S4580 F Semiconductor Dual OP AMP Description S4580 is the dual operational amplifier, specially designed for improving the tone control, which is most suitable for the audio application. Featuring noiseless, higher gain bandwidth, high output current and low distortion ratio, and it is most suitable not only for acoustic electronic parts of audio pre-amp and active filter, but also for the industrial measurement tools. It is also suitable for the head phone amp at higher output current, and further more, it can be applied for the handy type set operational amplifier of general purpose in application of low voltage single supply type which is properly biased of the input low voltage source. Features • • • • • Operating voltage. Low input noise voltage. Wide gain bandwidth product. Low distortion. Slew rate. (±2V ~ ±18V) (0.8 ㎶ rms typ.) (15MHz typ.) (0.0005% typ.) (5V/㎲ typ.) Ordering Information Type NO. S4580 Marking Package Code S4580 SOP-8 Outline Dimensions unit : mm Block Diagram KSI-K005-001 1 S4580 Absolute maximum ratings Ta = 25 °C Characteristic Symbol Ratings Unit Supply voltage VCC ±18 V Differential input voltage VID ±30 V VIC(note) ±15 V Output current IO ±50 mA Power Dissipation PD 300 mW Operating temperature Topr -40 ~ +85 °C Storage temperature Tstg -40 ~ +125 °C Input voltage (note) For supply voltage less than ±15V, the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage. Electrical Characteristics (Unless otherwise specified. VCC = +15V, VEE=-15V and Characteristic Symbol Ta = 25 °C) Test Condition Rg ≤ 10 ㏀ Min. Typ. Max. Unit - 0.5 3 mV Input offset voltage VIOS Input offset current IIOS - - 5 200 nA Input bias current IIB - - 100 500 nA Input common mode Voltage Range VICR - ±12 ±13.5 - V Maximum Output Voltage VOM RL≥ 2 ㏀ ±12 ±13.5 - V Large signal Voltage Gain GV Vout=±10V, RL≥ 2 ㏀ 90 110 - dB Common mode rejection ratio CMRR Rg ≤ 10 ㏀ 80 110 - dB Power supply voltage rejection ratio PSRR Rg ≤ 10 ㏀ 80 110 - dB - 5.0 - V/us - 6.0 9.0 mA RIAA, RS=2.2 ㏀, f=30 ㎑ LPF - 0.8 - uVrms AV=20dB, VO=5V, RL=2 ㏀ f=1KHz - 0.0005 - % - 15 - MHz Slew Rate SR Supply Current ICC Equivalent input noise voltage VNI Total harmonic distortion THD Gain bandwidth product GB RL≥ 2 ㏀ - f=10KHz KSI-K005-001 2 S4580 Electrical Characteristic Curves Fig. 2 VOP-P - f Fig. 1 GV - f (Vcc/VEE=±15V,RL=2 ㏀,Ta=25℃) Φ (Vcc/VEE=±15V,RL=2 ㏀,40dBAmp,Ta=25℃) Fig. 4 VOM - VCC/VEE Fig. 3 IIB - Ta (Vcc/VEE=±15V) (RL=2 ㏀,Ta=25℃) (℃) Fig. 6 EN - f Fig. 5 VOM - RL (Vcc/VEE=±15V,Ta=25℃) (Vcc/VEE=±15V,RS=50 ㏀,Av=60dB,Ta=25℃) KSI-K005-001 3 S4580 Electrical Characteristic Curves Fig. 8 ICC - Ta Fig. 7 VOM - Ta (Vcc/VEE=±15V) (Vcc/VEE=±15V,RL=2 ㏀) (℃) (℃) Fig. 10 ICC - Vcc Fig. 9 VIOS - Ta (Ta=25℃) (Vcc/VEE=±15V) (℃) KSI-K005-001 4 S4580 These AUK products are intended for usage in general electronic equipments(Office and communication equipment, measuring equipment, domestic electrification, etc.). Please make sure that you consult with us before you use these AUK products in equipments which require high quality and/or reliability, and in equipments which could have major impact to the welfare of human life(atomic energy control, airplane, spaceship, traffic signal, combustion central, all types of safety device, etc.). AUK cannot accept liability to any damage which may occur in case these AUK products were used in the mentioned equipments without prior consultation with AUK. KSI-K005-001 5