PSAK450 SERIES Up to 457 Watts, AC/DC Switching Power Supplies Rev B Wall Industries, Inc. FEATURES • RoHS Compliant • High Efficiency up to 93% • Built-in Active PFC, PF > 0.90 • 3000VAC (4242VDC) I/O Isolation • Up to 457 Watts Output Power • Remote ON/OFF, Remote Sense Functions • +5V/0.3A Auxiliary Output • Universal Input Voltage Range: 90~264VAC (127~370VDC) • 150% Peak Load Capability • Protection: SCP / OLP / OVP / OTP / Fan Failure • Power OK Signal • 12V, 24V, 30V, 36V, & 48VDC Single Output Models • Constant Current Limit • UL 60950-1 and EN60950-1 Safety Approvals DESCRIPTION The PSAK450 series of AC/DC switching power supplies provides up to 457 Watts of output power in a 7.835” x 4.134” x 1.614” enclosed case. This series consists of single output models ranging from 12VDC to 48VDC with an input voltage range of 90~264VAC (127~370VDC). Standard features include high efficiency up to 93%, active PFC, remote on/off, remote sense, and power OK signal. This series also has short circuit, over load, over voltage, and over temperature protection. All models are RoHS compliant and have UL 60950-1 and EN60950-1 safety approvals. Size: 7.835 x 4.134 x 1.614 inches 199.0 x 105.0 x 41.0 mm Weight: 2.43 lbs (1.1kg) MODEL SELECTION TABLE Output Voltage Output Current Over Voltage Protection Output Power Ripple & Noise (1) Efficiency 12 VDC 37.5A 14.4 ~ 15.6 VDC 450W 120mVp-p 89% 24 VDC 19A 28.8 ~ 31.2 VDC 456W 240mVp-p 91% 30 VDC 15A 36.0 ~ 39.0 VDC 450W 300mVp-p 91% PSAK-450-36 36 VDC 12.7A 43.2 ~ 46.8 VDC 457W 360mVp-p 92% PSAK-450-48 48 VDC 9.5A 57.8 ~ 62.4 VDC 456W 480mVp-p 93% Model Number Input Voltage (2) PSAK-450-12 PSAK-450-24 PSAK-450-30 90 ~ 264 VAC (127 ~ 370 VDC) NOTES 1. Ripple & noise is measured at 20MHz limited bandwidth and using a 12" twisted pair-wire terminated with a 0.1µF & 47µF capacitors in parallel. 2. For voltages near the low end of the input voltage range, see the derating curve for the power supply output rating. 3. The power supply is considered a component which will be installed into final equipment. The final equipment must be re-confirmed that it still meets EMC directives. DERATING CURVES Load vs Ambient Temperature Load vs Input Voltage Ta=25°C 100 100 90 Load (%) Load (%) 80 60 80 70 60 40 50 20 -20 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 Ambient Temperature (°C) 04/04/2014 60 70 90 100 110 120 264 Input Voltage (VAC) Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 1 of 5 Rev B Wall Industries, Inc. PSAK450 SERIES Up to 457 Watts, AC/DC Switching Power Supplies SPECIFICATIONS: PSAK450 SERIES All specifications are based on 25°C, Nominal Input Voltage, and Maximum Output Current unless otherwise noted. We reserve the right to change specifications based on technological advances. SPECIFICATION TEST CONDITIONS Min Typ Max Unit 264 370 63 VAC VDC Hz INPUT SPECIFICATIONS Input Voltage (See Note 2) AC input voltage range DC input voltage range 90 127 47 Input Frequency At 115VAC and full load At 230VAC and full load At 115VAC and cold start At 230VAC and cold start At 115VAC and full load At 230VAC and full load AC Current Inrush Current Power Factor 4.5 2.2 27 54 0.99 0.98 A A OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Output Voltage Voltage Tolerance Voltage Adjustability Line Regulation Load Regulation Output Power Output Current Ripple & Noise Hold-up Time Setup Time Rise Time Temperature Coefficient Includes set-up tolerance, line regulation, and load regulation Typical adjustment by potentiometer Low Line to High Line 0% to 100% full load -1.0 -10 -0.5 -0.5 Measured at 20MHz bandwidth and with 0.1µF and 47µF capacitors in parallel At 230VAC and full load full load full load 0~50°C See Table +1.0 +10 +0.5 +0.5 See Table See Table 1 % % % % % ms ms ms %/°C 16 800 60 -0.02 +0.02 PROTECTION Over Voltage Protection Over Load Protection Over Temperature Protection See Table Protection type: latch-style. Recovery after reset AC power ON or inhibit Hiccup mode: when the rated output power is within 105~150% for more than 3secs. Constant current limit: > 150% rated power / short circuit Automatic Recovery: If the output drops to 40% of the rated output voltage, the PSU will shut down and auto-recover 5 times (If the fault condition still remains after recovering 5 times, the PSU will shut down. User must re-power on to recover) Detected on primary and secondary heatsink Protection type: shutdown output voltage (automatic recovery after temperature goes down) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Efficiency Input to Output Conducted test without enclosure Input to FG Output to FG Input to output, input to FG, output to FG; 500VDC At 240VAC Isolation Voltage Isolation Resistance Leakage Current See Table 4242VDC (3000VAC) 2121VDC (1500VAC) 707VDC (500VAC) 100 1.0 MΩ mA FUNCTIONS Auxiliary Power Remote ON/OFF Control Power OK Signal +5V / 0.3A(±3%) External switch or NPN transistor to turn ON/OFF Open drain signal low when PSU turns on; sink current: 20mA max.; drain voltage: 40V max. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Humidity Cooling Vibration MTBF With derating (see derating curve) -20 +70 °C -40 +85 °C Non-condensing 20 90 % RH 10 95 % RH Load and temperature controlled fan 10~500Hz, 5G 10 min./1 cycle, period for 60 min. each along X, Y, Z axes. Compliance to IEC 68-2-6, IEC 68-2-64 HRS certified MIL-HDBK-217F 74,710 hours PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Weight Dimensions (L x W x H) 2.43 lbs (1.1kg) 7.835 x 4.134 x 1.614 inches (199.0 x 105.0 x 41.0 mm) SAFETY & EMC (See Note 3) Safety Approvals EMI (Conduction & Radiation) Harmonic Current EMS Immunity 04/04/2014 UL 60950-1; EN 60950-1 EN55022 EN61000-3-2; EN61000-3-3 EN55024; IEC 61000-4-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 2 of 5 Rev B Wall Industries, Inc. PSAK450 SERIES Up to 457 Watts, AC/DC Switching Power Supplies MECHANICAL DRAWING LED Vadj. 0.921 [23.4] Unit: inches [mm] 1 8 CN2 7 0.362 [9.2] 2 7 Airflow Direction CN1 4.134 [10.5.0] 5 4 2.244 [57.0] 6 3 2 4-M4 L=5mm 1 1.614 [41.0] 4.331 [110.0] 1.283 [32.6] 0.555 [14.1] 0.709 [18.0] 0.413 [10.5] 8-M4 L=5mm 6.693 [170.0] 0.482 [12.25] 7.835 [199.0] AC Input & DC Output Pin Connections Control Pin Number Assignment (CN2): JST S8B-PHDSS or Equivalent Pin No. Function Pin No. Function Description 1 AC/L 1 AUX +5V/0.3A Auxiliary Power 2 AC/N 2 GND Ground 3 FG 3 P-OK Power OK 4 -V 4 EN- Remote ON/OFF (-) 5 -V 5 GND Ground 6 +V 6 EN+ Remote ON/OFF (+) 7 +V 7 VS+ Remote Voltage Sense (+) 8 VS- Remote Voltage Sense (-) 04/04/2014 Mating Housing Terminal PHDR-08VS SPHD-002T-P05 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 3 of 5 PSAK450 SERIES Up to 457 Watts, AC/DC Switching Power Supplies Rev B Wall Industries, Inc. POWER OK SIGNAL & AUXILIARY OUTPUT * Place an additional capacitor to have a better performance of auxiliary power operation. P.OK Good Failure * The grounding of “AUX” power should be connected to “GND” port. If “V-“ is connected as Grounding, make sure to short the GND and V- ports. DC / DC 5V / 0.3A AUX * 470µF 10V GND Internal Circuit AUX LOAD AUX and P.OK Signal REMOTE ON/OFF (1) Using Internal 5V Auxiliary Source (2) ON/OFF Control by NPN Transistor AUX AUX 2KΩ (3) Using External Voltage Source SW 2KΩ EN+ AUX 2KΩ EN+ EN+ 5V 5V 5V 5V EN- EN- GND GND SW EN- Tr L/H sw OFF Power ON ON Ctrl Power OFF GND GND L Power ON H Power OFF sw OFF Power ON ON Power OFF REMOTE SENSE CN2 1 2 8 +V -V GND AUX EN- P-OK EN+ GND VS- VS+ 7 R Load 04/04/2014 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 4 of 5 PSAK450 SERIES Up to 457 Watts, AC/DC Switching Power Supplies Rev B Wall Industries, Inc. PEAK LOADING I T-peak T-peak represents the period during which the output current is at 110% to 150% of nominal (shown as I-peak). Curve B shows the relationship between the percentage of peak current (I-peak) and the allowable duration (T-peak). If the peak current takes longer than the allowed duration indicated by curve B, the output current will drop to a constant limited current of 105% of nominal. The unit between peak currents (T-normal) is dependant upon the output current drawn between the peaks (I-normal) and curve A shows the relationship between the two. The higher the percentage of normal current (I-normal) is of the nominal current, the longer the interval (T-normal) before the next peak current can be drawn. I-peak I-normal T-normal T 0 T - peak (sec.) T - normal (sec.) 24 24 20 20 16 16 12 12 8 8 4 4 0 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% I - normal (sec.) 110% 115% 120% 125% 130% 135% 140% 145% 150% I-peak Curve A Curve B COMPANY INFORMATION Wall Industries, Inc. has created custom and modified units for over 50 years. Our in-house research and development engineers will provide a solution that exceeds your performance requirements on-time and on budget. Our ISO9001-2008 certification is just one example of our commitment to producing a high quality, well-documented product for our customers. Our past projects demonstrate our commitment to you, our customer. Wall Industries, Inc. has a reputation for working closely with its customers to ensure each solution meets or exceeds form, fit and function requirements. We will continue to provide ongoing support for your project above and beyond the design and production phases. Give us a call today to discuss your future projects. Contact Wall Industries for further information: Phone: Toll Free: Fax: E-mail: Web: Address: 04/04/2014 (603)778-2300 (888)597-9255 (603)778-9797 37 Industrial Drive Exeter, NH 03833 Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 website: • e-mail: Page 5 of 5