FF-2137B-13 This filter has been designed to operate with the Granite Power (MPFC1M21) harmonic attenuator module. The combination is designed to meet the conducted emissions requirements of Mil-Std-461F. The filter will also function very well with most other fixed frequency switching power supplies. Order P/N: FF-2137B-13 Operating Voltage = _________________ DC—250 Vac Operating Current (Max)= _____________________13A INSERTION LOSS vs. FREQUENCY Frequency = _________________ 50/60 HZ @ 250 Vac = ___________________ 400 Hz @ 120 Vac Temp. Range (Storage) = ______________-25°—100°C Temp. Range (Operating) (-13)@ 13.0 A = _ -25°—50ºC (See temp graph pg.2) Diel. Withstanding Voltage (Ph—Case) = ____ 1500 Vac Diel. Withstanding Voltage (Ph—Ph) = ______ 1500 Vdc Leakage Current @ 250 Vac, 60 HZ = ____ 2.5 MA max. Discharge Voltage after 3 sec = ___________ 20 V max. Weight = _______________________2.75 LB / 1.25 Kg Filters per standard carton = _______________ 4 max. USA JMK Inc 15 Caldwell Dr. Amherst, NH 03031 PH: 603 886-4100 FX: 603 886-4115 email: info@jmkfilters.com PH: 44-(0) 7785310729 Fax: 44-(0) 141 589 1884 EUR JMK Inc Glasgow G13 1DN Scotland UK FF-2137B-13 Conducted Emission Test Results: Mil-Std-461F: CE102 Input Voltage: 120 V Frequency: 60 Hz Input Current: 13.5 amp Output Power: 1400 Watt Temperature: 23°C Comments: The “worst case” emissions occurred full load. The results for the Primary line are shown below. The emissions for the neutral line were very similar to the primary line. USA JMK Inc 15 Caldwell Dr. Amherst, NH 03031 PH: 603 886-4100 FX: 603 886-4115 email: info@jmkfilters.com PH: 44-(0) 7785310729 Fax: 44-(0) 141 589 1884 EUR JMK Inc Glasgow G13 1DN Scotland UK