ST223C..C Series Vishay High Power Products Inverter Grade Thyristors (Hockey PUK Version), 390 A FEATURES • Metal case with ceramic insulator • All diffused design RoHS • Center amplifying gate COMPLIANT • Guaranteed high dV/dt TO-200AB (A-PUK) • International standard case TO-200AB (A-PUK) • Guaranteed high dI/dt • High surge current capability • Low thermal impedance • High speed performance • Lead (Pb)-free PRODUCT SUMMERY IT(AV) 390 A TYPICAL APPLICATIONS • Inverters • Choppers • Induction heating • All types of force-commutated converters MAJOR RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS IT(AV) Ths IT(RMS) Ths ITSM I2 t VALUES 390 A 55 °C 745 A 25 °C 50 Hz 5850 60 Hz 6130 50 Hz 171 60 Hz 156 VDRM/VRRM A kA2s 400 to 800 tq Range TJ UNITS V 10 to 30 µs - 40 to 125 °C ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VOLTAGE RATINGS TYPE NUMBER VOLTAGE CODE VDRM/VRRM, MAXIMUM REPETITIVE PEAK VOLTAGE V VRSM, MAXIMUM NON-REPETITIVE PEAK VOLTAGE V 04 400 500 08 800 900 ST223C..C Document Number: 93672 Revision: 14-May-08 For technical questions, contact: [email protected] IDRM/IRRM MAXIMUM AT TJ = TJ MAXIMUM mA 40 1 ST223C..C Series Inverter Grade Thyristors (Hockey PUK Version), 390 A Vishay High Power Products CURRENT CARRYING CAPABILITY ITM FREQUENCY ITM 180° el 50 Hz 930 ITM 100 µs 180° el 800 1430 1220 5870 5240 400 Hz 910 770 1490 1300 3120 2740 1000 Hz 780 650 1430 1260 1880 1640 2500 Hz 490 400 1070 920 1000 860 Recovery voltage Vr Voltage before turn-on Vd 50 50 50 VDRM VDRM VDRM 50 - - Rise of on-state current dI/dt Heatsink temperature 40 Equivalent values for RC circuit 55 40 55 47/0.22 UNITS 47/0.22 A V A/µs 40 55 °C Ω/µF 47/0.22 ON-STATE CONDUCTION PARAMETER SYMBOL Maximum average on-state current at heatsink temperature IT(AV) Maximum RMS on-state current IT(RMS) Maximum peak, one half cycle, non-repetitive surge current ITSM TEST CONDITIONS °C 745 5850 t = 10 ms t = 10 ms I2t A 55 (85) t = 10 ms t = 8.3 ms t = 8.3 ms t = 10 ms t = 8.3 ms No voltage reapplied 100 % VRRM reapplied No voltage reapplied UNITS 390 (150) DC at 25 °C heatsink temperature double side cooled t = 8.3 ms Maximum I2t for fusing VALUES 180° conduction, half sine wave Double side (single side) cooled 6130 A 4920 5150 Sinusoidal half wave, initial TJ = TJ maximum 171 156 121 100 % VRRM reapplied kA2s 110 Maximum I2√t for fusing I2√t t = 0.1 to 10 ms, no voltage reapplied 1710 Maximum peak on-state voltage VTM ITM = 600 A, TJ = TJ maximum, tp = 10 ms sine wave pulse 1.58 Low level value of threshold voltage VT(TO)1 (16.7 % x π x IT(AV) < I < π x IT(AV)), TJ = TJ maximum 1.05 High level value of threshold voltage VT(TO)2 (I > π x IT(AV)), TJ = TJ maximum 1.09 Low level value of forward slope resistance rt1 (16.7 % x π x IT(AV) < I < π x IT(AV)), TJ = TJ maximum 0.88 High level value of forward slope resistance rt2 (I > π x IT(AV)), TJ = TJ maximum 0.82 Maximum holding current IH TJ = 25 °C, IT > 30 A 600 Typical latching current IL TJ = 25 °C, VA = 12 V, Ra = 6 Ω, IG = 1 A 1000 kA2√s V mΩ mA SWITCHING PARAMETER Maximum non-repetitive rate of rise of turned on current VALUES SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS dI/dt TJ = TJ maximum, VDRM = Rated VDRM, ITM = 2 x dI/dt 1000 0.78 MIN. MAX. Typical delay time td TJ = 25 °C, VDM = Rated VDRM, ITM = 50 A DC, tp = 1 µs Resistive load, gate pulse: 10 V, 5 Ω source Maximum turn-off time tq TJ = TJ maximum, ITM = 300 A, commutating dI/dt = 20 A/µs VR = 50 V, tp = 500 µs, dV/dt: See table in device code 2 For technical questions, contact: [email protected] UNITS A/µs µs 10 30 Document Number: 93672 Revision: 14-May-08 ST223C..C Series Inverter Grade Thyristors Vishay High Power Products (Hockey PUK Version), 390 A BLOCKING PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS VALUES UNITS Maximum critical rate of rise of off-state voltage dV/dt TJ = TJ maximum, linear to 80 % VDRM, higher value available on request 500 V/µs Maximum peak reverse and off-state leakage current IRRM, IDRM TJ = TJ maximum, rated VDRM/VRRM applied 40 mA SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS VALUES UNITS TRIGGERING PARAMETER Maximum peak gate power PGM Maximum average gate power PG(AV) Maximum peak positive gate current IGM Maximum peak positive gate voltage + VGM Maximum peak negative gate voltage - VGM Maximum DC gate current required to trigger IGT Maximum DC gate voltage required to trigger VGT Maximum DC gate current not to trigger IGD Maximum DC gate voltage not to trigger VGD 60 TJ = TJ maximum, f = 50 Hz, d% = 50 10 10 TJ = TJ maximum, tp ≤ 5 ms 20 5 TJ = 25 °C, VA = 12 V, Ra = 6 Ω TJ = TJ maximum, rated VDRM applied W A V 200 mA 3 V 20 mA 0.25 V VALUES UNITS THERMAL AND MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER SYMBOL Maximum operating temperature range Maximum storage temperature range TEST CONDITIONS TJ - 40 to 125 TStg - 40 to 150 Maximum thermal resistance, junction to heatsink RthJ-hs Maximum thermal resistance, case to heatsink RthC-hs DC operation single side cooled 0.17 DC operation double side cooled 0.08 DC operation single side cooled 0.033 DC operation double side cooled 0.017 Mounting force, ± 10 % Approximate weight Case style See dimensions - link at the end of datasheet °C K/W 4900 (500) N (kg) 50 g TO-200AB (A-PUK) ΔRthJ-hs CONDUCTION CONDUCTION ANGLE SINUSOIDAL CONDUCTION RECTANGULAR CONDUCTION SINGLE SIDE DOUBLE SIDE SINGLE SIDE DOUBLE SIDE 180° 0.015 0.017 0.011 0.011 120° 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 90° 0.024 0.024 0.026 0.026 60° 0.035 0.035 0.036 0.037 30° 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.061 TEST CONDITIONS UNITS TJ = TJ maximum K/W Note • The table above shows the increment of thermal resistance RthJ-hs when devices operate at different conduction angles than DC Document Number: 93672 Revision: 14-May-08 For technical questions, contact: [email protected] 3 ST223C..C Series Vishay High Power Products Inverter Grade Thyristors (Hockey PUK Version), 390 A 1 30 ST 2 2 3 C ..C S e rie s (Sin g le S id e C o o le d ) R thJ- hs (D C ) = 0 .1 7 K / W 120 110 100 90 C o nd uc tio n A ng le 80 70 60 30° 6 0° 50 90° 1 2 0° 40 180 ° 30 0 50 100 150 20 0 2 50 3 00 M a x im u m A llo w a b le H e a t sin k T e m p e rat u re (° C ) M a xim u m A llo w a b le H e a tsin k T e m p e r at u re (°C ) 130 ST 2 2 3 C ..C S e rie s (D o ub le Sid e C o o le d ) R thJ- hs (D C ) = 0 .0 8 K/ W 1 20 1 10 1 00 90 C o ndu ction Pe rio d 80 70 30° 60 60° 50 90° 1 2 0° 40 1 8 0° 30 DC 20 0 A v e ra g e O n -st a t e C u rre n t (A ) A v e ra g e O n -st a te C u rre n t (A ) Fig. 1 - Current Ratings Characteristics 1000 ST 2 2 3 C ..C S e rie s (Sin g le S id e C o o le d ) R t hJ- hs (D C ) = 0 .1 7 K / W 12 0 11 0 10 0 90 80 C o ndu ctio n Pe rio d 70 60 30 ° 60° 50 90° 40 1 20° 30 180 ° DC 20 0 Fig. 4 - Current Ratings Characteristics 50 1 0 0 1 50 20 0 25 0 3 00 3 5 0 40 0 45 0 Maximum Average On -state Power Loss (W ) M a xim u m A llo w a b le H e a tsin k T e m p e ra tu re (° C ) 13 0 180° 120° 90° 60° 30° 800 600 C o nduc tio n A ng le 200 ST223C..C Series TJ = 125°C 0 0 Maxim um Average O n-sta te Power Loss (W ) M a xim u m A llo w a b le H e a tsin k T e m p er a tu r e ( °C ) 1 00 90 C o nduc tion An gle 70 30° 60° 50 90° 120 ° 1 8 0° 40 30 20 0 10 0 200 3 00 4 00 5 00 A v e ra g e O n -st a t e C u rre n t (A ) Fig. 3 - Current Ratings Characteristics 4 300 400 500 1400 S T 2 2 3 C ..C S e rie s (D o u b le S id e C o o le d ) R th J-hs (D C ) = 0 .0 8 K / W 60 200 Fig. 5 - On-State Power Loss Characteristics 1 30 80 100 Average On -state Current (A) Fig. 2 - Current Ratings Characteristics 1 10 RM S Lim it 400 A v e ra g e O n -s ta t e C u rre n t (A ) 1 20 10 0 2 00 3 00 40 0 50 0 60 0 70 0 8 00 DC 180° 120° 90° 60° 30° 1200 1000 800 RMS Limit 600 400 C o nd uc tio n Pe rio d 200 ST223C..C Series TJ = 125°C 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Average O n-state Curren t (A) Fig. 6 - On-State Power Loss Characteristics For technical questions, contact: [email protected] Document Number: 93672 Revision: 14-May-08 ST223C..C Series Inverter Grade Thyristors Vishay High Power Products (Hockey PUK Version), 390 A At Any Rated Load Condition An d W ith Rated V RRM Applied Followin g Surge. Initial TJ = 125°C @ 60 Hz 0.0083 s @ 50 Hz 0.0100 s 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 ST223C..C Series 2500 1 10 1 00 1 Tr a n sie n t Th e rm a l Im p e d a n c e Z thJ-hs (K/ W ) Peak Half Sine W ave On -state Current ( A) 5500 ST 2 2 3 C ..C S e rie s 0 .1 S t e a d y S ta t e V a lu e R thJ-h s = 0 .1 7 K/ W (S in g le Sid e C o o le d ) R thJ-hs = 0 .0 8 K/ W (D o u b le S id e C o o le d ) 0 .0 1 3500 3000 S T2 2 3 C ..C S e r ie s 1 M a x im u m R e v e rse R e c o v e ry C h a rg e - Q rr (µC ) P e a k H a lf Sin e W a v e O n -st at e C u rre n t (A ) 4000 0.1 P u lse T ra in D u ra tio n (s) 10 I TM = 5 00 A S T 2 2 3 C ..C S e rie s TJ = 1 2 5 °C 2 00 30 0 A 20 0 A 1 50 1 00 A 1 00 50 A 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 R a t e O f F a ll O f O n -st a t e C u rre n t - d i/ d t (A / µ s) Fig. 8 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current Single and Double Side Cooled Fig. 11 - Reverse Recovered Charge Characteristics 10000 16 0 1000 TJ = 25°C TJ = 125°C ST223C..C Series 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 In sta ntaneous O n-state Voltage (V ) Fig. 9 - On-State Voltage Drop Characteristics Document Number: 93672 Revision: 14-May-08 M a xim u m R e v e rse R e c o v e ry C u rr e n t - Irr (A ) In st anta neous On-state Current (A) 1 2 50 M a x im u m N o n R e p e t it iv e S urg e C u rre n t V e rsu s P u lse T ra in D ura t io n . C o n t ro l 5500 O f C o n d u c t io n M a y N o t Be M a in ta in e d . In it ia l TJ = 1 2 5° C 5000 N o V o lta g e R e a p p lie d R a te d V RRMR e a p p lie d 4500 2000 0.01 0 .1 Fig. 10 - Thermal Impedance ZthJ-hs Characteristics 6000 2500 0 .0 1 S q ua re W a v e P u lse D u rat io n (s) N um b e r O f E qu al A m plitud e Half Cy c le C urre nt Pulse s (N ) Fig. 7 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current Single and Double Side Cooled (D C O p e ra tio n ) 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 IT M = 50 0 A 14 0 30 0 A 12 0 20 0 A 10 0 A 10 0 50 A 80 60 40 ST 2 2 3 C ..C S e rie s TJ = 1 2 5 °C 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 10 0 R a t e O f F a ll O f F o rw a rd C u rre n t - d i/ d t (A / µ s) Fig. 12 - Reverse Recovered Current Characteristics For technical questions, contact: [email protected] 5 ST223C..C Series Vishay High Power Products P e a k O n - st a t e C u rre n t (A ) 1 E4 Inverter Grade Thyristors (Hockey PUK Version), 390 A Snubbe r circ uit R s = 4 7 o hm s C s = 0.22 µF V D = 80 % V D RM Snubb er c ircuit R s = 4 7 o hm s C s = 0. 22 µ F V D = 80 % V D RM 1 50 0 200 4 00 100 0 5 00 1 00 5 0 Hz 1 50 0 2 50 0 1 E3 400 20 0 1 00 0 50 0 100 50 Hz 2 50 0 3 00 0 3 00 0 5 00 0 1 0 00 0 ST2 23 C.. C Serie s Sinuso idal pulse TC = 40°C tp 1 E2 1E1 1 E2 5 00 0 1 E3 tp 10 00 0 1E4 ST2 23 C.. C Se ries Sinuso idal pulse TC = 55°C 1 E1 1E 1 1E2 1 E3 1E4 P u lse Ba se w id t h (µ s) P u lse Ba se w id t h (µ s) Fig. 13 - Frequency Characteristics P e a k O n -sta t e C u rre n t (A ) 1E4 Snubbe r circ uit R s = 4 7 o hm s C s = 0.22 µF V D = 8 0 % V D RM Snu bbe r c irc uit R s = 4 7 o hm s C s = 0.22 µF V D = 80% V D RM 1E3 2 50 0 15 0 0 10 00 5 00 400 2 00 10 0 50 Hz 2 50 0 3 00 0 3 00 0 5 00 0 1E2 1 50 0 10 00 5 00 400 2 00 1 0 0 5 00 0 10 0 00 ST2 23 C..C Series Trape zoidal pulse TC = 55°C di/dt = 50A /µs 1 00 00 ST22 3C ..C Se rie s Tra pe zoidal pulse TC = 40°C di/dt = 5 0A /µ s tp 1E1 1 E1 50 Hz 1 E2 1 E3 tp 1E4 1 E1 1 E2 1E3 1E4 P u lse Ba se w id t h (µ s) P u lse B ase w idt h (µ s) Fig. 14 - Frequency Characteristics P e a k O n - sta t e C u rre n t (A ) 1E4 Snubbe r circ uit R s = 4 7 o hm s C s = 0.2 2 µF V D = 80% V D RM Snubb er c ircu it R s = 47 o hm s C s = 0 .22 µF V D = 80 % V D RM 1E3 25 0 0 1 50 0 1 0 00 500 10 0 4 00 20 0 5 0 Hz 2 50 0 3 00 0 5 00 4 00 2 0 0 1 00 50 Hz 5 00 0 1 00 0 0 ST223 C. .C Se ries Tra pezo idal pulse TC = 40°C di/d t = 1 00A /µs tp 1E1 1 E1 1 000 3 000 5 00 0 1E2 1 50 0 1 E2 1E 3 ST223 C. .C Se ries Trap ezo id al p ulse TC = 55°C di/dt = 10 0A /µs 10 00 0 tp 1E4 1 E1 1E 2 1E3 1E4 P u lse Ba se w id t h (µ s) P u lse B ase w id t h (µ s) Fig. 15 - Frequency Characteristics 6 For technical questions, contact: [email protected] Document Number: 93672 Revision: 14-May-08 ST223C..C Series Inverter Grade Thyristors Vishay High Power Products (Hockey PUK Version), 390 A 1E 5 ST22 3C. .C Se ries Re cta ngular pulse di/d t = 5 0A/µs P e ak O n -sta t e C ur re n t (A ) tp 1E 4 0.5 1E 3 1 2 4 10 2 0 jo ules per pulse 20 jo ule s p er pulse 5 10 2 1 0 .3 0. 2 0.5 0. 3 0.1 0. 2 0 .1 1E 2 tp ST223 C ..C Se ries Sinuso id al p ulse 1E 1 1 E1 1E2 1 E3 1 E1 1 E4 1E 2 1E3 1E4 P u lse B ase w id t h (µ s) P u lse B a se w idt h (µ s) Fig. 16 - Maximum On-State Energy Power Loss Characteristics Re c t a n g ula r g a t e p u lse a ) R e c o m m e n d e d lo a d lin e fo r ra t e d d i/d t : 2 0 V , 1 0 o h m s; t r< =1 µ s b ) Re c o m m e n d e d lo a d lin e f o r < = 3 0 % ra te d d i/d t : 1 0 V , 1 0 o h m s 10 t r< =1 µ s (1) (2) (3) (4) PGM PGM PGM PGM = = = = 1 0W , 2 0W , 4 0W , 6 0W , tp tp tp tp = = = = 20 m s 10 m s 5m s 3 .3 m s (a ) (b ) Tj=2 5 °C 1 Tj=-40 °C Tj=1 25 °C In st an t a n e o us G a te V o lt a g e ( V ) 1 00 (1) (2) (3 ) ( 4 ) VGD IG D 0 .1 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 1 D e v ic e : ST 2 2 3 C ..C Se rie s Fre q u e n c y L im ite d b y P G (A V ) 0 .1 1 10 1 00 In sta n t a n e o u s G at e C u rr e n t (A ) Fig. 17 - Gate Characteristics Document Number: 93672 Revision: 14-May-08 For technical questions, contact: [email protected] 7 ST223C..C Series Vishay High Power Products Inverter Grade Thyristors (Hockey PUK Version), 390 A ORDERING INFORMATION TABLE Device code ST 22 3 C 08 C H K 1 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 - Thyristor 2 - Essential part number 3 - 3 = Fast turn off 4 - C = Ceramic PUK 5 - Voltage code x 100 = VRRM (see Voltage Ratings table) 6 - C = PUK case TO-200AB (A-PUK) 7 - Reapplied dV/dt code (for tq test condition) 8 - 9 - dV/dt - tq combinations available dV/dt (V/µs) 10 0 = Eyelet term. 12 (gate and aux. cathode unsoldered leads) tq (µs) 15 18 1 = Fast-on term. 20 (gate and aux. cathode unsoldered leads) 25 30 2 = Eyelet term. tq code 20 50 100 200 400 CN CM CL CP CK --- DN DM DL DP DK --- EN EM EL EP EK --- FN* FM FL* FP FK --- --HL HP HK HJ HH * Standard part number. All other types available only on request. (gate and aux. cathode soldered leads) 3 = Fast-on term. (gate and aux. cathode soldered leads) 10 - Critical dV/dt: None = 500 V/µs (standard value) L = 1000 V/µs (special selection) LINKS TO RELATED DOCUMENTS Dimensions 8 For technical questions, contact: [email protected] Document Number: 93672 Revision: 14-May-08 Legal Disclaimer Notice Vishay Disclaimer All product specifications and data are subject to change without notice. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product. Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Document Number: 91000 Revision: 18-Jul-08 1