CHENMKO ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD SURFACE MOUNT N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor VOLTAGE 30 Volts CHM63A3PAPT CURRENT 55 Ampere APPLICATION * Servo motor control. * Power MOSFET gate drivers. * Other switching applications. TO-252A FEATURE * Small package. (TO-252A) .280 (7.10) .238 (6.05) * Super high dense cell design for extremely low RDS(ON). * High power and current handing capability. .094 (2.40) .087 (2.20) .035 (0.89) .018 (0.45) CONSTRUCTION * N-Channel Enhancement (1) (3) (2) .417 (10.6) .346 (8.80) .261 (6.63) .213 (5.40) .220 (5.59) .195 (4.95) MARKING * 63A3 .035 (0.90) .025 (0.64) .102 (2.59) .078 (1.98) .024 (0.61) .016 (0.40) 1 Gate D (3) CIRCUIT 2 Source 3 Drain( Heat Sink ) (1) G Dimensions in inches and (millimeters) S (2) Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol TO-252A TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted Parameter CHM63A3PAPT Units VDSS Drain-Source Voltage 30 V VGSS Gate-Source Voltage ±20 V Maximum Drain Current - Continuous 55 ID A - Pulsed (Note 3) PD Maximum Power Dissipation at Tc = 25 °C TJ TSTG 150 57 W Operating Temperature Range -55 to 150 °C Storage Temperature Range -55 to 150 °C Note : 1. Surface Mounted on FR4 Board , t <=10sec 2. Pulse Test , Pulse width <= 300us , Duty Cycle <= 2% 3. Repetitive Rating , Pulse width linited by maximum junction temperature 4. Guaranteed by design , not subject to production trsting Thermal characteristics RθJA Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient (Note 1) 50 °C/W 2006-02 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC ( CHM63A3PAPT ) Electrical Characteristics T Symbol A = 25°C unless otherwise noted Parameter Conditions Min 30 Typ Max Units OFF CHARACTERISTICS BVDSS Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage VGS = 0 V, ID = 250 µA IDSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current VDS = 30 V, VGS = 0 V I GSSF Gate-Body Leakage I GSSR Gate-Body Leakage ON CHARACTERISTICS 1 µA VGS = 20V,VDS = 0 V +100 nA VGS = -20V, VDS = 0 V -100 nA 3 V (Note 2) VGS(th) Gate Threshold Voltage RDS(ON) Static Drain-Source On-Resistance g FS V Forward Transconductance VDS = VGS, ID = 250 µA 1 VGS=10V, ID=30A 8.5 11 VGS=4.5V, ID=24A 11 14 VDS =10V, ID = 30A 22 mΩ S SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 4) Qg Total Gate Charge Q gs Gate-Source Charge Q Gate-Drain Charge gd t on Turn-On Time tr Rise Time t off Turn-Off Time tf Fall Time VDS=15V, ID=45A VGS=10V 33 45 nC 5.5 8.2 V DD= 15V 17 I D = 45A , VGS = 10 V 18 30 156 220 77 140 RGEN= 24 Ω 35 nS DRAIN-SOURCE DIODE CHARACTERISTICS AND MAXIMUM RATINGS IS Drain-Source Diode Forward Current 30 A V SD Drain-Source Diode Forward Voltage I S = 30A , VGS = 0 V 1.2 V RATING CHARACTERISTIC CURVES ( CHM63A3PAPT ) Typical Electrical Characteristics Figure 2. Transfer Characteristics Figure 1. Output Characteristics 50 75 V G S =1 0 , 8 , 6 , 5 V I D , DRAIN CURRENT (A) I D , DRAIN CURRENT (A) 40 30 VG S =4 . 0 V 20 V 10 G S =3 . 0 V 60 45 30 TJ=125°C TJ=-55°C 15 TJ=25°C 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0 4.0 0 1.0 2.2 5.0 VGS=10V ID=30A 1.9 R DS(on) , NORMALIZED 8 6 4 2 0 0 9 18 Qg , TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC) 27 36 Figure 5. Gate Threshold Variation with Temperature VDS=VGS ID=250uA 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ , JUNCTION T EMPERATURE (°C) 125 150 DRAIN-SOURCE ON-RESISTANCE VGS , GATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) VDS=45V ID=45A THRESHOLD VOLTAGE 4.0 Figure 4. On-Resistance Variation with Temperature Figure 3. Gate Charge 10 Vth , NORMALIZED GATE-SOURCE 3.0 VGS , GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) 1.3 2.0 1.6 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.4 -100 -50 0 50 100 TJ , JUNCTION T EMPERATURE (°C) 150 200