FC SERIES COMPACT CALCULATOR DATA SHEET PNM2 The FC series compact calculator is a high cost-performance, flexible, and highly functional calculator which inputs 5 analog signals and 6 digital signals, digitally performs complex calculations such as arithmetic, square root extraction, time-factor calculations, etc., and then provides 5 analog and 6 digital outputs. FEATURES 1. Highly functional calculator using a microprocessor A variety of calculating functions are coordinated into functional units called wafers. Complex calculations are thus performed flexibly and accurately through connection of the computational wafers. 2. International standards This instrument is compact in size, conforming to international standards IEC. It operates on 24V DC power to deliver 1 to 5V DC signals as recommended by IEC standards. 100V and 200V AC power are also available for convenience of operation. 3. Contents of calculation are changeable on the spot The contents of calculation can be specified on the spot using key operation on the front panel. And the contents are retained even at power failure due to utilization of a non-volatile memory. FUNCTIONAL PRINCIPLE EDS11-108b Date Jul. 1, 1994 PNM2 SPECIFICATIONS 1. Computational functions (1) Wafers The wafer is a functional software package which realizes the computational functions needed for instrumentation control. A calculator which responds flexibly to the application purpose is realized through combination of these wafers having their own individual functions. The PNM is capable of executing a total of either 24, 48 or 64 wafers. The wafers given in the table below are standardequipped which enables selection according to the purpose of application. • For computation: A variety of computations are feasible by combining the wafers in Table 1. (2) Internal input/output terminals Various internal terminals for connecting external analog input/outputs and digital input/outputs with wafers are provided. (3) Constants These can be freely defined as parameters for use in calculation. (32 constants with 24 wafers, 48 constants with 48 wafers, 64 constants with 64 wafers) (4) Computation cycle 0.2 sec (24 wafer type) 0.4 sec (48 wafer type) 0.5 sec (64 wafer type) Table 1 List of computational wafers Wafer name Kinds Outline of functions Logical computation 6 Performs logical computation such as AND, OR, NOT, EOR and a combination of these. Arithmetic computation 5 Performs computation such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Temperature/pressure compensation 1 Performs temperature/pressure compensation using differential pressure, correcting pressure and/or proper temperature. Linearize 3/6/8 Performs segmented line approximation using 15 segmented line functions (6 kinds with 48 wafers, 8 kinds with 64 wafers). Flip-flop 1 RS flip-flop Pulse width integration 1 Adds the input change amount at each basic cycle to the previous integrated value. Selector 1 Compares two input values, and outputs the result of high/low judgment as HIGH output (higher one) or LOW output (lower one). Changeover 1 A switch function which selects either input or output. An analog hold circuit can also be combined. Timer 1 Outputs an on-delay/off-delay timer signal via input signal start according to the timer setting. Square root computation 1 Subjects an input value to square root extraction and outputs the result. Also has a low input cutoff function. Lead, lag 3 Subjects the input to lead or lag computation and outputs the result. Used for analog filter function and various compensations. Limiter 1 Limits the input within the range of upper/lower limit setting and outputs the result. Also outputs an upper/lower limit alarm signal. Absolute value sign inversion 1 Subjects the input to absolute value processing and outputs the result. Also judges the input value sign (positive, negative) and outputs the results. Ramp function 2 Outputs a signal which changes in ramp-like form toward the target value within the set full-scale time. Includes two kinds for minute and hour unit. Analog average 1 Subjects the input data to sequential integration, calculates the average for each average value calculation time and outputs the result. Analog integration 1 Integrates the value obtained by multiplying the input data via a proportional constant, and outputs the result. Pulse generation 1 Outputs a pulse at a set time interval. Dead band 1 Adds dead band compensation to the input and outputs the result. Pulse number counter 1 Detects the rise of a pulse and counts the number of pulses. Pulse number output 1 Integrates the input signal, converts it to number of pulses and outputs the result. Decoder 1 Decodes binary input of two bits and outputs it at 4 terminals. Moving average 2 Calculates moving average for the input data and outputs the result. Sample hold 1 Holds the input value according to sample time (0/1) and outputs it successively. Dead time 9 Usable for dead time compensation control, etc. Data sampling is available in units of 1 second and 1 minute. On-off 1 Outputs an on-off signal with hysteresis versus the input. Alarm 1 Compares the input with the set value, and outputs the judgment result. Position type pulse width change 1 Performs output processing for time-proportional PID control. Various applications are feasible by combining encoder, saw-tooth wave generating and sine wave generating wafers. 2 2. Input signal (2) Digital data (1) Analog input signal Al1: One input selectable from the following Input/output status Data ON (contact closed) 0.01% OFF (contact open) 0.00% Voltage input signal 1 to 5V DC Input resistance: 1MΩ or more; accuracy: ± 0.2%/FS(*) Current input signal 4 to 20mA DC 24V ± 2V DC can be supplied to transmitter when using AC source (approx. 35mA); accuracy: ± 0. 2%/FS Thermocouple input I+ I0 I– Resistance bulb input Type J :0 to 600°C K:0 to 1200°C E:0 to 800°C R:0 to 1600°C 10mV DC span or more; cold junction compensation comprised accuracy: ± 0.5%/FS Jpt100, Pt100 –50 to 500°C 50°C span or more; accuracy: ± 0.5%/FS Note: *FS: Full scale (2) Analog input signal: 4 points Analog input AI2 Analog input AI3 Analog input AI4 Analog input AI5 Input resistance: 1MΩ or more Accuracy: ± 0.2%/FS 1 to 5V DC (3) Digital input signal: 4 points Digital input DI1 Digital input DI2 Digital input DI3 Digital input DI4 Contact input (photo-coupler insulation) ON/0V, OFF/24V (input current approx. 11mA/24V DC) (4) Pulse width or pulse number input signal: One set Pulse width input signal Pulse number input signal Contact input (photo-coupler insulation) PI+ PI– ON/0V, OFF/24V (input current approx. 11mA/24V DC) ON/0V, OFF/24V (approx. 11mA/24V DC); input max. frequency: 500Hz 3. Output signal (1) Current output signal: One point MI+ MI– Current output 4 to 20mA DC Allowable load resistance: 600Ω or less; accuracy: ± 0.2%/FS (2) Analog output signal: 4 points Analog output AO1 Analog output AO2 Analog output AO3 Analog output AO4 1 to 5V DC Output resistance: 1Ω or less; accuracy: ± 0.2%/FS 5. Indication, setting, operating functions (1) Bargraph indication RV indicator GV indicator Indication type LED (red) LED (green) No. of segments 101+2 101+2 Range 0 to 100% linear 0 to 100% linear Resolution 1%/FS 1%/FS Scale length 100mm 100mm Indication mode 0 to 100% bargraph indication 0 to 100% reverse bargraph indication dot indication –50 to +50% deviation indication (2) Run mode indication Indicating method: LED (red); red, H/L (3) Numerical indication, setting Indication method: LED (red), name 3 digits+numerals 5 digits (including negative sign) Indication contents: Indication contents such as constants, segmented line and wafers selectable by and keys on the front. F/S , Setting method: By operation of F/S , , , , and ST keys on the front. 6. Power failure processing function Power failure detection: Calculation stops at power failure detection. During power failure: Operating parameters retained by capacitor backup within 5 minutes. Constants, segmented line, wafers, parameters etc. are stored in non-volatile memory (lasts 10 years expected at ambient temperature below 50 °C). At power recovery: Initial or continuous start mode can be set within 5 minutes. Recovery from power failure lasting longer than 5 minutes is done by initial. 7. Self-diagnosis functions (3) Digital output signal: 6 points Fault output FLT Digital output DO1 Digital output DO2 Digital output DO3 Digital output DO4 Digital output DO5 Open collector output (Photo-coupler insulation) Output rating 30V x 0.1A DC max. 4. Internal uniform data conversion Computing circuit fault: H, L lamp simultaneously lit FLT contact output ON, computation stops Input/output signal fault, run output disconnection: H, L lamp simultaneously lit; FLT contact output ON, computation and output processing for other than run output continue. Fault contents indication: Cause of fault is numerically indicated on front-panel numerical indicator (1) Analog data Standard Minimum Maximum 0.00 to 100.00% –327.6% 327.67% 3 PNM2 8. Transmission function (1) Transmission items Monitor items: PNM host Fault information, constants, analog input/ output, digital input/output, etc. Setting, operation items: Host PNM Constants, etc. (2) Transmission setting inhibit: Parameter setting enable/inhibit can be designated by transmission from the host. Designation is done by keys on the front panel. (3) Transmission interface (a) T-link: Private interface Transmission speed: 500Kbps No. of units connectable: 32 max. Transmission distance: 1km max. Transmission form: Multi-drop Control method: I/O transmission and message (b) RS-422A/485: Universal interface Transmission speed: 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 bps configurable No. of units connectable: 31 max. Transmission distance: 1km max. Transmission form: Multi-drop Control method: Polling/selecting (c) CC data line: Private interface Transmission speed: 19.2 Kbps (fixed) No. of units connectable: 15 max. Transmission distance: 500m max. Transmission form: Multi-drop Control method: Polling/selecting Mounting method: Indoor panel mounting, vertical mounting standard, can be tilted within following angle α=0° to 90° Finish color: Front panel; Munsell N1.5 Casing; Munsell N1.5 Scope of delivery: Calculator and mounting bracket Item to be ordered separately: Communication cable (type PNZ) CODE SYMBOLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P NM 2 9 10 11 5 - 0 Y Description Measured input signal 1 to 5V DC 4 to 20mA DC J thermocouple 10mV DC span or K thermocouple more, with cold juncE thermocouple tion compensation R thermocouple Resistance bulb, JPt 100 3 wire type, 50 °C span or more Resitance bulb, Pt100, 3 wire type, 50 °C span or more A B C D E F G W Power supply 24V DC (20 to 30V DC) 100V AC (85 to 132V AC/47 to 63Hz) 200V AC (187 to 264V AC/47 to 63Hz) 1 2 3 9. Other functions Data protective function by pass code 10. Usage conditions Power supply: Selectable from three types 24V DC (20 to 30V DC), 100V AC (85 to 132V AC/47 to 63Hz), 200V AC (187 to 264V AC/47 to 63Hz) Power consumption: Approx. 12W (DC), approx. 20VA (AC) Dielectric strength: 1500V AC for 1 minute Insulation resistance: 100MΩ or more at 500V DC Ambient temperature: 0 to 50 °C Ambient humidity: 90% RH or less Enclosure: Steel case Casing protective structure: Front section: IP65 (IEC 529) Rating plate (Name plate): 100 (H) x 70 (W), white acrylic resin Dimensions: 144 (H) x 72 (W) x 391 (D) mm, IEC (DIN) standard Mass {weight}: Approx. 2.9kg 4 Transmission function None T-link RS-422A RS-485 CC data line Y T R S C 0 1 2 3 4 5 Wafer connection/no. of wafers executable None/24 wafers Provided/24 wafers None/48 wafers Provided/48 wafers None/64 wafers Provided/64 wafers Note: Resistance bulb symbol is as follows; JPt100.....JIS C 1604-1981 Pt100.....IEC Pub 751-1983 OUTLINE DIAGRAM (Unit:mm) Panel thickness 8mm or less 16 144 Terminal cover Terminals Mounting bracket 140 36 Supporting bracket 355 200 or more 72 Panel cutout 68 +0.7 0 When mounting n units 138 +1 0 250 or more +1 0 138 200 or more When mounting one unit (72.2n – 4) No. of units n>2 = +1 0 CONNECTION DIAGRAM Block terminals (M4 screw) Power supply output Current AO (analog output) AO (analog output) AO (analog output) AO (analog output) AI, AO (common bus) AI — AO 1 51 71 AI 2 — (analog input) — AO 2 52 72 AI 3 — (analog input) — AO 3 53 73 AI 4 — (analog input) — AO 4 54 74 AI 5 — (analog input) — 55 75 — MI+ 56 76 — MI– 57 77 DO 2 — DO — DO 4 58 78 DI 3 — DI — DO 5 59 79 DI 2 — DI –— PC* 60 80 DI 1 — DI — PCD 61 81 VP* + — Instrument power 62 82 VPD + — 24V power SC AI AI AI — SC — AI, AO common bus (digital output) DO (digital output) DO (digital output) Instrument power supply (24V DC) 24V power for DI, DO Ground – G (digital input) (digital input) (digital input) supply (24V DC) for DI, DO Note: The symbol in case of AC instrument power is VPO, PCO. The output is approx. 24V DC (0.1A max.) 5 PNM2 Analog output 1 terminal connection specifications 1 to 5V DC A in 5th digit of code + Termocouple C,D,E,F in 5th digit of code 11 31 4 to 20mA DC B in 5th digit of code + 4 to 20mA DC with inner DC power supply of CC-S + – 12 + 11 – – – 12 + 11 – 12 + 11 – – 12 + 11 – 12 31 Resistance bulb G,W in 5th digit of code 31 + 31 31 B in 5th digit of code PC 60 Transmission connector 1 SIG GND 6 7 8 RXD + 9 RXD – 1 SIG GND 6 2 SHLD(SD) 3 INH 4 TXD + (T1) 2 SHLD(SD) Black 7 White 8 RXD + 9 RXD – 5 TXD – (T2) Green 3 INH 4 TXD + (T1) 5 TXD – (T2) Yellow Note:Symbol in ( ): T-link terminal symbol Brown Red 6 7 8 RXD + 9 RXD – 1 SIG GND 1 SIG GND 6 2 SHLD(SD) 7 3 INH 8 RXD + 4 TXD + (T1) 9 RXD – 5 TXD – (T2) 2 SHLD(SD) Black 3 INH White 4 TXD + (T1) 5 TXD – (T2) Termination resistor Green Yellow Red Brown End station Host master controller First station Host Termination resistor Communication PNM2 PNM2 PNM2 PNM2 Caution on Safety *Before using this product, be sure to read its instruction manual in advance. Head Office 6-17, Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0075, Japan http://www.fesys.co.jp/eng Sales Div. International Sales Dept. No.1, Fuji-machi, Hino-city, Tokyo, 191-8502 Japan Phone: 81-42-585-6201, 6202 Fax: 81-42-585-6187 http: //www.fic-net.jp/eng Information in this catalog is subject to change without notice. Printed in Japan