MOS FET Relays G3VM-352J Slim, 2.1-mm High Relay Incorporating a MOS FET Optically Coupled with an Infrared LED in a Miniature, Flat SOP Package • New models with 2 channels and an 8-pin SOP package included in 350-V load voltage series. • Continuous load current of 110 mA. • Dielectric strength of 1,500 Vrms between I/O. Note: ■ Application Examples The actual product is marked differently from the image shown here. • Broadband systems • Measurement devices • Data loggers • Amusement machines ■ List of Models Contact form DPST-NO Terminals Surface-mounting terminals Load voltage (peak value) 350 VAC Model Number per stick 50 --- G3VM-352J(TR) --- 2,500 ■ Dimensions Note: All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated. G3VM-352J 4.4±0.2 2.1 max. 9.4±0.25 0.15 Note: The actual product is marked differently from the image shown here. 0.5±0.3 0.1±0.1 0.4±0.1 2.54 7.0±0.4 Weight: 0.2 g ■ Terminal Arrangement/Internal Connections (Top View) G3VM-352J 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 4 ■ Actual Mounting Pad Dimensions (Recommended Value, Top View) G3VM-352J 6 to 6.3 1.2 0.8 2.54 82 2.54 Number per tape G3VM-352J G3VM-352J G3VM-352J ■ Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) Item Input Symbol Rating Unit Measurement Conditions Note: LED forward current IF 50 mA Repetitive peak LED forward current IFP 1 A 100 ms pulses, 100 pps LED forward current reduction rate D IF/°C -0.5 mA/°C Ta ³ 25°C LED reverse voltage VR 5 V Connection temperature Tj 125 °C Output dielectric strength VOFF 350 V Continuous load current IO 110 mA ON current reduction rate D ION/°C -1.1 mA/°C Ta ³ 25°C Dielectric strength between input and output (See note 1.) VI-O 1,500 Vrms AC for 1 min Operating temperature Ta -40 to +85 °C With no icing or condensation Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +125 °C With no icing or condensation Soldering temperature (10 s) --- 260 °C 10 s Output 1. The dielectric strength between the input and output was checked by applying voltage between all pins as a group on the LED side and all pins as a group on the light-receiving side. ■ Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) Item Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Measurement conditions Note: LED forward voltage VF 1.0 1.15 1.3 V IF = 10 mA Reverse current IR --- --- 10 mA VR = 5 V Capacity between terminals CT --- 30 --- pF V = 0, f = 1 MHz Trigger LED forward current IFT --- 1 3 mA IO = 110 mA Maximum resistance with output ON RON --- 25 35 W IF = 5 mA, IO = 110 mA, t < 1 s --- 35 50 W IF = 5 mA, IO = 110 mA ILEAK --- --- 1.0 mA VOFF = 350 V Capacity between I/O terminals CI-O --- 0.8 --- pF f = 1 MHz, Vs = 0 V Insulation resistance RI-O 1,000 --- --- MW VI-O = 500 VDC, RoH £ 60% IF = 5 mA, RL = 200 W, VDD = 20 V (See note 2.) Input Output Current leakage when the relay is open Turn-ON time tON --- 0.3 1 ms Turn-OFF time tOFF --- 0.1 1 ms 2. Turn-ON and Turn-OFF Times IF (3) 1 8 (6) (4) 2 7 (5) RL VDD VOUT IF VOUT 10% t ON 90% t OFF ■ Recommended Operating Conditions Use the G3VM under the following conditions so that the Relay will operate properly. Item Symbol Minimum Typical Output dielectric strength VDD --- --- Operating LED forward current IF 5 Continuous load current IO --- Operating temperature Ta - 20 --- Maximum Unit 280 V 10 25 mA --- 100 mA 65 °C ■ Engineering Data ■ Safety Precautions Load Current vs. Ambient Temperature Refer to page 6 for precautions common to all G3VM models. Load current (mA) G3VM-352J 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ambient temperature (°C) 83