(IEIISU tSs-mi-Conductot Lpioaucti, L/na. £r t/ TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 FAX: (973) 376-8960 U.SA MJE3440 SILICON NPN TRANSISTOR . NPN TRANSISTOR DESCRIPTION The MJE3440 is a NPN silicon epitaxial planar transistors in SOT-32 plastic package. It is designed for use in consumer and industrial line-operated applications. SOT-32 INTERNAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Co (2) F6(3) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Value Unit VCBO Collector-Base Voltage (IE = 0) 350 V VCEO VEBO Collector-Emitter Voltage (la = 0) 250 V Emitter-Base Voltage (lc = 0) Collector Current 5 V 0.3 A 0.15 A Ic IB Plot Tstg T, Base Current Total Power Dissipation at Tease < 25 °C Storage Temperature Max. Operating Junction Temperature 15 W -65 to +150 °C 150 °C NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Qunlitv MJE3440 THERMAL DATA Rthj-case Thermal Resistance Junction-case 8.33 Max °C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tcase = 25 °C unless otherwise specified) Parameter Symbol Win. Test Conditions Typ. Max. Unit uA ICBO Collector Cut-off Current (IE = 0) V CB = 250 V 20 ICEV Collector Cut-off Current (VBE = -1.5V) VCE = 300 V 500 UA ICEO Collector Cut-off Current (IB = 0) V C E = 200 V 50 uA IEBO Emitter Cut-off Current (lc-0) V EB = 5 V 20 uA Vce(sat)* Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Ic = 50 mA IB = 4 mA 0.5 V VeE(sat)* Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage Ic = 50 mA IB = 4 mA 0.3 V Base-Emitter Voltage Ic = 50 mA V C E = 10 V 0.8 V DC Current Gain Ic = 2 mA l c '= 20 mA VCE = 10 V V C E = 10 V hfe Small Signal Current Gain lc = 5 mA f = 1 KHz VCE = 10 V tr Transistor Frequency Ic = 10 mA f = 5 MHz VCE = 10 V Collector-Base Capacitance VCB = 10V f = 1 MHz VBE* hpE* CCBO* 30 50 200 25 15 MHz lE=0 10 • Pulsed: Pulse duration = 3QQus, duty cycle < 1.5 % Safe Operating Area Derating Curve GC73030 ic(AJ --H B Ic MAX PULSED 4 QMS V lc MAX COHT 2 ! PULSE OPERATION • 100 s X ss\ £ 10-' 200^s 500 ^s •^ D \ DC OPERATION & 1 ms ^ 1 4 \ * For single no n 'epelilive put 6 2 in'2 10' 2 t e e . 10' i t e H . (V) 50 100 PF