REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE (YR-MO-DA) APPROVED A Changes in accordance with NOR 5962-R004-95. 94-10-13 Kendall A. Cottongim B Rewrite paragraphs 4.2.a.2. and 4.3.3.b.2 to add TC. 04-03-25 Raymond Monnin C Added device types 10 and 11 for cage 88379. -sld 08-03-12 Robert M. Heber D Update drawing paragraphs -sld 11-11-16 Charles F. Saffle E Updated drawing to the latest requirements of MIL-PRF-38534. -sld 15-07-20 Charles F. Saffle THE ORIGINAL FIRST SHEET OF THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN REPLACED. REV SHEET REV E E E E E E E SHEET 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 REV STATUS REV E E E E E E E E E E E E E E OF SHEETS SHEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 PMIC N/A PREPARED BY Steve Duncan STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING CHECKED BY Michael C. Jones THIS DRAWING IS AVAILABLE FOR USE BY ALL DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROVED BY Greg Lude AMSC N/A DRAWING APPROVAL DATE 92-07-16 REVISION LEVEL E DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 MICROCIRCUIT, HYBRID, DIGITAL, LOW POWER, SINGLE CHANNEL, DRIVER-RECEIVER SIZE CAGE CODE A 67268 SHEET DSCC FORM 2233 APR 97 1 OF 5962-91749 21 5962-E413-15 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This drawing documents five product assurance classes as defined in paragraph 1.2.3 and MIL-PRF-38534. A choice of case outlines and lead finishes which are available and are reflected in the Part or Identifying Number (PIN). When available, a choice of radiation hardness assurance levels are reflected in the PIN. 1.2 PIN. The PIN is as shown in the following example: 5962 Federal stock class designator \ RHA designator (see 1.2.1) 91749 01 Device type (see 1.2.2) / H Device class designator (see 1.2.3) X Case outline (see 1.2.4) A Lead finish (see 1.2.5) \/ Drawing number 1.2.1 Radiation hardness assurance (RHA) designator. RHA marked devices meet the MIL-PRF-38534 specified RHA levels and are marked with the appropriate RHA designator. A dash (-) indicates a non-RHA device. 1.2.2 Device type(s). The device type(s) identify the circuit function as follows: Device type Generic number 01 NHI-1514 02 NHI-1513 03 BUS63102II 04 BUS63104II 05 3231 06 and 07 3232 08 1/ 4407 09 1/ 4404 10 4407N 11 4404N Circuit function Single channel, driver-receiver (MIL-STD-1553 A and B), low power, receiver standby high Single channel, driver-receiver (universal transciever), low power, receiver standby high Single channel, driver-receiver (universal transciever), low power, receiver standby high Single channel, driver-receiver (MIL-STD-1553 A and B), low power, receiver standby high Single channel, driver-receiver (MIL-STD-1553 A and B), low power, receiver standby high Single channel, driver-receiver (universal transciever), low power, receiver standby high Single channel, driver-receiver (MIL-STD-1553 A and B), low power, receiver standby high Single channel, driver-receiver (universal transciever), low power, receiver standby high Single channel, driver-receiver (MIL-STD-1553 A and B), low power, receiver standby high Single channel, driver-receiver (universal transciever), low power, receiver standby high 1.2.3 Device class designator. This device class designator is a single letter identifying the product assurance level. All levels are defined by the requirements of MIL-PRF-38534 and require QML Certification as well as qualification (Class H, K, and E) or QML Listing (Class G and D). The product assurance levels are as follows: Device class 1/ Device performance documentation K Highest reliability class available. This level is intended for use in space applications. H Standard military quality class level. This level is intended for use in applications where non-space high reliability devices are required. G Reduced testing version of the standard military quality class. This level uses the Class H screening and In-Process Inspections with a possible limited temperature range, manufacturer specified incoming flow, and the manufacturer guarantees (but may not test) periodic and conformance inspections (Group A, B, C, and D). Device types 08 and 09 are inactive for new design, use device types 10 and 11 for replacements. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 2 E Designates devices which are based upon one of the other classes (K, H, or G) with exception(s) taken to the requirements of that class. These exception(s) must be specified in the device acquisition document; therefore the acquisition document should be reviewed to ensure that the exception(s) taken will not adversely affect system performance. D Manufacturer specified quality class. Quality level is defined by the manufacturers internal, QML certified flow. This product may have a limited temperature range. 1.2.4 Case outline(s). The case outline(s) are as designated in MIL-STD-1835 and as follows: Outline letter Descriptive designator Terminals See figure 1 See figure 1 See figure 1 See figure 1 See figure 1 24 24 24 24 24 T U X Y Z Package style Hybrid package Flat package Hybrid package Flat package Hybrid package 1.2.5 Lead finish. The lead finish is as specified in MIL-PRF-38534. 1.3 Absolute maximum ratings. 2/ Supply voltage range: VCC .......................................................................................... VEE .......................................................................................... VCCL.......................................................................................... Logic input voltage range ........................................................... Receiver differential voltage ...................................................... Receiver common mode voltage range ....................................... Driver peak output current ........................................................... Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) .................................. Storage temperature range ......................................................... Junction temperature (TJ) ........................................................... Power dissipation (PD) total hybrid: 100 percent duty cycle (TC = +125°C): Device types 01, 05, 06, and 08 ........................................... Device types 02, 07, 09, 10 and 11 ...................................... Device types 03 and 04 ........................................................ Power dissipation (PD) hottest die: 100 percent duty cycle: Device types 01, 04, 08, and 09 ........................................... Device types 02 and 03 ........................................................ Device types 05, 06, and 07 ................................................. Device types 10 and 11(single die) ...................................... Standby mode: Device types 01, 02, 03, 04, 08, and 09 ............................... Device types 05, 06, and 07 ................................................. Device types 10 and 11(single die) ...................................... STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 -0.3 V dc to +18 V dc +0.3 V dc to -18 V dc -0.3 V dc to +7 V dc -0.3 V dc to +5.5 V dc 40 Vp-p -10 V dc to +10 V dc ±300 mA +300°C -65°C to +150°C +160°C 3.0 W 3.24 W 3.28 W 484 mW 545 mW 2.2 W 3.25 W Derates to zero 750 mW 540 mW SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 3 1.3 Absolute maximum ratings - continued. 2/ Thermal resistance: Junction-to-case (θJC) hottest die: Device types 01 and 02 ....................................................... Device types 03, 04, 08, and 09 .......................................... Device types 05, 06, and 07 ............................................... Device types 10 and 11(single die) ...................................... Case to ambient: Device types 01, 02, 03, 04, 08, 09, 10, and 11 .................. Device types 05, 06, and 07 ................................................. Thermal resistance, junction-to-case temperature rise for the hottest die at 100 percent duty cycle: Device type 01...................................................................... Device type 02...................................................................... Device type 03...................................................................... Device type 04...................................................................... Device types 05, 06, and 07 ................................................. Device type 08...................................................................... Device type 09...................................................................... Device types 10 and 11(single die) ...................................... 38°C/W 58°C/W 6.5°C/W 5°C/W 21°C/W 20°C/W 19°C/W 21°C/W 47.9°C/W 42.6°C/W 14.3°C/W 28°C/W 31.6°C/W 16.25°C/W 1.4 Recommended operating conditions. Supply voltage range: VCC ........................................................................................... VEE : Device types 01-05, 07-09, 10, and 11 ................................. Device type 06...................................................................... VCCL.......................................................................................... Logic input voltage range ........................................................... Receiver differential voltage ...................................................... Receiver common mode voltage range ....................................... Driver peak output current: Device types 01, 02, 08, and 09 ............................................. Device types 03 and 04 .......................................................... Device types 05, 06, 07, 10, and 11 ....................................... Maximum serial data rate ............................................................ Case operating temperature range (TC) ...................................... +11.4 V dc to +15.75 V dc -11.4 V dc to -15.75 V dc -11.75 V dc to -12.75 V dc +4.5 V dc to +5.5 V dc 0 V dc to +5.0 V dc 40 Vp-p -10 V dc to +10 V dc ±180 mA ±200 mA ±100 mA 1.0 MHz -55°C to +125°C 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government specification, standards, and handbooks. The following specification, standards, and handbooks form a part of this drawing to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SPECIFICATION MIL-PRF-38534 - Hybrid Microcircuits, General Specification for. 2/ Stresses above the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Extended operation at the maximum levels may degrade performance and affect reliability. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STANDARDS MIL-STD-883 - Test Method Standard Microcircuits. MIL-STD-1835 - Interface Standard for Electronic Component Case Outlines. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE HANDBOOKS MIL-HDBK-103 - List of Standard Microcircuit Drawings. MIL-HDBK-780 - Standard Microcircuit Drawings. Copies of these documents are available online at or from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.) 2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this drawing and the references cited herein, the text of this drawing takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Item requirements. The individual item performance requirements for device classes D, E, G, H, and K shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534. Compliance with MIL-PRF-38534 shall include the performance of all tests herein or as designated in the device manufacturer's Quality Management (QM) plan or as designated for the applicable device class. The manufacturer may eliminate, modify or optimize the tests and inspections herein, however the performance requirements as defined in MIL-PRF-38534 shall be met for the applicable device class. In addition, the modification in the QM plan shall not affect the form, fit, or function of the device for the applicable device class. 3.2 Design, construction, and physical dimensions. The design, construction, and physical dimensions shall be as specified in MIL-PRF-38534 and herein. 3.2.1 Case outline(s). The case outline(s) shall be in accordance with 1.2.2 herein and figure 1. 3.2.2 Terminal connections. The terminal connections shall be as specified on figure 2. 3.2.3 Test circuit. The test circuit shall be as specified on figure 3. 3.2.4 Timing waveforms. The timing waveforms shall be as specified on figure 4. 3.2.5 Coupling diagram. The coupling diagram shall be as specified on figure 5. 3.3 Electrical performance characteristics. Unless otherwise specified herein, the electrical performance characteristics are as specified in table I and shall apply over the full specified operating temperature range. 3.4 Electrical test requirements. The electrical test requirements shall be the subgroups specified in table II. The electrical tests for each subgroup are defined in table I. 3.5 Marking of device(s). Marking of device(s) shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534. The device shall be marked with the PIN listed in 1.2 herein. In addition, the manufacturer's vendor similar PIN may also be marked. 3.6 Data. In addition to the general performance requirements of MIL-PRF-38534, the manufacturer of the device described herein shall maintain the electrical test data (variables format) from the initial quality conformance inspection group A lot sample, for each device type listed herein. Also, the data should include a summary of all parameters manually tested, and for those which, if any, are guaranteed. This data shall be maintained under document revision level control by the manufacturer and be made available to the preparing activity (DLA Land and Maritime - VA) upon request. 3.7 Certificate of compliance. A certificate of compliance shall be required from a manufacturer in order to supply to this drawing. The certificate of compliance (original copy) submitted to DLA Land and Maritime - VA shall affirm that the manufacturer's product meets the performance requirements of MIL-PRF-38534 and herein. 3.8 Certificate of conformance. A certificate of conformance as required in MIL-PRF-38534 shall be provided with each lot of microcircuits delivered to this drawing. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 5 4. VERIFICATION 4.1 Sampling and inspection. Sampling and inspection procedures shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534 or as modified in the device manufacturer's Quality Management (QM) plan. The modification in the QM plan shall not affect the form, fit, or function as described herein. 4.2 Screening. Screening shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534. The following additional criteria shall apply: a. b. Burn-in test, method 1015 of MIL-STD-883. (1) Test condition A, B, C, or D. The test circuit shall be maintained by the manufacturer under document revision level control and shall be made available to either DLA Land and Maritime - VA or the acquiring activity upon request. Also, the test circuit shall specify the inputs, outputs, biases, and power dissipation, as applicable, in accordance with the intent specified in method 1015 of MIL-STD-883. (2) TA as specified in accordance with table I of method 1015 of MIL-STD-883. Interim and final electrical test parameters shall be as specified in table II herein, except interim electrical parameter tests prior to burn-in are optional at the discretion of the manufacturer. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 6 TABLE I. Electrical performance characteristics. Test Symbol Conditions 1/ -55°C ≤ TC ≤ +125°C unless otherwise specified Group A subgroups Device type Limits Min Unit Max RECEIVER Output low voltage VOL IOL = 10 mA 1,2,3 IOL = 4 mA Output high voltage VOH Differential Input voltage level VI Differential Input impedance ZIN IOH = -0.4 mA 1 MHz sinewave 2/ 01-07 0.5 08-11 0.5 1,2,3 All 4,5,6 All 4,5,6 01,02,08, 09,10,11 10 03,04,05, 06,07 4 10 2.5 V 40 VICRM 1 MHz sinewave, see figure 3. 4,5,6 All Input capacitance CIN 1 MHz sine wave 2/ 4 All Threshold voltage VTH 3/ 4/ 5/ 4,5,6 01,02,08, 09,10,11 0.6 1.05 03,04 0.5 1.2 05,06,07 0.4 1.1 tDR Input zero crossing to DATA or DATA, see figure 3 2/ Vp-p kΩ Common mode input voltage range Receiver delay V Vp-p 5 pF Vp-p 4,5,6 All 450 ns 0.7 V RECEIVER STROBE Input low voltage VSIL 1,2,3 All Input high voltage VSIH 1,2,3 All 2 Input low current ISIL 1,2,3 01,02, 08,09,10, 11 -0.4 03,04 -0.720 05,06,07 -4 VSIL = 0.4 V V mA See footnotes at end of table. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 7 TABLE I. Electrical performance characteristics - Continued. Test Symbol Conditions 1/ -55°C ≤ TC ≤ +125°C unless otherwise specified Group A subgroups Device type Limits Min Unit Max RECEIVER STROBE - Continued. Input high current Strobe delay ISIH tDS VSIH = 2.7 V Turn-on or turn-off, see figure 4 2/ 1,2,3 9,10,11 01,02,03, 04,08,09 80 05,06,07 400 10,11 40 01,02,03, 04 200 05-11 150 0.7 µA ns TRANSMITTER Input low voltage VIL 1,2,3 All Input high voltage VIH 1,2,3 All 2.0 V Input low current IIL 1,2,3 01,02,10, 11 -0.4 mA 03,04,08, 09 -0.720 05,06,07 -1.1 Input high current Differential output IIH VO VIL = 0.4 V VIH = 2.7 V 1,2,3 1,2,3 35Ω load 4/ 01,02,03, 04,08,09, 10,11 40 05,06,07 100 All 140Ω load 2/ 6/ Differential output noise VON 4,5,6 Inhibited, 35Ω load 4/ 6.0 9.0 24 36 All ZOUT µA Vp-p 10 mV rms 40 140Ω load 2/ 6/ Differential output impedance V 1 MHz sinewave, (transmitter off) 2/ 4,5,6 All 10 kΩ See footnotes at end of table. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 8 TABLE I. Electrical performance characteristics - Continued. Test Symbol Conditions 1/ -55°C ≤ TC ≤ +125°C unless otherwise specified Group A subgroups Device type Limits Min Unit Max TRANSMITTER - Continued. Output capacitance COUT 1 MHz sine wave 2/ Differential output offset voltage VOS 35Ω load 4 All 4,5,6 All 5 140Ω load 2/ 6/ 7/ Receiver filter response FILTER f = 2 MHz 2/ 4,5,6 All tr Fall time tf Transmitter delay tdt 35Ω load, see figure 4 35Ω load, see figure 4 Transmitter-in to transmitterout, see figure 4 2/ +90 -360 +360 mV pk -4.0 f = 4 MHz 2/ Rise time -90 pF dB -13.0 9,10,11 9,10,11 01,04,08,10 100 300 02,03,05,06, 07,09,11 220 300 01,04,08,10 100 300 02,03,05,06, 07,09,11 220 300 ns ns 9,10,11 All 550 ns 0.7 V TRANSMITTER INHIBIT Input low voltage VIIL 1,2,3 All Input high voltage VIIH 1,2,3 All 2.0 V Input low current IILL 1,2,3 01,02,08,09, 10,11 -0.4 mA VSIL = 0.4 V 03,04 05,06,07 Input high current IIIH VSIH = 2.7 V 1,2,3 -0.720 -0.8 01,02,03,04, 08,09,10,11 40 05,06,07 50 µA See footnotes at end of table. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 9 TABLE I. Electrical performance characteristics - Continued. Test Symbol Conditions 1/ -55°C ≤ TC ≤ +125°C unless otherwise specified Group A subgroups Device type Limits Min Unit Max TRANSMITTER INHIBIT - Continued. Transmitter inhibit delay (high) Transmitter inhibit delay (low) tDI-H tDI-L 0-1 inhibited output, see figure 4 2/ 1-0 active output, see figure 4 2/ 9,10,11 9,10,11 01,02,0407,08-11 450 03 700 01,02,0407,08-11 450 03 700 01,02,08, 09 50 03,04 30 05,06,07 65 10,11 10 01,02 40 03-09 65 10,11 35 01,02,05, 06,07 20 03,04,08, 09 45 10,11 30 01,02,08, 09 100 03,04 114 05,06,07 150 10,11 60 ns ns POWER SUPPLY +Supply (VCC) ICC-SB -Supply (VEE) IEE-SB +5 V supply (VCCL) +Supply (VCC) ICC1-SB ICC-50 (Standby mode) 1,2,3 (Standby mode) 1,2,3 (Standby mode) 1,2,3 50 percent duty cycle 4,5,6 mA mA mA mA See footnotes at end of table. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 10 TABLE I. Electrical performance characteristics - Continued. Test Symbol Conditions 1/ -55°C ≤ TC ≤ +125°C unless otherwise specified Group A subgroups Device type Limits Min Unit Max POWER SUPPLY - Continued. -Supply (VEE) IEE-50 +Supply (VCC) ICC-100 -Supply (VEE) 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ IEE-100 50 percent duty cycle 4,5,6 100 percent duty cycle 4,5,6 100 percent duty cycle 4,5,6 01,02,08, 09 110 03,04 135 05,06,07 150 10,11 80 01,02,08, 09 165 03,04 180 05,06,07 250 10,11 120 01,02,08, 09 165 03,04 195 05,06,07 250 10,11 140 mA mA mA Unless otherwise specified, supply voltage ranges are as follows: (+14.9 V dc ≤ VCC ≤ +15.1 V dc), (-14.9 V dc ≤ VEE ≤ -15.1 V dc), (+4.9 V dc ≤ VCCL ≤ +5.1 V dc). Parameter shall be tested as part of initial characterization and after design and process changes. Parameter shall be guaranteed to the limits specified in table I. Threshold determined by the first missing word of a 33 word transmission to a Harris HD-15530 CMOS Manchester encoder-decoder. Measured at point A A' of figure 5. Assumed the internal threshold option is used. Measured at point B B' of figure 5. Offset is measured 2.5 µs after the mid-bit zero crossing of the last parity bit of a 600 µs transmission cycle of contiguous words (no dead time in between words). STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 11 Case outline T. (Device types 08 and 09) Inches .002 .003 .005 .009 .017 .025 mm 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.23 0.43 0.64 Inches .080 .100 .167 .400 1.27 mm 2.03 2.54 4.24 10.16 32.3 FIGURE 1. Case outline(s). STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 12 Case outline U. (Device types 05, 06, and 07) Inches .002 .003 .005 .009 .017 mm 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.23 0.43 Inches .070 .100 .167 .400 1.27 mm 1.78 2.54 4.24 10.16 32.3 FIGURE 1. Case outline(s) - Continued. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 13 Case outline X. (Device types 01, 02, 03, 04, 08, 09, 10, and 11) Inches .002 .018 .100 .175 NOTE: mm 0.05 0.46 2.54 4.44 Inches .240 1.100 1.27 mm 6.10 27.94 32.3 For device type 03 only, case outline X, the package height is .180 inches (4.51 mm) maximum. FIGURE 1. Case outline(s) - Continued. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 14 Case outline Y. (Device types 01, 02, 03, 04, 08, 09, 10, and 11) Inches .002 .003 .005 .009 .015 .017 mm 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.23 0.41 0.43 Inches .080 .100 .200 .400 1.27 mm 2.03 2.54 5.08 10.16 32.3 FIGURE 1. Case outline(s) - Continued. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 15 Case outline Z. (Device types 05, 06, and 07) Inches .002 .018 .100 .167 mm 0.05 0.46 2.54 4.24 Inches .275 1.100 1.27 mm 6.98 27.94 32.3 NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in inches. 2. Metric equivalents are given for general information only. 3. Unless otherwise specified, tolerance for three places shall be .005 (0.13 mm). FIGURE 1. Case outline(s) - Continued. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 16 Device type All Case outline Case outlines T, U, X, Y, and Z. Terminal number Terminal symbol Terminal number Terminal symbol 1 TX DATA OUT 13 VCC RX 2 TX DATA OUT 14 NC 3 GND C 15 RX DATA IN 4 VCC TX 16 RX DATA IN 5 EXTERNAL DATA THRESHOLD 17 GND A 6 INTERNAL DATA THRESHOLD 18 CASE GND 7 RX DATA OUT 19 VEE RX 8 STROBE 20 VCCL 9 GND B 21 TX INHIBIT 10 RX DATA OUT 22 TX DATA IN 11 INTERNAL DATA THRESHOLD 23 TX DATA IN 12 EXTERNAL DATA THRESHOLD 24 VEE TX FIGURE 2. Terminal connections. NOTE: Observe no transmission of data at RX DATA and RX DATA. FIGURE 3. Test circuit. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 17 FIGURE 4. Timing waveforms. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 18 FIGURE 5. Coupling diagram. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 19 TABLE II. Electrical test requirements. MIL-PRF-38534 test requirements Subgroups (in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534, group A test table) Interim electrical parameters 1 Final electrical parameters 1*,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11 Group A test requirements 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11 Group C end-point electrical parameters 1,2,3 End-point electrical parameters for radiation hardness assurance (RHA) devices Not applicable * PDA applies to subgroup 1. 4.3 Conformance and periodic inspections. Conformance inspection (CI) and periodic inspection (PI) shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534 and as specified herein. 4.3.1 Group A inspection (CI). Group A inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534 and as follows: a. Tests shall be as specified in table II herein. b. Subgroups 7 and 8 shall be omitted. 4.3.2 Group B inspection (PI). Group B inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534. 4.3.3 Group C inspection (PI). Group C inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534 and as follows: a. End-point electrical parameters shall be as specified in table II herein. b. Steady-state life test, method 1005 of MIL-STD-883. (1) Test condition A, B, C, or D. The test circuit shall be maintained by the manufacturer under document revision level control and shall be made available to either DLA Land and Maritime - VA or the acquiring activity upon request. Also, the test circuit shall specify the inputs, outputs, biases, and power dissipation, as applicable, in accordance with the intent specified in method 1005 of MIL-STD-883. (2) TA as specified in accordance with table I of method 1015 of MIL-STD-883. (3) Test duration: 1,000 hours, except as permitted by method 1005 of MIL-STD-883. 4.3.4 Group D inspection (PI). Group D inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534. 4.3.5 Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) inspection. RHA inspection is not currently applicable to this drawing. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 20 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging requirements. The requirements for packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use. Microcircuits conforming to this drawing are intended for use for Government microcircuit applications (original equipment), design applications, and logistics purposes. 6.2 Replaceability. Microcircuits covered by this drawing will replace the same generic device covered by a contractorprepared specification or drawing. 6.3 Configuration control of SMD's. All proposed changes to existing SMD's will be coordinated as specified in MIL-PRF38534. 6.4 Record of users. Military and industrial users should inform DLA Land and Maritime when a system application requires configuration control and the applicable SMD to that system. DLA Land and Maritime will maintain a record of users and this list will be used for coordination and distribution of changes to the drawings. Users of drawings covering microelectronic devices (FSC 5962) should contact DLA Land and Maritime-VA, telephone (614) 692-8108. 6.5 Comments. Comments on this drawing should be directed to DLA Land and Maritime-VA, Columbus, Ohio 43218-3990, or telephone (614) 692-1081. 6.6 Sources of supply. Sources of supply are listed in MIL-HDBK-103 and QML-38534. The vendors, listed in MIL-HDBK103 and QML-38534, have submitted a certificate of compliance (see 3.7 herein) to DLA Land and Maritime-VA and have agreed to this drawing. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DLA LAND AND MARITIME COLUMBUS, OHIO 43218-3990 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE 5962-91749 A REVISION LEVEL E SHEET 21 STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING BULLETIN DATE: 15-07-20 Approved sources of supply for SMD 5962-91749 are listed below for immediate acquisition information only and shall be added to MIL-HDBK-103 and QML-38534 during the next revisions. MIL-HDBK-103 and QML-38534 will be revised to include the addition or deletion of sources. The vendors listed below have agreed to this drawing and a certificate of compliance has been submitted to and accepted by DLA Land and Maritime -VA. This information bulletin is superseded by the next dated revisions of MIL-HDBK-103 and QML-38534. DLA Land and Maritime maintains an online database of all current sources of supply at Standard microcircuit drawing PIN 1/ Vendor CAGE number Vendor similar PIN 2/ 5962-9174901HXA 5962-9174901HXC 3/ 3/ NHI-1514 NHI-1514 5962-9174901HYA 5962-9174901HYC 3/ 3/ NHI-1514FP NHI-1514FP 5962-9174902HXA 5962-9174902HXC 3/ 3/ NHI-1513 NHI-1513 5962-9174902HYA 5962-9174902HYC 3/ 3/ NHI-1513FP NHI-1513FP 5962-9174903HXA 5962-9174903HXA 5962-9174903HXC 5962-9174903HXC 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ BUS-63102II-150 BUS-63102II-140 BUS-63102II-130 BUS-63102II-110 5962-9174903HYA 3/ BUS-63102II 5962-9174904HXA 3/ BUS-63104II 5962-9174904HYA 3/ BUS-63104II 5962-9174905HUA 5962-9174905HZA 3/ 3/ MR3231MF5 MR3231MP5 5962-9174906HUA 5962-9174906HZA 3/ 3/ MR3232MF2 MR3232MP2 5962-9174907HUA 5962-9174907HZA 3/ 3/ MR3232MF5 MR3232MP5 5962-9174908HTA 5962-9174908HTC 3/ 3/ ARX4407LPFP ARX4407LPFP 5962-9174908HTA 5962-9174908HTC 3/ 3/ NHI-1514FP/883 NHI-1514FP/883 See footnotes at end of table. 1 of 3 STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING BULLETIN - Continued. DATE: 15-07-20 1/ 2/ 3/ Standard microcircuit drawing PIN 1/ Vendor CAGE number Vendor similar PIN 2/ 5962-9174908HXA 5962-9174908HXC 19645 19645 NHI-1514/883 NHI-1514/883 5962-9174908HXA 5962-9174908HXC 3/ 3/ ARX4407-001-2 ARX4407-001-1 5962-9174908HYA 5962-9174908HYC 19645 19645 NHI-1514FP/883 NHI-1514FP/883 5962-9174908HYA 5962-9174908HYC 3/ 3/ ARX4407-201-2 ARX4407-201-1 5962-9174909HTA 5962-9174909HTC 19645 19645 NHI-1513FP/883 NHI-1513FP/883 5962-9174909HTA 5962-9174909HTC 3/ 3/ ARX4404LPFP ARX4404LPFP 5962-9174909HXA 5962-9174909HXC 19645 19645 NHI-1513/883 NHI-1513/883 5962-9174909HXA 5962-9174909HXC 3/ 3/ ARX4404-001-2 ARX4404-001-1 5962-9174909HYA 5962-9174909HYC 19645 19645 NHI-1513FP/883 NHI-1513FP/883 5962-9174909HYA 5962-9174909HYC 3/ 3/ ARX4404-201-2 ARX4404-201-1 5962-9174910HXA 5962-9174910HXC 88379 88379 ACT4407N-001-2 ACT4407N-001-1 5962-9174910HYA 5962-9174910HYC 88379 88379 ACT4407N-201-2 ACT4407N-201-1 5962-9174911HXA 5962-9174911HXC 88379 88379 ACT4404N-001-2 ACT4404N-001-1 5962-9174911HYA 5962-9174911HYC 88379 88379 ACT4404N-201-2 ACT4404N-201-1 The lead finish shown for each PIN representing a hermetic package is the most readily available from the manufacturer listed for that part. If the desired lead finish is not listed contact the Vendor to determine its availability. Caution. Do not use this number for item acquisition. Items acquired to this number may not satisfy the performance requirements of this drawing. Not available from an approved sourceof supply. 2 of 3 STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING BULLETIN - Continued. DATE: 15-07-20 Vendor CAGE number Vendor name and address 19645 Data Device Corporation 105 Wilbur Place Bohemia, NY 11716-2482 88379 Aeroflex Plainview Incorporated (Aeroflex Microelectronics Solutions) 35 South Service Road Plainview, NY 11803-4101 The information contained herein is disseminated for convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in the information bulletin. 3 of 3