FDM Data sheet Sensing element/Differential Features Applications . Very small surface mountable package, Easy to mount on PCB . High accuracy, High reliability . Industrial instrumentation . Pressure switch, Pneumatic device . Medical device Part number for ordering FDM - 30P D S R Terminal leads direction(See Outline Diagram) R: Model FDM Pressure type D : Differential pressure Terminal leads configuration S : Surface mount package Rated pressure(PSI) Pressure type Differential pressure FDN Model Package configuration Surface mount package Measurable pressure range(kPa) 13.79 13.79 34.47 34.47 48.26 48.26 103.4 103.4 206.8 206.8 344.7 344.7 482.6 482.6 827.4 827.4 Part number for ordering FDM-02PDSR FDM-05PDSR FDM-07PDSR FDM-15PDSR FDM-30PDSR FDM-50PDSR FDM-70PDSR FDM-120PDSR Specifications Model/Rated pressure 02PD 05PD 07PD 15PD 30PD 50PD Accuracy Recommended operating conditions Pressure type Differential pressure 13.79 34.47 48.26 103.4 206.8 344.7 Rated pressure 0.141 0.352 0.492 1.055 2.109 3.516 13.79 34.47 48.26 103.4 206.8 344.7 Measurable pressure range 13.79 34.47 48.26 103.4 206.8 344.7 Pressure media Non-corrosive gas Excitation current(Constant) 1.5 Absolute maximum rating Maximum load pressure Twice of rated pressure Maximum excitation current 3 Operating temperature 20 100 Storage temperature 40 120 Operating humidity 30 80(No dew condensation) Electric performances/characteristics(Excitation current I=1.5mA constant, Ambient temperature Ta=25 ) 60 140 Full scale span voltage Offset voltage 20 4000 6000 Bridge impedance 2(For the reference) Mechanical response time Temperature sensitivity of offset(TSO) 5 Temperature coefficient of sensitivity(TCS) 2.5 Linearity 0.5 0.3 Pressure hystersis 0.4 0.2 Output refers to pressure at pressure port 2. 1 70PD 120PD Unit 482.6 4.922 482.6 482.6 827.4 8.437 827.4 827.4 kPa kg/cm2 kPa mADC 1.5times of rated pressure mADC RH mV mV 0.5 0.6 0.4 msec FS/0 50 FS/0 50 FS FS FDM Data sheet Sensing element/Differential Outline dimensions Unit : mm FDM 0.15 6 5 Ma Projections 4 Pressure port 2 4 10 Labelled faceplate x 8 3.5 5 6 Pressure port 1 2 2 2.54 6 0.8 3 1 3 1 1 3.3 2.5 17.5 11 14 R0.5 2 2.54 1 1 10 M ax. 0.9 0.6 1.4 Zooming up the projections 3.4 Index direction 3.5 1 1 2.54 2.54 5.5 0.5 2- 1.2(Holes for projections) 2 5 (11.5) Recommended footprint for PCB Land-pads Index 11 16.6 (Unit : mm) Connection diagram Unit : mm FDM i 1.5mA 2 Output voltage R2 Constant current source R1 1 3 6 R3 R4 5 1 VR0 6 Zero balancing trimmer (VR0) is available. VR0 :200 Note ; Please read instruction “Notes” before using the sensor. Fujikura reserves the right to change specifications without notice. If you have any questions regarding technical issues or specifications, please contact us. Sensor Engineering Department 5-1 Kiba 1-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8512, Japan Phone +81-(0)3-5606-1072 Fax. +81-(0)3-5606-1538 2 E-mail : sensor@fujikura.co.jp