SKM 800GA125D Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT 8 6 14 7 8 6 +4, 7 *= " 6 147' % ! "#/ +1,, :(, 5 " 6 ;, 7 4<, 5 +1,, 5 > 1, +, A " 6 14 7 :1, 5 " 6 ;, 7 4,, 5 +1,, 5 4:,, 5 4,, 5 D, CCC E+4, +14 7 +14 7 D,,, *=61) Ultrafast IGBT Modules SKM 800GA125D " 6 (,, ? 3 1, ? @ +1,, Units " 6 14 7 SEMITRANS® 4 Values 8 6 +14 7 Inverse Diode B 8 6 +4, 7 B*= B*=61)B B= 6 +, ? C 8 6 +4, 7 Module *= 8 Features !! "##" ! "!" "$%&' %# % ( ) Typical Applications * !! +,, -. /" %"! " %/! # 0 1, -. Remarks 2 3 4,, 5 %/ $& ! % - "! # ! % "/ $& !& /" " % 5' + C Characteristics Symbol Conditions IGBT 6 ' 6 1D 5 6 , ' 6 " 6 147' % ! "#/ 8 6 14 7 min. typ. max. D'4 4'4 ('4 ,'1 ,'( 5 8 6 +14 7 , 5 8 6 14 7 +'4 8 6 +14 7 +': 8 6 147 1'; 8 6 +147 ! 6 +4 6 (,, 5' 6 +4 8 6 147"% C 8 6 +147"% 6 14' 6 , # 6 + =. ! * / ! /## # 8 6 7 * 6 ,'4 F *## 6 ,'4 F ## *8" ! 6 (,, 6 (,,5 8 6 +14 7 6 > +4 Units C +':4 <'< F <'; 4'D F <'1 <':4 D <: 4'( B B 1'; B +': G ;; H D; H ,',< IJK GA 1 28-04-2009 NOS © by SEMIKRON SKM 800GA125D Characteristics Symbol Conditions B 6 B 6 (,, 5? 6 , B, !B ® SEMITRANS 4 Ultrafast IGBT Modules **= M!! B 6 (,, 5 !! 6 , ? 6 (,, *8"2 ! // min. typ. max. Units C 1'< 1'4 8 6 +14 7"% 1'+ 1'< 8 6 14 7"% C 8 6 14 7 +'+ +'< 8 6 +14 7 ,'L +',4 8 6 14 7 1 1 F 8 6 +14 7 1 1'+ F 8 6 14 7 <:, ;< 5 A 1; H ,',: Module N SKM 800GA125D IJK *OEO 1, !C' ! %" *" ! /% = - =( = ! % =(=D "6 14 7 ,'+; F "6 +14 7 ,'11 F ,',<; IJK < 4 1'4 +'+ 4 1 <<, Features !! This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard "##" ! "!" "$%&' %# % ( ) Typical Applications * !! +,, -. /" %"! " %/! # 0 1, IEC 60747-1, Chapter IX. This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability. -. Remarks 2 3 4,, 5 %/ $& ! % - "! # ! % "/ $& !& /" " GA 2 28-04-2009 NOS © by SEMIKRON SKM 800GA125D Fig. 1 Typ. output characteristic, inclusive RCC'+ EE' Fig. 2 Rated current vs. temperature IC = f (TC) Fig. 3 Typ. turn-on /-off energy = f (IC) Fig. 4 Typ. turn-on /-off energy = f (RG) Fig. 5 Typ. transfer characteristic Fig. 6 Typ. gate charge characteristic 3 28-04-2009 NOS © by SEMIKRON SKM 800GA125D Fig. 7 Typ. switching times vs. IC Fig. 8 Typ. switching times vs. gate resistor RG Fig. 9 Transient thermal impedance of IGBT and diode Fig. 10 CAL diode forward characteristic Fig. 11 CAL diode peak reverse recovery current Fig. 12 Typ. CAL diode recovered charge 4 28-04-2009 NOS © by SEMIKRON SKM 800GA125D UL Recognized File no. E 63 532 2 4L 2 4L 5 5 28-04-2009 NOS © by SEMIKRON