff @ Tj = 25°C Eoff @ Tj = 125°C Losses Eoff [mJ] 120 400V 500V 600V 100 700V 800V 80 400V 500V 60 600V 700V 40 800V 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Current [A] a) Figure 16 Turn-off losses with FF450R12ME3 module FF450R12ME4 Sw itching losses, Eoff= f(Uce,Ic) 140 Eoff @ Tj = 25°C 400V 500V Eoff @ Tj = 125°C 120 600V Eoff @ Tj = 150°C 700V Losses Eoff [mJ] 100 800V 400V 500V 80 600V 700V 60 800V 400V 40 500V 600V 20 800V 700V 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Current [A] b) Figure 17 Turn-off losses with FF450R12ME4 module All losses are measured according to the IEC 60747-9 standard. 17 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 5 Schematic, Layout and Bill of Material - EconoDUAL™ 3 board Both driver boards were made by keeping the following rules for the copper thickness and the space between different layers as shown in Figure 18. Layers: Copper Isolation 1: 35 µm 1-2: 0.5 mm 2: 35 µm 2-3: 0.5 mm 3: 35 µm 3-4: 0.5 mm 4: 35 µm Figure 18 5.1 Copper and isolation used Schematic To meet the individual customer requirements and make the Evaluation Driver Board for the EconoDUAL™ 3 module simple for development or modification, all necessary technical data like schematic, layout and components are included in this chapter. Figure 19 High side IGBT driver Figure 20 Low side IGBT driver 18 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + Figure 21 High and Low side IGBT driver output Figure 22 Temperature measurement Figure 23 DC/DC converter 19 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Figure 24 5.2 External connector Assembly drawing Figure 25 Assembly drawing of the EconoDUAL™ 3 driver board 20 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 5.3 Layout a) b) Figure 26 EconoDUAL™ 3 IGBT driver – a) Top layer and b) Layer 2 a) b) Figure 27 EconoDUAL™ 3 IGBT driver – a) Layer 3 and b) Bottom layer 21 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 5.4 Bill of Material The bill of material includes a part list as well as assembly notes. The external gate resistors are not assembled, a list for the resistor values is presented in chapter 6.5. The tolerances for resistors should be less or equal to ±1 %, for capacitors of the type C0G less or equal to ±5 % and for capacitors of the type X7R less or equal to ±10 %. Table 4 Bill of Material for EconoDUAL™ 3 Driver Board Package Type Qty Value / Device size Recommended Assem- Manufacturer bled Part Name Description imperial Capacitor 4 100p/50V/C0G C0603 C1,C4,C10,C12 Capacitor 9 100n/50V/X7R C0603 Capacitor 2 .../50V/C0G C0603 C1C,C2C Capacitor 2 470p/50V/X7R C0603 C1R,C2R Capacitor 5 10n/50V/X7R C0603 C2, C5, C15T, C16T, C17T C1B, C1T, C4B, C4T, C3, C6, C8, C13, C18T no C2B, C2T, C3B, C3T,C5B,C5T, C6B, C6T,C9B, C9T, C10B, C10T, Capacitor 19 4µ7/25V/X7R C-EUC1206 Murata C11B, C11T, C14T, C7, C14, C15, C16 Capacitor 2 220p/50V/C0G C0603 C7B,C7T Capacitor 2 33p/50V/C0G C0603 C8B,C8T Capacitor 3 1µ/25V/X7R C0805 C11,C12T,C13T Capacitor 2 optional/50V/C0G C0603 CGE1,CGE2 Connector 1 TYCO16POL TYCO16POL X1 Diode 2 STTH112U SOD6 D5B,D5T Diode 4 ES1D DO214AC D6,D7,D8,D9 Diode 2 ZLLS1000 SOT23 D7B,D7T Driver IC 2 1ED020I12-F P-DSO-16 IC1,IC2 Half-Bridge TYCO no Infineon International 1 IR2085SPBF SO08 IC3 Driver IC Schottky Diode no Rectifier 2 BAT165 SOD323R DB,DT 1 AD7400YRWZ P-DSO-16 IC5 Infineon no Isolated SigmaDelta Modulator CHIPLED 2 LED1, LED2 LED0805 Resistor 4 27R R0603 BB, BT, BB1, BT3 Resistor 4 10R R0603 BT2,R1L,R2L,R2L1 Resistor 4 100R R0402 R1,R2,R7,R8 no Vishay / Resistor 4 12R R0805 R1B,R1T,R1B2,R1T2 CRCW080512R 0FKEAHP 22 Pulsresistor N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + Package Type Qty Value / Device size Recommended Assem- Manufacturer bled Part Name Description imperial Resistor 2 220R R0805 R1B1,R1T1 no Resistor 5 0R R0603 R1C,R1C1,R2C,R2C1,R8T no Resistor 2 0R R0402 R_FR1,R_FR2 Resistor 2 1k R0603 R2B,R2T Resistor 5 4k7 R0402 R3,R4,R9,R10,R_R Resistor 2 4R7 R0603 R20,R21 Resistor 4 10k R0402 R6,R12,R22,R23 Resistor 2 39R R0805 R5,R11 Resistor 8 variable R2010 R4B, R4T, R5B, R5T, TT electronics no R6B, R6T, R7B, R7T Resistor 1 1k2 R0603 R9T Resistor 1 820R R0603 R10T Resistor 3 2k2 R0603 R11T,R13T,R17 Resistor 1 270R R0603 R12T Resistor 2 10R R1206 R13,R19 Resistor 2 15R R0603 R15,R16 Resistor 1 68k R0603 R14 Resistor 1 0R15 R0805 R18 Resistor 1 39k R0603 R25 SOT23-5 IC4 SN74LVC1G17D Schmitt-Trigger 1 BVR D2B,D2R,D2T,D3, D3B,D3T,D4,D4B, Schottky Diode 17 BAT165 SOD323R D4T,D5,D10,D11, Infineon D12,D13,D1, D1R,D2 Shunt Regulator 1 TLV431BIDCKT SC70-6L T60403-D4615- D4615- IC7 Transformer 1 X054 X054 Transistor 2 BC856 SOT23 T1,T2 Infineon Transistor 4 ZXTN2010Z SOT89 T1B, T1B1, T1T, T1T1 Diodes Transistor 4 ZXTP2012Z SOT89 T2B, T2B1, T2T, T2T1 Diodes TrenchMOS 2 PMV45EN SOT23 T3,T4 philips 2 P6SMB440A SMB D1.1C,D2.1C Vishay 2 P6SMB510A SMB D2.1C,D2.2C Vishay D1.1B, D1.1T, On 4 MM3Z5V6T1G SOD323-R D1.2B, D1.2T Semiconductor VacuumTR schmelze 1 Unipolar TVS Diode Unipolar TVS Diode Zener diode no Voltage regulator 1 ZMR500FTA SOT23 IC6 Zener diode 2 BZX84-C11 SOT23 ZB,ZT 23 no Pulsresistor N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 5.5 Gate resistor list Table 5 External gate resistors RGext, all packages are 2010 types Module RGon [] RGoff [] R4T, R4B, R6T, R6B [] R5T, R5B, R7T, R7B [] Assembled FF150R12ME3G 5.6 3,7 7,5 3,7 no FF150R12MS4 5.1 3,2 6,2 4 no FF225R12MS4 3 1,5 3 3 no FF225R12ME3 1.5 0 0 3 no FF225R12ME4 0 0 0 0 no FF300R12ME3 1.1 0 0 2,2 no FF300R12ME4 0 0 0 0 no FF300R12MS4 1.5 0,5 1 2 No FF450R12ME3 1 0,25 0,5 1,5 no FF450R12ME4 1 0 0 2 no FF600R06ME3 2.0 1,25 2,5 1,5 No FF600R12ME4 1.5 0,6 2,5 1,5 No 24 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 6 Schematic, Layout and Bill of Material - EconoPACK™ + board To meet the individual customer requirements and to ease the development or modification using the Evaluation Driver Board for the EconoPACK™ + module, all necessary technical data like schematic, layout and components are included in this chapter. The tolerances for resistors should be less or equal to ±1 %, for capacitors of the type C0G less or equal to ±5 % and for capacitors of the type X7R less or equal to ±10 %. 6.1 Schematic For the EconoDUAL TM 3 and EconoPACK TM + evaluation boards, the high and low side driver schematics including their power supplies are similar for all half bridges. Therefore it is sufficient to depict only the schematic of the EconoDUAL TM 3. Figure 28 High side IGBT driver Figure 29 Low side IGBT driver 25 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + Figure 30 Figure 31 DC/DC converter High and Low side IGBT driver output Figure 32 Temperature measurement 26 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + Figure 33 6.2 Connector Assembly drawing Figure 34 Assembly drawing of the EconoPACK™ + driver board For detailed information use the zoom function of your PDF viewer. 27 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 6.3 Layout Figure 35 Figure 36 EconoPACK™ + IGBT driver – Top layer EconoPACK™ + IGBT driver – Layer 2 28 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + Figure 37 Figure 38 EconoPACK™ + IGBT driver – Layer 3 EconoPACK™ + IGBT driver – Bottom Layer 4 29 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + 6.4 Bill of material The bill of material includes a part list as well as assembly notes. The external gate resistors are not assembled, a list for the resistor values is presented in Table 7 on page 33. The tolerances for resistors should be less or equal to ±1 %, for capacitors of the type C0G less or equal to ±5 % and for capacitors of the type X7R less or equal to ±10 %. Table 6 Bill of Material for EconoPACK™ + Driver Board Package Type Qty Recommended Value / Device Part Name size imperal Assembled Manufacturer C1C, C2C, C3C, C4C, C5C, Capacitor 6 .../50V/C0G C0603 no C6C C2, C5, C18, C21, C34, C37, Capacitor 9 10n/50V/X7R C0603 C40T, C41T, C42T C8B, C8T, C20B, C20T, C32B, Capacitor 6 33p/50V/C0G C0603 no C32T C1B, C1T, C3, C4B, C4T, C6, C13, C13B, C13T, C16B, C16T, Capacitor 23 100n/50V/X7R C0603 C19, C22, C25B, C25T, C28B, C28T, C29, C35, C38, C43T, C45, C49 C1, C4, C10, C12, C17, C20, Capacitor 12 100p/50V/C0G C0603 C26, C28, C33, C36, C42, C44 C7B, C7T, C19B, C19T, Capacitor 6 220p/50V/C0G C0603 C31B, C31T C1R, C2R, C3R, C4R, C5R, Capacitor 6 470p/50V/X7R C0603 C6R CGE1, CGE2, CGE3, CGE4, Capacitor 6 optional/50V/C0G C0603 no CGE5, CGE6 Capacitor 5 1µ/25V/X7R C0805 C11, C27, C37T, C38T, C43 C2B, C2T, C3B, C3T, C5B, C5T, C6B, C6T, C7, C9B, C9T, C10B, C10T, C11B, C11T, C14, C14B, C14T, C15, C15B, C15T, C16, C17B, C17T, C18B, C18T, C21B, C21T, C22B, C22T, C23, Capacitor 55 4µ7/25V/X7R C1206 Murata C23B, C23T, C26B, C26T, C27B, C27T, C29B, C29T, C30, C30B, C30T, C31, C32, C33B, C33T, C34B, C34T, C35B, C35T, C39, C39T, C46, C47, C48 T60403-D4615Transformer 3 VacuumD4615-X054 TR1, TR2, TR3 X054 schmelze 30 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Board for EconoDUALTM3 and EconoPACKTM+ Package Type Qty Part Name Value / Device size imperal Recommended Assembled Manufacturer LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4, LED5, LED6 LED 6 LEDCHIP- LED0805 D1, D2, D2B, D2T, D3, D3B, D3T, D4, D4B, D4T, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D9B, D9T, D10, D10B, Schottky 39 BAT64-02W SCD80 D10T, D11, D11B, D11T, D12, Infineon Diodes D13, D14, D15, D16, D16B, D16T, D17, D17B, D17T, D18, D18B, D18T, D19, D20, D21 Rectifier 6 ES1D DO214AC D28, D29, D30, D31, D32, D33 6 BAT64-02W SCD80 DB1, DB2, DB3, DT1, DT2, DT3 Diode Diode Unipolar Infineon no D1.1C, D2.1C, D3.1C, D4.1C, 6 P6SMB/440V SMB TVS Diode D5.1C, D6.1C, Unipolar D1.2C, D2.2C, D3.2C, D4.2C, 6 P6SMB/510V SMB TVS Diode D5.2C, D6.2C D5B, D5T, D12B, D12T, D19B, Diode 6 STTA112U SOD6 D19T D1.1B, D1.1T, D1.2B, D1.2T, Zener Diode 12 MM3Z5V6T1G D8.1B, D8.1T, D8.2B, D8.2T, On D15.1B, D15.1T, D15.2B, Semiconductor SOD323-R no D15.2T Zener Diode 6 BZX84-C11 SOT23 Diode 6 ZLLS1000 SOT23 ZB1, ZB2, ZB3, ZT1, ZT2, ZT3 no D7B, D7T, D14B, D14T, D21B, Diodes D21T Driver IC 6 1ED020I12-F P-DSO-16 IC1, IC2, IC5, IC6, IC8, IC9 3 IR2085SPBF SO08 IC3, IC7, IC10 Half-Bridge International Driver Rectifier Schmitt- SN74LVC1G17DBV 1 Trigger SOT23-5 IC11 P-DSO-16 IC12 R Isolated Analog Sigma-Delta 1 AD7400YRWZ Devices Modulator Voltage 1 ZMR500FTA SOT23 IC13 1 TLV431BIDCKT SC70-6L IC14 regulator Shunt Regulator 31 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM3 and EconoPACKTM + Package Type Qty Recommended Value / Device Part Name size imperal Assembled Manufacturer R_FR1, R_FR2, R_FR3, Resistor 6 0R R0402 R_FR4, R_FR5, R_FR6 R_R1, R_R2, R_R3, R3, R4, R9, Resistor 15 4k7 R0402 R10, R22, R23, R28, R29, R41, R42, R47, R48 R6, R12, R25, R31, R44, R50 Resistor 6 10k R0402 Resistor R1, R2, R7, R8, R20, R21, R26, 12 100R R0402 6 0R R0603 Resistor R27, R39, R40, R45, R46 R1C1, R2C1, R3C1, R4C1, no R5C1, R6C1 Resistor 6 27R R0603 Resistor 6 1k R0603 BB1, BB2, BB3, BT1, BT2, BT3 R2B, R2T, R10B, R10T, R18B, R18T Resistor 1 1k2 R0603 R26T Resistor 5 2k2 R0603 R18, R28T, R30T, R37, R56 Resistor 6 4R7 R0603 Resistor 6 10R R0603 R1L, R2L, R3L, R4L, R5L, R6L Resistor 6 15R R0603 R16, R17, R35, R36, R54, R55 Resistor 1 39k R0603 R64 Resistor 3 68k R0603 R15, R34, R53 Resistor 1 270R R0603 R29T Resistor 1 820R R0603 R27T Resistor 3 0R15 R0805 R19, R38, R57 Resistor 7 0R R0603 R13, R14, R51, R52, R60, R61 no R1C, R2C, R3C, R4C, R5C, no R6C, R25T R1B, R1T, R9B, R9T, R17B, Resistor 6 12R R0805 Resistor 6 39R R0805 Resistor 6 220R R0805 R17T R5, R11, R24, R30, R43, R49 R1B1, R1B2, R1B3, R1T1, no R1T2, R1T3 Resistor 6 10R R1206 R32, R33, R58, R59, R62, R63 R4B, R4T, R5B, R5T, R6B, R6T, R7B, R7T, R12B, R12T, R13B, no: See Resistor 24 variable R2010 R13T, R14B, R14T, R15B, TT electronics Table 8 R15T, R20B, R20T, R21B, R21T, R22B, R22T, R23B, R23T 32 N 2010-03 2009 Application Note AN 2008-02 V1.3 Feb. 2011 Driver Boards for EconoDUALTM 3 and EconoPACKTM + Type Package Qty Recommended Value / Device Part Name Assembled size imperal Manufacturer Transistor 6 BC856 SOT23 T1, T2, T5, T6, T9, T10 TrenchMOS 6 PMV45EN SOT23 T3, T4, T7, T8, T11, T12 Philips Transistor 6 ZXTN2010Z SOT89 T1B, T1T, T3B, T3T, T5B, T5T Diodes Transistor 6 ZXTP2012Z SOT89 T2B, T2T, T4B, T4T, T6B, T6T Diodes Connector 3 8-188275-6 16POL X1, X2, X3 Tyco 6.5 Gate resistor list Table 7 External gate resistors RGext are listed below, all packages are 2010 types Module RGext [] R4T, R4B, R6T, R6B R12T, R12B, R14T, R14B R20T, R20B, R22T, R22B [] R5T, R5B, R7T, R7B R13T, R13B, R15T, R15B R21T, R21B, R23T, R23B [] FS150R12KE3G 8.2 5.6 5.6 FS225R12KE3 3.3 1.5 1.5 FS300R12KE3 2.4 1.1 1.1 FS450R12KE3 1.6 1 1 7 How to order Evaluation Driver Boards Every Evaluation Driver Board has its own IFX order number and can be ordered via your Infineon Sales Partner. Information can also be found at the Infineons Web Page: CAD-data for the board described here are available on request. The use of this data is subjected to the disclaimer given in this AN. Please contact: IFX order number for EconoDUAL™ 3 Evaluation Driver Board: 31165 IFX order number for EconoPACK™ + Evaluation driver board: 31166 8 References [1] Infineon Technologies AG, AN2007-04, ‘How to calculate and to minimize the dead time requirement for IGBTs properly’, V1.0, May 2007, [2] Bäßler, M., Ciliox A., Kanschat P., ‘On the loss – softness trade-off: Are different chip versions needed for softness improvement?’ PCIM Europe 2009, Nuremberg, May 2009 33