ΣDECO SM588× series Audio 3rd-order Σ∆ D/A Converter NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. OVERVIEW The ΣDECO SM588× series, fabricated using NPC’s Molybdenum-gate CMOS process, are D/A converter ICs for digital audio, that provide all the basic converter functions in miniature 8-pin packages. They each feature built-in 8-times oversampling digital filter, Σ∆ jitter-compensated D/A converter, and post-analog lowpass filter converter stages required for digital audio. They can sample at up to 96kHz for 16 or 24-bit input word length. A type with built-in deemphasis filter is also available for applications requiring deemphasis. FEATURES 3-wire Input ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 2-wire Input with Deemphasis Filter 2-channel stereo configuration 256fs, 384fs, or 512fs system clock (applied by product / version) Input format 3-wire serial, MSB first, rear-packed 16 or 24-bit (applied by product / version) 8-times oversampling digital filter • 32 dB stopband attenuation • ±0.05 dB passband ripple Σ∆ 2-channel D/A converter • 3rd-order noise shaper • Oversampling operation 3rd-order post-analog lowpass filter 4.5 to 5.5 V supply voltage 8-pin SOP Molybdenum-gate CMOS process ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 2-channel stereo configuration 256fs, 384fs, or 512fs system clock (applied by product / version) Input format 2-wire serial, MSB first, rear-packed 16 or 24-bit (applied by product / version) Deemphasis filter (fs = 44.1 kHz sample rate) 8-times oversampling digital filter • 32 dB stopband attenuation • ±0.05 dB passband ripple Σ∆ 2-channel D/A converter • 3rd-order noise shaper • Oversampling operation 3rd-order post-analog lowpass filter 4.5 to 5.5 V supply voltage 8-pin SOP Molybdenum-gate CMOS process APPLICATIONS ■ Audio equipment PINOUTS 3-wire input DATA 1 8 LRCI 4 5 LO DATA VDD DEEM VSS LRCI RO CLK 1 8 588 588 BCKI CLK 2-wire input with built-in deemphasis filter 4 LO VDD VSS 5 RO ORDERING INFORMATION Device Package SM5882AS SM5883AS SM5883BS 8-pin SOP SM5885CS NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—1 SM588× series PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (Unit : mm) Weight : 0.07g 0.15 −+ 0.1 0.4 0.2 6.2 0.3 4.4 0.2 0.05 0.695typ 1.5 0.1 0.05 0.05 5.2 0.3 1.27 0 to 10 0.10 0.4 0.1 0.12 M SERIES LINEUP Device Input length Type Pin 2 function Master clock SM5882AS 16 2-wire input Deemphasis control 384fs SM5883AS 16 3-wire input Bit clock input 384fs SM5883BS 16 3-wire input Bit clock input 256fs SM5885CS 24 3-wire input Bit clock input 512fs NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—2 SM588× series BLOCK DIAGRAM LRCI DATA Input interface L Timing control CLK BCKI* R Filter & attenuation operation block L DEEM** R Noise shaper operation block 9 Level DEM DAC 9 Level DEM DAC + 9 Level DEM DAC − 9 Level DEM DAC − LO VSS VDD + RO * : Not available for 2-wire input type ** : Not available for 3-wire input type PIN DESCRIPTION Number Name I/O 1 DATA I Serial data input BCKI1 I Bit clock input DEEM2 I Deemphasis ON/OFF control (44.1 kHz, ON when HIGH) 3 LRCI I Sample rate (fs) clock input. Left-channel input when HIGH, and right-channel input when LOW. 4 CLK I External clock input 5 RO O Right-channel analog output 6 VSS – Ground 7 VDD – Supply 8 LO O Left-channel analog output 2 1. 2. Description 3-wire type 2-wire type with built-in deemphasis filter NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—3 SM588× series SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings VSS = 0 V Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Supply voltage range VDD −0.3 to 7.0 V Input voltage range1 VIN VSS − 0.3 to VDD + 0.3 V TSTG −55 to 125 °C PD 300 mW Symbol Rating Unit Supply voltage VDD 4.5 to 5.5 V Operating temperature TOPR −40 to 85 °C Storage temperature range Power dissipation 1. All inputs Also applicable during supply switching. Recommended Operating Conditions VSS = 0 V Parameter DC Characteristics VDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = −40 to 85 °C Rating Parameter Symbol Condition Unit min typ max – 12.5 25.0 mA Current consumption1 IDD CLK HIGH-level input voltage VIH1 Clock input 0.7VDD – – V CLK LOW-level input voltage VIL1 Clock input – – 0.3VDD V CLK AC-coupled input voltage VINAC 0.7 – – Vp-p HIGH-level input voltage2 VIH2 0.5VDD – – V LOW-level input voltage2 VIL2 – – 0.2VDD V CLK HIGH-level input current IIH VIN = VDD 20 62 170 µA CLK LOW-level input current IIL VIN = 0 V 20 62 170 µA ILH VIN = VDD – – 1.0 µA ILL VIN = 0 V – – 1.0 µA Input leakage current2 1. 2. VDD = 5 V, CLK clock input frequency fCLK = 16.9344 MHz (384fs type)/11.2896 MHz (256fs type)/22.5792MHz (512fs type), no output load. Input data: NPC pattern. Pins BCKI (3-wire type), DEEM (2-wire type with deemphasis filter), DATA, LRCI NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—4 SM588× series AC Digital Characteristics VDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V, VSS = 0 V, Ta = −40 to 85 °C System clock (CLK) 256fs type Rating Parameter Symbol Unit min typ max HIGH-level clock pulsewidth tCWH 20.0 – 125 ns LOW-level clock pulsewidth tCWL 20.0 – 125 ns tXI 40.0 – 250 ns Clock pulse cycle 384fs type Rating Parameter Symbol Unit min typ max HIGH-level clock pulsewidth tCWH 13.15 – 125 ns LOW-level clock pulsewidth tCWL 13.15 – 125 ns tXI 26.3 – 250 ns Clock pulse cycle 512fs type Rating Parameter Symbol Unit min typ max HIGH-level clock pulsewidth tCWH 10 – 125 ns LOW-level clock pulsewidth tCWL 10 – 125 ns tXI 20 – 250 ns Clock pulse cycle CLK t CWL t CWH VIH1 0.5VDD VIL1 t XI NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—5 SM588× series Serial inputs 3-wire type (BCKI, DATA, LRCI) Parameter Symbol Rating min typ max Unit BCKI HIGH-level pulsewidth tBCWH 50.0 – – ns BCKI LOW-level pulsewidth tBCWL 50.0 – – ns BCKI pulse cycle tBCY 1/(64fs) – – ns DATA setup time tDS 50.0 – – ns DATA hold time tDH 50.0 – – ns LRCI edge to first BCKI rising edge tLB 50.0 – – ns Last BCKI rising edge to LRCI edge tBL 50.0 – – ns BCKI 0.35VDD t BCWH t BCY t BCWL DATA 0.35VDD t DS t DH LRCI 0.35VDD t LB t BL 2-wire type (DATA, LRCI) Parameter Symbol Condition Rating min typ max Unit DATA setup time tDS 50 – – ns DATA hold time tDH 50 – – ns LRCI edge to internal BCLK rising edge tLB 256fs/512fs 1.5tXI – 2.5tXI ns 384fs 3.5tXI – 4.5tXI ns Internal BCLK 0.35VDD t DS t DH DATA 0.35VDD LRCI 0.35VDD t LB Control input (DEEM: 2-wire type) Parameter Symbol Rating min typ max Unit Rise time tr – – 50 ns Fall time tf – – 50 ns tf DEEM 0.5V DD 0.2V DD tr 0.5V DD 0.2V DD 0.35VDD NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—6 SM588× series AC Analog Characteristics 256fs type specification (SM5883BS) : VSS = 0 V, VDD = 5 V, 16-bit input type, crystal oscillator frequency fOSC = 11.2896 MHz, Ta = 25 °C Rating Parameter Symbol Condition Unit min typ max THD + N 1 kHz, 0 dB – 0.0035 0.0130 % LSI output level VOUT1 1 kHz, 0 dB – 1.09 – Vrms Evaluation board output level VOUT2 1 kHz, 0 dB – 1.33 – Vrms Total harmonic distortion Dynamic range D.R 1 kHz, −60 dB 90.4 96.4 – dB Signal-to-noise ratio S/N 1 kHz, 0dB/ −∞ 92.8 98.8 – dB Channel separation Ch. Sep 1 kHz, −∞ −0dB 87.5 93.5 – dB Note: These parameters are measured using the measurement block diagram (page 8) and the measurement circuit (page 9). 384fs type specification (SM5882AS, SM5883AS) : VSS = 0 V, VDD = 5 V, DEEM = 0 V (2-wire type), 16-bit input type, crystal oscillator frequency fOSC = 16.9344 MHz, Ta = 25 °C Rating Parameter Symbol Condition Unit min typ max THD + N 1 kHz, 0 dB – 0.003 0.0120 % LSI output level VOUT1 1 kHz, 0 dB – 1.09 – Vrms Evaluation board output level VOUT2 1 kHz, 0 dB – 1.33 – Vrms Total harmonic distortion Dynamic range D.R 1 kHz, −60 dB 90.4 96.4 – dB Signal-to-noise ratio S/N 1 kHz, 0dB/ −∞ 93.0 99.0 – dB Channel separation Ch. Sep 1 kHz, −∞ −0dB 88.5 94.5 – dB Note: These parameters are measured using the measurement block diagram (page 8) and the measurement circuit (page 9). 512fs type specification (SM5885CS) : VSS = 0 V, VDD = 5 V, 24-bit input type, crystal oscillator frequency fOSC = 22.5792MHz, Ta = 25 °C Rating Parameter Symbol Condition Unit min typ max THD + N 1 kHz, 0 dB – 0.0035 0.0130 % LSI output level VOUT1 1 kHz, 0 dB – 1.09 – Vrms Evaluation board output level VOUT2 1 kHz, 0 dB – 1.33 – Vrms Total harmonic distortion Dynamic range D.R 1 kHz, −60 dB 92.0 98.0 – dB Signal-to-noise ratio S/N 1 kHz, 0dB/ −∞ 92.8 98.8 – dB Channel separation Ch. Sep 1 kHz, −∞ −0dB 87.5 93.5 – dB Note: These parameters are measured using the measurement block diagram (page 8) and the measurement circuit (page 9). NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—7 SM588× series AC analog measurement block diagram 256fs/384fs /512fs CLK BCLK* NF Corporation CD Player EVA. Filter3346A Evaluation Board LRCK(fs) fs= 44.1kHz Left DATA= 16/24bit Channel *Not available for 2-wire type Right Channel 100kΩ Input Impedance Serial Interface Adaptor corresponds to SIA-2322 Audio Precision System Two corresponds to SYS-2322 AC analog measurement conditions Parameter1 Total harmonic distortion Symbol THD + N 3346A left/right-channel selector switch Audio Precision System Two audio analyzer with built-in filter Not used Output level VOUT Dynamic range D.R D-RANGE Signal-to-noise ratio S/N Not used 22 kHz lowpass filter A-WTD Channel separation Ch. Sep Not used 20 kHz lowpass filter 1. 20 kHz lowpass filter Pins LO and RO should have an output load of 10 kΩ (min). NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—8 3 1 6 4 5 6 Ext. CLK Int. CLK 9 8 2 5 74HCU04 11 10 X'tal 7 3 13 0.01u 10p 1 16.9344MHz(384fs) 11.2896MHz(256fs) 22.5792MHz(512fs) 10p 2 1M 4 12 0.01u VSS 100u 0.01u VDD RO CLK 14 VSS LRCI VDD 33u 33u 27k − + 33u 33u 27k − + 33k 33k 33u 33u LO − + DATA BCKI /DEEM − + DATA BCKI/DEEM LRCI CLK − + SM5882/83/85 330p 330p + + 5 6 3 2 − 8 8 + NJM 2100 − + 68p 33k + NJM 2100 68p 1 − 22k − 22k − 22k 22k 7 2.2u + − 2.2u + − 100k 100k 100 100p + 100 470u − 100p 33k R ch. OUT VEE VCC L ch. OUT SM588× series AC analog measurement circuit NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—9 0.1u 33u SM588× series Theoretical Filter Characteristics Overall characteristics Frequency band Attenuation (dB) Parameter Passband ripple Stopband attenuation f @ fs = 44.1 kHz min typ max 0 to 0.4535fs 0 to 20.0 kHz −0.05 – +0.05 0.5465fs to 7.4535fs 24.1 to 328.7 kHz 32 – – 0.4535fs 20.0 kHz – −0.34 – Built-in analog LPF compensation Overall frequency characteristic 0 10 Gain(dB) 20 30 40 50 60 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 (× fs) Passband characteristic 0.0 Gain(dB) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.375 0.4535 0.500 (× fs) NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—10 SM588× series 2-wire input, deemphasis ON overall characteristics Frequency band Attenuation (dB) Parameter Passband ripple Stopband attenuation Built-in analog LPF compensation f @ fs = 44.1 kHz min typ max 0 to 0.4535fs 0 to 20.0 kHz −0.09 – +0.23 0.5465fs to 7.4535fs 24.1 to 328.7 kHz 36 – – 0.4535fs 20.0 kHz – −0.34 – Deemphasis ON overall frequency characteristic 0 10 Gain(dB) 20 30 40 50 60 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 (× fs) Deemphasis ON passband characteristic 0 Gain(dB) 2 4 6 8 10 12 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.375 0.4535 0.500 (× fs) NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—11 SM588× series FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION System Clock (CLK) The system clock CLK frequency varies with device within the series as shown below, where fs is the input frequency on LRCI. Note that the input clock accuracy and signal-to-noise ratio greatly influence the AC analog characteristics. The D/A converter operates at the speed shown in the following table. Table 1. System clock Device Master clock DAC oversampling operation A version 384fs 48fs B, C version 256/512fs 32fs System Reset The SM588× series devices incorporate a built-in power-ON reset circuit for system reset. When power is applied, the internal arithmetic operation and output timing counter are reset, and then reset again and timing synchronized to the external input on the next LRCI rising edge. After system reset, the outputs are muted until the 9th rising of LRCI when output muting is released. When the timing is reset, the PWM outputs may generate an output noise. An external muting circuit may be required to prevent this output noise. VDD 1 2 3 9 10 LRCI Internal Reset LO RO Output Muted Figure 1. System reset timing NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—12 SM588× series Audio Data Input Input data format (DATA) The input data has a format that varies with device within the series, as shown below. Table 2. Input format 1. 2. Device Input length SM5882/SM58831 16 bits SM58852 24 bits Format MSB first, bit serial, rear-packed, 2s complement The 2-wire type supports bit clocks of 48fs (384fs) or 64fs (256fs/512fs) only. The 3-wire type supports bit clocks of up to 64fs. Input timing 3-wire input (DATA, LRCI, BCKI) Serial data bits on DATA are read into the SIPO register (serial-to-parallel converter register) on the rising edge of the bit clock BCKI, and then converted to parallel data. The arithmetic operation and output timing are independent of the input timing. Accordingly, after a reset, as long as the clock frequency ratio between LRCI and the system clock CLK is maintained, phase differences between LRCI, BCKI and the system clock CLK do not affect the functional operation. Also, any jitter present on the data input clock does not appear as output pulse jitter. 2-wire input (DATA, LRCI) Serial data bits on DATA are read into the SIPO register (serial-to-parallel converter register) on the rising edge of an internally generated bit clock, and then converted to parallel data. Deemphasis Filter (DEEM: 2-wire input) The 2-wire type with built-in digital deemphasis filter is designed to operate at 44.1 kHz. Deemphasis is ON when DEEM is HIGH, and OFF when DEEM is LOW. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—13 SM588× series TIMING DIAGRAMS 2-wire Input Type with Deemphasis Filter Built-in 1/fs Left Channel DATA Right Channel 16 or 24 bit MSB LSB 16 or 24 bit MSB LSB Internal bit clock (Generated by system clock) LRCI 24 bit clock (384fs type) 32 bit clock (256fs/512fs type) 24 bit clock (384fs type) 32 bit clock (256fs/512fs type) 3-wire Input Type 1/fs Left Channel DATA Right Channel 16 or 24 bit MSB LSB 16 or 24 bit MSB LSB BCKI (64fs MAX) LRCI NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—14 SM588× series TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Input Interface Examples (fs = 44.1kHz) X'tal X'tal 16.9344MHz (384fs) 16.9344MHz (384fs) 44.1kHz LRCI CKI 44.1kHz LRCI SM5882/83/85 BCKI SM5882/83/85 DATA DATA 3-wire input type System clock 384fs 2-wire input type System clock 384fs X'tal X'tal 11.2896MHz (256fs) 11.2896MHz (256fs) 44.1kHz CKI LRCI CKI 44.1kHz LRCI CKI SM5882/83/85 BCKI SM5882/83/85 DATA DATA 3-wire input type System clock 256fs 2-wire input type System clock 256fs X'tal X'tal 22.5792MHz (512fs) 22.5792MHz (512fs) 44.1kHz LRCI BCKI CKI 44.1kHz SM5882/83/85 CKI SM5882/83/85 DATA 3-wire input type System clock 512fs LRCI DATA 2-wire input type System clock 512fs Note that the output analog characteristics and other specifications are not guaranteed for a particular format or application circuit. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—15 SM588× series NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this data sheet in order to improve the design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Nippon Precision Circuits Inc. assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits shown in this data sheet, conveys no license under any patent or other rights, and makes no claim that the circuits are free from patent infringement. Applications for any devices shown in this data sheet are for illustration only and Nippon Precision Circuits Inc. makes no claim or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the use specified without further testing or modification. The products described in this data sheet are not intended to use for the apparatus which influence human lives due to the failure or malfunction of the products. Customers are requested to comply with applicable laws and regulations in effect now and hereinafter, including compliance with export controls on the distribution or dissemination of the products. Customers shall not export, directly or indirectly, any products without first obtaining required licenses and approvals from appropriate government agencies. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. 4-3, Fukuzumi 2-chome Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8430, Japan Telephone: +81-3-3642-6661 Facsimile: +81-3-3642-6698 http://www.npc.co.jp/ Email: sales@npc.co.jp NC9720GE 2000.11 NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS—16