NJW1300B SIGNAL PROCESSOR FOR COLOR TFT ■ GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJW1300B is a color TFT signal processor which include color signal modulator , count down circuit , RGB demodulator , RGB interface , and common pole driver , required by color TFT signal processing after Y/C separator. It corresponds broadcasting systems of both NTSC and PAL , because it can select the down (1/525 or 1/625) by the internal switch. The NJW1300B is suitable for TFT LCD panel and car navigation systems. ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE NJW1300BFG1 ■ FEATURES ● Supply Voltage 5V ● Y/C Separator Input ● NTSC/PAL System (3.58MHz, 4.43MHz) ● Unnecessary Adjustment of Oscillation Frequency for Internal Count Down Circuit. ● External One System Input for Analog RGB ● Internal Enhancer Circuit ● Internal GAMMA 1 Point Correction Circuit ● Internal Color TFT Common Pole Driver ● Bi-CMOS Technology ● Package Outline TQFP64 ■ PIN CONFIGURATION ■ BROCK DIAGRAM 64 63 62 1 61 60 59 58 SYNCSEP 57 56 AFC 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 32fH vco 2 47 3 5 COMMON DRIVER 4 46 V COUNT DOWN ALT ALT ALT AMP AMP AMP 44 H COUNT DOWN 6 43 COLOR 9 PICTURE 10 GAMMA CORRECT ACC GAMMA CORRECT REG GAMMA CORRECT 7 8 CLA MP APC 12 DEMOD KILLER 13 TINT CLA MP GAIN B MATRIX 14 18 19 20 21 22 40 38 GAIN R 36 37 INT/EXT SW 16 17 41 CLA MP CONT CONT CONT RAST RAST RAST VCO 15 42 39 IDENT 11 45 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1.VCOMAMP 23.VCC1 24.YINH 2.VCC3 25.CLAMPB 3.VCOMIN 4.VCOMCENT 26.YIN 27.EXTING1 5.VCOMFB 28.SW1 6.VCOMOUT 29.CLAMPG 7.VEE1 30.NC 8.ACCDET 31.EXTINR1 9.CIN 32.GAINR 10.IDENT 11.CLEANING 33.CRAMPR 34.CONTRAST 12.KILLER 35.GACLAMPR 13.COLOR 36.GAINB 14.TINT 37.GACLAMPG 15.APC 38.VG1 16.VCXO1 39.VG2 17.VCXO2 18.CHROMAOUT 40.GACLAMPB 41.SUBVG2R 19.RYIN 42.SUBVG2B 20.BYIN 43.SUBVG1R 21.PICTURE 44.SUBVG1B 22.EXTINB1 45.BRIGHT 46.FRP 47.VCC2 48.ROUT 49.VCENTER 50.GOUT 51.CDET 52.BOUT 53.REGOUT 54.LPF 55.VCOOUT 56.VCOIN 57.GND1 58.VS 59.GND2 60.SYNCIN 61.VDD 62.VD 63.HD 64.DIGREF 35 34 33 30 31 32 Ver.5 -1- NJW1300B (Ta=25°°C) ■ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETERS SYMBOL RATINGS UNIT Supply Voltage 1 Vcc1-GND 8.0 V Supply Voltage 2 Vcc2-GND 8.0 V Supply Voltage 3 Vcc3-VEE1 15.0 V Supply Voltage 4 VDD DIGREF 7.0 V Supply Voltage 5 VEE1-GND -7.0 V Power Dissipation PD 700 mW Each Adjustment Terminal VIN Vcc1 V SYNC OUT Voltage VSD VEE1-15.0 V Picture Input Voltage VVDIN 3.0 Vpp External Input Voltage EXTIN VCC1 V FRP Input Signal Voltage FRPIN VCC1 V SYNC Input Voltage SYNCIN VCC1 V Analog RGB Input Signal RGBIN 3.0 VPP Operating Temperature Range Torp -30 to +85 °C Storage Temperature Range Tstr -40 to +125 °C Ver.5 -2- NJW1300B (Ta=25°°C) ■ RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITION PARAMETER SYMBOL Supply Voltage Range TEST CONDITION MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT VCC1-GND 4.75 5.0 5.25 V VCC2-GND VCC 5.0 5.25 V VCC3-VEE1 11.0 12.0 13.0 V VEE1-GND -5.25 -5.0 -4.75 V VDD-DIGREF 4.75 5.0 5.25 V Y Input Signal Voltage YIN Pedestal-White 0.30 0.35 0.40 Vpp C Input Signal Voltage CIN Amplitude of Burst Signal 0.10 0.15 0.20 Vpp RGBIN 0.6 0.7 0.8 Vpp SYNCIN 0.3 1.0 1.5 Vpp Gamma 1 Control Voltage VG1 1.5 - 3.5 V Gamma 2 Control Voltage VG2 1.5 - 3.8 V BRIGHT 1.8 - 3.4 V Analog RGB Input Signal SYNC Input Signal Bright Control Voltage Ver.5 -3- NJW1300B ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C,Vcc1=5V,Vcc2=5V,Vcc3=7V,VDD=5V,VEE1=-5V, V1=V4=V34=V45=2.5V,V21=V28=V60=0V,V13=2.9V,V14=2.7V,V38=1V,V39=3V) PARAMETERS SYMBOL Operating Current 1 Icc1 Operating Current 2 MIN. TYP. MAX UNIT Vcc1, No signal - 33.5 45.0 mA Icc2 Vcc2, No signal - 6.5 8.4 mA Operating Current 3 Icc3 Vcc3, No signal - 5.8 8.7 mA Operating Current 4 Icc4 VDD, No signal - 4.7 6.6 mA Operating Current 5 IEE1 VEE1, No signal -11.8 -7.5 - mA - -12.5 -9.0 dB 1.0 2.5 - dB - -2.5 -1.0 dB 1.0 2.5 - dB - 0 - dB - 16.0 - dB 0.6 0.95 1.35 Vpp - 0 2.0 dB -12.5 -7.5 - dB GCT1 Contrast Adjust Gain Variable Range GCT2 GSC1 Sub Contrast Adjust Gain Variable Range GSC2 Image Quality Adjust Variable Minimum Range GPS Image Quality Adjust Variable Maximum Range GPM Chroma Maximum Output (PAL) VCMAX GA1 ACC Characteristic (NTSC) GA2 TEST CONDITIONS SG1 applied to V22, V27 and V31, SG10 applied to V46, SG2 applied to V60. Define the each amplitude (BLKWHT) at V28=H and V34=0V, 2.5V, 5V as A,B and C. GST1 = 20log(A / B) GST2 = 20log(C / B) Measure Rout, Gout, Bout terminals. SG1 applied to V22 and V31, SG10 applied to V46, SG2 applied to V60. V28=H, V34=0V.Define the each amplitude(BLK-WHT) at V32=0V,2.5V, 5V,V36=0V, 2.5V, 5V as A,B, and C. GSC1 = 20log(A / B) GSC2 = 20log(C / B) Measure Rout, Gout, Bout terminals. SG3 (100KHz, 2.4MHz) applied to V24, V26, SG10 applied to V46, SG2 applied to V60. Define each gain of sin signal of frequency as A,B. When V21=0V GP = A-B (at V21=0V) SG3 (100KHz, 2.4MHz) applied to V24, V26, SG10 applied to V46, SG2 applied to V60. Define each gain of sin signal of frequency as A,B. When V21=0V GP= A-B (at V21=5V) V14=0V, V13=V46=5V. SG6(4.43MHz) applied to V9, SG2 applied to V60. Measure the chroma amplitude on V18. V46=5V, SG6 (3.58MHz, 0dB, +6dB, -25dB) applied to V9, SG2 applied to V60. Measure the amplitude on V18 at 0dB,+6dB,-25dB. Define the each value as A,B, and C. GA1 = 20log(B / A) GA2 = 20log(C / A) Ver.5 -4- NJW1300B ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C,Vcc1=5V,Vcc2=5V,Vcc3=7V,VDD=5V,VEE1=-5V, V1=V4=V34=V45=2.5V,V21=V28=V60=0V,V13=2.9V,V14=2.7V,V38=1V,V39=3V) PARAMETERS SYMBOL GA3 ACC Characteristic (PAL) GA4 Color Control Gain Variable Range Gc1 Gc2 fA1 APC Capture Range (NTSC) fA2 fA3 APC Capture Range (PAL) fA4 θT1 TINT Variable Range θT2 NTSC /PAL Switching Voltage VTHNP Color Killer Operating Input Level(NTSC) VKIN1 Color Killer Operating Input Level (PAL) VKIN2 TEST CONDITIONS V46=5V,V14=0V,SG6 (4.43MHz, 0dB, +6dB, -25dB) applied to V9, SG2 applied to V60. Measure the amplitude on V18 at 0dB, +6dB, -25dB. Define the each value as A, B, and C. GA3 = 20log(B / A) GA4 = 20log(C / A) V46=5V, SG6 applied to V9, SG2 applied to V60. Define the each chroma amplitude at V14=0V,2.9V and 5V as A, B and C. Gc1 = 20log(A / B) Gc2 = 20log(C / B) SG6 (3.58MHz, 0dB) applied to V9, V46=5V, SG2 applied to V60. Adjust the BURST frequency until the voltage on V12 is 2V. Work out difference between the frequency at that time and 3.579545MHz. fA1 = when approach BURST frequency from low frequency. fA2 = when approach BURST frequency from high frequency SG6 (4.43MHz, 0dB) applied to V9, V46=5V, Variable the BURST frequency until the voltage on V12 is 2V. Work out the difference between the frequency at that time and 4.433619MHz. fA3 = when approach BURST frequency from low frequency fA4 = when approach BURST frequency from high frequency SG6 applied to V9, SG2 applied to V60. Define the phase causing the maximum amplitude at V14=1.8V on Gout as A. Define the each phase causing the maximum amplitude at V14=2.7V, 3.6V on Gout as B and C. θT1 = A-B θT2 = C-B Switch voltage of V14. SG2 applied V60, SG6 (NTSC) applied to V9. Decrease the input amplitude until the killer is turned on, and measure the input attenuation. SG2 applied V60, SG6 (PAL) applied to V9. Decrease the input amplitude until the killer is turned on, and measure the input attenuation. MIN. TYP. MAX UNIT - 0 2.0 dB -12.5 -7.5 - dB - -30.0 -20.0 dB 0.7 2.7 - dB - -2900 -700 Hz +700 +1500 - Hz - -2500 -600 Hz +600 +1700 - Hz -30 -60 - deg - +60 +30 deg 0.4 0.7 1.0 V - -42 -37 dB - -38 -32 dB Ver.5 -5- NJW1300B ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C,Vcc1=5V,Vcc2=5V,Vcc3=7V,VDD=5V,VEE1=-5V, V1=V4=V34=V45=2.5V,V21=V28=V60=0V,V13=2.9V,V14=2.7V,V38=1V,V39=3V) PARAMETERS SYMBOL Output Black Level Voltage Difference among RGB ∆VBRGB INT-EXT Output Black Level Voltage Difference ∆VBIE Gain Difference Between Invert And Non-invert ∆GINV Gain Difference Among RGB ∆VRGB FRP Input Threshold Voltage VTHFRP Interface Frequency Characteristic EXTRGB Input Threshold Voltage fINT VTHEXH VTHEXL TEST CONDITIONS SG2 applied to V60, V28=V34=V39=5V, V38=1.1V, SG1 (0.7Vpp) applied to V22, V27 and V31, SG10 applied to V46. Define the noninverting side of Rout, Gout, Bout as VRB, VGB, and VBB, the invert side of them as VRBI, VGBI, and VBBI. ∆VBRGB =VRB-VGB, VBB-VGB, =VRBl-VGBl, VBBl-VGBl SG2 applied to V60, V28=5V, SG1 (0.7Vpp) applied to V22,V27,V31, SG10 applied to V46. Define the non-inverting side of Rout, Gout, Bout as VRB, VGB, and VBB, the invert side of them as VRBI, VGBI, and VBBI, V28=0V, SG4 applied to V26, define the non-inverting side of Rout, Gout, Bout as VRB(Y), VGB(Y), and VBB(Y), the invert side of VRBI(Y), VGBI(Y), and VBBI(Y). VBlE=VRB-VRBl(Y),VGB-VGBl, =VBB-VBB(Y),VRBl-VRBl(Y), =VGBl-VGBl(Y),VBBl-VBBl(Y) V28=5V, SG1 (0.7Vpp) applied to V22, V27, V31, SG2 applied to V60, SG10 applied to V46. Measure the amplitude (BLK-WHT) of Rout, Gout, Bout. Define the non-inverting side of VRG, VGG, VBG, the invert side of VRGl, VGGl, VBGl. ∆GINV=20log(VRGl/VRG) =20log(VGGl/VGG) =20log(VBGl/VBG) ∆VRG=20log(VRG/VGG) =20log(VGG/VBG) =20log(VBG/VRG) V28=5V, SG2 applied to V60, SG1 applied to V27. Increase V46 until the signal on Gout invert. V28=5V, SG2 applied to V60, SG10 applied to V46, SG1 (100kHz) applied to V27. Adjust frequency of input signal. Define the input frequency of the sine wave amplitude of the non-invert signal on Gout increase the frequency until attenuate by 3dB from the amplitude at the 100kHz. Switching Voltage of V28. VTHEXH=ON level voltage VTHEXH=OFF level voltage MIN. TYP. MAX UNIT -150 0 +150 mV -150 0 +150 mV -0.6 0 +0.6 dB 1.2 1.5 1.8 V 4.5 7 - MHz 3.3 - - V - - 1.6 V Ver.5 -6- NJW1300B ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C,Vcc1=5V,Vcc2=5V,Vcc3=7V,VDD=5V,VEE1=-5V, V1=V4=V34=V45=2.5V,V21=V28=V60=0V,V13=2.9V,V14=2.7V,V38=1V,V39=3V) PARAMETERS SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX UNIT 17.0 23.0 29.0 dB 4.0 9.0 14.0 dB - +700 - Hz - -1000 - Hz - +700 - Hz - -1000 - Hz V46=5V, V60 is non-input. Measure the output frequency on V63. 15.2 15.7 16.2 kHz V28=5V,SG2 applied to V60. SG10 applied V46. SG7 applied to V22, V27 and V31. Measure the Gain of slope on Rout, Gout, and BOUT , at V38=1.8V,V39=3.0V Output Voltage Gγ1 TEST CONDITIONS Gamma Characteristic Gγ2 Gγ2 Gγ1 Input Voltage AFC Lock Range ∆fHL1 ∆fHL2 ∆fHP1 AFC Capture Range ∆fHP2 V46=5V, V28=5V, SG2 applied to V60. Define frequency of miss lock SYNC at valuable frequency of SG2 when AFC is lock. ∆fHL1=miss lock to high frequency ∆fHL2=miss lock to low frequency V46=5V, V28=5V, SG2 applied to V60. Define frequency of miss lock SYNC at valuable frequency of SG2 when AFC is miss lock. ∆fHP1=capture from high frequency ∆fHP2=capture from low frequency AFC Free-run Frequency fOH Horizontal Output Pulse Width PW HD V46=5V. Output pulse width on V63 3.5 3.9 4.3 uS Horizontal Output Delay TPDH V46=5V. Delay time of between before external filter and V63. 0.70 0.86 1.02 uS Horizontal Output Saturation Level VOLH V46=5V. Low level of output on V63 - 0.1 0.3 V Vertical Output Pulse Width PW VD Output pulse width on V62 3.5 4.0 4.5 H Vertical Output Delay TPVD 0.45 0.65 0.85 H (Point1) When suspected SYNC input to NJW1300B, necessary on 5H(1H:horizontal term, about 63.5us) of plush width of suspected SYNC. Ver.5 -7- NJW1300B ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C,Vcc1=5V,Vcc2=5V,Vcc3=7V,VDD=5V,VEE1=-5V, V1=V4=V34=V45=2.5V,V21=V28=V60=0V,V13=2.9V,V14=2.7V,V38=1V,V39=3V) PARAMETERS SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS V28=5V,SG5 (1MHz, 700mVpp) applied to V22.V21, V27, V31=GND, V49=1.3V. CTRGB1 Measure the amplitude of 1MHz component on Rout, Gout and Bout. Calculate the amplitude ratio of Rout and Gout to Bout. V28=5V,SG5 (1MHz, 700mVpp) applied to V27.V21, V23, V31=GND, V49=2.2V. Crosstalk CTRGB2 Measure the amplitude of 1MHz component Among RGB on Rout, Gout and Bout. Calculate the amplitude ratio of Rout and Bout to Gout. V28=5V,SG5 (1MHz, 700mVpp) applied to V31.V21, V23, V27=GND, V49=1.3V. CTRGB3 Measure the amplitude of 1MHz component on Rout, Gout and Bout. Calculate the amplitude ratio of Rout to Gout and Bout. SG5 (1MHz, 700mVpp) applied to V31, SG2 applied to V60.V46=5V, V21, V26=GND, CTE1IR V49=1.3V.Measure the amplitude of 1MHz component on Rout. Calculate the amplitude ratio of V28=0V,5V. SG5 (1MHz, 700mVpp) applied to V27, SG2 Crosstalk 1 applied to V60.V46=5V V21, V26=GND, Between SW CTE1IG V49=2.2V.Measure the amplitude of 1MHz (EXT1→INT) component on Gout. Calculate the amplitude ratio of V28=0V,5V. SG5 (1MHz, 700mVpp) applied to V22, SG2 applied to V60.V46=5V V21, V26=GND, CTE1IB V49=1.3V.Measure the amplitude of 1MHz component on Bout. Calculate the amplitude ratio of V28=0V,5V. SG5 (1MHz, 350mVpp) applied to V26, SG2 applied to V60.V46=5V V21, V31=GND, CTIE1R V49=2.2V.Measure the amplitude of 1MHz component on Rout. Calculate the amplitude ratio of V28=0V,5V. SG5 (1MHz, 350mVpp) applied to V26, SG2 Crosstalk 5 applied to V60.V46=5V V21, V27=GND, Between SW CTIE1G V49=2.2V.Measure the amplitude of 1MHz (INT→EXT1) component on Gout. Calculate the amplitude ratio of V28=0V,5V. SG5 (1MHz, 700mVpp) applied to V26, SG2 applied to V60.V46=5V V21, V23=GND, CTIE1B V49=2.2V.Measure the amplitude of 1MHz component on Bout. Calculate the amplitude ratio of V28=0V,5V. (Point2) Investigation Crosstalk level when design for depend to application. MIN. TYP. MAX UNIT - -50 -40 dB - -50 -40 dB - -50 -40 dB - -50 -35 dB - -50 -35 dB - -50 -35 dB - -50 -35 dB - -50 -35 dB - -50 -35 dB Ver.5 -8- NJW1300B ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C,Vcc1=5V,Vcc2=5V,Vcc3=7V,VDD=5V,VEE1=-5V, V1=V4=V34=V45=2.5V,V21=V28=V60=0V,V13=2.9V,V14=2.7V,V38=1V,V39=3V) PARAMETERS SYMBOL VCOM Output Slew Rate SRVCOM VCOM Center Voltage VCOM Amplitude Delay Between Y-C MIN. TYP. MAX UNIT SG9 applied to V3. Measure the output on V5. 4.0 9.0 - V/uS VCVCOM SG9 applied to V3. Measure the output on V5. - 1.2 - V VAVCOM SG9 applied to V3. Measure the output on V5. - 6.5 - VP-P - 400 - nS ∆TdYC TEST CONDITIONS Ver.5 -9- NJW1300B ■ APPLICATION CIRCUIT (NTSC) (VCC1=5V,VCC2=5V,VCC3=7V,VDD=5V,VEE1=-5V,GND=0V,DIGREF=0V) 1500p + Sync output HD VD Syncin 1u 360 GND1 GND2 910K RGB output BOUT GOUT ROUT 0.01u 2.2u 100 100 2K 1u 4.7k + + 300 0.1u 6800p + 1u Vdd Digref Sync power *3 1 SYNCSEP AFC COMMON DRIVER Input Output Common 3 4 *2 *1 5 Cin ACC REG COLOR 9 0.1u 10 0.047u 11 APC 12 8.2k + 0.47u TINT MATRIX 14 15 41 40 CLA CLA CLA MP MP MP 38 GAIN B 36 GAIN R CONT CONT CONT RAST RAST RAST VCO 42 0.1u 39 DEMOD KILLER 13 5.6k PICTURE IDENT FRP 45 43 GAMMA CORRECT GAMMA CORRECT GAMMA CORRECT 8 Vcc2 46 44 H COUNT DOWN 7 1M 0.1u 47 ALT ALT ALT AMP AMP AMP V COUNT DOWN 6 VEE1 48 32fH VCO 2 Vcc3 100 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 37 35 0.1u 0.1u 34 0.01u 16 33 INT/EXT SW 0.1u 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0.1u 0.1u + 0.1u 0.1u 0.1u 1.8k *4 3p Vcc1 Yin 1.2k 22P 0.01u 68u B1 G1 R1 Ext RGB input *1:2SC2120Y,2SC1959Y *2:2SA950Y,2SA562TM *3:32fH Ceramic CSBLA503KECZF2 (Murata) *4:3.579545MHz X’tal NR18 (Nippon Denpa Kougyo) Ver.5 - 10 - NJW1300B ■ APPLICATION CIRCUIT (PAL) (VCC1=5V,VCC2=5V,VCC3=7V,VDD=5V,VEE1=-5V,GND=0V,DIGREF=0V) 1500p + Sync output HD VD 1u GND1 GND 910K Syncin 360 0.01u 2.2u 100 100 2K 1u + 0.1u 4.7k + 300 DIGREF 6800p + 1u VDD Sync power *3 RGB output BOUT GOUT ROUT 1 SYNCSEP Vcc3 4 *2 5 *1 6 8 0.1u 10M 680p 0.047 8.2k PICTURE 5.6k 14 15 0.01u *4 CLA MP CLA MP GAIN B TINT MATRIX VCO 16 41 40 CLA MP 38 GAIN R 36 DEMOD KILLER 42 0.1u 39 IDENT APC 12 13 + 0.47u REG COLOR FRP 45 43 9 11 0.01u *7 ACC 10 56p Vcc2 44 H COUNT DOWN 7 1M 0.1u Cin ALT ALT ALT AMP AMP AMP V COUNT DOWN GAMMA CORRECT GAMMA CORRECT GAMMA CORRECT VEE1 47 46 COMMON DRIVER Input Outpu Common 3 48 32fH VCO AFC 2 100 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 CONT CONT CONT RAST RAST RAST 37 35 0.1u 0.1u 34 33 INT/EXT SW 0.1u 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 500 0.1u 0.1u 68u 0.01u 1u + 1.2K 22P 4.7k 390 1 2 3 B1 G1 R1 Ext RGB input *5 390 0.1u 0.1u 0.1u 0.01 0.01 0.1u 0.01u 6 3 4 4 *6 Vcc1 Yin *1:2SC2120Y,2SC1959Y *2:2SA950Y,2SA562TM *3:32fH Ceramic CSBLA500KECZF2 (Murata) *4:4.433619MHz X’ta NR18 (Nippon Denpa Kougyo) 2 1 8.2uH *5:Maching Coil 5PNP-3086UH (Toko) *6:Deray Line ADL-CP145 (Asahi Garasu) *7:Burst Creaning Coil 332PN-2636BS (Toko) Ver.5 - 11 - NJW1300B ■ INPUT SIGNAL No sync 10STEP Signal 350mVpp SG1 1H Composite Y Signal with Sync 4.7uS SG2 143mVpp 1H Sine Video Signal with Sync 100mVpp SG3 143mVpp 143mVpp 1H 10STEP Video Signal 350mVpp SG4 1H No Sync Sine Video Signal 200mVpp SG5 143mVpp 1H Ver.5 - 12 - NJW1300B ■ INPUT SIGNAL C Signal Burst Amplitude=150mVpp SG6 Chroma Amplitude=150mVpp No Sync Ramp Video Signal 350mVpp SG7 1H Video Signal of Turn ON, Turn OFF Under 50nS SG8 350mVpp 1H Turn ON, Turn OFF Under 50nS 5V 5Vpp SG9 0V 1H 1H 5V SG10 5Vpp 0V FRP Signal of Non-inverting Every 1H Ver.5 - 13 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL FUNCTION 1 VCOM Adjust the VCOM signal level. AMP Adjustable range:VCOM=6.5V±2.0V INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC3 20K 200 40K VEE1 2 VCC3 Supply to VCOM voltage. Connect to +7V supply. 3 VCOM IN VCOM 5Vpp signal input. VEE1 VCC3 250 VEE1 4 VCOM CENT VEE1 Adjust the center of VCOM voltage. Adjustable range: VCOMCFNT=6.5V±2.0V VCC3 50K 200 75K VEE1 5 VCOM FB VCOM signal feedback. Input the feedback signal (VCOM OUT) through the discrete transistor buffer. VEE1 VCC3 36K VEE1 VEE Ver.5 - 14 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL FUNCTION 6 VCOM VCOM signal output. OUT Drive the common by connect discrete transistor. INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC3 10 VEE1 7 VEE1 Connect –5V supply at lowest voltage. 8 ACC DET Connect to the ACC filter. VEE1 VCC1 500 60K 500 VEE1 9 CIN Chroma signal input, 150mVpp. VCC1 5K 200 VEE1 10 IDENT GND PAL mode:Connect to the IDENT filter. NTSC mode: OPEN VCC1 21K 1.2K VEE1 GND Ver.5 - 15 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL 11 CLEANING FUNCTION PAL mode: Connect to the burst cleaning coil NTSC mode: OPEN INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC1 1.8K 200 VEE1 12 KILLER GND Connect to the collor filter. VCC 21K 1.2K VEE1 13 COLOR Adjust color. Adjust the tint color by input voltage. GND VCC1 50K 200 40K 38K 50K VEE1 14 TINT In case of NTSC mode, adjust the tint color. This terminal also switches between the NTSC mode and PAL mode. In case of the PAL mode, select this terminal is connected to the GND. GND VCC1 200 VEE1 15 APC GND Connect to the APC detector fillter. VCC1 18K VEE1 GND Ver.5 - 16 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL 16 VCXO1 FUNCTION VCXO input. INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC 10K 500 GND VEE1 17 VCXO2 VCXO output. VCC 4K GND VEE1 18 CHROMA OUT Outputs the chrominance signal whose color gain has been adjusted and whose burst signal has been removed. VCC1 200 GND VEE1 19 RYIN Input the chrominance signal for the PAL demodulate circuit. NTSC mode: OPEN VCC1 30K 200 GND VEE1 20 BYIN Input the chrominance signal for the PAL demodulate circuit. NTSC mode: OPEN VCC1 30K 200 VEE1 GND Ver.5 - 17 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL 21 PICTURE FUNCTION Adjust the frequency of Y-signal for revise outline of Y-signal. Emphasize outline, when voltage increase. INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC1 27K 20K 200 25K VEE1 22 EXTINB1 GND External B(RGB) signal input, 700mVpp and source color signal. VCC1 VEE1 23 VCC1 Supply voltage, 5V. 24 YINH Y-signal input of high frequency division. GND VCC1 39K 20K 11K VEE1 25 CLAMPB Connect to the CLAMP capacitor. GND VCC1 VEE1 GND1 Ver.5 - 18 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL 26 YIN FUNCTION Y-signal input, 350mVpp. INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC1 GND VEE1 27 EXTING1 External G(RGB) signal input, 700mVpp and source color signal. VCC1 GND VEE1 28 SW1 Select the internal/external signal. SW=Low: Internal signal mode =High: External signal mode VCC1 50K 30K 200 25K 50K 4K VEE1 29 CLAMPG Connect to the CLAMP capacitor. VCC1 VEE1 30 GND GND1 NC Ver.5 - 19 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL 31 EXTINR1 FUNCTION External R(RGB) signal input, 700mVpp and source color signal. INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC1 VEE1 32 GAINR GND Adjust the gain of R-signal. VCC1 40K 10K 200 10K 40K VEE1 33 CLAMPR 34 CONTRAST Connact to the CLAMP capacitor. Adjust the gain of RGB signal. Adjust the RGB signal range by CONTRAST voltage. Pre-set and controlled RGB togther. VCC1 50K 200 20K VEE1 35 GA CLAMPR GND 40K GND VCC1 Connect to the CLAMP capacitor for CLAMP pedestal level of R signal. Leakless capacitor for use. VEE1 GND Ver.5 - 20 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL 36 GAINB FUNCTION Adjust the gain of B-signal. INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC1 40K 10K 200 10K 40K GND VEE 37 GA CLAMPG Connect to the CLAMP capacitor for CLAMP pedestal level of G signal. Leakless capacitor for use. VCC1 VEE1 38 VG1 Adjust the first point of low side in RGB γ characteristics. Pre-set and controlled RGB together. GND VCC1 44K 50K 200 35K 40K GND VEE1 39 VG2 Adjust the secound point of high side in RGB γ characteristics. Pre-set and controlled RGB together. VCC1 44K 30K 200 10K 40K GND VEE1 40 GA CLAMPB Connect to the CLAMP capacitor for CLAMP pedestal level of B signal. Leakless capacitor for use. VCC1 VEE1 GND Ver.5 - 21 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL FUNCTION 41 SUB Adjust the secound point of high VG2R side in R γ characteristics. Pre-set and not controlled RGB together, adjust the R signal only. INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC1 40K 10K 200 10K 40K VEE1 42 SUB VG2B Adjust the secound point of high side in B γ characteristics. Pre-set and not controlled RGB together, adjust the B signal only. GND VCC1 40K 10K 200 10K 40K VEE1 43 SUB VG1R Adjust the first point of low side in R γ characteristics. Pre-set and not controlled RGB together, adjust the R signal only. GND VCC1 40K 10K 200 10K 40K VEE1 44 SUB VG1B Adjust the first point of low side in B γ characteristics. Pre-set and not controlled RGB together, adjust the B signal only. GND VCC1 40K 10K 200 10K 40K VEE1 45 BRIGHT GND Adjust the bright of RGB signal. Pre-set and controlled black level of RGB togeter. VCC3 15K 200 75K VEE1 VEE1 Ver.5 - 22 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL 46 FRP FUNCTION Inverte pulth input for RGB output signal, 5Vpp. INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC3 50K 15K 200 10K 10K 35K VEE1 47 VCC2 Supply voltage for RGB output, 5V. 48 ROUT R-signal output. VCC2 VEE1 49 VCENTER Input the center voltage of RGB output signal. Pre-set to 1/2 Vcc2 VEE1 GND VCC2 100K 100K VEE1 50 GOUT G-signal output. GND VCC2 VEE1 GND Ver.5 - 23 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL 51 CDET FUNCTION Connect to the capacitor for demodulate of G signal center voltage. Leakless capacitor for use. INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VCC2 5K 200 VEE1 52 BOUT GND B-signal output. VCC2 VEE1 53 REGOUT GND Regurator output, connect to decupling capacitor. Internal use only. VCC1 24.5K 30K VEE1 54 LPF VEE1 Connect to the APC filer. VDD 8.2K 8.2K VEE1 55 VCOOUT GND 32fHVCO output. VDD 6K VEE1 GND Ver.5 - 24 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL FUNCTION 56 VCOIN 32fHVCO output. INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VDD 100 4K 100 4K GND VEE1 57 GND1 58 VS Connect to GND. Connect to the capacitor with Integrate vartical-synchronous -signal VDD 50 15K VEE1 59 GND2 60 SYNCIN GND Connect to GND. Synchronous signal input, synchronize with RGB OUT. Input level is 2Vpp maximum, and can input include Y-signal and composite video signal. VDD 4P 36K 200 12K 18K VEE1 GND Ver.5 - 25 - NJW1300B ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN No. SYMBOL FUNCTION 61 VDD Supply voltage for suncronous, 5V. 62 VD INSIDE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Vertical synchronous signal output, CMOS output. VDD 200 DIGREF 63 HD Horizontal synchronous signal output, CMOS output. DIGREF VDD 200 DIGREF 64 DIGREF DIGREF Connect to GND. Ver.5 - 26 - NJW1300B MEMO [CAUTION] The specifications on this databook are only given for information , without any guarantee as regards either mistakes or omissions. The application circuits in this databook are described only to show representative usages of the product and not intended for the guarantee or permission of any right including the industrial rights. Ver.5 - 27 -