ILX734K 10500 × 3 pixel CCD Linear Sensor (Color) Description The ILX734K is a reduction type CCD linear sensor developed for color image scanner, and has shutter function per each color. This sensor reads A4-size documents at a density of 1200DPI. GND 12 9 φ1 11 12 Driver Driver Driver Driver S10500 Read Out Gate φ1 GND φRS GND 7 6 Shutter Gate Red S10500 Read Out Gate Shutter Gate Green S10500 Read Out Gate Blue φROG-R GND 8 φSHUT-R 10 φSHUT-G 15 φSHUT-B Driver Driver φROG-B φROG-G 14 13 Shutter Gate 18 5 21 φ2 φLH VOUT-B 22 10500 14 φROG-B 10500 φROG-R 11 10500 15 φSHUT-B VDD B G R D14 φSHUT-G 10 4 16 φ2 3 9 CCD Register φ1 VOUT-R 2 17 VDD Shutter Drain 8 CCD Register φSHUT-R VOUT-G 23 18 φ2 Shutter Drain 7 CCD Register φ1 17 AAAAAA AA A AAAAAAAA A A AA AAAAAA AA A AA A 19 NC 16 φ2 VDD GND 6 Shutter Drain 1 1 1 20 NC D15 5 D14 D15 φLH D14 D15 21 VDD S1 4 D63 φRS S1 22 VOUT-B D63 GND 3 23 VOUT-G S1 2 D63 VOUT-R 24 NC D64 1 D64 NC D64 Pin Configuration (Top View) D83 V °C °C D83 Absolute Maximum Ratings • Supply voltage VDD 15 • Operating temperature –10 to +55 • Storage temperature –30 to +80 Block Diagram D83 Features • Number of effective pixels: 31500 pixels (10500 pixels × 3) • Pixel size: 8µm × 8µm (8µm pitch) • Distance between line: 64µm (8 Lines) • Single-sided readout • Shutter funciton • Ultra low lag/High sensitivity • Single 12V power supply • Input Clock Pulse: CMOS 5V drive • Number of output 3 (R, G, B) • Package: 24 pin DIP (400 mil) 24 pin DIP 13 φROG-G Sony reserves the right to change products and specifications without prior notice. This information does not convey any license by any implication or otherwise under any patents or other right. Application circuits shown, if any, are typical examples illustrating the operation of the devices. Sony cannot assume responsibility for any problems arising out of the use of these circuits. –1– E97407A76 ILX734K Pin Description Pin No. Symbol Description Pin No. Symbol Description 1 NC NC 13 φROG-G Clock pulse input 2 VOUT-R Signal out (red) 14 φROG-B Clock pulse input 3 GND GND 15 φSHUT-B Clock pulse input 4 φRS Clock pulse input 16 φ2 Clock pulse input 5 φLH Clock pulse input 17 VDD 12V power supply 6 GND GND 18 φ2 Clock pulse input 7 φ1 Clock pulse input 19 NC NC 8 φSHUT-R Clock pulse input 20 NC NC 9 φ1 Clock pulse input 21 VDD 12V power supply 10 φSHUT-G Clock pulse input 22 VOUT-B Signal out (blue) 11 φROG-R Clock pulse input 23 VOUT-G Signal out (green) 12 GND GND 24 NC NC Recommended Supply Voltage Item Min. Typ. Max. Unit VDD 11.4 12 12.6 V Clock Characteristics Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Input capacity of φ1, φ2 Cφ1, Cφ2 — 1600 — pF Input capacity of φLH CφLH — 10 — pF Input capacity of φRS CφRS — 10 — pF CφROG — 10 — pF CφSHUT — 10 — pF Input capacity of φROG∗1 Input capacity of φSHUT∗1 ∗1 It indicates that φROG-R, φROG-G, φROG-B as φROG, φSHUT-R, φSHUT-G, φSHUT-B as φSHUT. Clock Frequency Item Symbol φ1, φ2, φLH, φRS Min. Typ. Max. Unit — 1 3 MHz Min. Typ. Max. Unit High level 4.75 5.0 5.25 V Low level — 0 0.1 V fφ1, fφ2, fφLH, fφRS Input Clock Pulse Voltage Condition Item φ1, φ2, φLH, φRS, φROG, φSHUT pulse voltage –2– ILX734K Electrooptical Characteristics (Note 1) Ta = 25°C, VDD = 12V, fφRS = 1MHz, Input clock = 5Vp-p, Light source = 3200K, IR cut filter CM-500S (t = 1.0mm) Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remarks V/(lx · s) Note 2 Red RR 1.3 2.0 2.7 Green RG 2.1 3.2 4.3 Blue RB 1.6 2.5 3.4 Sensitivity nonuniformity PRNU — 6 20 % Note 3 Saturation output voltage VSAT 2 3.2 — V Note 4 Red SER 0.74 1.6 — Green SEG 0.46 1 — lx · s Note 5 Blue SEB 0.58 1.28 — Dark voltage average VDRK — 0.3 2.2 mV Note 6 Dark signal nonuniformity DSNU — 1.5 5.5 mV Note 6 Image lag IL — 0.02 — % Note 7 Supply current IVDD — 26 50 mA — Total transfer efficiency TTE 92 95 — % — Output impedance ZO — 250 — Ω — Offset level VOS — 6.5 — V Note 8 Dynamic range DR 1000 10670 — — Note 9 Sensitivity Saturation exposure Note 1) In accordance with the given electrooptical characteristics, the black level is defined as the average value of D2, D3 to D12. 2) For the sensitivity test light is applied with a uniform intensity of illumination. 3) PRNU is defined as indicated below. Ray incidence conditions are the same as for Note 2. VOUT-G = 500mV (Typ.) PRNU = (VMAX – VMIN) /2 VAVE × 100 [%] Where the 10500 pixels are divided into blocks of 100. The maximum output of each block is set to VMAX, the minimum output to VMIN and the average output to VAVE. 4) Use below the minimum value of the saturation output voltage. 5) Saturation exposure is defined as follows. SE = VSAT R Where R indicates RR, RG, RB, and SE indicates SER, SEG, SEB. 6) Optical signal accumulated time τ int stands at 11ms. VOUT 7) VOUT-G = 500mV (Typ.) 8) Vos is defined as indicated bellow. VOUT indicates VOUT-R, VOUT-G, and VOUT-B. AA AA AAAA VOS 9) Dynamic range is defined as follows. DR = VSAT VDRK GND When the optical signal accumulated time is shorter, the dynamic range gets wider because the optical signal accumulated time is in proportion to the dark voltage. –3– VOUT φRS φ2 φ1 φLH φROG 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 –4– D61 D15 D14 AAAAAAAA A D13 4 Dummy signal (63 pixels) D64 S10500 S1 D63 1-line output period (10583 pixels) Optical black (49 pixels) D62 D3 D2 3 D1 2 1 Note) The transfer pulses (φ1, φ2, φLH) must have more than 10583 cycles. VOUT indicates VOUT-R, VOUT-G, VOUT-B. Clock Timing Chart 1 ILX734K D83 10583 D79 D78 D73 D72 D71 ILX734K Clock Timing Chart 2 t4 t5 φROG t2 t6 t7 φ1 t1 t3 φ2 Clock Timing Chart 3 t7 t6 φ1 φLH φ2 t10 t11 t9 φRS t8 t13 VOUT AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA t12 –5– AAA AAA AAA –6– φSHUT-B φSHUT-G φSHUT-R φRS φ2 φ1 φLH φROG 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 10583 4 3 2 Note) Shutter pulse must not be low level during from 2 to 10583 of φ1. 1 Clock Timing Chart 4 (Shutter Operation) Integration Time of Blue Integration Time of Green Integration Time of Red ILX734K ILX734K Clock Pulse Recommended Timing Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit φROG, φ1 pulse timing t1 50 100 — ns φROG pulse high level period t2 1200 3000 — ns φROG, φ1 pulse timing t3 1200 3000 — ns φROG pulse rise time t4 0 5 10 ns φROG pulse fall time t5 0 5 10 ns φ1 pulse rise time/φ2 pulse fall time t6 0 20 60 ns φ1 pulse fall time/φ2 pulse rise time t7 0 20 60 ns φRS pulse high level period t8 45 — ns φRS, φLH pulse timing t9 45 250∗1 250∗1 — ns φRS pulse rise time t10 0 10 30 ns φRS pulse fall time t11 0 10 30 ns t12 — 10 — ns t13 — 10 — ns Signal output delay time ∗1 These timing data are the recommended conditions under fφRS = 1MHz. –7– –8– 47µF/16V Tr1 100Ω VOUT-R 5.1kΩ 2 NC 1 Tr1 3 100Ω φRS 4 100Ω φLH 7 6 5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 100Ω Tr1 VOUT-B 24 100Ω VOUT-R φSHUT-R 8 2Ω 13 14 15 16 2Ω φROG-G φROG-B φSHUT-B φ2 φ1 9 φSHUT-G 10 φROG-R 11 IC1 12 IC1: 74AC04 Tr1: 2SC2785 IC1 Application circuits shown are typical examples illustrating the operation of the devices. Sony cannot assume responsibility for any problems arising out of the use of these circuits or for any infringement of third party patent and other right due to same. ∗ Data rate fφRS = 1MHz. In the case of fφRS = 3MHz, 3 pieces of 74AC04 are recommended to use for φ1 and φ2 driver. 0.1µF 12V VOUT-G NC 5.1kΩ VOUT-G 5.1kΩ VOUT-B GND VDD φRS NC φLH NC GND φ2 φ1 VDD φSHUT-R φ2 φ1 φSHUT-B φSHUT-G φROG-B φROG-R φROG-G GND Application Circuit∗ ILX734K ILX734K Example of Representative Characteristics (VDD = 12V, Ta = 25°C) Spectral sensitivity characteristics (Standard characteristics) 1 Relative sensitivity 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelength [nm] Dark signal output temperature characteristics (Standard characteristics) Integration time output voltage characteristics (Standard characteristics) 10 Output voltage rate Output voltage rate 5 1 0.5 0.1 1 0.5 0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 5 10 Ta – Ambient temperature [°C] τ int – Integration time [ms] Offset level vs. VDD characteristics (Standard characteristics) Offset level vs. temperature characteristics (Standard characteristics) 12 12 Ta = 25°C 10 VOS – Offset level [V] VOS – Offset level [V] 10 8 6 ∆VOS ∆VDD 4 0.3 2 0 11.4 8 6 ∆VOS ∆Ta 4 –0.5mV/°C 2 0 12 12.6 0 VDD [V] 10 20 30 40 50 Ta – Ambient temperature [°C] –9– 60 ILX734K Notes of Handling 1) Static charge prevention CCD image sensors are easily damaged by static discharge. Before handling be sure to take the following protective measures. a) Either handle bare handed or use non chargeable gloves, clothes or material. Also use conductive shoes. b) When handling directly use an earth band. c) Install a conductive mat on the floor or working table to prevent the generation of static electricity. d) Ionized air is recommended for discharge when handling CCD image sensor. e) For the shipment of mounted substrates, use boxes treated for prevention of static charges. 2) Soldering a) Make sure the package temperature does not exceed 80°C. b) Solder dipping in a mounting furnace causes damage to the glass and other defects. Use a grounded 30W soldering iron and solder each pin in less then 2 seconds. For repairs and remount, cool sufficiently. c) To dismount an imaging device, do not use a solder suction equipment. When using an electric desoldering tool, ground the controller. For the control system, use a zero cross type. 3) Dust and dirt protection a) Operate in clean environments. b) Do not either touch glass plates by hand or have any object come in contact with glass surfaces. Should dirt stick to a glass surface, blow it off with an air blower. (For dirt stuck through static electricity ionized air is recommended.) c) Clean with a cotton bud and ethyl alcohol if the glass surface is grease stained. Be careful not to scratch the glass. d) Keep in a case to protect from dust and dirt. To prevent dew condensation, preheat or precool when moving to a room with great temperature differences. 4) Exposure to high temperatures or humidity will affect the characteristics. Accordingly avoid storage or usage in such conditions. 6) CCD image sensors are precise optical equipment that should not be subject to mechanical shocks. – 10 – 5.0 ± 0.5 – 11 – V H 15.0 ± 0.8 Ceramic GOLD PLATING 42 ALLOY 8.4g LEAD TREATMENT LEAD MATERIAL PACKAGE WEIGHT 1st. pin Index No.1 Pixel (Green) PACKAGE MATERIAL PACKAGE STRUCTURE 4.0 ± 0.5 1 24 2.54 110.0 0.46 (AT STAND OFF) 10.16 0.97 2. The thickness of the cover glass is 0.8mm, and the refractive index is 1.5. 1. The height from the bottom to the sensor surface is 1.42mm ±0.4. 12 13 84.0 (8µm × 10500Pixels) 113.0 ± 1.0 8.8 10.0 ± 0.5 2.29 Package Outline 3.1 ± 0.5 24pin DIP (400mil) ILX734K Unit: mm 0 ° to 9 ° 0.25