^Semi-Conductor LPtoducti, Dnc. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. 2N51.6 2N5114 2N5U5 P-CHANNEL J FET FAX: (973) 376-8960 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T, = +Z5°C. unless nlhenvise noted) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tt = +25°C unless otherwise noted) Parameters / Test Conditions Symbol All Devieei Unit Parameters / Test Conditions Symbol Min. Gate-Source Breakdown Voltage VDS = 0, 1,-. = l . O n A d c V(BRKiSS 30 Vr,s 30 Vdc Drain-Source Voltage '" VDS 30 Vdc Drain-Gate Voltage Vor, 30 Vdc la 50 mAdc Gate-Source Voltage '" Gate Current Power Dissipation TA - +25°C ' ' Storage Temperature Range PT 0.500 W T.IS -65 to +200 °C 1I) Symmetrical geometry allows operation of those units with source / drain leads interchanged. (2) Derate linearly 3.0 mW/°C for TA > 25°C. TO-18 (TO-206AA) Drain-Source "On" State Voltage Vos = OVdc, Ip = -15mAdc Vm = 0V dc, I D - -7.0mA dc VllS = 0V dc. I D = -3.0mA dc 2N5II4 2N5 1 1 5 2N5II6 Parameters / Test Conditions Vdc IfiSS 500 pAdc -500 -500 -500 pAdc -90 -60 -25 mAdc 2N5II4 2N5II5 2N5II6 'worn Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Vfis = 0. V n , - - I S V d c Vcis = 0. V ns = -l5Vdc V.is-0. V,,s = - l 5 V d c \e Cutoff 2N5II4 2N5II5 2N5II6 JDSS V,« = -I5. l,, = -l OnAdc V DS -"-l5, I D --I.QnA dc V,, S --I5, !„ = -!. OrtAdc 2N5I14 2N5II5 2N51I6 V<is,,,« Symbol Min. r,Kl.,nl Small-Signal Drain-Source "On" State Resistance Vos = 0, TD = 0: f= 1kHz 2N5II4 2N5II5 2N5116 -30 -15 -5.0 Max. Unit 75 100 175 n 75 100 175 Small-Signal. Common-Source Short-Circuit Reverse Transfer Capacitance V t , s = !2Vdc. V,,s = 0 2N5II4 V(is = 7.0V dc, V|,s = 0 2N5II5 V,,s = 5.0Vdc, VDS = 0 2N5II6 Small-Signal, Common-Source Short-Circuit Input Capacitance V,is = 0, V,)S = -l5Vdc, f= I.OMIIz 2N5I 14. 2N5I IS 2N5II6 5.0 3.0 1.0 f! Cf» 7.0 pF cm 25 27 * Max. Unit SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Parameters / Test Conditions Turn-On Delay Time Rise Time Turn-Off Delay Time Symbol 2N5 1 14 2N5I15 2N5II6 2N5II4 2N5I15 2N5II6 2N51I4 2N5II5 2N51 16 Min. 6 10 25 See Figure 2 of M1L-PRF-I9500/476 t, 10 20 35 6 g 20 ns qs t)S NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameters limits and package dimensions without notice information rumished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable nt the time of going to press. However NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. N J Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors Vdc -1.3 -0.8 -0.6 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Small-Signal Drain-Source "On" State Resistance V (|S -0. l D - - ] . O m A d c 2N5II4 2N5II5 2N5II6 Unit v,,s,,,nl Gate Reverse Current VDS -^ 0. VflS - 20V deDrain Current Cutoff V c s = 12V dc. Vns = - l 5 V d c Vos = 7.0Vdc, Vns = -!5Vdc V os -5.0Vdc,V M --ISVdc Max. 10 6.0 4.0 Vdc