Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Technology (InGaP HBT) MMG3013NT1 Broadband High Linearity Amplifier The MMG3013NT1 is a General Purpose Amplifier that is internally input matched and internally output matched. It is designed for a broad range of Class A, small - signal, high linearity, general purpose applications. It is suitable for applications with frequencies from 0 to 6000 MHz such as Cellular, PCS, BWA, WLL, PHS, CATV, VHF, UHF, UMTS and general small - signal RF. 0 - 6000 MHz, 20 dB 20.5 dBm InGaP HBT Features • Frequency: 0 - 6000 MHz • P1dB: 20.5 dBm @ 900 MHz • Small - Signal Gain: 20 dB @ 900 MHz • Third Order Output Intercept Point: 36 dBm @ 900 MHz • Single 5 Volt Supply • Internally Matched to 50 Ohms • Low Cost SOT - 89 Surface Mount Package • RoHS Compliant • In Tape and Reel. T1 Suffix = 1000 Units per 12 mm, 7 inch Reel. Table 1. Typical Performance (1) 3 CASE 1514 - 02, STYLE 1 SOT - 89 PLASTIC Table 2. Maximum Ratings Characteristic Symbol 900 MHz 2140 MHz 3500 MHz Unit Small - Signal Gain (S21) Gp 20 17 14.5 dB Input Return Loss (S11) IRL - 17 - 19 - 15 dB Output Return Loss (S22) ORL - 11 -9 - 12 dB Power Output @1dB Compression P1db 20.5 20.5 19 dBm IP3 36 34 32 dBm Third Order Output Intercept Point 12 Rating Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage VCC 7 V Supply Current ICC 300 mA RF Input Power Pin 12 dBm Storage Temperature Range Tstg - 65 to +150 °C Junction Temperature (2) TJ 150 °C 2. For reliable operation, the junction temperature should not exceed 150°C. 1. VCC = 5 Vdc, TC = 25°C, 50 ohm system Table 3. Thermal Characteristics (VCC = 5 Vdc, ICC = 90 mA, TC = 25°C) Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Symbol Value (3) Unit RθJC 42 °C/W 3. Refer to AN1955, Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power Amplifiers. Go to Select Documentation/Application Notes - AN1955. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2005-2008. All rights reserved. RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN Document Number: MMG3013NT1 Rev. 6, 3/2008 MMG3013NT1 1 Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Gp 19.3 16 20 17 — — dB Input Return Loss (S11) IRL — - 17 — dB Output Return Loss (S22) ORL — - 11 — dB Power Output @ 1dB Compression P1dB — 20.5 — dBm Third Order Output Intercept Point IP3 — 36 — dBm Noise Figure NF — 4 — dB Supply Current (1) ICC 80 90 110 mA (1) VCC — 5 — V NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN Small - Signal Gain (S21) Supply Voltage 900 MHz 2140 MHz 1. For reliable operation, the junction temperature should not exceed 150°C. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN Table 4. Electrical Characteristics (VCC = 5 Vdc, 900 MHz, TC = 25°C, 50 ohm system, in Freescale Application Circuit) MMG3013NT1 2 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor Table 5. Functional Pin Description 2 Pin Function 1 RFin 2 Ground 3 RFout/DC Supply 1 2 3 Figure 1. Functional Diagram Table 6. ESD Protection Characteristics Test Methodology Class Human Body Model (per JESD 22 - A114) 1A (Minimum) Machine Model (per EIA/JESD 22 - A115) A (Minimum) Charge Device Model (per JESD 22 - C101) IV (Minimum) Table 7. Moisture Sensitivity Level Test Methodology Per JESD 22 - A113, IPC/JEDEC J - STD - 020 Rating Package Peak Temperature Unit 1 260 °C NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN Pin Number MMG3013NT1 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 3 50 OHM TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 0 S22 25°C 20 - 40°C 15 −20 S11 −30 VCC = 5 Vdc ICC = 90 mA 10 −40 0 1 2 3 0 4 2 3 4 f, FREQUENCY (GHz) Figure 2. Small - Signal Gain (S21) versus Frequency Figure 3. Input/Output Return Loss versus Frequency 23 23 21 P1dB, 1 dB COMPRESSION POINT (dBm) Gp, SMALL−SIGNAL GAIN (dB) 1 f, FREQUENCY (GHz) 900 MHz 19 2140 MHz 1960 MHz 17 2600 MHz 15 3500 MHz 13 VCC = 5 Vdc ICC = 90 mA 11 9 22 21 20 19 18 VCC = 5 Vdc ICC = 90 mA 17 16 10 12 14 16 18 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 f, FREQUENCY (GHz) Figure 4. Small - Signal Gain versus Output Power Figure 5. P1dB versus Frequency 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 5.4 IP3, THIRD ORDER OUTPUT INTERCEPT POINT (dBm) Pout, OUTPUT POWER (dBm) 180 4 0.5 20 3.5 39 36 33 30 VCC = 5 Vdc ICC = 90 mA 1 MHz Tone Spacing 27 24 0 1 2 3 VCC, COLLECTOR VOLTAGE (V) f, FREQUENCY (GHz) Figure 6. Collector Current versus Collector Voltage Figure 7. Third Order Output Intercept Point versus Frequency NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN −10 S11, S22 (dB) Gp, SMALL−SIGNAL GAIN (dB) TC = 85°C VCC = 5 Vdc ICC, COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN 25 4 MMG3013NT1 4 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 36 33 30 27 f = 900 MHz 1 MHz Tone Spacing 24 4.95 4.9 5 5.05 5.1 VCC, COLLECTOR VOLTAGE (V) 38 37 36 35 34 33 VCC = 5 Vdc f = 900 MHz 1 MHz Tone Spacing 32 31 −40 −20 20 40 60 80 100 T, TEMPERATURE (_C) Figure 9. Third Order Output Intercept Point versus Case Temperature 105 −30 −40 MTTF (YEARS) IMD, THIRD ORDER INTERMODULATION DISTORTION (dBc) 0 −50 −60 104 VCC = 5 Vdc ICC = 90 mA f = 900 MHz 1 MHz Tone Spacing −70 103 −80 5 8 11 14 17 120 20 125 Pout, OUTPUT POWER (dBm) Figure 10. Third Order Intermodulation versus Output Power 6 4 2 VCC = 5 Vdc ICC = 90 mA 0 1 2 3 135 140 145 150 NOTE: The MTTF is calculated with VCC = 5 Vdc, ICC = 90 mA Figure 11. MTTF versus Junction Temperature ACPR, ADJACENT CHANNEL POWER RATIO (dBc) 8 0 130 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 4 −20 VCC = 5 Vdc, ICC = 90 mA, f = 2140 MHz Single−Carrier W−CDMA, 3.84 MHz Channel Bandwidth Input Signal PAR = 8.5 dB @ 0.01% Probability (CCDF) −30 −40 −50 −60 NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN IP3, THIRD ORDER OUTPUT INTERCEPT POINT (dBm) IP3, THIRD ORDER OUTPUT INTERCEPT POINT (dBm) 39 Figure 8. Third Order Output Intercept Point versus Collector Voltage NF, NOISE FIGURE (dB) NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN 50 OHM TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS −70 6 8 10 12 14 16 f, FREQUENCY (GHz) Pout, OUTPUT POWER (dBm) Figure 12. Noise Figure versus Frequency Figure 13. Single - Carrier W - CDMA Adjacent Channel Power Ratio versus Output Power 18 MMG3013NT1 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 5 50 OHM APPLICATION CIRCUIT: 40- 800 MHz VSUPPLY C3 C4 L1 RF INPUT Z1 DUT Z2 C1 Z1, Z5 Z2 Z3 Z3 Z4 Z5 VCC 0.347″ x 0.058″ Microstrip 0.575″ x 0.058″ Microstrip 0.172″ x 0.058″ Microstrip RF OUTPUT C2 Z4 PCB 0.403″ x 0.058″ Microstrip Getek Grade ML200C, 0.031″, εr = 4.1 Figure 14. 50 Ohm Test Circuit Schematic 30 S21 20 S21, S11, S22 (dB) R1 10 C4 C3 0 L1 −10 C2 C1 S22 −20 S11 VCC = 5 Vdc ICC = 90 mA −30 MMG30XX Rev 2 −40 200 0 400 600 800 f, FREQUENCY (MHz) Figure 15. S21, S11 and S22 versus Frequency Figure 16. 50 Ohm Test Circuit Component Layout Table 8. 50 Ohm Test Circuit Component Designations and Values Part Description Part Number Manufacturer C1, C2 0.01 μF Chip Capacitors C0603C103J5RAC Kemet C3 0.1 μF Chip Capacitor C0603C104J5RAC Kemet C4 1 μF Chip Capacitor C0603C105J5RAC Kemet L1 470 nH Chip Inductor BK2125HM471 - T Taiyo Yuden R1 0 W Chip Resistor ERJ3GEY0R00V Panasonic NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN R1 MMG3013NT1 6 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 50 OHM APPLICATION CIRCUIT: 800 - 3600 MHz VSUPPLY C4 L1 RF INPUT Z1 DUT Z2 C1 Z1, Z5 Z2 Z3 Z3 Z4 Z5 VCC 0.347″ x 0.058″ Microstrip 0.575″ x 0.058″ Microstrip 0.172″ x 0.058″ Microstrip RF OUTPUT C2 Z4 PCB 0.403″ x 0.058″ Microstrip Getek Grade ML200C, 0.031″, εr = 4.1 Figure 17. 50 Ohm Test Circuit Schematic 30 S21 20 R1 10 C4 C3 L1 0 −20 VCC = 5 Vdc ICC = 90 mA S11 −30 800 1200 1600 C2 C1 S22 −10 2000 2400 2800 3200 MMG30XX Rev 2 3600 f, FREQUENCY (MHz) Figure 18. S21, S11 and S22 versus Frequency Figure 19. 50 Ohm Test Circuit Component Layout Table 9. 50 Ohm Test Circuit Component Designations and Values Part Description Part Number Manufacturer C1, C2 150 pF Chip Capacitors C0603C151J5RAC Kemet C3 0.1 μF Chip Capacitor C0603C104J5RAC Kemet C4 1 μF Chip Capacitor C0603C105J5RAC Kemet L1 56 nH Chip Inductor HK160856NJ - T Taiyo Yuden R1 0 W Chip Resistor ERJ3GEY0R00V Panasonic NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN C3 S21, S11, S22 (dB) NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN R1 MMG3013NT1 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 7 50 OHM TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS S11 S21 S12 S22 f MHz |S11| ∠φ |S21| ∠φ |S12| ∠φ |S22| ∠φ 100 0.162717 171.108 11.479238 174.775 0.069393 - 1.296 0.106264 - 133.221 150 0.160561 167.971 11.415032 171.459 0.069131 - 1.887 0.112247 - 134.322 200 0.160153 163.027 11.337210 168.606 0.068870 - 2.702 0.118610 - 135.449 250 0.157910 159.994 11.263950 165.874 0.068640 - 3.308 0.127240 - 136.522 300 0.155640 156.091 11.200930 163.101 0.068460 - 3.908 0.134977 - 137.648 350 0.152870 152.178 11.160790 160.282 0.068400 - 4.523 0.144410 - 138.763 400 0.150710 148.189 11.096270 157.597 0.068380 - 5.134 0.154090 - 139.895 450 0.148730 144.135 11.027770 154.845 0.068210 - 5.794 0.164250 - 140.998 500 0.145840 140.465 10.957540 152.097 0.068260 - 6.391 0.174550 - 142.085 550 0.143950 136.404 10.876040 149.449 0.068090 - 6.918 0.185240 - 143.132 600 0.141980 132.557 10.785240 146.811 0.068040 - 7.57 0.195510 - 144.211 650 0.140120 128.67 10.695820 144.176 0.068000 - 8.199 0.206040 - 145.338 700 0.138450 124.924 10.604510 141.59 0.067790 - 8.743 0.216910 - 146.461 750 0.137510 121.228 10.504830 139.003 0.067690 - 9.285 0.227810 - 147.659 800 0.136570 117.62 10.400340 136.446 0.067590 - 9.831 0.238140 - 148.902 850 0.134433 114.245 10.295550 133.89 0.067520 - 10.415 0.248290 - 150.118 900 0.132707 110.998 10.186390 131.409 0.067420 - 10.866 0.258400 - 151.55 950 0.131087 107.842 10.073620 128.963 0.067380 - 11.449 0.268360 - 153.097 1000 0.129567 104.859 9.965510 126.525 0.067220 - 11.901 0.277810 - 154.786 1050 0.128275 102.209 9.842290 124.132 0.067050 - 12.399 0.287510 - 156.435 1100 0.127137 99.637 9.725320 121.744 0.066970 - 12.949 0.297010 - 158.367 1150 0.125513 97.509 9.610100 119.381 0.066930 - 13.483 0.306110 - 160.411 1200 0.124020 95.409 9.485500 117.045 0.066790 - 13.882 0.314950 - 162.397 1250 0.122379 93.482 9.367530 114.76 0.066840 - 14.46 0.323700 - 164.386 1300 0.121234 91.761 9.251560 112.507 0.066710 - 14.928 0.332570 - 166.443 1350 0.120081 90.16 9.129800 110.251 0.066685 - 15.375 0.339940 - 168.554 1400 0.118817 88.664 9.011610 108.055 0.066670 - 15.818 0.348650 - 170.582 1450 0.116609 87.326 8.892430 105.876 0.066687 - 16.365 0.356290 - 172.695 1500 0.115374 86.23 8.772640 103.703 0.066764 - 16.815 0.360061 - 174.724 1550 0.113850 80.021 8.708890 101.399 0.066970 - 17.493 0.364627 - 177.374 1600 0.113120 77.212 8.598320 99.278 0.067057 - 17.963 0.369410 - 179.169 1650 0.112080 75.253 8.485180 97.137 0.067090 - 18.477 0.374600 179.129 1700 0.111350 72.833 8.379040 95.075 0.067170 - 18.984 0.380650 177.406 1750 0.110660 70.651 8.273700 93.021 0.067200 - 19.462 0.386070 175.7 1800 0.110070 68.704 8.167240 90.99 0.067260 - 19.938 0.391590 174.044 1850 0.109570 66.752 8.063390 88.942 0.067320 - 20.42 0.396600 172.328 1900 0.108940 64.808 7.958390 86.97 0.067420 - 20.891 0.402290 170.798 1950 0.107610 63.28 7.856150 84.972 0.067460 - 21.389 0.407630 169.234 2000 0.106800 61.916 7.751440 83.012 0.067560 - 21.917 0.412720 167.75 2050 0.106240 60.415 7.651320 81.047 0.067600 - 22.347 0.418620 166.176 2100 0.104410 59.082 7.553170 79.114 0.067810 - 22.888 0.423200 164.723 2150 0.103200 57.787 7.452840 77.223 0.067960 - 23.444 0.428690 163.19 2200 0.102820 56.94 7.354920 75.325 0.067980 - 23.91 0.433410 161.75 2250 0.101220 55.6 7.259510 73.436 0.068230 - 24.487 0.438440 160.241 NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN Table 10. Common Emitter S - Parameters (VCC = 5 Vdc, ICC = 90 mA, TC = 25°C, 50 Ohm System) (continued) MMG3013NT1 8 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 50 OHM TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS S11 S21 S12 S22 f MHz |S11| ∠φ |S21| ∠φ |S12| ∠φ |S22| ∠φ 2300 0.100260 54.54 7.163530 71.577 0.068190 - 24.984 0.442830 158.869 2350 0.098910 53.312 7.072340 69.734 0.068480 - 25.485 0.447010 157.463 2400 0.097870 52.576 6.980770 67.882 0.068550 - 26.108 0.451420 155.974 2450 0.096530 51.814 6.892310 66.059 0.068780 - 26.694 0.457800 154.6 2500 0.095360 50.69 6.802480 64.259 0.068940 - 27.154 0.460110 153.074 2550 0.094140 49.939 6.719330 62.461 0.069120 - 27.644 0.464930 151.617 2600 0.093150 49.177 6.634260 60.65 0.069290 - 28.295 0.469350 150.014 2650 0.092180 48.019 6.554070 58.859 0.069490 - 28.971 0.473140 148.442 2700 0.091130 47.141 6.471630 57.062 0.069610 - 29.561 0.477010 146.825 2750 0.090470 46.394 6.392370 55.299 0.069850 - 30.111 0.481850 145.214 2800 0.089850 45.454 6.314980 53.505 0.070210 - 30.649 0.485260 143.56 2850 0.088790 44.657 6.238550 51.724 0.070340 - 31.402 0.489440 141.782 2900 0.088180 44.083 6.166300 50.021 0.070550 - 32.044 0.494180 140.078 2950 0.087640 43.291 6.088480 48.207 0.070750 - 32.738 0.497180 138.23 3000 0.086490 42.549 6.020040 46.489 0.071030 - 33.388 0.501590 136.357 3050 0.087170 42.041 5.950380 44.764 0.071280 - 34.097 0.505070 134.738 3100 0.086660 41.37 5.881680 43.022 0.071610 - 34.666 0.509400 132.754 3150 0.086130 41.387 5.814190 41.268 0.071920 - 35.528 0.514040 130.875 3200 0.086330 41.301 5.749680 39.547 0.072150 - 36.302 0.518490 128.954 3250 0.086760 41.239 5.684930 37.829 0.072340 - 36.943 0.523620 126.955 3300 0.086510 41.638 5.619060 36.098 0.072640 - 37.799 0.525880 124.995 3350 0.086820 41.81 5.557890 34.368 0.072800 - 38.546 0.530230 123.081 3400 0.087230 42.12 5.498110 32.629 0.073130 - 39.319 0.534740 121.057 3450 0.087680 42.727 5.437290 30.936 0.073490 - 40.144 0.538080 119.195 3500 0.087990 43.424 5.376810 29.22 0.073710 - 40.92 0.542580 117.253 3550 0.088730 44.082 5.319060 27.529 0.073970 - 41.673 0.546650 115.36 3600 0.089200 45.12 5.259990 25.838 0.074200 - 42.467 0.550400 113.481 NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN Table 10. Common Emitter S - Parameters (VCC = 5 Vdc, ICC = 90 mA, TC = 25°C, 50 Ohm System) (continued) MMG3013NT1 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 9 1.7 7.62 0.305 diameter NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN 5.33 2.54 1.27 1.27 0.58 0.86 0.64 3.86 Recommended Solder Stencil NOTES: 1. THERMAL AND RF GROUNDING CONSIDERATIONS SHOULD BE USED IN PCB LAYOUT DESIGN. 2. DEPENDING ON PCB DESIGN RULES, AS MANY VIAS AS POSSIBLE SHOULD BE PLACED ON THE LANDING PATTERN. 3. IF VIAS CANNOT BE PLACED ON THE LANDING PATTERN, THEN AS MANY VIAS AS POSSIBLE SHOULD BE PLACED AS CLOSE TO THE LANDING PATTERN AS POSSIBLE FOR OPTIMAL THERMAL AND RF PERFORMANCE. 4. RECOMMENDED VIA PATTERN SHOWN HAS 0.381 x 0.762 MM PITCH. Figure 20. Recommended Mounting Configuration NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN 2.49 3.48 MMG3013NT1 10 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN PACKAGE DIMENSIONS MMG3013NT1 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 11 MMG3013NT1 12 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN MMG3013NT1 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 13 NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION Refer to the following documents to aid your design process. REVISION HISTORY The following table summarizes revisions to this document. Revision Date Description 4 Mar. 2007 • Corrected and updated Part Numbers in Tables 8 and 9, Component Designations and Values, to RoHS compliant part numbers, p. 6, 7 5 July 2007 • Replaced Case Outline 1514 - 01 with 1514 - 02, Issue D, p. 1, 11 - 13. Case updated to add missing dimension for Pin 1 and Pin 3. 6 Mar. 2008 • Removed Footnote 2, Continuous voltage and current applied to device, from Table 2, Maximum Ratings, p. 1 • Corrected Fig. 13, Single - Carrier W - CDMA Adjacent Channel Power Ratio versus Output Power y - axis (ACPR) unit of measure to dBc, p. 5 • Corrected S - Parameter table frequency column label to read “MHz” versus “GHz” and corrected frequency values from GHz to MHz, p. 8, 9 NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN Application Notes • AN1955: Thermal Measurement Methodology of RF Power Amplifiers • AN3100: General Purpose Amplifier Biasing MMG3013NT1 14 RF Device Data Freescale Semiconductor Home Page: Web Support: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Technical Information Center, EL516 2100 East Elliot Road Tempe, Arizona 85284 +1 - 800 - 521 - 6274 or +1 - 480 - 768 - 2130 Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Technical Information Center Schatzbogen 7 81829 Muenchen, Germany +44 1296 380 456 (English) +46 8 52200080 (English) +49 89 92103 559 (German) +33 1 69 35 48 48 (French) Japan: Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd. Headquarters ARCO Tower 15F 1 - 8 - 1, Shimo - Meguro, Meguro - ku, Tokyo 153 - 0064 Japan 0120 191014 or +81 3 5437 9125 [email protected] Asia/Pacific: Freescale Semiconductor China Ltd. Exchange Building 23F No. 118 Jianguo Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100022 China +86 010 5879 8000 [email protected] For Literature Requests Only: Freescale Semiconductor Literature Distribution Center P.O. Box 5405 Denver, Colorado 80217 1 - 800 - 441 - 2447 or 303 - 675 - 2140 Fax: 303 - 675 - 2150 [email protected] Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Freescalet and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2005-2008. All rights reserved. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN How to Reach Us: MMG3013NT1 Document Number: RF Device Data MMG3013NT1 Rev. 6, 3/2008 Freescale Semiconductor 15