, LJnc. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 2N3375 2N3632/2N3733 RF & MICROWAVE TRANSISTORS VHF-UHF CLASS C WIDE BAND 130 TO 400MHz FREQUENCY 28V VOLTAGE 2.5TO13.5W POWER OUT HIGH POWER GAIN HIGH EFFICIENCY CLASS C TRANSISTORS COMMON EMITTER TO 60 PIN CONNECTION BRANDING 2N3373 2N3632 2N3733 3W2NM7S-OI 1 Hiliittor 3 collector 2 bast DESCRIPTION This line of silicon epitaxial NPN planar high frequency transistors employs a rnuW emitter electrode design. This feature together with a heavily diffused base matrix located between the individual emitters results In high RF current handling capability, high power gain, low base resistance and low output capacitance. These transistors are intended for Class A, B, or C amplifier, oscillator or frequency multiplier circuits and are specifically designed for operation in the VHF-UHF region. Device 2N3375 2N3632 2N3733 Package TO 60 TO 80 TO 60 NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameters limits and package dimensions without not.ce information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of eoino to press. However NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors 2N3375/2N3632/2N3733 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Te.,» - 25°C) Symbol Paramotar VCBO Collector to BaM Voltage VCEO Coeector to Emitter Voltage VflO EmltMrtoBaMVottagt Ic (m«i) Contlnuoue Collector Currant Total Dlaatpatlon at 25'C Stud PO 2N3375 2N3632 2N3733 Unit as 65 65 V 14 11.6 Junction Temperature 200 200 200 °c -6510150 -65 to 150 "C T| T,M Storage Temperature 40 40 V 4.0 4.0 V 3.0 3.0 A 23.0 23.0 V - 6S tO 150 1 2N3375 15.0 Aihu.ci | Junction-case Thermal R«l«ance ELECTRICAL CHARACTBRISTICS 40 4.0 2N3632 | 2N3733 7.6 1 7- = 25°C) STATIC Taat Condltkn* Symbol BV«o lc - 0.5mA BVceo lc -200mA BV6Bo It -0.25mA ICEO Vca-30V VCf -5V H« VBB-O IB.0 | c .O U-0 lc - 250mA 2N3632 2N337S 2N3733 Mlrt. T»P Max. Uln. Typ. Max. Mln. Typ. Max. 65 66 65 40 (I6 -0.1mA; 4 V 40 40 V 4 4 V 0.25 0.25 0.1 5 10 Unit (Ic)A) mA 10 DYNAMIC Symba Po Po Qc Op 1C in COB Taat Conditions F» 17SMHZ ClaeaC F - 400MHz F- 175MH> F - 400MHz F. 175MHz f . 400MHz VCc - 28V V CC -28V Vnc - 28V V C c-2BV VCR . 28V F.1MHZ V c t .30V 2N337I 2N3C32 2N3733 Mai. Max. Mln. Mln. Typ. Max. Typ. Mln. V ce .28V 13.5 TV? UnH W » 3 10 W dB 4.0 OB 46 % 5.8 48 % 70 40 10 20 20 pF