TPD4105K TOSHIBA Intelligent Power Device High Voltage Monolithic Silicon Power IC TPD4105K The TPD4105K is a DC brushless motor driver using high-voltage PWM control. It is fabricated using a high-voltage SOI process. The device contains a level shift high side driver, low side driver, IGBT outputs, FRDs and protective functions for over-current and under-voltage protection circuits, and a thermal shutdown circuit. It is easy to control a DC brush less motor by just putting logic inputs from a MPU or motor controller to the TPD4105K. Features • Bootstrap circuits give simple high-side supply. • Bootstrap diodes are built in. • A dead time can be set as a minimum of 1.4 μs and it is the best for a Sine-wave from drive. • 3-phase bridge output using IGBTs. • FRDs are built in. • Included over-current and under-voltage protection, and thermal shutdown. • The regulator of 7V (typ.) is built in. • Package: 23-pin HZIP. This product has a MOS structure and is sensitive to electrostatic discharge. When handling this product, ensure that the environment is protected against electrostatic discharge. Weight HZIP23-P-1.27F : 6.1 g (typ.) HZIP23-P-1.27G : 6.1 g (typ.) HZIP23-P-1.27H : 6.1 g (typ.) 1 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Pin Assignment 1 HU 2 3 HV HW 4 LU 5 LV 6 LW 7 IS1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 NC BSU U VBB1 BSV V BSW W VBB2 NC 18 19 20 21 22 23 IS2 RS DIAG VCC GND VREG Marking Lot No. TPD4105K JAPAN Part No. (or abbreviation code) A line indicates lead (Pb)-free package or lead (Pb)-free finish. 2 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Block Diagram 9 BSU VCC 21 12 BSV 14 BSW VREG 23 7V Regulator Undervoltage Protection HU 1 HV 2 HW 3 11 VBB1 UnderUnderUndervoltage voltage voltage Protection Protection Protection Input Control 16 VBB2 High-side Level Shift Driver Thermal 10 U Shutdown 13 V LU 4 LV 5 LW 6 15 W Low-side Driver DIAG 20 18 IS2 7 IS1 COMP 3 Dead Time 0.5Vref 19 RS 22 GND 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Pin Description Pin No. Symbol Pin Description 1 HU 2 HV 3 HW 4 LU 5 LV 6 LW 7 IS1 IGBT emitter and FRD anode pin. 8 NC Unused pin, which is not connected to the chip internally. 9 BSU 10 U 11 VBB1 U and V-phase high-voltage power supply input pin. 12 BSV V-phase bootstrap capacitor connecting pin. 13 V 14 BSW 15 W 16 VBB2 17 NC Unused pin, which is not connected to the chip internally. 18 IS2 IGBT emitter and FRD anode pin. 19 RS The control terminal of IGBT by the side of U top arm. It turns off less than 1.5V. It turns on more than 3.5V. The control terminal of IGBT by the side of V top arm. It turns off less than 1.5V. It turns on more than 3.5V. The control terminal of IGBT by the side of W top arm. It turns off less than 1.5V. It turns on more than 3.5V. The control terminal of IGBT by the side of U bottom arm. It turns off less than 1.5V. It turns on more than 3.5V. The control terminal of IGBT by the side of V bottom arm. It turns off less than 1.5V. It turns on more than 3.5V. The control terminal of IGBT by the side of W bottom arm. It turns off less than 1.5V. It turns on more than 3.5V. U-phase bootstrap capacitor connecting pin. U-phase output pin. V-phase output pin. W-phase bootstrap capacitor connecting pin. W-phase output pin. W-phase high-voltage power supply input pin. Over current detection pin. 20 DIAG With the diagnostic output terminal of open drain, a pull-up is carried out by resistance. It turns on at the time of unusual. 21 VCC Control power supply pin.(15V typ.) 22 GND Ground pin. 23 VREG 7V regulator output pin. 4 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Equivalent Circuit of Input Pins Internal circuit diagram of HU, HV, HW, LU, LV, LW input pins 5 kΩ 5 kΩ 200 kΩ HU/HV/HW LU/LV/LW 2 kΩ To internal circuit 6.5 V 6.5 V 6.5 V 6.5 V Internal circuit diagram of DIAG pin DIAG To internal circuit 26 V Internal circuit diagram of RS pin VCC RS 5 kΩ 5 kΩ 6.5 V 2 kΩ 6.5 V 440 kΩ To internal circuit 5 pF 5 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Timing Chart HU HV HW Input Voltage LU LV LW VU Output voltage VV VW 6 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Truth Table Input Top arm HU HV HW LU LV Normal H L L L H L ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF H L L L L H ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF L H L L L H OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF L H L H L L OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF L L H H L L OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF L L H L H L OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF H L L L H L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON H L L L L H OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L H L L L H OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L H L H L L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L L H H L L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L L H L H L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON Thermal shutdown Under-voltage U phase V phase W phase U phase V phase W phase DIAG Mode Over-current LW Bottom arm H L L L H L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON H L L L L H OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L H L L L H OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L H L H L L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L L H H L L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L L H L H L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON H L L L H L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON H L L L L H OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L H L L L H OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L H L H L L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L L H H L L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON L L H L H L OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON Notes: Release of thermal shutdown protection and under voltage protection depends release of a self-reset and over current protection on all "L" input. 7 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit VBB 500 V VCC 18 V Output current (DC) Iout 3 A Output current (pulse) Iout 4 A Input voltage VIN -0.5~7 V VREG current IREG 50 mA DIAG current IDIAG 20 mA Power dissipation (Ta = 25°C) PC 4 W Power dissipation (Tc = 25°C) PC 20 W Tjopr -20~135 °C Junction temperature Tj 150 °C Storage temperature Tstg -55~150 °C Lead-heat sink isolation voltage Vhs 1000 (1 min) Vrms Power supply voltage Operating temperature Note: Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high temperature/current/voltage and the significant change in temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings and the operating ranges. Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook (“Handling Precautions”/Derating Concept and Methods) and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc). 8 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) Characteristics Operating power supply voltage Current dissipation Input voltage Input current Output saturation voltage FRD forward voltage BSD forward voltage Regulator voltage Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max VBB ⎯ 50 280 450 VCC ⎯ 13.5 15 16.5 Unit V IBB VBB = 450 V ⎯ ⎯ 0.5 ICC VCC = 15 V ⎯ 0.8 5 IBS (ON) VBS = 15 V, high side ON ⎯ 230 410 IBS (OFF) VBS = 15 V, high side OFF ⎯ 200 370 VIH VIN = “H” 3.5 ⎯ ⎯ VIL VIN = “L” ⎯ ⎯ 1.5 IIH VIN = 5V ⎯ ⎯ 150 IIL VIN = 0 V ⎯ ⎯ 100 VCEsatH VCC = 15 V, IC = 1.5 A, high side ⎯ 2.3 3 VCEsatL VCC = 15 V, IC = 1.5 A, low side ⎯ 2.3 3 VFH IF = 1.5 A, high side ⎯ 1.6 2.0 VFL IF = 1.5 A, low side ⎯ 1.6 2.0 IF = 500 μA ⎯ 0.8 1.2 V VCC = 15 V, IO = 30 mA 6.5 7 7.5 V VF (BSD) VREG mA μA V μA V V Current limiting voltage VR ⎯ 0.46 0.5 0.54 V Current limiting dead time Dt ⎯ 2.3 3.3 4.4 μs 135 ⎯ 185 ℃ TSD VCC = 15 V Thermal shutdown hysteresis ΔTSD VCC = 15 V ⎯ 50 ⎯ ℃ VCC under-voltage protection VCCUVD ⎯ 10 11 12 V VCC under-voltage protection recovery VCCUVR ⎯ 10.5 11.5 12.5 V VBS under-voltage protection VBSUVD ⎯ 8 9 9.5 V VBS under-voltage protection recovery VBSUVR ⎯ 8.5 9.5 10.5 V DIAG saturation voltage VDIAGsat IDIAG = 5 mA ⎯ ⎯ 0.5 V Thermal shutdown temperature Output-on delay time ton VBB = 280 V, VCC = 15 V, IC = 1.5 A ⎯ 1.2 3 μs Output-off delay time toff VBB = 280 V, VCC = 15 V, IC = 1.5 A ⎯ 1.0 3 μs tdead VBB = 280 V, VCC = 15 V, IC = 1.5 A 1.4 ⎯ ⎯ μs trr VBB = 280 V, VCC = 15 V, IC = 1.5 A ⎯ 200 ⎯ ns Dead time FRD reverse recovery time 9 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Application Circuit Example 15V VCC 21 + C4 9 12 C5 14 C6+ C7 VREG 23 7V Regulator 11 UnderUnderUndervoltage voltage voltage Protection Protection Protection Undervoltage Protection HU Control IC HV or HW Microcomputer LU LV LW R2 1 16 VBB1 VBB2 C Thermal 10 Shutdown 13 6 BSW C1 C2 C3 3 5 BSV High-side Level Shift Driver 2 4 BSU Input Control 15 U M V W Low-side Driver 20 DIAG 18 7 COMP 10 Dead Time 0.5Vref 19 22 IS2 IS1 R1 RS GND 2007-05-10 TPD4105K External Parts Typical external parts are shown in the following table. Part Typical Purpose Remarks C1, C2, C3 25 V/2.2 μF Bootstrap capacitor (Note 1) R1 0.2 Ω ± 1 % (1.5 W) Current detection (Note 2) C4 25 V/10 μF VCC power supply stability (Note 3) C5 25 V /0.1 μF VCC for surge absorber (Note 3) C6 25 V/1 μF VREG power supply stability (Note 3) C7 25 V/1000 pF VREG for surge absorber (Note 3) R2 5.1 kΩ DIAG pin pull-up resistor (Note 4) Note 1: The required bootstrap capacitance value varies according to the motor drive conditions. The capacitor is biased by VCC and must be sufficiently derated for it. Note 2: The following formula shows the detection current: IO = VR ÷ R1 (For VR = 0.5 V ) Do not exceed a detection current of 3 A when using this product. Note 3: When using this product, adjustment is required in accordance with the use environment. When mounting, place as close to the base of this product leads as possible to improve the ripple and noise elimination. Note 4: The DIAG pin is open drain. If the DIAG pin is not used, connect to the GND. Handling precautions (1) (2) Please control the input signal in the state to which the VCC voltage is steady. Both of the order of the VBB power supply and the VCC power supply are not cared about either. Note that if the power supply is switched off as described above, this product may be destroyed if the current regeneration route to the VBB power supply is blocked when the VBB line is disconnected by a relay or similar while the motor is still running. The RS pin connecting the current detection resistor is connected to a comparator in the IC and also functions as a sensor pin for detecting over current. As a result, over voltage caused by a surge voltage, for example, may destroy the circuit. Accordingly, be careful of handling the IC or of surge voltage in its application environment. 11 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Description of Protection Function (1) Over-current protection This product incorporates the over-current protection circuit to protect itself against over-current at startup or when a motor is locked. This protection function detects voltage generated in the current detection resistor connected to the RS pin. When this voltage exceeds VR (= 0.5 V typ.), the IGBT output, which is on, temporarily shuts down after a dead time, preventing any additional current from flowing to this product. The next all “L” signal releases the shutdown state. (2) Under-voltage protection This product incorporates under voltage protection circuits to prevent the IGBT from operating in unsaturated mode when the VCC voltage or the VBS voltage drops. When the VCC power supply falls to this product internal setting VCCUVD (=11 V typ.), all IGBT outputs shut down regardless of the input. This protection function has hysteresis. When the VCC power supply reaches 0.5 V higher than the shutdown voltage (VCCUVR (=11.5 V typ.)), this product is automatically restored and the IGBT is turned on again by the input. When the VBS supply voltage drops VBSUVD (=9 V typ.), the high-side IGBT output shuts down. When the VBS supply voltage reaches 0.5 V higher than the shutdown voltage (VBSUVR (=9.5 V typ.)), the IGBT is turned on again by the input signal. (3) Thermal shutdown This product incorporates a thermal shutdown circuit to protect itself against excessive rise in temperature.When the temperature of this chip rises to the internal setting TSD due to external causes or internal heat generation all IGBT outputs shut down regardless of the input. This protection function has hysteresis ΔTSD (= 50 °C typ.). When the chip temperature falls to TSD − ΔTSD, the chip is automatically restored and the IGBT is turned on again by the input. Because the chip contains just one temperature-detection location, when the chip heats up due to the IGBT, for example, the differences in distance between the detection location and the IGBT (the source of the heat) can cause differences in the time taken for shutdown to occur. Therefore, the temperature of the chip may rise higher than the initial thermal shutdown temperature. Peak winding current (A) Safe Operating Area 3 2.7 0 0 400 Power supply voltage Figure 1 VBB 450 (V) SOA at Tj = 135°C Note 1: The above safe operating areas are at Tj = 135°C (Figure 1). Note 2: The above safe operating areas include the over-current protection operation area. 12 2007-05-10 TPD4105K VCEsatL – Tj 4.0 VCC = 15 V IC = 2.7A 3.5 IC = 2.1A 3.0 2.5 IC = 1.5A 2.0 1.5 −20 IGBT saturation voltage VCEsatL (V) IGBT saturation voltage VCEsatH (V) VCEsatH – Tj 4.0 IC = 0.9A 20 60 Junction temperature 100 Tj VCC = 15 V IC = 2.1A 3.0 2.5 IC = 1.5A 2.0 1.5 −20 140 IC = 2.7A 3.5 (°C) IC = 0.9A 20 60 Junction temperature 2.4 2.0 IF = 2.7A IF = 2.1A 1.6 IF = 1.5A 1.2 0.8 −20 IF = 0.9A 20 60 Junction temperature 100 Tj IF = 2.7A 2.0 IF = 2.1A 1.6 IF = 1.5 A 1.2 (°C) IF = 0.9A 20 60 Junction temperature ICC – VCC (mA) Tj 140 (°C) −20°C 25°C 135°C −20°C Regulator voltage VREG (V) 25°C 135°C 1.5 Current dissipation ICC 100 VREG – VCC 7.4 1.0 0.5 14 (°C) 2.4 0.8 −20 140 2.0 0 12 Tj 140 VFL – Tj FRD forward voltage VFL (V) FRD forward voltage VFH (V) VFH – Tj 100 16 Control power supply voltage (V) Ireg = 30 mA 7.0 6.8 6.6 12 18 VCC 7.2 14 16 Control power supply voltage 13 18 VCC (V) 2007-05-10 TPD4105K tON – Tj tOFF – Tj 2.0 tOFF (μs) 1.5 1.0 Output-off delay time tON Output-on delay time VBB = 280 V VCC = 15 V IC = 1.5 A (μs) 2.0 VBB = 280 V VCC = 15 V IC = 1.5 A High-side Low-side 0.5 −20 20 60 Junction temperature 100 Tj High-side Low-side 1.5 1.0 0.5 −20 140 (°C) 20 Junction temperature VCCUV– Tj Tj 140 (°C) 10.5 VCCUVD Under-voltage protection operating voltage VBSUV (V) Under-voltage protection operating voltage VCCUV (V) 100 VBSUV – Tj 12.5 VCCUVR 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 −20 20 60 Junction temperature 100 Tj VBSUVD VBSUVR 10.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 −20 140 (°C) 20 VR – Tj 100 60 Junction temperature Tj 140 (°C) Dt– Tj 1.0 (μs) 6.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −20 VCC = 15 V Dt VCC = 15 V Current limiting dead time Current control operating voltage VR (V) 60 20 60 Junction temperature 100 Tj 4.0 2.0 0 −20 140 (°C) 20 60 Junction temperature 14 100 Tj 140 (°C) 2007-05-10 TPD4105K IBS (ON) – VBS IBS (OFF) – VBS 500 500 IBS (ON) Current dissipation (μA) 135°C 400 300 200 100 12 14 −20°C 16 VBS 135°C 400 300 200 100 12 18 Control power supply Voltage 25°C IBS (OFF) 25°C Current dissipation (μA) −20°C (V) 14 Control power supply Voltage Wton – Tj (μJ) Wtoff 400 IC = 2.1A 300 Turn-off loss (μJ) Wton Turn-on loss IC = 2.7A IC = 1.5A 200 18 VBS (V) Wtoff – Tj 120 600 500 16 IC = 2.7A 100 IC = 2.1A 80 IC = 1.5A 60 IC = 0.9A 40 IC = 0.9A 100 −20 20 60 Junction temperature 100 Tj 20 −20 140 20 60 Junction temperature (°C) 15 100 Tj 140 (°C) 2007-05-10 1.5A 16 23. VREG 22. GND 21. VCC 20. DIAG 19. RS 18. IS2 17. NC 16. VBB2 15. W 14. BSW 13. V 12. BSV 11. VBB1 1.5 A VM 10. U 9. BSU 8. NC 7. IS1 6. LW 5. LV 4. LU 3. HW 2. HV 1. HU 23. VREG 22. GND 21. VCC 20. DIAG 19. RS 18. IS2 17. NC 16. VBB2 15. W 14. BSW 13. V 12. BSV 11. VBB1 10. U 9. BSU 8. NC 7. IS1 6. LW 5. LV 4. LU 3. HW 2. HV 1. HU TPD4105K Test Circuits IGBT Saturation Voltage (U-phase low side) HU = 0 V HV = 0 V HW = 0 V LU = 5 V LV = 0 V LW = 0 V VCC = 15 V FRD Forward Voltage (U-phase low side) VM 2007-05-10 17 30 mA 23. VREG 22. GND 21. VCC 20. DIAG 19. RS 18. IS2 17. NC 16. VBB2 15. W 14. BSW 13. V 12. BSV 11. VBB1 10. U 9. BSU 8. NC 7. IS1 6. LW 5. LV 4. LU 3. HW 2. HV 1. HU 23. VREG 22. GND 21. VCC 20. DIAG 19. RS 18. IS2 17. NC 16. VBB2 15. W 14. BSW 13. V 12. BSV 11. VBB1 10. U 9. BSU 8. NC 7. IS1 6. LW 5. LV 4. LU 3. HW 2. HV 1. HU TPD4105K VCC Current Dissipation IM VCC = 15 V Regulator Voltage VM VCC = 15 V 2007-05-10 TPD4105K 187 Ω 23. VREG 22. GND 21. VCC 20. DIAG 19. RS 18. IS2 17. NC 16. VBB2 15. W 14. BSW 13. V 12. BSV 11. VBB1 10. U 9. BSU 8. NC 2.2 μF 7. IS1 6. LW 5. LV 4. LU 3. HW 2. HV 1. HU Output ON/OFF Delay Time (U-phase low side) HU = 0 V HV = 0 V HW = 0 V LU = PG LV = 0 V LW = 0 V VCC = 15 V U = 280 V IM 90 % LU 10 % 90 % IM 10 % tON tOFF 18 2007-05-10 TPD4105K 23. VREG 22. GND 21. VCC 20. DIAG 19. RS 18. IS2 17. NC 16. VBB2 15. W 14. BSW 13. V 12. BSV 11. VBB1 10. U 9. BSU 2 kΩ 8. NC 7. IS1 6. LW 5. LV 4. LU 3. HW 2. HV 1. HU VCC Under-voltage Protection Operating/Recovery Voltage (U-phase low side) HU = 0 V HV = 0 V HW = 0 V LU = 5 V LV = 0 V LW = 0 V VCC = 15 V → 6 V 6 V → 15 V U = 18 V VM *:Note:Sweeps the VCC pin voltage from 15 V to decrease and monitors the U pin voltage. The VCC pin voltage when output is off defines the under-voltage protection operating voltage. Also sweeps from 6 V to increase. The VCC pin voltage when output is on defines the under voltage protection recovery voltage. 23. VREG 22. GND 21. VCC 20. DIAG 19. RS 18. IS2 17. NC 16. VBB2 15. W 2 kΩ VM 14. BSW 13. V 12. BSV 11. VBB1 10. U 9. BSU 8. NC 7. IS1 6. LW 5. LV 4. LU 3. HW 2. HV 1. HU VBS Under-voltage Protection Operating/Recovery Voltage (U-phase high side) HU = 5 V HV = 0 V HW = 0 V LU = 0 V LV = 0 V LW = 0 V VCC = 15 V VBB = 18 V BSU = 15 V → 6 V 6 V → 15 V *:Note: Sweeps the BSU pin voltage from 15 V to decrease and monitors the VBB pin voltage.The BSU pin voltage when output is off defines the under voltage protection operating voltage.Also sweeps the BSU pin voltage from 6 V to increase and change the HU pin voltage at 5 V → 0 V→ 5 V each time. It repeats similarly output is on. When the BSU pin voltage when output is on defines the under voltage protection recovery voltage. 19 2007-05-10 TPD4105K 23. VREG 22. GND 21. VCC 20. DIAG 19. RS 18. IS2 17. NC 16. VBB2 15. W 14. BSW 13. V 12. BSV 11. VBB1 10. U 9. BSU 8. NC 7. IS1 6. LW 5. LV 4. LU 3. HW 2. HV 1. HU Current Control Operating Voltage (U-phase high side) HU = 5 V HV = 0 V HW = 0 V LU = 0 V LV = 0 V LW = 0 V VCC = 15 V IS/RS = 0 V → 0.6 V 15 V 2 kΩ VM VBB = 18 V *: Note:Sweeps the IS/RS pin voltage to increase and monitors the U pin voltage. The IS/RS pin voltage when output is off defines the current control operating voltage. 23. VREG 22. GND 21. VCC 20. DIAG 19. RS 18. IS2 17. NC 16. VBB2 15. W 14. BSW 13. V 12. BSV 11. VBB1 10. U 9. BSU 8. NC 7. IS1 6. LW 5. LV 4. LU 3. HW 2. HV 1. HU VBS Current Dissipation (U-phase high side) HU = 0 V/ 5 V HV = 0 V HW = 0 V LU = 0 V LV = 0 V LW = 0 V IM 20 VCC = 15 V BSU = 15 V 2007-05-10 TPD4105K VM L 23. VREG 22. GND 21. VCC 20. DIAG 19. RS 18. IS2 17. NC 16. VBB2 15. W 14. BSW 13. V 12. BSV 11. VBB1 10. U 9. BSU 8. NC 2.2 μF 7. IS1 6. LW 5. LV 4. LU 3. HW 2. HV 1. HU Turn-On/Off Loss (low side IGBT + high side FRD) HU = 0 V HV = 0 V HW = 0 V LU= PG LV = 0 V LW = 0 V VCC = 15 V VBB/U = 280 V IM 5 mH Input (LU) IGBT (C-E voltage) (U-GND) Power supply current Wtoff Wton 21 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Package Dimensions Weight: 6.1 g (typ.) 22 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Package Dimensions Weight: 6.1 g (typ.) 23 2007-05-10 TPD4105K Package Dimensions Weight: 6.1 g (typ.) 24 2007-05-10 TPD4105K RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE 20070701-EN • The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. • TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property. In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc. • The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.).These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in his document shall be made at the customer’s own risk. • The products described in this document shall not be used or embedded to any downstream products of which manufacture, use and/or sale are prohibited under any applicable laws and regulations. • Please contact your sales representative for product-by-product details in this document regarding RoHS compatibility. Please use these products in this document in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances. Toshiba assumes no liability for damage or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations. 25 2007-05-10