Preliminary Preliminary Product Description Stanford Microdevices NGA-689 is a high performance Gallium Arsenide Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor MMIC Amplifier. Designed with InGaP process technology for improved reliability, a Darlington configuration is utilized for broadband performance up to 5 Ghz. The heterojunction increases breakdown voltage and minimizes leakage current between junctions. Cancellation of emitter junction non-linearities results in higher suppression of intermodulation products. 16 dB 14 12 10 8 Applications Cellular, PCS, CDPD Wireless Data, SONET 6 2 4 6 8 Frequency GHz Sy mbol DC-5000 MHz, Cascadable GaAs HBT MMIC Amplifier Product Features 11.7dB Gain, 18.9 dBm P1dB at 1950Mhz Cascadable 50 ohm: 1.4:1 VSWR Patented GaAs HBT Technology Operates from Single Supply Low Thermal Resistance Package Unconditionally Stable Small Signal Gain vs. Frequency 0 NGA-689 Parameters: Test C onditions: Z0 = 50 Ohms, ID = 80 mA, T = 25ºC U nits Min. Ty p. Output Power at 1dB C ompressi on f = 850 MHz f = 1950 MHz f = 2400 MHz dB m dB m dB m 19.9 18.9 17.9 IP3 Thi rd Order Intercept Poi nt Power out per tone = 0 dBm f = 850 MHz f = 1950 MHz f = 2400 MHz dB m dB m dB m 36.9 33.6 32.1 S 21 Small Si gnal Gai n f = 850 MHz f = 1950 MHz f = 2400 MHz dB dB dB 11.9 11.7 11.6 MHz 5000 P 1dB Bandwi dth D etermi ned by S11 and S22 values S11 Input VSWR f = D C - 5000 MHz - 1.4:1 S 22 Output VSWR f = D C - 5000 MHz - 1.4:1 S 12 Reverse Isolati on f = 850 MHz f = 1950 MHz f = 2400 MHz dB dB dB 19.7 19.5 19.4 NF Noi se Fi gure f = 2000 MHz dB 6.0 VD D evi ce Voltage V 5.8 ºC /W 91 Rth, j-l Thermal Resi stance (juncti on - lead) Max. The information provided herein is believed to be reliable at press time. Stanford Microdevices assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. Stanford Microdevices assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all such information shall be entirely at the users own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. Stanford Microdevices does not authorize or warrant any Stanford Microdevices product for use in life-support devices and/or systems. Copyright 2000 Stanford Microdevices, Inc. All worldwide rights reserved. 522 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phone: (800) SMI-MMIC 1 EDS-101442 Rev A Preliminary Preliminary NGA-689 DC-5.0 GHz 5.8V GaAs HBT Absolute Maximum Ratings Operation of this device above any one of these parameters may cause permanent damage. Parameter Bias Conditions should also satisfy the following expression: IDVD (max) < (TJ - TOP)/Rth,j-l Value Unit Supply Current 120 mA Device Voltage 6.7 V -40 to +85 ºC +13 dBm Operating Temperature Maximum Input Pow er Storage Temperature Range Operating Junction Temperature -40 to +150 ºC +150 ºC Key parameters, at typical operating frequencies: Parameter Ty pical 25ºC Test C ondition U nit 500 MH z Gai n Output IP3 Output P1dB Input Return Loss Reverse Isolati on 12.0 37.2 19.9 19.6 19.7 dB dB m dB m dB dB 850 MH z Gai n Output IP3 Output P1dB Input Return Loss Reverse Isolati on 11.9 36.9 19.9 18.5 19.7 dB dB m dB m dB dB 1950 MH z Gai n Output IP3 Output P1dB Input Return Loss Reverse Isolati on 11.7 33.6 18.9 16.0 19.5 dB dB m dB m dB dB 2400 MH z Gai n Output IP3 Output P1dB Input Return Loss Reverse Isolati on 11.6 32.1 17.9 15.9 19.4 dB dB m dB m dB dB 522 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085 (ID = 80mA, unless otherwise noted) Tone spaci ng = 1 MHz, Pout per tone = 0dBm Tone spaci ng = 1 MHz, Pout per tone = 0dBm Tone spaci ng = 1 MHz, Pout per tone = 0dBm Tone spaci ng = 1 MHz, Pout per tone = 0dBm Phone: (800) SMI-MMIC 2 EDS-101442 Rev A Preliminary Preliminary NGA-689 DC-5.0 GHz 5.8V GaAs HBT Pin # 1 2 3 4 Function D escription RF IN RF i nput pi n. Thi s pi n requi res the use of an external D C blocki ng capaci tor chosen for the frequency of operati on. GND C onnecti on to ground. For best performance use vi a holes (as close to ground leads as possi ble) to reduce lead i nductance. RF OUT/ RF output and bi as pi n. Bi as should be BIAS suppli ed to thi s pi n through an external seri es resi stor and RF choke i nductor. Because D C bi asi ng i s present on thi s pi n, a D C blocki ng capaci tor should be used i n most appli cati ons (see appli cati on schemati c). The supply si de of the bi as network should be well bypassed. GND Same as Pi n 2. D ev ice Schematic Application Schematic R ecommended B ias R esistor Values Supply Voltage(Vs) 8V 9V 12V Rbi as (Ohms) 27 39 75 Cd1 Cd2 R bias Vs For 8V operation or higher, a resistor with a power handling capability of 1/2W or greater is recommended. Lchoke 50 ohm microstrip 50 ohm microstrip 2 1 3 Cb1 Cb2 4 R eference D esignator Function 500 MH z 850 MH z 1950 MH z 2400 MH z C b1 D C Blocki ng 220 pF 100 pF 68 pF 56 pF C b2 D C Blocki ng 220 pF 100 pF 68 pF 56 pF C d1 D ecoupli ng 1 uF 1 uF 1 uF 1 uF C d2 D ecoupli ng 100 pF 68 pF 22 pF 22 pF Lchoke AC Blocki ng 68 nH 33 nH 22 nH 18 nH 522 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phone: (800) SMI-MMIC 3 EDS-101442 Rev A S21, ID = 80mA, T = 25ºC 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -5 -10 -15 ‘ -20 -25 0 2 4 GHz 6 8 0 2 6 8 S22, ID = 80mA, T = 25ºC 0 -5 -10 -10 dB -5 -15 -15 -20 -20 -25 -25 0 2 4 6 0 8 2 4 6 8 GHz GHz Noise Figure Typical Bias Conditions, T = 25ºC 7.0 120 6.5 100 Id (mA) dB 4 GHz S11, ID = 80mA, T = 25ºC 0 dB S12, ID = 80mA, T = 25ºC 0 dB dB Preliminary Preliminary NGA-689 DC-5.0 GHz 5.8V GaAs HBT 6.0 5.5 5.0 80 60 40 20 0 4.5 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 GHz 522 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085 1.5 1.7 0 1.9 Phone: (800) SMI-MMIC 4 2 4 6 Device Voltage (V) 8 EDS-101442 Rev A Preliminary Preliminary NGA-689 DC-5.0 GHz 5.8V GaAs HBT IP3 vs. Bias, T = 25ºC 45 12.5 40 12.0 35 dB dB S21 vs. Bias, T = 25ºC 13.0 11.5 30 60mA 11.0 60mA 25 80mA 80mA 100mA 100mA 10.5 20 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 0.5 1.5 GHz 25 13.0 20 12.5 15 12.0 dB dBm 3.5 S21 vs. Temperature, ID = 80mA P1dB vs. Bias, T = 25ºC 10 11.5 60mA 80mA 5 25C 11.0 -40C 100mA 85C 0 10.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 GHz IP3 vs. Temperature, ID = 80mA 45 40 20 35 15 30 10 5 -40C 85C 20 2.5 3.0 3.5 25C -40C 85C 25C 25 2.0 GHz P1dB vs. Temperature, ID = 80mA 25 dBm dBm 2.5 GHz 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 GHz 522 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 GHz Phone: (800) SMI-MMIC 5 EDS-101442 Rev A Preliminary Preliminary NGA-689 DC-5.0 GHz 5.8V GaAs HBT Typical S-Parameters, ID = 80mA ( No external matching, de-embedded to device leads) S11 S 21 S 12 S 22 Freq GH z mag An g dB mag An g dB mag An g mag An g 0.05 0.089 2 12.1 4.014 175 -19.7 0.103 0 0.124 -180 0.10 0.090 1 12.1 4.009 174 -19.7 0.103 0 0.121 -179 0.20 0.093 -1 12.0 3.997 173 -19.7 0.104 -2 0.116 -178 0.30 0.097 -4 12.0 3.985 170 -19.7 0.104 -3 0.111 -177 0.40 0.101 -7 12.0 3.976 168 -19.7 0.104 -4 0.106 -175 0.50 0.105 -10 12.0 3.968 165 -19.7 0.104 -6 0.101 -173 0.60 0.109 -12 12.0 3.964 162 -19.7 0.104 -7 0.099 -171 0.70 0.114 -14 12.0 3.959 159 -19.7 0.104 -8 0.098 -168 0.80 0.117 -16 11.9 3.955 156 -19.7 0.104 -9 0.099 -167 0.90 0.120 -18 11.9 3.950 153 -19.7 0.104 -10 0.100 -165 1.00 0.124 -20 11.9 3.948 150 -19.7 0.104 -11 0.100 -164 1.10 0.128 -22 11.9 3.944 147 -19.7 0.104 -12 0.102 -163 1.20 0.131 -24 11.9 3.940 144 -19.7 0.104 -13 0.103 -162 1.30 0.135 -26 11.9 3.936 141 -19.6 0.104 -14 0.104 -161 1.40 0.140 -28 11.9 3.931 138 -19.6 0.104 -16 0.105 -161 1.50 0.144 -29 11.9 3.928 135 -19.6 0.104 -17 0.106 -161 1.60 0.148 -31 11.9 3.923 132 -19.6 0.105 -18 0.106 -161 1.70 0.152 -32 11.9 3.920 129 -19.6 0.105 -19 0.107 -161 1.80 0.156 -34 11.9 3.916 126 -19.6 0.105 -20 0.108 -162 1.90 0.158 -36 11.8 3.911 123 -19.5 0.105 -21 0.110 -164 2.00 0.159 -38 11.8 3.907 120 -19.5 0.106 -22 0.111 -166 2.20 0.161 -43 11.8 3.898 113 -19.5 0.106 -25 0.116 -172 2.40 0.160 -47 11.8 3.889 107 -19.4 0.107 -27 0.123 -179 2.60 0.158 -53 11.8 3.878 101 -19.4 0.107 -30 0.133 174 2.80 0.155 -57 11.7 3.866 95 -19.3 0.108 -32 0.143 167 3.00 0.151 -60 11.7 3.854 89 -19.3 0.109 -35 0.156 160 3.20 0.146 -63 11.7 3.838 83 -19.2 0.109 -37 0.170 154 3.40 0.140 -66 11.6 3.823 76 -19.2 0.110 -40 0.186 147 3.60 0.133 -69 11.6 3.805 70 -19.1 0.111 -43 0.204 142 3.80 0.126 -71 11.6 3.785 64 -19.0 0.112 -45 0.222 136 4.00 0.120 -74 11.5 3.766 58 -19.0 0.112 -48 0.240 131 4.20 0.113 -76 11.5 3.745 51 -18.9 0.113 -51 0.258 126 4.40 0.107 -78 11.4 3.723 45 -18.9 0.114 -54 0.276 121 4.60 0.101 -80 11.4 3.702 38 -18.8 0.115 -57 0.292 116 4.80 0.095 -82 11.3 3.679 32 -18.7 0.116 -60 0.308 111 5.00 0.089 -83 11.3 3.655 26 -18.6 0.117 -63 0.323 106 5.20 0.084 -84 11.2 3.630 19 -18.5 0.118 -67 0.337 101 5.40 0.078 -84 11.1 3.602 13 -18.5 0.119 -70 0.351 95 5.60 0.071 -81 11.1 3.574 6 -18.4 0.120 -74 0.365 89 5.80 0.064 -75 11.0 3.538 -1 -18.3 0.121 -77 0.382 82 6.00 0.059 -65 10.9 3.496 -7 -18.3 0.122 -81 0.399 76 6.50 0.075 -26 10.5 3.349 -25 -18.3 0.122 -91 0.455 58 7.00 0.138 -11 9.9 3.138 -42 -18.4 0.120 -102 0.521 41 7.50 0.220 -11 9.1 2.863 -59 -18.8 0.115 -112 0.583 25 7.90 0.276 -15 8.5 2.672 -70 -19.1 0.110 -119 0.621 16 522 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phone: (800) SMI-MMIC 6 EDS-101442 Rev A Preliminary Preliminary NGA-689 DC-5.0 GHz 5.8V GaAs HBT Part Number Ordering Information Caution: ESD sensitive Appropriate precautions in handling, packaging and testing devices must be observed. Part N umber R eel Siz e D ev ices/R eel NGA-689 7" 1000 Part Symbolization The part will be symbolized with a N6 designator on the top surface of the package. Package Dimensions Pin # Functi on 1 RFi n 2 Gnd 3 RFout/Vcc 4 Gnd 4 1 N6 2 3 PCB Pad Layout DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MM] 522 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phone: (800) SMI-MMIC 7 EDS-101442 Rev A Preliminary Preliminary NGA-689 DC-5.0 GHz 5.8V GaAs HBT Component Tape and Reel Packaging Tape Dimensions For 89 Outline C avi ty Siz e D escription Length Wi dth D epth Pi tch Bottom Hole D i ameter Sy mbol A B K P1 D1 Millimeters 4.91 +/- 0.01 4.52 +/- 0.01 1.90 +/- 0.01 8.00 +/- 0.01 1.60 +/- 0.10 D i ameter Pi tch Posi ti on Wi dth Tape Thi ckness Wi dth Thi ckness C avi ty to Perforati on (Wi dth D i recti on) C avi ty to Perforati on (Length D i recti on) D0 P0 E C t W T F 1.55 +/- 0.05 4.00 +/- 0.01 1.75 +/- 0.01 9.10 +/- 0.25 0.05 +/- 0.01 12.0 +/- 0.03 0.30 +/- 0.05 5.50 +/- 0.10 0.06 +/- 0.002 0.16 +/- 0.0004 0.07 +/- 0.0004 0.36 +/- 0.01 0.002 +/- 0.0004 0.47 +/- 0.001 0.01 +/- 0.002 0.22 +/- 0.0004 P2 2.00 +/- 0.10 0.08 +/- 0.0004 Perforati on C over Tape C arri er Tape D i stance Inches 0.19 +/- 0.0004 0.18 +/- 0.0004 0.07 +/- 0.0004 0.31 +/- 0.0004 0.06 +/- 0.004 Note: Drawing not to scale 522 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Phone: (800) SMI-MMIC 8 EDS-101442 Rev A