RBO08-40G/M/T REVERSEDBATTERYAND Application Specific Discretes A.S.D.TM OVERVOLTAGEPROTECTIONCIRCUIT (RBO) FEATURES 8A DIODE TO GUARD AGAINST BATTERY REVERSAL. NEGATIVE OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION BY CLAMPING. COMPLIANT WITH ISO/DTR 7637 STANDARD FOR PULSES 1, 2, 3a and 3b. SUITABLE FOR AUTOPROTECTED ALTERNATOR ENVIRONMENT. BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE : 24 V min. CLAMPING VOLTAGE : ± 40 V max. MONOLITHIC STRUCTURE FOR GREATER RELIABILITY. D2PAK RBO08-40G DESCRIPTION PowerSO-10TM RBO08-40M Designed to protect against battery reversal and overvoltages in automotiveapplications, this monolithic component offers multiple functions in the same package : D1 : reversed battery protection T1 : clamping against negative overvoltages T2 : Transil function for overvoltage protection. TO220AB RBO08-40T FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM 3 1 2 January 1998 - Ed : 2 1/14 RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Value Unit Non repetitive surge peak forward current (Diode D1) tp = 10 ms 80 A DC forward current (Diode D1) Tc = 75°C 8 A PPP Peak pulse power between Input and Output (Transil T1) see note 1 Tj initial = 25°C 10/1000 µs 600 W PPP Peak pulse power between Pins 3 and 2 (10/1000µs) 1500 W T stg Tj Storage temperature range Maximum junction temperature - 40 to + 150 150 °C 260 °C Value Unit 2.4 2.4 2.4 °C/W IFSM IF TL Maximum lead temperature for soldering during 10 s at 4.5mm from case for TO220AB Note 1 : for a surge greater than the maximum value, the device will fail in short-circuit.. TM : PowerSO-10, TRANSIL and ASD are trademarks of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. THERMAL RESISTANCE Symbol Rth (j-c) Parameter Junction to case RBO08-40M RBO08-40G RBO08-40T D1 I32 1 3 I13 Ipp32 IF T1 2 T2 IR 32 IR M 32 VC L 31 VB R31 VR M 31 VF 13 IR M 31 IR 31 V13 VR M 32 VB R 32 VC L 32 V32 3 1 Ipp31 2 2/14 RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T Symbol VRM31/VRM32 VBR31/VBR32 Parameter Stand-off voltage Transil T1 / Transil T2. Breakdown voltage Transil T1 / Transil T2. IR31 /IR32 Leakage current Transil T1 / Transil T2. VCL31 /VCL32 VF13 Clamping voltage Transil T1 / Transil T2. Forward voltage drop Diode D1. Peak pulse current. IPP αT C31 /C32 Temperature coefficient of VBR. Capacitance Transil T1 / Transil T2. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS : DIODE D1 (- 40°C < Tamb < + 85°C) Symbol VF 13 VF 13 Value Test Conditions IF = 8 A Min. Typ. Unit 1.5 V RBO08-40M/G 1.7 1.45 1.3 V V V RBO08-40T 1.35 V IF = 1 A IF = 1 A @ Tamb = 25°C 1.2 1.1 1.0 V V V IF = 1 A @ Tj = 85°C 0.9 V RBO08-40M/G RBO08-40T IF = 8 A @ Tamb = 25°C IF = 4 A IF = 4 A @ Tamb = 25°C VF 13 Max. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS : TRANSIL T1 (- 40°C < T amb < + 85°C) Symbol Value Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit VBR 31 IR = 1 mA 22 35 V VBR 31 IRM 31 IR = 1 mA, Tamb = 25°C VRM = 20 V VRM = 20 V, Tamb = 25°C 24 32 50 V µA 10 µA 40 9 V 10 /°C pF IRM 31 VCL 31 αT C 31 IPP = 15A, Tjinitial = 25°C 10/1000µs Temperature coefficient of VBR F = 1MHz VR = 0 V 1000 -4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS : TRANSIL T2 (- 40°C < Tamb < + 85°C) Symbol Value Min. Test Conditions Typ. Max. Unit VBR 32 IR = 1 mA 22 35 VBR 32 IR = 1 mA, Tamb = 25°C 24 32 V IRM 32 IRM 32 VRM = 20 V VRM = 20 V, Tamb = 25°C IPP = 37.5 A 50 10 µA µA VCL 32 αT C32 10/1000µs Temperature coefficient of VBR F = 1MHz VR = 0 V 2000 V 40 V 8.5 -4 10 /°C pF 3/14 RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3 1 The RBO has 3 functionsintegrated on the same chip. D1 : “Diode function” in order to protect against reversed battery operation. T2 : “Transil function” in order to protect against positive surge generated by electric systems (ignition, relay. ...). T1 : Protection againt negative surges such as inductive overvoltages (see motor application below). 2 BASIC APPLICATION * The monolithic multi-function protection (RBO) has been developed to protect sensitive semicond uctors in car electronic modules against both overvoltage and battery reverse. * In addition, the RBO circuit prevents overvoltages generated by the module from affecting the car supply network. MOTOR DRIVER APPLICATION BATTERY Filter D1 T2 MOTOR T1 RBO DEVICE MOTOR CONTROL In this application, one half of the motor drive circuit is supplied through the “RBO” and is thus protected as per its basic function application. The second part is connected directly to the “car supply network” and is protected as follows : - For positive surges : T2 (clamping phase) and D1 in forward-biased. - For negative surges : T1 (clamping phase) and T2 in forward-biased. 4/14 RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T PINOUT configuration in D2PAK : - Input (1) : Pin 1 - Output (3) : Pin 3 - Gnd (2) : Connected to base Tab Marking D1 T2 T1 : Logo, date code, RBO08-40G TAB PINOUT configuration in PowerSO-10 : - Input (1) : Pin 3 - Output (3) : Pin 7 and 9 - Gnd (2) : Connected to base Tab Pin 1 (NC) Pin 10 (NC) Pin 2 (NC) Input (1) Marking : Logo, date code, RBO08-40M Pin 9 (Ouput 3) D1 Output (3) Pin 3 (Input 1) Pin 8 (NC) T2 Pin 4 (NC) Pin 5 (NC) T1 Pin 7 (Ouput 3) Gnd (2) Tab Pin 6 (NC) TOP VIEW PINOUT configuration in TO220AB : - Input (1) : Pin 1 - Output (3) : Pin 3 - GND (2) : Connected to base Tab D1 T2 Marking T1 : Logo, date code, RBO08-40T (TAB) 5/14 RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T Fig. 1 : Peak pulse power versus exponential pulse duration (Tj initial = 85°C). Fig. 2-1 : Clamping voltage versus peak pulse current (Tj initial = 85°C). Exponential waveform tp = 40 ms and tp = 1 ms (TRANSIL T2). Pp p (kW) 10.0 VCL (V) 45 5.0 40 2.0 tp = 40ms 1.0 35 Transil T2 tp = 1ms 0.5 30 Diode D1 0.2 0.1 Ipp(A) tp(ms) 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 Fig. 2-2 : Clamping voltage versus peak pulse current (Tj initial = 85°C). Exponential waveform tp = 1 ms and tp = 20 µs (TRANSIL T1). 25 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 50.0 Fig. 3 : Relative variation of peak pulse power versus junction temperature. VCL (V) 50 1.20 45 1.00 40 0.80 Ppp[Tj]/Ppp[Tj initial=85°C] 0.60 tp = 1ms 35 tp = 20 µs 0.40 30 Ipp(A) 25 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.20 5.0 10.0 20.0 50.0 100.0 6/14 Tj initial (°C) 0.00 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T Fig. 4 : Relative variation of thermal impedance junction to case versus pulse duration. Zth(j-c)/Rth(j-c) 1.0 0.5 0.2 tp (s) 0.1 1E-3 1E-2 1E-1 1E+0 1E+1 Fig. 5-2 : Peak forward voltage drop versus peak forward current (typical values) - (DIODE D1). 1.6 Fig. 5-1 : Peak forward voltage drop versus peak forward current (typical values) - (TRANSIL T2). VFM(V ) 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.1 Tj=25°C Tj=150°C IFM (A) 1.0 10.0 20.0 Fig. 6 : Relative variation of leakage current versus junction temperature. VFM(V) 1.4 1.2 1.0 Tj=25°C 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.1 Tj=150°C IFM (A) 1.0 10.0 20.0 ORDERING INFORMATION RBO 08 - 40 M Package : M = PowerSO-10 G = D2PAK T = TO220AB Reversed Battery & Overvoltage protection IF(AV) = 8 A VCL = 40V 7/14 RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA D2PAK Plastic DIMENSIONS REF. A E C2 L2 D L A A1 A2 B Millimeters Inches Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. 4.30 2.49 0.03 0.70 B2 L3 A1 B2 R C B G A2 2.0 MIN. FLAT ZONE V2 2 FOOT-PRINT D PAK 16.90 10.30 5.08 1.30 3.70 8.90 8/14 4.60 2.69 0.23 0.93 0.169 0.098 0.001 0.027 1.40 0.181 0.106 0.009 0.037 0.055 C C2 D E 0.45 1.21 8.95 10.00 0.60 1.36 9.35 10.28 0.017 0.047 0.352 0.393 0.024 0.054 0.368 0.405 G 4.88 5.28 0.192 0.208 L L2 L3 15.00 1.27 1.40 15.85 0.590 1.40 0.050 1.75 0.055 0.624 0.055 0.069 R V2 0.40 0° 0.016 8° 0° 8° RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T SOLDERING RECOMMENDATION The soldering process causes considerable thermal stress to a semiconductor component. This has to be minimized to assure a reliable and extended lifetime of the device. The PowerSO-10 package can be exposed to a maximum temperature of 260°C for 10 seconds. However a proper soldering of the package could be done at 215°C for 3 seconds. Any solder temperature profile should be within these limits. As reflow techniques are most common in surface mounting, typical heating profiles are given in Figure 1,either for mounting on FR4 or on metal-backed boards. For each particular board, the appropriate heat profile has to be adjusted experimentally. The present proposal is just a starting point. In any case, the following precautions have to be considered : - always preheat the device - peak temperatureshould be at least 30 °C higher than the melting point of the solder alloy chosen - thermal capacity of the base substrate Voids pose a difficult reliability problem for large surface mount devices. Such voids under the package result in poor thermal contact and the high thermal resistance leads to component failures. The PowerSO-10 is designed from scratch to be solely a surface mount package, hence symmetry in the x- and y-axis gives the package excellent weight balance. Moreover, the PowerSO-10offers the uniquepossibility to control easily the flatness and quality of the soldering process. Both the top and the bottom soldered edges of the package are accessible for visual inspection (soldering meniscus). Coplanarity between the substrate and the package can be easily verified. The quality of the solder joints is very important for two reasons : (I) poor quality solder joints result directly in poor reliability and (II) solder thickness affects the thermal resistance significantly. Thus a tight control of this parameter results in thermally efficient and reliable solder joints. Fig. 1 : Typical reflow soldering heat profile Temperature (o C) 250 245 oC 215oC 200 Soldering Epoxy FR4 board 150 Preheating Cooling 100 Metal-backed board 50 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 Time (s) 9/14 RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T SUBSTRATES AND MOUNTING INFORMATION The use of epoxy FR4 boards is quite common for surface mounting techniques, however, their poor thermal conduction compromises the otherwise outstanding thermal performance of the PowerSO-10. Some methods to overcome this limitation are discussed below. One possibility to improve the thermal conduction is the use of large heat spreader areas at the copper layer of the PC board. This leads to a reduction of thermal resistance to 35 °C for 6 cm2 of the board heatsink (see fig. 2). Use of copper-filled through holes on conventional FR4 techniques will increase the metallization and decrease thermal resistance accordingly. Using a configurationwith 16 holes under the spreader of the package with a pitch of 1.8 mm and a diameter of 0.7 mm, the thermal resistance (junction heatsink) can be reduced to 12°C/W (see fig. 3). Beside the thermal advantage, this solution allows multi-layer boards to be used. However, a drawback of this traditional material prevents its use in very high power, high current circuits. For instance, it is not advisable to surface mount devices with currents greater than 10 A on FR4 boards. A Power Mosfet or Schottky diode in a surface mount power package can handle up to around 50 A if better substrates are used. Fig. 2 : Mounting on epoxy FR4 head dissipation by extending the area of the copper layer Copper foil FR4 board Fig. 3 : Mounting on epoxy FR4 by using copper-filled through holes for heat transfer Copper foil FR4 board heatsink 10/14 heat transfer RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T A new technology available today is IMS - an Insulated Metallic Substrate. This offers greatly enhanced thermal characteristics for surface mount components. IMS is a substrate consisting of three different layers, (I) the base material which is available as an aluminium or a copper plate, (II) a thermal conductive dielectrical layer and (III) a copper foil, which can be etched as a circuit layer. Using this material a thermal resistance of 8°C/W 2 with 40 cm of board floating in air is achievable (see fig. 4). If even higher power is to be dissipated an external heatsink could be applied which leads to an Rth (j-a) of 3.5°C/W (see Fig. 5), assuming that Rth (heatsink-air) is equal to Rth (junction-heatsink). This is commonly applied in practice, leading to reasonable heatsink dimensions. Often power devices are defined by considering the maximum junction temperature of the device. In practice , however, this is far from being exploited. A summary of various power management capabilities is made in table 1 based on a reasonable delta T of 70°C junction to air. The PowerSO-10 concept also represents an attractive alternative to C.O.B. techniques. PowerSO-10 offers devices fully tested at low and high temperature. Mounting is simple - only conventional SMT is required - enabling the users to get rid of bond wire problems and the problem to control the high temperature soft soldering as well. An optimized thermal management is guaranteed through PowerSO-10 as the power chips must in any case be mounted on heat spreaders before being mounted onto the substrate. Fig. 4 : Mounting on metal backed board Fig. 5 : Mounting on metal backed board with an external heatsink applied Copper foil FR4 board Copper foil Insulation Aluminium Aluminium heatsink TABLE 1 PowerSo-10 package mounted on Rth (j-a) P Diss 1.FR4 using the recommended pad-layout 50 °C/W 1.5 W 2.FR4 with heatsink on board (6cm2) 35 °C/W 2.0 W 3.FR4 with copper-filled through holes and external heatsink applied 12 °C/W 5.8 W 4. IMS floating in air (40 cm2) 8 °C/W 8.8 W 3.5 °C/W 20 W 5. IMS with external heatsink applied 11/14 RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA B 0.10A B 10 H 6 E3 E1 E2 E 1 5 SEATING PLANE e B A DETAIL ”A” C 0.25 M Q D D1 h A F SEATING PLANE A1 A1 L DETAIL ”A” a E4 REF. DIMENSIONS Millimeters Inches Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. DIMENSIONS REF. Max. A 3.35 3.65 0.131 0.143 A1 B C D 0.00 0.40 0.35 9.40 0.10 0.00 0.60 0.0157 0.55 0.0137 9.60 0.370 0.0039 0.0236 0.0217 0.378 D1 E 7.40 9.30 7.60 0.291 9.50 0.366 0.299 0.374 E1 E2 7.20 7.20 7.40 0.283 7.60 0.283 0.291 0.299 12/14 Millimeters Min. Typ. Max. Inches Min. Typ. 6.35 0.240 6.10 0.232 Max. E3 E4 e 6.10 5.90 F 1.25 1.35 0.0492 0.0531 H h L Q 13.80 14.40 0.543 0.567 a 0° 1.27 0.05 0.50 1.20 0.250 0.240 0.019 1.80 0.0472 1.70 0.0708 0.067 8° 0° 8° RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T FOOT PRINT MOUNTING PAD LAYOUT RECOMMENDED HEADER SHAPE Dimensions in millimeters Dimensions in millimeters SHIPPING TUBE DIMENSIONS (mm) C TYP B A A B C Length tube 18 12 0,8 532 Quantity per tube 50 Surface mount film taping : contact sales office 13/14 RBO08-40G / RBO08-40M / RBO08-40T PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA TO220AB Plastic REF. A DIMENSIONS Millimeters Inches Min. Max. Min. Max. 14.23 a1 15.87 0.560 4.50 0.625 0.177 a2 B b1 b2 12.70 10.20 0.64 1.15 14.70 10.45 0.96 1.39 0.500 0.402 0.025 0.045 0.579 0.411 0.038 0.055 C 4.48 4.82 0.176 0.190 c1 c2 e 0.35 2.10 2.29 0.65 2.70 2.79 0.020 0.083 0.090 0.026 0.106 0.110 F I 5.85 3.55 6.85 4.00 0.230 0.140 0.270 0.157 L l2 l3 2.54 1.45 0.80 3.00 1.75 1.20 0.100 0.057 0.031 0.118 0.069 0.047 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. 1997 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - Printed in Italy - All rights reserved. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - France - Germany - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco The Netherlands - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 14/14