FLU35ZM L-Band Medium & High Power GaAs FET FEATURES ・High Output Power: P1dB=35.5dBm(typ.) ・High Gain: G1dB=11.5dB(typ.) ・Low Cost Plastic(SMT) Package ・Tape and Reel Available DESCRIPTION The FLU35ZM is a GaAs FET designed for base station and CPE application up to a 4.0GHz frequency range. This is a new product series using a plastic surface mount package that has been optimized for high volume cost driven applications. Eudyna’s stringent Quality Assurance Program assures the highest reliability and consistent performance. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Case Temperature Tc=25oC) Item Drain-Source Voltage Symbol Rating Unit VDS 15 V Gate-Source Voltage VGS -5 V Total Power Dissipation PT 20.8 Storage Temperature Tstg -55 to +150 o Channel Temperature Tch 175 o W C C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITION(Case Temperature Tc=25oC) Item Symbol Condition Unit ≤10 ≤ 145 DC Input Voltage VDS Channel Temperature Tch Forward Gate Current Igsf Reverse Gate Current Igsr ≤19.4 ≥-2.0 Gate Resistance Rg 100 V C o mA mA Ω ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Case Temperature Tc=25oC) Item Test Conditions Symbol Min. - Limit Typ. Max. Unit Drain Current IDSS VDS=5V, VGS=0V 1200 1800 Transconductance gm VDS=5V, IDS=800mA - 600 - mA mS Pinch-off Voltage Vp VDS=5V, IDS=60mA -1.0 -2.0 -3.5 V - - V dBm Gate-Source Breakdown Voltage VGSO IGS=-60uA -5 Output Power at 1dB G.C.P. P1dB 34.5 35.5 - Power Gain at 1dB G.C.P. G1dB VDS=10V f=2.0GHz IDS=0.6IDSS(Typ.) 10.5 11.5 - - 5 6 Thermal Resistance Rth dB C /W Channel to Case G.C.P.:Gain Compression Point CASE STYLE: ZM Note1: Product supplied to this specification are 100% DC performance tested. Note2: The RF parameters are measured on a lot basis by sample testing 10 pcs/lot. Acceptance Criteria:(accept/reject)=(0/1). Any lot failure shall be 100% retested. ESD Class Ⅲ 2000 V~ Note : Based on EIAJ ED-4701 C-111A (C=100pF, R=1.5kΩ) Edition 1.2 Jan 2004 1 o FLU35ZM L-Band Medium & High Power GaAs FET OUTPUT POWER , POWER ADDED EFFICIENCY vs. INPUT POWER POWER DERATING CURVE f=2.0GHz VDS=10V IDS=0.6IDSS 20 15 10 5 80 36 34 Pout 32 60 30 40 28 26 24 22 0 50 100 150 20 200 15 14 10 12 5 10 0 8 -5 6 -10 4 -15 2 -20 0 -25 -2 -30 -4 Sm all Sig nal Gain [dB] Wid e Ban d Tu ning (1.8GHz ~ 2.2GHz ) -6 -35 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 Fr e q. [GHz ] S11 S12 S22 12 14 16 18 20 22 Input Power (dBm) SMALL SIGNAL R.L. vs FREQUENCY 1.4 1.6 1.8 0 10 Case Temperature[℃] Is o lation [d B] 20 ηadd S21 2 24 26 28 Power Added Efficiency [% ] 38 0 Sm all Sign al R.L. & 100 40 Output Power [dB m] Total Pow e r Dis s ipatio [W] 25 FLU35ZM L-Band Medium & High Power GaAs FET ■ S-PARAMETER +90° +50 j +2 5j +100 j 10 Ω 25 Ω 50 Ω +1 0j 1.0GH z 100 Ω 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0G H z 2.0 ∞ ± 180° 20 2.0 10 3.0 Scale for |S 21| 1.0G H z -25 0j -1 0j -25 j 0.4 -10 0j -50j 0.6 -90° S 11 S 22 VDS=10V, IDS=0.6IDSS(TYP.) Freq [GHz] 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0° Scale for |S 12| 0 +250 j S11 MAG ANG 0.92 -157.14 0.92 -171.65 0.92 -178.09 0.92 175.59 0.92 168.62 0.89 159.87 0.90 150.98 0.91 143.89 0.93 137.22 0.93 133.89 S21 MAG ANG 4.75 94.86 2.45 81.26 1.69 70.63 1.32 61.24 1.08 50.14 0.90 39.03 0.76 27.30 0.64 16.94 0.54 6.74 0.45 -1.01 3 S12 MAG ANG 0.03 14.31 0.03 9.28 0.03 7.87 0.03 11.56 0.03 10.17 0.03 16.31 0.03 13.26 0.03 14.12 0.03 7.95 0.03 9.18 S22 MAG ANG 0.67 -172.46 0.67 -175.16 0.66 -176.48 0.67 -178.45 0.67 178.10 0.69 173.63 0.71 167.99 0.74 162.05 0.77 156.46 0.78 151.30 S 12 S 21 FLU35ZM L-Band Medium & High Power GaAs FET OUTPUT POWER , DRAIN CURRENT vs. INPUT POWER @ VDS=10V, IDS(DC)=0.6IDSS 600 25 550 20 500 15 450 50 25 0 700 35 650 30 600 25 550 20 500 15 450 6 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Ids [m A] Pout P.A.E. 0 Ids [m A] P.A.E. OUTPUT POWER vs. FREQUENCY 35 650 30 600 25 550 20 500 15 450 40 75 50 25 Outpu t Pow e r [d Bm ] 700 Power Added Efficiency[%] 40 Drain Curre nt [m A] Output Pow e r [dBm ] 25 Input Pow e r [dBm ] Pin-Pout @f=2.2GHz 6 50 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Input Pow e r [dBm ] Pout 75 Power Added Efficiency[%] 30 75 40 Dr ain Cu r r e n t [m A] 650 Power Added Efficiency[%] 35 Outp u t Po w e r [d Bm ] Pin-Pout @ f=2.0GHz 700 Dr ain Cur r e nt [m A] Outpu t Pow e r [dBm ] Pin-Pout @f=1.8GHz 40 35 30 25 20 15 0 1.7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 1.9 2.1 2.3 Fr e que ncy [GHz] Input Power [dBm] Pout Ids[mA] P.A.E. 4 Pin=10dBm Pin=15dBm Pin=20dBm Pin=25dBm Pin=28dBm P1dB FLU35ZM L-Band Medium & High Power GaAs FET @ VDS=10V, IDS(DC)=0.6IDSS W-CDMA 2-CARRIER IMD(ACLR) IMD vs OUTPUT POWER(2-tone) *fo=2.1325GHz *f1=2.1475GHz 0 -25 -10 -30 ACL R(IM D) [dBc] IM D [dBc] -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -80 15 20 25 30 35 -60 17 2-tone to tal Pout [dBm ] @ df=+5M Hz IM 3@ 1.8GHz IM 5@ 1.8GHz IM 3@ 2.0GHz IM 5@ 2.0GHz IM 3@ 2.2GHz IM 5@ 2.2GHz 21 23 25 27 29 IM 3-L IM 3-U IM 5-L IM 5-U W-CDMA SINGLE CARRIER CCDF AND GAIN *fo=2.1325GHz *fo=2.1325GHz -25 15 14 -35 13 -40 12 CCDF,Gain [dB] -30 -45 -50 -55 -60 11 10 9 8 -65 7 -70 6 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5 32 18 Output Pow e r [dBm ] 23 28 Output Pow e r [dBm ] -5M Hz +5M Hz -10M Hz 31 2-ton e total Pou t [dBm ] W-CDMA SINGLE CARRIER ACLR ACL R [dBc] 19 +10M Hz 0.01% Pe ak Note : *All signal are W-CDMA modulation at 3GPP3.4.12-00 BS-1 64ch non clipping. 5 Gain FLU35ZM L-Band Medium & High Power GaAs FET ■ Recommended Bias Circuit and Internal Block Diagram <Board information> εr=3.5 , t=0.8 * Board was tuned for wide band performance that is presented in page 4 and 5. 6 FLU35ZM L-Band Medium & High Power GaAs FET ■ Package Outline 7 FLU35ZM L-Band Medium & High Power GaAs FET For further information please contact : CAUTION Eudyna Devices USA Inc. 2355 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95131-1138, U.S.A. TEL: (408) 232-9500 FAX: (408) 428-9111 www.us.eudyna.com Eudyna Devices Europe Ltd. Network House Norreys Drive Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4FJ United Kingdom TEL: +44 (0) 1628 504800 FAX: +44 (0) 1628 504888 Eudyna Devices Asia Pte. Ltd. Hong Kong Branch Rm.1101, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong TEL: +852-2377-0227 FAX: +852-2377-3921 Eudyna Devices Inc. products contain gallium arsenide (GaAs) which can be hazardous to the human body and the environment. For safety, observe the following procedures: ・Do not put these products into the mouth. ・Do not alter the form of this product into a gas, powder, or liquid through burning, crushing, or chemical processing as these byproducts are dangerous to the human body if inhaled, ingested, or swallowed. ・Observe government laws and company regulations when discarding this product. This product must be discarded in accordance with methods specified by applicable hazardous waste procedures. Eudyna Devices Inc. reserves the right to change products and specifications without notice.The information does not convey any license under rights of Eudyna Devices Inc. or others. © 2004 Eudyna Devices USA Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Eudyna Devices Inc. Sales Division 1, Kanai-cho, Sakae-ku Yokohama, 244-0845, Japan TEL +81-45-853-8156 FAX +81-45-853-8170 8