Eudyna GaN-HEMT 10W Preliminary EMC21L1004GN High Voltage - High Power GaN-HEMT Power Amplifier Module FEATURES ・High Voltage Operation : VDS=50V ・High Gain: 28.5dB(typ.) at Pout=22dBm(Avg.) ・Broad Frequency Range : 2110 to 2170MHz ・Proven Reliability ・Small and Low Cost Metal Base Package DESCRIPTION The EMC21L1004GN is a high-gain and wide-band 2-stage HIC amplifier module with 50V operation. This module is targeted for high voltage, low current operation in digitally modulated base station. This product is ideally suited not only for WCDMA base station amplifiers but also other HPA while offering ease for use. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (Case Temperature Tc=25oC) Rating Item Symbol DC Input Voltage (Drain) DC Input Voltage (Gate) Input Power Storage Temperature Operating Case Temperature Vdd1,2 Vgg1,2 P in Tstg T op y r Unit 0 to +52 -7 to 0 +20 -40 to +100 -20 to +85 m i l e a in V V dBm oC oC RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITION (Case Temperature Tc= 25oC) Condition Item Symbol DC Input Voltage (Drain) DC Input Voltage (Gate) Input Power r P Unit 50 -3 <10 Vdd1,2 Vgg1,2 P in V V dBm o ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Case Temperature Tc= 25 C) Item Symbol Condition Frequency f - Linear Gain GL Gain Deviation d-Ga Input VSWR VSWRi DC Input Current Idd(DC) DC Input Current Igg(DC) 3rd Order Intermodulation Distortion Ratio IM3 DC Input Current Idd Vdd1,2=50V Vgg1,2=-3.0V Pin=-10dBm Vdd1,2=50V Vgg1,2=-3.0V Without RF Vdd1,2=50V Vgg1,2=-3.0V Pout=22dBm(Avg.) (Note 1) Limit Min. Typ. Max. 2.11 - 2.17 GHz 26.0 28.5 31.0 dB - 0.2 0.5 dBp_p - 1.5:1 2.5:1 - - 210 250 mA - 6.0 15.0 mA - -47.0 -45.0 dBc - 200 250 mA Note 1 : IM3 and Idd test condition as follows: IM3&Idd : f0=2.135GHz, f1=2.145GHz W-CDMA(3GPP3.4 12-00) BS-1 64ch 67% clipping modulation(Peak/Avg.=8.5dB@0.01% probability(CCDF)) measured over 3.84MHz at f0-10MHz and f1+10MHz. Note 2 : The RF parameters are measured with test fixture. Edition 1.0 June 2005 1 Unit EMC21L1004GN Output Power [dBm] Output Power and Drain Efficiency vs. Input Power Vdd1,2=50V Vgg1,2=-3.0V 42 60 2.11GHz 40 2.14GHz 38 50 2.17GHz 36 Output Power 34 32 40 30 y r 30 28 26 a in Drain Effi. 24 22 20 18 e r P -6 -4 -2 il m 0 2 4 6 8 Drain Efficiency [%] High Voltage - High Power GaN-HEMT Power Amplifier Module 20 10 0 10 12 14 16 18 Input Power [dBm] 2-tone IMD vs. Output Power Vdd1,2=50V Vgg1,2=-3.0V f1=2.135GHz f2=2.145GHz(10MHz Spacing) -20 -25 IM3 -30 IM5 -35 IM7 IMD [dBc] -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 -75 -80 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Output Power(average) [dBm] 2 EMC21L1004GN High Voltage - High Power GaN-HEMT Power Amplifier Module 2-Carrier IMD vs. Output Power Vdd1,2=50V Vgg1,2=-3.0V f1=2.135GHz, f2=2.145GHz(10MHz Spacing) Peak/Avg. = 8.5dB@0.01% Probability(CCDF) -25 -30 -35 IMD [dBc] -40 IM3 -45 -50 -55 a in IM5 -60 -65 -70 16 m i l e 18 r P 20 22 24 IM7 26 28 30 y r 32 Output Power [dBm] Power Gain and Drain Current vs. Output Power Vdd1,2=50V Vgg1,2=-3.0V f1=2.135GHz, f2=2.145GHz(10MHz Spacing) Peak/Avg. = 8.5dB@0.01% Probability(CCDF) 30 500 Power Gain [dB] 26 450 Power Gain 400 24 350 22 300 20 250 18 200 Drain Current 16 150 14 100 12 50 10 0 16 18 20 22 24 26 Output Power [dBm] 3 28 30 32 Drain Current [mA] 28 EMC21L1004GN High Voltage - High Power GaN-HEMT Power Amplifier Module S-Parameters @ Vdd1,2=50V Vgg1,2=-3.0V f=1 to 3 GHz Zl = Zs = 50 ohm +50j +25j +100j 10 25Ω +10j 2.0GHz 50Ω 0 ∞ 2.2 2.1 +250j 2.1 2.0GHz 2.2 -250j -10j -25j -100j -50j r P 2.2 ±180° 40 Scale for |S21| 2.0GHz 2.1 S11 MAG 0.963 0.953 0.946 0.933 0.914 0.883 0.824 0.729 0.563 0.290 0.046 0.038 0.024 0.010 0.010 0.025 0.041 0.057 0.074 0.093 0.112 0.131 0.362 0.414 0.439 0.468 0.489 0.500 0.504 0.499 m i l e S11 S22 +90° Freq [GHz] 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 0° 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 S12 0.4 Scale for |S 12| -90° S21 4 ANG 103.7 78.4 53.2 27.6 1.3 -26.3 -56.0 -89.1 -127.9 -177.7 -106.5 -145.5 -143.0 -124.3 -18.9 -3.6 -3.4 -6.3 -9.3 -12.4 -15.8 -19.5 -59.2 -102.3 -125.5 -147.0 -168.4 171.8 151.8 131.8 S21 MAG ANG 0.033 129.4 0.053 96.8 0.090 63.2 0.155 27.7 0.288 -8.7 0.565 -48.4 1.168 -92.2 2.532 -141.8 5.853 159.3 14.167 85.0 27.271 -17.5 27.369 -116.7 27.163 -125.3 26.993 -133.5 26.902 -141.7 26.841 -149.8 26.914 -157.7 26.994 -165.6 27.225 -173.5 27.514 178.3 27.867 170.1 28.300 161.8 34.159 54.8 12.482 -60.2 4.131 -120.6 1.738 -165.4 0.808 157.7 0.418 126.7 0.229 100.4 0.143 75.1 a in y r S12 MAG ANG 0.001 -56.2 0.001 -65.9 0.001 -98.3 0.000 -115.3 0.000 -81.2 0.000 8.0 0.001 -30.9 0.001 -61.0 0.000 -28.0 0.001 -4.2 0.005 -70.1 0.004 -129.5 0.004 -130.8 0.004 -137.8 0.004 -141.4 0.004 -145.2 0.004 -145.2 0.004 -151.3 0.004 -150.0 0.004 -157.3 0.004 -162.1 0.004 -166.5 0.004 149.0 0.002 89.7 0.001 110.4 0.001 151.9 0.001 152.9 0.001 123.9 0.001 129.5 0.001 269.6 S22 MAG ANG 0.919 -1.1 0.912 -21.8 0.899 -43.7 0.879 -66.7 0.854 -91.7 0.825 -118.8 0.787 -148.8 0.746 178.2 0.724 141.8 0.760 98.1 0.705 37.9 0.430 -6.3 0.414 -8.4 0.402 -11.0 0.394 -13.7 0.393 -16.1 0.391 -18.8 0.388 -21.2 0.387 -24.7 0.388 -28.6 0.395 -32.8 0.403 -36.8 0.461 -149.0 0.576 43.4 0.702 -19.3 0.787 -56.8 0.826 -87.3 0.844 -112.5 0.855 -134.9 0.864 -154.3